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双须叶须鱼(Ptychobarbus dipogon Regan)隶属裂腹鱼亚科(Schizothoracinae)叶须鱼属(Ptychobarbus),是西藏特有经济鱼类,2016年被列入中国脊椎动物红色名录,必须加快推动该鱼的养护工作。2013年2~3月份及2014年2~6月份,在雅鲁藏布江谢通门段与支流拉萨河上游段采集1 030尾双须叶须鱼样本,以脊椎骨作为年龄鉴定材料进行年龄与生长特点研究,以期分析和评价该类群鱼类资源情况。研究结果如下:双须叶须鱼样本中最大年龄为49龄,最小年龄为4龄;体重与体长关系是样本总体W=4.4×10-5?SL2.7688、雌鱼W=5.0×10-4?SL2.3474、雄鱼W=2.8×10-5?SL2.8414;体长生长方程为雌鱼Lt(♀)=431.8[1-e-0.19t+1.19)],渐进体长L(♀)=431.8 mm,拐点年龄为3.3龄,雄鱼Lt(♂)=367.6[1-e-0.42t+3.37)],渐进体长L(♂)=367.7 mm;体重生长方程为雌鱼Wt(♀)=767.40[1-e-0.19t+1.19)]2.3474,雄鱼Wt(♂)=545.02[1-e-0.42t+3.37)]2.8414;群体异速生长指数b=2.768 8与匀速生长指数3存在显著性差异,即P<0.05。研究表明双须叶须鱼体趋向低龄化,应当予以充分关注。  相似文献   

于2020年10月至2021年3月在四川省甘孜藏族自治州雅砻江江段(雅江县至新龙县)采集厚唇裸重唇鱼(Gymnodiptychus pachycheilus)样本189尾,用以研究雅砻江中游厚唇裸重唇鱼的种群结构与生长特性,分析其野生资源现状、影响因素及保护对策。结果显示雅砻江中游厚唇裸重唇鱼调查种群由3-9龄组成,其中优势年龄组为4-6龄,占样本总数的87.83%;种群平均体长和体重分别为264.1 mm和250.5 g,雌雄性比为1.48:1,雌性和雄性最小性成熟个体年龄均为4龄,对应体长分别为202.0 mm和220.0 mm,对应体重分别为105.0 g和133.0 g;种群的平均肥满度为1.22,体长(L)与体重(W)关系式为W=5.00×10-6L3.146R2=0.948,n=189),属于匀速生长类型;种群体长和体重的Von Bertalanffy生长方程分别为Lt=727.5[1-e-0.097(t-0.508)],Wt=5224.9[1-e-0.097(t-0.508)]3.146;生长拐点年龄为12.4龄,对应的体长和体重分别为505.2 mm和1568.3 g。研究表明目前雅砻江中游厚唇裸重唇鱼表现出年龄结构趋于低龄化,体型趋于小型化的种群结构特点,且具有自然寿命较长、生长缓慢、渐近体长较大等生长特性,加之雅砻江饵料基础和水文条件较差等因素,推测雅砻江中游厚唇裸重唇鱼所具备的种群增长潜力较低,其野生资源的自然恢复面临挑战。因此,应尽快开展雅砻江流域厚唇裸重唇鱼野生资源的保护工作。  相似文献   

凤鲚(Coilia mystus)作为浙南近海的经济鱼类之一,近年来,由于长期的过度捕捞,其数量迅速下降。为探究浙南近海凤鲚资源的变动情况及其生物参数,2020年5月至2021年1月对浙南近海21个调查站位进行4个航次的底拖网调查,以生物量、丰度作为资源分布的数量指标,采用ELEFAN Ⅱ技术和Beverton-Holt动态综合模型对凤鲚的生长和死亡参数进行估算并分析凤鲚资源变动趋势。结果表明:4个航次共采集凤鲚903尾,总出现率为52.4%,生物量和丰度最高值出现在夏季,分别为24.46 kg/km2和2.33×103 ind./km2;体长范围为43~224 mm,优势体长组为100~180 mm,占全年总数的84.81%,体长(L)和体重(W)的关系式为W=1.25×10-6L3.2693 R2=0.9448);体重的生长拐点年龄为1.20 a。采用Pauly 经验公式估算出凤鲚的自然死亡系数为0.75,采用长度变换渔获曲线法估算凤鲚的总死亡系数为3.06,捕捞死亡系数为2.31,当前开发率为0.76。Beverton-Holt动态综合模型显示,浙南近海凤鲚已处于过度开发状态。为有效保护并恢复浙南近海凤鲚资源,建议设立凤鲚种质资源保护区,加强对凤鲚产卵场、仔稚鱼保育场的保护。  相似文献   

[目的] 研究稻虾共作模式条件下,稻田封闭除草剂对克氏原螯虾产生的急性毒性。[方法] 采用半静态试验方法,研究3种酰胺类除草剂(乙草胺、丙草胺和丁草胺)对克氏原螯虾的急性毒性,计算3种酰胺类除草剂对克氏原螯虾的安全浓度,并分析其LC50衰减规律。[结果] 随着暴露时间和除草剂浓度的增加,虾体侧躺,步行足和游泳足活动频率降低,最终死亡。乙草胺对克氏原螯虾的96 h半致死浓度(LC50)和安全浓度(SC)分别为0.0707和0.0146 mL·L-1;丙草胺对克氏原螯虾的96 h LC50和SC分别为0.0119和0.0021 mL·L-1;丁草胺对克氏原螯虾的96h LC50和SC分别为0.0073和0.0014 mL·L-1。乙草胺、丙草胺及丁草胺除草剂LC50随着暴露时间延长呈下降趋势,符合双曲线衰减模型,回归方程分别为:① y1=2.0840x-0.7380R2=0.9973);② y2=0.1106x-0.4930R2=0.9872);③ y3=0.2236x-0.7480R2=0.9990)。克氏原螯虾对3种除草剂的敏感性由高到低依次为:丁草胺 > 丙草胺 > 乙草胺。[结论] 乙草胺和丙草胺可在稻田综合种养生产过程中按常规剂量使用,而丁草胺按常规剂量使用可能存在较大的风险。  相似文献   

四川地区猪源艰难梭菌分子分型调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[背景] 艰难梭菌是一种重要的人畜共患肠道病原菌,可引起人和多种动物抗生素相关性腹泻或假膜性肠炎。四川作为我国主要的生猪产区,还未有猪源艰难梭菌流行病学调查的相关报道,对猪源艰难梭菌的防控及保障猪肉安全带来挑战。[目的] 调查四川地区猪源艰难梭菌的感染、流行情况,并对分离出的艰难梭菌进行分子分型研究。[方法] 收集来自四川生猪主要产区6个养殖场中猪的粪便标本(n=110),采用厌氧培养技术在艰难梭菌鉴别培养基上进行分离培养;采用PCR方法扩增艰难梭菌4个毒素基因(tcdAtcdBcdtAcdtB)和7个管家基因(adkatpAdxrglyArecAsodAtpi),对分离株进行毒素基因分型和多位点序列分型。[结果] 从110份样品中,经革兰氏染色镜检及PCR鉴定,共分离出20株艰难梭菌,分离率高达18.18%;毒素基因分型结果显示共获得3种毒素基因型,包括tcdA+tcdB+cdtA/cdtB+n=3)、tcdA+tcdB+cdtA/cdtBn=6)、tcdAtcdBcdtA/cdtBn=11);多位点序列分型结果显示获得5个ST型,包括ST11(n=3)、ST3(n=1)、ST35(n=2)、ST36(n=4)、ST109(n=10);进化树结果显示,所有分离株聚集为2个大群,分别为3个分支和17个分支。[结论] 四川主要生猪产区猪群存在艰难梭菌感染,分离株的分子分型呈多样性,主要流行型为ST11、ST3、ST35、ST36、ST109型,并且存在ST11型高毒力菌株流行的风险。  相似文献   

孙太福  王静  蔡永华  程建国  黎勇  周密  盛岩  孟秀祥 《生态学报》2020,40(24):9245-9251
基于非损伤取样和放射免疫法(RIA),于2018年9月1日-10月15日期间对四川马尔康林麝繁育场的36头雄性圈养林麝(Moschus berezovskii)的粪样类固醇激素水平进行了检测,结合麝香分泌数据采集,探究了林麝的粪样睾酮和皮质醇水平与其麝香分泌的关系,结果表明:四川马尔康圈养林麝的麝香分泌(12.53±0.76)g(n=36)与粪样睾酮水平(106.03±12.34)ng/g(n=36)呈显著正相关(r=0.436,P < 0.01),泌香较多雄麝(16.50±0.61)g(n=17)的睾酮水平(141.51±21.86)ng/g(n=17)显著地高于泌香较少(8.98±0.59)g(n=19)雄麝(74.27±7.93)ng/g(n=19)(t=-3.252,df=34, P < 0.01),方程y=0.021x+10.270(R2=0.120,P < 0.05)可较好地拟合二者间关系。麝香分泌与皮质醇浓度(47.49±1.53)ng/g(n=36)相关不显著(r=0.078,P > 0.05),泌香较多雄麝的皮质醇浓度(48.98±2.28)ng/g(n=17)略高于泌香较少雄麝(46.17±2.14)ng/g(n=19),差异不显著(P > 0.05),方程y=0.038x+10.730(R2=0.023,P > 0.05)可近似拟合皮质醇与泌香量间的关系。此外,雄麝睾酮水平对泌香量有显著影响(P < 0.05),睾酮水平较高林麝泌香量(14.97±1.17)g(n=12)显著高于睾酮水平较低个体的泌香量(11.32±0.90)g(n=24)(F=4.79,P < 0.05),而睾酮、皮质醇和年龄对麝香分泌的综合效应及变量间的交互作用均不显著(P > 0.05)。研究确定了圈养林麝粪样睾酮和皮质醇水平与麝香分泌量间的关系,可用于麝类驯养实践的麝香产量预测及品系选育。  相似文献   

成年大鼠海马CA1区锥体神经元外向整流氯离子单通道特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用膜片钳内面向外式技术,在急性分离成年大鼠海马CAl区锥体细胞上记录到了外向整流氯离子通道(outwardly rectifying chloride channel,ORCC).长时间去极化(≥60 mV)刺激后,在30%的游离膜片上记录到有外向整流特性的单通道氯电流,膜电位在-60 mV到0 mV之间的单通道电导为(16.58±1.54) pS(n=10),而在0 mV到+60 mV之间电导为(40.92±3.17) pS.通道开放概率有明显的电压依赖性(膜电位-60 mV时,Po=0.44±0.12;膜电位为+60 mV时,Po=0.86±0.06, n=10).在对称Cl浓度(150 mmol/L)时,通道翻转电位为(-4.17±1.84) mV.当溶液中部分NaCl被葡萄糖酸钠替代后,翻转电位为:(-34.23±4.86) mV ([Cli/[Clo=(30 mmol/L)/(150 mmol/L)),接近氯离子通道的理论值,这表明通道具有氯离子选择性.浴槽液中分别加入氯通道阻断剂DIDS和SITS可以使+40 mV的通道开放概率从(0.83±0.06)和(0.86±0.06)分别降低到(0.12±0.05)和(0.13±0.04)(n=5),冲洗后可使开放概率基本恢复.上述研究结果显示,在成年大鼠海马CA1神经元上存在外向整流氯离子通道.  相似文献   

何雪李  陆施毅  黄中豪  李友邦 《生态学报》2021,41(21):8664-8672
为了解白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)的栖息地利用规律及其影响因素,2016年2月至2017年1月,采用瞬时扫描取样法对广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区一群白头叶猴的栖息地利用进行了研究。结果表明,白头叶猴对山体不同部位的利用存在显著性差异(χ2 =39.467,df=3,P<0.001),其中,对崖壁(56.75±9.55)%的利用比例最大,其次是对山坡(39.42±10.93)%和山顶(2.98±2.54)%的利用,而对山脚(0.84±1.47)%的利用频率最低。白头叶猴对不同微生境类型的利用存在差异(χ2=27.709,df=3,P<0.001),其中对乔木(49.37±12.31)%的利用比例最大,其次是裸岩(24.05±13.61)%,随后依次为藤本(15.48±8.01)%和灌木(10.87±5.45)%。白头叶猴主要在山坡上觅食,利用崖壁移动、休息,进行社会活动;主要利用裸岩进行社会活动,觅食、移动、休息主要发生在乔木上。从整体来看,白头叶猴在雨季对乔木的利用频率显著大于旱季(Z=-2.680,n=12,P=0.007);雨季在山坡觅食频率显著大于旱季(Z=-2.517,n=12,P=0.012),而在崖壁觅食频率刚好相反(Z=-2.842,n=12,P=0.004);白头叶猴雨季在乔木休息的频率显著大于旱季(Z=-2.355,n=12,P=0.019)。白头叶猴对栖息地的利用受到温度的影响。白头叶猴对乔木的总体利用频率随着平均温度的升高而增加(r=0.664,n=12,P=0.018);觅食时,对崖壁、裸岩的利用频率均与平均温度成负相关关系(崖壁:r=-0.685,n=12,P=0.014;裸岩:r=-0.600,n=12,P=0.039);休息时,对乔木的利用频率与平均温度呈正相关关系(r=0.650,n=12,P=0.022)。不同季节,白头叶猴对栖息地的利用方式不同。白头叶猴的栖息地利用模式可能是在觅食利益和捕食风险之间作出的权衡,并受到环境温度的影响。  相似文献   

对“山水林田湖草生命共同体”各要素相互关系的深入理解是对其实行保护、系统治理的重要基础。本研究以长白山地区为研究对象,利用空间叠置分析法定量分析该地区“山水林田湖草生命共同体”各要素间的关联性,解构各要素的关系以及相互影响程度,并量化其依存关系。研究结果显示:研究区内各市人口数量、城镇面积与耕地面积呈显著正相关关系(人口数量:R2=0.789,P < 0.05; 城镇面积:R2=0.863,P < 0.05);耕地的分布与地表水体的分布具有较高的空间相关性(r=0.812),两者的数量关系也呈显著正相关(R2=0.96,P < 0.01);区内河流分布、土壤类型与地形、地貌密切相关;区内各市水土流失面积与其森林覆盖率呈显著线性负相关关系(R2=0.824,P < 0.05)。由此可见,6个要素之间存在很明显的依存关系。因此,长白山地区“山水林田湖草生命共同体”的保护与修复应该重视各要素之间的联系,针对其系统性和整体性特征实施相应的保护和治理。  相似文献   

目的 探讨专家门诊亚专科化及专病门诊优化对学科发展及患者就诊的影响。方法 2011年及2014年分别对老年医学科及普通外科专家门诊实行亚专科化并在2013年至2014年对专病门诊进行优化,比较调整前后门诊相关指标的变化。结果 亚专科化后,两个专科的专家门诊量分别增长了63.0%和5.6%,均高于医院同期平均水平(经χ2检验,P=0.000)。普通外科4级手术率达34.9%,高于2013年同期(经χ2检验,P=0.000),挂号错误率也明显下降(经χ2检验, P=0.000)。2014年底专病门诊增至38个,其中联合专病门诊7个,门诊量增长了36.5%,高于同期专病门诊数量及医院门诊量的增长率(经χ2检验,P=0.000)。结论 专家门诊的亚专科化及充分发挥专病门诊的作用是促进学科建设、提升医院影响力、方便患者就诊的有效措施之一。  相似文献   

Komárek has recently reviewed the various species assigned to the green algal genusNeochloris Starr (Chlorococcales, Chlorococcaceae) and removed those with uninucleate vegetative cells to a new genus,Ettlia. Watanabe & Floyd, unaware ofKomárek's work, also reviewed the species ofNeochloris and distributed them among three genera—Neochloris, Chlorococcopsis gen. nov., andParietochloris gen. nov.—on the basis of details of the covering of the zoospore and the arrangement of the basal bodies of the flagellar apparatus. This paper reconciles these two treatments and makes additional recommendations at the ranks of genus, family, order, and class.  相似文献   

Forest succession following fire in a forest mosaic of northwestern Quebec has been studied in order to: (1) describe the successional pathways using communities of different ages and (2) evaluate convergence of successional pathways and possible effect of fire suppression on the establishment of steady-state communities. As a first step, ordination and classification techniques were used in order to remove changes in forest composition which are related to abiotic conditions. Then, ordinations based on tree diameter distributions were used to study shifts in species composition in relation to time since the last fire.Even under similar abiotic conditions, successional pathways are numerous. However, regardless of forest composition after fire, most stands show convergence toward dominance of Thuja occidentalis and Picea mariana on xeric sites and dominance of Abies balsamea and Thuja occidentalis on more mesic sites. Stable communities of >300 yr occur on xeric sites while on mesic sites directional succession still occurs after 224 yr. Nearly all species involved in succession are present in the first 50 yr following fire. Only Abies balsamea and Thuja occidentalis increase significantly in frequency during succession. Following initial establishment, successional processes can generally be explained by species longevity and shade tolerance. Early successional species may be abundant in the canopy for more than 200 yr while the rapid decrease of Picea glauca, a late successional species could be related to spruce budworm outbreaks. Considering the short fire rotation observed (about 150 yr), a steady-state forest is unlikely to occur under natural conditions, though it may be possible if fire is controlled.  相似文献   

Roots ofHectorella caespitosa Hook. f. were induced to produce a red pigment which was shown to be a betalain and not an anthocyanin. These data indicate thatHectorella belongs to theChenopodiineae, the betalain suborder of theCentrospermae, and excludes alignment with the anthocyanin family theCaryophyllaceae.  相似文献   

Lavire  C.  Cournoyer  B. 《Plant and Soil》2003,254(1):125-137
The actinomycete Frankia is of fundamental and ecological interests for several reasons including its wide distribution, its ability to fix nitrogen, differentiate into sporangium and vesicle (specialized cell for nitrogen-fixation), and to nodulate plants from about 24 genera. Here, we present a review on the genetics performed so far on Frankia. At the end of July 2001, 293 kbp of Frankia DNA sequences were found in the databases. Thirty five percent of these sequences corresponded to full gene or gene cluster sequences. These genes could be divided according to their role into 6 key activities: gene translation (rrnA and tRNA pro gene), proteolysis (pcr genes), assimilation of ammonium (glnA and glnII), protection against superoxide ions (sodF), nitrogen fixation (nif cluster), and plasmid replication. We present a review of these genetic islands; their function, expression, localization and particular properties are discussed. A comparative analysis of Frankia nif genes from various strains and species is presented. An improved nomenclature for some of these genes is suggested to avoid conflicts. Frankia plasmids DNA sequences are also presented. The novel trends in Frankia genetics are described.  相似文献   

New and old problems in the taxonomy of the Gelidiales (Rhodophyta)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Santelices  Bernabé 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):125-135
The order Gelidiales includes over 140 agar-producing taxa. Many species are taxonomically confused; the boundaries of one family and all but four genera recently have been contested, and the controversy over ordinal status has lasted for over 25 years. This study reviews recent developments in the taxonomy of the group and suggests future areas for studies. The order cannot be defined by a few exclusive characters, as intended in the past, but it shows a unique combination of characters. Additional studies on Gelidiella and Acanthopeltis seem advisable to clarify family limits. The segregation of Onikusa and Pterocladiastrum is doubtful. Only three of six characters discriminate Gelidium from Pterocladia. None allows complete generic segregation and all need variability studies. Analysis of nomenclatural types in the light of morphological variation would permit an understanding of species limits in Gelidium and Pterocladia. Similar studies are needed in Gelidiella and Ptilophora.  相似文献   

A simple method for the preparative resolution of three Man3GlcNAc2 isomers called Ia, Ib and II has been designed. It consists mainly of the use of concanavalin A-Sepharose which allowed the total purification of Man3GlcNAc2-Ia, and then of anion-exchange resin in borate buffer-gradient to separate the Ib and II isomers. The purity of each oligosaccharide was checked by two HPLC methods. The use of these oligosaccharides for different analytical and biosynthetic purposes is discussed, and the unexpected resistance of one of the Man3GlcNAc2 alditols to the action of endo--N-acetylglucosaminidase H is noted.  相似文献   

The evolution of the Australian flora through the Tertiary has not been reviewed by a megafossil palaeobotanist for almost a century. Based on material available and published studies, the Australian Tertiary can be considered in three units: Eocene, Oligo-Miocene, and Pliocene. Key taxa in the Eocene includeCasuarinaceae, Proteaceae, Fagaceae, Podocarpaceae, andLauraceae. Many known Eocene deposits are interpreted as warm, humid rainforests.Oligo-Miocene floras reflect a climatic deterioration, with greater occurrence of sclerophylly and xerophylly. A reduction of tropical taxa is seen with an increase ofMyrtaceae and earliest records ofMimosaceae, Chenopodiaceae, andPoaceae. These trends continue into the Pliocene, which is not well represented in Australia.Problems needing to be addressed include the discrepancy between the pollen and megafossil records ofNothofagus, the origins of Australia's wet tropical taxa, and the role of fire in the early evolution of the Australian flora.  相似文献   

Brief results of a survey are reported for the primate fauna in south-eastern Cameroon and northern Congo. The survey was carried over the period from October 1988 to January 1989. I confirmed the occurrence ofMandrillus sphinx in the south-eastern part of Cameroon, viz. the south bank of the Dja river, the occurrence ofCercocebus albigena in almost all the survey areas, the occurrence ofCercopithecus cephus, C. nictitans, C. pogonias, andGorilla g. gorilla throughout the areas, and the occurrence ofCercopithecus neglectus andColobus badius near Bomassa, 70 km north of Ouesso, in Congo. I also confirmedColobus polykomos satanas in some parts of Cameroon, but this species is declining. Local people provided information onCercocebus galeritus agilis, Colobus guereza, andPan troglodytes in almost all the areas, in some of which I confirmed the animals directly. They also provided information aboutCercocebus torquatus on the north bank of the Dja river in Cameroon andMiopithecus talapoin in Sembe in Congo, although I could not confirm these species myself. Human activities had begun reducing the populations of the above primates, particularly those ofMandrillus sphinx, Colobus polykomos satanas, andGorilla g. gorilla, in south-eastern Cameroon and in northern Congo despite the low density of the human populations.  相似文献   

The sequences of the nuclear genes of the 33 kDa (OEE1) and the 16 kDa (OEE3) polypeptides of the oxygen evolving complex of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii have been established. Comparison between the OEE1 protein sequences of C. reinhardtii and higher plants and cyanobacteria reveals 67 and 47% homology. In contrast, C. reinhardtii and higher plants have only 28% overall homology for OEE3 which is mostly limited to the central portion of the protein. The transit peptides of the C. reinhardtii proteins consist of 52 (OEE1) and, most likely, 51 (OEE1) amino acids. They have a basic amino terminal region and, at least in the case of OEE1, a hydrophobic segment at their carboxy terminal end typical of thylakoid lumen proteins. Comparison of the genomic and cDNA clones indicates that the OEE1 and OEE3 genes contain five and four introns, respectively, some of which are located within the coding sequences of the transit peptides.  相似文献   

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