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应用重组自交系群体定位大豆根重QTL   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
应用构建的NJRIKY(科丰1号×1138-2)大豆重组自交家系群体,对大豆根重QTL进行8次重复的随机区组分析;以该群体所构成的遗传连锁图谱为基础,采用复合区间作图法(Cartographer V.1.21)检测到3个与根重有关的QTL位于连锁群N3-B1和N6-C2上。其中rw1在N3-B1的端距离是66.31cM,位于A520T~ACCCA-GO5区间,rw2和rw3分别在N6-C2的端距离是169.91cM和179.71cM,并与OPW13和ACGCATO6重叠。LOD值分别是10.34、4.01和3.15,可以解释26.3%、9.2%和6.8%的遗传变异。加性效应估计值分别为-0.514、-0.303和-0.260。  相似文献   

麦红吸浆虫是影响小麦产量和品质的重要害虫,研究小麦对吸浆虫抗性的遗传及其连锁分子标记对于提高抗虫品种的选择效率具有重要意义。本研究以小麦感虫品系6218与抗虫品种冀麦24产生的重组近交系(RIL)群体为材料,利用SSR标记和人工虫圃对冀麦24的抗虫性遗传进行了研究。结果表明:6218与冀麦24的抗性差异显著,RIL群体在2年2点的鉴定中抗性稳定;所构建的遗传连锁图谱包含112个SSR位点,形成26个连锁群,图谱全长835.7 cM,标记间平均距离为7.5 cM。利用QTL IciMapping的完备区间作图法,在4A染色体上检测到1个加性效应位点(QSm.hbau-4A),该位点在2个鉴定年度的贡献率分别为9.67%、10.57%。该抗性QTL及其连锁SSR标记的发掘,将有助于提高小麦抗吸浆虫育种的选择效率。  相似文献   

鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio L.)头长、眼径、眼间距QTL的定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用265个AFLP标记、127个微卫星分子标记、37个EST-SSR标记和16个RAPD标记对大头鲤/荷包红鲤抗寒品系的F2雌核发育群体44个个体进行基因型检测, 构建鲤鱼遗传连锁图谱。利用软件WinQTLCart2.5采用复合区间作图法对头长、眼径、眼间距3个性状进行了QTL分析。结果显示, 共检测到5个与头长性状相关的QTL, 分别定位于鲤鱼连锁图谱的LG2(qHS-2-1)、LG3 (qHS-3-1)、LG40(qHS-40-1)和LG4 (qHS-4-2和qHS-4-3) 上。其中qHS-40-1拥有最大的 LOD值, 为7.94, 可解释的表型变异为 34.29%。qHS-4-2的LOD值最小, 为5.03, 可解释的表型变异为11.52%。5个与头长性状相关的 QTL 加性效应值均为负值。检测到两个与眼径性状相关的QTL, 分别定位于鲤鱼连锁图谱的LG39连锁群(qED-39-1)和LG40连锁群(qED-40-1)上, 其中qED-40-1的LOD值比较大, 为2.76, 其加性效应值为负值, 可以解释5.62%的表型变异; qED-39-1的LOD值为2.72, 加性效应值为正值, 可以解释9.77%的表型变异。检测到两个与眼间距性状相关的QTL, 分别定位到鲤鱼连锁图谱的LG20连锁群(qEC-20-1)和LG28 连锁群(qEC-28-1)上。其中qEC-20-1的LOD值比较大, 为3.77, 加性效应值为正值, 可以解释8.29%的表型变异; qEC-28-1的LOD值为2.79, 对应的加性效应值为负值, 可以解释8.88%的表型变异  相似文献   

鲤饲料转化率性状的QTL 定位及遗传效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数量性状(QTL)定位是实现分子标记辅助育种、基因选择和定位、培育新品种及加快性状遗传研究进展的重要手段。饲料转化率是鲤鱼的重要经济性状和遗传改良的主要目标, 而通过QTL 定位获得与饲料转化率性状紧密连锁的分子标记以及相关基因是遗传育种的重要工具。研究利用SNP、SSR、EST-SSR 等分子标记构建鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio L.)遗传连锁图谱并对重要经济性状进行QTL 定位。选用174 个SSR 标记、41 个EST-SSR 标记、345 个SNP 标记对德国镜鲤F2 代群体68 个个体进行基因型检测, 用JoinMap4.0 软件包构建鲤鱼遗传连锁图谱。再用MapQTL5.0 的区间作图法(Interval mapping, IM)和多QTL 区间定位法(MQMMapping, MQM)对饲料转化率性状进行QTL 区间检测, 通过置换实验(1000 次重复)确定连锁群显著性水平阈值。结果显示, 在对饲料转化率性状的多QTL 区间定位中, 共检测到15 个QTLs 区间, 分布在9 个连锁群上, 解释表型变异范围为17.70%—52.20%, 解释表型变异最大的QTLs 区间在第48 连锁群上, 为52.20%。HLJE314-SNP0919(LG25)区间标记覆盖的图距最小, 为0.164 cM; 最大的是HLJ1439-HLJ1438(LG39)区间,覆盖图距为24.922 cM。其中区间HLJ1439-HLJ1438、HLJ922 -SNP0711 解释表型变异均超过50.00%, 可能是影响饲料转化率性状的主效QTLs 区间。与饲料转化率相关的15 个QTLs 的加性效应方向并不一致, 有3个区间具有负向加性效应, 平均为?0.027; 12 个正向加性效应, 平均值为0.06。研究检测出的与鲤鱼饲料转化率性状相关的QTL 位点可为鲤鱼分子标记辅助育种和更进一步的QTL 精细定位打下基础。    相似文献   

对海岛棉产量和早熟性状进行QTL初步定位,为分子标记辅助育种提供依据.利用5200多对SSR引物筛选海岛棉品种新海3号和Giza82间的多态性引物,获得107对.以多态性引物检测新海3号×Giza82的190个F2∶3家系,获得120个多态性位点.利用JoinMap3.0分析软件构建了一个包含22个连锁群,74个标记,标记间平均距离12.06cM,全长893cM,覆盖海岛棉基因组20.12%的分子标记遗传连锁图谱.采用复合区间作图法检测到21个与海岛棉产量性状和早熟性状有关的QTL,其中早熟性状检测到12个QTL,分别位于1、3、5、6、11、17、22共7个连锁群上;产量性状检测到9个QTL,分别位于1、4、5、6、7、16、22共7个连锁群上.研究结果为海岛棉产量性状和早熟性状的分子设计育种提供了有用的信息.  相似文献   

对海岛棉产量和早熟性状进行QTL初步定位,为分子标记辅助育种提供依据。利用5200多对SSR引物筛选海岛棉品种新海3号和Giza82间的多态性引物,获得107对。以多态性引物检测新海3号×Giza82的190个F2:3家系,获得120个多态性位点。利用JoinMap3.0分析软件构建了一个包含22个连锁群,74个标记,标记间平均距离12.06 cM,全长893 cM,覆盖海岛棉基因组20.12%的分子标记遗传连锁图谱。采用复合区间作图法检测到21个与海岛棉产量性状和早熟性状有关的QTL,其中早熟性状检测到12个QTL,分别位于1、3、5、6、11、17、22共7个连锁群上;产量性状检测到9个QTL,分别位于1、4、5、6、7、16、22共7个连锁群上。研究结果为海岛棉产量性状和早熟性状的分子设计育种提供了有用的信息。  相似文献   

油分含量和百粒重是大豆中两个重要的性状。本研究利用东农46和L-100衍生的重组自交系(RIL)群体,经过两年3个地点种植,通过分子标记技术定位与大豆油分含量和百粒重相关的QTL(quantitative trait locus)。结果表明,检测到6个与油分含量相关的QTL,分别位于E、H、G和I连锁群上,可解释的表型贡献率范围为2.12%~2.77%;检测到5个与百粒重相关的QTL,分别位于K、H、B2和G连锁群上,可解释的表型贡献率范围为2.30%~7.59%,在H连锁群上有2个QTL两年均被检测到,标记区间分别为Satt279-Sat_122和Satt192-Satt568。在H连锁群上Satt192-Satt568标记区间内同时检测到与油分含量和百粒重相关的QTL。研究结果为大豆油分含量和百粒重等性状的分子辅助育种提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

利用籼粳回交群体分析水稻粒形性状相关QTLs   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
水稻谷粒的外观性状对稻米外观品质存在重要的影响。该研究利用SSR标记,以回交群体Balilla/NTH∥Balilla为作图群体,构建了水稻12条染色体的连锁图,该遗传图谱包括:108个分子标记,平均图距为11.9cM。以构建的遗传图谱为基础,采用区间作图法对谷粒外观性状,包括粒长、粒宽和粒形进行了数量性状基因(QTL)定位。结果表明,粒长、粒宽和粒形在回交群体中均呈近似的正态分布,表现出典型的数量性状特征。QTL定位结果表明,第12染色体上RM101-RM270区间内存在一个与粒长性状相关的QTL,(qGL-12),加性效应约为0.26mm,贡献率为16.7%。在第2和第3染色体上RM154-RM211和RM257-RM175区问内,分别检测到qGW-2和qGW-3两个位点与粒宽性状有关,加性效应为分别为-0.10mm和-0.12mm,贡献率分别为11.5%和16.6%。对于粒形性状,共检测到3个QTLs,qLW-2、qLW-6和qLW-7,分别位于第2、6和7染色体上。其中qLW-2和qLW-7的加性效应分别约为0.09和0.10,两个QTLs分别可解释表型变异的12.7%和18.3%;而qLW-6的加性效应约为-0.13,可解释粒形变异的11.5%。文中还讨论了粒形和稻米外观品质同时改良的可能性。  相似文献   

四倍体栽培棉种产量和纤维品质性状的QTL定位   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:28  
陆地棉和海岛棉是两个不同的四倍体栽培种 ,但在生产上各有其特点 ,陆地棉丰产性强 ,海岛棉纤维品质优良 ,利用其种间杂交群体定位产量和品质性状的QTL ,对于分子标记辅助的海岛棉优质纤维向陆地棉转移很有意义。以SSR和RAPD为分子标记 ,陆地棉与海岛棉杂种 (邯郸 2 0 8×Pima90 )F2 群体为作图群体 ,构建了一张含 12 6个标记的遗传图谱 ,包括 6 8个SSR标记和 5 8个RAPD标记 ,可分为 2 9个连锁群 ,标记间平均距离为 13 7cM ,总长1717 0cM ,覆盖棉花总基因组约 34 34% ;以遗传图 12 6个标记为基础 ,对F2 :3 家系符合正态分布的 10个农艺性状及纤维品质性状进行全基因组QTL扫描 ,结果发现 2 9个QTL分别与产量和品质性状有关。其中与衣指、籽指、皮棉产量、子棉产量、衣分等产量性状相关的QTL分别有 1、3、5、6和 1个 ,与纤维长度、整齐度、强度、伸长率和马克隆值等品质性状相关的QTL分别有 2、4、2、4和 1个。各QTL解释的变异量在 12 4 2 %~ 47 0 1%之间。其中比强度有关的 2个QTL能够解释的表型变异率分别为 34 15 %和 13 86 %。  相似文献   

玉米雄穗分枝数与主轴长的QTL鉴定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
高世斌  赵茂俊  兰海  张志明 《遗传》2007,29(8):1013-1013―1017
在包含103个SSR标记的连锁图谱基础上, 运用复合区间作图法检测玉米组合(N87-1×9526 )F3家系在正常与干旱胁迫环境下的雄穗分枝数与主轴长性状QTL。雄穗分枝数在正常环境下被检测到2个QTL座位, 分别位于第5和7连锁群上; 在胁迫环境下被检测到4个QTL座位分别位于 2、5、7和10连锁群上, 其中位于第5和7连锁群上的QTL不仅具有一致性而且与本作图群体中曾检测到的耐旱相关性状QTL存在连锁。雄穗主轴长在正常环境下被检测到2个QTL位于第2和第6连锁群上, 在干旱胁迫环境下被检测到了3个QTL分别于第2、4和10连锁群上, 其中位于第2染色体上的QTL是两种环境下所共同检测到的QTL。分析QTL的遗传作用方式表明, 雄穗分枝数以部分加性效应为主, 而雄主轴长全部表现为显性和超显性。  相似文献   

High-density genetic linkage maps were constructed for the Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). A total of 1624 microsatellite markers were polymorphic in the reference family. Linkage analysis using JoinMap 4.0 resulted in the mapping of 1487 markers to 24 linkage groups, a result which was consistent with the 24 chromosomes seen in chromosome spreads. The female map was composed of 1257 markers, covering a total of 1663.8 cM with an average interval 1.35 cM between markers. The male map consisted of 1224 markers, spanning 1726.5 cM, with an average interval of 1.44 cM. The genome length in the Japanese flounder was estimated to be 1730.3 cM for the females and 1798.0 cM for the males, a coverage of 96.2% for the female and 96.0% for the male map. The mean recombination at common intervals throughout the genome revealed a slight difference between sexes, i.e. 1.07 times higher in the male than female. High-density genetic linkage maps are very useful for marker-assisted selection (MAS) programs for economically valuable traits in this species and for further evolutionary studies in flatfish and vertebrate species. Furthermore, four quantiative trait loci (QTL) associated with growth traits were mapped on the genetic map. One QTL was identified for body weight on LG 14 f, which explained 14.85% of the total variation of the body weight. Three QTL were identified for body width on LG14f and LG14m, accounting for 16.75%, 13.62% and 13.65% of the total variation in body width, respectively. The additive effects were evident as negative values. There were four QTL for growth traits clustered on LG14, which should prove to be very useful for improving growth traits using molecular MAS.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of apricot ( Prunus armeniaca L.) was constructed using AFLP and SSR markers. The map is based on an F(2) population (76 individuals) derived from self-pollination of an F(1) individual ('Lito') originated from a cross between 'Stark Early Orange' and 'Tyrinthos'. This family, designated as 'Lito' x 'Lito', segregated for two important agronomical traits: plum pox virus resistance (PPV) and self-incompatibility. A total of 211 markers (180 AFLPs, 29 SSRs and two agronomic traits) were assigned to 11 linkage groups covering 602 cM of the apricot genome. The average distance (cM/marker) between adjacent markers is 3.84 cM. The PPV resistance trait was mapped on linkage group G1 and the self-incompatibility trait was mapped on linkage group G6. Twenty two loci held in common with other Prunus maps allowed us to compare and establish homologies among the respective linkage groups.  相似文献   

大豆油份含量QTL的定位   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
徐鹏  王慧  李群  盖钧镒  喻德跃 《遗传》2007,29(1):92-96
以大豆杂交组合皖82-178×通山薄皮黄豆甲衍生的重组自交系群体(RIL)为材料, 以该群体所构建的遗传连锁图谱为基础, 以2004和2005年油份含量为指标, 利用软件Cartgrapher(V. 2.0)采用复合区间作图法进行了QTL分析, 结果表明, 利用两年资料对油份含量QTL的定位结果基本一致。两年资料所检测到的QTL均位于wt-11连锁群的satt331附近, 分别可以解释13.95%和15.01%遗传变异。此外, 利用软件QTL Mapper 1.6, 采用复合区间作图法直接对两年的油份含量进行QTL联合分析, 结果表明, 控制油份的QTL也位于wt-11连锁群的satt331附近。  相似文献   

以大豆品种‘合丰25’为母本,半野生大豆‘新民6号’为父本杂交得到的F2-9代122个重组自交系为试验材料,构建了含有124个SSR标记、1个EST标记、3个形态学标记的大豆遗传图谱。此图谱覆盖的基因组长度为2348.3cM.标记间平均距离为18.3cM。每个连锁群长度范围为15.1~195.9cM之间,标记数范围2—10个。本文将控制茸毛色(Pb)基因定位于LG06-C2连锁群上,与Sat_40x2的遗传距离为39.6cM;控制叶耳g(Le)、花色(4W,)基因定位于LG12-F连锁群上,它们之间的遗传距离为9.9cM,与两边的Satt348、Sat_240标记遗传距离分别为13.3cM和10.5cM。  相似文献   

A linkage map of the Lathyrus sativus genome was constructed using 92 backcross individuals derived from a cross between an accession resistant (ATC 80878) to ascochyta blight caused by Mycosphaerella pinodes and a susceptible accession (ATC 80407). A total of 64 markers were mapped on the backcross population, including 47 RAPD, seven sequence-tagged microsatellite site and 13 STS/CAPS markers. The map comprised nine linkage groups, covered a map distance of 803.1 cM, and the average spacing between markers was 15.8 cM. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with ascochyta blight resistance were detected using single-point analysis and simple and composite interval mapping. The backcross population was evaluated for stem resistance in temperature-controlled growth room trials. One significant QTL, QTL1, was located on linkage group 1 and explained 12% of the phenotypic variation in the backcross population. A second suggestive QTL, QTL2, was detected on linkage group 2 and accounted for 9% of the trait variation. The L. sativus R-QTL regions detected may be targeted for future intergenus transfer of the trait into accessions of the closely related species Pisum sativum.  相似文献   

QTL analysis of flower and fruit traits in sour cherry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The map locations and effects of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were estimated for eight flower and fruit traits in sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) using a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) genetic linkage map constructed from a double pseudo-testcross. The mapping population consisted of 86 progeny from the cross between two sour cherry cultivars, Rheinische Schattenmorelle (RS)×Erdi Botermo (EB). The genetic linkage maps for RS and EB were 398.2 cM and 222.2 cM, respectively, with an average interval length of 9.8 cM. The RS/EB linkage map that was generated with shared segregating markers consisted of 17 linkage groups covering 272.9 cM with an average interval length of 4.8 cM. Eleven putatively significant QTLs (LOD >2.4) were detected for six characters (bloom time, ripening time, % pistil death, % pollen germination, fruit weight, and soluble solids concentration). The percentage of phenotypic variation explained by a single QTL ranged from 12.9% to 25.9%. Of the QTLs identified for the traits in which the two parents differed significantly, 50% had allelic effects opposite to those predicted from the parental phenotype. Three QTLs affecting flower traits (bloom time, % pistil death, and % pollen germination) mapped to a single linkage group, EB 1. The RFLP closest to the bloom time QTL on EB 1 was detected by a sweet cherry cDNA clone pS141 whose partial amino acid sequence was 81% identical to that of a Japanese pear stylar RNase. Received: 4 March 1999 / Accepted: 27 August 1999  相似文献   

Zoysiagrass (Zoysia Willd.) is an important warm season turfgrass that is grown in many parts of the world. Salt tolerance is an important trait in zoysiagrass breeding programs. In this study, a genetic linkage map was constructed using sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers and random amplified polymorphic DNA markers based on an F1 population comprising 120 progeny derived from a cross between Zoysia japonica Z105 (salt-tolerant accession) and Z061 (salt-sensitive accession). The linkage map covered 1211 cM with an average marker distance of 5.0 cM and contained 24 linkage groups with 242 marker loci (217 sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers and 25 random amplified polymorphic DNA markers). Quantitative trait loci affecting the salt tolerance of zoysiagrass were identified using the constructed genetic linkage map. Two significant quantitative trait loci (qLF-1 and qLF-2) for leaf firing percentage were detected; qLF-1 at 36.3 cM on linkage group LG4 with a logarithm of odds value of 3.27, which explained 13.1% of the total variation of leaf firing and qLF-2 at 42.3 cM on LG5 with a logarithm of odds value of 2.88, which explained 29.7% of the total variation of leaf firing. A significant quantitative trait locus (qSCW-1) for reduced percentage of dry shoot clipping weight was detected at 44.1 cM on LG5 with a logarithm of odds value of 4.0, which explained 65.6% of the total variation. This study provides important information for further functional analysis of salt-tolerance genes in zoysiagrass. Molecular markers linked with quantitative trait loci for salt tolerance will be useful in zoysiagrass breeding programs using marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to develop a microsatellite marker-based map of the Vitis vinifera genome (n=19), useful for genetic studies in this perennial heterozygous species, as SSR markers are highly transferable co-dominant markers. A total of 346 primer pairs were tested on the two parents (Syrah and Grenache) of a full sib population of 96 individuals (S × G population), successfully amplifying 310 markers. Of these, 88.4% markers were heterozygous for at least one of the two parents. A total of 292 primer pairs were then tested on Riesling, the parent of the RS1 population derived from selfing (96 individuals), successfully amplifying 299 markers among which 207 (62.9%) were heterozygous. Only 6.7% of the markers were homozygous in all three genotypes, stressing the interest of such markers in grape genetics. Four maps were constructed based on the segregation of 245 SSR markers in the two populations. The Syrah map was constructed from the segregations of 177 markers that could be ordered into 19 linkage groups (total length 1,172.2 cM). The Grenache map was constructed with the segregations of 178 markers that could be ordered into 18 linkage groups (total length 1,360.6 cM). The consensus S × G map was constructed with the segregations of 220 markers that were ordered into 19 linkage groups (total length 1,406.1 cM). One hundred and eleven markers were scored on the RS1 population, among them 27 that were not mapped using the S × G map. Out of these 111 markers, 110 allowed to us to construct a map of a total length of 1,191.7 cM. Using these four maps, the genome length of V. vinifera was estimated to be around 2,200 cM. The present work allowed us to map 123 new SSR markers on the V. vinifera genome that had not been ordered in a previous SSR-based map (Riaz et al. 2004), representing an average of 6.5 new markers per linkage group. Any new SSR marker mapped is of great potential usefulness for many applications such as the transfer of well-scattered markers to other maps for QTL detection, the use of markers in specific regions for the fine mapping of genes/QTL, or for the choice of markers for MAS.  相似文献   

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