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不同条件下鲤鱼鳃部对高岭土颗粒吸附态铜的吸收   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龙爱民  潘波  徐福留  李本纲  曹军  陶澍 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1640-1644
在水相溶解态铜浓度和高岭土吸附态铜浓度保持不变,pH和高岭土粒径不同条件下,研究了鲤鱼鱼鳃对铜的吸收。结果表明在本研究范围内,吸附态铜的存在增加了鱼鳃吸收。鳃对铜的吸收随pH增加而递增,随高岭土粒径减少而递增。利用MINTEQA2软件分析了不同实验条件下鱼鳃微环境中铜的形态分布特征,对吸附态铜可能的生物有效性机制进行了说明。  相似文献   

鲤鱼鳃部微环境的pH特征及其对吸附态铜的解吸影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了不同pH条件下鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio)鳃部微环境pH及CO2的变化情况以及鳃部微环境出水对水铝矿吸附态铜的淋洗效率,结果表明,鱼鳃微环境的平衡pH为8.0,出外环境pH低于或高于该值时,鱼鳃生理作用可以起到缓冲作用,造成鳃部微环境于外环境之间高达0.4个pH单位的差别,CO2含量也表现出相似的变化规律,在碱性条件下,鱼鳃微环境出水对吸附态铜的洗脱效应显著高于pH值相对较高的外环境水。  相似文献   

鱼体(去鳃)和鱼鳃对不同形态铜的积累特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
梁涛  陶澍  林健枝 《生态学报》1999,19(5):763-766
在实验室条件下研究实验鱼Paracheirodon对人工河水中不同形态的积累特征,对比了鱼体(去鳃)和鱼鳃对铜吸收量的差异,并探讨了鱼对铜的吸收机理。研究结果表明,实验鱼鳃部和体内铜积累量均随水相游离铜浓度增高,暴露时间增长而增加,但鳃部积累浓度较鱼体其余部分高一个数量级,其从水相富集铜的速率显著高于鱼体。  相似文献   

低pH对鱼类胚胎发育、鱼苗生长及鳃组织损伤影响的研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
本文研究了低pH水平对鱼类的胚胎,鱼苗和鱼种的影响以及鱼鳃的组织学观察。在硬水环境,pH≤4.5时,对泥鳅胚胎发育有严重影响。胚胎在低pH水平下,发育进程明显地迟缓。pH≤5.5时,泥鳅幼苗的生长受到抑制;在软水环境,pH≤4.5时,影响草鱼苗和幼鱼的存活率。低pH水平加上铝则对鱼类呈现出协同毒性。低pH使鱼鳃直接遭受严重的损害:出现大量的粘液、渗血、鳃上皮肿胀和脱落,组织增生和融合。  相似文献   

酸性水和投加铝、钙对鲢鱼早期发育和鳃超微结构的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在实验室条件下,研究了酸性水和投加铝、钙对鲢鱼胚胎孵化和鱼苗存活以及幼鱼鳃超微结构的影响。pH4.0引起所有胚胎在24小时内死亡,暴露于pH4.5—6.0的胚胎孵化率和暴露于pH4.0—6.0的5—15日龄鱼苗存活率随pH值上升而增高。投加0.5mg Al~(3+)/L使在酸性pH暴露条件下的胚胎孵化率和鱼苗存活率进一步降低。投加3.0mg Ca~(2+)/L可显著提高暴露于pH4.5和5.0的胚胎孵化率;投加2.0mg Ca~(2+)/L可在一定程度上提高暴露于pH4.5和5.0的鱼苗存活率。幼苗经pH4.5暴露8小时后出现严重的鳃超微结构损害;投加1.0mg Al~(3+)/L使鳃结构损害加剧;投加5.0mg Ca~(2+)/L可明显缓解酸性水对鳃的损害。  相似文献   

在实验室条件下,研究了酸性水和投加铝、钙对鲢鱼胚胎孵化和鱼苗存活以及幼鱼鳃超微结构的影响。pH4.0引起所有胚胎在24小时内死亡,暴露于pH4.5-6.0的胚胎孵化率和暴露于pH4.0-6.0的5-15日龄鱼苗存活率随pH值上升而增高。投加0.5mgAl3+/L使在酸性pH暴露条件下的胚胎孵化率和鱼苗存活率进一步降低。投加3.0mgCa2+/L可显著提高暴露于pH4.5和5.0的胚胎孵化率;投加2.0mgCa2+/L可在一定程度上提高暴露于pH4.5和5.0的鱼苗存活率。幼苗经pH4.5暴露8小时后出现严重的鳃超微结构损害;投加1.0mgAl3+/L使鳃结构损害加剧;投加5.0mgCa2+/L可明显缓解酸性水对鳃的损害。  相似文献   

稻、麦根系H~ 的分泌与介质磷水平的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻、小麦根系H~ 的分泌量随供磷水平的降低而增加,并存在明显的昼夜变化。在自然光照下H~ 分泌量随光强度增加而增多,同时强光比黑暗时H~ 分泌对磷供应水平更为敏感。磷供应不足还诱导水稻根系柠檬酸分泌量增加,而苹果酸则差异不明显。难溶性磷的溶解率与根系H~ 和柠檬酸分泌所导致的根际pH下降有密切联系。因此,在有效磷不足的条件下可明显提高稻、麦根际土壤中难溶性磷的利用率,其中丰产型小麦和粳稻品种对土壤中磷利用的根际效应更为显著。  相似文献   

为了研究微囊微环境中渗透压对微囊内不同渗透压敏感性细胞生长、代谢的影响, 分别以渗透压敏感型酿酒酵母Y02724与耐高渗酵母Hansel为细胞模型, 考察了有氧条件下这两种细胞在海藻酸钠-壳聚糖-海藻酸(Alginate-chitosan-alginate, ACA)微胶囊中的生长、代谢状态。主要检测了细胞比生长速率、最大产物生成量以及代谢物乙醇、甘油分泌量等的变化。实验结果分析表明, 渗透压胁迫可能是导致不同渗透压敏感性细胞在微囊微环境中生长代谢特征变化的因素之一, 即微囊微环境内可能存在渗透压胁迫。  相似文献   

胰岛素及其类似物缔合行为及酪氨酸微环境的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用三种紫外差光谱技术对Ins、DPI、DOI 分子缔合行为及酪氨酸微环境进行了比较研究。结果显示DPI、DOI 与Ins 一样,存在着随pH 与浓度的缔合。表明与β-折迭结构相比,疏水相互作用在分子缔合中起主要作用。但从Ins 的缔合能力较DPI、DOI 强,可认为β-折迭对维持二体的稳定仍有重要作用。溶剂微扰结果显示,在1mg/ml 所研究的三个pH(1.8,3.5,7.5),Ins 存在的最小单位是二体,而DPI、DOI 在pH 1.8,7.5主要以单体形式存在,但在pH 3.5则呈现强烈缔合并导致一个酪氨酸由暴露到埋藏的变化。DPI 有一个位于缝隙中的酪氨酸残基,它仅能为重水微扰,而不能被DMSO 微扰,推测它是A_19酪氨酸。微扰研究还表明Ins 与DPI 和DOI 在缔合及pH、浓度差光谱产生的机理上有所不同。在所研究的条件下,Ins 缔合是从二体到六体的过程,这一过程仅导致二体间A_(14)酪氨酸氢键形成,并不涉及酪氨酸暴露与埋藏的变化。而DPI 和DOI 则是从单体到二体(或更高聚体)的过程,这一过程涉及酪氨酸由暴露到埋藏的变化。pH 滴定的结果未发现Ins、DPI、DOI 酪氨酸滴定行为的不同。  相似文献   

用三种紫外差光谱技术对Ins、DPI、DOI分子缔合行为及酪氨酸微环境进行了比较研究。结果显示DPI、DOI与Ins一样,存在着随pH与浓度的缔合。表明与β-折迭结构相比,疏水相互作用在分子缔合中起主要作用。但从Ins的缔合能力较DPI、DOI强,可认为β-折迭对维持二体的稳定仍有重要作用。溶剂微扰结果显示,在1 mg/ml所研究的三个pH(1.8,3.5,7.5),Ins存在的最小单位是二体,而DPI、DOI在pH 1.8,7.5主要以单体形式存在,但在pH 3.5则呈现强烈缔合并导致一个酪氨酸由暴露到埋藏的变化。DPI有一个位于缝隙中的酪氨酸残基,它仅能为重水微扰,而不能被DMSO微扰,推测它是A_(19)酪氨酸。微扰研究还表明Ins与DPI和DOI在缔合及pH、浓度差光谱产生的机理上有所不同。在所研究的条件下,Ins缔合是从二体到六体的过程,这一过程仅导致二体间A_(14)酪氨酸氢键形成,并不涉及酪氨酸暴露与埋藏的变化。而DPI和DOI则是从单体到二体(或更高聚体)的过程,这一过程涉及酪氨酸由暴露到埋藏的变化。pH滴定的结果未发现Ins、DPI、DOI酪氨酸滴定行为的不同。  相似文献   

This study investigated the short-term (3 h) cadmium binding characteristics of the gills, as well as the influence of various water chemistry variables [calcium, magnesium, sodium, pH, alkalinity and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)] on short-term gill accumulation and acute toxicity of cadmium in juvenile freshwater rainbow trout. The cadmium binding pattern revealed two types of cadmium binding sites in the gill: (i) saturable high affinity sites operating at a low range of waterborne cadmium concentration, and (ii) non-saturable low affinity sites operating at a higher range of cadmium concentration. Among the water chemistry variables tested, only calcium and DOC significantly reduced both gill accumulation and toxicity of cadmium. Interestingly, alkalinity (15-90 mg L(-1) as CaCO(3)) did not influence the gill cadmium accumulation but a significant increase in toxicity was recorded at a higher alkalinity level (90 mg L(-1)). Affinity constants (log K) for binding of competing cations (Cd(2+) and Ca(2+)) to the biotic ligand and for binding of Cd(2+) to DOC were derived separately from the 3 h gill binding tests and the 96 h toxicity tests. In general, the values agreed well, indicating that both tests targeted the same population of high affinity binding sites, which are likely Ca(2+) uptake sites on the gills. These parameters were then incorporated into a geochemical speciation model (MINEQL+) to develop a biotic ligand model for predicting acute toxicity of cadmium in trout. The model predictions exhibited a good fit with the measured toxicity data except for high alkalinity and pH.  相似文献   

玉米根际土壤中铜形态的动态变化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈有JIAN  黄艺  曹军  徐福留  李本纲  陶澍 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1666-1671
采用根垫法研究玉米根际土壤形态动态变化。结果表明:玉米生长过程中根际土壤铜形态发生显著变化。植物生长前期交换态和碳酸盐结合态铜含量逐渐增加,随后增加量减少。植物生长后期根际交换态和碳酸盐结合态铜含量低于非根际土壤。这种变化主要由根际环境变化与植物吸收引起。与根限土壤中铜形态变化,特别是交换态铜含量变化关系密切的因素包括土壤溶解性有机碳、pH和土壤微生物。随着植物生物量的增加,对铜的吸收速率不断增加,导致根限土壤中有效态铜的先增后减。  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to characterize the individual effects of water chemistry (Ca(2+), Na(+), dissolved organic matter (DOM), pH, alkalinity) on the rapid binding of copper to the gill surface of rainbow trout using an in vitro gill binding assay. In this assay, individual gill arches were exposed for 5 min to (64)Cu labelled copper solutions ranging from 0.02 to 0.16 microM in water chemistries reflecting the full range of fresh water values for the Great Lakes. The gills displayed saturable Cu binding within this Cu range but gill-Cu binding was completely unaffected over the full range of calcium, sodium and alkalinity concentrations used. Only low pH (pH 4.0) and commercial DOM (Aldrich humic acid at > or =3 mgC/l) altered copper binding to rainbow trout gills in vitro. These findings were consistent with the results of geochemical modelling of our water chemistry (using MINEQL+, Version 4.5) which showed that H(+) and DOM affected the free cupric ion concentration. However, DOM (up to 80 mgC/l) was only able to reduce Cu on the gills by 50%. We hypothesize that in the range of 0.02-0.16 microM Cu there are two high affinity Cu binding sites on the gills, one having a substantially higher affinity for copper than DOM. The absence of a calcium effect on gill copper binding was in accord with in vivo evidence that calcium primarily acts to alter the physiology of the gill binding sites through acclimatory processes, rather than through competitive interactions. It was a surprise that water chemistry parameters influence rapid gill-metal binding in a manner different to their influence on acute toxicity and different from the effects on long-term binding reported in other studies. Currently, the biotic ligand model uses the rapid increase of gill copper (believed to reflect binding to the physiologically active receptor sites) to model gill binding characteristics. The distinction between rapid surface binding and metal uptake obviously plays an important role in determining the toxic effects of copper, especially when regulators need to predict the modifying effects of water chemistry.  相似文献   

Salánki  J.  V.-Balogh  Katalin 《Hydrobiologia》1989,188(1):445-453
In studying the effect of copper (10 ± 0.57 µg Cu l–1 and 100 ± 3.01 µg Cu l–1) and lead (50 ± 1.12 µg Pb l–1 and 500 ± 12.5 µg Pb l–1) on the filtration activity of Anodonta cygnea L. it was found that both heavy metals resulted in significant shortening of the active periods, but little change occurred in the length of the rest periods. The concentrations of copper and lead were measured in the gill, foot, mantle, adductor muscle and kidney for 840 hours of exposure to 10.9 ± 5 µg Cu l–1 and 57.0 ± 19 µg Pb l–1 as well as during subsequent depuration. Uptake was observed after 72 hours of exposure. The highest copper concentration (59.1 ± 16.2 µg Cu g–1) was measured at 672 h in the mantle, and the highest lead value (143 ± 26.1 µg Pb–1) was obtained in the kidney. Depuration of copper was fastest from the foot, and from the adductor muscle for lead. The gill had the longest half-depuration time (> 840 h for copper and > 672 h for lead).  相似文献   

We studied computationally uranyl monohydroxo monoacetate complexes in aqueous solution using a scalar relativistic all-electron density functional method. Such ternary uranyl complexes may serve as models of ternary uranyl humate complexes which are important for the speciation of uranyl in the environment. As for simple uranyl monocarboxylate complexes, we calculated bidentate coordination to be slightly preferred due to entropy and solvation effects. Compared to uranyl acetate, uranyl hydroxo acetate exhibits an elongated uranyl bond and a short U-OH bond of ∼214 pm. The latter may provide a signature for direct identification of such ternary complexes by EXAFS. As expected from the lower charge of uranyl monohydroxide, complexation by acetate is less exoenergetic than acetate complexation of uranyl. In contrast, experimental complexation constants of uranyl humate and uranyl hydroxo humate are quite similar. Thus, one may question the interpretation of experimental results that assign simple ternary complexes as result of uranyl humate complexation at neutral pH.  相似文献   

铜与腐殖酸对小球藻生长影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王静  陈出新  陶澍 《生态学报》1992,12(3):201-205

The decreasing order of toxicity of select heavy metals on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in 10 mM MES (2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid) pH buffer at pH 6.0, was found to be copper, lead, and nickel. Heavy metal (200 microM) induced a decrease in the number of viable cells by about 50% in the first 5 min for copper and in 4 h for lead, while nickel was not toxic up to a 200 microM concentration over a period of 48 h. Glucose (25 mM) strongly enhanced the toxic effect of 50 microM copper but had little or no effect on the toxicity of 200 microM lead or nickel. Copper, lead, and nickel induced the leakage of UV260-absorbing compounds from cells with different kinetics. The addition of 0.5 mM calcium, before addition of 200 microM copper, showed a protective action against cell death and decreased the release of UV-absorbing compounds, while no effect was observed against lead or nickel toxic effects. Copper complexation capacities of the filtrates of cells exposed for 2 h in 200 microM copper and 24 h in 200 microM lead were 51 and 14 microM, respectively. The implication of the complexation shown by these soluble compounds in the bioavailability of heavy metals is discussed.  相似文献   

研究采用组织学方法观察和比较了达里诺尔湖瓦氏雅罗鱼(Leuciscus waleckii, 碱水种)和松花江瓦氏雅罗鱼(淡水种)在相同碳酸盐碱度胁迫下(CA0、CA30和CA50)鳃组织结构的差异, 探究瓦氏雅罗鱼碱水种耐高碱特性与鳃组织结构微观调整的适应性关系。结果显示, 随着碱度增加, 碱水种鳃丝变宽、鳃小片变长、鳃小片间距变大(P<0.05); 淡水种鳃丝变宽、鳃小片间距变大(P<0.05), 鳃小片长度在CA30时显著变长(P<0.05), 而在CA50时与对照组无明显差异(P>0.05)。碱水种在CA30和CA50的氯细胞数量与对照组相比明显增加, CA50的氯细胞排列更加紧密并且有叠加现象, 扁平上皮细胞变大, 细胞表面增厚; 淡水种在CA30时的氯细胞数量明显多于CA50, 但在碱度胁迫下, 鳃小片出现破损, 扁平上皮细胞、柱细胞和血细胞融合、脱落现象严重。另外, 在碱水种和淡水种鳃耙上皮细胞中发现了大量黏液细胞分泌, 随着碱度增加, 黏液细胞由大而稀疏变为小而密集, 其中碱水种的黏液细胞数量较淡水种多, 而且排列更为整齐、密集。鳃组织学研究结果表明, 瓦氏雅罗鱼碱水种通过保持鳃组织结构和生理功能的完整性达到对高碱环境的长期适应, 而淡水种则因鳃细胞融合、脱落造成生理功能丧失, 不能长期适应高碱环境。研究结果可为淡水鱼类在盐碱水的移植驯化提供依据和指导。  相似文献   

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