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采用磁珠富集与放射性杂交相结合的方法开发黑斑狗鱼(Esox reieherti Dybowski)基因组微卫星资源。基因组DNA 经Sau 3AⅠ限制性内切酶消化后,选取400―900 bp的片段进行PCR全基因组扩增,并利用生物素标记的(CA)12、(GA)12 探针进行微卫星片段的富集。将得到的片段与pGEM-T载体连接后转入DH5α大肠杆菌中,然后利用γ-32 P标记的放射性同位素探针进行第二次杂交。结果,共获得微卫星基因组文库1 600个菌,杂交前菌落PCR检测阳性克隆率为90.91%;杂交后得到的阳性克隆为1 300个,占87.25%。从中挑出196个进行测序,192(97.96%)个含有微卫星序列。在得到的微卫星序列中,重复单元除CA/GT、GA/CT 外,还观察到单碱基、四碱基、五碱基重复单元。根据侧翼序列应用引物设计软件Primer Premier 5.0设计引物70对,选择合成32对,通过优化PCR反应条件,结果有28对引物可扩增出清晰可重复的目的条带。本研究旨在对黑斑狗鱼基因组资源的开发利用起到一定的促进作用,并为黑斑狗鱼养殖品系的优化、遗传多样性的检测及遗传图谱的构建等奠定基础。  相似文献   

根据链霉素磁珠和生物素特异结合的特性,用生物素标记的二聚核苷酸重复序列探针从巴氏蘑菇的基因组中分离微卫星序列。将结合于链霉素磁珠上的标记探针同两端连接已知序列人工接头的巴氏蘑菇DNA酶切片段杂交。洗脱未杂交DNA片段后,用磁珠富集的片段建立微卫星文库。挑取522个菌落用对应重复序列为引物进行PCR筛选,得到48个阳性克隆,经测序有32个菌落含微卫星序列。微卫星富集效率为阳性克隆数的67%,总克隆数的6%。除去重复或无效的微卫星序列,在设计出的12对用于鉴别85个巴氏蘑菇的Co60辐射变异株微卫星引物中,有4对引物总共扩增出明显的变异菌株17个。证明有些微卫星位点可用于巴氏蘑菇辐射变异品种的指纹筛选与鉴别。  相似文献   

磁珠富集法分离刀鲚微卫星标记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用磁珠富集法分离微卫星序列,以开发长江刀鲚微卫星分子标记。将长江刀鲚基因组DNA经限制内切酶Mse I酶切,回收400-1 000 bp片段,安装接头,构建长江刀鲚全基因组PCR文库。用生物素标记的微卫星探针(CA)12与其杂交,磁珠富集含有微卫星序列的DNA片段。将洗脱所得片段进行PCR扩增,然后进行克隆。经过菌落PCR检验后挑选出118个阳性克隆进行测序,其中97条含有微卫星序列。用设计合成59对微卫星引物对30尾养殖长江刀鲚进行引物的多态性筛选,得到9对多态性引物。  相似文献   

采用磁珠富集法,利用生物素标记的(CA)12寡核苷酸探针从黑斑原(鱼兆)基因组DNA MboI酶切的400—1000 bp片段中筛选CA/GT微卫星位点,洗脱的杂交片段克隆到pMD18-T载体上构建富集微卫星基因组文库后,通过PCR筛选检测出720个阳性克隆,占所有克隆的89.2%,从阳性克隆中随机选取139个进行测序,序列分析发现,124个克隆含有7个以上的重复序列,其中完全的为80个(64.5%),不完全的为40个(32.3%),复合的为15个(3.2%),重复次数范围为7—165次,平均为52次。在124条序列中共59条可以设计引物。  相似文献   

伊犁鲈微卫星位点的筛选及近缘物种通用性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为开发伊犁鲈(Perca schrenkii)分子标记用于鲈属鱼类种质资源保护,以伊犁鲈为材料,应用磁珠富集法进行了微卫星标记的筛选.从伊犁鲈尾鳍提取总DNA,进行酶切、接头连接、PCR扩增,再采用生物素标记(CA)15探针及生物素标记(TG)15探针对扩增产物进行杂交富集,经再次PCR扩增及T-A克隆,成功构建了伊犁鲈基因组微卫星富集文库.采用重复序列引物筛选获得阳性克隆,随机选取48个阳性克隆进行测序,测得序列46个,其中38个克隆含有微卫星序列,41个位点的微卫星重复数在8次以上.根据测得序列设计17对微卫星引物,均能在伊犁鲈群体中扩增获得目的条带.采用该17对引物对河鲈(P.fluviatilis)及黄金鲈(P.flavescens)群体样本进行扩增,10对引物具有通用性,其中6对在河鲈中具有高度多态性(PIC>0.5),5对在黄金鲈中具有高度多态性.  相似文献   

目的 从东方田鼠的部分BAC文库中筛选微卫星.方法 应用非放射性的菌落杂交方法和磁珠富集法从东方田鼠的BAC文库中筛选高质量的微卫星标记.结果 以地高辛标记的寡聚核苷酸(CA)20为探针,通过菌落杂交法从136个东方田鼠BAC克隆中筛选出杂交信号最强的20个阳性克隆.再将这20个阳性克隆分别通过链霉亲和素磁珠法构建亚克隆文库,从中选取400个经PCR鉴定为阳性的亚克隆进一步测序分析,共得到220个微卫星序列,阳性率55%.选取重复次数高,侧翼序列完整的微卫星序列设计74对引物,共有35对引物能扩增出清晰的条带,其中16对引物具有多态性.结论 成功且高效地从阳性BAC克隆中筛选出微卫星序列,这些微卫星和阳性BAC克隆可用于后续的定位研究.  相似文献   

Dynal磁珠富集大熊猫微卫星标记   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用Dynal磁珠-生物素标记的微卫星探针与大熊猫基因组酶切片段杂交,捕获400—600bp含有微卫星序列的DNA片段,连接到pGEM-T载体中,构建富集微卫星序列的小片段插入文库。应用γ^32P标记的探针筛选文库,从2880个转化子中获得了260个阳性克隆。对54个序列进行了测序,并成功地设计了大熊猫微卫星引物37对。该方法能有效提高筛选微卫星标记的效率。  相似文献   

勒氏笛鲷微卫星位点的筛选及特征分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
郭昱嵩  王中铎  刘楚吾  刘筠 《遗传》2007,29(3):355-359
采用PCR法快速筛选勒氏笛鲷(Lutjanus russelli)基因组文库, 以获得(CA)n微卫星位点。勒氏笛鲷基因组DNA经限制性内切酶HaeⅢ+ DraⅠ双酶切后, 连接T-载体克隆, 构建基因组文库。以通用引物M13+/-与重复序列引物(CA)15对基因组文库进行筛选, 二次筛选后得到121个可能含有微卫星位点的阳性克隆。进行序列测定, 共获得53个CA(n≥7)重复序列, 重复次数主要分布于7~15(80.77%)。在所得微卫星序列中, 重复单元除CA外, 还观察到单碱基、三碱基、四碱基、五碱基重复单元。根据侧翼序列设计48对引物, 通过优化PCR反应条件, 可获得清晰可重复的目的条带。研究旨在为勒氏笛鲷遗传多样性研究及遗传图谱的构建等奠定基础, 为勒氏笛鲷资源的合理开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

将微卫星探针5′端生物素化后与链亲和素磁珠特异结合,用磁珠和探针的结合物与两端连接已知序列人工接头的中国李品种小黄李(Prunus salicinacv.Xiaohuangli)基因组DNA酶切片段杂交,以此杂交片段为模板用人工接头序列为引物进行PCR扩增,根据PCR产物测序结果设计引物作为微卫星DNA的标记引物.结果在随机挑选的36个克隆进行菌落PCR检测时,从31个阳性克隆中挑选18个克隆进行测序后获得了12条特异序列,设计的8对SSR引物均在5个中国李受试品种上获得了预期的扩增产物,其中4对引物在受试品种上表现出多态性.  相似文献   

目的:构建细梢小卷蛾Rhyacionia leptotubula微卫星富集文库.方法:提取细梢小卷蛾基因组DNA,经限制性内切酶Rsa Ⅰ酶切,用(CT)10和(GT)10生物素探针与其杂交,利用磁珠富集含有微卫星的DNA序列,并对其进行PCR扩增,将扩增产物连接到pMD18-T载体后转入感受态大肠杆菌DH5α中,得到微卫星富集文库:结果:对100个克隆进行随机测序,获得98个微卫星序列,其中具有5次及以上碱基重复次数的微卫星克隆占26%,最高碱基重复次数为33次,非完美型占12%,说明构建的细梢小卷蛾微卫星富集文库是一个高质量的文库.结论:该文库的建立为后续筛选具高多态性的微卫星标记引物研究细梢小卷蛾的种群遗传结构、迁移扩散规律等奠定了基础.  相似文献   

High throughput isolation of microsatellites in hop (Humulus lupulus L.)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Procedures to generate usable microsatellite marker sequences should be optimized for cost-effectiveness in each species. For hop, we have used a cocktail of several restriction enzymes to digest the genomic DNA. This is followed by capture of microsatellite-containing sequences with long microsatellite probes attached to a membrane. The enrichment level for GA and GT libraries was 37% and 35%, respectively, and 100% of the clones contained microsatellite sequences. Libraries can be generated from genomic DNA in approximately 10 d.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers are widely used in linkage mapping, parentage testing, population genetic studies, and molecular evolution studies in many agricultural species, while only a limited number of ostrich (Struthio camelus) microsatellites have been isolated. Thus, we constructed a random small-insert genomic library and a microsatellite-enriched library containing CA repeats. Fourteen clones containing CA repeats were isolated from 3462 clones in the non-enriched library by radioactive screening and 248 positive clones were isolated from 300 sequenced clones from the enriched library by PCR screening. After the enrichment procedures, the proportion of clones containing CA repeats was raised to 78.8%, compared with 0.4% in the non-enriched libraries, indicating that the enrichment value approaches 200 fold, which decreased the time and cost of cloning. The number of complete simple CA repeats in these positive clones ranged from 5 to 29. The primers for 94 of these microsatellites were developed and used to detect polymorphisms, of which 61 loci exhibited length polymorphisms in 17 unrelated ostrich individuals. The new polymorphic microsatellite markers we have identified and characterized will contribute to the ostrich genetic map, parentage testing, and comparative genomics between avian species.  相似文献   

文蛤微卫星DNA的筛选及其特性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用磁珠富集分离法从文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)的基因组中筛选得到49条微卫星DNA序列,其中两碱基重复有3种类型36个序列,四碱基重复有14种类型26个序列.重复次数在5~30之间的序列占75.6%,30次以上重复的序列占24.4%,最高重复次数为100.根据重复单元的排列特点,完美型、非完美型及混合型序列所占比例分别为61.2%、14.5%和24.5%.本研究中构建的文蛤微卫星文库将在文蛤种质资源评价及分子遗传学研究中发挥作用.  相似文献   

目的直接从实验豚鼠基因组DNA中筛选获得微卫星分子标记。方法应用磁珠和生物素标记的微卫星探针与豚鼠基因组酶切片段杂交,捕获200~1000 bp含有微卫星序列的DNA片段,连接到pMD-18V载体中,转化到感受态细胞E.coli DH5α中构建富集微卫星序列的小片段插入文库。然后用PCR法进行筛选。结果从约2000个转化子中获得240个阳性克隆。对其中98个进行了测序,并成功设计豚鼠微卫星引物17对。结论经过优化的磁珠富集法能够稳定、高效地获得豚鼠微卫星标记。本研究获得的微卫星位点将成为豚鼠遗传学研究的有力工具。  相似文献   

To develop additional microsatellite (MS) markers in the region of the porcine skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor gene (RYR1), a microdissected genomic library was generated from the proximal half of the q arm of swine chromosome 6. Purified DNA was restriction enzyme-digested, ligated to oligonucleotide adaptors and amplified by PCR using primers complementary to the adaptor sequences. The purity of the amplified products and boundaries of the microdissected chromosomal region were verified by fluorescence in situ hybridization. (CA)n-containing sequences were then identified in a small insert genomic library generated from the PCR-amplified microdissected DNA. Oligonucleotide primers were developed for the PCR amplification of 30 of the 46 (CA)n repeat-containing clones, which were subsequently used to amplify DNA isolated from unrelated pigs of different breeds to determine the informativeness of these MS markers. Twenty-two of these MS markers were genotyped on the University of Illinois Yorkshire x Meishan swine reference population. These 22 markers were all assigned within a 50.7-CM region of the swine chromosome 6 linkage map, indicating the specificity of the microdissected library.  相似文献   

Development of microsatellite markers for sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) was performed to estimate their frequency, nature (structure), levels of polymorphism, usefulness for genotype identification, and calculation of genetic relationships between inbred lines representing the species diversity. Isolation was performed from a small-insert genomic library followed by hybridization screening using oligonucleotide probes containing different nucleotide arrays. In this work, 503 unique microsatellite clones were sequenced and 271 PCR primer sequences bordering the microsatellite repeat were designed. For polymorphism assessment, 16 H. annuus germplasm accessions were checked and 170 of the primers tested were shown to be polymorphic for the selected lines. The polymorphic microsatellites produced an average of 3.5 alleles/locus and an average polymorphism information content (PIC) of 0.55. The most frequently found motifs within polymorphic simple-sequence repeats (SSRs) were: (GA)n, (GT)n, (AT)n, followed by trinucleotides (ATT)n, (TGG)n, and (ATC)n, and the tetranucleotide (CATA)n. Most of the 170 SSRs obtained showed important differences in the 16 reference inbred lines used for their characterization. In this work, 20 of the most informative SSRs destined to sunflower genotyping and legal fingerprinting purposes are fully described.  相似文献   

Genome fingerprinting has been a major role in characterization of population structure and analysis of the variability in phytopathogenic fungi. In order to characterize Korean rice blast fungal isolates, the genomic DNAs were digested with Alu I endonuclease and subsequent PCR amplifications using random decamer primers with combinations of microsatellite primers had been carried out. This Alu-Inter SSR technique revealed high polymorphism among the Korean blast fungal isolates. Then, fragments from the Alu-Inter SSR analysis were isolated to be used as probes in Southern hybridization, which also revealed high polymorphism between isolates to distinguish individuals. The sequences of the isolated fragments contained TC/AG tandem repeats interspersed with a 30 bp direct repeat. In gel blot analysis, the isolated TC/AG repeat microsatellite sequences were proved to be useful for characterizing the isolates in blast fungi in addition to the conventional MGR (Magnaporthe grisea repeat) probes. One interesting point was that the rice blast fungus derived TC/AG repeat microsatellite sequences were abundant in non-rice blast fungi and plant species, but not in other fungi and yeasts. A discussion on the possible horizontal gene transfer between phytopathogenic fungi and host plants is presented.  相似文献   

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