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手盗龙类郝氏中鸟(Zhongornis haoae)的标本只有一件,并且为幼年个体,其最初被归入鸟类。然而对其解剖学的重新研究显示,郝氏中鸟与窃蛋龙下目(Oviraptorosauria)和擅攀鸟龙科(Scansoriopterygidae)具有很多相似的形态特征。中鸟的尾部虽然有所退化,但仍然很长,本文认为其约有20枚尾椎,其尾部的形态和比例都与尾羽龙(Caudipteryx)和耀龙(Epidexipteryx)相似。中鸟与基干窃蛋龙类的相似之处还包括:头骨短而高,小手指退化。在小翼掌骨的大小、手指的比例、坐骨不发育背侧和腹侧突起方面,中鸟与擅攀鸟龙类相似,而明显区别于中生代的鸟类。基于上述相似的形态特征以及基干窃蛋龙类和擅攀鸟龙类共有的其他特征,提出了窃蛋龙类和擅攀鸟龙类之间具有较近亲缘关系的假说。分支系统学的研究表明,相比于窃蛋龙类,中鸟与擅攀鸟龙科之间的亲缘关系更近,中鸟和擅攀鸟龙类都具有伸长的前肢和脚爪。有关中鸟的分类位置及其与擅攀鸟龙科之间确切关系的研究,还需要新标本的发现;本文对中鸟分类位置的讨论,也说明了基于幼年个体进行新种命名时所存在的问题。  相似文献   

辽宁西部早白垩世义县组一新驰龙类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国辽西早白垩世义县组底部陆家屯层近年来产出大量恐龙和其他脊椎动物化石 ,其中包括兽脚类恐龙当中的伤齿龙类和窃蛋龙类 (Xu ,2 0 0 2 )。本文报道该层位产出的一件驰龙类化石标本。通过对比研究 ,我们确认这一标本不同于热河群已知的其他 3种驰龙类 ,并建立了驰龙类的一个新属种 :陆家屯纤细盗龙 (Graciliraptorlujiatunensisgen .etsp .nov .)。驰龙类最初发现于北美晚白垩世地层中 (MatthewandBrown ,1 92 2 ) ,随后在蒙古晚白垩世地层中也有发现 (Osborn ,1 92 4 ) ;现在已知驰龙类的化石记录主要集中在北美和中亚地区的白垩纪地层中 (Xu ,2 0 0 2 )。千禧中国鸟龙 (Sinornithosaurusmillenii)曾代表最早的确定无疑的驰龙属种 (Xuetal.,1 999) ,其生存时代大约为 1 2 5Ma (Swisheretal.,1 999)。陆家屯纤细盗龙正型标本产于义县组底部陆家屯层 ,其上覆和下伏岩层的同位素年代分别为 1 2 8Ma和 1 39Ma (Swisheretal.,2 0 0 1 )。因此 ,陆家屯纤细盗龙代表已知最早的驰龙属种。陆家屯纤细盗龙和其他驰龙类共享以下近裔特征 :尾椎前关节突和脉弧极度加长、上颌齿后缘锯齿明显大于前缘锯齿和指节III- 2明显缩短。陆家屯纤细盗龙的以下近裔特征区别于其他驰龙类 :中部尾椎有一板状结构连接左右后关节  相似文献   

短吻贫齿龙(双孔亚纲:海龙目)的新材料及补充研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了产自贵州关岭法郎组瓦窑段(上三叠统)短吻贫齿龙一新材料。新标本头后骨骼十分完整,使我们对该海龙的全身骨骼形态有了一个完整的认识,尤其是澄清了其肩带及前、后肢的解剖学特征。短吻贫齿龙牙齿稀少且局限于上、下颌的前端,以及末端指/趾骨(爪)扁平等性状表明,该种不是纯粹的肉食动物。依据新材料,短吻贫齿龙在局部形态上存在个体变异,并确认后肢趾趾式(2-3-4-5-5)可作为该海龙的特征之一。  相似文献   

小盗龙亚科是驰龙科兽脚类恐龙中新近发现的一个亚群,多数属种产自中国辽宁西部下白垩统热河群。本文描记一件产自辽宁省朝阳县大平房地区九佛堂组(热河群上段)的小盗龙亚科的新标本,该标本具有一些未曾报道过的有趣形态特征。尤其值得关注的是,一些特征呈现出介于中国鸟龙和小盗龙之间的过渡状态,其中部分来自牙齿和坐骨。这些特征突出显示了在更接近典型驰龙类的中国鸟龙和具有许多伤齿龙科特征的小盗龙之间存在着一系列的形态变异。然而,这些变异特征在分类上的意义尚未得到充分评估。特别值得一提的是该标本中相互愈合的耻骨和肠骨,这一特征有助于阐明复合骨在兽脚类恐龙中的演化模式。初步分析显示许多鸟类的复合骨都是通过在过型形成过程中各组分的顺序愈合形成的。  相似文献   

离龙是一类生活在中侏罗世至中新世的半水生掠食性动物。白垩纪早期,部分离龙类演化为与现生鳄鱼形态类似的大型长吻爬行动物,称为新离龙类。报道了来自山东省下白垩统蒙阴组的一长吻型离龙新种——袖珍蒙山龙(Mengshanosaurus minimus),正型标本头骨全长仅35 mm,是迄今为止发现的最小新离龙类个体。根据未完全骨化的颅腔和额骨-顶骨间尚存未愈合的圆孔,推测蒙山龙正型标本为一幼年个体。系统发育分析显示,蒙山龙属于新离龙类,具有单个外鼻孔,单一鼻骨和下颞孔开放等新离龙类的共有衍征。在新离龙类内部,蒙山龙分类位置较为基干,为伊克昭龙属(Ikechosaurus)、车尔龙属(Tchoiria)、西莫多龙属(Simoedosaurus)和鳄龙属(Champsosaurus)组成的支系的姐妹群。蒙山龙区别于其他新离龙类的特征包括泪孔位于前额骨与泪骨之间,以及增大的腭面齿(宽度超过上颌齿的1/3)。蒙山龙具有长吻和紧密排列的尖利牙齿,推测离龙类幼体与现生鳄类幼体食性类似,以水生昆虫和无脊椎动物为食。现生鳄类在发育过程中,吻部的形态常发生改变,牙齿也会从尖细的形状转向圆钝;而蒙山龙的吻部和牙齿的形态与已知大体型的成体新离龙类没有明显区别,这说明相较于现生鳄类,新离龙类在发育过程中生态位的变化并不显著。  相似文献   

驰龙类的精美临河盗龙(Linheraptor exquisitus)于2010年基于一件近完整骨架命名,化石采自内蒙古西部巴彦满达呼大门地点上白垩统乌兰苏海组。然而,最近三项研究认为精美临河盗龙是蒙古乌哈托喀地点上白垩统捷达克赫塔组发现的白魔龙(Tsaagan mangas)的晚出异名。本文依据61个形态学特征区分精美临河盗龙和白魔龙,否认了上述观点。许多特征来自对精美临河盗龙正型标本先前未修理部分,特别是头骨左侧的观察。这些新观察支持和加强了我们先前认为的精美临河盗龙和白魔龙属于两个不同属种的观点。精美临河盗龙具有的一些特征之前被认为是白魔龙或者其他驰龙类的自近裔特征,这表明进步的骨骼特征在驰龙类中的分布异常复杂。认为精美临河盗龙和白魔龙为同物异名的观点实际上忽略了很多微小的形态变异。增加分类取样可以将那些看似显著的鉴定特征转化为更加细微的形态变异,而这些形态变异对于精细的系统发育分析具有潜在的重要意义。在未来的研究中,利用连续数据的严格定量方法,有助于处理类似信息。  相似文献   

贵州中三叠世长颈龙属(原龙目:长颈龙科)一幼年个体   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
记述了贵州兴义法郎组竹杆坡段(中三叠世拉丁期)长颈龙属未定种(Tanystropheus sp.)一幼年个体的不完整骨架。这是该属在欧洲和中东以外的首次发现。新材料仅保存部分颈椎、躯干和前肢。根据特殊的颈椎形态将该标本归入长颈龙属,而区别于另一种长颈的海生原龙类———东方恐头龙(Dinocephalosaurus orientalis)。新标本的腕骨形态简单,骨化程度弱,表明长颈龙是终生水生的动物。“长颈、长颈肋”见于多种不同海生爬行动物(如原龙类、初龙类),它们很可能都以“吞吸”的方式捕食。长颈龙化石在我国的发现进一步验证了中国南方三叠纪海生爬行动物群与欧洲西特提斯动物群(western Tethyan fauna)之间的密切关系。  相似文献   

内蒙古晚白垩世似鸟龙与鸭嘴龙骨组织的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对采获于我国内蒙古二连浩特晚白垩世达布苏组的蜥臀目兽脚亚目似鸟龙科恐龙(Archaeornithomimius asiatcus)和鸟臀目鸟脚亚目鸭嘴龙科恐龙(Bactrosaurus johnsoni)的胫骨、排骨、股骨、尺骨、肋骨、椎骨骨组织结构特征进行了研究,并将它们的骨组织与爬行纲初龙亚钢的现存湾鳄(Crocodylus porosus)和非洲Tuo鸟(Struthio camelus)的骨组织进行直观比较,应用计算机图像分析技术及统计方法进行比较研究。结果显示:1)这两种恐龙的骨组织具有相似的基本结构特征,但也存在一些差异;2)两种恐龙的长骨组织均具有快速后生生长特点;3)似鸟龙科恐龙的幼年长骨只速率高,成体则相对减慢;4)似鸟龙科恐龙的幼体肋骨中具有生长轮,成体的肋骨中则生长轮有可能因骨改建而消失;5)两种恐龙、非洲Tuo鸟和湾鳄的长骨的血管分布密度有统计学的显著差异,两种恐龙的骨组织血管密度介于非洲Tuo鸟和湾鳄之间;6)这两种恐龙的骨组织既不同于现代鸟类骨组织,也不同于现代爬行类骨组织,有可能是介于这两种骨组织之间的一种独立的过渡类型或中间类型。  相似文献   

尽管学者近期在中国龙蜥属Diploderma分类研究上取得了连续进展,我国龙蜥属物种的分布资料中仍有大量的存疑记录,例如多种龙蜥同域分布、记录分布点远离其余已知分布区、记录点与模式产地处于完全不同的生物地理区系等。本文结合形态及分子数据,对龙蜥属部分存疑记录进行了修订。确定了先前报道的云南省、西藏自治区、四川省、甘肃省及湖北省的草绿龙蜥Diploderma flaviceps记录为同属其他物种的误记;其中,四川省北部及甘肃省南部报道的草绿龙蜥为米仓山龙蜥D.micangshanense的误定,云南省中西部的草绿龙蜥为沙坝龙蜥D.chapaense的误定,西藏自治区与湖北省的草绿龙蜥分别为巴塘龙蜥D.batangense及米仓山龙蜥的误定,以上两地的巴塘龙蜥与米仓山龙蜥则分别代表西藏自治区和湖北省的省级爬行动物新记录。此外,确认了昆明龙蜥D.varcoae分布于云南省西双版纳的报道为地点信息的误记,实际标本采于云南省大理市鸡足山。确定了云南省景东彝族自治县先前记录的云南龙蜥D.yunnanense实际为沙坝龙蜥的误定,并拓展了早先认为是狭域分布的沙坝龙蜥的分布范围,将其分布区向西北方向扩大至云南省中西部。最后,更新了我国已知龙蜥属物种的分布及相关文献,并讨论了我国自然历史博物馆在更新物种分类及分布信息上的滞后及其对后续研究及物种保育的负面影响。  相似文献   

重新研究了产于辽西义县组下部的带羽毛小型兽脚类恐龙长掌义县龙(Yixianosaurus longimanus) 的不完整骨架。系统发育分析得出义县龙属于手盗龙类基干类群,与阿尔瓦雷斯龙( Alvarezsaurus) 、镰刀龙类、除阿尔瓦雷斯龙之外的其他阿尔瓦雷斯龙类以及由窃蛋龙类和副鸟龙类等进步手盗龙类组成的一个类群形成多分支状态。义县龙既有原始特征,如臂指数低,第三指强壮; 也有进步特征,如乌喙骨近长方形,表明在手盗龙类当中,前肢演化呈现出比以前认为的更加复杂的镶嵌现象。强壮的前肢骨骼以及厚重、弯曲而尖利的手爪表明义县龙是捕食者,尽管这一认识尚待该属种更完整化石的发现来证实。义县龙在手盗龙类系统发育中的基部位置暗示,在虚骨龙类演化的这一节点上,前肢形态的变异范围更大。在许多方面,义县龙强壮的前肢和过度增大的弯曲爪子与长臂猎龙(Tanycolagreus) 和虚骨龙(Coelurus) 的相似,可能代表了这些属种与基干镰刀龙类和窃蛋龙类之间的过渡形态。义县龙保存了大的片状体羽,表明这些皮肤衍生物在虚骨龙类中的起源可能比以前报道的要早。最后,强壮而伸长的前肢暗示了其生态功能与根据同一区域的其他小型兽脚类推测的不同,支持了热河生物群的小型非鸟兽脚类中存在小生境划分的观点。  相似文献   

Xu X  Tan Q  Sullivan C  Han F  Xiao D 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e22916


The Troodontidae represents one of the most bird-like theropod groups and plays an important role in our understanding of avian origins. Although troodontids have been known for over 150 years, few known derived troodontid specimens preserve significant portions of both the forelimb and the hindlimb.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we report a new troodontid taxon, Linhevenator tani gen. et sp. nov., based on a partial, semi-articulated skeleton recovered from the Upper Cretaceous Wulansuhai Formation of Wulatehouqi, Inner Mongolia, China. L. tani has an unusual combination of primitive and derived character states, though our phylogenetic analysis places it in a derived clade within the Troodontidae. As a derived taxon, L. tani has a dromaeosaurid-like pedal digit II, and this species also possesses a humerus that is proportionally much shorter and more robust than those of most other troodontids.


The combination of features present in Linhevenator indicates a complex pattern of character evolution within the Troodontidae. In particular, the discovery of Linhevenator suggests that derived troodontids have independently evolved a highly specialized pedal digit II and have significantly shortened the forelimb over the course of their evolution.  相似文献   

浙江天台晚白垩世伤齿龙(troodontids)蛋化石的新发现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
浙江天台上白垩统赤城山组中发掘出属伤齿龙类的棱柱形蛋化石。研究认为,棱柱形蛋从伤齿龙类恐龙中产出就具有较高刚度的蛋壳,可直接插入松软的泥沙里,明显区别于其他大多数恐龙及现代爬行类所产的韧性蛋壳蛋,韧性蛋壳的恐龙蛋往往因重力作用产生变形而呈扁球形和扁椭球形。伤齿龙类的棱柱形蛋的刚性蛋壳很接近现代鸟蛋的蛋壳,暗示伤齿龙类恐龙生殖系统在蛋壳形成方面与现代鸟类有一定相似性。同时,伤齿龙类的棱柱形蛋或多或少地以向外倾斜的形式排布,反映出伤齿龙类恐龙产卵时可能面向巢穴外,是一种对生存环境的适应行为。  相似文献   

A new troodontid theropod dinosaur from the lower Cretaceous of Utah   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


The theropod dinosaur family Troodontidae is known from the Upper Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, and Upper Cretaceous of Asia and from the Upper Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous of North America. Before now no undisputed troodontids from North America have been reported from the Early Cretaceous.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Herein we describe a theropod maxilla from the Lower Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah and perform a phylogenetic analysis to determine its phylogenetic position. The specimen is distinctive enough to assign to a new genus and species, Geminiraptor suarezarum. Phylogenetic analysis places G. suarezarum within Troodontidae in an unresolved polytomy with Mei, Byronosaurus, Sinornithoides, Sinusonasus, and Troodon + (Saurornithoides + Zanabazar). Geminiraptor suarezarum uniquely exhibits extreme pneumatic inflation of the maxilla internal to the antorbital fossa such that the anterior maxilla has a triangular cross-section. Unlike troodontids more closely related to Troodon, G. suarezarum exhibits bony septa between the dental alveoli and a promaxillary foramen that is visible in lateral view.


This is the first report of a North American troodontid from the Lower Cretaceous. It therefore contributes to a fuller understanding of troodontid biogeography through time. It also adds to the known dinosaurian fauna of the Cedar Mountain Formation.  相似文献   



Troodontids are a predominantly small-bodied group of feathered theropod dinosaurs notable for their close evolutionary relationship with Avialae. Despite a diverse Asian representation with remarkable growth in recent years, the North American record of the clade remains poor, with only one controversial species—Troodon formosus—presently known from substantial skeletal remains.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we report a gracile new troodontid theropod—Talos sampsoni gen. et sp. nov.—from the Upper Cretaceous Kaiparowits Formation, Utah, USA, representing one of the most complete troodontid skeletons described from North America to date. Histological assessment of the holotype specimen indicates that the adult body size of Talos was notably smaller than that of the contemporary genus Troodon. Phylogenetic analysis recovers Talos as a member of a derived, latest Cretaceous subclade, minimally containing Troodon, Saurornithoides, and Zanabazar. MicroCT scans reveal extreme pathological remodeling on pedal phalanx II-1 of the holotype specimen likely resulting from physical trauma and subsequent infectious processes.


Talos sampsoni adds to the singularity of the Kaiparowits Formation dinosaur fauna, which is represented by at least 10 previously unrecognized species including the recently named ceratopsids Utahceratops and Kosmoceratops, the hadrosaurine Gryposaurus monumentensis, the tyrannosaurid Teratophoneus, and the oviraptorosaurian Hagryphus. The presence of a distinct troodontid taxon in the Kaiparowits Formation supports the hypothesis that late Campanian dinosaurs of the Western Interior Basin exhibited restricted geographic ranges and suggests that the taxonomic diversity of Late Cretaceous troodontids from North America is currently underestimated. An apparent traumatic injury to the foot of Talos with evidence of subsequent healing sheds new light on the paleobiology of deinonychosaurians by bolstering functional interpretations of prey grappling and/or intraspecific combat for the second pedal digit, and supporting trackway evidence indicating a minimal role in weight bearing.  相似文献   

河南新安中中新世利齿猪一新种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述了河南新安中中新世利齿猪一新种: Listriodon xinanensis sp. nov.,讨论了中国各种利齿猪的分类位置和新种的变异; M. Pickford 和 A. F. Wilkinson(1975)把印度不同大小的两种猪 Listriodon pentapotamiae 和 Listriodon theobaldi 看作是不同性别的同一种的观点,可能是不正确的.  相似文献   

The skeleton undergoes substantial histological modification during ontogeny in association with longitudinal growth, shape changes, reproductive activity, and fatigue repair. This variation can hinder attempts to reconstruct life history attributes for individuals, particularly when only fossil materials are availble for study. Histological examinations of multiple elements throughout development provide a means to control for such variability and facilitate accurate life history assessments. In the present study, the microstructure of various major long bones of the ceratopsian Psittacosaurus monogoliensis Osborn were examined from a growth series spanning juvenile through adult developmental stages. The first reconstruction of a growth curve (mass vs. age) for a dinosaur was made for this taxon using a new method called Developmental Mass Extrapolation. The results suggest P. mongoliensis : (I) had an S-shaped growth curve characteristics of most extant vertebrates, and (2) had maximal growth rates that exceeded extant reptiles and marsupials, but were slower than most avian and eutherian taxa.  相似文献   



Tetrapods exhibit great diversity in limb structures among species and also between forelimbs and hindlimbs within species, diversity which frequently correlates with locomotor modes and life history. We aim to examine the potential relation of changes in developmental timing (heterochrony) to the origin of limb morphological diversity in an explicit comparative and quantitative framework. In particular, we studied the relative time sequence of development of the forelimbs versus the hindlimbs in 138 embryos of 14 tetrapod species spanning a diverse taxonomic, ecomorphological and life-history breadth. Whole-mounts and histological sections were used to code the appearance of 10 developmental events comprising landmarks of development from the early bud stage to late chondrogenesis in the forelimb and the corresponding serial homologues in the hindlimb.


An overall pattern of change across tetrapods can be discerned and appears to be relatively clade-specific. In the primitive condition, as seen in Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes, the forelimb/pectoral fin develops earlier than the hindlimb/pelvic fin. This pattern is either retained or re-evolved in eulipotyphlan insectivores (= shrews, moles, hedgehogs, and solenodons) and taken to its extreme in marsupials. Although exceptions are known, the two anurans we examined reversed the pattern and displayed a significant advance in hindlimb development. All other species examined, including a bat with its greatly enlarged forelimbs modified as wings in the adult, showed near synchrony in the development of the fore and hindlimbs.


Major heterochronic changes in early limb development and chondrogenesis were absent within major clades except Lissamphibia, and their presence across vertebrate phylogeny are not easily correlated with adaptive phenomena related to morphological differences in the adult fore- and hindlimbs. The apparently conservative nature of this trait means that changes in chondrogenetic patterns may serve as useful phylogenetic characters at higher taxonomic levels in tetrapods. Our results highlight the more important role generally played by allometric heterochrony in this instance to shape adult morphology.  相似文献   

张文燕  张菁  钱远槐  曾庆韬 《遗传》2006,28(5):545-550
通过传统的敲片、Giemsa染色的方法, 本文首次对果蝇属黑腹果蝇种组的5种果蝇 (D. constricta、D. ohnishii、D. ogumai、D. pseudobaimaii、D. tani)染色体的数目和形态进行了分析报道。分析发现:这5个种具有相同的染色体数目(2n=8)和不同的形态。D. pseudobaimaii和D. tani 为2V,1R,1D型;D. constricta染色为2V,1R,1D型且其点状染色体难以辨认;D. ohnishii和D. ogumai 具有相同形态为2V,2R。另外,还发现核型与亲缘关系之间有一定的对应性。  相似文献   

杉科植物的分类学研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
于永福 《植物研究》1994,14(4):369-384
本文对杉科植物的研究历史作了回顾,根据分支分类结果和表征分类结果,提出了一个新的分类系统.以形态学为依据,结合其他学科的研究成果,对杉科的分类作了订正。作者承认杉科植物共9属、12种及3变种,将杉木、厚皮杉木、德昌杉木和米德杉木归并,支持柳杉作为日本柳杉的变种、台湾杉木作为杉木的变种、秃杉和台湾杉归并的观点。  相似文献   

记述中国贵州短角水虻属1新种——谭氏短角水虻Odontomyia tani sp.nov.,绘制了鉴定特征图.模式标本保存在贵州省林业科学研究院标本馆.  相似文献   

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