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酯酶同工酶及RAPD技术在香菇杂种优势研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用酯酶同工酶及RAPD技术对香菇3个亲本双核体(苏香、野生46#、野生80#)及其10个单核体、以及它们的10个杂交后代进行了遗传差异和亲缘关系的研究,同时针对亲本单核体酯酶同工酶标记和RAPD标记遗传距离、以及杂交子和亲本单核体RAPD标记遗传距离与香菇产量超亲优势进行了相关性分析。结果表明,酯酶同工酶和RAPD技术都可进行香菇杂种优势群的划分研究,但RAPD标记检测的多态性要远远高于酯酶同工酶标记。相关分析结果表明,亲本单核体酯酶同工酶标记遗传距离与香菇产量超亲优势无相关性,而RAPD标记遗传距离与其存在极显著正相关;杂交子和以苏香为来源的单核体亲本之间RAPD标记遗传距离与香菇产量超亲优势也存在极显著正相关,而杂交子和以野生46#、野生80#为来源的单核体亲本之间RAPD标记遗传距离与其相关不显著。  相似文献   

采用酯酶同工酶及RAPD技术对香菇3个亲本双核体(苏香、野生46#、野生80#)及其10个单核体、以及它们的10个杂交后代进行了遗传差异和亲缘关系的研究,同时针对亲本单核体酯酶同工酶标记和RAPD标记遗传距离、以及杂交子和亲本单核体RAPD标记遗传距离与香菇产量超亲优势进行了相关性分析。结果表明,酯酶同工酶和RAPD技术都可进行香菇杂种优势群的划分研究,但RAPD标记检测的多态性要远远高于酯酶同工酶标记。相关分析结果表明,亲本单核体酯酶同工酶标记遗传距离与香菇产量超亲优势无相关性,而RAPD标记遗传距离与其存在极显著正相关;杂交子和以苏香为来源的单核体亲本之间RAPD标记遗传距离与香菇产量超亲优势也存在极显著正相关,而杂交子和以野生46#、野生80#为来源的单核体亲本之间RAPD标记遗传距离与其相关不显著。  相似文献   

酯酶同工酶及RAPD技术在香菇杂种优势研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用酯酶同工酶及RAPD技术对香菇3个亲本双核体(苏香、野生46^#、野生80^#)及其10个单核体、以及它们的10个杂交后代进行了遗传差异和亲缘关系的研究,同时针对亲本单核体酯酶同工酶标记和RAPD标记遗传距离、以及杂交子和亲本单核体RAPD标记遗传距离与香菇产量超亲优势进行了相关性分析。结果表明,酯酶同工酶和RAPD技术都可进行香菇杂种优势群的划分研究,但RAPD标记检测的多态性要远远高于酯酶同工酶标记。相关分析结果表明,亲本单核体酯酶同工酶标记遗传距离与香菇产量超亲优势无相关性,而RAPD标记遗传距离与其存在极显著正相关;杂交子和以苏香为来源的单核体亲本之间RAPD标记遗传距离与香菇产量超亲优势也存在极显著正相关,而杂交子和以野生46^#、野生80^#为来源的单核体亲本之间RAPD标记遗传距离与其相关不显著。  相似文献   

异源四倍体鲫鲤及其原始亲本遗传变异的微卫星标记分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用从鲤中分离出来的32对微卫星DNA标记,对异源四倍体鲫鲤、红鲫和野鲤的基因组DNA进行了研究。在筛选出的15对微卫星引物中,随引物不同,各等位基因数为1~8个,大小在100~420bp之间。从3个不同群体内部的遗传相似系数来看,异源四倍体鲫鲤个体之间的遗传相似系数最大,说明异源四倍体鲫鲤群体内部的遗传变异程度最低,已经形成了一个遗传性状稳定的群体。从3个不同群体之间的遗传相似系数来看,异源四倍体鲫鲤和红鲫遗传相似系数为0.5625,和野鲤的遗传相似系数为0.5125,说明异源四倍体鲫鲤接受原始母本的遗传物质比原始父本野鲤要多一些。微卫星标记与以前报道的RAPD标记的检测结果是相似的,然而由微卫星标记获得的种群内和种群间的遗传距离均大于RAPD,说明微卫星标记比RAPD标记显示出更高的个体多态性。  相似文献   

亚麻抗锈病基因M4的特异分子标记   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
用520个10碱基随机引物对含有亚麻抗锈病基因M4的近等基因系材料NM4及其轮回亲本Bison进行RAPD分析,其中OPA18引物在NM4材料中稳定地扩增出特异的DNA片段。用Bison与NM4杂交产生的F2分离群体进行的遗传连锁性分析表明,RAPD标记OPA18432与M4基因紧密连锁,二者之间的遗传距离为2.1cM。将OPA18432片段回收,克隆和测序,成功地将其转化为SCAR标记。对不同抗源材料的扩增分析表明,该标记是M4基因的特异标记。目前这一标记已成功地应用于亚麻抗锈病基因M4的分子标记辅助选择育种。  相似文献   

玉米自交系齐319高抗南方玉米锈病。利用SSR标记技术和BSA分析对齐319抗南方玉米锈病基因进行了标记分析,结果表明SSR标记phi041和phi118与齐319抗南方锈病基因连锁,其遗传距离分别为7.69cM和8.55cM。因此南方玉米锈病抗病基因定位于玉米10号染色体短臂上。本研究进行的抗病基因标记,选择使用了两个杂交组合的3个分离群体,标记结果显示同一杂交组合的不同分离群体其标记结果是一致的,而不同组分分离群体的标记结果有显著差异,这可能与基因的遗传背景相关。因此,在进行基因标记分析时,选择合适的分离群体是至关重要的。  相似文献   

YAV-2/TEZ//A.SQ(895)是硬粒小麦与粗山羊草杂交获得的抗白粉病人工合成小麦。本研究利用人工合成小麦YAV-2/TEZ//A.SQ(895)与感白粉病的普通小麦品系品资50098杂交和自交获得的F2代群体及F3家系,在温室条件下鉴定群体的白粉病抗性。遗传分析结果表明,该抗白粉病基因为显性单基因遗传。利用647对小麦SSR引物进行了白粉病抗性基因的分子标记分析,结果表明该白粉病抗性基因与2A染色体的6个SSR标记连锁,与标记Xcfa2086的遗传距离最近,为11.8cM。  相似文献   

大豆曲茎性状的遗传分析和RAPD标记研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曲茎遗传材料NG94-156与遗传背景不同的3个正常茎品种杂交,获得1个F2群体和2个重组自交家系(F7:8)。后代分离分析的结果表明,NG94-156的曲茎性状受两对隐性重叠基因控制。利用4个亲本和1个重组自交家系筛选260个RAPD随机引物,其中有1个引物S-506扩增出的多态性条带有较好的重复性。经过连锁分析,RAPD标记S-5061600与控制曲茎的基因的遗传距离为6.94 cM。  相似文献   

为研究重庆市长寿和涪陵地区岩原鲤(Procypris rabaudi)人工养殖群体的遗传多样性, 采用PCR扩增获得175尾岩原鲤个体的线粒体DNA控制区(mtDNA D-loop)部分序列片段。对其中692 bp序列分析共发现11个单倍型, 其中Hap1为主要单倍型, 占总样本的76.57%。单倍型Hap10演化速率较快, 并且与单倍型Hap6遗传距离最远。长寿及涪陵地区岩原鲤人工群体的单倍型多样性分别为0.4100±0.0550和0.3970±0.0820, 核苷酸多样性分别为0.0013±0.0003和0.0013±0.0004。通过与长江上游江段野生群体(苍溪江段、合江江段、木洞江段、通江江段、万州江段、武隆江段、习水河和唐河)及北碚区人工养殖群体的遗传多样性进行比较, 发现岩原鲤长寿及涪陵地区人工养殖群体遗传多样性明显低于野生群体, 但略高于北碚人工养殖群体。为保持岩原鲤人工养殖群体的遗传多样性, 应尽量选择遗传距离较远的亲本进行配对, 并定期补充不同遗传背景的个体作为后备亲鱼。  相似文献   

萝卜细胞质雄性不育恢复基因的RAPD标记   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以萝卜恢复系9802和不育系9802A配制杂交组合,并以174株个体组成的F2分离群体作为恢复基因的标记群体.以分离群体的不育株和可育株分别建立不育池和恢复池,利用100个RAPD引物对两池间的多态性进行研究.分析表明引物OPC6在两池间扩增出稳定的多态性差异.经连锁分析,证明标记OPC61900与萝卜细胞质雄性不育恢复基因连锁,遗传距离为11.6cM(Centimorgan).这个标记可应用于对育性恢复基因的标记辅助选择.  相似文献   

本研究通过环境DNA(eDNA)技术的样品采集及DNA提取方法,采用微滴式数字PCR(ddPCR)技术检测了长江干流宜昌江段不同水层、不同断面四大家鱼的eDNA浓度,分析了eDNA浓度变化与卵苗密度的关系,探讨了利用eDNA技术监测四大家鱼自然繁殖情况的可行性。结果表明: 与传统调查结果相比,四大家鱼的eDNA浓度与卵苗密度呈极显著相关,浓度最大值与卵苗峰值的出现时间较为一致,利用eDNA技术可以预判家鱼集群产卵行为的发生。连续两年的断面eDNA浓度检测认为,渔洋溪上游4.5 km和下游1 km为家鱼产卵场。该范围位于传统方法预估的胭脂坝下至红花套的产卵场范围内。这说明eDNA技术作为一种新兴的生态调查方法,可更为准确地判定有一定种群规模的鱼种的分布情况,因此具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

为了解长江中游鱼类的早期资源现状, 2017年和2018年5—7月在长江干流宜都断面开展鱼类早期资源调查, 采样网具包括弶网和圆锥网。调查期间共采集鱼卵21120粒和仔鱼2123尾。利用形态学和分子生物学等方法, 鉴定鱼类5目9科37种。其中, 鱼卵有29种, 仔鱼有27种。2017年和2018年通过宜都断面的鱼卵径流量分别为124.45×108粒和101.07×108粒, 优势种为四大家鱼和贝氏?(Hemiculter bleekeri); 仔鱼径流量分别为16.43×108尾和8.29×108尾, 优势种为贝氏?和寡鳞飘鱼(Pseudolanbuca engraulis)。根据发育期和流速分析, 四大家鱼鱼卵来源于三峡大坝下游至宜都断面之间的产卵场, 仔鱼来源于三峡大坝以上的产卵场。与2009—2010年相比, 2017—2018年通过宜都断面的鱼卵径流量增大了85.3%, 尤其是四大家鱼的鱼卵径流量与2005—2012年相比增加了约13倍。冗余分析(Redundancy Analysis, RDA)结果显示, 流量和流量日变化对产漂流性鱼卵密度有影响。研究结果表明, 2017—2018年仍有大量的鱼卵和仔鱼补充到长江中游江段。与历史数据相比, 三峡大坝下游宜昌江段鱼类产卵规模有明显的增加, 可能与长江中游四大家鱼亲鱼增殖放流和生态调度等保护措施的实施有关。为了更加有效地保护长江中游的鱼类资源, 建议除了已经逐步实施的长江全面禁渔措施之外, 还应恢复江湖连通, 保护和修复长江中游河漫滩生境, 继续开展重要经济鱼类亲本放流, 以及开展生态调度。  相似文献   

There is persistent commercial interest in the use of growth modified fishes for shortening production cycles and increasing overall food production, but there is concern over the potential impact that transgenic fishes might have if ever released into nature. To explore the ecological consequences of transgenic fish, we performed two experiments in which the early growth and survival of growth-hormone transgenic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were assessed in naturalized stream mesocosms that either contained predators or were predator-free. We paid special attention to the survival bottleneck that occurs during the early life-history of salmonids, and conducted experiments at two age classes (first-feeding fry and 60 days post-first-feeding) that lie on either side of the bottleneck. In the late summer, the first-feeding transgenic trout could not match the growth potential of their wild-type siblings when reared in a hydrodynamically complex and oligotrophic environment, irrespective of predation pressure. Furthermore, overall survival of transgenic fry was lower than in wild-type (transgenic = 30% without predators, 8% with predators; wild-type = 81% without predators, 31% with predators). In the experiment with 60-day old fry, we explored the effects of the transgene in different genetic backgrounds (wild versus domesticated). We found no difference in overwinter survival but significantly higher growth by transgenic trout, irrespective of genetic background. We conclude that the high mortality of GH-transgenic trout during first-feeding reflects an inability to sustain the basic metabolic requirements necessary for life in complex, stream environments. However, when older, GH-transgenic fish display a competitive advantage over wild-type fry, and show greater growth and equal survival as wild-type. These results demonstrate how developmental age and time of year can influence the response of genotypes to environmental conditions. We therefore urge caution when extrapolating the results of GH-transgenesis risk assessment studies across multiple life-history or developmental stages.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence from the animal kingdom shows that there is a trade-off between benefits and costs associated with rapid somatic growth. One would therefore expect growth rates under natural conditions to be close to an evolutionary optimum. Nevertheless, natural selection in many salmonid species appears to be toward larger size and earlier emergence from spawning redds, indicating a potential for increased growth rate to evolve. We tested how selection for genetic variants (growth hormone transgenic coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, with more than doubled daily growth rate potential relative to wild genotypes) depended on predator timing and food abundance during the early period of life (fry stage). In artificial redds, fry of the fast-growing genotypes showed a highly significant developmental shift, emerging from gravel nests approximately two weeks sooner, but with an 18.6% reduced survival, relative to wild-genotype fry. In seminatural streams, fry of the fast-growing genotypes suffered higher predation than those of wild genotypes when predators were present at the time of fry emergence, but this difference was less pronounced when food was scarce. In streams where predators were introduced after emergence, fry survived equally well regardless of food availability. Surviving fry grew faster in habitats provided with more food, and fast-growing genotypes also grew faster than wild genotypes when predators arrived late and food was abundant. Fewer fish migrated downstream past a waterfall when food availability was high and in the presence of predators, and wild-genotype fry were more likely to migrate than fry of the fast-growing genotypes. After being returned to the experimental streams after migration, fast-growing genotypes survived equally well as those of the same genotypes that did not migrate, whereas migrating wild genotypes experienced higher mortality relative to those of the same genotypes that did not migrate. Comparisons of growth rates between siblings retained under hatchery conditions and those from habitats with the fastest growth in the experimental stream revealed that growth rates were similar for wild genotypes in both environments, whereas the fast-growing genotypes in the streams only realized 90% of their growth potential. The present study has shown that a major shift in developmental timing can alter critical early stages affecting survival and can have a significant effect on fitness. Furthermore, ecological conditions such as food abundance and predation pressure can strongly influence the potential for fast-growing variants to survive under natural conditions. The large-scale removal of many predatory species around the world may augment the evolution of increased intrinsic growth rates in some taxa.  相似文献   

Transgenic channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) containing salmonid growth hormone genes can grow 33% faster than normal channel catfish under aquaculture conditions. However, before transgenic catfish are released and utilized by the private sector, their genetic impact on the natural environment must be examined. Predator avoidance is one of the major fitness traits determining potential environmental risk. To determine the predator avoidance ability and growth performance of transgenic catfish in a natural habitat, various densities of transgenic and nontransgenic channel catfish were communally stocked in 0.04-ha earthen ponds without supplemental feeding. Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) were stocked as predators. Nontransgenic fry had better predator avoidance than transgenic channel catfish when data were pooled (p < .01). When data were not pooled, nontransgenic catfish had better predator avoidance in six trials and transgenic individuals had better predator avoidance in four trials. There was no difference in predator avoidance in three trials. Overall predator avoidance was also better for nontransgenic individuals (p < .01) when the fish were evaluated as 3.5-g fingerlings, more clearly than as fry, as transgenic individuals were more vulnerable in 3 of 4 trials at this life stage. There was no significant difference in growth performance between transgenic and nontransgenic channel catfish in ponds without supplemental feeding. These findings indicate that transgenic channel catfish could be used for commercial aquaculture without affecting the natural environment. Although transgenic channel catfish may be released to nature by accident, any ecological effect would be unlikely because the increased susceptibility of transgenic channel catfish to predators would most likely decrease or eliminate the transgenic genotype. Received March 8, 1999; accepted June 3, 1999.  相似文献   

Behaviour trials determining antipredator response were conducted on first and second generation juveniles from a captive breeding and rearing programme for endangered Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Second generation captive fry displayed significantly higher levels of risk‐taking behaviour before and after exposure to a simulated avian predator. Because the first and second generation fry were reared under the same environmental conditions and differed only in the number of generations spent in captivity, these results suggest that rapid genetic changes, possibly due to domestication selection, may have occurred. Antipredator response was also assessed in fully wild and highly domesticated experimental groups: wild fry displayed the greatest antipredator response and domesticated fry displayed the highest levels of risk‐taking behaviour. These results add to the growing evidence documenting rapid genetic change in response to rearing in a captive environment.  相似文献   

The process of introgression between a transgenic crop modified for better agronomic characters and a wild relative could lead potentially to increased weediness and adaptation to the environment of the wild species. However, the formation of hybrid and hybrid progeny could be associated with functional imbalance and low fitness, which reduces the risk of gene escape and establishment of the wild species in the field. Our work compares the fitness components of parents and different types of backcross in the sixth generation of hybrids between transgenic oilseed rape (Brassica napus, AACC, 2n = 38) resistant to the herbicide glufosinate and wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum, RrRr, 2n = 18). The backcross with oilseed rape cytoplasm (OBC) has a fitness value 100 times lower than that of the backcross with wild radish cytoplasm (RBC). The herbicide-resistant RBC has similar growth to the susceptible RBC, but final male and female fitness values are two times lower. In turn, susceptible RBC exhibit similar fitness to the control wild radishes. The relative fitnesses of the different types are the same whether or not they grow under competitive conditions. The consequence on fitness of the chromosome location of the transgene conferring resistance and the relevance of these results to the impact of gene flow on the environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Growth rate is an ecologically important trait, affecting the energy acquisition from, and provisioning to, the surrounding community. One of many costs suggested to counteract the evolution of increased intrinsic growth rate is an associated reduction in tolerance to conditions of nutrient stress. Here we test this concept with individuals possessing experimentally increased intrinsic growth rates (growth hormone transgenic coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch) relative to wild genotypes. Using a series of three experiments, survival and growth of both genotypes were assessed on a physiological and behavioral level while varying food abundance, social interactions, and predation risk. Only in complete absence of exogenous food in newly emerged fry did the high intrinsic growth rate appear costly with a shorter average survival time compared to wild-type (Exp. 1). In experiment 2, genotypes with elevated intrinsic growth showed equal or higher survival and growth than wild-type genotypes In a third experiment, adding very limited amounts of food and allowing for social interactions in a simulated natural environment benefited transgenic individuals relative to wild-types, but at similar magnitudes in both the absence and presence of predators. Populations with transgenic individuals present did not crash under these competitive conditions as previously reported when studied in simple environments where hiding and attack escape were not possible. Our data suggest that transgenic fish have a greater scope for growth under most conditions, but are not obligated to use this capability. Physiological (e.g. appetite and conversion efficiency) and behavioral traits (e.g. competitive ability and risk-taking) found previously to correlate positively with intrinsic growth rate in the transgenic strain likely aided in their survival and growth, even under food limited conditions. Hence, at least in coho salmon, intrinsic growth rate does not appear to strongly affect survival under nutrient stress.  相似文献   

The four domestic Chinese carps, i.e. grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), cast their drifting eggs in the running water of the Yangtze River. In 1997 ~ 2005, a systematic study on the dynamics of the abundance the larvae of the four domestic Chinese carps was performed in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, close to Sanzhou city. It was calculated that in breeding seasons from early May to late June every year the abundance of fry drifting through the section of Sanzhou was 3.59 billion in 1997, 2.75 billion in 1998, 2.15 billion in 1999, 2.85 billion in 2000, 1.90 billion in 2001, 1.90 billion in 2002, 406 million in 2003, 339 million in 2004 and 105 million in 2005 respectively. Several environmental parameters related to the dynamics of larval abundance were also examined simultaneously. The construction of the Three Gorges Dam near Yichang between the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River has apparently had a drastic influence on the abundance of fish larvae.  相似文献   

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