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特种稻种质创新与营养特性评价   总被引:38,自引:8,他引:30  
将系谱选择和花药培养相结合,分别选育出具有巨胚、甜味、有色种皮、软米、香味等单一特殊性状和聚合上述2个以上特殊性状的特种稻种质12份,并对这些种质进行了营养特性评价。结果表明,创新的特种稻种质营养成分含量明显高于普通稻,其中甜黑米1569和甜红米1571糙米千粒重很小(8.4g、8.2g),蛋白质(12.4%、11.7%)、赖氨酸(0.75%、0.76%)、脂肪(5.29%、4.86%)、油酸(2.15%、1.93%)和亚油酸(1.93%、1.86%)、维生素B1(8.42mg/kg、1.60mg/kg)年口钙含量(36.8mg/100g、29.5mg/100g)较高;巨胚香糯1574和白巨胚米1575的胚较大,千粒胚重1.4g以上,胚重占糙米重的比率8%以上,蛋白质(9.9%、10.6%)、维生素B1(3.30mg/kg、0.98mg/kg)和钙含量(27.7mg/100g、32.5mg/100g)较高;黑糯米1568的维生素B1(6.57mg/kg)、铁扣锌含量(4.0mg/100g、7.2mg/100g)较高;红米1201的蛋白质(11.1%)、锌(7.0mg/100g)和硒(85.4ug/kg)含量较高,巨胚,甜味,有色种皮,香味等2个以上特殊性状的聚合是增加水稻种质营养保健功能性的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

水稻地方品种铁含量的差异评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以来自我国12个省的113份水稻地方品种为试验材料,分析了不同省份、不同类型、不同品种糙米铁含量的差异.结果表明,113份水稻地方品种的铁含量变异范围为8.1~19.9mg/kg,平均值为11.5mg/kg,变异系数为15.56%.各省份水稻地方品种的平均铁含量大小顺序为吉林>江西>福建>广东>安徽>四川>云南>广西>江苏>湖北>湖南>贵州.粳米的铁含量显著高于籼米;糯米的铁含量显著高于粘米;紫米的铁含量显著高于普通米和红米.福建省的陆种糯和吉林省的红毛稻铁含量较高,分别为19.9mg/kg和16.5mg/kg.今后应重视吉林省地方品种以及粳稻、糯稻和紫稻地方品种的铁含量分析,积极发掘富铁水稻种质,以提供利用于水稻育种研究.  相似文献   

早晚季水稻精米和米皮硒含量的基因型差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用福建省生产上推广应用的水稻品种(组合)、特种稻和旱稻共45份种质资源为试验材料,在早、晚季分析不同基因型水稻精米和米皮中硒含量的差异.结果表明:①早、晚季水稻品种精米和米皮中硒含量表现均无明显差异.②水稻品种精米和米皮中硒含量分布遵循正态分布规律,表明水稻精米和米皮中硒含量属数量性状.③不同基因型水稻品种精米和米皮中硒含量差异很大,不同品种具有不同的富硒能力.其中早季精米硒含量最高的品种是罗旱紫谷(0.065mg/kg),最低的是84VE303(0.012mg/kg);晚季精米硒含量最高的品种是罗旱紫谷(0.068mg/kg),最低的是加州红米(0.009mg/kg).④早、晚季种植的精米硒含量达0.04 mg/kg以上的水稻品种有:罗旱紫谷、隆化大红欲、555-99、Ziukdo、矮血糯,其中罗旱紫谷精米中硒含量最高,早晚季平均达0.067 mg/kg.  相似文献   

采用41份杂草稻种质材料,开展宁夏杂草稻稻米功能型品质的研究。结果表明,杂草稻的黄酮、维生素B1以及铁、锌、硒含量存在较大变异,变异系数均达13%以上;杂草稻的黄酮、维生素B1含量低于选育品种,铁、锌、硒元素含量与选育品种相似,杂草稻的维生素B2含量(0. 032 mg/100 g)总体高于地方品种(0. 026 mg/100 g)和选育品种(0. 027 mg/100 g)。通过功能型品质性状综合分析,筛选出了9份优异杂草稻资源,为改善宁夏水稻品质,拓宽宁夏水稻遗传基础奠定基础。  相似文献   

目的:了解我国河套地区小麦粉营养品质。方法:选取当地2个不同季节生产的特色面粉6种,对其维生素和矿物质进行分析。结果:12个样品维生素E含量为0.061~0.404 mg/100 g,维生素B1、维生素B2、烟酸含量分别为0.139~0.230 mg/100 g、1.380~1.900 mg/100 g、3.425~4.350 mg/100 g,维生素B2和烟酸含量远高于我国小麦粉平均水平。铁、钙、磷、镁含量偏低,但硒含量为0.043~0.250 mg/kg,已达到富硒农产品标准。结论:河套地区小麦粉含有丰富的维生素B2、烟酸、硒,本研究就小麦粉的营养化发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   

为了解小管枪乌贼(Loligo oshimai)肌肉营养价值,采用常规生化分析方法对其肌肉的营养成分进行了测定和分析。结果显示,小管枪乌贼肌肉鲜样样品中的水分、粗蛋白质、脂肪、灰分含量分别为(75.50±2.35)%、(19.29±0.98)%、(0.94±0.11)%和(1.80±0.09)%。肌肉中氨基酸含量丰富,共检测出18种氨基酸,含量占干样品的64.32%,4种呈味氨基酸含量为25.16%;必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)为69.77,接近氨基酸标准模式;检测出26种脂肪酸,其中饱和脂肪酸(SFA)8种,单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)6种,多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)12种,含量分别为42.65%、6.48%和41.55%,不饱和脂肪酸中的二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)占脂肪总量的40.47%;肌肉中矿物元素含量丰富,其中钾(19 420 mg/kg)、锌(43.07 mg/kg)和硒(1.043 mg/kg)含量较高;此外检测的5维生素中VB6(127.87 mg/kg)和VB3(91.93 mg/kg)含量丰富。因此,小管枪乌贼肌肉中蛋白质含量丰富、脂肪酸组成比例适宜、矿物元素和维生素含量较高,是一种营养价值全面、味道鲜美、具有较高保健价值的水产品。  相似文献   

试验采用单因子梯度设计。在试验中,维生素E设6个梯度,分别为Ⅰ0mg/kg、Ⅱ50mg/kg、Ⅲ125mg/kg、Ⅳ200mg/kg、Ⅴ275mg/kg、Ⅵ350mg/kg,前后进行175d饲养试验,以雌鳝性腺系数、产卵力、孵化率以及各组织中SOD活性、MDA含量等指标作为判据,研究了VE对雌鳝繁殖性能的影响。结果表明,随饲料中VE含量的增加,Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组雌鳝性腺系数、产卵力和孵化率显著提高(p0.05),Ⅴ、Ⅵ组则提高不显著(p0.05),卵中VE的含量反映了饲料中VE的含量。雌鳝卵巢中SOD活性,Ⅳ、Ⅴ和Ⅵ组比Ⅰ和Ⅲ组显著低(p0.05),相应地,MDA含量Ⅳ、Ⅴ和Ⅵ组显著低于Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ组(p0.05)Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ组雌鱔,虽然其卵巢中SOD活性较高,但因饲料中抗氧化性的VE缺乏或不足,引发卵子脂质过氧化,MDA含量显著升高(p0.05),导致卵质低下,从而影响了卵子孵化。综上所述,雌鳝饲料中添加维生素E,能有效地改善雌鳝的繁殖性能,其最适添加量为200mg/kg。    相似文献   

有机胂饲料添加剂对猪场周围及农田环境污染的调查研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
对广东省长期使用阿散酸为饲料添加剂的15个大型猪场的周围环境及农田进行了调查,结果表明:猪场内长期施用猪粪为肥料的甘薯根内的总砷含量已为国家规定最高检出限(0.5mg/kg)的3—6倍;甘薯地土壤的砷含量介于25.83~55.54mg/kg,远远大于自然界最高砷含量的背景值(15mg/kg);而且甘薯的各种组织的总砷含量与土壤砷含量成正比。绝大多数猪场鱼塘水的砷含量已超过渔业水质标准0.05mg/L;虽然鱼肌肉的总砷含量未超过国家规定标准0.5mg/kg,但是在鱼的可食性组织脂肪、脑的总砷含量却远远超标,约为肌肉组织中3-4倍。猪场排污口附近的土壤,砷污染范围介于200—500m之间;其中在距排污口约5m,50m的土壤,砷的含量远超过自然界的砷含量的最高背景值15mg/kg。长期施用猪粪作为肥料的稻田,大多数土壤砷含量已超过国家规定的最高标准;另外,水稻有一定的砷富集能力,而且水稻各种组织的砷含量与土壤的砷含量也存在明显的正相关。  相似文献   

黄淮海大豆优异种质齐黄1号的育种应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
齐黄1号是中国衍生品种最多的大豆种质之一,在全国11个省市衍生出92个高产优质品种和优异品系,其中黄淮海地区衍生出87个品种(系).1个品种获国家科技进步二等奖;2个品种获国家技术发明三等奖;2个品种获国家科技进步三等奖.蛋白质含量45%以上的品种23个,其中46%的品种5个、47%的品种2个、48%的品种3个、51%的品种2个.脂肪含量22%以上的品种6个,其中23%的品种1个.抗大豆花叶病毒品种27个,其中抗霜霉病品种7个.齐黄1号在育种中的成功应用,说明优异种质对大豆育种至关重要,筛选配合力高的优异杂交组合可有效地提高大豆育种效率,种质创新是大豆育种的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

以239份大豆品种资源为试材,研究其子粒中全磷和无机磷含量的差异表现,分析大豆子粒中磷含量水平,并筛选高全磷、高无机磷资源材料。研究结果表明,供试239份大豆品种子粒中的全磷、无机磷含量存在极显著差异;其分布范围分别为全磷6.24~9.56g/kg,无机磷0.12~0.37g/kg;平均含量分别为7.78g/kg,0.20g/kg;无机磷与全磷含量的比值为1.39%~4.94%,平均为2.56%。同时,筛选出子粒中高全磷、高无机磷含量的大豆品种各5个,其中品种洋黄豆、高家营黑豆、绿75、郭柳条青、大毛角为高全磷材料;品种8012混-1、黄豆、白露快、平顶黄、黑大粒为高无机磷材料;  相似文献   

为选育金花茶优良品种,以7种金花茶组(Camellia sect. Chrysantha)植物成熟叶片为试材,对其总黄酮、茶多酚、总多糖、总皂苷、总氨基酸及维生素E等6种营养物质及K、Ca、Na、Fe、Mn、Zn、Se等7种矿质元素含量进行测定比较,通过聚类分析,考查不同金花茶组植物叶片间存在的药用价值差异。结果表明,7种金花茶组植物叶片的营养成分含量丰富且存在显著差异:凹脉金花茶(Camellia impressinervis)的茶多酚含量最高,达7.13%;东兴金花茶(C. tunghinensis)的总皂苷含量最高,达0.41 g·100 g-1;柠檬金花茶(C. limonia)的总黄酮含量最高,达671.67 mg·100 g-1。矿质元素方面各种类均呈现高钾低钠的特征,凹脉金花茶、柠檬金花茶和小果金花茶(C. nitidissima var. microcarpa)K含量高于Ca,且各品种中均检测出Se元素。综合结果表明,凹脉金花茶叶片中茶多酚、总多糖、总氨基酸等各类营养成分含量相对较高,具有潜在的研究与开发价值。  相似文献   

不同类型特种稻种质营养及功能性成分含量的差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以具有有色种皮、巨胚、甜味、香味、糯性等单一特殊性状或2个以上特殊性状聚合于一体的新创制特种稻种质39份和1份白米种质(对照)为试验材料,进行了黑米、黑褐米、红米、香糯米、黑巨胚糯米、红巨胚糯米、巨胚糯米、黑甜米、红甜米、白甜米等不同类型特种稻种质的营养及功能性成分含量的差异评价。结果表明,供试特种稻类型在大部分氨基酸含量和矿质元素含量上与白米差异不显著,只在个别氨基酸和矿质元素含量上与白米呈显著或极显著差异。黑褐米、红米、黑巨胚糯米、红巨胚糯米、巨胚糯米、红甜米和白甜米等7种类型的赖氨酸含量显著或极显著高于白米,高2.91%~24.68%;黑米、黑褐米、红米、香糯米、黑巨胚糯米和红甜米等6种类型的铁含量显著或极显著高于白米,高17.62%~68.09%;黑褐米、红米、黑巨胚糯米、红巨胚糯米、黑甜米、红甜米、白甜米等7种类型的钙含量显著或极显著高于白米,高23.56%~49.46%;黑米、黑褐米、红米、黑甜米、红甜米、白甜米等6种类型的锌含量显著或极显著高于白米,高12.21%~55.87%。由此表明,具有有色种皮、巨胚、甜味、香味、糯性等单一特殊性状或2~3个特殊性状的聚合对赖氨酸含量与铁、钙和锌含量的提高方面具有一定的增加效应,认为在今后以赖氨酸、铁、钙和锌含量为目标性状的功能性水稻育种中,多个特殊性状的聚合将是增加上述功能性成分含量的有效途径之一。通过鉴定评价,从创新种质中还筛选出一些功能性成分含量相对较高的优异种质,白甜米1553和红巨胚糯米1476的赖氨酸含量较高,比白米分别高29.37%和23.42%;红米1439和红米1440的铁含量较高,比白米分别高99.05%和80.00%;黑甜米1511和黑甜米1515的硒含量较高,比白米分别高194.14%和136.48%;白甜米1551和香糯米1446的γ-氨基丁酸含量较高,比白米分别高14.56%和11.83%;黑巨胚糯米1464和黑米1432的花色苷含量较高,比供试18份有色稻米的平均值分别高253.23%和248.83%。这些新创制的功能性成分含量较高的水稻种质有待于今后在育种、生态适应性鉴定与产业化中进一步得到利用。  相似文献   

The effect of dietary selenium (Se) and vitamin E supplementation on tissue reduced glutathione (GSH) and glutathione peroxidase activity has been studied in the rat. Increasing Se intake by 0.4 ppm gave significantly higher enzyme levels in all tissues studied, an effect not influenced by vitamin E intake. Further increasing Se to 4 ppm gave higher enzyme levels in red blood cells only, while in liver was there was a significant decrease in enzyme activity probably reflecting Se hepatotoxicity. In the absence of Se supplements increasing dietary vitamin E to 100 mg/kg diet significantly increased enzyme activity but this effect was modified by simultaneous Se supplementation.Se intake had no effect on GSH levels. Rats on high vitamin E intake 500 mg/kg had a significantly higher tissue GSH level. Dietary Se had a sparing effect on vitamin E, rats supplemented with Se having significantly raised plasma vitamin E levels.These results confirm the role of selenium in glutathione peroxidase and also show that vitamin E influences the activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Nutrient management in biomass production systems serves to maximize yield and minimize production costs and environmental impact. Loss of soil nutrients with harvested biomass can be reduced by the judicious choice of genotype and harvest time. Sustainable production of switchgrass for biofuel will depend, in part, on breeding of varieties that are conservative in their use of soil nutrients to produce biomass. To aid such breeding programs, we assessed the natural variation in nutrient-use and remobilization efficiencies of 31 accessions of Panicum virgatum by measuring the concentration of 20 elements (N, P, K, Li, B, Na, Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Mo, and Cd) in shoots of field-grown plants harvested at two different stages of development. Significant differences between accessions were found for elemental composition at maturity and after senescence. The concentration of several elements (N, P, K, and Rb) decreased in the shoots of all accessions during senescence, although the efficiency of remobilization ranged from 20% to 61% for N, 31% to 65% for P, 25% for 84% for K, and 33% to 84% for Rb. The accessions/cultivars with the greatest nutrient-use efficiency (smallest loss of nutrient per unit biomass) were BN-14668-65, Kanlow, Caddo from the point of view of N content, and Kanlow, Cave-in-Rock, and Blackwell from the point of view of P content in senescent shoots. Finally, differences in elemental composition between upland and lowland ecotypes were also found. The information presented here will help to guide future breeding programs and nutrient management practices.  相似文献   

Phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPX) is the second intracellular selenium (Se)-dependent glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) identified in mammals. Our objectives were to determine the effect of dietary vitamin E and Se levels on PHGPX activity expression in testis, epididymis, and seminal vesicles of pubertal maturing rats, and the relationship of PHGPX expression with testicular development and sperm quality. Forty Sprague-Dawley male weanling rats (21-d old), were initially fed for 3 wk a torula yeast basal diet (containing 0.05 mg Se/kg) supplemented with marginal levels of Se (0.1 mg/kg as Na2SeO3) and vitamin E (25 IU/kg as all-rac-α-tocopheryl acetate). Then, rats were fed the basal diets supplemented with 0 or 0.2 mg Se/kg and 0 or 100 IU vitamin E/kg diet during the 3-wk period of pubertal maturing. Compared with the Se-supplemented rats, those fed the Se-deficient diets retained 31, 88, 67, and 50% of Se-dependent GSH-Px activities in liver, testis, epididymis, and seminal vesicles, respectively. Testes and seminal vesicles had substantially higher (5-to 20-fold) PHGPX activity than liver. Dietary Se deficiency did not affect PHGPX activities in the reproductive tissues, but reduced PHGPX activity in liver by 28% (P < 0.0001). Dietary vitamin E supplementation did not affect PHGPX activity in liver, whereas it raised PHGPX activity in seminal vesicles by 43% (P < 0.005). Neither dietary vitamin E nor Se levels affected body weight gains, reproductive organ weights, or sperm counts and morphology. In conclusion, expression of PHGPX activity in testis and seminal vesicles was high and regulated by dietary Se and vitamin E differently from that in liver.  相似文献   

In previous studies based on indirect procedures, we reported that Mg deficit increased the bioavailability of a number of elements such as calcium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese and decreased selenium absorption. The present study was designed to verify these findings by direct methods. We investigated the effect of dietary magnesium deficiency on enterocyte Ca, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn and Se concentrations. Male Wistar rats were fed a Mg-deficient diet (129 mg Mg/kg food) for 70 days. Whole enterocytes from the upper jejunum were isolated and Ca, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn and Se were determined. The results were compared with findings in a control group that was pair-fed with an identical diet except that it covered this species's nutritional requirements for Mg (480 mg Mg/kg food). The Mg-deficient diet significantly increased enterocyte content of Ca, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn; however, we found no significant changes in the Se content of these cells. These data support the results obtained by indirect methods.  相似文献   

Effects of vitamin E and/or selenium (Se) deficiency on the secretion of arachidonic acid metabolites by zymosan-stimulated pulmonary alveolar macrophages (AM) were examined using cells from male Long-Evans hooded rats fed torula-yeast based diets with or without the supplementation of vitamin E (150 IU/kg) or Se (0.5 mg/kg). Alveolar macrophages obtained by lavage were purified by adherence and cultured for 4 h in Hank's balanced salt solution containing bovine serum albumin (0.1%) and zymosan (300 micrograms/ml). The arachidonic acid metabolites present in the culture supernatant were measured by radioimmunoassay. Altered vitamin E and Se nutrition had no effect on the number of cells or cell types recovered from the pulmonary airways. Alveolar macrophages derived from animals fed on diets deficient in vitamin E or Se or both nutrients secreted higher levels of prostaglandin E2 and thromboxane B2. Levels of both 5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid and leukotriene B4 were significantly increased only in the group fed the diet adequate in Se but deficient in vitamin E. Our data suggest that vitamin E and Se might play an important role to control the levels of several physiologically and pathologically important arachidonic acid metabolites.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary selenium and vitamin E on plasma total (TC) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) was evaluated in 54 Sprague Dawley rats fed cholesterol/cholic acid enriched diets. Diets 1, 2, and 3 had no added selenium (low Se) and 0 (low), 60 (adequate), and 600 (high) mg/kg dL alpha tocopheryl acetate added respectively. Sodium selenite at 0.2 mg/kg (adequate Se) was added to diets 4, 5, and 6 and at 4.0 mg/kg (toxic Se) to diet 7, 8, and 9 with the same pattern of vitamin E added to the diet as described above. TC and HDLC were measured using the Kodak Ectachem system. Rats in the low and adequate Se groups fed high vitamin E had lower TC values than rats fed lower vitamin E levels but differences were not significant. In the toxic Se groups, rats fed high vitamin E had significantly (p<0.05) higher plasma TC values than did lower Vitamin E groups. Rats on the high vitamin E diets with low or adequate Se had significantly (p<0.05) higher mean plasma HDLC values when compared to rats fed low or adequate vitamin E diets. HDLC values for animals on Se toxic diets were significantly (p<0.05) lower in rats fed a low vitamin E diet. In rats fed Se deficient and adequate diets, a high vitamin E intake resulted in a decrease in TC and an increase in HDLC. In Se toxic rats, TC was elevated by a high dietary intake of vitamin E as was HDLC with both values being significantly higher than values found in the vitamin E deficient rats. Vitamin E deficiency resulted in a plasma lipid pattern that has been associated with greater cardiovascular disease risk.  相似文献   

4 x 5 growing female rabbits (New Zealand White) with an initial live weight of 610 +/- 62 g were fed a torula yeast based semisynthetic diet low in selenium (<0.03 mg/kg diet) and containing <2 mg alpha-tocopherol per kg (group I). Group II received a vitamin E supplementation of 150 mg alpha-tocopherylacetate per kg diet, whereas for group III 0.40 mg Se as Na-selenite and for group IV both supplements were added. Selenium status and parameters of tissue damage were analyzed after 10 weeks on experiment (live weight 2,355 +/- 145 g). Selenium depletion of the Se deficient rabbits (groups I and II) was indicated by a significantly lower plasma Se content (group I: 38.3 +/- 6.23 microg Se/mL plasma, group II: 42.6 +/- 9.77, group III: 149 +/- 33.4, group IV: 126 +/- 6.45) and a significantly lower liver Se content (group I: 89.4 +/- 18.2 microg/kg fresh matter, group II: 111 +/- 26.2) as compared to the Se supplemented groups III (983 +/- 204) and IV (926 +/- 73.9). After 5 weeks on the experimental diets differences in the development of plasma glutathione peroxidase were observed. As compared to the initial status group (45.2 +/- 4.50) pGPx activity in mU/mg protein was decreased in group I (19.1 +/- 7.08), remained almost stable in the vitamin E supplemented group II (46.3 +/- 11.2) whereas an elevated enzyme activity was measured in the Se supplemented groups III (62.4 +/- 23.9) and IV (106 +/- 19.9). In the rabbit organs investigated 10 weeks of Se deficiency caused a significant loss of Se dependent cellular glutathione peroxidase activity (GPx1) of 94% (liver), 80% (kidney), 50% (heart muscle) and 60% (musculus longissimus dorsi) in comparison to Se supplemented control animals. Damage of cellular lipids and proteins in the liver was due to either Se or vitamin E deficiency. However damage was most severe under conditions of a combined Se and vitamin E deficiency. It can be concluded that the activity of plasma glutathione peroxidase is a sensitive indicator of Se deficiency in rabbits. The loss of GPx1 activity indicates the selenium depletion in various rabbit organs. Both selenium and vitamin E are essential and highly efficient antioxidants which protect rabbits against lipid and protein oxidation.  相似文献   

以不同维生素K水平(0.13、2.15、3.25、6.40、12、17.20和23.20 mg/kg饲料)的7种精制饲料喂养初始体重约为(2.17±0.01) g的异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)10周, 每个处理3个重复, 研究异育银鲫对维生素K的需求量。结果显示: 饲料中维生素K的添加可以明显降低摄食率, 饲料中维生素K含量为2.15 mg/kg时, 摄食率出现最大值, 之后显著下降(P<0.05), 在12 mg/kg时达到最低值。特定生长率随着维生素K的添加表现出升高的趋势, 饲料中维生素K含量为12 mg/kg时, 出现最大值, 但是差异不显著(P>0.05)。饲料中维生素K的含量从0.13 mg/kg升至3.25 mg/kg时, 饲料效率显著升高(P<0.05), 随着饲料中维生素K的进一步添加, 趋于稳定(P>0.05), 在12 mg/kg时达到最大值, 并且与特定生长率呈正相关关系(SGR=0.01 FE+0.95, R2=0.95)。血液红细胞数目随着饲料维生素K含量的增加先显著升高(P<0.05), 在6.40 mg/kg时达到最大值, 之后趋于稳定(P>0.05)。血红蛋白含量、血球容积比、血清钙含量与血液中红细胞数目表现出相似的趋势, 均在不添加维生素K组出现最低值, 但是差异不显著(P>0.05)。肝体比、肥满度及鱼体生化组成均不受饲料维生素K水平的影响(P>0.05)。分别对饲料效率、红细胞数目进行折线回归得出异育银鲫幼鱼对维生素K的最适需求量为3.73—6.72 mg/kg饲料。  相似文献   

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