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(E160A)和(E160D)天花粉蛋白两种突变体晶体结构研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
培养了(E160A)TCS和(E160D)TCS的单晶。在MARResearch面探测器系统上分别收集了0.193nm和0.20nm分辨率的X射线衍射数据。数据处理用MARSCALE程序系统完成。用同晶差值Fourier法解析了突变体的晶体结构,结构修正利用X-PLOR程序。修正结果,晶体学R因子分别为0.175,0.179,键长和键角的RMS偏差分别为0.0011nm和2.457°,0.0013nm和2.675°。在这两个突变体的结构中均未见到Glu189侧链方向的改变。通过对(E160A)TCS和(E160D)TCS的结构比较,说明(E160D)TCS活性低于(E160A)TCS的原因:这可能是由于在(E160D)TCS中Tyr111和Tyr70的侧链都具有较大的运动性,使它们与腺嘌呤碱基的芳香堆垛作用减弱,从而导致活性的降低  相似文献   

通过培养的人主动脉平滑肌细胞(hASMC)及脐静脉内皮细胞(hUVEC),应用3H-TdR参入、Northernblot分析、逆转录多聚酶链反应(RT-PCR)、放射免疫分析(RIA)、和紫外比色法等技术观察了人主动脉中硫酸乙酰肝素蛋白聚糖(HSPG)对hASMC和hUVECDNA合成的作用及对血小板源生长因子(PDGF)、PDGF受体、转化生长因子β(TGF-β)、内皮素-1(ET-1)或碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)基因表达和肾素-血管紧张系统(RAS)的影响,结果显示,HSPG明显抑制培养的hASMC基础的DNA合成(cpm值为:10385±3263vs,25541±6421,P<0.01)及外源性PDGF诱导的DNA合成(cpm值为:9878±1947vs.13481±44l0,P<0.05);抑制PDGFA链、TGF-Bp和ET-1mRNA表达,提高PDGFa和β受体mRNA的表达;显著降低hASMC培养液中血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)的浓度和血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)的活性,推测HSPG抑制PDGFA链、TGF-β及ET-1mRNA表达,降低ACE活性及AngⅡ浓度是其抑制hASMC增殖的重要机  相似文献   

天花粉蛋白Y14F/R22L定点突变及其活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用多聚酶链式反应(PCR)技术,对天然天花粉蛋白(nTCS)基因在Tyr14和Arg22两个保守残基处同时进行定点突变,即Tyr14变成Phe,Arg22变成Leu,然后克隆到pET-8c高效表达载体上,构建成重组质粒pETY14F/R22L.经序列分析,定点突变的结果与预先设计的完全一致,突变后的天花粉蛋白命名为Y14F/R22LTCS.将pETY14F/R22L转化到E.coliBL21(DE3,pLysS)中,进行表达.经CM-SepharoseCL-6B柱纯化,SDS-PAGE鉴定,纯度可达90%.RIP活性测定显示,Y14F/R22LTCS的活性比nTCS降低了7.5倍,活性变化不显著,因此,TCS的Try14和Arg22对维持其活性部位构象并不是必需的.但由于Y14F/R22LTCS在E.coli中的表达量与nTCS相比明显下降,因此,Tyr14和Arg22可能与TCS翻译后的折叠有关.  相似文献   

太平洋大海洋生态系国际学术讨论会在青岛召开Internationalsymposiumon“THELARGEMARINEECOSYS-TEMS(LMEs)OFTHEPACIFICOCEAN”heldatQingdao,P¥R.China太平洋大海洋生...  相似文献   


本工作采用分离培养家兔肺内小动脉平滑肌细胞(PASMCs),观察了外源性血小板活化因子(plateletactivatingfactor,PAF)、BN52021(PAF受体拮抗剂)、吲哚美辛、维拉帕米对PASMCs产生血栓素A_2(TxA_2)、前列环素(PGI_2)及对细胞膜Ca~(2+)-ATPase活力的影响。结果表明:(1)基础状态下PASMCs存在花生四烯酸(AA)代谢。(2)外源性PAF通过受体后途径激活环加氧酶促进AA代谢致TXA_2及PGI-2增加,TXA_2/PGI_2比值无明显变化。(3)外源性PAF能直接抑制Ca~(2+)-ATPase活力。(4)维拉帕米可逆转PAF抑制PASMCs膜Ca~(2+)-ATPase活力的效应。  相似文献   

第二信使介导模拟低氧下丘脑CRF分泌   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用模拟高原低氧的方法研究急性低氧条件下促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子(corticotropin-releasingfactor,CRF)分泌的变化及第二信使参与CRF分泌的作用。低氧(海拔7km)1h后,正中隆起(medianeminence,ME)处CRF含量明显下降(P<0.05),下丘脑(hypothalamus,Hy)CRF(不含ME)含量无明显变化,而Hy内cAMP含量明显增加(P<0.01)。脑室注射Forsklin、TPA后低氧暴露(海拔5km)1h,MECRF含量下降(P<0.05;P<0.05),HyCRF无明显变化。脑室注射Forsklin后HycAMP含量升高(P<0.05)。脑室注射H7和PKA抑制剂,MECRF升高(P<0.05;P<0.01),HyCRF和HycAMP均无显著变化。上述结果表明急性低氧应激中CRF分泌显著增加,第二信使通路PKA和PKC通路均参与CRF分泌  相似文献   

X. C. ZHANG 《植物研究》1998,18(1):107-117
GENUSANTROPHYUMKAULF.FROMCHINAANDNEIGHBORINGREGIONSX.C.ZHANG(Theherbarium(PE),InstituteofBotany,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Bei...  相似文献   

农业系统生产力(ASP)的量化及其现状分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农业系统生产力(ASP)的量化及其现状分析卢进登,韩纯儒(北京农业大学农学系,100094)QuantificationofAgrosystemProductivity(ASP)andAnalysisonitsCurrentSituationinCbina¥.LuJin-deng;HanChunru(BeijingAgriculturalUniversityfBeijing100094).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(2):21-22.BasedonabriefanalysisontheformationprocessofASP,itsconceptisdescribedandanintegratedindi-catorforitsquantification—ASP2isputforwards.Fromthose,theASPlevelsinvariousregionsofChinaareanalyzedand8levelsaredividedbyusing.Hierarchicclusteringmethod.It’s:clarifiedthatAS-PIisamore  相似文献   

褪黑素对大鼠海马神经元谷氨酸所致毒性的拮抗作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在大鼠海马脑片上电刺激Schaffer 侧支纤维, 胞外记录CA1 区锥体细胞层诱发群体锋电位(population spike,PS) , 观察灌流谷氨酸(Glu) 和褪黑素(MEL) 对PS的影响。结果显示:5-0 mmol/L浓度的Glu 可使PS值下降至对照值的4-1 % ; MEL(0-4 、0-5 和0-6 μmol/L) 与5-0 mmol/LGlu 混合给药,PS值分别变化为对照值的14-7 % 、105-2% 、24-3 % ; MEL(0-5 μmol/L) 、Glu (5-0 mmol/L) , 与赛庚啶(CDP,0-5 μmol/L) 混合给药,PS值下降至0 。上述结果提示,5-0 mmol/L浓度的Glu 有神经毒性作用, 但可为MEL拮抗, 这可能由5HT受体所介导。  相似文献   

培养了(E160A,E189A)TCS(天花粉蛋白)的单晶。用浸泡法得到了(E160A,E189A)TCS与Ade复合物的晶体。在MarResearch面探测器系统上分别收集了均为0.20nm分辨率的X射线衍射数据,数据处理用MarScale程序系统完成。用同晶差值Fourier法解析了(E160A,E189A)TCS和(E160A,E189A)TCS-Ade的晶体结构,结构修正利用X-PLOR程序.修正结果,晶体学R因子分别为0.180、0.184,键长和键角的RMS偏差分别为0.0012nm和2.566°、0.0012nm和2.622°。在(E160A,E189A)TCS-Ade中,Ade仍结合在N-糖苷酶活性口袋之中,它夹在Tyr70和Tyr111两个侧链环之间,与Tyr70环近乎平行。这一结果表明:TCS中的Glu160和Glu189同时突变成Ala,仍能与AMP发生N-糖苷酶反应.前文已经证明在(E160A)TCS中Glu189没有援救作用。目前,没有发现Glu189对TCS与AMP的直接作用,但Glu189与其它残基的协同作用及其在TCS与rRNA作用中扮演什么角色,尚待进一步研究。  相似文献   

天花粉蛋白(Trichosanthin,TCS)的一个亚型,neoTrichosanthin(n-TCS),及其突变体Y70An-TCS被克隆和表达为重组蛋白。用悬滴汽相扩散法得到n-TCS和Y70An-TCS的晶体。在MarResearch面探测器系统上分别收集了0.20nm和0.205nm分辨率的X射线衍射数据。用同晶差值傅立叶法解析了结构。最后晶体学R因子分别为0.183和0.184。键长的  相似文献   

Guo Q  Zhou W  Too HM  Li J  Liu Y  Bartlam M  Dong Y  Wong KB  Shaw PC  Rao Z 《Protein engineering》2003,16(6):391-396
Trichosanthin (TCS) is a type I ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) which possesses rRNA N-glycosidase activity. In recent years, its immunomodulatory, anti-tumor and anti-HIV properties have been revealed. Here we report the crystal structures of several E85 mutant TCS complexes with adenosine-5'-monophosphate (AMP) and adenine. In E85Q TCS/AMP and E85A TCS/AMP, near the active site of the molecule and parallel to the aromatic ring of Tyr70, an AMP molecule is bound to the mutant without being hydrolyzed. In the E85R TCS/adenine complex, the hydrolyzed product adenine is located in the active pocket where it occupies a position similar to that in the TCS/NADPH complex. Significantly, AMP is bound in a position different to that of adenine. In comparison with these structures, we suggest that there are at least two subsites in the active site of TCS, one for initial substrate recognition as revealed by the AMP site and another for catalysis as represented by the NADPH site. Based on these complex structures, the function of residue 85 and the mechanism of catalysis are proposed.  相似文献   

天花粉蛋白与FMP复合物的晶体结构   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
用浸泡法得到了天花粉蛋白(TCS)与FMP复合物的晶体,在SIMENNSX-200B面探测器系统上收集了一套2.0分辨率的X射线衍射数据。用同晶差值傅立叶法解析了复合物的结构,经X—PLOR程序修正得到了TCS—FMP复合物的分子结构并找出了197个水分子,最后的R因子为0.172,键长和键角的RMS偏差分别为0.015和2.922度。TCS—FMP复合物中,FMP与天花粉蛋白分子有较好的结合,其结合位置正处于根据三维结构和突变体信息推测的N一糖苷酶活性口袋之中。它的类嘌呤环夹在Y70和Y111两个侧链环之间,与Y70环近乎平行,其N7和N6分别与TCS分子的G1094羰基氧和I71的N成氢键,N3靠近R163的侧链,其磷酸根则伸向活性口袋的底部,与E189、E160和R163等残基作用。  相似文献   

Trichosanthin(TCS)isanimportantmemberofribosomeinactivatingproteins[1].ItpossessesNglycosidaseactivityremovingadenine(ADE)atpositionA4324of28SrRNA[2].TheactivepocketofNglycosidasehasbeenestablishedthroughthecrystalstructuresofTCS,αMMCandricinandassayofmutants…  相似文献   

Prolyl aminopeptidase from Serratia marcescens hydrolyzed x-beta-naphthylamides (x=prolyl, alanyl, sarcosinyl, L-alpha-aminobutylyl, and norvalyl), which suggested that the enzyme has a pocket for a five-member ring. Based on the substrate specificity, novel inhibitors of Pro, Ala, and Sar having 2-tert-butyl-[1,3,4]oxadiazole (TBODA) were synthesized. The K(i) value of Pro-TBODA, Ala-TBODA, and Sar-TBODA was 0.5 microM, 1.6 microM, and 12mM, respectively. The crystal structure of enzyme-Pro-TBODA complex was determined. Pro-TBODA was located at the active site. Four electrostatic interactions were located between the enzyme and the amino group of Pro inhibitors (Glu204:0E1-N:Inh, Glu204:0E2-N:Inh, Glu232:0E1-N:Inh, and Gly46:O-N:Inh), and the residue of the inhibitors was inserted into the hydrophobic pocket composed of Phe139, Leu141, Leu146, Tyr149, Tyr150, and Phe236. The roles of Phe139, Tyr149, and Phe236 in the hydrophobic pocket and Glu204 and Glu232 in the electrostatic interactions were confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis, which indicated that the molecular recognition of proline is achieved through four electrostatic interactions and an insertion in the hydrophobic pocket of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Using site-directed mutagenesis we have investigated the catalytic residues in a xylanase from Bacillus circulans. Analysis of the mutants E78D and E172D indicated that mutations in these conserved residues do not grossly alter the structure of the enzyme and that these residues participate in the catalytic mechanism. We have now determined the crystal structure of an enzyme-substrate complex to 108 A resolution using a catalytically incompetent mutant (E172C). In addition to the catalytic residues, Glu 78 and Glu 172, we have identified 2 tyrosine residues, Tyr 69 and Tyr 80, which likely function in substrate binding, and an arginine residue, Arg 112, which plays an important role in the active site of this enzyme. On the basis of our work we would propose that Glu 78 is the nucleophile and that Glu 172 is the acid-base catalyst in the reaction.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that amino acids Glu(73) and Asp(77) of staphylococcal nuclease cooperate unequally with Glu(75) to stabilize its structure located between the C-terminal helix and beta-barrel of the protein. Amino acid substitutions E73G and D77G cause losses of the catalytic efficiency of 24 and 16% and cause thermal stability losses of 22 and 26%, respectively, in comparison with the wild type (WT) protein. However, these changes do not significantly change global and local secondary structures, based on measurements of fluorescence and CD(222 nm). Furthermore, x-ray diffraction analysis of the E75G protein shows that the overall structure of mutant and WT proteins is similar. However, this mutation does cause a loss of essential hydrogen bonding and charge interactions between Glu(75) and Lys(9), Tyr(93), and His(121). In experiments using double point mutations, E73G/D77G, E73G/E75G, and E75G/D77G, significant changes are seen in all mutants in comparison with WT protein as measured by fluorescence and CD spectroscopy. The losses of thermal stability are 47, 59, and 58%, for E73G/D77G, E73G/E75G, and E75G/D77G, respectively. The triple mutant, E73G/E75G/D77G, results in fluorescence intensity and CD(222 nm) close to those of the denatured state and in a thermal stability loss of 65% relative to the WT protein. Based on these results, we propose a model in which significant electrostatic interactions result in the formation of a locally stable structure in staphylococcal nuclease.  相似文献   

Rhamnogalacturonan I lyase (RGI lyase) (EC 4.2.2.-) catalyzes the cleavage of rhamnogalacturonan I in pectins by β-elimination. In this study the thermal stability of a RGI lyase (PL 11) originating from Bacillus licheniformis DSM 13/ATCC14580 was increased by a targeted protein engineering approach involving single amino acid substitution. Nine individual amino acids were selected as targets for site-saturated mutagenesis by the use of a predictive consensus approach in combination with prediction of protein mutant stability changes and B-factor iteration testing. After extensive experimental verification of the thermal stability of the designed mutants versus the original wild-type RGI lyase, several promising single point mutations were obtained, particularly in position Glu434 on the surface of the enzyme protein. The best mutant, Glu434Leu, produced a half-life of 31 min at 60 °C, corresponding to a 1.6-fold improvement of the thermal stability compared to the original RGI lyase. Gly55Val was the second best mutation with a thermostability half-life increase of 27 min at 60 °C, and the best mutations following were Glu434Trp, Glu434Phe, and Glu434Tyr, respectively. The data verify the applicability of a combinatorial predictive approach for designing a small site saturation library for improving enzyme thermostability. In addition, new thermostable RGI lyases suitable for enzymatic upgrading of pectinaceous plant biomass materials at elevated temperatures were produced.  相似文献   

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