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鲫( Carassius auratus)是洞庭湖水系一种重要的经济鱼类.为了解洞庭湖水系野鲫的细胞遗传背景,采用PHA和秋水仙素活体注射法,对沅水和澧水采集的野鲫样本逐一进行肾细胞染色体制片及组型分析.结果发现,在两条河流的野鲫群体中均检测出染色体数为100和基本染色体数为150的两种不同倍性个体,其中,两条河流染色体数为100的二倍体鲫组型公式为2N=28M+ 22SM+ 28ST +22T,NF=150;基本染色体数为150的三倍体鲫组型公式为3N =42M +33SM +42ST +33T,NF=225.在沅水和澧水不同采样点随机采集的共100尾野鲫中,检测出的三倍体比例(85%)远高于二倍体(15%),且二倍体与三倍体鲫个体在形态特征上不存在明显差异(P>0.05).两种不同倍性鲫在同一水体的共存对于鲫的遗传进化与选育具有一定的理论和实践意义,而二倍体鲫种群的大量减少,则提示我们应该从染色体组遗传多样性角度加强对洞庭湖水系二倍体野鲫资源的保护.  相似文献   

彭泽鲫两个雌核发育克隆的染色体组型分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用PHA和秋水仙素体内注射法直接制作肾细胞染色体标本,对彭泽鲫种群内两个不同雌核发育克隆的亲本进行染色体数目及组型分析。结果表明,彭泽鲫种群内的两个不同克隆存在染色体数目及组型差异,其中克隆H包含6条超数染色体在内的染色体众数是156,150条基本染色体的组型公式为:42M 36SM 39ST 33T,NF=228;克隆L包含12条超数染色体在内的染色体众数是162,150条基本染色体的组型公式为:36M 45SM 33ST 36T,NF=231。两个不同雌核发育克隆的发现及其染色体的差异说明彭泽鲫种群内同样存在着类似银鲫种群内的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

作者比较了第一代异源四倍体鱼、异源三倍体鱼、新四倍体鱼与亲本白鲫、红鲫及其杂交一代的染色体组型。三种亲本的二倍体染色体数均为100,但其组型分组各有差异,白鲫染色体组型公式:12m+36sm+32st十20t,NF=148,在亚中着丝点组中有一对特大的标记染色体;红鲫染色体组型:20m+34sm+26st+20t,NF=154;白鲫×红鲫杂种染色体组型:16m+35sm+29st+20t,NF=151,有一条与白鲫相似的特大标记染色体,证实其组型由白鲫和红鲫各提供一套染色体组组成。异源三倍体的染色体数为150,是亲本的1.5倍,染色体组型是:22m+53sm+45st+30t,NF=225,在亚中着丝点组中有一对特大标记染色体,表明异源三倍体的染色体组型含有两套白鲫染色体组和一套红鲫染色体组。第一代异源四倍体和新四倍体鱼染色体数目为其亲本的2倍,4n=200。前者的染色体组型为:32m+70sm+58st+40t,NF=302,一对与白鲫相似的特大标记染色体明显可见,证明其染色体组型由白鲫和红鲫各提供两套染色体组。新四倍体的染色体组组型为:28m+71sm+61st+40t,NF=299,分裂相中三条特大的标记染色体较明显,推测其染色体组型由三套白鲫染色体组和一套红鲫染色体组组成。结果表明:第一代异源四倍体、异源三倍体和新四倍体与三种亲本的  相似文献   

洞庭湖水系中华沙塘鳢的形态和核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对取材于洞庭湖水系沅水和澧水的中华沙塘鳢Odontobutis sinensis进行了形态特征及染色体核型分析,并对其分类地位进行了探讨。染色体标本制作采用PHA和秋水仙素腹腔注射、肾细胞直接制片法。在形态上,洞庭湖水系中华沙塘鳢与其他水域沙塘鳢属鱼类既具相似性,又有各自特征;核型分析显示其二倍体染色体众数为2N=44,核型公式为8ST+36T,染色体臂数(NF)为44,与其他水域沙塘鳢属鱼类核型组成存在差异。  相似文献   

经淋巴细胞培养方法制备染色体表明黑龙江银鲫[Carassius auratus gibelio(Bloch)]的染色体数为150±条,鲫[c.auratus auratus(Linnaeus)]的染色体数为100条。一些研究者将前者称为三倍体,后者称为二倍体。通过显微分光光度法测量了这两鲫鱼雄性个体的红血球和精子的DNA含量。前者分别为112.81和57.57单位,其比值为1.96∶1,后者分别为77.22和37.57单位其比值为2.06∶1。由此证明银鲫雄性的精子发生与鲫一样能正常完成减数分裂。因此,我们认为黑龙江银鲫不是三倍体而是一个二倍体种群(2n=150±,n=75±),鲫为2n=100,n=50。  相似文献   

远缘杂交形成的二倍体鱼和多倍体鱼生殖细胞染色体研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文采用性腺染色体制片及组织学切片方法,系统地研究了不同发育时期的鲫鲤杂交第二代(F2) (2n=100)、异源四倍体鲫鲤(4n=200)、三倍体鲫鱼(3n=150))、雌核发育二倍体鲫鲤第二代(G2)(2n=100)及鲤鱼(Cypninus carpio L)(2n=100)(对照组)生殖细胞的染色体特征.研究结果表明,对照组中鲤鱼精原细胞染色体数与体细胞染色体数一致,为二倍体精原细胞(2n=100),而远缘杂交形成的二倍体鱼和多倍体鱼的生殖细胞中则观察到明显的染色体数加倍现象,其中,鲫鲤杂交第二代(F2)精巢生殖细胞染色体数加倍现象特别丰富,占检测的染色体分裂相的21.6%,为其产生不减半的二倍体配子提供了直接的细胞学证据,同时也说明远缘杂交是导致生殖细胞染色体数加倍的一个重要因素.该研究在探讨多倍体鱼的发生及鱼类遗传育种方面具有重要意义.  相似文献   

彭泽鲫染色体数目及倍性的细胞遗传学分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
对彭泽鲫(Carassius auratus variety pengze)肾细胞染色体的数目统计分析表明,彭泽鲫染色体组是由150条基本染色体和若干条小的超数染色体组成。染色体组型按着丝粒位置150条基本染色体可分为四组,每组中同源染色体的组数与已知二倍体鲫鱼的同源染色体组数一致。每个染色体小组均由三条同源染色体组成。在亚端部着丝粒染色体组(st)的第三号染色体组的三条同源染色体的短臂上均有非常明显的随体,可作为彭泽鲫是三倍体的细胞遗传学证据。彭泽鲫肾细胞的DNA相对含量是二倍体红鲫肾细胞DNA相对含量的1.55倍,与染色体实验结果一致。这些研究结果表明,彭泽鲫是一种三倍体鲫鱼,其染色体数目为3n=150 ,核型公式为3n=33m 51sm 33st 33t。  相似文献   

三倍体草鲂杂种及其双亲的细胞遗传学研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
用空气干燥法制片,Giemsa染色,检查草鱼、三角鲂及其杂交一代(简称草鲂杂种)的肾细胞染色体。双亲的二倍染色体均为48,草鲂杂种的染色体数目为72。草鱼染色体组型:20M+20SM+8ST;三角鲂染色体组型:18M+22SM+8ST,其亚中部着丝点染色体中有一对大型特征性标志染色体。根据比较双亲和草鲂杂种染色体组型特征,证实草鲂杂种是三倍体,组型为29M+31SM+12ST。其中草鱼提供了两份染色体,三角鲂提供了一份染色体。推测草鲂杂种染色体加倍原因是受精过程中卵子核内有丝分裂或第二极体的保留。    相似文献   

三倍体和二倍体银鲫的精子发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用透射电子显微镜观察了行雌核发育生殖的三倍体(体细胞具有150±染色体)和二倍体 (2n=100)银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch)的精子发生过程.两种倍性的雄性的精子发生过程中,染色体数和细胞核的体积均呈3∶2的关系;而精巢的结构、细胞的形态和细胞器的构成均无明显的区别.其精子发生经历了精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞和精子细胞几个阶段,精子细胞再经过精子形成过程成为精子;三倍体银鲫的精子发生与二倍体一样能正常完成减数分裂,形成形态和功能正常的雄性配子.正常的精子发生过程证明,体细胞具有150±条染色体的黑龙江银鲫是已经初步完成二倍化的三倍体,雄性个体在生殖群体中起着重要的作用;推测黑龙江银鲫的二倍体实际可能是四倍体,则三倍体的黑龙江银鲫为偶倍性的六倍体,因此其减数分裂可以正常进行,同时又经历了一定程度的二倍化,所以雄性可育,且参与繁殖后代 [动物学报 54(3):467-474,2008].  相似文献   

四倍体鲫鲤、三倍体湘云鲫染色体减数分裂观察   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
用精巢细胞直接制片法观察了异源四倍体鲫鲤、三倍体湘云鲫和二倍体红鲫、湘江野鲤精母细胞染色体第一次减数分裂中期配对情况 ;作为对照 ,观察了上述四种鱼肾细胞的有丝分裂中期染色体。在精母细胞第一次减数分裂中 ,异源四倍体鲫鲤同源染色体两两配对 ,形成 10 0个二价体 ,没有观察到单价体、三价体和四价体 ;三倍体湘云鲫精母细胞形成 5 0个二价体和 5 0个单价体 ;红鲫和湘江野鲤精母细胞分别形成 5 0个二价体。肾细胞检测表明异源四倍体的染色体数目为 4n =2 0 0 ;湘云鲫为 3n =15 0 ;红鲫和湘江野鲤分别为 2n =10 0。减数分裂时染色体分布情况与肾细胞染色体检测结果相吻合。具有四套染色体的异源四倍体鲫鲤在减数分裂中只形成 10 0个二价体 ,而不形成 2 5个四价体或其它形式 ,为产生稳定一致的二倍体配子提供了重要的遗传保障 ,也为人工培育的异源四倍体鲫鲤群体能够世世代代自身繁衍下去提供了重要的遗传学证据。三倍体湘云鲫在减数分裂过程中出现二价体、单价体共存 ,同源染色体在配对和分离中出现紊乱 ,导致非整倍体生殖细胞的产生 ,为湘云鲫的不育性提供了染色体水平上的证据  相似文献   

Frolov SV 《Genetika》2001,37(3):350-357
The karyotypes of northern Dolly Varden and white char, sympathrically inhabiting the Kamchatka River basin, were studied. The karyotype of Dolly Varden was stable: 2n = 78 and NF = 98 + 2, while in white char, polymorphism and mosaicism for the chromosome number were revealed: 2n = 76-79, NF = 98 + 2. Using a routine chromosome staining technique, the karyotype of white char (2n = 78) was shown to be identical to that of Dolly Varden. In both karyotypes, similar sets of marker chromosomes were present: two pairs of submetacentric (SM), one pair of submeta-subtelocentric (SM-ST), one pair of large acrocentric (A), and one pair of large sub-telocentric (ST) chromosomes. However, the karyotypes of Dolly Varden and white char differed in the number and location of nucleolus organizer regions (NORs). In Dolly Varden, single NORs located in the telomeric regions of the marker SM-ST chromosomes were observed. In white char, NORs were multiple and located both in the telomeric regions of the marker SM-ST chromosomes and on the short and long arms of large ST chromosomes. The identical marker chromosomes indicate considerable phylogenetic relatedness between Dolly Varden and white char from the Kamchatka River basin. Variation in NORs provides evidence for the reproductive isolation of these chars and their species status.  相似文献   

The As-51 satellite DNA is a transposon-like sequence formerly described for arthropods and physically identifiable by fluorescent in situ hybridization. In the present work, we describe the occurrence of this sequence, as well the C-banding and karyotype composition, in populations of the group Astyanax fasciatus from Mogi-Guaçu (Araras-SP), Paranapanema (Angatuba and Pilar do Sul-SP), Ribeira de Iguape (Sete Barras-SP) and Tietê (Indaiatuba and Salesópolis-SP) river basins. The specimens from Sete Barras (10 M + 20SM + 12ST + 6A) and Araras (8 M + 22SM + 12ST + 6A) have 2n?=?48 chromosomes. The samples from Angatuba, Pilar do Sul and Indaiatuba presented 2n?=?46 chromosomes (12 M + 20SM + 10ST + 4A). The individuals collected in Salesópolis showed three cytotypes, bearing 2n?=?46 (12 M + 20SM + 10ST + 4A), 2n?=?48 (8 M + 22SM + 12ST + 6A) and 2n?=?50 (8 M + 16SM + 14ST + 12A). C-banding revealed large heterochromatic blocks at terminal chromosomal regions in all populations and/or cytotypes. All analyzed populations have conspicuous blocks carrying the As-51 satellite DNA, although the number of chromosomes bearing this repetitive sequence was variable among them. Such differences were not related to the diploid number of individuals, but rather to a biogeographic pattern. Aspects of the karyotype evolution and distribution of this sequence in distinct populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Morphometric and karyotypic studies were made on two species of ricefishes collected from Yunnan, southwestern China.Oryzias latipes from Yunnan had the same morphological and karyological characteristics asO. latipes collected from eastern China. The Yunnan populations had 2n, 46 chromosomes consisting of 3 metacentric, 8 submetacentric, 2 subtelocentric, and 10 acrocentric pairs, the arm number (NF) being 68 (2n=46, NF=68, 3M+8SM+2ST+10A). The karyotype was characterized by having a “large” metacentric pair and nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) on the short arms of a submetacentric pair.Oryzias minutilius from Yunnan had the same morphological characteristics asO. minuiillus from Thailand and Burma, although the karyotype was different from that collected from Thailand. The Yunnan population had 2n, 42 chromosomes consisting of 21 acrocentric pairs, NF being 42 (2n=42, NF=42, 21A). The karyotype was characterized by having NORs at the telomeric regions of an acrocentric pair.Oryzias latipes occurs widely on the eastern Yunnan Plateau where the climate is temperate or subtropical, whereasO. minutilius is found in Xishiangbanna, the southern low mountain areas of Yunnan, where the climate is tropical.  相似文献   

美丽硬仆骨舌鱼核型分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
美丽硬仆骨舌鱼(Scleropages formosus)是一种古老的具有很高经济价值的观赏鱼类。为了解该鱼的细胞遗传背景,采用胸腔注射植物血球凝集素(PHA)和秋水仙素的方法,以头肾为材料,空气干燥法制片,对美丽硬仆骨舌鱼的染色体进行了分析研究。结果表明,美丽硬仆骨舌鱼的二倍体染色体数目为50,核型公式为2n=2m+8sm+8st+32t,臂数(NF)为60。这一核型符合低等鱼类的基本特征,研究结果可为美丽硬仆骨舌鱼的种质标准和系统演化等提供基础数据。  相似文献   

Karyotypes of six species of Cypriniformes from the water bodies of Armenia—blackbrow Acanthalburnus microlepis, white bream Blicca bjoerkna transcaucasica, chub Leuciscus cephalus orientalis, stone moroco Pseudorasbora parva, mursa Barbus mursa, and Angora stone loach Barbatula angorae were studied. The karyotype of A. microlepis is represented by 50 chromosomes (2n = 50), 10M + 28SM + 12STA, NF = 88; of B. bjoerkna transcaucasica, by 2n = 50, 12M + 24SM + 14STA, NF = 86; of L. cephalus orientalis, by 2n = 50, 12M + 18SM + 20STA, NF = 80; of P. parva, by 2n = 50, 8M + 16SM + 26STA, NF = 74; of B. mursa, by 2n = 100, 6M + 36SM + 58STA, NF = 142; and of B. angorae, by 2n = 50, 8M + 24SM + 18STA, NF = 86. The intraspecific and interspecific chromosome polymorphism of species of the genera Blicca, Leuciscus and Pseudorasbora is described.  相似文献   

采用常规骨髓细胞制片法对产于湖南省双牌县的寒露林蛙的核型及NORs位点进行了观察和分析.结果表明寒露林蛙与分布于我国南方的其他林蛙相同:2n=26,NF=52,为5+8核型模式.寒露林蛙核型为14M+10SM+2ST,无次溢痕,NORs位于第11对染色体长臂的中部.通过比较分析我国2n=26的6种林蛙的核型等细胞遗传学信息,本文结果支持形态分类和分子系统发生的研究结论,认为寒露林蛙是一有效种.  相似文献   

In the Dongting water system, the Carassius auratus (Crucian carp) complex is characterized by the coexistence of diploid forms (2n=100, 2nCC) and polyploid forms. Chromosomal and karyotypic analyses have suggested that the polyploid C. auratus has a triploid (3n=150, 3nCC) and a tetraploid origin (4n=200), respectively. However, there is a lack of direct genetic evidence to support this conclusion. In this paper, analysis of the 5S rDNA chromosomal locus revealed that the 3nCC is of triploid origin. Analysis of the species-specific chromosomal centromere locus revealed that 3nCC individuals possess three sets of C. auratus-derived chromosomes. Our results provide direct cytogenetic evidence suggesting that individuals with 150 chromosomes are of autotriploid origin within the C. auratus complex. It marks an important contribution to the study of polyploidization and the evolution of vertebrates.  相似文献   

该文研究赤链华游蛇的染色体组型与NOR  相似文献   

The karyology of species of sturgeon from the Russian Far East demonstrates that the karyotype of the Sakhalin sturgeon (Acipenser mikadoi) includes 262 ± 4 chromosomes with 80 biarmed chromosomes and the number of chromosome arms (NF) 342 ± 4, the karyotype of the Amur sturgeon (A. schrenckii) includes 266 ± 4 chromosomes with 92 biarmed chromosomes and NF 358 ± 4, and the karyotype of the kaluga (A. dauricus) consists of 268 ± 4 chromosomes with 100 biarmed chromosomes and NF 368 ± 4. These results prove that all western Pacific sturgeon species are from a tetraploid origin, based on a recent ploidy scale. This suggests that at least three polyploidization events have occurred during the evolution of Acipenseridae. However, if polyploid species originated by hybridization between diploid species, there may have been more polyploidization events in this group of fishes.  相似文献   

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