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红曲霉桔霉素的检测方法及红曲霉产桔霉素的判别方法*   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
建立了红曲霉真菌毒素桔霉素的HPLC检测方法。用谷氨酸和葡萄糖为唯一氮、碳源的培养基(MSG)液态摇瓶培养及红曲米固态培养,对30多株红曲霉产桔霉素的情况进行了普查,发现大多数红曲霉菌种可产生桔霉素。红曲霉的培养状态及条件对桔霉素的产生有重大影响。红曲霉菌种是否产桔霉素,可根据MSG培养基摇瓶发酵液中是否含有桔霉素来初步定性判断,为准确判断红曲霉菌是否产桔霉素,可采用多种培养法综合判断。  相似文献   

红曲中桔霉素的检测及控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘荣华  郑立忠  姜嘉善  蒙辉  徐小丽 《生物磁学》2013,(36):7160-7164,7134
红曲是指以大米为原料,用红曲菌属(Monascusspp.)红曲霉发酵培养制得,具有红色的颗粒或用其制成的粉末。目前红曲可分为色曲、酒曲和功能性红曲。在红曲霉的发酵过程中,同时与红曲色素相伴产生一种有害的次级代谢产物一桔霉素。研究表明桔霉素具有肾毒性,可致畸、致癌和诱发基因突变。桔霉素的存在,制约了红曲在食品及药品方面的广泛应用,在一定程度上阻碍了红曲产业的发展。为此,在红曲生产中如何快速准确检测桔霉素以及有效地防控桔霉素,是我们当前迫切需要解决的问题。本文对近年来国内外红曲中桔霉素的检测方法及控制策略进展进行了综述。目前,桔霉素的检测方法主要有抑菌圈法、TLC法、酶联免疫法和HPLC法等,其中HPLC法是检测红曲中桔霉素高效且应用最广泛的方法。桔霉素的控制主要从菌种选育,发酵工艺及产品后续处理等方面进行调控。目前尚没有成熟的控制策略全部去除桔霉素,只有采用低产桔霉素的菌种,适合的生产工艺及结合后续的物理或化学处理等综合措施,生产出符合桔霉素控制标准的高品质红曲产品。  相似文献   

【背景】真菌毒素为真菌的有毒次级代谢产物,混合污染时毒性显著增强,可对人类和动物健康造成严重伤害。制备二联胶体金免疫层析试纸条,实现对常见真菌毒素混合污染的快速监测,具有重要意义。【目的】制备赭曲霉毒素A (Ochratoxin A,OTA)和玉米赤霉烯酮(Zeralenone,ZEN)金标单克隆抗体,基于免疫层析原理,采用竞争反应模式,建立二联胶体金免疫层析检测法用于污染样品中OTA和ZEN的同时快速检测。【方法】采用柠檬酸钠还原法制备胶体金颗粒,并标记获得两种真菌毒素金标单克隆抗体,通过优化相关条件,建立稳定的二联胶体金免疫层析检测方法,用于同时检测谷物和饲料样品中的OTA和ZEN。【结果】制备的OTA和ZEN二联胶体金试纸条对OTA和ZEN的检测限分别为0.625 ng/mL和1.25 ng/mL,且与谷物和饲料中其它真菌毒素(黄曲霉毒素B1、伏马毒素B1、桔青霉毒素、展青霉毒素和呕吐毒素)均无交叉反应,人工添加试验结果准确。对天然样本检测结果表明该方法与LC-MS/MS一致性良好。【结论】本研究制备的二联胶体金试纸条可用于实际样品中OTA和ZEN的同时快速筛查。  相似文献   

红曲的药用价值和保健功能日益引人关注,然而红曲中桔霉素的存在严重制约着红曲产品的开发,如何降低红曲桔霉素的含量是一个迫切需要解决的问题。本文概述了红曲桔霉素的毒性、生物合成途径及相关标准。并结合国内外研究进展,从发酵工艺,诱变育种,基因工程三个层面阐述了控制红曲桔霉素产生的对策,并对桔霉素今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

采集全国各地红曲霉制品中的红曲霉资源,经分离获278株红曲霉菌株。高效液相色谱(HPLC)法测定各菌株发酵液中莫纳可林K(Monacolin K)和桔霉素含量,筛选获1株Monacolin K产量较高、桔霉素含量较低的红曲霉菌株编号为M-22。依据形态特征和ITS基因序列,参照红曲霉属分类检索表,鉴定M-22菌株为紫色红曲霉(Monascus purpureus)。通过摇瓶发酵对温度、初始pH、碳源、氮源、碳氮比(C/N)等因素进行优化,确定M-22菌株摇瓶发酵产Monacolin K适宜条件为发酵温度26℃、初始pH 5.0、转速160 r/min,甘油为碳源、蛋白胨为氮源、碳氮比(C/N)为5:1,Monacolin K产量显著提高,最高为107.16 mg/L。以优化的发酵条件对M-22菌株进行5 L发酵罐发酵,发酵液中Monacolin K产量最高为189.83 mg/L,桔霉素含量32.53μg/L,红曲色素色价为16.38 U/m L。  相似文献   

红曲霉发酵液中桔霉素快速检测方法的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究确立了一种高效液相色谱法,能有效地对红曲霉代谢产物中的桔霉素分离和定量分析。色谱柱:Shimadzu VP-ODS C18(5μm,250 mm×4.6 mm),流动相组成为V(乙腈):V(甲醇):V(水)=70:10:20,pH≤2.8。荧光检测器:λex=331 nm,λem=500 nm。在优化的色谱条件下绘制标准曲线,当桔霉素质量浓度为0.1 mg.L-1~1 mg.L-1时线性关系良好,R2=0.9992。对桔霉素标品的最低检测质量浓度为0.01 mg.L-1,在红曲霉发酵样品中的定量回收率达到了0.9187722~1.029138。  相似文献   

不产桔霉素的红曲霉菌种深层发酵生产莫纳可林K   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对三株在YES培养基中不产桔霉素的红曲霉菌种,在摇瓶中研究了它们液体发酵生产莫纳可林K的情况。在大米粉培养基中,红色红曲霉不产莫纳可林K,但是紫色红曲霉和烟灰色红曲霉均能产莫纳可林K,前者产量高于后者。在葡萄糖.甘油培养基中,后两者的产量均很低,但是如果在该培养基中添加酵母膏,紫色红曲霉能产生较为可观的莫纳可林K。在2L的发酵罐中,利用添加了酵母膏的葡萄糖-甘油培养基,紫色红曲霉在第13d的莫纳可林K产量可达104mg/L,培养过程中无桔霉素产生。  相似文献   

以红曲米中筛选到的红色红曲霉菌株G为原始菌株,通过农杆菌介导T-DNA插入突变技术,成功构建了含有1 483株红曲霉突变子的T-DNA插入突变库。用HPLC等方法从突变库中筛选出10株γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)产量稳定高于原始菌株G的突变子,薄层层析结合HPLC技术分析了10株突变子发酵液中桔霉素的含量;其中突变子1047的GABA产量较高,为1.169g/L,是原始菌株G(GABA产量0.472g/L)的247.67%,桔霉素含量稳定低于原始菌株G。以红曲霉菌株G和突变子1047为实验材料,通过5 L发酵罐发酵并定时取样,HPLC等方法精确分析发酵液各种活性物质的含量;结果显示,突变子1047生长速度稍快于原始菌株G;GABA、莫纳可林K(Monacolin K)、红曲色素色价分别为2.201 g/L、83.892 mg/L、21.984 U/mL,是原始菌株G的279.67%、108.01%和182.35%;而桔霉素产量为1.976 mg/L,是原始菌株G的41.71%。因此,利用TDNA插入的方法对红曲霉进行育种,能产生稳定的遗传变化,在红曲霉资源的保护和利用上有一定潜力。  相似文献   

真菌毒素是一类由真菌产生的普遍存在的化合物。危害人类健康的真菌毒素主要源于曲霉Aspergillus、青霉Penicil-lium、麦角菌属Claviceps和镰刀菌Fusarium等产生的次生代谢物。从全球范围来看,粮食安全问题经常是由谷物、坚果、水果和绿色咖啡豆上的真菌毒素造成的。其中,玉米和花生仁中的黄曲霉素经常超过安全阈值。在以这些食物作为主食的地处温暖和潮湿气候国家的消费者特别容易食用到黄曲霉素污染的食物。而真菌毒素往往会引起人类和动物急性中毒、慢性中毒和致癌。其不可避免地、广泛地、持续地影响着全球人类的健康。目前的防止措施包括选用抗真菌植物、采用适当方法贮藏食物以及食用绿色蔬菜等来预防癌症等。本文阐述了食品中常见真菌毒素的污染情况及其毒性,并对常用防止措施进行了综述,以期为食品真菌毒素防控工作提供参考。  相似文献   

以农杆菌介导法建立的红曲霉T-DNA转化库为实验材料,采用抑菌圈法从5,000多个转化子中筛选出200株桔霉素突变子的候选菌株,用高效液相色谱法进一步筛选得到53株与出发菌株相比产桔霉素能力发生显著变化的突变子,其红曲中桔霉素含量介于0·04~154·57μg/g之间。进一步分析了突变子的红曲色价,发现突变子产桔霉素能力与产色素能力之间有一定的相关性。这些研究结果为进一步从分子水平上探讨红曲霉产桔霉素和色素等次生代谢产物之间的关系提供了材料和基础。  相似文献   

Citrinin is one of the mycotoxins produced by Penicillium citrinum. We examined the decomposition products after heating citrinin in water at 140 degrees C and isolated a major product, citrinin H2 (3-(3,5-dihydroxy-2-methylphenyl)-2-formyloxy-butane). Citrinin H2 did not show significant cytotoxicity to HeLa cells up to a concentration of 200 microg/ml (% cytotoxicity: 39%) in 63 h of incubation, but citrinin showed severe toxicity at a concentration of 25 microg/ml (% cytotoxicity: 73%). HPLC analysis of citrinin after heating under various conditions indicates that citrinin H2 is mainly yielded from citrinin.  相似文献   

The effect of citrinin on Ca2+ transport was studied in isolated kidney cortex and liver mitochondria, and baby hamster kidney cultured cells. The mycotoxin significantly inhibited the activity of 2-oxoglutarate and pyruvate dehydrogenases in both kidney cortex and liver mitochondria. Citrinin promoted a decrease in the velocity and in the total capacity of Ca2+ uptake, in both mitochondria. Apparently, citrinin acts by a mechanism similar to ruthenium red. In intact cultured cells, citrinin also had a preferential effect on mitochondrial Ca2+ fluxes. Citrinin promoted a marked decrease in the Ca2+ level in the mitochondrial matrix, whereas that of the extramitochondiral fraction became less affected. All the observed effects were dependent on the citrinin concentration.  相似文献   

Lipase (Glycerol ester hydrolase E.G. from a Brazilian strain of Penicillium citrinum free of the mycotoxin citrinin has been investigated. Citrinin production was inhibited by using culture medium containing olive oil, soybean oil and corn oil as carbon sources. Potassium concentration and pH play an important role in citrinin production. Potassium concentration lower than 30 mM and pH below 4.5 inhibited the mycotoxin production. P. citrinum produced lipase free of extraneous proteins and citrinin when cultured using, as nitrogen source, ammonium sulphate (lipase activity of 7.88 U/mg) and yeast extract (lipase activity of 4.95 U/mg) with olive oil as carbon source. This data is relevant to the larger scale production of lipases for food technology applications, from Penicillium citrinum.  相似文献   

Penicillium citrinum VKM F-1079 was found to produce clavine ergot alkaloids and citrinin, a secondary O-heterocyclic metabolite. Citrinin was produced in the idiophase, whereas the production of ergot alkaloids paralleled fungal growth. The addition of manganese ions to the growth medium stimulated the biosynthesis of both citrinin and ergot alkaloids. Zinc ions stimulated only citrinin synthesis. The presence of these microelements in the growth medium influenced the proportion between the ergot alkaloids synthesized. Copper, manganese, and iron ions affected but little fungal growth and alkaloid production. The effect of microelements on the main kinetic parameters of growth and alkaloid production was studied.  相似文献   

Monascus-fermented products have been widely used in Taiwan and other Asian countries as health foods. Unfortunately, many Monascus strains concurrently produce trace amounts of toxic citrinin. This study isolated a strain NPUST-B11 with the ability to degrade citrinin as the only carbon source. The isolated strain NPUST-B11 was characterised and identified as Klebsiella pneumoniae by 16S rRNA gene analysis using UNI-F and UNI-R primers. The isolated strain was then incubated in the mineral broth containing 10 ppm of citrinin, 1.2% of glucose, 0.3% of peptone and 100 ppm of vitamin C under optimal conditions, including pH 7, 200 rpm and 37°C. Citrinin was rapidly degraded with incubation from 97.9% at 1 h to 8.67% at 5 h and completely depleted at 10 h. Overall, this strain could be useful for the degradation of citrinin in food products and other medical applications.  相似文献   

The effects of citrinin on energy production along the respiratory chain and on glycolytic lactate production were examined in BHK-21 cultured cells. Citrinin inhibited the oxygen consumption rate by about 45 per cent. The respiratory rate of digitonin-treated cells energized with succinate, in the presence of ADP, was reduced by about 39 per cent. The mycotoxin inhibited the glucose utilization of BHK-21 cells by about 86 per cent. Cells treated with citrinin produced a small quantity of pyruvate, but were unable to produce lactate. It is concluded that BHK-21 cells cannot generate lactate when oxidative metabolism is inhibited by citrinin. The perturbations in BHK-21 cells caused by citrinin are due to alterations in mitochondrial function and in the glycolytic anaerobic pathway.  相似文献   

Penicillium citrinum VKM F-1079 was found to produce clavine ergot alkaloids and citrinin, a secondaryO-heterocyclic metabolite. Citrinin was produced in the idiophase, whereas the production of ergot alkaloids paralleled fungal growth. The addition of manganese ions to the growth medium stimulated the biosynthesis of both citrinin and ergot alkaloids. Zinc ions stimulated only citrinin synthesis. The presence of these microelements in the growth medium influenced the proportion between the ergot alkaloids synthesized. Copper, manganese, and iron ions slightly affected fungal growth and alkaloid production. The effect of microelements on the main kinetic parameters of growth and alkaloid production was studied.  相似文献   

Organic solvent tolerant microorganisms (OSTMs) are novel group of extremophilic microorganisms that have developed resistance to withstand solvent toxicity. These organisms play an important role in biotransformation of organic compounds. In the present study, we used an organic solvent-tolerant marine bacterium, Moraxella sp. MB1. 16S rRNA sequencing revealed that the bacterium shows 98% similarity with an uncultured marine bacterium with GenBank accession no. AY936933. This bacterium was used for the transformation of a toxin, citrinin, into decarboxycitrinin in a biphasic system. This transformation was affected by decarboxylase enzyme produced by MB1. Transformation of citrinin to decarboxycitrinin was monitored by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and spectrophotometrically. Citrinin decarboxylase activity responsible for transformation was studied in cell-free growth medium and cell lysate of Moraxella sp. MB1. Citrinin decarboxylase was found to be intracellular in nature. The biotransformed product was purified and identified as decarboxycitrinin using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry. The antibiotic activity of both citrinin and decarboxycitrinin is also reported.  相似文献   

Citrinin is a type of mycotoxin that negatively affects Monascus products. Application of a low-frequency magnetic field (LF-MF) decreased citrinin production by M. purpureus in liquid-state fermentation during shake flask culture. Under 30 °C incubation, six different magnetic field induction intensity (MF-II), four different exposure times and five exposure time periods were tested to discover optimal treatment conditions. The cultures were exposure to a MF-II of 1.6 mT from 0 to 2 d of incubation time. With LF-MF treatment, peak citrinin production decreased by 46.7% while yellow, red, orange pigments and monacolin K production increased by 31.3%, 40.3%, 41.7% and 29.3%, respectively, compared with control groups at 12 d of incubation. Moreover, the relative expression levels of the citrinin biosynthesis genes pksCT and ctnA were 0.46 and 0.43 times lower, respectively, than the control values relative to the GAPDH reference gene. This study provides evidence that LF-MF is a preferable way to alter M. purpureus metabolism to reduce citrinin production and to increase pigments and monacolin K production without affecting cell growth. Therefore, LF-MF may be used as a tool to process Monascus products to obtain important functional food additive while reducing the adverse effects of citrinin.  相似文献   

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