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对139个水稻品种幼苗和其中的72个品种灌浆期胚乳酯酶同工酶进行测定,在阳极迁移率为0.818和0.876位置表现3种酶带类型:慢带型E_3~S,快带型E_3~F和无酶带型E_3~0。对不同酶带型品种杂交的F_1和F_2酯酶遗传分析表明:阳极标志酶带E_3~S和E_3~F分别受Est_3位点上两个共显性等位基因控制,而无酶带型则受同一位点上一个隐性无效等位基因控制。苗期和灌浆期遗传分析结果是一致的。胚乳酯酶还表现明显的基因剂量效应。据此,作者提出胚乳酯酶的遗传模式。  相似文献   

采用垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,对铜陵牡丹和垫江牡丹进行过氧化物酶(POD)和酯酶(EST)同工酶的测定分析。结果显示,两个品种牡丹的POD同工酶酶谱共栓出7条酶带,其中铜陵牡丹分离带为7条,垫江牡丹为3条,铜陵牡丹多出4条特有酶带,且活性较强;EST酯酶同工酶中,两种牡丹共有酶带为5条,活性上略有差异,铜陵牡丹特有2条酶带,垫江牡丹特有1条酶带。  相似文献   

本文对根瘤菌属12株不同根瘤菌的过氧化物酶,谷氨酸草酰乙酸转氨酶及酯酶同工酶进行了测定,结果发现:所有菌株的过氧化物酶和谷氨酸草酰乙酸转氨酶均呈阴性。酯酶同工酶酶带数在快生型和慢生型根瘤菌之间存在明显的区别,在YMA培养基上,快生型根瘤菌仅有1—2条,迁移率在0.71—0.98之间变化;而慢生型根瘤菌却有4—6条酶带,迁移率在0.15—0.98之间变化,同一菌株在不同碳源上酯酶同工酶酶带数也发生显著变化。  相似文献   

赖草属七个种同工酶研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘芳  孙根楼   《广西植物》1997,17(2):169-173
用聚丙酰胺凝胶电泳法对赖草属7个种的幼根、幼叶进行了酯酶、过氧化物酶同工酶分析,结果表明:无论从相同器官进行不同的同工酶分析,还是从不同器官进行相同的同工酶分析,这7个种的酶谱在各带区存在相似酶带,但更多的是相异酶带。从酯酶、过氧化物酶这两种酶分析结果来看,酯酶比过氧化物酶分离效果好些;从幼根和幼叶这两个器官的酶谱来看,幼根比幼叶酶带多些,分离效果也好些。同时也表明这7个种的酶谱变化与染色体倍性变化无关  相似文献   

经过电击新疆阿魏菇(Pleurotus ferulae Lanzi)原生质体转化平菇(Pleurotus ostreatus)总DNA获得3株转化子,在高温生长条件下对转化子及其母本、父本测定菌丝长度,并采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术进行过氧化物酶同工酶和酯酶同工酶分析。研究结果表明:转化子生长速度远大于母本而趋向于父本。电泳共获得6种过氧化物酶谱带,21种酯酶谱带。根据酶谱分析得知3株转化子酶带数与母本相似,但部分酶带亮度大于母本,与父本较为相似,与菌丝结果一致。酯酶酶谱聚类分析结果与传统分类学结果一致。  相似文献   

利用超薄胶电泳技术对陆地棉花粉发育各期的酯酶和过氧化物酶的同工酶以及蛋白质的种类及活性变化进行研究。结果发现:在花粉第一次有丝分裂结束之前,存在大量的低分子量酯酶和过氧化物酸酶,花粉成熟后又新出现一些大分子量酯酶和过氧化物酶在花粉第一次有线四分体阶段,了一种特异蛋白,推测具有调控作用。在有丝分裂结束后,出现了一些新的蛋白质,这些蛋白质存在的时间很短。之后大量蛋白质开始合成,并在数量和种类上有逐渐增  相似文献   

红花的愈伤组织诱导及其与过氧化物酶和酯酶同工酶的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
红花外植体培养于附加不同激素的 MS培养基中,根、胚轴、子叶均可大量形成愈伤组织和根。5个红花品种间过氧化物酶和酯酶同工酶酶谱的差异小于不同器官间的差异。随外植体子叶脱分化过程的进行,过氧化物酶同工酶酶带逐渐增多,而酯酶同工酶酶带则逐渐减少,并出现特异的诱导酶带。  相似文献   

八倍体小黑麦的酯酶同工酶   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在小黑麦的酯酶同工酶研究中,一些报道指出,六倍体小黑麦的胚乳产生5条快速移动带,带1、2和3来自小麦,带5来自黑麦,带4是杂种带;小麦和黑麦胚乳样品机械混合物的酶谱中,只有1、2、3和带5。在比较六倍体小黑麦(AABBRR)和某些八倍体小黑麦(AABBDDRR)时,我们看到在两者的酯酶同工酶酶谱中都有上述E_1区5条标志带。同时,我们也发现,有一些八倍体小黑麦表现出另外  相似文献   

关于鱼类同工酶,国内外已有研究。近年来对鱼眼同工酶的研究更引起人们的重视。藤尾,芳久以LDH同工酶为指标研究鱼类遗传基因进化时,指出鰤鱼及秋刀鱼的眼睛具有特异的E_4同工酶。朱兰菲等测定了20种鲤科鱼的心脏、脑、肌肉及晶状体LDH同工酶,证明晶状体的酶带清晰、稳定,能代表各种鱼的LDH表型。 酯酶是一种广谱底物的水解酶.其催化反应是,以萘乙酸酯为底物的同工酶属于羧基酯酶类,一般为单链或二聚体蛋白质。由于酯酶同工酶是直接的基因产物,故可作为遗传、生化指标。有关鱼晶状体酯酶同工酶的研究,目前国内尚少报道,本试验所进行的鱼晶状体聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析,旨在探讨不同科属鱼类晶状体酯酶同工酶有无差异,为鱼类分类生物化学指标提供参考。  相似文献   

平菇不同菌株的同工酶探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对来源不同的四个侧耳属(Pleurotus)菌株进行了酯酶和过氧化物酶同工酶的分析测定。结果表明,供试菌株的同工酶谱各不相同其酯酶酶谱的差异更为明显。因此初步认为所试四个菌株可作为平茹的不同品种进行深入研究。  相似文献   

The molecular weights of esterase and peroxidase isozymes of maize seedlings were directly determined by improved polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis. The different isozyme bands developed in polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis (uniform gel) were identified in polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis by means of isozyme variants. The molecular weights of esterase isozymes E1, E2, E3F, E3S, a, b, c, named according to isozyme patterns in uniform gel, are <20000, 35200, 33000, 38500, 29900, 28500, 34000 doltons respectively. The molecular weights of peroxidase isozymes PX4F and PX4S are 131000 and 149000 doltons respectively. According to the band location in uniform gel and in gradient gel, some biochemical properties of the isozyme bands and relationships between the isozyme bands were analyzed. The possible errors in the determination of smaller molecular weight isozymes are discussed.  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾个体发育早期的同工酶研究   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:25  
采用聚两燃酰胺梯度凝胶电泳技术,对罗氏沼虾个体发育早期9个时期的八种同工酶系统(EST、ALP、AMY、GDH、MDH、LDH、SOD、ME)进行研究,结果表明:SOD、ME在早期发育过程中酶谱相对稳定,SOD表现为三条谱带,ME表现为两条谱带;面EST、ALP、AMY、GDH、MDH、LDH则随发育其酶谱表现出明显差异,酶谱渐趋复杂。  相似文献   

L-alpha-Hydroxyacid oxidase isozymes from rat liver (A isozyme) and kidney (B isozyme) have been isolated in a high state of purity with specific activities of 61 and 14.7 microkatals per gram protein respectively. The subunit molecular weights determined by sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were 40000 +/- 3000; the mouse A and B isozymes were also partially purified and their subunit molecular weights shown to be 37000.  相似文献   

建立一种以靛酚乙酸酯为底物的酯酶同工酶的显色新方法。酯酶样品的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)凝胶用磷酸缓冲液漂洗约10min后,浸入含有0.002%靛酚乙酸酯的溶液显色5~10min,可显出清晰的蓝色酯酶带。先将酯酶凝胶板浸于有机磷农药溶液中,然后再用靛酚乙酸酯显色液显色,比较同工酶谱,从同工酶带由深蓝色变为浅蓝色的颜色变化,可以看出对有机磷农药敏感的同工酶所受到的抑制程度。  相似文献   

The activities of esterase 2C, esterase 14C, L-leucine aminopeptidase, α-glucosidase, alkaline and acid phosphatases of the stomach, the caeca and the gut of Mugil capito were examined by polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis. Fishes of three sizes were compared: the smallest only showed esterase 2C and phosphatases activities. Zymograms for each size and each organ were examined and the molecular weights of the isozymes evaluated with an accuracy of 10,000 daltons. It was found that (a) the existence of some isozymes is dependent to the size and the organ; (b) some enzymes are found only in some parts of the digestive tract; (c) for any given organ, enzymatic activity differs from one isozyme to another; and (d) the digestive enzymatic activities differ for each organ considered and in different ways dependent on the size of the fish.  相似文献   

中国苋属植物酯酶同工酶研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
樊守金  赵遵田 《植物研究》1999,19(2):148-152
用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶盘状电泳技术对中国苋属植物13种的酯酶同工酶谱进行了研究。结果表明:苋属植物酯酶同工酶有2条属的标志带在生化水平上认为是一个自然的分类群;  相似文献   

A set of 28 fibre flax and linseed cultivars differing in plant morphology and technological parameters were analysed by isozyme markers in five ontogenetic phases. Relatively high isozyme polymorphism was observed using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Altogether 18 isozyme systems produced 145 different bands; 66 of them (45.52 %) have been found to be polymorphic. The highest level of polymorphism was found in acid phosphatase and esterase, polymorphism was detected in aconitase, diaphorase, glutamate dehydrogenase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase as well. The highest number of unique isozymic spectra (cultivar × enzyme × ontogenetic phase) was detected in the phase of shoot with removed cotyledons. Electrophoretic analysis of all polymorphic isozymes enabled to distinguish 20 cultivars (71 %) in the screened cultivar set.  相似文献   

The two isozymes of choline acetyltransferase (Acetyl-CoA:choline O-acetyltransferase, EC from head ganglia of Loligo pealei have been examined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, gel chromatography, and equilibrium sedimentation in the ultracentrifuge. Inactivating antisera, prepared to both native and dithiothreitol-treated isozymes 1 and 2 of squid choline acetyltransferase, were used to demonstrate the immunologic identity of isozymes 1 and 2. Each isozyme appeared to contain two non-identical catalytically active subunits, with molecular weights of approx. 37 000 and 56 000. A staining method was developed to visualize choline acetyltransferase activity in acrylamide gels. The method is based on the formation of a precipitate of manganese ferrocyanide at sites where free coenzyme A is released. By this method, and by analysis of gel slices, it was found that each of the isozymes can form aggregates of several different sizes. The formation of immune precipitates with the aggregates showed the identity of the multiple bands of enzyme protein resolved on disc gel electrophoresis. Isozyme 1 was most active as a small aggregate, whereas isozyme 2 was most active as a large aggregate. Both chromatography on Sephadex G-200 and isoelectric focusing yielded a number of active species with molecular weights ranging from 35 000 to 300 000. In addition, we demonstrated the dissociation of enzyme protein in the presence of 1.0 - 10(-2) M dithiothreitol, the formation of multiple precipitin bands by aged enzyme, and the identity of the different isoelectric fractions of each of the isozymes.  相似文献   

Undecyl acetate esterase has been purified from Pseudomonas cepacia grown on the methyl ketone, 2-tridecanone. The K(m) for undecyl acetate was 2.3 x 10(-2) M. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that two esterase bands were being recovered during purification. These bands were separated by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Molecular weights were estimated to be approximately 34,500 by several methods. Molecular sieve polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that the two esterases had the same molecular weight but different charge, which is indicative of isoenzymes.  相似文献   

泽蛙雌核单倍体几种同工酶基因表达的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直平板电泳,比较泽蛙雌核生殖单倍体和泽蛙二倍体在鳃盖闭合期的乳酸脱氢酶同工酶(LDH)、苹果酸脱氢酶同工酶(MDH)、葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶同工酶(G-6-PDH)和酯酶同工酶(EST)的表型。实验表明,单倍体的上述同工酶区带数和活力与同胚期的二倍体比较,差异甚大。由此,作者认为,泽蛙单倍体问工酶基因的表达异常是由于缺少另一套染色体基因的相互作用。  相似文献   

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