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集约化农业是现代农业的生产经营方式,在提高农田单位面积产量的同时却带来了一系列环境和生态问题,限制了农业的可持续发展.景观偏好是景观生态学中探讨不同利益相关者对景观产生不同喜好的研究,能够反映人类的主观感受及其产生的行为对景观造成的影响.本文以河南省封丘县农业景观为例,通过问卷调查和其他相关方法综合分析了不同利益相关者所偏好的景观特征以及产生差异的原因,并为将来研究区农业景观的发展提出建议.结果表明: 封丘县的当地利益相关者更偏好简单规则且容易管理的景观要素,强调农业景观的生产及经济功能;专家和当地环保人士更偏好多功能兼具的景观要素,以及高异质性的复杂景观构型,倾向于发展多功能农业景观;文化程度、专业背景、受访者类别等因素均对研究区利益相关者的景观偏好存在明显影响.政府的决策行为、经济补偿程度、生态农业技术支持是影响并决定研究区景观结构和功能发生演变的重要因素.  相似文献   

以哈尼梯田遗产核心区主要视觉景观为研究对象,应用GIS技术选取相对坡度、相对距离和出现几率3个客观因子进行景观视觉敏感度分析,运用美景度评价法得到50名专业人士的主观偏好,综合景观视觉敏感度和主观偏好评分,构建敏感度-主观偏好矩阵,将哈尼梯田遗产核心区视觉景观划分为四个区域并提出相应的景观保护、规划建议。结果表明:老虎嘴、麻栗寨茶厂位于敏感度、偏好评价双高的"视觉景观关键区",多依树属于偏好评价高、敏感度低的"自然发展区",黄草岭是敏感度高、偏好评价低的"优先改进区",坝达、箐口、全福庄是敏感度、偏好评价双低的"次优先改进区"。通过构建矩阵结合主客观两方面的评价结果,GIS有效量化抽象的数据,偏好评价真实反映观景者内心感知,为当下的景观视觉评价提供思路。  相似文献   

濒危物种价值评估可为生物多样性保护提供重要的政策支撑。本文以国家二级重点保护植物翅果油树为例,从利益相关者视角作为切入点,基于选择实验法评价其偏好和支付意愿(WTP),进而探讨生态补偿机制。基于管理部门、企业和农户三方利益相关者的利益诉求,分析确定了5个翅果油树的物种属性,即种植面积、产品分类、树苗品种、保护投入和农户收益。运用随机参数Logit模型分析了利益相关者对不同物种属性变量的偏好和支付意愿。结果表明: 受访者对“保护增加投入”偏好最强和支付意愿最高,每户为331.00 yuan·a-1;对产品开发的“高低端产品同时开发”和“高端产品开发为主”变量偏好次之,WTP分别为每户242.71和227.57 yuan·a-1;对“农户收益”、“保护投入不变”、“树苗品种”和“种植面积”由强到弱依次表现出一定的偏好及支付意愿;而对“保护不投入”和“低端产品开发为主”偏好最弱且WTP为负值。通过直接和间接补偿方式对补偿客体(翅果油树及其生境)实施生态补偿,得到的补偿剩余价值为每户每年285.62元。  相似文献   

城镇化进程对区域景观演化及居民价值判断的影响不容忽视。定量描述分析城镇化背景下不同地区居民的景观偏好差异及其空间分布是合理制定景观规划战略的基础。以福建省85个县(区)为研究对象,对抽样人群进行景观偏好问卷测试。结果显示:1)不同城镇化水平地区的居民对所测试的多类景观的偏好差异显著;2)区域城镇化水平与该处居民对自然景观的偏好显著正相关;3)以各区域抽样人群自然景观偏好度与人口城镇化率的线性关系为基础,可实现区域内居民自然景观偏好的空间表达。所绘制的自然景观偏好分布图,能直观地反映不同城镇化阶段居民对自然景观的偏好差异及其空间分布情况。该方法体系可为“美丽中国”建设实践中科学评估中国传统景观的特定人群偏好提供方法支持,对于区域景观资源的可持续管理具有指导意义。  相似文献   

生态移民安置区内,不同群体在生态环境保护方面存在复杂的利益冲突.基于安置区内利益群体对风险类别、干扰强度的识别,构建相应的决策模型,是生态移民安置区生态风险管理亟待解决的重要课题.本文依据利益相关者理论划分出生态移民安置区4类不同利益群体,并采用参与式半结构访谈法和定性聚合法,构建了3类一级变量和13个二级变量的生态风险因子体系,进一步运用模糊认知图模型(FCM)和人工神经网络(ANN)开展生态移民安置区生态风险识别.结果表明: 从利益相关者群体生态风险变量认知来看,其共同点是不同利益群体对垃圾污染风险变量提及数量最多,但整体上又存在显著差异,即管理者注重环境保护政策的制定和实施;居民则关注生活水平的提高,且直接关系到其环保意识和行为;经济活动者多追求经济利益;环境保护者专注于生态环境问题.不同利益相关者群体认知图论指数结果显示,管理者和环境保护者对安置区生态风险认知较为全面且清晰.从安置区4方利益相关者的整体风险认知结果来看,生态环境风险因子显著影响居民的人身安全及满意度;公共政策对安置区风险管理起关键作用;风险变量的中心度结果进一步表明,提高居民生活水平是防范生态风险的关键.从利益相关者群体生态风险感知与管理情景模拟结果来看,解决垃圾污染有助于生态环境整体改善,且关键是要完善和落实相关公共政策;建立健全社会保障制度,直接关系居民生活水平和环保行为;加强基础设施建设,影响景观生态格局、生物生境和多样性,同时可提高居民满意度和公众参与度.  相似文献   

李猷  王仰麟  彭建  常青  宋治清  刘小茜 《生态学报》2010,30(8):2141-2150
城市土地开发适宜性评价是城市总体规划中的一项重要基础性工作,其核心是合理分配利用有限的土地资源。在进行耕地适宜性评价和建设用地适宜性评价的基础上,针对丹东市不同的发展目标,提出3个城市土地开发适宜性评价方案,包括经济发展优先方案、生态保护优先方案以及协调发展方案,并按照3个方案对丹东市进行城市土地开发适宜性评价。通过选择适当指标,构建了由景观稳定度和景观干扰度组成的景观生态质量评价体系,并对3个适宜性方案进行对比与优选。结果表明,丹东市按照经济发展优先的城市土地开发适宜性方案进行开发,则景观干扰程度最高,景观稳定程度最低,景观生态质量最低;按照生态保护优先方案进行开发,则景观干扰程度居中,景观稳定程度最高,而景观生态质量居中;按照协调发展方案进行开发,则景观干扰程度最低,景观稳定程度居中,并且具有最高的景观生态质量。通过综合比较,应选择协调发展方案作为丹东市城市建设空间布局的首选方案。  相似文献   

为探究景观温室评价因素与景观效果之间的关系,以华南植物园温室群景区为研究对象,采用模糊数学法对其景观效果进行了系统评价.华南植物园温室群景区可分为10个景观分区,从中可筛选出13个景观评价因素;其中,通用因素包含竖向设计(A)、空间趣味性(B)、景观层次性(C)、水景(D)、植物配置方式(E)、置石(I)、视域开阔度(J)、温室工程设施(K)和堆山方式(M),特色因素包含植物奇异性(F)、生态奇特性(G)、人工构筑物(H)和路面铺装(L);根据不同景观分区的情况确认各评价因素的组成并制作网络调查问卷,通过对调查数据的统计分析计算出各景观分区的隶属度,并利用徐罗曹李法获得不同评价因素的权重值.结果显示:10个景观分区的隶属度为0.816 ~0.685;其中,热带水生植物区、雨林奇观区和山地雨林区的隶属度较高,景观效果较好;沙漠植物温室和高山/极地室等分区的隶属度较低,景观效果有待改善.根据权重值可将13个评价因素对景观效果的影响程度划分为4个等级;其中,植物奇异性、人工构筑物、水景、竖向设计和路面铺装等评价因素对各景观分区景观效果影响较大,堆山方式和温室工程设施对景观效果影响微小.根据研究结果,建议在采用模糊数学法进行景观评价时应制定具有参考价值的评价指标体系和评语赋值标准.  相似文献   

青藏铁路沿线景观保护评价方法研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
采用遥感和地理信息系统技术 ,对新建青藏铁路唐古拉山口至拉萨段铁路沿线景观进行分类和制图的基础上 ,以景观类型为评价对象 ,采用专家评分法对铁路沿线景观美景度进行了评价 ;根据海拔高度、降水量、植被覆盖度、Shanon-Winner多样性指数、物种丰富度、表层土壤厚度、净第一性生产力、工程扰动的敏感系数和破坏后恢复能力系数计算了景观的阈值。在景观美景度和景观阈值的基础上 ,确定了景观的质量级别。以景观相对于观景者的坡度和景观的可见度对铁路沿线景观敏感度进行了分析与评价。根据景观质量、景观敏感度和距离带 ,将铁路沿线分为不同的景观保护级别 ,为铁路工程建设合理设计工程和施工场地提供科学依据  相似文献   

黄河三角洲地区人类活动对景观结构的影响分析   总被引:177,自引:12,他引:165  
陈利顶  傅伯杰 《生态学报》1996,16(4):337-344
景观生态学是研究由不同生态系统所组成的景观的空间结构、相互作用、功能及动态变化。研究人类活动的区域差异对景观结构的影响,探讨人类活动的强弱对生物生境和资源分布格局的干扰,成为景观生态学研究的一个重要方面。本文以我国黄河三角洲地区东营市为研究区域,通过选取景观多样性、优势度、景观破碎度和景观分离度作为评价指标,分析了该区人类活动和景观结构之间的关系。研究表明,人类活动对景观具有显著的影响,主要表现在  相似文献   

著: 《生物信息学》2019,26(9):93-100
气候变迁,特别是洪水问题给地处三角洲的城市带来了与日俱增的风险。作为应对手段,提出一种整合性的洪水风险管理方法,该方法确保了洪水风险沟通在洪水风险管理战略中的重要地位。洪水的可视化作为洪水风险沟通的一种工具,在改变人们对洪水风险的观念方面有着强大的作用。它可以通过互动的方式,使当地的利益相关者了解洪水的剩余风险和未来风险。其中增强现实技术作为一种可视化手段,它的快速发展与应用为风景园林设计、规划与教育等领域提供了崭新的交互方式。首先,探讨增强现实技术(AR)在洪水风险沟通中的应用现状,并重点关注增强现实技术的2 个关键应用领域:对现场决策的支持和针对高层次设计的可视化与对景观干预的评估。随后,展示一种基于增强现实技术所开发的应用,该款创新性的应用为洪水风险沟通提供了一种轻量化的可视化手段。  相似文献   

The importance of the values underlying different concepts of biodiversity conservation and landscape planning is increasingly recognised, and yet these value judgements of the public and of experts are still poorly understood. Although landscape and conservation management are closely interrelated and measures in one field are likely to have effects on the other, the relationship between biodiversity and conservation values on the one hand, and landscape preferences on the other hand, has been hardly explored so far. This study represents a first attempt to empirically examine this relationship from an integrated perspective, considering philosophical, ecological and economic aspects and using items focused on biodiversity. We used a quantitative survey of the general Swiss population with visualisations of potential landscape developments in the Swiss Alps and items related to biodiversity- and conservation-values. Our research shows that respondents who prefer reforested landscapes tend to be more concerned about the conservation of species, landscapes, and natural processes than people preferring cultural landscapes. Respondents who prefer cultural landscapes are more oriented towards utilitarian values and are overrepresented in mountain areas as compared to the lowlands, thus in areas that are more likely to become the target of conservation measures. Our findings have practical implications for conservation in Switzerland and other mountainous areas, particularly in times of agricultural decline and land abandonment and their associated changes in landscape and biodiversity.  相似文献   

The study of forest landscape change requires an understanding of the complex interactions of both spatial and temporal factors. Traditionally, forest gap models have been used to simulate change on small and independent plots. While gap models are useful in examining forest ecological dynamics across temporal scales, large, spatial processes, such as seed dispersal, cannot be realistically simulated across large landscapes. To simulate seed dispersal, spatially explicit landscape models that track individual species distribution are needed. We used such a model, LANDIS, to illustrate the implications of seed dispersal for simulating forest landscape change. On an artificial open landscape with a uniform environment, circular-shaped tree species establishment patterns resulted from the simulations, with areas near seed sources more densely covered than areas further from seed sources. Because LANDIS simulates at 10-y time steps, this pattern reflects an integration of various possible dispersal shapes and establishment that are caused by the annual variations in climate and other environmental variables. On real landscapes, these patterns driven only by species dispersal radii are obscured by other factors, such as species competition, disturbance, and landscape structure. To further demonstrate the effects of seed dispersal, we chose a fairly disturbed and fragmented forest landscape (approximately 500,000 ha) in northern Wisconsin. We compared the simulation results of a map with tree species (seed source locations) realistically parameterized (the real scenario) against a randomly parameterized species map (the random scenario). Differences in the initial seed source distribution lead to different simulation results of species abundance with species abundance starting at identical levels under the two scenarios. This is particularly true for the first half of the model run (0–250 y). Under the random scenario, infrequently occurring and shade tolerant species tend to be overestimated, while midabundant and midshade tolerant species tend to be underestimated. The over- and underestimation of species abundance diminish when examining long-term (500 y) landscape dynamics, because stochastic factors, such as fire, tend to make the landscapes under both scenarios converge. However, differences in spatial patterns, and especially species age-cohort distributions, can persist under the two scenarios for several hundred years. Received 24 November 1998; accepted 17 March 1999.  相似文献   

Juli G. Pausas 《Plant Ecology》2006,187(2):249-259
In the Mediterranean Basin, landscape patterns are strongly human-modified. In recent decades, because of industrialisation and rural exodus, many fields have been abandoned, generating changes in the landscape pattern. In this framework, I aim to study the effect of landscape pattern on landscape dynamic processes in the Mediterranean Basin using simulation models and considering that fire may interact with landscape pattern. First I generate a gradient of five artificial random landscapes. In each landscape I include four species types growing in the Mediterranean Basin, each type with different plant traits (Quercus, Pinus, Erica and Cistus types). In each landscape scenario, each species covers 30% of the landscape but with a different spatial distribution, from the coarsest-grained (L1) to the finest-grained (L5). Then, the dynamics of each of these five landscapes were simulated for 100 years using the FATELAND simulation model. Simulations were run with six fire regime scenarios in each landscape scenario (no fire, mean fire interval of 80, 40, 20, 10 and 5 years). Landscape attributes were computed for the initial and the final landscapes. As expected, the results suggest that, as expected, some species increase and others decrease depending on the fire regime. However, the results also show that different landscape structures produce different dynamics and thus that there is a clear interaction between landscape pattern and fire regime. For instance, coarse-grained spatial patterns generate slower dynamics than fine-grained patterns, and fire-sensitive species are maintained longer under coarse-grained patterns (i.e., fragmentation accelerates extinction of fire-sensitive species).A draft version of this paper was presented at the Special Symposium “Global Change and Landscape Fires” held during the IALE World Congress, in Darwin, Australia, 13–17 July 2003.  相似文献   

Humans receive multiple benefits from various landscapes that foster ecological services and aesthetic attractiveness. In this study, a hybrid framework was proposed to evaluate ecological and aesthetic values of five landscape types in Houguanhu Region of central China. Data from the public aesthetic survey and professional ecological assessment were converted into a two-dimensional coordinate system and distribution maps of landscape values. Results showed that natural landscapes (i.e. water body and forest) contributed positively more to both aesthetic and ecological values than semi-natural and human-dominated landscapes (i.e. farmland and non-ecological land). The distribution maps of landscape values indicated that the aesthetic, ecological and integrated landscape values were significantly associated with landscape attributes and human activity intensity. To combine aesthetic preferences with ecological services, the methods (i.e. field survey, landscape value coefficients, normalized method, a two-dimensional coordinate system, and landscape value distribution maps) were employed in landscape assessment. Our results could facilitate to identify the underlying structure-function-value chain, and also improve the understanding of multiple functions in landscape planning. The situation context could also be emphasized to bring ecological and aesthetic goals into better alignment.  相似文献   

Integrating cultural dimensions into the ecosystem service framework is essential for appraising non-material benefits stemming from different human–environment interactions. This study investigates how the actual provision of cultural services is distributed across the landscape according to spatially varying relationships. The final aim was to analyse how landscape settings are associated to people's preferences and perceptions related to cultural ecosystem services in mountain landscapes. We demonstrated a spatially explicit method based on geo-tagged images from popular social media to assess revealed preferences. A spatially weighted regression showed that specific variables correspond to prominent drivers of cultural ecosystem services at the local scale. The results of this explanatory approach can be used to integrate the cultural service dimension into land planning by taking into account specific benefiting areas and by setting priorities on the ecosystems and landscape characteristics which affect the service supply. We finally concluded that the use of crowdsourced data allows identifying spatial patterns of cultural ecosystem service preferences and their association with landscape settings.  相似文献   

Many studies have assessed the effect of landscape patterns on spatial ecological processes by simulating these processes in computer‐generated landscapes with varying composition and configuration. To generate such landscapes, various neutral landscape models have been developed. However, the limited set of landscape‐level pattern variables included in these models is often inadequate to generate landscapes that reflect real landscapes. In order to achieve more flexibility and variability in the generated landscapes patterns, a more complete set of class‐ and patch‐level pattern variables should be implemented in these models. These enhancements have been implemented in Landscape Generator (LG), which is a software that uses optimization algorithms to generate landscapes that match user‐defined target values. Developed for participatory spatial planning at small scale, we enhanced the usability of LG and demonstrated how it can be used for larger scale ecological studies. First, we used LG to recreate landscape patterns from a real landscape (i.e., a mountainous region in Switzerland). Second, we generated landscape series with incrementally changing pattern variables, which could be used in ecological simulation studies. We found that LG was able to recreate landscape patterns that approximate those of real landscapes. Furthermore, we successfully generated landscape series that would not have been possible with traditional neutral landscape models. LG is a promising novel approach for generating neutral landscapes and enables testing of new hypotheses regarding the influence of landscape patterns on ecological processes. LG is freely available online.  相似文献   

Pe'er G  Henle K  Dislich C  Frank K 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e22355
Landscape connectivity is a key factor determining the viability of populations in fragmented landscapes. Predicting 'functional connectivity', namely whether a patch or a landscape functions as connected from the perspective of a focal species, poses various challenges. First, empirical data on the movement behaviour of species is often scarce. Second, animal-landscape interactions are bound to yield complex patterns. Lastly, functional connectivity involves various components that are rarely assessed separately. We introduce the spatially explicit, individual-based model FunCon as means to distinguish between components of functional connectivity and to assess how each of them affects the sensitivity of species and communities to landscape structures. We then present the results of exploratory simulations over six landscapes of different fragmentation levels and across a range of hypothetical bird species that differ in their response to habitat edges. i) Our results demonstrate that estimations of functional connectivity depend not only on the response of species to edges (avoidance versus penetration into the matrix), the movement mode investigated (home range movements versus dispersal), and the way in which the matrix is being crossed (random walk versus gap crossing), but also on the choice of connectivity measure (in this case, the model output examined). ii) We further show a strong effect of the mortality scenario applied, indicating that movement decisions that do not fully match the mortality risks are likely to reduce connectivity and enhance sensitivity to fragmentation. iii) Despite these complexities, some consistent patterns emerged. For instance, the ranking order of landscapes in terms of functional connectivity was mostly consistent across the entire range of hypothetical species, indicating that simple landscape indices can potentially serve as valuable surrogates for functional connectivity. Yet such simplifications must be carefully evaluated in terms of the components of functional connectivity they actually predict.  相似文献   

Several recent theoretical studies of the genetics of adaptation have focused on the mutational landscape model, which considers evolution on rugged fitness landscapes (i.e., ones having many local optima). Adaptation in this model is characterized by several simple results. Here I ask whether these results also hold on correlated fitness landscapes, which are smoother than those considered in the mutational landscape model. In particular, I study the genetics of adaptation in the block model, a tunably rugged model of fitness landscapes. Considering the scenario in which adaptation begins from a high fitness wild-type DNA sequence, I use extreme value theory and computer simulations to study both single adaptive steps and entire adaptive walks. I show that all previous results characterizing single steps in adaptation in the mutational landscape model hold at least approximately on correlated landscapes in the block model; many entire-walk results, however, do not.  相似文献   

黄璐  邬建国  王珂  张微 《生态学报》2022,42(2):442-449
人类活动对景观的影响遍及世界各个角落,其广度、强度、频度不断增大。为了改变生态环境在人类社会经济增长压力下的不可持续状态,景观需要科学合理的设计与管理。可持续景观规划是在景观尺度上,在可持续性科学的指导下,平衡生态系统服务的供需关系,将生态、社会、经济活动过程反映到空间优化上,不断提高人类福祉的规划过程。为了能够实践该规划思路,在景观可持续性研究与地理设计融合的概念框架基础上,提出可持续景观规划的八个步骤,在问题诊断与目标设定、多源数据组织与管理、尺度匹配与多尺度分析、景观格局过程分析和可持续性评估、生态系统服务与景观格局关系模拟、情景分析与方案评估、地理设计平台搭建、可视化与人机互动等关键步骤中,融入了强-弱可持续性、多尺度分析、生态系统服务、可持续性指标、大数据应用,以及文化和地方感。研究提出的可持续性景观规划步骤与实现路径体现了多学科交叉、实时评估反馈、信息技术应用、利益相关者参与的特点,可被用于旨在提高人类福祉的多尺度空间优化和可持续景观设计。  相似文献   

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