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人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)糖蛋白复合物Ⅱ包括两种蛋白,即糖蛋白M(gM)和糖蛋白N(gN).尽管来自于HCMV阳性病人血清中的糖蛋白复合物Ⅱ的IgG抗体能够中和HCMV粒子,但迄今为止,还没有gM中和性抗原表位的相关研究.应用消减杂交技术,通过噬菌体肽库筛选获得gM抗原的一个表位,即MAD.MAD氨基酸序列与gM第32~38位序列高度同源.将MAD与钥孔血蓝蛋白偶联免疫小鼠可产生抗MAD多抗,该多抗不仅结合天然HCMV病毒粒子,而且特异结合重组表达的gM30~78多肽.ELISA结果表明MAD能够特异结合HCMV阳性的病人血清.病毒中和实验结果进一步证明抗MAD多抗能够抑制HCMV AD169株病毒感染人胚肺细胞.总之,MAD表位有可能成为HCMV病毒疫苗潜在的保护性抗原.  相似文献   

UreB蛋白B细胞抗原表位快速筛选与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以幽门螺旋杆菌(Helicobacterpylori,Hp)主要抗原蛋白尿素酶B(ureaseB,UreB)为靶蛋白,建立一种新的B细胞抗原表位筛选与鉴定方法.运用Fmoc固相肽合成法合成11条HpUreB蛋白的单表位抗原肽片段,在其氨基端标记FITC荧光素,应用荧光偏振方法(fluorescencepolarization,FP)快速鉴定这些肽片段的抗原性,并通过FP法在大规模样品中快速筛选相应抗体滴度高、分布人群广的优势抗原表位肽.结果表明,合成的11条UreB蛋白线性抗原肽中,10条具有较强的抗原性,其中No.2、No.5和No.11抗原肽相应的特异性抗体在感染Hp的人群中分布较广,抗体滴度较高,为UreB的优势抗原表位肽.对抗原表位进行多参数综合分析与设计,通过FP技术快速鉴定抗原肽,并筛选优势抗原表位肽,对于疾病的抗原表位谱研究具有重要的意义,同时在疾病的诊断、分型及治疗中具有重要的应用前景.  相似文献   

选取丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)核壳蛋白区两个可能含有优势抗原表位的19和16氨基酸的肽殴(C-19肽和C-16肽),利用固相多肽合成技术进行了化学合成。经用反相高压液相层析(HPLC)及脉冲液相多肽测序技术检定合成肽产品的纯度及序列后,以C-19和C-16肽作为包被抗原组装成检测HCV血清抗体的ELISA诊断试剂。用所组装的合成肽试剂检测中国药品生物制品检定所提供的HCV标准参比血清,并比较利用该试剂和美国Abbott实验室生产的HCV第二代EIA诊断试剂平行检测109份献血员血清的结果,表明C-19肽能够特异、重复、灵敏地检出HCV血清抗体,可以作为我国第一代HCV诊断试剂的合成肽抗原。  相似文献   

从噬菌体表面展示肽库中筛选葡萄球菌B型肠毒素抑制剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过生物淘选,从噬菌体表面展示12肽肽库中筛选能与葡萄球菌B型肠毒素(staphylococcalenterotoxinB ,SEB)结合且能抑制其肠毒活性的特异性短肽.采用Phage ELISA和MTT鉴定所得目的肽的亲和性;根据优势噬菌体阳性克隆序列合成相应多肽.利用竞争ELISA研究合成肽与SEB单克隆抗体竞争结合SEB的情况;通过动物实验考察其抑制SEB的超抗原特性和肠毒活性情况.筛选所得短肽在一定浓度范围内可以抑制SEB对鼠脾淋巴细胞的激活;合成肽与SEB质量比为16 0∶1时,合成肽可较好地抑制SEB对乳猫的肠毒活性,并对SEB引起的小鼠致死具有明显保护作用.结果表明,初步得到了能与SEB特异结合并能抑制SEB超抗原特性和肠毒活性的短肽,为进一步研制SEB高效抑制剂奠定了基础.  相似文献   

噬菌体显示技术用于抗体表位的筛选   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用噬菌体随机肽库筛选抗TNF单抗表位的研究中,就抗体的选择、肽库富集的检测、筛选得到的表位多肽的验证及如何提高筛选的成功率等,进行了一些初步探索. 实验结果表明,由识别线性抗原位点的抗体较容易筛选到噬菌体呈现表位,具有较强中和活性的抗体,因多识别空间构型抗原位点而增加筛选难度. NC膜斑点印迹、ELISA及DNA测序均可作为筛选富集的检测方法. 用与天然抗原同源比较的方法及竞争性ELISA分析,可以帮助确定噬菌体呈现多肽是否是抗体表位.  相似文献   

同时检测血清中多种抗体的蛋白质微阵列研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立一种用蛋白质微阵列法可同时检测血清中艾滋病毒(HIV), 丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)和梅毒螺旋体(TP)抗体的方法.将基因工程HIV、HCV和TP 3种融合抗原共价结合于固相载体玻片上,制成蛋白质微阵列,血清样本经稀释、加样、孵育、洗涤后,加上Cy3荧光标记二抗,洗涤,激光共聚扫描,将获得的图片用Bio-discover公司的Imagene专用分析软件进行分析,所获数据在经过自行编写的软件,根据Cutoff值自动生成判断结果.用此蛋白质微阵列系统检测了400例阴性血清,确定了Cutoff值,检测中国药品生物制品检定研究所的HIV, HCV和TP 3种参比品,并与3种ELISA试剂盒的结果进行了比较.蛋白质微阵列的艾滋病毒阳性和阴性符合率均为100%(20/20); 丙型肝炎病毒阳性和阴性符合率均为95%(38/40).梅毒螺旋体参比品阳性符合率为100%(10/10),阴性符合率为100%(20/20),蛋白质微阵列与三种ELISA试剂检测国家HIV、TP、HCV参比品(共150份血清样本),结果具有高度的符合率.  相似文献   

目的获得泰泽氏病原体抗原表位相关肽,用于实验动物血清中该病原体感染相关抗体的检测。方法选用泰泽氏病原体的四种单克隆抗体(M2、M3、M4、M5)作为配基,从噬菌体表面展示的随机7肽文库中筛选单抗识别的抗原表位,获得特异性噬菌体克隆;并采用ELISA、Western blot方法对其进行分析鉴定,获得阳性噬菌体克隆。结果获得阳性噬菌体克隆5个,其展示的融合蛋白能被泰泽氏病原体的免疫血清识别,ELISA检测A值的P/N为8.0~17.1;Western blot分析显示单一特异性条带,相对分子质量约为38×103。结论本研究获得的5个阳性克隆所表达的融合蛋白,为泰泽氏病原体抗原表位相关肽,可作为该病原体隐性感染血清学检测的候选抗原。  相似文献   

目的:利用噬菌体展示肽库技术筛选鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)的模拟抗原表位。方法:用IBV阳性血清纯化IgG作为靶标。对噬菌体展示随机12肽库进行筛选,通过ELISA和竞争抑制ELISA鉴定筛选克隆的结合特性,并对阳性克隆提取ssDNA进行测序分析。结果:3轮生物淘洗后,目标噬菌体得到125倍富集。随机挑选50个克隆进行ELISA和竞争抑制ELISA。其中有12个噬菌体克隆可以与IBV阳性血清高特异性结合。测序分析发现,这12个克隆带有2种氨基酸序列。即KSPKHSSSALHF和SFFQLNLHRPTS。且未发现这2种序列与GenBank中已发表的IBV氨基酸序列有同源性。结论:结果提示。这2个肽可能是IBV抗原的模拟表位。  相似文献   

目的:用噬菌体呈现随机七肽库筛选能与抗人白细胞介素15(h IL-15)中和抗体特异性结合的模拟抗原表位肽,并初步鉴定其免疫原性。方法:以抗h IL-15中和抗体为靶分子,用生物淘洗法从噬菌体呈现线性七肽库中筛选与之结合的噬菌体克隆,用噬菌体ELISA和竞争抑制ELISA鉴定阳性噬菌体克隆;化学合成筛选得到的多肽,并与匙孔血蓝蛋白(KLH)偶联免疫BALB/c小鼠,检测其免疫原性。结果:经过3轮体外筛选后随机挑取50个阳性噬菌体克隆,ELISA检测结果显示其中15个克隆与抗h IL-15抗体有较强的结合能力,DNA测序结果得到的结构相似群为MTPFWQK、MSPFNQK、MIPYWQK和MIPFHQK;竞争性ELISA结果显示4个序列均能与IL-15竞争性地结合抗IL-15单抗;小鼠免疫实验结果显示4组多肽均能诱导IL-15特异性免疫反应。结论:筛选得到能与抗h IL-15中和抗体特异性结合,且具有免疫原性的模拟抗原7肽序列,为进一步开发h IL-15相关的多肽疫苗提供了依据。  相似文献   

目的 通过测定患者单份血清人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)pp65特异性IgM抗体和IgG亲和指数(AI),建立HCMV原发感染的临床判断标准.方法 从临床收集40份患儿血清和尿标本,以本室自制的pp65为抗原,运用间接酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测血清标本中HCMV pp65特异性IgM抗体;同时通过尿素变性实验,以6M尿素作为温和蛋白变性剂,测定HCMVpp65 IgG AI.尿标本常规处理后接种人胚成纤维(HF)细胞进行病毒分离,观察HCMV特异性细胞病变效应(CPE),聚合酶链反应(PCR)试验检测细胞培养物UL83基因,间接免疫荧光试验检测细胞玻片HCMV抗原.并将病毒分离结果 同血清学方法 进行比较.结果 40例标本中,IgM阳性13例,IgG阳性30例,其中,仅IgM阳性4例,病毒分离结果 亦为阳性,可诊断为原发感染;30例IgG阳性标本中,2种抗体均为阳性9例(A组),其中,5例AI<50﹪,病毒分离结果 均为阳性,判断为原发感染;1例AI在50﹪与60﹪之间,为可疑原发感染,需要进一步鉴定;3例AI>60﹪,判断为继发感染.IgG阳性21例(B组),其中仅3例(14.29﹪)AI<50﹪,但病毒分离结果 为阴性,提示患者不久前曾发生HCMV原发感染,特异性IgM抗体已经转阴,病毒进入潜伏状态;余18例患者AI均>60﹪,判断为继发感染;2种抗体均为阴性的标本有6例,病毒分离结果 亦为阴性,说明患者未被感染.统计学分析,A组与B组之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).血清学方法 与病毒分离比较,一致率为75.49﹪,该方法 灵敏度为100﹪,特异度为87.10﹪,准确度为90.00﹪.结论 以HCMV pp65重组蛋白为抗原检测特异性抗体以及相应IgG AI的ELISA,可快速诊断HCMV原发感染和继发感染;该方法 具有高度特异性与敏感性,操作简便,重复性好,具有良好的临床应用前景.  相似文献   

Serological detection of antibodies specific to human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is not reliable because the assay uses the whole HCMV protein fraction. Antigenic materials composed of well-characterized viral proteins are being tried for serodiagnosis in Europe. Epitopes of antibodies to HCMV phosphoprotein 150 (pp150) encoded by UL32 in Japanese individuals were investigated for comparison with the results in Europe. The major epitopes on amino acid residues 496 to 652 of HCMV pp150 were identified and the detection of antibodies with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of synthetic peptides against the main epitopes was established. Fifteen seropositive and five seronegative serum samples for the epitope mapping and 131 seropositive and 50 seronegative samples for ELISA were investigated. Overlapping 15-mer peptides moving by two amino acids through V496-H652 were synthesized. The main epitope regions were V508-D530, L526-Q544, S536-D554, T616-G634, S624-P642, and L632-H652. When each peptide was conjugated with bovine serum albumin for ELISA, 80.9% of the seropositive samples were judged to be positive. The results of this study are the same as those for European sera, so the antigenic materials developed in Europe might be used to replace the whole HCMV protein fraction in Japanese.  相似文献   

Multiple antigenic peptides (MAPs), a sequence which include common antigenic epitopes of outer membrane porins (OM) bacteria of the genus Yersinia (Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. enterocolitica, Y. pestis), pathogenic for humans have been synthesized. After immunization of BALB/c mice the antiserum to the peptide have been obtained. With the help of ELISA we showed that these sera interact with porins isolated from OM pathogenic Yersinia, and MAP interact with antibodies in sera from rabbits immunized with individual porins, and with antibodies in sera of patients with intestinal yersiniosis and pseudotuberculosis.  相似文献   

Synthesis of multiple antigenic peptides (MAPs) for predicted antigenic determinants of a viral antigen is described. The method includes prediction of linear epitopes using predictive computer algorithms, synthesis of peptides for the predicted regions, testing of peptides to find the most reactive sites, synthesis of MAPs and their testing. The procedure involves manual synthesis of MAPs by solid phase peptide synthesis with Wang resin as solid support. The MAPs were prepared in eight copies and used for immunization of rabbits to generate anti-peptide antibodies. Further, the reactivity of MAPs in detecting the native cognate antigen in the whole virus was confirmed by ELISA. The MAP and anti-peptide antibodies could serve as diagnostic tools for viral diseases. MAPs have efficiently been used to confirm the presence of linear antigenic and immunogenic epitopes on viral proteins, for possible use in diagnostic and vaccine. It was suggested that this method could help in epitope mapping of dreadful human or animal pathogens as it involves production of safe, chemically defined and non-infectious materials for use as antigen as well as immunogen.  相似文献   

Based on the two antigenic peptides, 26-43 (P26) and 116-131 (P116), derived from 28 kDa glutathione S-transferase of Schistosoma mansoni (Sm28GST), two multiple antigenic peptides (MAPs), (P26)4-MAP and (P116)4-MAP with the same oligomeric lysine core, were synthesized by stepwise solid-phase peptide synthesis method. The antigenicities and protective effects of these two MAPs were examined on experimental animals. As shown in the dot-ELISA result, the synthetic MAPs could be recognized and bound by immunoglobins in both patient's and infected-rabbit's sera. After Kunming mice were immunized with (P26)4-MAP, the worm burden reduction rate and the liver egg reduction rate were 59.9% and 61.1%. In (P26)4-MAP or (P116)4-MAP immunized BALB/c mice, the worm burden reduction rates were 37.5% and 62.5%, respectively, and the liver egg reduction rates were 35.1% and 54.0%, respectively.  相似文献   

The epitope study on the SARS-CoV nucleocapsid protein   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The nucleocapsid protein (N protein) has been found to be an antigenic protein in a number of coronaviruses. Whether the N protein in severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is antigenic remains to be elucidated. Using Western blot and Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), the recombinant N proteins and the synthesized peptides derived from the N protein were screened in sera from SARS patients. All patient sera in this study displayed strong positive immunoreactivities against the recombinant N proteins, whereas normal sera gave negative immunoresponses to these proteins, indicating that the N protein of SARS-CoV is an antigenic protein. Furthermore, the epitope sites in the N protein were determined by competition experiments, in which the recombinant proteins or the synthesized peptides competed against the SARS-CoV proteins to bind to the antibodies raised in SARS sera. One epitope site located at the C-terminus was confirmed as the most antigenic region in this prot  相似文献   

The multipin peptide synthesis technique has been used to map antigenic sites of proteins (1,2). Antibodies raised to the whole protein are screened on pin-synthesized overlapping octapeptides homologous with the protein of interest, and the peptides that bind antibodies clearly identify the epitopes. What is described in this study is a method using pin-synthesized peptides to generate specific antibodies to many peptides. Cleavable linkers have been developed (3) that, used together with the multipin peptide synthesis technique, allow the synthesis and cleavage of many thousands of peptides into aqueous solutions at physiological pH. This technique is useful for assays requiring peptides in solution, e.g., mapping of T-cell determinants. A technique has been developed for the cleavage of many peptides from pins and simultaneous coupling to immunogenic carriers (4). The conjugates produced are suitable for the generation of antipeptide antibodies. This procedure is illustrated using several 15 amino acid long peptides (15-mers), homologous with the sequence of a model antigen, myohemerythrin (MHr). The resulting antipeptide sera generated were tested by ELISA for titer and specificity on pinsynthesized peptides and β-amide peptides and the protein antigen coated to microtiter plates.  相似文献   

Multiple Ag peptide (MAP) system without the use of a protein carrier was used as a vaccine model in three species of animals. Synthetic peptides from the V3 region of the gp120 of IIIB, RF and MN HIV-1 isolates were used as the Ag. MAP consisting of various chain lengths, from 11 to 24 residues, were prepared in a monoepitope configuration containing four repeats of each individual peptide. In parallel, they were synthesized in a diepitope configuration adding at the carboxyl-terminus of the V3 peptides a conserved sequence, known to be a Th cell epitope of gp120. The antibody response elicited by the monoepitope constructs was species-dependent. Rabbits produced immunity against all nine peptides, whereas mice were strongly reactive mainly to the longest sequence of the IIIB isolate. The immune response of guinea pigs was intermediate to those of rabbits and mice. Diepitope MAPs were immunogenic in all three species and elicited significantly higher titers than those raised by the immunization with the monoepitope MAPs. The response was type specific; the high-titered antibodies were reactive mostly against the isolate from which the peptides were derived, with a small cross-reactivity in ELISA between IIIB and RF strains. The dominant antigenic site of the B cell epitope, IIIB sequence, was located at the amino and central part of the MAP and a sequence overlapping the putative V3 reverse-turn was particularly reactive with the raised antibodies. Moreover, sera from the immunized animals inhibited virus-dependent cell fusion. These results show that MAP, with a chemically defined structure and without the use of a protein carrier, can be potentially useful for the design of synthetic HIV-1 vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

The multipin peptide synthesis technique has been used to map antigenic sites of proteins (1,2). Antibodies raised to the whole protein are screened on pin-synthesized overlapping octapeptides homologous with the protein of interest, and the peptides that bind antibodies clearly identify the epitopes. What is described in this study is a method using pin-synthesized peptides to generate specific antibodies to many peptides. Cleavable linkers have been developed (3) that, used together with the multipin peptide synthesis technique, allow the synthesis and cleavage of many thousands of peptides into aqueous solutions at physiological pH. This technique is useful for assays requiring peptides in solution, e.g., mapping of T-cell determinants. A technique has been developed for the cleavage of many peptides from pins and simultaneous coupling to immunogenic carriers (4). The conjugates produced are suitable for the generation of antipeptide antibodies. This procedure is illustrated using several 15 amino acid long peptides (15-mers), homologous with the sequence of a model antigen, myohemerythrin (MHr). The resulting antipeptide sera generated were tested by ELISA for titer and specificity on pin-synthesized peptides and beta-amide peptides and the protein antigen coated to microtiter plates.  相似文献   

Multiple antigenic peptides (MAPs) that included the common antigenic epitopes of porins from the outer membranes (OM) of bacteria from the Yersinia genus (Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. enterocolitica, and Y. pestis that are pathogenic for humans) were synthesized. Mice of the BALB/c line were immunized with these peptides, and antisera to the peptides were obtained. It was demonstrated by EIA that these sera interacted with the porins that were isolated from the OM of pathogenic Yersinia. MAPs were shown to be bound to the antibodies in the blood sera of rabbits immunized with the individual porins and to the antibodies in the blood sera of humans suffering from intestinal yersiniosis and pseudotuberculosis.  相似文献   

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