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In Mediterranean landscapes, wildfires and land abandonment lead to major landscape modifications primarily by favouring the presence of open, shrub-like habitats. At present, we know very little of how these changes affect patterns of species occurrence at the landscape scale. In this work, we analyse the impact of these landscape changes on the occurrence patterns of eight open-habitat species by using presence/absence data collected in the Catalan Breeding Bird Atlas (NE Spain). We compared the species occurrence patterns along habitat gradients for three different landscape settings: a semi-permanent farmland–forest landscape (i.e. with variable proportions of farmland and forests) and two landscape settings which mimic those favoured by land abandonment and fire: farmland–shrubland landscapes and mosaic landscapes (i.e. variable proportions of farmland and forest coexisting with a shrubby matrix). In the forest–farmland landscape, we found a dominant negative effect of adjacent forest on species occurrence rates. This overall effect mostly disappeared in farmland–shrubland landscapes composed by two habitats with more similar vegetation structure. In mosaic landscapes, the general negative effect of forest habitats also appeared to be partially compensated by the presence of a shrubby matrix. Our results suggest that landscape gradients induced by fire and to some degree also land abandonment, mainly favouring availability of shrublands may potentially enhance the resilience of threatened open-habitat species at the landscape scale by increasing the range of potential habitats used. The analysis of species-occurrence patterns along predefined habitat gradients appears as a useful tool to predict potential species responses to land use change.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper, we present a short overview of neutral landscape models traditionally adopted in the landscape ecological literature to differentiate landscape patterns that are the result of simple random processes from patterns that are generated from more complex ecological processes. Then, we present another family of models based on Tuxen’ s definition of potential natural vegetation that play an important role, especially in Europe, for landscape planning and management. While neutral landscape models by their very nature do not take into account vegetation dynamics, nor abiotic constraints to vegetation distribution, the concept of potential natural vegetation includes the effects of vegetation dynamics in a spatially explicit manner. Therefore, we believe that distribution maps of potential natural vegetation may represent an ecological meaningful alternative to neutral landscape models for evaluating the effects of landscape structure on ecological processes.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the framework of land use changes in the Mediterranean area, I asked to what extent different landscape structures might determine long‐term dynamics in Mediterranean ecosystems. To answer this question, a spatially explicit model was developed (the Melca model), incorporating two functional types of woody species dominant in Mediterranean ecosystems: a resprouter (R) and a non‐resprouter fire‐recruiter (seeders, S). The model was used as a tool for generating hypotheses on the possible consequences of different landscape scenarios. Thus, five different hierarchically structured random landscapes were generated, all having the same cover for the two functional types but different landscape structure (ranging from highly heterogeneous to homogeneous landscapes). After a 100‐yr simulation, plant cover and spatial pattern had changed and the changes were different for the different initial spatial configurations, suggesting that long‐term vegetation dynamics is spatially dependent (the resultant dynamics are sensitive to the initial spatial structure). In the landscapes where R‐type species had a low number of large patches and S‐species had a large number of small patches, the number of R‐patches increased and their size decreased, while the number of S‐patches decreased. In these cases, the final cover of the two types changed little from the initial cover. Landscapes with a large number of small R‐patches interspersed with S‐patches had a decrease in the number of R‐patches, an increase in the number of S‐patches and a decrease in the size of S‐patches. In these landscapes, final cover was significantly changed, increasing in R‐type and decreasing in S‐type species. These results suggest that low spatial autocorrelation (low aggregation) favours R‐type species. Implications for land management are also discussed.  相似文献   

Land use and cover changes have been identified as a major factor contributing to shape landscape structure and biodiversity patterns, particulary in areas with a long history of human occupation and habitat fragmentation, such as the Mediterranean landscapes. However, the existing studies on landscape change indicators for Mediterranean areas have mostly focused in Europe, while for other Mediterranean zones, and especially for South America, there is a serious lack of knowledge concerning the impact of landscape dynamics on ecological processes. Further research on this topic is urgently needed, given the high biodiversity levels and the rapidly increasing rates of human modification in the Mediterranean landscapes of South America. For this purpose, we investigated the dynamics of a landscape in the semiarid region of the Mediterranean zone of Chile, and measured the effect of those dynamics on functional connectivity, during a period of about four decades (1975–2011). Landscape connectivity indicators were extracted from a series of Landsat images. The Equivalent Connnected Area index (ECA) was used as indicator of connectivity trends, and was evaluated for three representative distances of seed dispersal in the study area (150 m, 500 m and 1000 m). In addition, the patches that most contribute to maintain the present connectivity, and their roles as connectivity providers, were identified through a set of commensurable indicators: betweenness centrality and the fractions (intra, flux connector) of the Integral Index of Connectivity. We found that these indicators were useful to detect and summarize a number of previously unreported trends in these Mediterranean landscapes. First, population growth and economic development were compatible with an increase in functional connectivity for forest habitats, mainly because the abandonment of marginal agricultural lands and their subsequent conversion to espinals (Acacia caven) triggered vegetation succession towards secondary forests. Second, increased forest connectivity was not associated to a decrease in the characteristic heterogeneity of Mediterranean landscapes. Third, many patches of espinal, despite being commonly regarded as of poor conservation value, were crucial to promote connectivity by acting as stepping stones among other patches with higher habitat quality. The approach here presented provides a combined assessment of landscape structure, function and change that should be valuable and applicable to deliver operational indicators in dynamic landscapes in South America and other Mediterranean regions.  相似文献   

Lloret F  Estevan H  Vayreda J  Terradas J 《Oecologia》2005,146(3):461-468
Community resilience after fire is determined by species’ ability to regenerate through two main mechanisms growth of new sprouts (resprouter species) and germination from surviving seed banks or from seeds arriving from neighbouring populations (seeder species). Both the mechanisms are present in Mediterranean communities. The occurrence of both the types in a community depends on fire history and the bio-geographical history determining the available species pool. Regenerative traits also covary with other functional attributes associated with resource acquisition and stress tolerance. As post-fire regenerative responses can be related to various ecological factors other than fire, we tested the hypothesis of a different proportional representation of post-fire regenerative syndromes in forest woody species along a climatic gradient in Catalonia (NE Spain) ranging from Mediterranean to temperate-boreal climates. Specifically, we expected seeder species to become less common with colder and moister conditions while resprouters would not be so influenced by the climatic gradient. We also tested the hypothesis of change in the relative abundance of regenerative syndromes in relation to recent fire history. We analysed a large database obtained from extensive forestry surveys and remote sensing fire records. After correction for spatial autocorrelation, we found an increase in the proportion of seeder species under more Mediterranean conditions and a decrease in fire-sensitive species (with no efficient mechanisms of post-fire recovery) in moister conditions. Resprouter species were similarly present across the whole gradient. A similar pattern was observed after excluding recently burnt plots. Therefore, post-fire regenerative syndromes segregate along the climatic gradient. Recent fires reduced the occurrence of fire-sensitive species and increased the proportion of seeder species. No significant effect was observed on resprouter species. Fire has a sorting effect, shaping the occurrence of species with different regenerative traits. Overall, fire seems to explain better the variability of the proportion of fire-sensitive species and climate the variability of seeder species. In addition, other factors (forestry practices and the covariation between regenerative and functional attributes) are likely to contribute to the regional pattern of regenerative syndromes.  相似文献   

Tsuga heterophylla (western hemlock), a fire-sensitive, late-successional tree species, is an important component of old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest, USA. In the Oregon Coast Range, however, T. heterophylla occurs at low densities in or is completely absent from many conifer stands. We used a cellular automata-based simulation model to explore the influences of the fire regime and gap disturbances on T. heterophylla dynamics at a landscape scale. The abundance of T. heterophylla in the simulated landscape was particularly sensitive to variation in fire return interval and fire severity. T. heterophylla was less sensitive to canopy gap return interval, probability of recruitment in canopy gaps, and the probability of rare long-distance dispersal events. Relatively short periods of high fire frequency caused a rapid and persistent decline in the amount of T. heterophylla in the landscape. Based on the simulation results, we propose two new hypotheses. The first is that landscape-level constraints imposed by the frequency, severity, and pattern of wildfires will limit the potential for gap-level processes to affect T. heterophylla regeneration patterns at the landscape scale. The second, related hypothesis is that legacies of cumulative fire effects will have a strong influence on the subsequent development of late-successional forest structure. Received 29 August 2000; accepted 18 October 2001.  相似文献   

Landscape composition and physiognomy affect community structure and species distribution across space and time. The pine processionary moth (PPM) (Thaumetopoea pityocampa Den. & Schiff., Lepidoptera, Notodontidae) is a common pine defoliator throughout southern Europe and Mediterranean countries. We surveyed the spatiotemporal distribution of the PPM in a pine plantation forest in southwestern France and used the density of the winter nests as a proxy for population density. The study spanned 4 years (2005–2008) and showed a high temporal variability in nest density. We found a strong edge effect with nest densities at stand edges more than twice as large as within-stand densities. At the landscape scale, the spatial distribution of the moth exhibited a significant spatial autocorrelation in 3 out of 4 years of our study. The spatial scales of the autocorrelation ranged from ca. 2 km to more than 22 km. We found a positive correlation between spatial distributions corresponding to certain sampling years, but the relationship was not systematic. Landscape configuration appeared to be an important driver of the PPM spatial pattern. Bivariate Moran’s I correlograms showed that patch richness density as well as the percentage of local landscape covered by various land uses were correlated with population density. The study showed that accounting for landscape characteristics may be important in order to understand forest insect pest distribution, even in cases where the host species is abundant and homogeneously distributed throughout the study area, e.g., pure plantation forests.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern of fire observed across boreal landscapes is the outcome of complex interactions among components of the fire environment. We investigated how the naturally occurring patterns of ignitions, fuels, and weather generate spatial pattern of burn probability (BP) in a large and highly fire-prone boreal landscape of western Canada, Wood Buffalo National Park. This was achieved by producing a high-resolution map of BP using a fire simulation model that models the ignition and spread of individual fires for the current state of the study landscape (that is, the ‘control’). Then, to extract the effect of the variability in ignitions, fuels, and weather on spatial BP patterns, we subtracted the control BP map to those produced by “homogenizing” a single environmental factor of interest (that is, the ‘experimental treatments’). This yielded maps of spatial residuals that represent the spatial BP patterns for which the heterogeneity of each factor of interest is responsible. Residuals were analyzed within a structural equation modeling framework. The results showed unequal contributions of fuels (67.4%), weather (29.2%), and ignitions (3.4%) to spatial BP patterning. The large contribution of fuels reflects how substantial heterogeneity of land cover on this landscape strongly affects BP. Although weather has a chiefly temporal control on fire regimes, the variability in fire-conducive weather conditions exerted a surprisingly large influence on spatial BP patterns. The almost negligible effect of spatial ignition patterns was surprising but explainable in the context of this area’s fire regime. Similar contributions of fuels, weather, and ignitions could be expected in other parts of the boreal forest that lack a strong anthropogenic imprint, but are likely to be altered in human-dominated fire regimes.  相似文献   

Many studies have assessed the effect of landscape patterns on spatial ecological processes by simulating these processes in computer‐generated landscapes with varying composition and configuration. To generate such landscapes, various neutral landscape models have been developed. However, the limited set of landscape‐level pattern variables included in these models is often inadequate to generate landscapes that reflect real landscapes. In order to achieve more flexibility and variability in the generated landscapes patterns, a more complete set of class‐ and patch‐level pattern variables should be implemented in these models. These enhancements have been implemented in Landscape Generator (LG), which is a software that uses optimization algorithms to generate landscapes that match user‐defined target values. Developed for participatory spatial planning at small scale, we enhanced the usability of LG and demonstrated how it can be used for larger scale ecological studies. First, we used LG to recreate landscape patterns from a real landscape (i.e., a mountainous region in Switzerland). Second, we generated landscape series with incrementally changing pattern variables, which could be used in ecological simulation studies. We found that LG was able to recreate landscape patterns that approximate those of real landscapes. Furthermore, we successfully generated landscape series that would not have been possible with traditional neutral landscape models. LG is a promising novel approach for generating neutral landscapes and enables testing of new hypotheses regarding the influence of landscape patterns on ecological processes. LG is freely available online.  相似文献   

The density and composition of Oldowan stone artifact assemblages deposited during the first ca. 20,000 years of lowermost Bed II times show a recurrent pattern of variation across recognized synsedimentary faults that compartmentalized landscapes of the eastern Olduvai Lake Basin. When active, the faults created minor topographic relief. The upthrown fault footwalls accumulated assemblages with relatively high densities of artifacts, including types retaining potential usefulness, particularly volcanic flaked pieces, manuports, pounded pieces, and split cobbles. Values for these assemblage characteristics decline toward the lower-lying hangingwall of the fault compartments, accompanied by an increase in the proportionate weight of artifact assemblages comprising quartzite, particularly flaking shatter and potentially useful detached pieces. Values reverse once again at faults, either on the downthrown, hangingwall side or on the upthrown side. The patterns are stronger for the volcanic components of the artifact assemblages than for the quartzite components, reflecting the additional influence of distance from the local source on quartzite assemblage characteristics reported previously. The landscape distributions of artifact assemblages are consistent with a landscape-fault model in which minor fault-induced topographic relief at times created a mosaic of vegetation environments repeated within each of the three fault compartments of the lake margin and distal alluvial fan. The fault-compartmentalized landscape model is currently supported only by sediment thickness and facies changes across synsedimentary faults, but it provides predictions for spatial variation in the cover abundance of trees, freshwater reservoirs and associated distributions of resources and hazards associated with stone artifact use and discard that can be tested if sample sizes of key paleoenvironmental indicators are increased.  相似文献   

What makes the structure and dynamics of coupled natural and human systems difficult to interpret in the Mediterranean is the extreme diversity in space and time of both environments and human societies. The succession of civilizations that waxed and waned in the Mediterranean Basin over several millennia has had great impacts on biota and ecosystems everywhere in the basin. A complex ‘coevolution’ has been claimed to shape the interactions between ecosystem components and human societies. Two opposing schools of thought traditionally have considered the consequences of human pressures on Mediterranean ecosystems. The ‘Ruined Landscape’ or ‘Lost Eden theory’ argues that human action resulted in a cumulative degradation and desertification of Mediterranean landscapes. The second school argues that humans actually contributed to keeping Mediterranean landscapes diverse since the last glacial episode. With this debate in mind, I show the following: (1) One cannot understand the components and dynamics of current biodiversity in the Mediterranean without taking into account the history of human-induced changes; (2) The various systems of land use and resource management that provided a framework for the blossoming of Mediterranean civilizations also had profound consequences on the distribution and dynamics of species, communities, and landscapes; (3) The processes of domestication of plant and animal species, which first occurred in the eastern Mediterranean area some 10,000 years ago, contributed to the increase of certain components of biodiversity at several spatial scales. Positive and negative feedback cycles between cultural practices and natural systems at the local and regional levels have kept ecosystems robust and resilient; (4) Assuming that human action can, to a certain extent, be considered a large-scale surrogate for natural sources of ecosystem disturbance, such patterns give support to the diversity-disturbance hypothesis—specifically, intermediate levels of disturbance have promoted biological diversity; (5) Intraspecific adaptive variation increased as a result of human-induced habitat changes over millennia, resulting in bursts of differentiation during the later Holocene of local ecotypes and gene pools of domesticated and wild plant and animal species, with region-specific characters fitting them to local climate and environmental conditions. High intraspecific adaptive variation also arose from earlier natural processes of the Pleistocene, mainly from a combination of periodic refugia formation and climate dynamics. During the Holocene, the main sources of disturbance came increasingly from humans, specifically from the coupled cultural and natural modifications of community and landscape structure. It is concluded that a high degree of resilience of Mediterranean ecosystems resulted in a dynamic coexistence of human and natural living systems, which in some cases provided stability, while fostering diversity and productivity (Blondel and Aronson, 1999). The word “design” used in the title and elsewhere in this paper metaphorically indicates that the long-lasting influence of human impacts resulted in an unintentional shaping of individual components of landscapes.  相似文献   

Aim  Landscape structure influences the distribution of animals, altering their movements and their ability to reach habitat patches. We analysed the spatial patterns of dung beetle species diversity in three differently structured natural landscapes in a Mediterranean protected area in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula.
Location  Cabañeros National Park, Central Spain.
Methods  Diversity components within (α) and among (β) the three main vegetation types in the reserve were compared by using a hierarchical nested design. These were forests, scrublands and grasslands embedded in three different landscapes, where each was the most dominant and structurally connected habitat.
Results  Species richness of grassland habitat did not vary across landscapes, but forest habitat showed lower species richness in the grassland-dominated landscape. Scrubland was the least species-rich habitat, but here again there was no significant variation across landscapes. However, in all cases, there was a significant influence of habitat context (configuration of habitat patches within landscape matrix) on similarity of species composition. These tended to be more similar to the dominant landscape matrix where they were embedded, rather than to the same habitat type in other landscapes. Additive partitioning of diversity showed higher than expected values of β in all landscapes, which indicated a structured response. Highest values of β in the grassland-dominated landscape suggest that this was the least connected landscape for dung beetles.
Main conclusions  Our results suggest that in homogeneous conditions of climate and trophic resources, landscape structure may well be more important than habitat type as a determinant of dung beetle distribution in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

生态空间理论与景观异质性   总被引:327,自引:33,他引:294  
概述生态空间理论的若干主要方面:尺度、空间格局、景观异质性、镶嵌与生态交错带以及干扰与景观动态等。生态空间理论是景观评价,管理和生态规划的重要基础,对于区域可持续发展和生物多样性保护等方面的研究都具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Landscape supplementation, which enhances densities of organisms by combination of different landscape elements, is likely common in heterogeneous landscapes, but its prevalence and effects on species richness have been little explored. Using grassland-dwelling spiders in an agricultural landscape, we postulated that richness and abundances of major constituent species are both highest in intermediate mixtures of forests and paddy fields, and that this effect derives from multi-scale landscape heterogeneity. We collected spiders in 35 grasslands in an agricultural landscape in Japan and determined how species richness and abundances of major species related to local and landscape factors across different spatial scales. We used a generalized linear model to fit data, created all possible combinations of variables at 15 spatial scales, and then explored the best models using Akaike's information criterion. Species richness showed a hump-shaped pattern in relation to surrounding forest cover, and the spatial scale determining this relationship was a 300–500-m radius around the study sites. Local variables were of minor importance for species richness. Abundances of major species also exhibited a hump-shaped pattern when plotted against forest cover. Thus, a combination of paddy fields and forests is important for enhancement of grassland spider species richness and abundance, suggesting habitat supplementation. The effective spatial scales determining abundances varied, ranging from 200 to >1000 m, probably representing different dispersal abilities. Landscape compositional heterogeneity at multiple spatial scales may be thus crucial for the maintenance of species diversity.  相似文献   

European landscapes have been shaped over the centuries by processes related to human land use, which are reflected in regionally distinct landscape patterns. Since landscape pattern has been linked to biodiversity and other ecological values of the landscapes, this paper explores landscape pattern as a tool for ecological sustainability assessments at the regional (Austrian Cultural Landscapes), national (Austria) and European (European Union + Norway, Switzerland) level with focus on agricultural landscapes. A set of landscape metrics served as a basis to assess naturalness and geometrisation of Austrian and European landscapes as a proxy for their sustainability. To achieve an accurate spatially explicit assessment, we applied a spatial reference framework consisting in units that are homogeneous in biophysical and socio-economic contexts, adapted the regional approach for its application at European level, and developed relative sustainability thresholds for the landscape metrics. The analyses revealed that several landscape metrics, particularly the “Number of Shape Characterising Points” showed a high correlation with the degree of naturalness. The sustainability map of Austria based on an ordinal regression model revealed well-known problem regions of ecological sustainability. At the European level, the relative deviation from the average pattern showed clearly the simplification processes in the landscapes. However, a better spatial resolution of land cover data would add to the refinement of pattern analysis in regions and therefore the assessment of sustainability. We recommend the combination of information of different scales for the formulation and implementation of sustainability policies.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim The research explores how changes in disturbance regime resulting from human settlement may affect landscape structure. A spatially explicit grid‐based simulation model is used to explore the interplay between humans, fire regime and landscape composition. Location The study site for this research is the botanical reserve at Mont Do, New Caledonia. The endemic conifer Araucaria laubenfelsii (Araucariaceae) forms a key component of the landscape at Mont Do. This species is unusual in that it is found scattered as an emergent in maquis and as a canopy species in adjacent rain forest patches. Although now dominated by a low maquis, prior to human settlement of New Caledonia, montane landscapes such as Mont Do are likely to have been heavily forested. Methods A spatially explicit simulation model, based on field data and palaeoecological information, was used to explore interactions between disturbance regime and the landscape. The model is described briefly here and more fully in Perry & Enright (2002) Ecological Modelling, 152 , 279. Results The model suggests that human‐influenced changes to the fire regime at Mont Do have been important in generating the current landscape structure. The origin and maintenance of forest landscapes and maquis‐forest mosaic landscapes are considered in the context of alternative stable states. Strong feedback loops between fire size and landscape composition, mediated at the smaller scale by other similar mechanisms, are capable of driving landscape change. The utility of a spatial state and transition modelling approach is demonstrated. Main conclusions The current landscape pattern on Mont Do is likely the result of changes to the fire regime occurring since human settlement. The specific mechanisms for this change outlined here may occur in a number of other similar systems. Understanding the origin and persistence of these ‘fire landscapes’ in New Caledonia and in the south‐west Pacific in general is crucial for their effective management.  相似文献   

钟莉娜  赵文武  吕一河  刘源鑫 《生态学报》2014,34(12):3368-3377
以陕西省延安市1985年、2000年和2008年三期1∶25万景观单元类型图,1∶5万地形图等生成的数字高程模型(DEM)为数据源,基于ArcGIS 9.3软件,采用多距离空间聚类、景观单元类型转移矩阵、空间数据叠加分析等方法分析了延安市景观格局的演变特征。结果表明:延安市的景观是由林地、灌木、草地和农田等基本景观单元构成的复合景观;研究期间农地面积急剧减少,流失的农地主要转变为林地、草地、灌木和聚落,除农地和裸地外,其他景观单元类型面积均有不同程度的增加;1985—2008年,林地、灌木和草地聚集的最大尺度减小,而农田聚集的最大尺度变大,农田和草地的空间聚集强度明显小于林地和灌木;延安市主要景观单元类型演变主要发生在海拔1100—1500 m之间的区域和坡度范围7—21°之间的区域,但农田向聚落的演变主要发生在海拔较低(900—1300 m)、坡度较缓(7°)的平川缓丘地带。1999年之前,经济的迅速发展是延安市景观格局演变的主要驱动因素;而1999年之后,国家推行的退耕还林(还草)等一系列生态重建措施成为延安市景观格局变化的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   

沈阳西郊景观格局变化的研究   总被引:119,自引:19,他引:100  
景观格局变化的主要原因在于外界的干扰作用,其显著变化具有3种典型类型。本文对景观格局的研究,采用了几种计测指标:(1)各类嵌块体的数目和面积大小;(2)嵌块体的转移矩阵;(3)嵌块体的优势度指数;(4)景观的多样性指数。研究结果表明,沈阳西部景观在经历了30年的变化后,变得更加破碎,出现了较多的块状和岛状嵌块体。景观基质发生了改变,城市化现象较为明显,土地利用的经济效益也有所提高。但由于人口的剧增,人均土地面积在不断减少,荒地开发殆尽,这预示着土地承载能力的饱和与危机的开端。  相似文献   

Landscape heterogeneity is a major driver of biodiversity in agricultural areas and represents an important parameter in conservation strategies. However, most landscape ecology studies measure gamma diversity of a single habitat type, despite the assessment of multiple habitats at a landscape scale being more appropriate. This study aimed to determine the effects of landscape composition and spatial configuration on life-history trait distribution in carabid beetle and herbaceous plant communities. Here, we assessed the gamma diversity of carabid beetles and plants by sampling three dominant habitats (woody habitats, grasslands and crops) across 20 landscapes in western France. RLQ and Fourth Corner three-table analyses were used to assess the association of dispersal, phenology, reproduction and trophic level traits with landscape characteristics. Landscape composition and configuration were both significant in explaining functional composition. Carabid beetles and plants showed similar response regarding phenology, i.e. open landscapes were associated with earlier breeding species. Carabid beetle dispersal traits exhibited the strongest relationship with landscape structure; for instance, large and apterous species preferentially inhabited woody landscapes, whereas small and macropterous species preferentially inhabited open landscapes. Heavy seeded plant species dominated in intensified agricultural landscapes (high % crops), possibly due to the removal of weeds (which are usually lightweight seeded species). The results of this study emphasise the roles of landscape composition and configuration as ecological filters and the importance of preserving a range of landscape types to maintain functional biodiversity at regional scales.  相似文献   

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