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摘要:目的 构建能在双歧杆菌内稳定存在并高效分泌表达外源基因的长双歧杆菌质粒表达载体。方法 以质粒pBAD/glll为基础,以双歧杆菌内源性阿拉伯糖苷酶的分泌性信号肽取代质粒原有的分泌性信号肽,并将双歧杆菌天然质粒的聚合酶基因克隆入载体中,构建表达载体pBBADs。将人Tum-5基因克隆入载体中,构建质粒pBBADs-Tum-5,电转化长双歧杆菌NCC2705,L-阿拉伯糖诱导表达后,Western Blot鉴定基因表达。结果 成功的构建了长双歧杆菌分泌型质粒表达载体,Tum-5基因在双歧杆菌内可以表达。结论 构建的表达载体为双歧杆菌用于肿瘤靶向基因治疗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:克隆长双歧杆菌NCC2705株果糖结合蛋白BL0033的基因,利用大肠杆菌表达GST-BL0033融合蛋白并纯化。方法:以长双歧杆菌NCC2705株基因组为模板,PCR扩增BL0033基因,并将其插入pGEX-4T-1表达载体,转化至大肠杆菌DH5α;提取质粒,经PCR、质粒双酶切及测序鉴定后,转入大肠杆菌BL21,并对表达条件进行摸索;用谷胱甘肽-Sepharose4B树脂对可溶性GST-BL0033融合蛋白进行纯化。结果:PCR扩增的BL0033基因长度接近1000bp,与预期值一致;重组菌在IPTG浓度为0.05mmoL/L的条件下,于16℃诱导过夜后,SDS-PAGE分析可见可溶性表达条带,相对分子质量约60×103,与预期值一致;亲和纯化后,SDS-PAGE结果显示单一的表达条带。结论:克隆了BL0033蛋白的基因,并表达纯化了融合蛋白GST-BL0033,为进一步研究长双歧杆菌NCC2705株BL0033蛋白功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

侯鑫  刘俊娥 《微生物学报》2006,46(3):347-352
长双歧杆菌可特异地定植于实体瘤低氧区,可用做肿瘤靶向性基因治疗的载体,而构建大肠杆菌-长双歧杆菌穿梭质粒则被证明是外源基因在长双歧杆菌中稳定表达的有效途径。为了构建能在长双歧杆菌中稳定表达外源基因的穿梭质粒并检测携带抑癌基因的工程菌对小鼠实体瘤的抑制效果,利用软件设计并合成了48条部分序列相互重叠的引物,通过PCR合成了长双歧杆菌质粒pMB1序列及长双歧杆菌HU启动子区序列,插入克隆载体pMD18-T,构建穿梭载体pMB-HU,该载体可在大肠杆菌DH5α及长双歧杆菌L17中稳定复制。PTEN基因编码具有蛋白质和酯类双重特异性磷酸酶活性的抑癌因子。将PTEN基因cDNA序列插入载体pMB-HU中HU启动子下游,构建重组质粒pMB-HU-PTEN,电击转化长双歧杆菌后,Western blot检测表明,表达产物中存在55kDa的PTEN蛋白特异条带。抑癌试验表明:与对照组相比,携带PTEN基因的长双歧杆菌可显著抑制小鼠实体瘤的生长。上述结果为以长双歧杆菌为载体的实体瘤靶向性基因治疗研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:用生物学方法检测长双歧杆菌NCC2705是否产生群体感应系统信号分子AI-2。方法:将长双歧杆菌NCC2705不同时间点的培养上清分别加至AI-2特异报告系统哈氏弧菌BB170中,以空白培养基上清为对照,用荧光光度计对哈氏弧菌发光强度进行计量,推测出长双歧杆菌NCC2705上清中是否含有分泌的AI-2,并由此推断AI-2的活性。结果:通过微孔板检测系统对加入长双歧杆菌NCC2705培养上清的哈氏弧菌BB170进行检测,发现双歧杆菌上清的加入增强了哈氏弧菌BB170发出的荧光强度。结论:长双歧杆菌NCC2705中存在依赖于luxS/AI-2的群体感应系统,并能够分泌有活性的AI-2,为进一步研究长双歧杆菌NCC2705AI-2及luxS基因的功能打下基础。  相似文献   

目前,双歧杆菌的转化是一个技术难题,与大肠杆菌等宿主菌的高转化效率不同,采用普通的原核质粒无法转化双歧杆菌.为此,本文提出双歧杆菌转化对质粒复制子具有"种属特异性"要求,并通过构建含有双歧杆菌特异复制子的新型穿梭质粒,以求解决这一难题.首先从GenBank获取长双歧杆菌隐性质粒pMB1的序列信息,采用Overlap-PCR方法获得其全长DNA,作为拟构建质粒的复制子;继而采用重组技术,将其与pMK4质粒片段(含大肠杆菌复制子pUC和抗氯霉素基因Cat)重组,构建大肠杆菌-双歧杆菌穿梭质粒;用电穿孔法将重组质粒转化双歧杆菌,通过观察不同电转参数下的转化效率,选择双歧杆菌转化的最佳条件.结果,成功获得全长1899bp的pMB1复制子并构建成功含有pMB1和pUC双复制子的原核重组质粒,经酶切和测序鉴定正确,命名为pCMB1.以重组质粒成功转化了长双歧杆菌NCC2705和NQ1501,而其它3种野生型双歧杆菌(包括1株长双歧杆菌)未能转化成功.结论:质粒中含有双歧杆菌种属特异的复制子是实现双歧杆菌转化的必要条件;即使是含有特异复制子的质粒也只能转化有限数量种型甚至有限数量种株的双歧杆菌;选择最佳电转化条件能显著提高转化效率.  相似文献   

目的:构建大肠杆菌-长双歧杆菌穿梭表达载体,并通过此载体使人内皮抑素基因在大肠杆菌和长双歧杆菌中得到表达。方法:以质粒pDG7、pBCSK( )、pET-9C为基础,构建大肠杆菌-长双歧杆菌穿梭表达载体pET-1128,并将人内皮抑素基因插入到新构建的表达载体中,分别转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)和长双歧杆菌NQ-1501。诱导表达,表达产物经SDS-PAGE和WesternBlot鉴定。结果:成功构建了大肠杆菌-双歧杆菌穿梭载体,人内皮抑素基因在大肠杆菌和长双歧杆菌中均可表达。结论:构建的穿梭载体为今后用双歧杆菌作为生理菌载体进行肿瘤的基因治疗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

将克隆的解淀粉芽胞杆菌强启动子经DNA序列分析后连接到能在枯草杆菌中复制的质粒pUB18上,构建枯草杆菌表达载体pUB23。为了测试构建的表达载体能否表达外源基因,将地衣杆菌抉失了启动子的α-淀粉酶基因接到pUB23上启动子的下游,组建重组质粒,转化枯草杆菌QB1130(amy~-),获得能分泌α-淀粉酶的转化株,证明缺失了启动子的结构基因在pUB23上克隆启动子的启动下获得表达。酶活力测定结果表明,表达水平是用原启动子时的2.5倍.  相似文献   

银耳芽孢完整细胞高效转化体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银耳(Tremella fuciformis)属于高等担子菌,其担孢子芽殖产生酵母状分生孢子称为银耳芽孢.银耳芽孢单核,能像酵母那样快速生长且容易培养,具备优良外源基因表达宿主的特点.本研究以gpd—Gl启动子分别与绿色荧光蛋白基因gfp和潮霉素抗性基因hph连接构建表达载体pG1g—gfp和pG1q—hph;设置潮霉素浓度梯度在3种培养基中对银耳芽孢的敏感性进行测定,结果表明银耳芽孢在不同的培养基上对潮霉素的敏感性不同,在MA培养基上其最低敏感浓度为5μg/mL;采用电击法把pG1q—hph质粒转化进银耳芽孢完整细胞,假定转化子经MA筛选培养基筛选,结果表明银耳芽孢完整细胞电击转化的最佳参数为:STM电击缓冲液、银耳芽孢浓度1.0×10^8个/mL,电击体积200μL,表达质粒6μg,电击电压2.0kV/cm,电击后采用MB液体培养基静置预培养48h,转化率达277个/μg DNA.采用最佳电击参数把质粒pG1g—gfP和pG1g—hph按1:1共转化银耳芽孢,转化子经过筛选培养基筛选、PCR鉴定及Southern杂交验证,结果表明受鉴定的8个转化子中有3个整合了gfp基因,其共转化率为37.5%.这3个gfp基因转化子的芽孢在激光荧光显微镜下可观察到发出强烈的荧光,表明了外源gfp基因能够在银耳芽孢中获得高效率的表达.  相似文献   

一株双歧杆菌质粒聚合酶基因的PCR扩增和鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的PCR扩增人双歧杆菌天然质粒的聚合酶基因。方法用改良型MRS双歧杆菌选择培养基,从人新鲜粪便分离长双歧杆菌,PCR扩增长双歧杆菌质粒聚合酶(Bifidobacterium plasmid polymerase,BPP)基因,对BPP基因检测阳性的PCR产物通过序列分析,进行鉴定。结果人长双歧杆菌天然质粒的聚合酶基因PCR扩增后,经1.0%琼脂糖凝胶电泳,测得BPP基因的相对分子质量约为1.9 kb。通过BLAST序列比对分析与GenBank中相应基因同源性为96%。结论成功克隆了1株双歧杆菌天然质粒的聚合酶基因,为构建与双歧杆菌宿主质粒相适应的载体奠定了基础。  相似文献   

短短小芽孢杆菌大肠杆菌穿梭分泌表达载体的构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用PCR技术从具有分泌蛋白能力强且没有胞外蛋白酶活性的短短小芽孢杆菌50中分离出细胞壁蛋白基因的多启动子和信号肽编码序列,利用它与质粒pUB110和pKF3-起构建成穿梭分泌表达载体pBKE50,将α0淀粉酶基因引入该载体转化短短小芽孢杆菌50后,发现α-淀粉酶可以活性形式分泌表达,此工作为下一步建立短短小芽孢杆菌高效分泌表达系统奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Bifidobacteria are the main component of the human microflora. We constructed a temperature-sensitive (Ts) plasmid by random mutagenesis of the Bifidobacterium-Escherichia coli shuttle vector pKKT427 using error-prone PCR. Mutant plasmids were introduced into Bifidobacterium longum 105-A and, after screening approximately 3,000 colonies, candidate clones that grew at 30?°C but not at 42?°C were selected. According to DNA sequence analysis of the Ts plasmid, five silent and one missense mutations were found in the repB region. The site-directed mutagenesis showed only the missense mutation to be relevant to the Ts phenotype. We designated this plasmid pKO403. The Ts phenotype was also observed in B. longum NCC2705 and Bifidobacterium adolescentis ATCC15703. Single-crossover homologous-recombination experiments were carried out to determine the relationship between the length of homologous sequences encoded on the plasmid and recombination frequency: fragments greater than 1?kb gave an efficiency of more than 10(3) integrations per cell. We performed gene knockout experiments using this Ts plasmid. We obtained gene knockout mutants of the pyrE region of B. longum 105-A, and determined that double-crossover homologous recombination occurred at an efficiency of 1.8?%. This knockout method also worked for the BL0033 gene in B. longum NCC2705.  相似文献   

A shuttle vector, p5aGFP2201a, for lactic acid bacteria and E. coli was constructed by using the gene of a jellyfish green fluorescent protein ( gfp) as a selection marker. The plasmid was shown to function as a shuttle vector by its ability to carry and express a staphylococcal chloramphenicol acetyltransferase ( cat) gene into targeted hosts.  相似文献   

The promoter activity of the upstream region of the bile-inducible gene betA from Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum NCC2705 was characterized. DNA fragments were cloned into the reporter vector pMDYAbfB, and the arabinofuranosidase activity was determined under different in vitro conditions. A segment of 469 bp was found to be the smallest operational unit that retains bile inducibility. The reporter activity was strongly affected by the presence of ox gall, cholate, and conjugated cholate, but not by other bile salts and cell-surface-acting compounds. Remarkably, this bile-inducible system was also active in other bifidobacteria containing betA homologs.  相似文献   

Passive immunization is an attractive therapy for preventing oral diseases including dental caries and periodontal disease. For this purpose, we attempted to produce a single chain variable fragment, scFv, which inhibited hemagglutination using the Bacillus brevis protein-producing system. To accomplish this, a novel strategy, a heterodimer system, was used for the construction of a chimeric shuttle plasmid. Initially, a set of new plasmids, kanamycin-resistant donor and erythromycin-resistant general cloning plasmids, were constructed. p15A ori was a common replication origin in these plasmids, while the pUB110 rep and minus origin (MO) were cloned into the donor plasmid. Next, the secretion domain of the B. subtilis alpha-amylase gene and the G2-4 gene, coding for the scFv protein, were cloned into the general cloning plasmid and fused by PCR. Both the donor plasmid and the general cloning plasmid containing the fused gene were digested with NotI and them ligated, a dimeric plasmid being constructed. The key restriction sites, AscI, are arranged such that the pUB110 rep-MO moiety was switched from the donor to the general cloning plasmid following AscI digestion. The chimeric shuttle plasmid was readily constructed by simple re-circularization and a B. brevis transformant producing the scFv protein in the culture fluid was isolated.  相似文献   

A dipeptidase was purified from a cell extract of Bifidobacterium longum BORI by ammonium sulfate precipitation and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Q-Sepharose columns. The purified dipeptidase had a molecular mass of about 49 kDa and was optimally active at pH 8.0 and 50 degrees C. The enzyme was a strict dipeptidase, being capable of hydrolyzing a range of dipeptides but not tri- and tetrapeptides, p-nitroanilide derivatives of amino acids, or N- or C-terminus-blocked dipeptides. A search of the amino acid sequence of an internal tryptic fragment against protein sequences deduced from the total genome sequence of B. longum NCC2705 revealed that it was identical to an internal sequence of the dipeptidase gene (pepD), which comprised 1,602 nucleotides encoding 533 amino acids with a molecular mass of 60 kDa, and thereby differed considerably from the 49-kDa mass of the purified dipeptidase. To understand this discrepancy, pepD was cloned into an Escherichia coli expression vector (pBAD-TOPO derivative) to generate the recombinant plasmids pBAD-pepD and pBAD-pepD-His (note that His in the plasmid designation stands for a polyhistidine coding region). Both plasmids were successfully expressed in E. coli, and the recombinant protein PepD-His was purified using nickel-chelating affinity chromatography and reconfirmed by internal amino acid sequencing. The PepD sequence was highly homologous to those of the U34 family of peptidases, suggesting that the B. longum BORI dipeptidase is a type of cysteine-type N-terminal nucleophile hydrolase and has a beta-hairpin motif similar to that of penicillin V acylase, which is activated by autoproteolytic processing.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) is widely accepted as an excellent host cell for the secretory production of recombinant proteins. In this study, a shuttle vector was constructed by fusion of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) plasmid pUB110 with Escherichia coli (E. coli) plasmid pUC18 and used for the expression of nattokinase in B. subtilis. The pUB110/pUC-based plasmid was found to exhibit high structural instability with the identification of a DNA deletion between two repeated regions. An initial attempt was made to eliminate the homologous site in the plasmid, whereas the stability of the resulting plasmid was not improved. In an alternative way, the pUC18-derived region in this hybrid vector was replaced by the suicidal R6K plasmid origin of E. coli. As a consequence, the pUB110/R6K-based plasmid displayed full structural stability, leading to a high-level production of recombinant nattokinase in the culture broth. This was mirrored by the detection of a very low level of high molecular weight DNAs generated by the plasmid. Moreover, 2-fold higher nattokinase production was obtained by B. subtilis strain carrying the pUB110/R6K-based plasmid as compared to the cell with the pAMbeta1-derived vector, a plasmid known to have high structural stability. Overall, it indicates the feasibility of the approach by fusing two compatible plasmid origins for stable and efficient production of recombinant nattokinase in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

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