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为了建立根癌农杆菌介导的虎杖茎尖遗传转化体系,以虎杖的茎尖为转化受体,研究了携带白藜芦醇合酶基因(PcRS)的根癌农杆菌载体介导的虎杖遗传转化若干因素对转化效果的影响。结果显示,较适宜的转化系统为预培养2 d,农杆菌菌液(OD600值为0.6)侵染10 min,共培养3 d,在含8 mg/L潮霉素的培养基上诱导不定芽。利用该体系从300块茎尖外植体中共转化获得15株抗性再生植株,经PCR和Southern杂交检测,有6株虎杖的基因组中已整合进了目的基因。  相似文献   

以下胚轴,带柄子叶和茎尖为外植体,利用根癌农杆菌和基因枪法将抗虫融合蛋白基因(Bt-CpTI)导入甘蓝品种“中甘8号”,得到了13株卡那霉素抗性植株,经PCR扩增反应和Southern blot分子验证表明;农杆菌介导转化下胚轴和带柄子叶来源的Ⅰ型抗性植株均为转基因植株,而农杆菌介导转化茎尖外植体得到的Ⅱ型抗性植株属“假阳性”植株,基因枪介导转化茎尖的2株Ⅲ型植株中,有1株是非转基因植株,经胰蛋白酶抑制剂活性分析和抗虫测试证明,部分转基因植株有较高的胰蛋白酶抑制剂活性和抗菜青虫能力。  相似文献   

以马铃薯脱毒试管苗茎段为转化受体材料,建立并优化了农杆菌介导的马铃薯遗传转化体系。通过农杆菌介导法将玉米淀粉分支酶基因(Starch branching enzyme b,SBEⅡb)的过表达载体转化马铃薯,接种762个茎段,共获得35株抗性植株。经PCR检测获得了4株转基因阳性植株;对转基因植株进一步进行GUS活性组织化学染色,发现转基因植株的茎段与试管薯均被染上蓝色,表明外源SBEⅡb基因已整合到马铃薯基因组,且正常表达。  相似文献   

以马铃薯脱毒试管苗茎段为转化受体材料,建立并优化了农杆菌介导的马铃薯遗传转化体系.通过农杆菌介导法将玉米淀粉分支酶基因(Starch branching enzyme b,SBEⅡb)的过表达载体转化马铃薯,接种762个茎段,共获得35株抗性植株.经PCR检测获得了4株转基因阳性植株;对转基因植株进一步进行GUS活性组织化学染色,发现转基因植株的茎段与试管薯均被染上蓝色,表明外源SBEⅡb基因已整合到马铃薯基因组,且正常表达.  相似文献   

以下胚轴、带柄子叶和茎尖为外植体,利用根癌农杆菌和基因枪法将抗虫融合蛋白基因(Bt-CpTI)导人甘蓝品种“中甘8号”,得到了13株卡那霉素抗性植株。经PCR扩增反应和Southern blot分子验证表明:农杆菌介导转化下胚轴和带柄子叶来源的Ⅰ型抗性植株均为转基因植株,而农杆菌介导转化茎尖外植体得到的Ⅱ型抗性植株属“假阳性”植株,基因枪介导转化茎尖的2株Ⅲ型植株中,有1株是非转基因植株。经胰蛋白酶抑制剂活性分析和抗虫测试证明,部分转基因植株有较高的胰蛋白酶抑制剂活性和抗菜青虫能力。  相似文献   

棉花茎尖转化法具备不受基因型限制、转化周期短的优点,是理想的棉花转化体系,但据报道其所获得的转基因植株普遍存在遗传不稳定、高代植株基因丢失的现象。以陆地棉TM?1品种为受体材料,利用茎尖转化法将DsRed2载体转入棉花,经卡那霉素筛选获得16株抗性植株,进一步PCR扩增靶基因,获得6株DsRed2基因片段PCR检测为阳性的植株,初步判断该6株为茎尖转化法获得的转基因植株,但经紫外照射,6个转基因植株均未检测到红色荧光。对其进行靶基因RT?PCR,发现DsRed2基因在6个转基因植株中仅有极低量的表达或无表达。进一步对DsRed2载体的非T?DNA片段,即载体骨架部分进行PCR以及植株内生菌培养检测,结果表明,6个转基因植株均含有完整的DsRed2载体,植株可培养出含有完整载体的内生菌,且内生菌经农杆菌16S核糖体RNA(16S rRNA)片段PCR检测结果为阳性,推测由于茎尖侵染形成农杆菌与植株共生关系,造成假阳性株的现象,进而导致高代转基因植株基因丢失、遗传不稳定的现象。旨在建立一套完整的茎尖法转基因棉花植株真实性的鉴定方法,为进一步深入研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

农杆菌介导的玉米遗传转化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农杆菌介导的转基因法是目前玉米遗传转化的主流方法之一。目前,模式玉米种质幼胚的转化体系已程式化,且开发了新筛选基因和获得不含筛选基因转基因玉米的方法,但是大多数育种骨干自交系转化频率低和转化受体基本上是幼胚。从农杆菌、受体及培养条件多方面各种因素对问题进行分析,多数研究认为针对特定基因型和受体材料建立好的受体再生系统,结合高效率农杆菌转化体系,获得多目的基因聚合(无其它外源片段)的转基因玉米将是农杆菌介导玉米转化体系研究的最终目标。本文主要从农杆菌介导(转基因)法应用于玉米遗传转化的历史、现状、问题等方面进行综述,为同领域的研究者提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

巩健  杨芳 《生物技术》2007,17(3):2-5
构建了单子叶植物表达载体pCUA-tr-cat-als,其中含有豌豆过氧化氢酶基因cat和突变的乙酰乳酸合成酶基因als,分别由玉米ubi启动子和花椰菜花叶病毒35S启动子启动。以玉米昌7-2种子苗的茎尖分生组织为受体,用农杆菌介导法首次将目的基因定向转入玉米叶绿体中。以als基因作为选择标记,以氯磺隆为选择剂进行筛选获得一定数量的转基因植株。经PCR分析,可初步确定目的基因已经整合到玉米基因组中。  相似文献   

目的:通过农杆菌介导法将白藜芦醇合酶基因转化蔓茎堇菜,并对转化条件进行优化.方法:以蔓茎堇菜叶柄为受体材料,采用叶盘法进行遗传转化,实验过程中对影响转化的一些主要因素进行筛选研究.结果:最佳的侵染条件为OD6000.3的菌液侵染10min,头孢霉素的适宜浓度为250mg/L.转化后的蔓茎堇菜外植体经3.0mg/L潮霉素筛选,最终得到9株抗性再生苗,转化频率为0.98%.结论:该研究为建立一个农杆菌介导白藜芦醇合酶基因转化蔓茎堇菜的遗传体系提供了基础.  相似文献   

农杆菌介导法向玉米萌发种子转化bar基因的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以玉米(Zea mays L.)自交系‘昌7-2'的种子作为受体,质粒pCAMBAR.CHI.11为供体,采用农杆菌介导植物萌发种子基因转化方法将bar基因导入受体材料.PCR和Southern blotting杂交分析结果证明转化成功,转化率在6%左右.转化材料以0.2%Basta溶液喷雾后可正常生长发育.结果证明,农杆菌介导植物萌发种子转化,是适于玉米基因遗传转化的有效方法.  相似文献   

Competence of Immature Maize Embryos for Agrobacterium-Mediated Gene Transfer   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Agrobacterium-mediated transfer of viral sequences to plant cells (agroinfection) was applied to study the susceptibility of immature maize embryos to the pathogen. The shoot apical meristem of immature embryos 10 to 20 days after pollination from four different maize genotypes was investigated for competence for agroinfection. There was a direct correlation between different morphological stages of the unwounded immature embryos and their competence for agroinfection. Agroinfection frequency was highest in the embryogenic line A188. All developmental stages tested showed Agrobacterium virulence gene-inducing activity, whereas bacteriocidal substances were produced at stages of the immature embryos competent for agroinfection. The results suggested that Agrobacterium may require differentiated tissue in the maize shoot apical meristem before wounding for successful T-DNA transfer. This requirement for the young maize embryo has implications for the possible use of Agrobacterium for maize transformation.  相似文献   

转SAMS基因玉米自交系获得及抗旱性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以玉米自交系‘掖478’的茎尖为受体,采用农杆菌介导法将小麦抗旱SAMS基因转入玉米中,用PCR和RT-PCR法对转化玉米进行检测,并以18%PEG-6000模拟水分胁迫对T1代转基因玉米和非转基因玉米进行抗旱性分析。结果显示:(1)共转化518个玉米芽,得到453株转化苗。获得T0代阳性植株16株,转化率为3.53%,有14株自交结实,经RT-PCR检测,T1代转基因玉米有9个株系为稳定遗传阳性株系。(2)在同一水分胁迫时间下,转基因玉米的叶片相对含水量、叶绿素含量、脯氨酸含量和SOD活性均高于非转基因玉米,而转基因玉米叶片的电导率、MDA含量均低于非转基因玉米。在60 h水分胁迫处理下,转基因玉米叶片相对含水量、叶绿素含量、脯氨酸含量和SOD活性比非转基因玉米上升8.16%、20.02%、32.21%、22.77%,而转基因玉米叶片的电导率、MDA含量比非转基因玉米下降14.38%、29.41%。研究表明,通过导入SAMS基因,可以提高玉米的抗旱性。  相似文献   

以玉米自交系天塔五母、7922的芽尖为受体,用农杆菌介导法将psy基因转入玉米中.以植株的转化率为指标,研究了真空处理方式,真空处理时间及共培养时间对转化率的影响.结果表明,当在真空条件下侵染20min,共培养3天时转化率最高.用200mg/L的草胺膦溶液筛选,获得抗性植株经PCR检测有16株表现阳性,其中天塔五母有12株,7922有4株.RT-PCR及高效液相色谱(HPLC)检测结果表明psy基因已经整合进玉米基因组并能正常转录,转基因玉米中总类胡萝卜素含量比野生型玉米提高了25%.  相似文献   

One of the important factors responsible for recalcitrance of maize tissue towards Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is the presence of 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one (DIMBOA), an inhibitory metabolite found in maize cells. DIMBOA-resistant strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens were used to transfer genes coding for GUS (-glucuronidase) and NPTII (neomycine phosphotransferase II) in maize shoot apical meristems derived from 20 day-old seedlings and immature embryos. GUS expression was higher (21–34%) in the apical meristem and was dependent on the type of infecting strain and explant-age. The PCR analysis of selected tissues confirmed the presence of GUS gene in the transformed cells.  相似文献   

从大麦‘斯特林’幼叶总RNA中分离Mlo基因cDNA完整编码区,反向连接到植物双元载体(pBI-121.2)35S启动子下游,通过农杆菌介导的苗端转化法获得两种小麦基因型(‘烟优2801’和‘烟优361’)的转基因小麦。T0代405株中有55株PCR检测阳性,平均转化率达到13.58%,T0和T1基因组DNA Southern杂交可以证明大麦Mlo基因片段已整合到小麦基因组中并可传递到后代。两种基因型的转基因小麦T0和T1植株在温室及大田中均表现出对白粉病抗性的提高。农杆菌介导的苗端转化法可以简单、快速、高效地获得转基因株系;排除体细胞变异对转基因植株的影响;克服基因型对农杆菌转化的限制,是小麦遗传转化的一种实用方法。  相似文献   

The phylogeny based on the homeodomain (HD) amino acid sequence of the WOX (WUSCHEL-related homeobox gene family) was established in the 3 major radiations of the Poaceae family: Pooideae (Brachypodium distachyon), Bambusoideae (Oryza sativa), and Panicoideae (Zea mays). The genomes of all 3 grasses contain an ancient duplication in the WOX3 branch, and the cellular expression patterns in maize and rice indicate subfunctionalization of paralogues during leaf development, which may relate to the architecture of the grass leaf and the encircling of the stem. The use of maize WOX gene family members as molecular markers in maize embryo development for the first time allowed us to visualize cellular decisions in the maize proembryo, including specification of the shoot/root axis at an oblique angle to the apical-basal polarity of the zygote. All molecular marker data are compatible with the conclusion that the embryonic shoot/root axis comprises a discrete domain from early proembryo stages onward. Novel cell fates of the shoot and the root are acquired within this distinct morphogenic axis domain, which elongates and thus separates the shoot apical meristem and root apical meristem (RAM) anlagen in the maize embryo.  相似文献   

Two new methods of transformation for recalcitrant maize elite inbreds (B73 and a Pioneer Hi-Bred inbred) were successfully developed using shoot meristematic cultures (SMCs) derived from germinated seedlings. One of the methods - the sector proliferation method - involved in vitro induction and proliferation of SMCs from transgenic sectors. These transgenic sectors derived from the bombardment of shoot apical meristems in immature embryos. Using this method, transgenic T1 and T2 progeny were obtained from the Pioneer Hi-Bred maize inbred, PHTE4. The other method - the SMC method - involved direct bombardment of SMCs. Using the second method, transgenic T1 and T2 progeny were produced from the publicly held maize inbred B73. Cellular and molecular analyses showed that SMCs were mainly induced from the nodal regions within the elongating in vitro stem tissues. The induced SMCs, characterized by large numbers of cells expressing KN1, have the potential to produce multiple adventitious shoot meristems. The use of induction and maintenance media containing higher levels of Cu2+ or Zn2+, not needed in earlier investigations on sweet corn, was found to be critical for the successful in vitro culture and transformation of some maize inbreds.  相似文献   

Separation of the life cycle of flowering plants into two distinct growth phases, vegetative and reproductive, is marked by the floral transition. The initial floral inductive signals are perceived in the leaves and transmitted to the shoot apex, where the vegetative shoot apical meristem is restructured into a reproductive meristem. In this study, we report cloning and characterization of the maize (Zea mays) flowering time gene delayed flowering1 (dlf1). Loss of dlf1 function results in late flowering, indicating dlf1 is required for timely promotion of the floral transition. dlf1 encodes a protein with a basic leucine zipper domain belonging to an evolutionarily conserved family. Three-dimensional protein modeling of a missense mutation within the basic domain suggests DLF1 protein functions through DNA binding. The spatial and temporal expression pattern of dlf1 indicates a threshold level of dlf1 is required in the shoot apex for proper timing of the floral transition. Double mutant analysis of dlf1 and indeterminate1 (id1), another late flowering mutation, places dlf1 downstream of id1 function and suggests dlf1 mediates floral inductive signals transmitted from leaves to the shoot apex. This study establishes an emergent framework for the genetic control of floral induction in maize and highlights the conserved topology of the floral transition network in flowering plants.  相似文献   

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