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位于MHC内的肿瘤坏死因子(tomornecrosisfactor,TNF)基因区域有5个微卫星基因座a、b、c、d和e,本研究调查了中国云南汉族系统性红斑狼疮(systemiclupuserythematosus,SLE)与这几个微卫星基因座多态性的关系。本文用荧光标记引物和半自动基因扫描方法对云南地区97例SLE患者及79例健康对照者的这5个微卫星基因座进行了基因分型,结果发现,SLE患者的TNFa1(P=0.0206),c2(P=0.0000)等位基因频率较正常人显著增高,而TNFa2(P=0.0163),c3(P=0.0065),c4(P=0.0012),d6(P=0.0448)等位基因频率则是正常对照较SLE患者高。同时我们还发现在这5个微卫星基因座中,与白种人比较中国人出现了尚未发现的新等位基因。 Abstract:We have investigated TNF microsatellite polymorphism in SLE.A total of 97 Chinese Han SLE patients and 79 matched Chinese Han controls were studied in this study, TNF microsatellites a,b,c,d and e were typed using fluorescent labeled automated genescanning and genotyping.TNFa1(P=0.0206),c2 (P=0.0000) allele frequencies were significantly increased in the SLE group comparing with controls,and TNF a2 (P=0.0163) c3(P=0.0065),c4(P=0.0012),d6(P=0.0448) allele frequencies were significantly increased in controls.Meanwhile,we found some new alleles in Chinese which are different form those in Caucasoids.  相似文献   

目的:研究湖南汉族人群IL-10启动子和IL-1受体拮抗剂(IL-1rα)的基因多态性,探讨IL-10启动子和IL-1rα基因多态性与SLE疾病的关系。方法:PCR和限制性内切酶酶切分析SLE患者(n=83)和正常对照人群(n=125)IL-10启动子和儿-1rα基因多态性,对基因频率进行分析。结果:湖南汉族人群IL-1rα及儿.10启动子基因具有多态性;SLE患者IL-1RN * 1等位基因的频率显著高于正常对照组(P〈0.05,RR=5);SLE患者IL-10启动子区-597位女A *、-824位*T和ACC亚型的基因频率高于正常对照组(P〈0.001)。结论:SLE患者IL-1RN *1的基因频率、IL-10启动子区-597位和-824位的基因多态性与正常人比较有显著差异,提示以上基因可能与SLE的发病有一定相关性。  相似文献   

NT FRZ 基因多态性与SEL 的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究通过调查中国南方SLE人群和健康对照人群中TNFR2基因两个位点(nt587,nt694)的多态性频率,探讨TNFR2基因多态性是否与中国汉族SLE人群的易感性相关。结果发现128例SLE中,nt587G的等位基因频率为54个(21.1%);而135例健康人群中nt587G的频率为35个(13.0%);SLE组明显高于健康对照人群(P〈0.05),携带nt587G的个体SLE发病危险性大。同时128例SLE中,舶94A的等位基因频率为41个(16.0%);而健康人群中舶94A的频率为32个(11.9%);两组比较无显著差异(P=0.149)。提示TNFR2基因nt587的多态性与中国南方SLE人群相关,可能通过影响TNFR2的表达而参与SLE的发病,而nt694(G—A)的多态性与中国南方SLE人群不相关。  相似文献   

利用聚合酶链反应和荧光(6-FAM)自动化检测技术对广东地区汉族106例无亲缘关系样本进行MICA基因外显子5和MICB基因内含子1微卫星基因座多态性及其单体型分布调查。根据群体资料估算两者间的单体型频率、连锁不平衡参数、相对连锁不平衡参数。结果显示,广州地区汉族人群MICA和MICB微卫星基因座基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡法则,共检出MICA微卫星基因座 5个等位基因, MICB微卫星基因座14个等位基因。其中MICA A5基因频率最高(0.2877),A4基因频率最低(0.1321)。MICB CA14等位基因频率最高(0.3255),CA19、CA28等位基因频率最低(0.0047),未检出CA27。21种MICA-MICB单体型频率大于1%(连锁不平衡参数>0), 其中单体型A5-CA14 (16.73%), A5.1-CA18 (8.75%), A4-CA26(3.76%),A9-CA15(3.66%)和A6-CA21(2.61%)为强连锁常见单体型(χ2>3.84, P<0.05)。广州地区汉族人群MICA和MICB微卫星基因座多态性和单体型分布有其自身特点,MICA和MICB微卫星基因座适合做为遗传标志,用于人类学、遗传疾病基因连锁分析、法医学亲子鉴定和个体识别等研究领域。Abstract: This study is to investigate genetic polymorphisms and haplotypes of microsatellite locus in the exon 5 of the MICA gene and intron 1 of the MICB gene based on 106 samples of Guangzhou Han Population by polymerase chain reaction and fluorescent technique (6-FAM). The corresponding haplotype frequencies, linkage disequilibria values and relative linkage disequilibria values were estimated based on population data. The results show that the genotype distributions of MICA and MICB microsatellite meet Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in Guangdong Han population. In total, 5 alleles of MICA microsatellite locus and 14 alleles of MICB microsatellite locus were observed. MICA A5 was the most common allele (0.2877), whereas A4 was the least popular one (0.1321). MICB CA14 was the most common allele (0.3255), and CA19 and CA28 were the least popular ones (0.0047). CA27 was not observed. Twenty-one kinds of MICA-MICB haplotypes occurred at frequencies of more than 1% (linkage disequilibria value>0). The common MICA-MICB haplotypes were A5-CA14(16.73%), A5.1- CA18 (8.75%), A4- CA26(3.76%),A9-CA15(3.66%) and A6-CA21(2.61%)(χ2>3.84, P<0.05), and they were strong linkage disequilibria. The polymorphisms and haplotypes distributions of MICA and MICB microsatellite locus in Guangzhou Han population have their own genetic characteristics. The microsatellite locus of the exon5 of the MICA gene and intron 1 of the MICB gene could be used as the genetic markers in the studies of anthropology, linkage analysis of genetic disease genes, individual identification and paternity test in forensic medicine.  相似文献   

利用聚合酶链反应和荧光(6-FAM)自动化检测技术对广东地区汉族106例无亲缘关系样本进行MICA基因外显子5和MICB基因内含子1微卫星基因座多态性及其单体型分布调查。根据群体资料估算两者间的单体型频率、连锁不平衡参数、相对连锁不平衡参数。结果显示,广州地区汉族人群MICA和MICB微卫星基因座基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡法则,共检出MICA微卫星基因座 5个等位基因, MICB微卫星基因座14个等位基因。其中MICA A5基因频率最高(0.2877),A4基因频率最低(0.1321)。MICB CA14等位基因频率最高(0.3255),CA19、CA28等位基因频率最低(0.0047),未检出CA27。21种MICA-MICB单体型频率大于1%(连锁不平衡参数>0), 其中单体型A5-CA14 (16.73%), A5.1-CA18 (8.75%), A4-CA26(3.76%),A9-CA15(3.66%)和A6-CA21(2.61%)为强连锁常见单体型(χ2>3.84, P<0.05)。广州地区汉族人群MICA和MICB微卫星基因座多态性和单体型分布有其自身特点,MICA和MICB微卫星基因座适合做为遗传标志,用于人类学、遗传疾病基因连锁分析、法医学亲子鉴定和个体识别等研究领域。Abstract: This study is to investigate genetic polymorphisms and haplotypes of microsatellite locus in the exon 5 of the MICA gene and intron 1 of the MICB gene based on 106 samples of Guangzhou Han Population by polymerase chain reaction and fluorescent technique (6-FAM). The corresponding haplotype frequencies, linkage disequilibria values and relative linkage disequilibria values were estimated based on population data. The results show that the genotype distributions of MICA and MICB microsatellite meet Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in Guangdong Han population. In total, 5 alleles of MICA microsatellite locus and 14 alleles of MICB microsatellite locus were observed. MICA A5 was the most common allele (0.2877), whereas A4 was the least popular one (0.1321). MICB CA14 was the most common allele (0.3255), and CA19 and CA28 were the least popular ones (0.0047). CA27 was not observed. Twenty-one kinds of MICA-MICB haplotypes occurred at frequencies of more than 1% (linkage disequilibria value>0). The common MICA-MICB haplotypes were A5-CA14(16.73%), A5.1- CA18 (8.75%), A4- CA26(3.76%),A9-CA15(3.66%) and A6-CA21(2.61%)(χ2>3.84, P<0.05), and they were strong linkage disequilibria. The polymorphisms and haplotypes distributions of MICA and MICB microsatellite locus in Guangzhou Han population have their own genetic characteristics. The microsatellite locus of the exon5 of the MICA gene and intron 1 of the MICB gene could be used as the genetic markers in the studies of anthropology, linkage analysis of genetic disease genes, individual identification and paternity test in forensic medicine.  相似文献   

中国美利奴(新疆军垦型)绵羊9个微卫星基因座多态性研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
赵宗胜  王根林  郭继刚  李大全 《遗传》2006,28(8):939-944
利用PCR技术和复合电泳银染技术检测中国美利奴(新疆军垦型)绵羊第1号染色体上BM6506,BM1824,BM6438, ILSTS004和OarDB6 等5个基因座和第6号染色体上 BM4621,OarHH55,BM143和OarJMP8 等4个基因座,共9个基因座的基因频率(Pi)、个体鉴别力(DP)、杂合度(H)、多态信息含量(PIC)、和非父排除概率(PE)。结果显示:9个微卫星基因座的基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡,绵羊中9个微卫星基因座中BM4621 基因座的DP、H、PIC和PE都为最高。9个微卫星基因座的累积个体鉴别力(CDP)为0.99999,累积非父排除能力(CPE)为0.99915。结果显示9个微卫星基因座适用于中国美利奴(新疆军垦型)绵羊的遗传连锁分析、个体识别和亲权鉴定等研究领域。  相似文献   

磺酰脲类受体基因多态性与2型糖尿病的相关性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王劲松  周玲  成金罗  沈默宇 《遗传》2004,26(1):8-12
研 究磺酰脲类受体1(SUR1)基因外显子16-3c/t多态性在中国某南方汉族人群中是否为2型糖尿病的致病基因座。采用聚合酶链反应-限制酶酶切片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)方法对南方汉族46个2型糖尿病高发家系成员的SUR1基因外显子16的多态性进行分析。利用Mantel-Haenszel分层分析研究该基因座多态性与2型糖尿病的关系。在高发家系人群中,SUR1基因外显子16-3c/t多态性的基因型频率为:cc型29.3%、ct型507%、tt型20%,c等位基因频率为54.7%;患者组基因型频率为:cc型30.2% 、ct型53.8%、tt型16.0% ,c等位基因频率为57.1% ;未患病亲属组基因型频率为:cc型28.3% 、ct型47.2%、tt型24.5%,c等位基因频率为519%,两组间基因型和等位基因的差异经检验无统计学意义(分别为χ2=3.224,P=0.199;χ2=1.250,P=0264)。在性别、吸烟、饮酒、肥胖、高血压等混杂因素中的频率差异亦无显著性。c等位基因频率低于北方汉族人。在中国某南方汉族2型糖尿病高发家族人群中,未发现SUR1基因外显子16-3c/t多态性与2型糖尿病存在关联,该基因座可能不是该人群的致病基因。 Abstract:To study whether the 3c/t polymorphism of the sulfonylurea receptor 1 (SUR1) gene exon16 increased the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in type 2 diabetes mellitus pedigrees in Han population in south area of China.Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method was used in 46 type 2 diabetes mellitus pedigrees.The polymorphism in SUR1 was tested and analyzed by Mantel-Haenszel χ2 test.Frequencies of SUR1-3c/t polymorphism had no significant difference between type 2 diabetes mellitus and normal relatives(genotypes χ2=3.224,P=0.199;frequency of allele χ2=1.250,P=0.264).In all subjects,type 2 diabetes mellitus and normal relatives,SUR1-3c/t genotypes were listed (cc:29.3%,30.2%,28.3%;ct:50.7%,53.8%,47.2%;tt:20%,16.0%,24.5% respectively).The frequencies of c were 54.7%,57.1% and 51.9% respectively.The frequency of c is lower than Han population in northern China.The results show that SUR1 exon16-3c/t polymorphism is not associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the population.  相似文献   

强直性脊柱炎的新易感基因识别研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
为了研究中国人群中TNFα基因与强直性脊柱炎(ankylosing spondylitis,AS)病理发生的潜在关系,我们通过对中国南方75名AS患者的TNFα基因启动子进行扫描分析,发现-850处突变型T等位基因出现频率较高(39.3%)。经Case-Control研究发现TT突变基因型在AS组中的分布显著高于对照组(10.7% vs 2.1% ,P=0.003);突变型T等位基因携带者在AS组与对照组间分布差异极其显著(68.0% vs 21.4%,P=7.928×10-13)。按性别分组后,发现TX基因型和非TX基因型在AS组和对照组之间的分布差异同样具有统计学意义(男性:P=1.029×10-10;女性: P=0.001),此多态位点在男性和女性中都与AS发生存在显著性关联。经文献查新未见本突变位点在国内外有与AS存在相关的报道。本研究证实了我们的研究假设,TNFα基因启动子-850C→T的突变可能是AS发生的新易感基因。Abstract: To study the potential correlations between variances of TNFαgene and onset of ankylosing spondylitis in Chinese population, We scanned and analyzed the promoters of TNFαgenes in 75 AS patients from south of China and found –850 T mutation allele frequency rather high (39.3%).By case-control study, the distribution of TT genotype is significantly higher in AS patients than that in normal subjects (10.7% VS 2.1%,P=0.003); Mutation T allele has a remarkable difference between AS group and normal control (68.0% vs 21.4%,P=7.928×10-13). The difference in distribution of TX genotype and non -TX genotype is also significant statistically between different genders(male: P=1.029×10-10;female: P=0.001).The result suggests that this variation has a strong association with AS in males and females. No similar reports about the association between AS and the T mutation allele have been acquired. Therefore, our hypothesis can be supported by our results on the whole and the –850C→T mutation allele in the region on promoter of TNFαgene is likely one of susceptible genes to AS.  相似文献   

目的:探讨云南彝族人群中的酒精依赖患者和云南彝族人群中健康人在CYP2E1基因的一个SNP(Rs3813867)的等位基因和基因型频率的不同,试图找出酒依赖的危险基因,比较它与其他人群之间在CYP2E1PstI位(rs3813867)基因多态性的不同。方法:对110个酒精依赖者和330名健康的志愿者不喝酒(对照组)的CYP2E1PstI位的多态性,等位基因频率和基因型频率进行测定。采用PCR—RFLP方法进行基因分型。结果:CYP2 E1 Psfl位的多态性,等位基因频率和基因型频率是相似的在酒精依赖者和对照组(72.7%vs72.1%,C1/C1),(25.5%vs25.8%,C1/C2),(1.8%vs2.1%为C1/C2)和(85.5%vs85%c1的),(14.5%VSl5%为c2)。结论:CYP2E1的基因型和等位基因分布在酒精依赖组和对照组之间没有显着性差异(P〉0.05),在这两个民族在AD组和对照组基因型分布有差异(P〈0.001)。  相似文献   

利用24个微卫星标记,分析了山东省内原有地方绵羊品种的遗传多样性.结果表明,在来自4个品种共71个种群的164只绵羊中,共检测到等位基因467个,有效等位基因占49.59%,不同微卫星基因座之间的等位基因数差异大于品种之间的差异;发现特有等位基因123个,优势等位基因43个.在所有微卫星基因座中,89%处于Hardy-Weinberg不平衡状态,有50%属于中性基因座.不同品种的微卫星基因座多态信息含量呈高度多态(PIC>0.5),Shannon指数较高(I>1.5),平均观察杂合度(范围0.454~0.560)明显低于期望杂合度(范围0.831~0.849),证明4个地方绵羊种群具有丰富的遗传多样性和广泛的遗传基础,但品种内存在着一定程度的近交.聚类分析表明,山东地方绵羊品种遗传进化关系明确,可划分为鲁西地区的小尾寒羊和大尾寒羊、鲁东地区的山地绵羊和洼地绵羊两大类群,其遗传距离与地理分布距离相一致.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the association between the rs6552828 polymorphism in acyl coenzyme A synthetase (ACSL1) and elite endurance athletic status. We studied 82 Caucasian (Spanish) World/Olympic-class endurance male athletes, and a group of sex and ethnically matched healthy young adults (controls, n=197). The analyses were replicated in a cohort of a different ethnic origin (Chinese of the Han ethnic group), composed of elite endurance athletes (runners) [cases, n=241 (128 male)] and healthy sedentary adults [controls, n=504 (267 male)]. In the Spanish cohort, genotype (P=0.591) and minor allele (A) frequencies were similar in cases and controls (P=0.978). In the Chinese cohort, genotype (P=0.973) and minor allele (G) frequencies were comparable in female endurance athletes and sedentary controls (P=0.881), whereas in males the frequency of the G allele was higher in endurance athletes (0.40) compared with their controls (0.32, P=0.040). The odds ratio (95%CI) for an elite endurance Chinese athlete to carry the G allele compared with ethnically matched controls was 1.381 (1.015-1.880) (P-value=0.04). Our findings suggest that the ACSL1 gene polymorphism rs6552828 is not associated with elite endurance athletic status in Caucasians, yet a marginal association seems to exist for the Chinese (Han) male population.  相似文献   

PON基因簇潜在功能多态位点与冠心病的关联研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国汉族人群PON基因簇序列筛查研究基础上,系统探讨PON基因簇所有潜在功能多态位点与国人冠心病的关系,以期明确PON基因簇序列变异是否国人冠心病的遗传危险因素。随机入选1997~1999年期间阜外心血管病医院病房收治的经冠状动脉造影确诊和/或有明确急性心肌梗塞病史男性冠心病患者474例及年龄(±2岁)匹配的男性健康对照475例。PCR产物直接测序法鉴定PON1基因-1076A/G、-908G/C、-831G/A、-162G/A、-126G/C和-107C/T多态基因型;等位基因特异性扩增方法鉴定PON2基因的A148G和S311C多态;PCR RFLP方法鉴定PON1基因R160G、Q192R和PON3基因-133C/A多态。单变量分析显示192Q, 160R,-162A和311C等位基因频率在病例组中显著高于对照组。以这4个多态性位点作为自变量的多元Logis tic回归分析发现仅R160G和-162G/A多态仍然与冠心病显著关联(P值分别为0.0054和0.0002),并独立于冠心病传统危险因素。不同多态组合的单体型分析进一步证实了单一SNP分析的结果,只有包含160R或-162A 等位基因的单体型在病例组中的频率显著高于对照组。中国北方汉族人群中,PON1基因-162G/A和R160G多态与冠心病独立关联,提示PON1基因可能是冠心病易感基因。  相似文献   

In the present study plasma samples from 15 systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients and 16 healthy controls of initially unknown haptoglobin (Hp) phenotype were separated by 2-DE, and tryptic digests of the excised Hpalpha polypeptide chain spots were analyzed by MALDI-TOF-MS. Selected tryptic peptides were sequenced by nano-(n)ESI-IT MS/MS. The six major Hp phenotypes were present, although with distinct frequencies in controls and SLE patients. Thus, there were an increased proportion of SLE patients with Hp 2-2, or Hp 2-1S phenotypes. The Hp phenotype distribution resulted in allele frequencies of 0 625 (Hp(2)), 0.281 (Hp(1S)), and 0.093 (Hp(1F)) in healthy controls, correlating fairly well with the allele frequencies of European populations. In contrast, the Hp allele frequencies of the SLE patients were 0.733 (Hp(2)), 0.233 (Hp(1S)), and 0.033 (Hp1(1F)), which clearly indicated an increased frequency of Hp(2), a similar proportion of Hp(1S) and a diminished proportion of Hp(1F) in SLE patients compared with that in healthy controls. Preferential Hpalpha2 expression in SLE patients may contribute to some of the clinical manifestations of the disease such as hypergammaglobulinemia, systemic vasculitis, and cardiovascular disorders.  相似文献   

王希波  王灿  王琼  李长贵 《生物磁学》2013,(13):2493-2497
目的:探讨葡萄糖转运体9(GLUT9)基因启动子区的rs13124007(C/G)及rs6850166(A/G)位点的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)与中国汉族女性人群痛风易感性之间的相关性。方法:选取185例痛风患者和300例正常对照者,提取基因组DNA,采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR技术),特异性扩增GLUT9基因所需要的目的片段,对扩增的目的片段进行测序后,比较痛风组和正常对照组的基因型频率及等位基因频率分布情况。结果:女性痛风组中GLUT9基因的启动子区rs13124007和rs6805116两个位点的基因型频率分布与正常对照组相比,统计学上无明显的差异(X2=0.906,P=0.636;X2=3.335,P=0.189),rs13124007 SNP位点的C等位基因频率和rs6850166SNP位点的A的等位基因频率与正常对照组相比也无明显的统计学差异(X2=0.506,P=0.477;X2=3.268,P=0.071)。结论:葡萄糖转运体9(GLUT9)基因启动子区的rs13124007(C/G)及rs6850166(A/G)位点的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)与中国汉族女性人群痛风易感性无明显的相关性。  相似文献   

目的:ABCG2基因第5外显子区单核苷酸多态性位点rs2231142与中国汉族男性痛风密切相关,基于痛风易感基因存在性别差异的考虑,本研究旨在探讨该单核苷酸多态性位点与中国汉族女性人群痛风易感性之间的相关性。方法:选取185例女性痛风患者和311例女性正常对照者,提取外周血基因组DNA,采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR技术),特异性扩增ABCG2基因所需要的目的片段并测序,比较痛风组和正常对照组的基因型频率及等位基因频率分布情况。结果:rs2231142位点的CC、CA、AA基因型频率在两组间存在显著差异(x2=16.519,P〈0.001),且痛风组中A等位基因频率显著高于正常对照组(分别为42.2%和29.3%,P〈0.001,OR 1.76[95%CI:1.35-2.31])。结论:ABCG2基因第五外显子区rs2231142(C/A)位点的单核苷酸多态性与中国汉族女性人群痛风易感性密切相关,携带A等位基因的汉族女性人群有更高的痛风患病率。ABCG2基因首次被证实为中国汉族女性人群的痛风致病易感基因。  相似文献   

目的:探讨新疆地区维吾尔族和汉族草酸钙结石与钙敏感受体(calcium sensitive receptor,Ca SR)基因多态性之间的关系。方法:选择398例临床确诊泌尿系草酸钙结石患者(200例维吾尔族,198例汉族)和399例正常对照者(200例维吾尔族,199例汉族),应用Sna Pshot方法对Ca SR基因两位点(rs1042636,rs1801726)的基因型及等位基因频率进行检测,并分析其与草酸钙结石发病的相关性以及对血钙、24 h尿钙水平的影响。结果:各组2个位点的基因型分布均符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡。汉族结石组与汉族对照组及维吾尔族结石族与维吾尔族对照组rs1042636、rs1801726位点基因型分布及基因频率差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。维吾尔和汉族rs1042636基因型及等位基因频率比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05),且维吾尔族人群携带rs1042636等位基因A的风险高于汉族人群(病例组中OR值=2.145,%95CI=[1.602~2.866],P0.01;对照组中OR值=1.773,%95CI=[1.332~2.359],P0.01),其中维/汉病例组中等位基因频率分别为A=278(69.5%)/204(51.5%),G=122(30.5%)/192(48.5%);维/汉对照组中等位基因频率分别为A=264(66.0%)/208(52.3%),G=136(34.0%)/190(47.7%)。而病例组和对照组rs1801726基因型频率差异无统计学意义(P0.05);汉族病例组、对照组发现GG+AG基因型较AA基因型有较高的尿钙水平(病例组:P=0.007和对照组:P=0.006),维吾尔族人群该位点与两项指标无相关性。结论:Ca SR基因2个基因位点rs1042636、rs1801726可能不是新疆地区维吾尔族和汉族草酸钙结石发病的危险因子,两族rs1042636基因多态性分布存在差异,rs1042636位点基因多态性能影响汉族人群尿钙排泄,可能汉族调节钙排泄的遗传因素之一。  相似文献   

PPARGC1A基因Thr394Thr/Gly482Ser多态性与2型糖尿病的关联研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏燕  彭姝彬  李智琼  黄青阳 《遗传》2008,30(3):304-308
对344例2型糖尿病患者和307名正常人的PPARGC1A基因单核苷酸多态性rs2970847(Thr394Thr)和rs8192678(Gly482Ser)与2型糖尿病的关系进行了单标记和单体型关联分析以及Logistic回归分析。在单标记分析中,对照组与病例组Thr394Thr的基因型和等位基因频率有显著差异(基因型, P =0.006; 等位基因, P < 0.001); Logistic回归和单体型分析表明, Thr394Thr的AA基因型及Thr394(ACA)-Ser482单体型增加患2型糖尿病的风险。Gly482Ser的基因型和等位基因频率在对照组与病例组间无显著差异。PPARGC1A基因是湖北汉人的一个2型糖尿病易感基因。  相似文献   

Liu J  Liu J  Zhou Y  Li S  Li Y  Song X  Wang J  Wang L  Ying B 《DNA and cell biology》2011,30(11):913-917
An increasing amount of evidence suggests that interleukin-18 (IL-18) plays a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. However, association between single nucleotide polymorphism of IL-18 and the risk of schizophrenia has not been clarified. This study examined whether two promoter polymorphisms -137 G/C (rs187238) and -607 C/A (rs1946518) of IL-18 were associated with schizophrenia and six clinical symptoms (disorder of perception, thought disorder, disturbance of emotion, disorder of behavior and volition, suicide action, and aggressive action) to provide data for screening high-risk Han Chinese individuals. Three hundred seventy-two schizophrenic patients and 353 healthy controls from a Han Chinese population were examined to assess their genotype and allele frequencies of the two promoter polymorphisms of IL-18. The genotype distributions in both patients and controls were within Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. No significant differences were observed in the genotype or the allele frequencies of the two single-nucleotide polymorphisms between patients and controls. However, genotype frequencies of -607 C/A showed significant differences between patients and controls in the appearance of perception disorder (χ2 = 6.153, p = 0.046). A significant difference was detected in -137 G/C between patients and controls in the appearance of aggressive action (χ2 = 3.909, p = 0.048). In conclusion, IL-18 gene promoter polymorphisms may not contribute to the susceptibility of schizophrenia in a Han Chinese population, but two single-nucleotide polymorphisms, -137 G/C and -607 C/A, may play a role in the development of perception disorder and aggressive action, respectively.  相似文献   

Interleukin-18 (IL-18) is a multi-functional cytokine capable of inducing either Th1 or Th2 polarization depending on the immunologic milieu. IL-18 may influence the host response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) infection. To investigate the relationship between single nucleotide polymorphisms of the IL-18 and susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis in the Chinese Han population, the IL-18 gene was sequenced to detect polymorphisms and to examine the genotype frequencies in 300 patients and 702 healthy controls. DNA sequencing revealed three IL-18 variants: rs1946518, rs5744247, and rs549908. It also revealed that allele A of rs1946518 confers a 1.47-fold increased risk of developing tuberculosis (TB) (P = 0.0001, OR [95%CI] = 1.47 [1.21-1.78]), and that the C allele of rs5744247 confers a 0.77-fold decreased risk of disease (P = 0.01, R [95%CI] = 0.77 [0.632-0.937]). The genotypes rs1946518, rs5744247 and rs549908 were found to be significantly associated with TB. Estimation of the frequencies of haplotypes revealed a potential risk haplotype AGA (P = 0.01, OR [95%CI] = 1.41 [1.15-1.72]) and a protective haplotype CCA (P = 0.01, OR [95%CI] = 0.70 [0.57-0.85]) for TB. The present findings suggest that polymorphisms in the IL-18 gene may affect susceptibility to TB and increase the risk of developing the disease in the Chinese Han population.  相似文献   

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