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比较了笼罩、水盆、盘式粘胶诱捕器对烟田棉铃虫的诱捕效果。结果表明,3种诱捕器的诱蛾量变化趋势基本一致,其中笼罩诱捕器的诱蛾量最大,显著高于另外两种诱捕器,且诱捕效果比较稳定。水盆、盘式粘胶诱捕器诱蛾量差异不显著。笼罩诱捕器更适用于烟田棉铃虫成虫的防治及监测。  相似文献   

两种性信息素诱捕器对棉铃虫雄蛾的诱捕效果比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1995年在山东和安徽棉区4个地点比较研究了性信息素笼罩诱捕器和水盆诱捕器对棉铃虫雄蛾的诱捕效果。试验结果表明,4地点笼罩诱蛾量分别是水盆诱蛾量的2.8、3.5、2.5和2.0倍,平均2.7倍。两种诱捕器诱蛾量倍数的变异系数分别为22.9%、31.5%、50.7%和51.2%。可见笼罩诱捕器比水盆诱捕器对棉铃虫雄虫具有更高的诱捕效率。考虑到笼罩诱捕器高效、稳定及简便,建议在我国尽快用其取代水盆进行棉铃虫成虫的标准化监测。  相似文献   

亚洲玉米螟性诱剂诱捕器诱捕效果研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了不同类型诱捕器、诱捕器悬挂高度及诱捕器颜色对亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée)的诱捕效果,结果表明,水盆式和三角式两种诱捕器的诱捕效果较好,日均诱蛾量分别为0.7和0.6头,周诱蛾量分别为12.7和10.3头,总诱蛾量分别为46.3和41.3头,均与瓶水式、飞翼式诱捕器的日均诱蛾量、周诱蛾量和总诱蛾量显著差异;三角式诱捕器悬挂在2.5 m和2.0 m处的诱捕效果较好,日均诱蛾最分别为0.7和0.6头,周诱蛾量分别为11.0和10.3头,总诱蛾量分别为43.7头和41.3头.颜色对诱捕器的诱捕效果影响不大,红、白、黄、绿四种不同颜色的三角式诱捕器的13均诱蛾量、周诱蛾量和总诱蛾量均差异不显著.  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾性信息素诱捕器田间诱捕效应影响因子   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
苹果蠹蛾是我国重要的果树害虫和检疫对象.本文比较研究了性信息素诱捕器颜色、类型、放置位置、诱芯颜色及诱芯数量等对苹果蠹蛾雄性成虫诱捕效果的影响.结果表明:白色和绿色诱捕器的诱捕量是蓝色的2倍以上,诱捕效果显著优于后者;三角形诱捕器与水瓶式诱捕器的诱捕效果间不存在显著差异;放置在树冠中部的诱捕器诱蛾量是树冠上部的2倍左右,诱捕效果显著优于后者;诱芯颜色及诱芯数量对诱蛾量无显著影响.本研究结果可为苹果蠹蛾的性信息素监测技术提供指导.  相似文献   

性信息素、黑光灯和杨树枝把在棉铃虫成虫监测中的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1997年在南疆棉区 3个地点研究了性信息素、黑光灯和杨树枝把对棉铃虫成虫的诱捕效果。试验结果表明 ,性信息素笼罩诱捕器的诱蛾量分别是黑光灯和杨枝把的 9 5和 2 5 4倍 ,性信息素水盆诱捕器的诱蛾量是杨枝把的 1 4 4倍。经统计分析 ,以上倍数随发蛾量的增大有上升趋势 ,即在发蛾量大时性信息素的诱捕效果进一步提高。考虑到笼罩诱捕器的高效、稳定和简易 ,作者希望在我国尽快将其用于进行棉铃虫成虫的标准化监测。  相似文献   

2005年在北疆棉区棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera2代成虫期田间试验表明,水盆诱捕器每个每晚平均诱捕头数是饮水瓶的6.3倍(瓶竖放)和18.4倍(瓶斜放),差异均达显著水准(P=0.05)。比较单个诱捕器1晚最大诱蛾数,水盆是饮水瓶的8.0倍(瓶竖放)和24.0倍(瓶斜放),差异均达显著水准(P=0.05)。比较逐日平均诱蛾数,水盆是饮水瓶的9.44倍,差异达极显著水准(P=0.01)。综合考虑经济成本,在此条件下用饮水瓶制作棉铃虫诱捕器是不可取的。  相似文献   

本研究通过评价诱芯、诱捕器和诱芯组合的诱集效果,筛选出对草地贪夜蛾雄蛾诱捕效果最佳的诱芯和诱捕器组合,为草地贪夜蛾综合防控提供技术支持。诱芯优化筛选试验中,9种诱芯中编号为3-4、4-2、4-3的3种诱芯对草地贪夜蛾雄蛾诱捕效果最好,专一性强。诱捕器筛选试验中,5种市面上常见诱捕器里,桶型诱捕器是其他型诱捕器的诱捕效果2倍以上,效果最佳。诱芯筛选试验中,在使用桶型诱捕器及小夜蛾诱捕器的条件下,翔林3-3诱芯对草地贪夜蛾雄蛾的诱虫效果都为最佳。此研究为我国草地贪夜蛾的综合防治提供新途径。  相似文献   

斜纹夜蛾性信息素诱捕器田间应用技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
考查斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura(Fabricius)性信息素诱捕器放置高度、间隔距离以及气象因子对性信息素诱集效果的影响。结果表明,放置高度为1m时,性信息素诱捕器易引起斜纹夜蛾的反应,明显优于0.5m和1.5m的诱集效果。诱捕器放置的间隔距离,以25m为诱集效果最佳,与10,15,20及30m的具有显著差异。夜间风向对诱捕器的诱蛾效果具有明显影响,在3个成一列放置的诱捕器中,诱集量最大的是放在上风口位置的诱捕器;同时,与夜间风向平行设置的诱捕器,其诱集量显著高于与夜间风向垂直设置诱捕器的诱集量。  相似文献   

在甘肃省高台县通过对三角胶粘式和水盆式这2种类型苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)诱捕器的田间比较研究。结果显示,二者在诱捕效率上存在的明显差异。在苹果蠹蛾密度较低的条件下,三角胶粘式诱捕器平均日诱捕量为2.50只,比水盆式诱捕器高出近2.84倍,最早监测到成虫的时间也比水盆式诱捕器提前3~4d,因此,三角胶粘式诱捕器具有更高的监测效率。结果还显示地面植被的遮盖极大地降低诱捕器的诱捕效果,严重时会使诱捕器对密度较低的苹果蠹蛾种群的监测功能丧失。  相似文献   

采用自行设计式及仿制圆筒式诱捕器,以人工合成性信息素(Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadienyl acetate (简称TDA) 为引诱源在实验室条件下对影响诱捕器诱捕印度谷螟Plodia interpunctella效果的几个因素进行分析测定。多元线性回归分析结果表明:日平均温度在18.5~26.2℃,人工合成性信息素TDA散发日数9~37天,温度(X1)、TDA散发日数(X2)、当日释放蛾(雄)量(X3)、累计2日释放蛾量(X4)、累计3日释放蛾量(X5)等5个因素与每日诱捕蛾量间存在着相关关系。对5个因素进行逐步回归分析和筛选,得出线性回归方程:Y=-27.31+1.37X1+0.28X3,回归系数R(0.90)>R0.01(n-2,0.63)。统计分析结果表明:日平均温度(X1)、当日释放蛾量(X3)与诱蛾量(Y)之间呈显著线性相关关系。卡方测验表明预测值与实测值之间差异不显著。  相似文献   

Logistic模型预测东北越冬代水稻二化螟发生期   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2001~2003年在吉林省柳河县绿色大米生产稻区,采用Logistic模型拟合越冬代二化螟Chilosuppressalis(Walker),有效积温和诱捕器诱蛾百分率的关系。结果表明logistic模型有较好的拟合性。由模型拟合结果预测当地越冬代二化螟发蛾始盛期、高峰期和盛末期所需有效积温分别为275.9,358.4和440.8日.度,可以适时指导大田防治。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The relative efficiency of cylindrical, linear and cross-barrier traps for trapping bark beetles was investigated based on a theoretical model. Using this model, the effective trap interception area of each trap type was calculated and trap efficiency was defined as the ratio of the effective interception area to the trap surface area. The relative efficiencies of the three trap types were calculated as the ratios of their respective effective interception areas. Based on this approach, assuming random directional movement of dispersing beetles, the order of efficiency of the three trap types, from highest to lowest, was linear, cross-barrier and cylindrical. The expected ratios of trap catches based on the relative efficiencies of the three trap types were fitted to data from trapping experiments with the mountain pine beetle ( Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins). In general, there was large variation in trap catches among traps of the same type but the ratios of mean catches per trap conformed to the expected ratios. The results indicate that the model of trap efficiency could be used for designing efficient traps. The methods presented are amenable for assessing the efficiency of other trap designs.  相似文献   

Riverine tsetse flies such as Glossina palpalis gambiensis and G. tachinoides are the vectors of human and animal trypanosomoses in West Africa. Despite intimate links between tsetse and water, to our knowledge there has never been any attempt to design trapping devices that would catch tsetse on water. In mangrove (Guinea) one challenging issue is the tide, because height above the ground for a trap is a key factor affecting tsetse catches. The trap was mounted on the remains of an old wooden dugout, and attached with rope to nearby branches, thereby allowing it to rise and fall with the tide. Catches showed a very high density of 93.9 flies/"water-trap"/day, which was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than all the catches from other habitats where the classical trap had been used. In savannah, on the Comoe river of South Burkina Faso, the biconical trap was mounted on a small wooden raft anchored to a stone, and catches were compared with the classical biconical trap put on the shores. G. p. gambiensis and G. tachinoides densities were not significantly different from those from the classical biconical one. The adaptations described here have allowed to efficiently catch tsetse on the water, which to our knowledge is reported here for the first time. This represents a great progress and opens new opportunities to undertake studies on the vectors of trypanosomoses in mangrove areas of Guinea, which are currently the areas showing the highest prevalences of sleeping sickness in West Africa. It also has huge potential for tsetse control using insecticide impregnated traps in savannah areas where traps become less efficient in rainy season. The Guinean National control programme has already expressed its willingness to use such modified traps in its control campaigns in Guinea, as has the national PATTEC programme in Burkina Faso during rainy season.  相似文献   

Pheromone traps can be used to monitor for adult western bean cutworms, Striacosta albicosta (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and for the timing of field scouting. Understanding the effect that different trapping techniques have on adult captures could help corn (Zea mays L.) producers make better pest management decisions. Several approaches to trapping adults were evaluated in 2005 and 2006 by using two different pheromone traps (sticky wing and jug traps) in two different environments (corn or corn/soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] at three different heights (0.6, 1.2, and 1.8 m). There was no significant difference in the trap catches by trap type in either 2005 or 2006. There were significantly more adults captured in traps placed between two cornfields than traps placed between corn/soybean fields during both years. Trap height also was significant, with the traps at 1.2 and 1.8 m catching more moths than traps at 0.6 m during both years. These results show that trapping techniques do affect trap catches and that either trap type placed between two cornfields at either 1.2 or 1.8 m above the ground will maximize trap catches.  相似文献   

月相对两种稻螟灯下诱蛾量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经圆形统计分析安徽省庐江县 1 962~ 2 0 0 1年灯光诱蛾资料 ,发现三化螟和二化螟的诱蛾量受到月相的显著影响。诱蛾量的平均角或集中趋势 ,三化螟对应于农历月 2 7日 1 0时 1 3分 (P <0 0 0 1 ) ,二化螟对应于 2 4日 1 6时 2 2分 (P <0 0 0 1 )。两种稻螟诱蛾量的集中时间差异不显著 (P >0 0 5 )。二者合并 ,得到平均集中时间为 2 5日 1 4时 40分。  相似文献   

Pheromone trap types and within-field trap locations were compared for their effectiveness in monitoring the flight activity of European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), and its relationship to egg mass density and crop damage in sweet corn in central Maine from 1995 to 1996. The use of both 3:97 Z:E-11-tetradecenyl acetate and 97:3 Z:E-11 tetradecenyl acetate pheromone blends confirmed that European corn borer in central Maine is attracted to both pheromone lure types. European corn borer moths were captured predominantly with the E-lure type than with the Z-lure type in both years. The Scentry Heliothis trap was more effective than the Multi-Pher trap, but similar to the pheromone-baited water pan trap for monitoring European corn borer flights. With the Scentry Heliothis trap, the grassy border and 1st corn rows were the best locations for moth capture during the early flight period, but during the peak flight period, traps located in the middle of the field caught the most moths. Corn damage was recorded before moth captures in some sites and before egg mass counts in others, indicating poor efficacy of traps for early flights. Significant and positive correlations were found between moth captures in the midfield location and egg mass counts, and corn leaf damage, and between egg mass counts and corn leaf damage. However, low coefficients of variation suggest that pheromone trap captures were not good predictors of European corn borer leaf damage in sweet corn.  相似文献   

Abstract  Three field experiments were conducted in stone fruit orchards in the Goulburn Valley, northern Victoria, Australia to identify a user-friendly trap for use in attract and kill stations for control of Carpophilus spp. (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae). A funnel trap design was compared with two types of delta trap in one experiment and two types of Lucitrap in another experiment. All traps were baited with synthetic co-attractant and synthetic pheromone. The funnel trap was the most effective type of trap tested. The funnel traps caught significantly more beetles than either the delta traps with bio-attractant or delta traps wrapped with insecticide impregnated banana wrap. No difference was observed between catches in either delta trap design. Lucitraps without covers caught significantly more beetles than Lucitraps with covers but funnel traps caught significantly more beetles than either type of Lucitrap. Beetle numbers caught in the funnel traps were three to five times higher than in Lucitrap. The use of funnel traps in attract and kill stations to protect stone fruit crops by suppressing the Carpophilus spp. population gave superior control to 'grower normal practice of spraying insecticides' both in terms of Carpophilus spp. numbers and in terms of reduction in percentage of fruit damaged.  相似文献   

棉铃虫性外激素成分的化学分析和田间试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用毛细柱的气相色谱和质谱对棉铃虫(鳞翅目:夜蛾科)雌蛾腺体提取物的分析,鉴定出了他和十六碳醛、顺-9-十六碳烯醛、顺-11-十六碳烯醛、饱和十六碳醇和顺-11-十六碳烯醇,其相对比例为6.1:4.5:100:3.5:8.8。在山东、山西省的田间试验中,2mg的顺-11-十六碳烯醛和顺-9-十六碳烯醛(97:3)置橡胶塞上能有效地引诱棉铃虫雄蛾。增加4%-7%他和十六碳醛到二元混合物中诱蛾量超过二元混合物。增加1%顺-11-十六碳烯醇到二元或三元混合物中减少诱蛾量,当增加5%顺-11-十六碳醇时诱蛾量大量减少。  相似文献   

在吉林省柳河县绿色稻米生产区,采用1999~2001年间3月1日后有效积温和水稻二化螟诱捕器诱蛾量数据,用线性模型探讨了当地有效积温和诱捕器诱蛾量之间的关系。由建立的线性模型确定越冬代水稻二化螟发蛾始盛期、高峰期和盛末期所需有效积温分别为238.323、339.418和483.398日·度。 采用吉林长春稻区2002~2004年3年间数据比较模型预测值和观察值之间的差异,有效积温的误差值在3.882~26.943日·度之间,相应时间误差为 0~3 天。模型预测准确性较好,可用以及时指导大田防治。  相似文献   

Adult whitefly Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring trap (CC trap) catches were compared with suction type trap catches. CC trap catches were significantly correlated to the suction trap catches. Higher numbers of B. argentifolii adults were caught in CC traps oriented toward an untreated, B. argentifolii-infested, cotton field as compared with traps oriented toward Bermuda grass fields, farm roads, or fallow areas. CC trap catches at five heights above ground (from 0 to 120 cm) were significantly related to each other in choice and no-choice studies. CC trap catches were low in the Imperial and Palo Verde Valleys from late October to early June each of 1996, 1997, and 1998. Trap catches increased with increasing seasonal air temperatures and host availability. Trap catches were adversely affected by wind and rain. Abrupt trap catch increases of 40- to 50-fold for 1-2 d in late June to early July followed by abrupt decreases in adult catches suggest migrating activity of adults from other nearby crop sources.  相似文献   

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