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综观我国当代发酵法生产氨基酸、核苷酸、有机酸、酶制剂、抗生素等研制过程,基本上是跟踪国外先进技术并加以仿制,本文中L-谷氨酸发酵的研制可以说是一个典型范例。从某种意义上来说,如今我国氨基酸和有机酸发酵之发达,莫不始于L-谷氨酸发酵的成功。然而反思我国的发酵工业,虽然L-谷氨酸、柠檬酸、啤酒的产量堪称世界第一,但充其量中国只能称之为发酵工业大国。因此,今后如果不进行自主科技创新,中国的发酵工业就不可能成为真正意义上科技领先的强国。  相似文献   

谷氨酸棒杆菌TL1105的L-组氨酸生物合成途径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对谷氨酸棒杆菌TL1105由葡萄糖生物合成L-组氨酸的代谢途径进行分析,以确定L-组氨酸合成的最佳途径和最大理论产率。方法:运用METATOOL软件对谷氨酸棒杆菌TL1105合成L-组氨酸进行途径分析。结果:确定了L-组氨酸合成的最佳途径,并确定最大理论产率为1.2;通过比较途径分析所获得的基础反应模型,确定了5-磷酸核糖焦磷酸是L-组氨酸合成途径的关键节点,并且确定了谷氨酸的大量合成是L-组氨酸合成的重要前提;添加谷氨酸,L-组氨酸的产量提高了39.2%。结论:以途径分析为指导,改变外界环境因子,L-组氨酸的产量得到显著的提高。  相似文献   

L-精氨酸高产菌株的选育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以谷氨酸高产菌种LH谷氨酸棒杆菌为出发菌株,用化学试剂亚硝基胍(NTG)诱变,经结构类似物磺胺胍和摇瓶产酸筛选,获得一株产L-精氨酸的菌株LH425,在摇瓶发酵中,培养96h,产酸率38g·L-1。  相似文献   

耐温性L-谷氨酸发酵菌种的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用基因组改组技术提高,L-谷氨酸生产菌在高温发酵条件下的谷氨酸产量。以天津短杆菌T6—13变异株SW07-1为原始亲株,分别经紫外线(UV)-硫酸二乙酯(DES)和X射线诱变,获得5株耐温性能略有提高的突变菌株。经2轮基因组改组,获得耐高温(能在44℃生长)的L-谷氨酸菌株F2-50。F2—50在38℃下,摇瓶发酵40h,发酵液中L-谷氨酸浓度比原始出发菌株提高了近41%,在41℃高温下,摇瓶发酵40h,L-谷氨酸浓度比原始出发菌株提高了近2倍。  相似文献   

生物发酵是以微生物菌种为生物催化剂,以淀粉糖、生物质等可再生资源为原料发酵生产各种食品、化学品、燃料、材料等物质的生产过程,具有绿色、低碳和可持续等特征。我国拥有全球规模最大的生物发酵产业,尤其氨基酸、维生素等传统发酵产品占全球市场份额的60%–80%。发展生物发酵产业对于我国实现“碳中和、碳达峰”的战略目标和生物经济发展具有重要的意义。微生物工业菌种是生物发酵产业的核心,直接影响原料路线、产品种类和生产成本。创新发酵工业菌种,提升其原料转化利用效率,提高产物生产水平,拓展产品种类,是生物发酵产业高质量发展的关键。近年来,合成生物学、系统生物学等学科的发展,进一步加深了研究者对微生物底盘细胞生理代谢机制的理解,加速了基因编辑等菌种设计创制使能技术的发展,为发酵工业菌种改造提升提供了新动能。本文选取了具有代表性的大宗氨基酸、B族维生素、柠檬酸、燃料乙醇等发酵产业,从其工业微生物底盘的基础研究和技术开发角度,综述发酵工业菌种改造提升的最新进展,并展望人工智能、自动化与生命科学交叉融合将对工业菌种迭代产生的重要影响。  相似文献   

<正>在我国生物发酵产业中,氨基酸生产占重要地位,L-谷氨酸、L-赖氨酸及L-精氨酸等大宗氨基酸产品的生产规模及生产水平已达到世界先进水平,而小品种氨基酸诸如:L-苯丙氨酸、L-色氨酸、L-缬氨酸及L-异亮氨酸等无论在生产规模还是在生产水平上,均与国外有较大的差距。近年来,福建省麦丹生物集团有限公司及其福州研究院在中国生物发酵产业协会石维忱理事长的关心和指导下,在国家  相似文献   

L-鸟氨酸是一种非蛋白类氨基酸参与尿素代谢及生物多胺类的合成,其对人体具有治疗肝脏疾病、增强免疫力等作用,被广泛应用于医疗、保健、食品等领域。工业上生产鸟氨酸主要有化学法、酶法及工业发酵法。其中,发酵法因其生产成本及环境保护等方面的优势而逐渐成为研究的焦点。本文归纳了近年来采用基因工程技术选育鸟氨酸高产菌种最新研究进展,重点讨论了产鸟氨酸谷氨酸棒杆菌的代谢工程改造策略,并对未来的研究方向进行了预测。  相似文献   

周宁一 《微生物学通报》2016,43(11):2539-2539
正自从1957年Kinoshita等首次描述谷氨酸棒杆菌(Corynebacterium glutamicum)为谷氨酸产生菌[1]以来,其已成为用于氨基酸生产的主要菌株。目前,全世界每年利用谷氨酸棒杆菌生产约100万t L-谷氨酸用于食品调味剂和约45万t L-赖氨酸用作食品添加剂[2]。通过谷氨酸棒状杆菌发酵获得谷氨酸的发酵水平已较高,通过进一步优化工艺来提高产量具有较大困难[3]。  相似文献   

以谷氨酸高产菌S9114和谷氨酸棒杆菌GS538为出发菌株,应用原生质体融合技术,定向选育出一株L-鸟氨酸高产菌株RH169,该菌株能在发酵液中积累L-鸟氨酸,质量浓度可达19.3 g.L-1。  相似文献   

本文以星形神经胶质细胞为对象,用同位素示踪技术较详细地研究了介质中Na、、K~+和CL~-、不同浓度的卡因酸以及几种抑制剂对L-谷氨酸摄取的影响;并观察了L-谷氨酸对星形神经胶质细胞膜运输Na~+、K~+、Cl~-和Ca~(2+)等的作用.结果表明:L-谷氨酸的摄取依赖于介质中是否存在Na~+ ,在缺Na~+介质中对Cl~-的依赖性也较明显,但在正常Na~+浓度下,含Cl~_和缺Cl~_没有明显差别.当增加介质中K~+浓度引起膜的去极化时,则能降低L~_谷氨酸的摄取.反过来,L-谷氨酸的摄取也对Na~+、K~+、Cl~-等的运输起刺激作用.此外,卡因酸及所用的几种抑制剂对谷氨酸的摄取办有明显抑制作用.  相似文献   

工业微生物及其产品广泛用于工业、农业、医药等诸多领域,相关产业在国民经济中具有举足轻重的地位。高效的菌株是提高生产效率的核心,而先进发酵技术和仪器平台对充分开发菌株代谢潜能也很重要。近年来,工业微生物领域的研究取得了快速进展,人工智能、高效基因组编辑技术和合成生物学技术逐渐广泛使用,相关产业应用也在不断扩展。为进一步促进工业微生物在生物制造等领域的应用,《生物工程学报》特组织出版专刊,从微生物菌株的多样性和生理代谢、菌株改造技术、发酵过程优化和放大,高通量微液滴培养装备开发以及工业微生物应用等方面,分别阐述目前的研究进展,并展望未来的发展趋势,为促进工业微生物及生物制造等产业的发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

A large number of molds serve as producer strains for the industrial production of pharmaceuticals, foods, or organic chemicals. To optimize strains for production processes, conventional strain development programs use random mutagenesis and, more recently, recombinant technologies to generate microbial strains with novel and advantageous properties. The recent detection of mating type genes in fungal production strains and the discovery of cryptic sexuality in presumably asexual fungi open up novel strategies for generating progeny with new, as yet unobserved properties. Mating type genes, which can be considered as “sex genes,” not only direct sexual development but also regulate a broad range of fungal secondary metabolites. In addition, they control hyphal morphology, which has a direct impact on production processes that are often conducted in huge fermenter tanks. Here, we survey the occurrence and function of mating type genes that have been discovered in a wide range of industrial fungal producer strains. The possibility to obtain progeny from industrial producers by sexual mating provides an exciting alternative to conventional strain improvement programs aiming to generate optimized recombinant production strains.  相似文献   

This review highlights the importance of natural product research and industrial microbiology for product development in the agricultural industry, based on examples from Dow AgroSciences. It provides an overview of the discovery and development of spinetoram, a semisynthetic insecticide derived by a combination of a genetic block in a specific O-methylation of the rhamnose moiety of spinosad coupled with neural network-based QSAR and synthetic chemistry. It also emphasizes the key role that new technologies and multidisciplinary approaches play in the development of current spinetoram production strains.  相似文献   

合成生物学技术的快速发展极大提升了微生物细胞工厂的构建能力,为化学品的绿色高效生产提供了重要策略。然而,微生物细胞难以耐受高强度工业环境、抗逆性差,成为了限制其生产性能的关键因素。适应性进化是一种人为施加定向选择压力,使微生物经过长期或短期驯化,获得适应特定环境的表型或生理性能的重要方法。近年来,随着微流控、生物传感器、组学分析等技术的发展,适应性进化为提升微生物细胞在工业环境下的生产性能奠定了基础。本文论述了适应性进化的关键技术及在提高微生物细胞工厂环境耐受性和生产效率方面的重要应用,并展望了适应性进化实现微生物细胞工厂在工业环境下高效运行的重要前景。  相似文献   

New tools for the genetic manipulation of filamentous fungi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Filamentous fungi have a long-standing tradition as industrial producers of primary and secondary metabolites. Initially, industrial scientists selected production strains from natural isolates that fulfilled both microbiological and technical requirements for economical production processes. Subsequently, genetically modified strains with novel properties were obtained through traditional strain improvement programs relying mostly on random mutagenesis. In recent years, however, recombinant technologies have contributed significantly to improve the capacities of production and have also allowed the design of genetically manipulated strains. These major advances were only made possible by basic research bringing deeper and novel insights into cellular and molecular fungal processes, thus allowing the design of genetically manipulated strains. This better understanding of fundamental genetic processes in model organisms has resulted in the design and generation of new experimental transformation strategies to manipulate specifically gene expression and function in diverse filamentous fungi, including those having a biotechnical significance. In this review, we summarize recent developments in the application of homologous DNA recombination and RNA interference to manipulate fungal recipients for further improvement of physiology and development in regards to biotechnical and pharmaceutical applications.  相似文献   

抗生素产生菌诱变育种的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一种抗生素能否产业化决定于抗生素产生菌菌种的产素水平。因而如何提高抗生素产生菌的产素水平成为抗生素研究工作者长期不懈探索的重要课题。其中,诱变育种以其技术设备简单、省时省力等优点得到了微生物育种工作者的青睐,在诱变育种技术上取得了巨大进展,为抗生素工业化生产发挥了重要作用。综述了抗生素产生菌的诱变育种研究进展。  相似文献   

Massive cultivation of microalgae: Results and prospects   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Carl J. Soeder 《Hydrobiologia》1980,72(1-2):197-209
An account is given of the development of the utilization of microalgae for food and feed with special emphasis on the advantages of algal technologies for tropical and subtropical countries. The present status of microalgae mass production is characterized with respect to technology, product properties, yields, nutrition, toxicology and economics. As a multipurpose operation, the treatment of liquid wastes with algae-bacteria systems is the most promising microalgal technology. It yields proteinaceous microbial biomass as a comparatively inexpensive by-product of the operation of high-rate algal ponds, either at the simplified rural level or at the technically more elaborate industrial level. The aspect of hard-currency saving by employing algae-bacteria systems in sewage treatment for animal feed production is stressed.  相似文献   

Amino acid fermentation is one of the major pillars of industrial biotechnology. The multi-billion USD amino acid market is rising steadily and is diversifying. Metabolic engineering is no longer focused solely on strain development for the bulk amino acids L-glutamate and L-lysine that are produced at the million-ton scale, but targets specialty amino acids. These demands are met by the development and application of new metabolic engineering tools including CRISPR and biosensor technologies as well as production processes by enabling a flexible feedstock concept, co-production and co-cultivation schemes. Metabolic engineering advances are exemplified for specialty proteinogenic amino acids, cyclic amino acids, omega-amino acids, and amino acids functionalized by hydroxylation, halogenation and N-methylation.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the preferred microorganism for the production of bioethanol from biomass. Industrial strain development for first-generation ethanol from sugar cane and corn mostly relies on the historical know-how from high gravity beer brewing and alcohol distilleries. However, the recent design of yeast platforms for the production of second–generation biofuels and green chemicals from lignocellulose exposes yeast to different environments and stress challenges. The industrial need for increased productivity, wider substrate range utilization, and the production of novel compounds leads to renewed interest in further extending the use of current industrial strains by exploiting the immense, and still unknown, potential of natural yeast strains. This review describes key metabolic engineering strategies tailored to develop efficient industrial and novel natural yeast strains towards bioethanol production from biomass. Furthermore, it shapes how proof-of-concept studies, often advanced in academic settings on natural yeast, can be upgraded to meet the requirements for industrial applications. Academic and industrial research should continue to cooperate on both improving existing industrial strains and developing novel phenotypes by exploring the vast biodiversity available in nature on the road to establish yeast biorefineries where a range of biomass substrates are converted into valuable compounds.  相似文献   

提高酿酒酵母细胞耐受环境胁迫(高渗透压、高浓度酒精和高温)的能力对酒精工业生产具有重要的意义。对提高酿酒酵母耐受性的研究方法和策略的发展历程进行了综述。基因组学、转录组学和蛋白质组学等现代组学技术在这一领域的研究获得了广泛的应用。这些技术将提供期待的信息,去理性改造并获得更加耐受胁迫的工业酵母菌株。  相似文献   

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