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陈杰  苏玲中 《病毒学报》1998,14(3):240-245
使用PCR技术对14份广西HIV-1阳性感染者外周血单核细胞(PBMCs)样品进行扩增,获得HIV-1膜蛋白(env)基因的核酸片段,并对其C2-V3及邻区350 ̄450个核苷酸序列进行了测定和分析。结果表明,14份样品中9份为泰国B(B')亚型,5份为E亚型毒株。其中B'亚型毒株的基因离散率为4.2%,与A-E参考亚型及部分B亚型代表株序列相比较,与包括泰国、缅甸及云南德宏在内的B亚型毒株序列十  相似文献   

1995年云南瑞丽HIV1毒株的基因变异和分析   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:25  
从1995年瑞丽静脉注射毒品者及其配偶26人的血样中,经PCR扩增细胞内HIV基因并对其envC2-V3区进行测序,结果发现18人为B亚型HIV1,8人为C亚型HIV1毒株,在瑞丽以B亚型毒株为主,与我们以往报告一致,C亚型毒株的出现曾有报告,我们进一步分析发现,C亚型毒株感染者多在1994和1995年被感染,根据其核苷酸序列测定的基因离散率(2.25%),远小于B型毒株(6.7%),也说明它是近  相似文献   

潘品良  曾常红 《病毒学报》1999,15(2):97-101
1998年广东某戒毒所HIV阳性感染者的血样,经PCR扩增未培养细胞内HIV前病毒基因并对C2-V3区进行测序和分析,发现两例感染者与巴西F亚型毒株BZ163的基因离散率小于4%;Neighbor-joining系统树表明,它们与F亚型聚在一起;通过异源双链泳动技术分析法(HMA)分析,这两例感染者与F亚型形成明显的异源二聚体。上述各项研究结果表明,F亚型HIV-1已传入我国。  相似文献   

为了解HIV抗体阳性血浆中的HIV1病毒基因亚型的情况,应用逆转录PCR和DNA序列测定技术,对6份获自高危人群的抗HIV1阳性血浆进行序列分析和基因亚型分型的研究,结果表明均属HIV1B亚型。V3环氨基酸序列分析指出这些HIV1B亚型病毒株与泰国HIV1B亚型病毒株核苷酸和氨基酸序列相似;同时发现HIV1cDNA和氨基酸序列均相同,推测这6份标本可能来自同时感染同一株HIV病毒的感染者。本研究对了解高危人群中HIV1流行的遗传变异和HIV1亚型病毒株的分子流行病分析具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

应用异源双链泳动分析法快速确定(HIV-1)基因亚型   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用异源双链泳动分析法(Heterouduplex mobility assay,HMA),对来自我国云南、四川、新疆、浙江、广东、福建、天津7省市73份HIV感染者样品,进行了HIV-1膜蛋白(env)基因片段亚型分析。通过HMA能确定亚的有70份,占样品总数的95.89%(70/72)。其中A亚型2.86%(2/70),F亚型2.86%(2/70),泰国B亚型18.58%(13/70),欧美B  相似文献   

对1992~1994年间16个云南HIV1株膜蛋白基因V3区进行了DNA序列测定,经计算机DNASIS及PROSIS软件进行同源性分析,得出其相应的氨基酸共有序列YNV3和两组共有序列YNV3A和YNV3B,计算了YNV3中每个氨基酸的保守性。分别将YNV3A和YNV3B与世界各地的HIV1代表株的相应序列进行了同源性比较。结果表明,HIV1云南株膜蛋白V3区氨基酸共有序列YNV3中每个氨基酸的平均变异度为7.66%。两组共有序列YNV3A和YNV3B,分别与HIV1美欧株及泰国流行株B亚群相应序列有较高同源性。这一结果提示,在进化上云南瑞丽HIV1流行毒株间有非常密切的关系,在这一时期该地区的流行毒株以HIV1美欧株、泰国株B亚群及其衍生株为主。  相似文献   

为研究我国不同地区不同人群中HDV毒株的感染分子特征,从我国河南、内蒙、北京、四川、广西、西藏、新疆、辽宁、上海等地的HDV健康携带者、慢性丁肝病人与重症肝炎病人中筛选获得10余份HDV-RNA阳性血清。经逆转录一多聚酶链反应(RT-PCR)交叉扩增获得HDV抗原编码区的cDNA片段并克隆到PGEM-3Zf(-)或PGEM-T载体上,经序列分析研究其基因结构特点,结果表明:中国的HDV毒株基因型均为Ⅰ型,但至少存在ⅠA、ⅠB两个亚型,HDV毒株在不同地区间存在异质性,其中河南-1、-2、-3株及新疆株与台湾株同源性较高(核苷酸与氨基酸同源性分别大于92.1%与86.9%).当为ⅠA型;内蒙-1、四川、广西、西藏-1、辽宁、北京株与美国-1株同源性较高(核苷酸与氨酸同源性分别大于94.3%与88.8%),当为ⅠB亚型;上海株与意大利株的核昔酸同源性最高,为98.1%。研究证明我国新疆、内蒙、西藏等地区抗HD阳性率比其他省市高并不是由于存在其他基因型所致。  相似文献   

以来自哈尔滨传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV) 强毒株(Harbin 毒株,H) 的基因组RNA为模板,用反转录聚合酶链反应(RT- PCR) 的方法得到了其A 节段的全长cDNA 片段,分5'端(1 659bp) 和3'端(1 444bp) 上下两段分别克隆到pGEMB○R - T 载体上,测定了其核苷酸顺序,在长为3 101 bp 中含有两个阅读框ORFA1 和ORFA2 ,分别编码1 012 个氨基酸的前体蛋白(VP2 - 4 -3) 和145 个氨基酸的VP5,ORFA1 和ORFA2 有部分的重叠。将核苷酸序列及推测出的氨基酸序列与已报道的IBDV 血清Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型毒株的相应序列进行了比较,结果表明:H 毒株与其它血清Ⅰ型毒株之间,在核苷酸水平上存在25bp - 267bp 的差异;在氨基酸水平上存在17 ~40 个氨基酸的差异。在VP2 - 4 - 3 内比较显示,H 毒株与P2 、Cu- 1 之间氨基酸的差异最小为1 .7% ,H 毒株与UK661 之间氨基酸的差异最大为3 .9 % 。变异主要发生在VP2 的可变区(206 - 350 位氨基酸) ,在H 毒株所特有的12 个氨基酸当中,该区就占5 个,代表1 .76 % 的变异。VP4、VP3 和VP5区各有  相似文献   

采用固相法合成HIV-1和HIV-2两个多肽,建立了用混合多肽为包被抗原检测HIV-1和HIV-2感染的间接酶联免疫吸附法。检测46份抗HIV-1和HIV-2抗体阳性血清标本以及94份对照血清标本,与UBI试剂比较,其阳性符合率为97.8%,阴性符合率为100%,总符合率为99.3%。实验结果表明,此法可用于HIV-1和HIV-2感染的检测。  相似文献   

中国HIV-1流行毒株的DNA疫苗的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
为研制针对我国HIV-1流行毒株的艾滋病毒疫苗,构建了具有代表性的gag和gp120核酸疫苗,进行了初步的小鼠免疫实验。结果初步显示:(1)免疫Balb/C小鼠可以产生HIV-1特异性的体液和细胞免疫;(2)gag和gp120基因联合免疫可以同时诱发针对gag和gp120的细胞和体液免疫反应,而且效果比各自单独免疫要好;(3)B亚型gp120基因免疫可以诱发识别C亚型gp120抗原的CTL反应。本  相似文献   

白旭华  管永军 《病毒学报》1997,13(4):339-344
应用PCR方法对7份1996年3-5月采集于新疆乌鲁木齐HIV-1阳性静脉吸毒者的外周血单核细胞样品进行扩增,获得了HIV-1膜蛋白基因的核酸片段,并对其C2-V3区及邻区350-450个核苷酸序列进行了测定和分析。  相似文献   

为了解河南郑州市男男同性恋人群HIV-1流行株的亚型分布情况,运用反转录及套式PCR方法从40例已经被确认为HIV-1阳性的MSM的全血样本中扩增gag全长基因并进行序列测定,应用BioEdit软件对序列进行校对编辑,利用MEGA3.1软件构件系统进化树,同时使用美国Los Alamos国家实验室HIV核酸序列库和美国NCBI提供的在线分析工具进行比对分析,确定基因亚型。结果成功获得24条gag基因序列,亚型分析结果显示,共存在B、CRF01-AE和CRF07-BC三种亚型,其中B亚型8例(33.33﹪),CRF01-AE亚型10例(41.67﹪),CRF07-BC亚型6例(25﹪)。小样本量的流行病学调查显示,河南郑州市同性恋人群中主要存在B,CRF01-AE和CRF07-BC三种亚型,CRF01-AE已成为河南郑州市MSM人群中HIV主要流行亚型,河南地区重组型毒株逐渐占优势,流行情况更加复杂。  相似文献   

Functional genes of HIV-1 like the tat express proteins essential for viral survival and propagation. There are variations reported in levels of Tat transactivation among the different subtypes of HIV-1. This study looked at the amino acid differences in the different regions of Tat protein (exon 1) of subtype B and C strains of HIV-1 and tried to observe a molecular basis for protein function. HIV-1 sequences of subtype B (n=30) and C (n=60) strains were downloaded from HIV-1 Los Alamos data base. Among the 60 subtype C strain sequences, 30 each were from India and Africa. A HIV-1 Tat protein (exon 1) sequence, the consensus B and C sequence was obtained from the 'sequence search interface' in the Los Alamos HIV-1 sequence data. The sequences were visualized using Weblogo and the RNA binding regions of the three consensus sequences were also determined using BindN software program. Compared to subtype B, there was a high level of divergence in the auxiliary domain of tat exon 1 (amino acid positions 58- 69). The net charge of the subtype C (Indian) Tat protein (exon 1) auxiliary domain was -1.9 at pH 7 and it had an isoelectric point of 4.1. The net charge of the subtype C (African) auxiliary domain was -2.9 at pH 7 and it had an isoelectric point of 3.7 while the net charge of same region in subtype B was -0.9 at pH 7 with an isoelectric point of 4.9. The ratio of the hydrophilic residues to the total number of residues was 60% in the in both the Indian and African subtype C in the auxiliary domain while this was 50% in subtype B. The consensus subtype B sequence was found to have 36 RNA binding sites while subtype C (India) had 33 and subtype C (Africa) had 32 RNA binding sites. The HIV-1 Tat-TAR interaction is a potential target for inhibitors and being considered for its potential use in HIV-1 vaccines. Development of such inhibitor/vaccines would have to take into consideration the variation in amino acid sequence analyzed in this study as this could determine epitope presentation on MHC class I antigen for afferent immune response.  相似文献   

Primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates were obtained from 22 patients with AIDS from northern Thailand, where HIV-1 is transmitted primarily through the heterosexual route. Viral sequences were determined for the 22 patients with AIDS, and all were subtype E HIV-1 on the basis of sequence analysis of a region from the envelope protein gp120. Syncytium-inducing (SI) viruses were detected for 16 of 22 patients with AIDS by using MT-2 cells. Characteristics of amino acid sequences in V3 which have not been reported previously for subtype B SI HIV-1 were associated with the subtype E HIV-1 SI phenotype. The SI viruses from our study population contain predominantly a GPGR or GPGH motif at the tip of the V3 loop, in contrast to the previously described subtype E HIV-1 from Thailand which contained predominantly GPGQ. All the SI viruses lost a potential N-linked glycosylation site in V3 which is highly conserved among previously described subtype E HIV-1 isolates from asymptomatic patients from Thailand. HIV-1 envelope sequences including V3 from some patients with AIDS were significantly more divergent than viruses from asymptomatic patients in Thailand characterized 2 years ago or earlier. These results suggest that emergence of subtype E SI HIV-1 variants is associated with the development of AIDS, as it is for subtype B HIV-1. The divergence of subtype E HIV-1 in patients with AIDS as the disease progresses, and the divergence of subtype E HIV-1 in the infected population as the epidemic continues in Thailand, may have important implications for vaccine development.  相似文献   

A new subtype (MVP-5180) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was isolated from a Cameroonian AIDS patient. MVP-5180 was grown in several human T-cell lines and the monocytic U937 line. MVP-5180 DNA could not be amplified by nested primer PCR with conventional env primers and could be only very faintly amplified with gag and pol primers. Most German, Ivoirian, and Malawian anti-HIV-1 sera reacted faintly or moderately with Env proteins in an MVP-5180 immunoblot, whereas some Cameroonian sera reacted strongly. Of HIV-1-infected Cameroonians, 8% were identified by serological methods as infected with MVP-5180; 7% were positive when MVP-5180-specific PCR env primers were used. DNA sequence analysis of MVP-5180 showed that its genetic organization was that of HIV-1, with 65% similarity to HIV-1 and 56% similarity to HIV-2 consensus sequences. The env gene of MVP-5180 had similarities to HIV-1 and HIV-2 of 53 and of 49%, respectively. V3 loop analysis identified a crown of Gly-Pro-Met-Arg by using cloned DNA and Gly-Pro-Leu-Arg by using PCR-amplified DNA, neither of which configuration has been described for other HIV strains. In an analysis of relationships, MVP-5180 occupied a position distant to all other HIV-1 strains, including the chimpanzee simian immunodeficiency virus type 1 SIVcpz and the Uganda virus U455, and closer to the HIV-1/HIV-2 divergence node. MVP-5180, together with another Cameroonian isolate, ANT-70, constitutes a group subtype O of the most divergent HIV-1 isolates yet identified. Characterization of MVP-5180 is important for understanding the natural history of the primate immunodeficiency viruses and for the development of vaccines and diagnostics.  相似文献   

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