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武汉市石榴红农场休闲景观的游憩价值和存在价值估算   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蔡银莺  张安录 《生态学报》2008,28(3):1201-1210
都市休闲农业将传统农业与旅游业结合,利用农田景观、自然生态及环境资源,融合农业生产、农村文化及农家生活等人文景观,为人们提供休闲、娱乐和游憩等多重功能.价值估算在对武汉市石榴红农场及182位样本游客调查的基础上,应用旅游成本法和条件价值评估法估算休闲农地景观的游憩价值和存在价值.研究结果表明:(1)从传统的种植单位转型为以休闲度假、农事体验、农业观光为主的农业园区,石榴红休闲农场的经营效益明显,单位用地效益较传统蔬菜种植收益 (22990.26元/(hm2·a)) 净增1.6倍,但其带给消费者的更多的是目前无法通过市场配置的非市场价值.(2)利用TCM评价出石榴红农场2006年的总游憩价值在5057.99×104元,人均消费者剩余(consumer surplus, CS)2809.99元,约为游客平均游玩费用的36.71倍;农地景观单位游憩价值334905元/(hm2·a),是休闲农业经济产值(60000元/ (hm2·a))的5.58倍,游憩价值是农地景观价值构成中的重要组成.(3)从游客的支付意愿(willingness to pay, WTP)出发,应用CVM估算出石榴红休闲农地景观保存价值达117.92×104元/a,土地年均存在价值7808元/hm2.(4)农地景观的游憩价值及存在价值等非市场效益显著,然而在现行资源价值核算体系中却往往因缺失交易机制而被遗漏,意味着在土地分配决策与消费实践中,如果只单纯考虑经济产值,土地用途转换过程中将造成大量的社会福利损失.  相似文献   
运用市场价值法、碳税法、造林成本法和工业制氧影子价格法、影子工程法以及价格替代等方法,以肇庆仙女湖为例,对城市湖泊水生态系统自然资产价值部分的演变进行了评估。结果得出,仙女湖水生态系统退化过程中,导致水生态系统有些服务功能的大幅度降低,如大气调节功能价值由1999年的460124元降低到2004年的8元、水质净化功能价值由1999年的11480元降到2004年的904元等;但并非各项生态系统服务功能价值都降低,有些项目的生态系统服务功能可保持不变,如水资源调节功能价值;甚至升高,如物质生产价值由1999年的152400元增加到2004年的241200元。该研究给退化生态系统的修复带来很大启示,即在退化生态系统的修复过程中要针对性的就退化生态系统的结构和功能进行修复,提高生态系统的总体服务功能价值,而并非退化生态系统的各项服务均需提高,有些项目的生态系统服务价值可以保持不变,甚至降低。  相似文献   
Summary Hartfield Park bushland represents a typical area of Perth urban bushland, and is identified as one site worthy of protection in the Western Australian Government's Bush Forever Plan. Two thirds of the Reserve is developed and parts of the remaining bushland are under threat of future development for parking and playing fields. This paper reports a study undertaken to estimate the economic value placed by the community on a specified urban bushland site using the contingent valuation method, a stated preference, non‐market valuation technique which captures both use and non‐use values. Because environmental goods such as urban bushland exist without organized markets, they are often omitted from the decision‐making process regarding the socially optimal management of resources. In estimating a valuation for Hartfield Park, it may be included in any cost–benefit analysis conducted for the site in future. A survey was conducted across the Perth metropolitan area during April 2001 that involved the mail out of 1000 questionnaires to names and addresses obtained at random from the Western Australia Electoral Roll. A 54% response rate was obtained. Regression analysis was used to predict the probability of people being willing to pay for the preservation of this urban bushland and the significant predictors of willingness to pay related to income and educational levels rather than proximity to or knowledge of the site. Willingness to pay was also estimated and the results indicate a conservative mean willingness to pay for the preservation of the bushland of $A21.60 per person per annum. Extrapolation of this figure across the total adult metropolitan community resulted in an estimated valuation of $A16.6 million. Median willingness to pay was also estimated and equalled $A4.35 per person per annum with a valuation for the total adult metropolitan community equal to $A3.3 million. Extrapolation of these mean and median figures across Perth households rather than adult individuals resulted in an estimated valuation of $A9.6 million and $A1.9 million, respectively. These figures indicate that the community value for this environmental amenity may exceed the costs of providing alternative facilities elsewhere.  相似文献   
Background and Objectives  Multiple Criteria Decision Aid (MCDA) methods may be employed in a great number of fields. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a specific method among the MCDA Methods. A stage of MCDA methods to be respected in LCA is the comparative evaluation of the environmental impacts. This stage is the most difficult to implement because it is a question of estimating the global environmental impact of the life cycles studied. To achieve this purpose, it is necessary to model the environmental impacts and to apply a Multicriteria Analysis (MCA) method. The problem is to choose the most suitable among the available MCA methods. The objective of this paper is to help the LCA practitioner to make this choice. Methodology  The MCA methods are compared according to their non-compensatory degree, their sensitivity to thresholds, their practicability and their workability. Results and Conclusion  The protocol presented in this paper allows to choose the most appropriate MCA method for a given LCA according to the four previous criteria. This choice will depend on the priorities of the decision maker with concern to the comparison criteria.  相似文献   
In Japan, requirements for the development of valuation methodology are very stringent. Several methodologies have been proposed to meet these demands in recent years. These methods, however, are quite different in many points such as selected impact categories, the numbers of substances considered, and basic concepts for the environment. The results of LCA are fully dependent on the goals of LCA practitioners and commissioners. If they misunderstand the concept of method and use it, the result may not fit for the purpose. Consequently, it is important to characterize the methods selected by the practitioner in accordance with their LCA goals. In this paper, weighting methodologies proposed in Japan have been introduced with a comparison between the results of case studies for common industrial products. Furthermore, we considered the present situations and future directions of valuation methodologies in Japan. This consideration is carried out based on the results of investigations performed by the Impact Assessment Committee of the National LCA Project of Japan  相似文献   
本文根据FuzzZ数学理论,运用多级模型的综合评判法,对国内20种黄桃罐头产品质量进行了优劣鉴评。并将其划分为一、二、三、四4个等级。从而为罐头产品质量鉴评,准确地汰劣遴优提供新方法。  相似文献   
Die Kombination (Koppelung) der Stoffe im Chemosyndrom kann gegenseitig oder einseitig obligat oder auch fakultativ sein. Dabei ist die Stellung der beteiligten eng verwandten Produkte im Rahmen der Biosynthese von Fall zu Fall verschieden. — Dem Chemotaxonomen kann die Berücksichrigung dieser Aspekte zumindest tendenziell als Anhaltspunkt dienen. Bei Vorkommen der Komponenten in verschiedenen Verwandtschaftskreisen wird man ein Chemosyndrom - also eine Kornbination biogenetisch eng verwandter Verbindungen - urn so eher als ein einziges Merkmal betrachten können, je seltener die Kombination aufgelöst ist. Zweifellos stellen der solitare Stoff als Einzelmerkmal und die ohne Ausnahme auftretende (obligate) Kombination als Einzelmerkmal nur Extreme einer gleitenden Reihe dar. Herrn Prof. Dr. E. KLUG (Berlin) danke ich für die Durchsicht des Manuskripts und für werrvolle Diskussion, Herrn H. LÜNSER für die sorgfältige Ausführung der Zeichnungen, Frau I. EGGERT, Frau C. MÜLLER und Frau 1. POHL für die Hilfen bei der Vorbereitung des Manuskripts. Herrn Dr. M. SEAWARD (Bradford) bin ich für Beratung und Diskussion in Zusammenhang mit der Form der englischen Zusammenfassung sehr zu Dank verpflichter,  相似文献   


Part 1: Cognitive Limits in Panel Surveys · Part 2: The Question Format in Panel Surveys This series of two papers discusses the elicitation of weights for damage categories in LCIA with the aid of panel surveys. The papers focus especially on methodological aspects in panel surveys. Part 1 discusses potential cognitive limits of the panel members to understand the reference that is weighted. Part 2 focuses on the influence of the question format and compares results from two different weighting tasks: discrete choice (between alternatives) and score allocation.

Goal, Scope and Background

The weighting of environmental impacts and damages on the safeguard subjects Human Health, Ecosystems, and Resources is a significant step of full aggregated LCIA. Panel surveys have become a common approach in LCIA research to investigate the preferences of stakeholders on environmental impacts and damages. Despite the numerous studies, the knowledge on how to elicit reliable weights is still poor and inconsistent. We present a questionnaire study with 58 environmental science students to investigate so-called framing effects in panel surveys.

Main Features

The study investigates the significance of different framings, which were provided by three references. In addition, the significance of quantitative information provided in the questionnaire is tested. The references are (a1) safeguard subjects without specified additional information, (a2) damages in Europe as they are perceived by the panelist, and (a3) quantified scenarios derived from Eco-indicator99. All participants ranked and rated the importance of the safeguard subjects three times, once within each reference system. According to a test-of-scope study, quantitative information given to the panelist was varied. One level (b1) included data from the Ecoindicator99 methodology, whereas the other group (b2) received data with significantly higher Human Health damages and lower Ecosystem damages, ceteris paribus. This design allows testing the influence of quantitative data on the rating.


The weighting of the safeguard subjects (a1) reveals that Human Health is considered a slightly more important safeguard subject than Ecosystems. However, both are judged to be significantly more important than Resources. This picture changes for the references (a2) and (a3) where damages were weighted. For both references, the respondents rated damages to Ecosystems as most important followed by Resources and Human Health, showing by far the lowest weights. Therefore, the framing of the reference that was weighted played a significant role. The ratings of the subgroups (b1) and (b2) did not differ with respect to the importance of damages, though substantially different quantitative information was given.

Conclusion and Outlook

The participants of the study were obviously insensitive with respect to quantitative information provided. This raises three questions, which are discussed. What is the mental model upon which respondents base their beliefs and values? Can we expect that 'more sophisticated' subjects would respond differently? Which prerequisites should an empirical weighting procedure fulfill in order to incorporate numerical data? We propose different approaches for future procedures in order to accurately analyze these questions.  相似文献   
We use microeconomic theory to frame hypotheses about the effects of income on the use of non-timber rain forest products. We hypothesize that an increase in income: (a) encourages foraging specialization, resulting in the extraction of fewer goods; (b) increases the share of household income from occupations besides foraging; (c) produces a yearly value from the extraction of nontimber forest goods of about $50 per hectare; and (d) produces depletion of forest goods entering commercial channels and sustainable extraction of goods facing cheaper industrial substitutes. To examine these hypotheses we present worldwide ethnographic information and preliminary findings from field work carried out among the Sumu Indians of Nicaragua. Field work suggests that higher income produces: (a) foraging specialization with animals rather than with plants; (b) a decline in the economic importance of forest goods in household income; (c) and a rise in the value of non-timber goods removed from the forest to about $35/ha/year. We did not have time to test hypothesis d.  相似文献   
南方主要鲜食葡萄生长结实特性与温度关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对南方鲜食葡萄品种生长结实特性与温度关系的研究表明,各品种春梢生长与气温,尤其是有效积温的关系符合Y=aX3+bX2+cX三次方程.依据拟合方程得:生长速率最快的是巨峰,当有效积温达190.68℃时,温度每增加10℃新梢生长0.43433cm;生长速率最慢且对温度不敏感的是蜜香宝,有效积温高达367.19℃时,新梢生长速率仅为0.17150cm.对果实经济性状综合评价和品种优良特性的模糊评判表明,值得推广的品种有巨峰、京亚、藤稔、蜜香宝、龙宝;限制发展的品种有紫珍香;淘汰早生高墨、黑丰.  相似文献   
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