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目的观察IRM-2小鼠和C57BL/6小鼠接种Lewis肺癌生物学特性的对比研究。方法取肿瘤组织研磨,用生理盐水稀释成2×10^6/mL,取细胞悬液接种于IRM-2小鼠和C57BL/6小鼠腋下,0.2 mL/只。观察两品系肿瘤生长、荷瘤鼠生存时间,外周血细胞及病理指标变化。结果两品系小鼠成瘤率均是100%,荷瘤鼠存活时间无明显差异,IRM-2小鼠荷瘤鼠体重净增长明显高于C57BL/6荷瘤小鼠(P〈0.05)。白细胞分类及病理指标变化无明显差别。结论IRM-2小鼠与C57BL/6小鼠Lewis肺癌模型生物学特性基本一致,IRM-2小鼠可以建立稳定的Lewis肺癌肿瘤模型应用于实验研究。  相似文献   

IRM-2近交系小鼠对电离辐射抗性的研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
目的观察IRM-2小鼠对电离辐射的耐受性.方法分析测定了IRM-2小鼠对137Csγ射线的LD50及经4.0Gy137Csγ射线照射后不同时间外周血白细胞、骨髓有核细胞总数、骨髓细胞DNA含量和脾结节的变化,并与亲代小鼠ICR和615进行了比较.结果用不同剂量的137Csγ射线照射后,IRM-2小鼠对γ射线的LD50比ICR和615小鼠分别高1.73~1.57Gy和1.44Gy;外周血白细胞数和骨髓有核细胞总数、骨髓细胞DNA含量下降的幅度小且恢复得快;CFU-S的增加也较ICR和615小鼠明显.结论IRM-2小鼠比一般的纯系和杂交品系小鼠具有更强的辐射抗性.  相似文献   

目的对IRM-2、ICR及615小鼠骨髓细胞体外照射后细胞损伤进行比较研究,探讨IRM-2小鼠的抗辐射损伤机制。方法用常规法进行外周血白细胞和骨髓有核细胞计数;应用化学发光法检测不同剂量γ射线对小鼠骨髓细胞活力的影响;用PA法(FITC-Annexin V和PI标记法)检测骨髓细胞凋亡。结果IRM-2小鼠骨髓细胞和外周血白细胞计数高于ICR、615小鼠,经统计学处理后差异有显著性(P〈0.01)。经1 Gy、4 Gy照射后6 h,IRM-2、ICR、615小鼠骨髓细胞相对活力分别为86.6%和79.3%,77.5%和70.4%,77.4%和68.7%,IRM-2小鼠与ICR、615小鼠比较,细胞活力有所提高,IRM-2小鼠骨髓造血细胞死亡率及凋亡率低于ICR及615小鼠。结论IRM-2小鼠有较强的免疫及造血功能,骨髓造血细胞凋亡率低于ICR及615小鼠,其抗辐射机制仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   

IRM-2近交系小鼠的G-显带核型和自发畸变率的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的阐明新型IRM-2近交系小鼠G-显带核型和自发畸变率.方法采用小鼠骨髓制备和G-显带法.结果从20只小鼠的50个G-显带细胞中,10个G-显带细胞被选作模型分析.根据特有带型来识别各号染色体,描述了带型特征,测量了相对长度和标准差,绘制了模式图.对于1、6与X,4与5,9、13与14等带型较相似的染色体提出了一些识别要点.此外,用常规Giemsa染色分析了1200个中期细胞,发现染色体断裂为0.33%,无着丝粒畸变和不平衡易位均为0.08%,自发畸变率很低.结论新型IRM-2近交系小鼠G-显带的识别为结构异常、辐射效应、肿瘤研究和基因作图提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

目的 培育凝血因子IX基因剔除小鼠近交系。方法 采用全同胞兄妹对交配 ,每代选用第一胎小鼠留种 ,记录繁殖性能 ;第 8代开始筛选纯合子。结果 凝血因子IX基因剔除小鼠已近交培育到第 12代 ,交配年龄 70 - 90d ,平均每窝产仔数 5只以上 ,离乳数 3只以上。结论 纯合子FIX剔除基因小鼠在子代鼠中能稳定遗传  相似文献   

目的:建立分离培养小鼠原代主动脉血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)的方法并检测其生长特性。方法:剥离小鼠主动脉中膜层,分别采用组织块培养法及胶原酶消化法分离培养小鼠主动脉来源的原代VSMC,免疫荧光法检测细胞的纯度和分化状态;3-(4,5-二甲基-2-噻唑)-2,5-二苯基溴化四氮唑蓝(MTT)法测定小鼠主动脉VSMC传代细胞的生长、增殖特性。结果:组织块培养法培养组织块8d后,细胞从组织块边缘爬出,18 d后细胞汇合度达到80%以上后传代;胶原酶消化法分离培养的细胞生长7 d后,汇合度可达80%,此时进行传代;2种方法获得的细胞进行免疫荧光染色,结果显示细胞传至第3代时纯度在95%以上,传至第8代时分化状态并没有改变;MTT法显示细胞生长3~5 d时处于指数生长期。结论:本研究建立了2种可靠稳定的分离和培养小鼠主动脉VSMC的方法,VSMC纯度高,多次传代后细胞特征稳定。  相似文献   

目的利用Matrigel与Lewis制备细胞混悬液注射于小鼠左肺内,建立小鼠Lewis肺癌原位模型,评价其肿瘤生长情况、转移情况,以期建立更稳定、更接近于人肺癌生长情况的小鼠肺癌原位模型。方法将处于对数生长期的Lewis肺癌细胞混悬于Matrigel中,接种于C57BL/6近交系小鼠左肺内。分别于第4、7、10、13、16天各处死5只小鼠,观察其局部成瘤率、肿瘤生长情况、中位生存期及肿瘤转移情况,并对各阶段小鼠行肺部,肝脏,肾脏,脾脏病理切片检查。结果术后第7天解剖的5只小鼠中,3只小鼠肺上可见小的瘤结节形成,其余2只肺上未见肉眼成瘤,行病理HE染色检查在显微镜下可见2只小鼠肺脏有小的瘤结节形成。术后第10天以后处死的所有小鼠肺上均有肉眼成瘤,术后第13天,所有小鼠肺原位成瘤并伴有血性胸腔积液、胸腔内转移。术后第25天,有1只小鼠出现上述转移的同时还出现了心包膜转移及肾脏远处转移。5只小鼠生存期分别为17 d、20 d、22 d、22 d、25 d,小鼠中位生存期为21.2 d(17~25 d)。成瘤率100%。结论利用Matrigel法成功建立小鼠Lewis肺癌原位模型,稳定性好,成瘤率高,并具有远处转移的特性,更接近于人肺癌的发生、发展过程。  相似文献   

目的建立我国新的近交系品系DA种群,观察其生长繁殖性能及部分生物学特性。方法从丹麦M&B公司引进近交系大鼠DA,建立种群,从其扩大群中随机抽取15对鼠,统计其繁殖率;抽取50只DA鼠(雌雄各半)测其部分血液生化。结果近交系种群扩大成功,DA大鼠平均产仔数为5.5,成活率为90.8%,所测生理生化值接近Wistar大鼠。结论DA大鼠已适应我国环境,种群引进成功;性别对脏器重量、系数和血生化影响显著。  相似文献   

选定多个阶段小鼠卵巢进行切片染色和生殖细胞计数统计等分析,以发现该阶段小鼠卵巢的发育特点。结果显示在胚胎发育第12.5 d的生殖嵴中,大部分的生殖细胞正进行有丝分裂增殖,并以生殖包囊的形式存在;在出生后第2 d的小鼠卵巢中,有大量紧密接触的原始卵泡,表明生殖包囊刚完成重组形成原始卵泡;在第5 d的小鼠卵巢中,原始卵泡仍占有大部分比例,但也有大量的初级卵泡处于发育之中;在出生后第10 d的卵巢中同时有原始卵泡、初级卵泡和次级卵泡的发育;老年小鼠(16个月大)卵巢中已基本没有卵母细胞。  相似文献   

人β_2m转基因小鼠的制备及鉴定(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
制备人 β2m转基因小鼠 ,研究HLA B2 70 4基因的表达 .应用显微注射将人 β2m基因注入C5 7BL 6×昆明鼠和昆明鼠×昆明鼠F1代受精卵 .出生动物及其后代经PCR筛选 ,采用斑点杂交和Southern杂交对阳性鼠基因组DNA标本进行进一步鉴定和测定整合拷贝数 ,利用RT PCR检测阳性鼠中人 β2m转基因的表达 .6只原代仔鼠及 7只它们的下一代鼠 (F1)带有人 β2m基因 .由微注射基因后移卵出生的 86只小鼠中 ,C5 7BL 6×昆明鼠杂交仔鼠 35只 ,其中 4只阳性 (11 4 % ) ,昆明鼠×昆明鼠杂交仔鼠 5 1只 ,其中 2只阳性 (3 9% ) ,含有人 β2m基因的原代鼠×昆明鼠杂交仔鼠 2 0只 ,其中 7只阳性 .整合的转基因均为单拷贝 .Southern杂交证实上述阳性鼠确有转基因整合 .阳性鼠的皮肤、结肠、睾丸和脾脏组织中均有人β2m转基因mRNA的表达 .在转基因动物制备中 ,C5 7BL 6×昆明鼠F1代明显优于昆明鼠×昆明鼠F1代 .与人HLA B2 70 4基因相比 ,人 β2m基因不易整合 ,其整合率与整合拷贝数均较低 .得到的人 β2m转基因小鼠能够将人 β2m基困传给下一代 ,并可与人HLA B2 70 4转基因鼠交配 ,研究它的致病性  相似文献   

T Inaba  Y Wakisaka 《Jikken dobutsu》1992,41(2):139-151
The Weiser-Maples (WE) guinea pig strain was introduced by Backshire Co., Ltd. (USA) in 1977. We have been breeding WE strain guinea pigs for skin melanization research. The WE guinea pig colony produced 1271 pups in 417 litters from May 1978 through December 1983. Breeding date are shown below. The mean litter size was 3.05, the stillborn rate was 15.2%, the weaning rate for live-born pups was 93.5% and the sex ratio was 1.01. The average age at first vaginal membrane rupture was 31.4 days at which time body weight was 290.5g. The mean length of the first 7 estrous cycles was about 17 days, with no cyclical variation in length. The mean duration of gestation was 67.9 days. Duration of pregnancy varied with litter size. There was an inverse relationship between litter size and duration of pregnancy. Most of the pups were delivered alive in mid-pregnancy with a parturition range of 56 to 76 days. The probability of pup death depends on gestational length: the lowest incidence of mortality was seen in litters born at 70 days. The mortalities were related to litter size but not to parity. There was an inverse relationship between birth weight and litter size. In WE guinea pigs, the mean weight for a litter of 1 was 120 g; for a litter of 5, the mean body weight was 58g. Male body weights were slightly heavier than female at birth and at weaning age. The mean body weights are shown below, date of birth: female 88.3g, male 93.3g, weaning age (2 weeks): female 181.1g, male 198.8g and 30 weeks: female 758.7g, male 1018.0g. These date for WE guinea pigs are comparable to those of other strains.  相似文献   

目的通过调整窝仔数的方法建立幼儿单纯性肥胖模型,并与高脂饲料制备模型进行比较。方法48只雌性KM小鼠产仔鼠后,一半仔鼠数目为14~16只,一半仔鼠调整为6只(雌雄各3只)。仔鼠离乳时或第9周时仔鼠分别饲喂普通饲料或高脂饲料。仔鼠在15周后处死,称重,测量体长、腰围,生殖器重、脂肪重(肾周和生殖器周脂肪),计算体脂比。结果①BD2组常规饲料饲喂至15周结束后,无论雌雄仔鼠,其体重与BDl组比较差异均有显著性(P〈0.05),且BD2组体重超过BD1组体重雌性为26.3%,雄性为20.0%。同一处理方式,雌性仔鼠体脂比均高于雄性。②不同时间饲喂高脂饲料,无论调整窝仔数与否,高脂饲料各组仔鼠,无论雌雄,其各组仔鼠体重均比BD1组高(P均〈0.05);HFD4组雌性和雄性仔鼠体重与BD2组相比差异均存在显著性(P〈0.05)。结论通过调整窝仔数的方法可以成功制备儿童单纯性肥胖模型。在儿童早期肥胖的情况下,成年后过度高脂饮食会导致机体储存更多的脂肪。  相似文献   

Embryo transfers were used to demonstrate that the genotype of the mother providing the uterine developmental environment significantly influences postnatal growth and adult body size of her progeny. Irrespective of their own genotype, mouse embryos transferred into the uterus of an inbred strain with large body size (C3H) had greater body weights, longer tails and higher growth rates than those transferred into the uterus of a strain with small body size (SWR). Uterine heterosis on body size was smaller than progeny heterosis, and both progeny and uterine heterosis persisted in adult mice. Uterine litter size was significantly negatively associated with body weight, tail length, growth rate and the timing of developmental events. The inbred SWR strain was more sensitive to the embryo transfer procedure than the C3H strain, but effects due to embryo transfer were moderate. Prenatal uterine effects have ramifications for biotechnologies utilizing embryo transfer as well as predictions about evolutionary change by selection.  相似文献   

Juha Tuomi 《Oecologia》1980,45(1):39-44
Summary A generalized relationship of litter size to mammalian body size was predicted by a graph model. The model was used to generate hypotheses explaining specific features of variation in gestation time, relative litter weight, birth weight, and reproductive capacity. The predictions were tested by means of data from the literature.Mammals were assumed to maximize neonatal survival of offspring to the limits allowed by litter weight per female body weight. Gestation time correlated negatively with the foetal growth rate of relative litter weight. Gestation time did not correlate with the foetal growth rate of individual offspring.Relative litter weight correlated negatively with adult body weight. This relationship was explained by the higher assimilation rate per unit weight relative to metabolic rate in small mammals.Birth weight correlated positively with body weight. However, small mammals produce larger offspring than predicted by the linear relationship of birth weight to body weight in large mammals. There is obviously a minimum birth weight which cannot be decreased without special arrangements for parental care.The prediction of the relationship of litter size to body size was derived from the relations of relative litter weight and birth weight to body weight. In small mammals (less than 1 kg) litter the correlation was negative. When litter size was compared with body length, the correlation was positive in small mammals (less than 30 cm) and negative in large mammals. In both sets of data there was a negative overall correlation between litter size and body size.Reproductive capacity, defined as the number of offspring per season, correlated negatively with life-span.  相似文献   

Both age and size may influence female reproductive performance in mammals, and successful early reproduction may lead to reduced success at later attempts. The effects of age, size and early reproduction on distribution of reproductive effort throughout a single breeding season was examined in female mountains hares Lepus timidus L. Hind foot length was used as an index of body size, because, unlike body weight, it did not fluctuate with reproductive status. Fifty-six female carcasses were collected from March to October 1984, and their litters were assigned to one of three chronologically equal'litter periods'(1–3) of equal length. Whereas number of ova shed was always independent of age, large females shed more ova than did smaller females in litter periods 1 and 2. Prenatal mortality of ova and embryos was highest during litter period 1, when it was independent of age and size. Although prenatal mortality remained high in first year females in litter period 2, there was an overall decline through to the final litter period when it was negligible. Total number of young produced through the season increased with skeletal size in old females (age > 1), but not significantly in first year females. It is concluded that large size, rather than age, favours early reproduction in mountain hares. Every additional offspring produced in litter periods 1 and 2 reduced that female's production in period 3. After correcting for this cost of early reproduction the number of young produced in the final litter period also increased with maternal size.  相似文献   

体重可影响动物几乎所有的生物学变量。高体重双亲通常产生较大胎仔数。繁殖过程代价很高,可能伴随着氧化损伤。为比较双亲体重对繁殖期能量学特征、繁殖输出和氧化损伤的影响,检测了高体重组(雌性:51. 5 g ± 1. 6 g;雄性:60. 4 g ±2. 5 g)和低体重组(雌性:35. 5 g ± 1. 2 g;雄性:49. 6 g ± 2. 8 g)布氏田鼠繁殖过程中母体的体重和摄食量,分娩时的胎仔数和胎仔总重,及后代断乳时母体的身体成分、激素含量(血清瘦素和催乳素)和氧化损伤(血清丙二醛、蛋白质羰基和肝脏丙二醛含量)。结果显示:(1)高体重组妊娠末期的母体体重增量显著高于低体重组;(2)高体重组母体的出生胎仔数显著高于低体重组,但出生及断乳时的平均胎仔重、胎仔总重和母体繁殖期间的能量摄入无显著差异; (3)血清激素含量、身体成分、身体脂肪重量及氧化损伤指标均无组间差异。结果表明,高体重布氏田鼠可产生较多的出生胎仔数,但母体并不通过摄入更多的能量来保证其繁殖输出,对氧化损伤也没有影响。这些结果对于理解不同体重的动物在繁殖期间的能量策略以及繁殖与生存之间的权衡等生活史理论具有重要意义。  相似文献   

福建省莆田地区小家鼠种群繁殖的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
洪朝长  陈小彬 《兽类学报》1992,12(2):153-158
1987—1989年,作者在福建省蒲田地区采集小家鼠标本1616号(雌865,雄751),解剖、观察雌雄生殖器官的特征和变化,对种群中的性比、睾丸下降率、繁殖雌鼠率、怀孕率、胎仔数、繁殖指数的季节变化和年度差异作了分析。结果表明,该地区小家鼠全年均可繁殖。雄性小家鼠体重≥10克,雌性体重≥11克时,已有75%以上达性成熟,故体重可作为划分成体的标准。种群密度对种群繁殖有明显的反馈调节作用。  相似文献   

Both environmental and genetic factors can dramatically affect reproductive performance in mice. In this study we have focused on the identification of genetic regions, quantitative trait loci (QTL), which affect the breeding capacity of female mice. We have identified polymorphic microsatellite markers for the mouse strains used and performed a genomewide scan on 237 females from a gene-segregating backcross between a high breeder and a relatively poor breeder. The high-breeder mouse strain we used is the inbred NFR/N mouse (MHC haplotype H-2q), which has extraordinary good breeding properties. The moderate breeder chosen for F(1) and N2 progeny was B10.Q, which is a genetically well-characterized MHC-congenic mouse of the H-2q haplotype. Each of the 237 females of the N2 generation was allowed to mate twice with MHC-congenic B10.RIII (H-2r) males and twice with B10.Q males. A predetermined number of phenotypes related to reproductive performance were recorded, and these included litter size, neonatal growth, and pregnancy rate. Loci controlling litter size were detected on chromosomes 1 (Fecq3) and 9 (Fecq4). The neonatal growth phenotype was affected by Fecq3 and a locus on chromosome 9 (Neogq1). On chromosome 11 two loci affecting the pregnancy rate (Pregq1 and Pregq2) were identified. Furthermore, on chromosomes 13 and 17 we found loci (Pregq3 and Pregq4) influencing the outcome of allogeneic pregnancy (allogeneic by means of MHC disparity between mother and fetuses). A locus on chromosome 1 affecting maternal body weight was also identified and has been denoted Bwq7. It is well known that reproductive performance is polygenically controlled, and the identification of the major loci in this complex process opens the possibility of investigating the natural genetic control of reproduction.  相似文献   

According to historical records the NIH/Ola strain was developed from outbred 'Swiss' mice imported into the USA by Dr C. Lynch in 1926. A comparison of biochemical markers in strain NIH/Ola and other strains such as SJL and SWR derived from the same foundation stock supports the historical records. Data on litter size, length of gestation, bodyweight to 70 days of age, and reproductive performance when housed in polygamous groups of up to 10 females per male were compared with similar data on inbred CBA/CaOla and C57BL/10ScSnOla mice. NIH/Ola inbred mice had an exceptional reproductive performance, producing about 1.8 young weaned/female/week when housed as monogamous pairs over a period of 20 weeks, compared with less than 1.0 young/female/week with the other 2 strains. NIH/Ola mice were also extremely tolerant to mating in polygamous groups of up to about 8 females per male. Mating ratios of over 2-3 females per male resulted in a marked decline in the total number of litters produced per female in C57BL/10ScSnOla and CBA/CaOla, but this reduction was not nearly so marked in NIH/Ola. It is concluded that the NIH/Ola inbred strain may be particularly useful in studies such as teratology where a high reproductive performance needs to be combined with the advantages of a fully inbred strain.  相似文献   

目的建立野生来源TW(Tianjin wild,TW)近交系小鼠的体重和血液生化正常范围并检测其毛色基因纯合性。方法分别选用F23代TW近交系成年小鼠,进行毛色基因测试,并检测动物的体重及血液生化指标。结果 6周龄前,雌雄TW小鼠体重差异无统计学意义(P〈0.05);6周龄后雄性TW小鼠体重明显高于同期雌性小鼠体重,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。血生化检测指标中,雌雄小鼠的总蛋白和甘油三酯均值不同,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05),其他各项差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05),且与文献报道的其他品系结果不一致。毛色基因测试,F1代小鼠的毛色为白腹野生色,其基因型为AWAWBBccDD。结论 TW小鼠毛色基因已达纯合,且在一些指标上与通用实验小鼠品系不同,具有自身特点。  相似文献   

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