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镰刀菌真菌毒素产生与调控机制研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张岳平 《生命科学》2011,(3):311-316
镰刀菌是一种重要的植物病原菌,给世界范围内农作物生产带来巨大破坏。除导致产量下降外,由其产生的镰刀菌真菌毒素能够污染农产品品质,给动物和人类食物安全造成严重隐患。单端孢霉烯族毒素(Trichothecenes)、伏马菌素(Fumonisin)和玉米赤霉烯酮(Zearalenone)是三种最重要的镰刀菌真菌毒素。镰刀菌真菌毒素的生物合成与生产受到体内一系列相关功能基因的调控;此外,pH值、碳氮比等环境条件也能影响真菌毒素的产量。本文简述了镰刀菌真菌毒素在产生机理、主要分类、致病性以及调控因素等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

真菌毒素是一类由丝状真菌天然产生的强毒性次级代谢产物,它们可通过直接或间接污染进入食物链。一旦人和动物从食物中摄入痕量真菌毒素,生命健康即可能受到严重威胁。食品样品基质复杂,真菌毒素残留含量低,且干扰物质多,导致检测难度非常大,因此,建立一种高效前处理方法对真菌毒素的检测至关重要。分子印迹聚合物由于其结构可预测性、识别特异性和广泛适用性的独特特征,应用于食品中真菌毒素样品前处理可有效简化操作流程、降低时间和经济成本,提升仪器分析的精密度和准确性。本文中,笔者从分子印迹技术的基本原理、分子印迹聚合物的制备方法、在食品中真菌毒素样品前处理的应用和发展趋势进行总结,为将分子印迹技术更好地应用于食品中真菌毒素的样品前处理领域提供参考。  相似文献   

黄曲霉素是一类剧毒的真菌毒素,具有极强的致癌性。它广泛存在于食品中,对其进行及时、快速、高效地检测和有效的分离,控制含量在允许的范围内至关重要。综述了黄曲霉素的毒理学效应机制,分析比较了各种检测方法,并提出了今后研究工作的方向,为此方向的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

饲料处于食物安全链的初始部位。人类海绵状脑病的出现已引起人们对饲料污染的重视,但饲料的细菌污染在人类食源性感染中所起的作用尚未受到重视。在美国,非伤寒沙门菌经常污染饲料,从而可能感染或定植于食用性动物。在动物屠宰时,病原菌通过污染动物尸体或交又污染其他可食用部分而导致人类致病。追踪发现一些大规模流行病的发生是由污染的动物饲料引起。因此,需提高动物饲料的安全性,加强监测饲料的细菌污染情况,并纳入人类食源性感染的监测系统中。  相似文献   

真菌毒素是真菌产生的次级代谢产物,可污染粮食、水果、食品、饲料、中草药等多种农产品。严重威胁食品安全、危害人畜健康,真菌毒素的形成除了受到产毒菌自身遗传因素的调控外,还受到宿主、环境因素的调控。此外,上述的多种因素的交互作用为真菌毒素的产生和调节增加了另一个层次上的多样性和复杂性。为了探究调控真菌毒素形成的因素,本文综述了真菌毒素合成及调控基因、温度、水分活度、光照、渗透压、基质、酸碱度、植物损伤、宿主抗性等因素对真菌毒素形成的影响,同时探讨了真菌毒素的防控,以期为探究真菌毒素形成的调控机制奠定基础,为真菌毒素防控策略的开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

许杨   《微生物学通报》1999,26(1):65-67
霉菌作为食品的污染源之一广泛地分布于自然界中。许多食品的原材料,如各类粮食、水果和蔬菜等在加工之前都可能被霉菌污染,不仅造成经济上的损失,而且还会危害消费者的健康l‘]。尽管有些原材料只显示轻度的霉菌污染,甚至未显示霉菌的污染,但真菌毒素仍可能存在于原材料之中l’]。由于真菌毒素对高温等的抵抗力很强,在食品加工过程中不易被破坏和去除,很可能进人到最终产品中。所以,及时发现原材料中霉菌及其所产生的毒素的污染,不仅能为食品工业提供高质量的原材料,而且可以预防霉菌及其毒素污染而引起的疾病之流行。因此,…  相似文献   

食品污染对健康的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
污染食品的物质常称之为食品污染物 ,食品中混进了对人体健康有害或有毒的物质称之为食品污染。食用受污染的食品会对人体健康造成不同程度的危害。1 食品污染分类1 .1 生物性污染 主要是由有害微生物及其毒素、寄生虫及其虫卵和昆虫等引起的。肉、鱼、蛋和奶等动物性食品易被致病菌及其毒素污染 ,导致食用者发生细菌性食物中毒和人畜共患的传染病。致病菌主要来自病人、带菌者、病畜和病禽等。致病菌及其毒素可通过空气、土壤、水、食具、患者的手或排泄物污染食品。被致病菌及其毒素污染的食品 ,特别是动物性食品 ,如食用前未经必要的…  相似文献   

食(药)用菌中的食品天然防腐剂产生菌筛选初报常继东(上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所,上海201106)美国食品及农业组织称,每年大约占世界食物产量的20%成了食品废物。食品废物的产生主要是由于污染,被昆虫、鼠、兽等偷食,食品本身的腐败和无效率的利用等四...  相似文献   

曲霉病的诊断与治疗   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
曲霉病(Aspergillosis)指由曲霉属真菌引起的一组疾病,包括:①食用被曲霉产生的真菌毒素污染食物引起的中毒;②吸入曲霉孢子或曲霉菌丝片段引起的机体组织、器官的变态反应;⑧曲霉球;④肺和其他器官的炎症性、肉芽肿性和坏死性曲霉感染;⑤系统性或播散性的曲霉感染。这些感染可严重危及患者生命。  相似文献   

食品中桔霉素控制方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桔霉素(Citrinin,CIT)是由青霉、曲霉和红曲霉属产生的一种具有肾毒性的真菌毒素。许多食品和饲料中均含有桔霉素,污染范围十分庞大。桔霉素可与其他真菌毒素发生协同作用,如展青霉素(Patulin,PAT)、赭曲霉毒素(Ochratoxin,OTA)等,从而增强其毒性作用,对人及动物健康造成更大的危害。现阶段常用的控制手段主要有物理、化学和生物方法,均取得了一定的成就。本文简单介绍了桔霉素的毒性及污染状况,对桔霉素控制方法的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   



Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites which are produced by numerous fungi and pose a continuous challenge to the safety and quality of food commodities in South Africa. These toxins have toxicologically relevant effects on humans and animals that eat contaminated foods. In this study, a diagnostic DNA microarray was developed for the identification of the most common food-borne fungi, as well as the genes leading to toxin production.  相似文献   

The contamination of food and feed by fungi and their toxins (mycotoxins) has to be considered as a serious hazard in the daily live. Mycotoxins are natural contaminants in foods and could induce several syndromes. Many mycotoxicosis are described. The control and surveillance of mycotoxins involve the carrying out of surveys, toxicological studies and institution of regulations.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are naturally occurring secondary metabolites produced by several toxigenic microscopic fungi on a variety of crops, especially cereal grains and further foodstuffs. Series of experimental research projects on the determination of mycotoxins (aflatoxins, cyclopiazonic acid, ochratoxin A, patulin, deoxynivalenol, fumonisin B1, T-2 toxin, zearalenone, sterigmatocystin, alternaria toxins) in several foods were realized in the National Reference Centre for Microscopic Fungi and Mycotoxins in the 90th years. The aim of our work was an estimation of dietary exposure to mycotoxins and risk assessment. The method of a solid phase extraction (SPE), liquid — liquid extraction and immunoaffinity chromatography (f. e. R-Biopharm, VICAM) were used to elaborate for sample analyses of mycotoxins in our projects. The mycotoxins were detected most frequently by chromatographic methods (HPTLC, HPLC, GC) and immunochemical methods (ELISA). Average dietary exposure has been calculated by multiplying of concentration data for specific foods with their consumption rates per 1 kg of b. w. per day. The estimation of the dietary exposure dose of mycotoxins for the Czech population is presented.  相似文献   

An estimated 9,500 sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) died in Gaines County, Texas and Roosevelt County, New Mexico between 1982 and 1987. The predominant clinical sign observed in sick cranes was their inability to hold their heads erect, both while standing and flying. Multiple muscle hemorrhages and submandibular edema were the most common lesions seen at necropsy. Mycotoxins produced by Fusarium sp. growing during cold, wet weather on peanuts left in the field after harvest, the predominant foods of the dead cranes at the time of these mortality events, were identified as the most likely cause of this mortality. Rendering moldy peanuts inaccessible to the cranes by conventional tillage resulted in reduced crane mortality in these areas.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are fungal metabolite which may in some cases exhibit a high health hazard potential. Mycotoxins can show carcinogenic, mutagenic, toxic, teratogenic or immunotoxic effects. Mycotoxin exposure in the workplace may occur through inhalation and skin contact,e.g. during occupational handling of organic matter such as livestock feed, food products, or waste. Various studies suggest that both acute and chronic effects can occur, depending at least on the exposure level. The magnitude of the potential health risks associated with a respiratory or dermal intake of mycotoxins has largely remained unclear to date. However, according to the directive 2000/54/EC on biological agents and the corresponding German Biological Agents Ordinance, employers are also required to consider the potential hazards posed by toxic effects of biological agents when assessing workplace risks. The aim of this article, therefore, is to present some basis information that should facilitate an evaluation of the significance of mycotoxins in the context of assessing workplace risks. It also provides suggestions for occupational health and safety measures.  相似文献   

F S Chu 《Mutation research》1991,259(3-4):291-306
Mycotoxins constitute a large number of naturally occurring fungal secondary metabolites with very diversified toxic effects in humans and animals. Among many mycotoxins discovered, aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, sterigmatocystin and several others are identified as carcinogens; several others were found to be mutagenic. Nevertheless, aflatoxin B1 has been found to be one of the most potent carcinogens and contamination of aflatoxins in the food supply is still a major concern. Whereas extensive studies have been made on aflatoxins, little is known about the mode of action of other carcinogenic and mutagenic mycotoxins. Recent progress on research for the carcinogenic and mutagenic mycotoxins is presented in this review with emphasis on their contamination in foods, their carcinogenic potential to humans, and the mode of action as well as possible preventive measures.  相似文献   

Summary  Aflatoxins, highly toxic and carcinogenic compounds that frequently contaminate foods and feeds, are produced by several genera in the genusAspergillus. Aspergillus flavus, the most common species causing crop contamination, is a common inhabitant of the Sonoran desert of North America where it resides in complex communities composed of diverse individuals. This diversity reflects divergent adaptation to various ecological niches. SomeA. flavus isolates that are well adapted to plant associated niches do not produce aflatoxins yet have the capacity to competitively exclude aflatoxin producers. These atoxigenic strains can serve as biological control agents for management of aflatoxins in crops. Detailed knowledge of the ecology of aflatoxin-producing fungi may lead to novel practical methods for limiting contamination. Presented at the EU-USA Bilateral Workshop on Toxigenic Fungi & Mycotoxins, New Orleans, USA, July 5–7, 2005.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are not homogeneously distributed in foods which come in naturally small units, such as pistachios and peanuts, and may instead be extremely inhomogeneously distributed due to the occurrence of so-called hot spots. Tests conducted on pistachios, for example, show that a mouldy kernel can be so strongly contaminated with mycotoxins that it has a significant impact on the contamination profile of several thousand kernels. This makes a representative sampling of such foodstuffs very important but also a very difficult task. Whether cocoa beans also have a tendency to form so-called mycotoxin hot spots is hitherto unknown. A miniaturised analysis method was used in tests made on several independent batches of cocoa beans and although these tests showed that the mycotoxins ochratoxin A and the aflatoxins are not homogeneously distributed in cocoa, the tested batches revealed no real hot spots. Presented at the 27th Mykotoxin-Workshop, Dortmund. Germany, June 13–15, 2005  相似文献   

理性认识转基因植物食品的安全性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
讨论现代生物技术的几个基本概念 ,如转基因生物、基因修饰生物、重组DNA植物以及对转基因植物食品安全性评价框架 ,阐明作者对转基因植物食品安全性的理解。  相似文献   

Advances in genomics for microbial food fermentations and safety   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The exponentially growing collection of genomic sequence information, the high-throughput analysis of expression products, and the ability to order this information using advanced bioinformatics are expected to affect biotechnology and life sciences in a profound and unprecedented way. These developments offer many possibilities to improve the functionality of fermentations by food-grade microorganisms and to increase the microbial safety of foods. It will be necessary to combine functional studies with comparative genomics approaches to provide effective strategies for improving the functionality and safety of foods.  相似文献   

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