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从噬菌体表面展示肽库中筛选志贺毒素受体结合抑制剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用抗体捕获法 ,从表面展示随机肽序列的噬菌体文库中筛选到与志贺毒素B亚基 (StxB)结合 ,并能抑制志贺毒素细胞毒效应的噬菌体克隆 ;依据其中 1个克隆序列 (A12 )合成的肽可以与志贺毒素的受体Gb3竞争结合StxB ,并抑制志贺毒素(Stx)的细胞毒和肠毒活性 ;抑制 5×CD50 剂量的Stx细胞毒效应需 2 2 .7μmol的A12合成肽 .筛选得到的 2个噬菌体克隆 (A3 ,A12 )编码的氨基酸序列不同 ,但能竞争结合StxB ,推测它们形成相同或相似的空间结构 .为志贺毒素抑制剂进一步研究打下基础 ,对其他相关药物的研制亦有参考价值 .  相似文献   

目的:利用噬菌体展示肽库技术筛选鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)的模拟抗原表位。方法:用IBV阳性血清纯化IgG作为靶标。对噬菌体展示随机12肽库进行筛选,通过ELISA和竞争抑制ELISA鉴定筛选克隆的结合特性,并对阳性克隆提取ssDNA进行测序分析。结果:3轮生物淘洗后,目标噬菌体得到125倍富集。随机挑选50个克隆进行ELISA和竞争抑制ELISA。其中有12个噬菌体克隆可以与IBV阳性血清高特异性结合。测序分析发现,这12个克隆带有2种氨基酸序列。即KSPKHSSSALHF和SFFQLNLHRPTS。且未发现这2种序列与GenBank中已发表的IBV氨基酸序列有同源性。结论:结果提示。这2个肽可能是IBV抗原的模拟表位。  相似文献   

利用噬菌体展示技术筛选特异性人源抗ICAM-1单链抗体(Anti-human ICAM-1 scFv)并进行生物学活性鉴定。应用Tomlinson I+J噬菌体抗体库,以P1抗原肽为包被抗原,经过4轮“吸附-洗脱-扩增”进行亲和富集筛选。以PCR反应、ELISA抗原交叉反应和Dot blotting实验进行阳性克隆的鉴定。scFv经原核表达和分离纯化后,以Western blotting实验、竞争ELISA实验和细胞黏附抑制实验对其生物学活性进行初步鉴定。Tomlinson I+J噬菌体抗体库经4轮亲和富集筛选,利用ELISA方法成功筛出4株阳性克隆。通过PCR鉴定反应、ELISA抗原交叉反应和Dot blotting实验,最终获得了1株既能与P1抗原肽特异结合又能与人ICAM-1抗原特异结合的阳性克隆J-A1。对scFv进行原核表达和亲和层析后获得了高纯度的目的蛋白。竞争ELISA实验和细胞黏附抑制实验证实纯化的scFv具有良好的亲和活性和抗细胞黏附活性。文中成功利用噬菌体展示技术筛选到特异性人源抗ICAM-1 scFv,为进一步探索该抗体在炎症相关性疾病治疗中的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为了寻找能够模拟胰岛素生物活性的小肽,以胰岛素多克隆抗体为靶标,筛选噬菌体展示随机C7C环肽库.3轮筛选后,通过ELISA方法挑取与靶分子特异性结合的15个阳性克隆,测序获得两条序列,分析所得序列并合成相应短肽.通过细胞生物学活性检测,小肽CPTSQANSC(ZJ1)能够竞争性的抑制胰岛素与其受体的结合,并对正常小鼠和四氧嘧啶诱导的糖尿病小鼠,都有明显的降血糖作用.上述结果表明,小肽CPTSQANSC具有胰岛素样生物学活性.而小肽CVQPSHSSC(ZJ2)表现出胰岛素拮抗活性,能引起正常小鼠血糖升高.这表明筛选到了能够模拟胰岛素表位的短肽CPTSQANSC,可能为治疗胰岛素依赖性糖尿病提供了新线索.  相似文献   

研究从噬菌体随机7肽库中筛选的bFGF特异性结合噬菌体的活性。采用ELISA检测3轮淘选后得到的阳性噬菌体克隆对bFGF的结合曲线。通过竞争抑制实验,分析bFGF结合噬菌体与bFGF的竞争结合活性。采用MTT法检测bFGF结合噬菌体对由bFGF诱导的Balb/c3T3细胞增殖的影响。从噬菌体肽库中淘选获得的阳性噬菌体克隆能够特异地与bFGF结合,并呈剂量依赖性,其与固相bFGF的结合能被游离的bFGF竞争抑制,并可抑制由bFGF诱导的Balb/c3T3细胞增殖。bFGF特异性噬菌体可拮抗bFGF的活性,为开发针对bFGF的抗肿瘤短肽类新药提供基础。  相似文献   

目的:用噬菌体呈现随机七肽库筛选能与抗人白细胞介素15(h IL-15)中和抗体特异性结合的模拟抗原表位肽,并初步鉴定其免疫原性。方法:以抗h IL-15中和抗体为靶分子,用生物淘洗法从噬菌体呈现线性七肽库中筛选与之结合的噬菌体克隆,用噬菌体ELISA和竞争抑制ELISA鉴定阳性噬菌体克隆;化学合成筛选得到的多肽,并与匙孔血蓝蛋白(KLH)偶联免疫BALB/c小鼠,检测其免疫原性。结果:经过3轮体外筛选后随机挑取50个阳性噬菌体克隆,ELISA检测结果显示其中15个克隆与抗h IL-15抗体有较强的结合能力,DNA测序结果得到的结构相似群为MTPFWQK、MSPFNQK、MIPYWQK和MIPFHQK;竞争性ELISA结果显示4个序列均能与IL-15竞争性地结合抗IL-15单抗;小鼠免疫实验结果显示4组多肽均能诱导IL-15特异性免疫反应。结论:筛选得到能与抗h IL-15中和抗体特异性结合,且具有免疫原性的模拟抗原7肽序列,为进一步开发h IL-15相关的多肽疫苗提供了依据。  相似文献   

目的:筛选鼠疫耶尔森菌F1抗原的中和性表位,构建基于鞭毛蛋白佐剂的重组表位疫苗。方法:利用鼠疫菌F1抗原的中和抗体F2H5筛选噬菌体随机12肽库,对得到的阳性克隆采用ELISA进行特异性鉴定,采用竞争抑制ELISA确定具有竞争性的噬菌体单克隆并对其DNA测序,重组表达并纯化获得肽序列与截短型鞭毛蛋白Fli Cdel的融合蛋白,并通过Western印迹和ELISA鉴定重组蛋白与F2H5的结合。结果:获得了2株能够与F1抗原竞争结合F2H5的噬菌体单克隆12-1和12-14,其中12-14的竞争能力较强;通过序列比对,并没有发现这2株噬菌体克隆的插入肽序列与F1抗原序列存在一致性,但这2个插入肽序列与Fli Cdel的重组蛋白在Western印迹和ELISA结果中均显示出能够被抗F1的单克隆抗体识别。结论:F1中和性抗体筛选出的肽序列与截短的鞭毛蛋白融合表达后能够被F2H5特异性识别,为进一步对重组表位抗原进行免疫保护评价奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本研究首先分离纯化了Stx的受体结合亚基(StxB),从一编码随机15肽序列的噬菌体文库中筛选与StxB结合、并能有效抑制其受体结合活性的短肽序列,并评价了包含此序列的合成肽及基因表达产物对Stx细胞毒、肠毒活性的抑制作用。同时,筛选了与纤维素结合的结构域(cellulose binding domain,CBD),并利用基因工程方法得到CBD与Stx抑制剂的融合蛋白产物,评价了CBD在Stx抑制剂研究中应用的可行性。 研究结果:对StxB进行了纯化,得到了保持必要空间结构和生物学活性的StxB。用抗体捕获的方法得到了与StxB特异结合的噬菌体  相似文献   

应用噬菌体展示随机肽库淘筛mAb5H5识别的抗原表位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用噬菌体随机9肽库探索汉滩病毒(HTNV)核衣壳蛋白(NP)B细胞抗原表位.以抗HTNV NP单克隆抗体(mAb)5H5作为筛选分子,生物淘洗噬菌体递呈的随机9肽库.阳性克隆经夹心ELISA、竞争ELISA鉴定后,随机挑取10个克隆,DNA测序,与HTNV 76~118株S基因进行同源性分析.结果显示筛选到的噬菌体能特异地与5H5结合,这种结合可被天然抗原所抑制.10个克隆的氨基酸序列相同,均为VRDAEEQYE,与76~118株NP氨基端的aa25~33一致.证实了该线性表位是mAb 5H5识别的表位,噬菌体肽库有助于病毒抗原表位的确定.  相似文献   

用噬菌体展示筛选Gal-α-1,3-Gal的模拟肽   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
猪心移植是解决心脏移植供体少的有效方法.由于猪心血管内皮细胞表面抗原半乳糖-α-1,3-半乳糖(Gal-α-1,3-Gal),能与人体内预存的天然抗体结合产生超急性排斥反应(HAR),而无法应用于临床.为了解决这一难题, 应用噬菌体展示技术,筛选出一个能与抗B型血单克隆抗体(mAB anti-B) 特异性结合的阳性噬菌体克隆,应用酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)和竞争性ELISA结果表明,所获得的阳性噬菌体克隆能特异性地与mAB anti-B结合,并且这种结合可被蜜二糖(具有Gal-α-1,6-Glc的结构)所竞争抑制.由此推测,筛选到的噬菌体阳性克隆很可能就结合在蜜二糖与mAB anti-B结合的位点.同时,进行了阳性噬菌体克隆的抑制猪红细胞凝集活性试验,试验结果表明,此阳性克隆不仅可抑制Gal-α-1,3-Gal与抗体的结合, 也可抑制Gal-α-1,3-Gal与西非单叶豆凝集素(GS-I-B4)的结合.此噬菌体阳性克隆测序后,得小肽序列为CCWLLRQPVRFVRSIRS.鉴于以上的结果,认为此小肽可以作为Gal-α-1,3-Gal的模拟肽,同时有望开发成抗猪器官异种移植超急性排斥反应的新药.  相似文献   

The utilization of peptide ligands in biosensors and bioassays is dependent on achieving high affinity of these peptides toward their targets. In a previous report, we identified 12-mer peptides that could selectively bind to Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) using a phage-display library. In this study, we explore for new modification approaches to enhance the affinity of two different SEB-binding peptides. In order to identify the binding regions of selected peptides, the charged residues and the ones, critical for the structure of peptide, were replaced with alanine. However, a specific binding region could not be suggested as all mutant peptides have lost their affinities toward SEB completely. The modifications for the affinity enhancement were done by repeating the 12-mer peptide sequences. A 10-fold increase was observed in the binding affinity of one of the two-repeated peptides, while this modification did not affect the affinity of the other tested peptide. The peptide, with enhanced affinity, was further modified as three repeats; however the affinity of the peptide decreased. The structural basis of the affinity difference between modified peptides was examined by molecular dynamics simulation. The results showed that the conformational differences hold the key for affinity of peptides modified by repeating the sequence. This high affinity peptide with increased affinity is a promising molecular recognition agent to be used in the detection of SEB to be utilized in biosensing systems.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is an exotoxin produced by Staphylococcus aureus and commonly associated with food poisoning. In this study, SEB‐binding peptides were identified by screening a phage displayed peptide library. The binding of peptides to SEB was tested with isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and of the five selected peptides, three showed affinity to SEB, with one measured to have the highest affinity constant (105 M?1). ITC revealed that the interaction of peptide ligands with SEB was driven entropically and the binding was dominated by hydrophobic interactions. Circular dichroism (CD) measurements and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, together, give a structural insight into the interaction of peptides with SEB. While SEB binding peptides showed random coil structure before binding, after complex formation they had more ordered structures. The peptide with highest affinity to SEB showed stable conformation during MD simulation. Taken together, our approach about thermodynamic and structural characterization of peptide ligands can be used to develop aptamers, with high affinity and selectivity, for biosensor applications. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bacterial peptide display libraries enable the rapid and efficient selection of peptides that have high affinity and selectivity toward their targets. Using a 15‐mer random library on the outer surface of Escherichia coli (E.coli), high‐affinity peptides were selected against a staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) protein after four rounds of biopanning. On‐cell screening analysis of affinity and specificity were measured by flow cytometry and directly compared to the synthetic peptide, off‐cell, using peptide‐ELISA. DNA sequencing of the positive clones after four rounds of microfluidic magnetic sorting (MMS) revealed a common consensus sequence of (S/T)CH(Y/F)W for the SEB‐binding peptides R338, R418, and R445. The consensus sequence in these bacterial display peptides has similar amino acid characteristics with SEB peptide sequences isolated from phage display. The Kd measured by peptide‐ELISA off‐cell was 2.4 nM for R418 and 3.0 nM for R445. The bacterial peptide display methodology using the semiautomated MMS resulted in the discovery of selective peptides with affinity for a food safety and defense threat. Published 2014. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. Journal of Molecular Recognition published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A synthetic peptide containing selected epitopes from staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) and enterotoxin B (SEB) was used to produce monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) to respective enterotoxins in a single fusion procedure. The peptide inhibited the reaction of polyclonal anti-SEA or anti-SEB antisera with their homologous enterotoxin, thus showing that the chosen epitopes are part of the antibody-inducing enterotoxin sequences. Two Mabs, Mab-A and Mab-B, reacted with both the peptide and with either SEA or SEB. Used in a double antibody sandwich ELISA, the Mabs were able to quantitate the native SEA or SEB toxins at nanogram levels.  相似文献   

The bacterial superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is a potent inducer of cytotoxic T-cell activity and cytokine production in vivo. We investigated the possibility of the therapeutic application of SEB in patients with fibrosarcoma. The anti-tumor effect of SEB in mice with inoculated fibrosarcoma (WEHI-164) was examined by intravenous (IV) and intratumoral (IT) injection and the sizes of the inoculated tumors, IFN-γ production, and CD4+/CD8+ T cell infiltration were determined. The inoculated tumors were also examined histologically. In the mice in the IV-injected group, a significant reduction (P < 0.02) of tumor size was observed in comparison with mice in the IT-injected and control groups. Furthermore, the mice in the IV-injected group showed significantly higher levels of IFN-γ (P < 0.009) and CD4+/CD8+ T cell infiltration when compared with the other groups (P < 0.02). A significantly higher frequency of necrosis in tumor tissues was also observed in mice in the IV-injected group (P < 0.05). Our present findings suggest that tumor cell death is caused by increased cytotoxic T-cell activity and cytokine levels in response to the IV injection of SEB and that SEB may be a good option for use as a novel therapy in patients with fibrosarcoma. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Abstract Confrontation of the immune system with bacterial superantigens leads to an initial activation of the immune system followed by a state of profound immunosuppression. To investigate the role of a superantigen in an acute infection with a facultatively intracellular bacterium, we have studied the effect of staphylococcal enterotoxin B on the course of murine listeriosis. Intraperitoneal injection of SEB led to a statistically significant growth restriction of Listeria monocytogenes in the organs of mice infected intravenously or intraperitoneally when treatment with SEB and infection with L. monocytogenes were given simultaneously or when the mice were treated two days before infection. No effect of SEB on murine listeriosis was found when SEB was given more than two days before infection or one or more days after infection. We conclude that initial immunostimulation by SEB which is indicated by a massive liberation of all interleukins measured (IL1α, IL6, TNFα, IL2, IFNγ, IL4) is responsible for the growth restriction of L. monocytogenes in the organs of treated mice. Apoptosis of Vβ8 positive T cells which was accompanied by a 30% reduction of these cells at day 7 after treatment seems to be totally compensated.  相似文献   

Polyclonal sera from typhoid patients and a monoclonal antibody, mAb ATVi, which recognizes the capsular polysaccharide Vi antigen (ViCPS), were used to select for peptides that mimic the ViCPS by using a phage-displayed random 12-mer peptide library. Two major common mimotopes selected from the library carried the amino acid sequences TSHHDSHGLHRV and ENHSPVNIAHKL. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) showed that these peptides carry mimotopes to ViCPS. Phage clones that contained the 12-mer peptides were also tested against pooled/individual typhoid patients' sera and found to have 3 to 5 times higher binding compared to normal sera. By using Phage-ELISA assays, the derived synthetic peptides, TSHHDSHGLHRV and ENHSPVNIAHKL, were tested against a monoclonal antibody mAb ATVi and over 2-fold difference in binding was found between these peptides and a control unrelated peptide, CTLTTKLYC. Inhibition of the mAb's binding to ViCPS indicated that the synthetic peptides successfully competed with the capsular polysaccharide for antibody binding.  相似文献   

趋化因子受体 CCR5 亲合短肽的筛选   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
趋化因子受体 5 (CCR5) 是 HIV-1 与宿主细胞结合的辅助因子之一,其功能缺失或被 CCR5 拮抗剂封闭则会阻止 HIV-1 感染细胞 . 为得到与 CCR5 特异结合的肽类拮抗剂,采用噬菌体展示技术,以稳定表达 CCR5 的 CHO 细胞 (CHO/CCR5) 作为靶标,通过噬菌体随机 12 肽库筛选与 CCR5 特异结合的多肽;经过四轮筛选后,挑选 20 个阳性噬菌体克隆进行测序,从中得到 11 个含有 AFDWTFVPSLIL 序列的小分子肽 . 含该序列的噬菌体能与抗人 CCR5 单抗 (2D7) 竞争性结合 CCR5 ,且合成肽 AFDWTFVPSLIL 对趋化因子 RANTES 与 CHO/CCR5 的结合具有明显的抑制作用,初步证明该小肽与 CCR5 具有特异性结合作用 .  相似文献   

Studies suggest that staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is initially harbored in the kidney by binding to digalactosylceramide molecules in the proximal tubular cells. However, little is known in regard to the peptide motif within SEB that binds to these cells and imparts toxic effects. Herein, using human kidney proximal tubular cells (PTs) we have performed a systematic study on the binding of various peptides and peptide analogs of SEB and demonstrate a structure-functional relationship. Using [(125)I]labeled SEB peptides, we show a high affinity and displaceable binding of SEB 191-220 to human PT cells. Binding was mitigated by the use of antibody against SEB, by digalactosylceramide (the putative receptor), and by the use of endoglycoceramidase, which selectively removes the oligosaccharide backbones from glycosphingolipids. Our structure/ functional studies revealed that peptide 130-160 induces a concentration-dependent increase in programmed cell death/ apoptosis in human proximal tubular cells. Mechanistic studies further suggest that SEB/SEB peptide (130-160) impart apoptosis via the activation of neutral sphingomyelinase, which hydrolizes sphingomyelin to ceramide and phosphocholine. SEB 130-160 mediated apoptosis was mitigated by preincubation of cells with antibody against SEB and an SEB 130-160 antibody.  相似文献   

Leukocyte chemoattractant peptides from the serpin heparin cofactor II   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Heparin cofactor II (HC) is a plasma serine proteinase inhibitor (serpin) that inhibits the coagulant proteinase alpha-thrombin. We have recently demonstrated that proteolysis of HC by catalytic amounts of polymorphonuclear leukocyte proteinases (elastase or cathepsin G) generates leukocyte chemotaxins (Hoffman, M., Pratt, C. W., Brown, R. L., and Church, F. C. (1989) Blood 73, 1682-1685). One of four peptides produced when HC is degraded by neutrophil elastase has chemotactic activity for both monocytes and neutrophils with maximal migration comparable to formyl-Met-Leu-Phe, the "gold standard" bacterially derived chemotaxin. The amino-terminal sequence of this HC peptide is Asp-Phe-His-Lys-Glu-Asn-Thr-Val-... and the peptide corresponds to Asp-39 to Ile-66 of HC. A variety of synthetic peptides derived from this sequence were evaluated for leukocyte migration activity, and a dodecapeptide from Asp-49 to Tyr-60 (Asp-Trp-Ile-Pro-Glu-Gly-Glu-Glu-Asp-Asp-Asp-Tyr) was identified as the active site for leukocyte chemotactic action. The 12-mer synthetic peptide possesses significant neutrophil chemotactic action at 1 nM (60% of the maximal activity of formyl-Met-Leu-Phe), while a peptide with the reverse sequence has essentially no chemotactic activity. Cross-desensitization experiments also show that pretreatment of neutrophils with a 19-mer peptide (Asn-48 to Ile-66) greatly reduces subsequent chemotaxis to HC-neutrophil elastase proteolysis reaction products. When injected intraperitoneally in mice, the HC-neutrophil elastase digest elicits neutrophil migration. Our results demonstrate that not only does HC function as a thrombin inhibitor, but that limited proteolysis of HC near the amino terminus yields biologically active peptide(s) which might participate in inflammation and in wound healing and tissue repair processes.  相似文献   

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