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世界红花种质的籽油脂肪酸组分评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对引自 48个国家和地区在北京栽培的 2 0 48份红花 (CarthamustinctoriusL .)种质资源的籽油脂肪酸分析表明 ,棕榈酸、硬脂酸、油酸和亚油酸的平均含量分别为 7.30 %、1.2 8%、15 .76 %和 75 .33% ,其含量范围分别为 0 .99%~ 2 9.0 3%、0 .0 1%~ 5 .71%、5 .0 0 %~ 81.84%和 11.13%~ 88.30 %。来自不同地区的红花种质 ,各种脂肪酸的含量有较大的差异。来源于孟加拉国的红花 ,亚油酸平均含量为 5 0 .6 8% ,来源于奥地利的红花 ,亚油酸平均含量高达79.0 4%。通过评价 ,分别筛选出 10个高亚油酸和 10个高油酸的品种 ,高油酸的品种中有 3个来自孟加拉国 ,而高亚油酸的品种大多来自中国  相似文献   

缅甸蟒脂肪酸分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用气相色谱法测定了缅甸蟒油20种脂肪酸,其中不饱和脂肪酸含量达67.5%,多不饱和脂肪酸含量达10.3%.含量较高的脂肪酸有油酸、棕榈酸、亚油酸、棕榈油酸,特有脂肪酸DHA、α-亚麻酸,并且明显不同于其他蟒和蛇的脂肪酸含量.缅甸蟒油具有重要的药用和保健品开发利用价值.  相似文献   

向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)是世界四大油料作物之一。为解析向日葵主要脂肪酸组分的生物合成分子机制,选用高油酸自交系J9、低油酸自交系P50为研究材料;采用错期播种同期采样试验,以液相色谱测定授粉后不同样品籽粒的脂肪酸组分与含量;利用RNA-Seq技术,对不同样品测序,获得各样品与脂肪酸合成相关的基因表达数据,以气象学数据、液相色谱数据、向日葵基因组数据和转录组数据为基础,采用生物信息学方法分析相关数据。结果表明:(1)高油酸向日葵材料脂肪酸组分和含量受温度影响小,而低油酸材料易受温度影响;(2)J9和P50的12个样本的高表达基因数在7500个左右,而中、低表达基因数相当,是高表达基因的两倍,约15000个;(3)品种特异性表达基因和品种间特异表达基因去除重复后,在J9和P50在-CK和S数据集得到15885个,GO功能富集获得的与脂质代谢直接相关的403个DEGs 映射到与的脂质代谢相关的KEGG代谢通路,累计29个DEGs直接参与了19条相关KEGG通路。本研究将为深入解析向日葵脂肪酸代谢分子机制提供新信息。  相似文献   

乌桕梓油和桕脂的脂肪酸组成研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用色谱-质谱分析方法,鉴定乌桕梓油和桕脂的脂肪酸成分.分析结果,野生乌桕和栽培乌桕在脂肪酸组成上相同;梓油除了含常见的亚麻酸、亚油酸、油酸、棕榈酸和硬脂酸之外,还含有不常见的2,4-癸二烯酸和8-羟基-5,6-辛二烯酸;桕脂含棕榈酸、油酸、硬脂酸和亚油酸.两者的主要差异在于蜡质层厚度和核的大小及其油脂含量的不同.  相似文献   

以油用品种陇亚8号和纤用品种阿里安为亲本构建的含有162个家系的胡麻重组自交系(Recombinant inbred lines,RIL)为研究材料,利用气相色谱法测定了该RIL群体的脂肪酸含量,对其遗传变异与分布特征进行了分析,并应用主基因+多基因混合遗传模型,对粗脂肪和5种脂肪酸含量进行了初步遗传分析,旨在为该RIL群体后续研究利用提供参考。结果表明,RIL群体的粗脂肪与脂肪酸含量存在广泛变异,表现超亲分离现象,其分布近似为正态分布,呈现数量性状连续变异的典型分布特征;运用主基因+多基因遗传模型分析结果表明,粗脂肪含量为3对等加性主基因遗传,主基因遗传率为85%;5种脂肪酸组成中,亚麻酸含量为2对重叠作用主基因遗传,主基因遗传率为36%;亚油酸含量为3对等加性主基因遗传,主基因遗传率为80%;油酸、棕榈酸和硬脂酸含量均表现为无主基因效应的多基因遗传;同时筛选出高油高亚油酸、高亚麻酸优良品系材料11份,为胡麻品质育种提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

樱桃李核仁油脂肪酸组成分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用气相色谱法及气相色谱-质谱联机技术,对樱桃李Prunus divaricata Ldb.核仁油中的脂肪酸进行了定量、定性分析.其脂肪酸组成为油酸66.3%、亚油酸25.6%、棕榈酸5.6%、硬脂酸1.4%,不饱和脂肪酸油酸和亚油酸的总量占91.9%,该油有较高的营养价值.  相似文献   

不同甘蓝型油菜高含油量种质资源的脂肪酸成分分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
甘蓝型油菜是我国最为重要的油料作物之一.目前我国面临着植物油严重不足的局面.提高含油量是目前甘蓝型油菜育种的主要方向之一.目前.我国育种工作者已经筛选出了大量含油量超过50%的甘蓝型油菜种质.本文对两种类型的高含油量甘蓝型油菜种质进行了脂肪酸组分分析,结果显示芥酸含量高的种质和芥酸含量低的种质的脂肪酸在菜籽油中变化范围和平均值明显不同.油酸和亚油酸在低芥酸高含油量甘蓝型油菜种质中的含量较高,约占整个油分的80%左右,其他脂肪酸组分则在10%以下;而芥酸则是高芥酸高含油量种质的最主要的成分,约占整个油分的44%左右,油酸、亚油酸等的含量则均在10%左右.相关性分析表明:芥酸和其他脂肪酸之间呈现显著负相关,因此.可以通过降低高芥酸油菜种质中的芥酸含量来提高比如油酸和亚油酸的含量.从而使这些种质的油分更适合人类的健康.  相似文献   

华南主要野生蔬菜的脂肪酸成分分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本实验以华南主要野生蔬菜守宫木、土人参、一点红、白仔菜、紫背菜、鳄嘴花、藤三七、塘葛菜为材料,并以华南特产蔬菜菜心为对照,对8种野生蔬菜的脂肪酸成分进行了分析.结果表明:8种野菜共检出十四酸、软脂酸、棕榈油酸、硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸、二十二酸和二十四酸共9种脂肪酸,但不同野菜之间的脂肪酸组成与含量差异极大.8种野菜的饱和脂肪酸的总量都高于菜心,饱和脂肪酸种类最多的是藤三七,含4种.不饱和脂肪酸的变化与饱和脂肪酸相反,8种野菜都低于菜心,但其油酸、亚油酸远高过菜心.菜心富含亚麻酸,但不含亚油酸.可见8种野菜油营养价值较高.  相似文献   

华山松籽油的制取及性质研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
华山松籽有机溶剂萃取出油率为41%。油的相对密度(25℃)0.9243、折光率(25℃)1.4770、皂化值153.4、酸值0.24、碘值142.1,过氧化值9.9。油的主要脂肪酸有:亚油酸(44.60%)、油酸(22.42%)、亚麻油酸(19.14%)、异油酸(4.68%)、棕榈酸(4.62%)、硬脂酸(1.87%)、花生酸(2.02%)和其他酸(2.61%)。不饱和脂肪酸含量较高(占90.9%)。与药用沙棘籽油进行了性质和脂肪酸组成比较,初步证明其质量指标优于沙棘油,脂肪酸组成与沙棘油相似。推断华山松籽油可作为医疗保健、食品工业等油源加以开发利用。  相似文献   

利用气相色谱法,对菌草灵芝孢子油与段木灵芝孢子油中脂肪酸组成、不饱和脂肪酸含量等进行了比较研究。结果发现两者脂肪酸GC指纹图谱极为相似(脂肪酸组成基本相同),说明了菌草灵芝孢子油与段木灵芝孢子油一样有同样的开发价值,但是脂肪酸含量不同,菌草灵芝孢子油中亚油酸和油酸占55.61%,不饱和脂肪酸占61.15%;段木灵芝孢子油中亚油酸和油酸占49.87%,不饱和脂肪酸占54.88%。而且两者的外观、气味略不同。  相似文献   

Sunflower is a major oil seed crop worldwide, and it is also an important crop in Mediterranean areas where salinity is an increasing problem. In this paper, the effect of saline irrigation water on seed yield and quality of sunflower was evaluated. A pot experiment was carried out over two crop seasons on two hybrids – a standard one (Carlos) and a high oleic one (Tenor) – submitted to five salinity levels of irrigation water (0.6, 3, 6, 9 and 12 dS m?1). Soil salinity was monitored over the entire crop cycle, and leaf ion content was determined at maturity. Tenor showed higher Na+ and Mg2+ content but lower K+ values. No difference between the two hybrids was observed for Cl? content. A progressive increase in leaf Na+, K+ and Cl? contents and Na+/K+ ratio with increasing salinity level was observed. Seed weight per head, 1000 achene weight, number of seeds per plant and oil yield significantly decreased under salt stress in both hybrids. The percent seed yield decrease was higher per unit increase in electrical conductivity of irrigation water, ECw (8%), than per unit increase in electrical conductivity of saturated‐soil extracts, ECe (5%). Concerning oil fatty acid composition, the main significant difference as result of salt stress was a progressive increase in oleic acid content, from 82.2% to 86.7% for Tenor and from 21.8% to 27.3% for Carlos, which was consistent with a decrease in linoleic acid content, from 5.9% to 3% for Tenor and from 66% to 61.3% for Carlos. These results confirm the possible inhibition of oleate desaturase under salt stress.  相似文献   

Sunflower oil with high oleic acid content is in great demand due to its nutritional as well as industrial benefits. The trait is mainly controlled by dominant alleles at a major gene, Ol, with other modifiers. The objectives of this research were to map the oil content, oleic acid and linoleic acid content in sunflower seeds. An F2 mapping population from cytoplasmic male-sterile line COSF 7A (33–35 % oleic acid) and high oleic acid inbred line HO 5–13 (88–90 % oleic acid) was developed and phenotyped for oil content, oleic acid and linoleic acid content at the F2 seed level. High phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation were recorded for oleic acid and linoleic acid content. High heritability and high genetic advance as percent of mean was recorded for oleic acid and linoleic acid content. This indicated the presence of the additive type of gene action controlling the traits oleic acid content and linoleic acid content. The Ol gene was mapped to linkage group (LG) 14 and tightly linked to the marker HO_Fsp_b. In addition, two more quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for oleic acid content were identified in LG8 and LG9. Two QTLs for oil content and two QTLs for linoleic acid content were also identified. All these QTLs explained over 10 % of phenotypic variation. A study was conducted with 13 genotypes differing in oil quality as well as quantity over three seasons to assess the reliability of the identified QTLs over seasons. It resulted in the identification of two potential QTLs for oleic acid as well as linoleic acid content with the markers ORS 762 and HO_Fsp_b. These markers explained more than 57.6–66.6 % of phenotypic variation. Hence it can be concluded that these markers/QTLs would be useful in the marker-assisted selection breeding programme to improve oil quality. The present study also indicated the presence of at least two other genomic regions controlling oleic and linoleic acid content in sunflower.  相似文献   

宇花91是青岛农业大学选育的高油酸花生新品种。以普通油酸含量品种鲁花11号为母本,F435型高油酸花生品种开农1715为父本配置杂交组合。利用PCR产物测序法筛选获得F_1代真杂种,对F_2代单株提取叶片基因组DNA,利用PCR产物测序法筛选基因型纯合的单株个体。对当代收获的单株籽粒利用近红外法多粒模型测定油酸、亚油酸含量,筛选油酸含量在80%以上且油酸亚油酸比值在10.0以上的单株种植成株行,随后利用系谱法进行选择育种。宇花91荚果为普通型小果,网纹较细、较明显,百果重148.06 g,百仁重63.31 g,果皮薄,出米率75.15%。籽仁长椭圆形,种皮粉红色、无裂纹,内种皮白色。籽仁蛋白质含量26.57%,脂肪含量52.72%,油酸含量80.40%,亚油酸含量2.50%,棕榈酸含量5.57%,油酸亚油酸比值32.16。苗期生长旺盛,封垄早,结果集中,中抗叶斑病和青枯病。2017年参加山东省夏播多点试验,平均荚果产量215.79 kg/667 m~2,比对照花育20号增产15.27%;平均籽仁产量157.33kg/667m~2,比对照花育20号增产21.64%。2018年通过国家花生品种登记,登记号:GPD花生(2018) 370210,适于在山东花生产区种植。  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition and stability of vegetable oils have taken more attention as an essential source of biologically active compounds in a good balanced diet. The purpose of the study was to determine peroxide value, free fatty acids, unsaponifiable matter, total carotenoid content, iodine value and fatty acid composition of sunflower, rapeseed, mustard, peanut and olive oils. Rapeseed and peanut oils had the highest peroxide values, while sunflower oil had the lowest peroxide values. The free fatty acid value of the tested oils varied between 0.43 and 1.36% oleic. The peanut oil had the highest free acid value and the mustard oil had the lowest one. Total carotenoid contents of mustard and rape seed oil were higher than those of the other oils tested. Palmitic acid (C16:0), oleic acid (C18:1) and stearic acid (C18:0) were the common main fatty acid components of the vegetable oils tested. Followed by linoleic acid, the amount of oleic acid was the highest among other fatty acid components. Mustard oil had the highest erucic acid (C22:1) with the amount of 11.38%, indicating that it cannot be used for human consumption. Among the oils investigated, sunflower and mustard oils were more stable than rapeseed, peanut and olive oils.  相似文献   

The sunflower is one of the four most important oilseed crops in the world, and the nutritional quality of its edible oil ranks among the best vegetable oils in cultivation. Typically up to 90% of the fatty acids in conventional sunflower oil are unsaturated, namely oleic (C 18:1, 16%-19%) and linoleic (C 18:2, 68%-72%) fatty acids. Palmitic (C 16:0, 6%), stearic (C 18:0, 5%), and minor amounts of myristic (C 14:0), myristoleic (C 14:1), palmitoleic (C 16:1), arachidic (C 20:0), behenic (C 22:0), and other fatty acids account for the remaining 10%. Advances in modern genetics, most importantly induced mutations, have altered the fatty acid composition of sunflower oil to a significant extent. Treating sunflower seeds with gamma- and X-rays has produced mutants with 25%-30% palmitic acid. Sunflower seed treatment with X-rays has also resulted in mutants having 30% palmitoleic acid, while treatments with mutagenic sodium azide have produced seeds containing 35% stearic acid. The most important mutations have been obtained by treatment with dimethyl sulfate, which produced genotypes with more than 90% oleic acid. Mutants have also been obtained that have a high linoleic acid content (>80%) by treating seeds with X-rays and ethyl methanesulfonate. Of the vitamin E family of compounds, sunflower oil is known to predominantly contain alpha-tocopherol (>90%). Spontaneous mutations controlled by recessive genes have been discovered that significantly alter tocopherol forms and levels. The genes in question are tph(1) (50% alpha- and 50% beta-tocopherol), tph(2) (0%-5% alpha- and 95%-100% gamma-tocopherol), and tph(1)tph(2) (8%-40% alpha-, 0%-25% beta-, 25%-84% gamma-, and 8%-50% delta-tocopherol). The existence of (mutant) genes for increased levels of individual fatty acids and for different forms and levels of tocopherol enables the development of sunflower hybrids with different oil quality. The greatest progress has been made in developing high-oleic hybrids (>90% oleic acid). There has been considerable work done recently on the development of high-oleic hybrids with altered tocopherol levels, the oil of which will have 10-20 times greater oxidative stability than that of conventional sunflower oil. While sunflower breeders work on developing hybrids with altered oil quality, medical scientists in general and nutritionists in particular will determine the parameters for the use of these novel types of oil that can improve human nutrition and be used in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Classical sunflower varieties display a high linoleic acid content in their seeds [low oleic (LO) varieties] whereas genotypes carrying the Pervenets mutation display an increased oleic acid content of above 83% [high oleic (HO) varieties]. Despite the advantage in health terms of oleic acid, the nature of the mutation was still unknown. Previous work reported that HO genotypes carried a specific oleate desaturase (OD) allele. This enzyme catalyses the desaturation of oleic acid into linoleic acid. The present work demonstrates that this allele is organised in two parts: the first section present in both HO and LO genotypes carries a normal OD gene, the second section is specific to HO genotypes and carries OD duplications. The study of mRNA accumulation in LO and HO seeds revealed that the mutation is dominant and induces an OD mRNA down-regulation. Furthermore, OD small interfering RNA, characteristic of gene silencing, accumulated specifically in HO seeds. Considered together, these observations show that the mutation is associated with OD duplications leading to gene silencing of the OD gene and consequently, to oleic acid accumulation. This finding allowed the development of molecular markers characterising the mutation that can be used in breeding programmes to facilitate the selection of HO genotypes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Metabolism of Erucic Acid was studied in rat heart in comparison with that of oleic acid, particularly in relation with diet lipids. Rats were fed for 3 or 60 days a diet containing 30% of the calories of either Rapessed Oil, rich in erucic acid or sunflower seed oil rich in linoleic acid. They were I.V. injected with tritiated erucic or oleic acid. After 1 or 15 min the radioactivity recovered in heart lipids was very low whatever the diet (1 to 2%). One minute after injection of erucic acid the radioactivity was mainly recovered in the free fatty acid fraction and as untransformed erucic acid. After 15 min the major part of radioactivity was recovered in the triacylglycerol fraction which contained a high proportion of labelled oleic acid formed by shortening of erucic acid. When oleic was injected, the radioactivity was principally recovered in triacylglycerols as untransformed oleic acid whatever the experimental conditions. Electron microscopy showed that a much higher proportion of peroxisomes, was present in heart cells, following sunflower seed oil diet as compared to rapeseed oil diet. In all cases mitochondria supported the greater part of radioactivity, especially when erucic acid was injected in rats fed rapeseed oil. After sunflower seed oil, a noticeable radioactivity was observed in peroxisomes, most of them containing silver grains, especially when oleic acid was injected. According to the data reported, peroxisomes do not seem more implicated than mitochondria in the metabolism of erucic acid in myocardium.  相似文献   

British populations of Senecio vulgaris frequently contain two common capitulum morphs (radiate and non-radiate) and one rare intermediate morph. The radiate morph shows a higher maternal rate of intermorph outcrossing than the non-radiate morph and due to the ‘cost of outcrossing’ should decline in frequency, ultimately to be lost from a population. To determine whether the radiate morph exhibits some inherent advantage in fitness to offset the ‘cost of outcrossing’, a comparison was made of the survivorship and fecundity of the radiate and non-radiate morphs raised in pure stands and 1 : 1 mixture at three planting dates (autumn 1983, and spring and autumn 1984). Plants in stands established in spring 1984 were harvested in late August 1984, while plants in stands established in autumn overwintered before being harvested the following summer. In spring planted stands, the two morphs exhibited equivalent survivorships, while the fecundity of the non-radiate morph tended to be greater than the radiate morph. In autumn planted stands, survivorship and Net Reproductive Output (survivorship × fecundity) of the non-radiate morph was greater than that of the radiate morph in mixture, and also in pure stands established in 1983. In no instance was the Net Reproductive Output of either morph significantly greater in mixture than in pure stand. Density had a contrasting effect on morph survivorship and fecundity in the spring and autumn 1984 planted stands. Whereas, in spring stands, fecundity was subject to compensating density dependent regulation while survivorship was density independent, the opposite trend was observed in autumn planted stands. It is concluded that under the conditions of the experiments, the radiate morph exhibited no fitness advantage which might offset the inherent disadvantage it suffers in natural polymorphic populations due to the ‘cost of outcrossing’.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted under laboratory and greenhouse conditions to investigate the allelopathic potential of aqueous extracts of dry and fresh leaves of Psidium guava on purslane weed growth and root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita infecting sunflower plants cv. Giza 102. A Petri dish assay showed that the aqueous extracts significantly reduced seedling length of purslane (Portulaca oleracea), with the degree of inhibition being concentration dependent. Greenhouse studies (in 2008 and 2009) indicated greatest significant inhibition in purslane growth as well as number of galls and egg masses of infecting nematode. However, this inhibition was accompanied with increase in sunflower growth and yield. The studies indicated increase in the endogenous contents of total phenols in purslane tissues which correlated with growth inhibition. Chemical analysis indicated increase in the contents of carbohydrates, protein and oil in sunflower seeds. The studies involved analysis of fatty acid composition by GLC which indicated increasing in the percentage of oleic and linoeic acids in sunflower seeds by fresh and dry leaves extract of P. guava. The percentage of linoleic acid and linolenic acid was higher by fresh and dry leaves extract. A high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of P. guava extracts recorded that the ferulic, coumaric, vanelic, chlorogenic, caffiec acids were present.  相似文献   

The influence on the lipid profile and lipid peroxidation in rabbit-liver mitochondria exerted by different edible oils high in oleic acid but different non-glyceride phenolic fractions was studied. High-phenolic virgin olive oil from the variety "Picual", the same oil submitted to an exhaustive process of washing to eliminate the phenolic fraction without altering the lipid profile and high-oleic sunflower oil (poor in phenolic compounds) were added to rabbit diets. The results reveal the importance of the different oleic: linoleic ratio of the lipid sources on the lipid profile of mitochondrial membranes. This is highlighted by the greater proportion of saturated fatty acids and the lower content in oleic acid (p < 0.05) shown by the rabbits fed on high-oleic sunflower oil. The group fed on the fat rich in phenolics exhibited the highest level of antioxidants (alpha-tocopherol, ubiquinone 10) and the highest activity of glutathione peroxidase as well as the lowest content in hydroperoxides and TBARS. The study provides evidences in vivo about the considerable antioxidant capacity of the phenolic fraction of virgin olive oil in rabbit-liver mitochondria and the important role that this non-glyceride fraction can play in the overall antioxidant benefits attributed to this oil.  相似文献   

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