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辽宁西部早白垩世义县组一新的手盗龙类(英文)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国辽西早白垩世热河群义县组和九佛堂组近年来产出大量恐龙化石 ,已知兽脚类恐龙包括 8属 1 0种 ,其中 6属 8种保存有原始羽毛或者羽毛结构。已经报道的属种均产自朝阳地区。 2 0 0 1年 ,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所辽西野外考察队在邻近朝阳的锦州地区义县头台乡王家沟义县组下部采集到一件恐龙标本。这一标本保存了较为完整的肩带和前肢 ,在骨骼化石附近还保存了皮肤结构。通过研究对比 ,我们建立了手盗龙类的一个新属种 :长掌义县龙 (Yixianosauruslongimanusgen .etsp .nov .)。依据以下特征将长掌义县龙归入手盗龙类 :肩胛骨明显短于肱骨、肩臼窝的乌喙骨部分小、乌喙骨近四方形、尺骨向后弯曲以及挠骨细。长掌义县龙手部的相对长度以及手指各指节的相对比例不同于已知手盗龙类。原始兽脚类恐龙的手部一般短于肱骨 ;手盗龙手部加长 ,长于肱骨 ;原始鸟类的手部相对更长 ,但进步鸟类出现反转 ,手部次生变短。长掌义县龙手部的相对长度在非鸟兽脚类恐龙当中仅比原始祖鸟 (Protarchaeopteryx) (Jietal.,1 998)和树息龙 (Epidendrosaurus) (Zhangetal.,2 0 0 2 )短。次末端指节加长是兽脚类恐龙的一个进步特征 ,长掌义县龙具有这一特征。比如 ,长掌义县龙的手指指节Ⅱ 2长于掌骨Ⅱ ,在已知兽?  相似文献   

早白垩世热河生物群的驰龙类恐龙在分类和形态上多样化程度很高,其中的赵氏小盗龙曾被认为是已知体型最小的非鸟兽脚类恐龙之一.然而这个观点依据的标本都处于相对早期的生长发育阶段,因此热河生物群驰龙类恐龙的体型下限仍不明确.本文依据一件产白辽宁省凌源县四合当下白垩统义县组(热河群中部)的标本,描述驰龙类一新种,杨氏钟健龙.这一新种可归入小盗龙类,但它在很多特征上不同于其他小盗龙类,其中最明显的区别是其相对长的钩状突愈合于背肋上,肱骨具有强烈内倾的近端,肱骨三角嵴上有一窗孔,尺骨略长于肱骨,并具有窄跖型的足.最重要的是,已为成年个体的杨氏钟健龙正模估计体重约为0.31 kg,这证实了热河生物群的一些驰龙类恐龙属于已知体型最小的非鸟恐龙.初步分析显示热河生物群驰龙类恐龙有生态位分化的情况,这一现象在中生代恐龙动物群中报道很少.  相似文献   

早白垩世热河生物群的驰龙类恐龙在分类和形态上多样化程度很高,其中的赵氏小盗龙曾被认为是已知体型最小的非鸟兽脚类恐龙之一。然而这个观点依据的标本都处于相对早期的生长发育阶段,因此热河生物群驰龙类恐龙的体型下限仍不明确。本文依据一件产自辽宁省凌源县四合当下白垩统义县组(热河群中部)的标本,描述驰龙类一新种,杨氏钟健龙。这一新种可归入小盗龙类,但它在很多特征上不同于其他小盗龙类,其中最明显的区别是其相对长的钩状突愈合于背肋上,肱骨具有强烈内倾的近端,肱骨三角嵴上有一窗孔,尺骨略长于肱骨,并具有窄跖型的足。最重要的是,已为成年个体的杨氏钟健龙正模估计体重约为0.31 kg,这证实了热河生物群的一些驰龙类恐龙属于已知体型最小的非鸟恐龙。初步分析显示热河生物群驰龙类恐龙有生态位分化的情况,这一现象在中生代恐龙动物群中报道很少。  相似文献   

辽宁早白垩世义县组一原始鸟脚类恐龙   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
初步记述了采自辽西地区早白垩世义县组新的原始鸟脚类恐龙化石材料,并依此建立一新属新种上园热河龙(Jeholosaurus shangyuanensis gen. et sp. nov.)。化石产于北票市上园镇陆家屯义县组下部第一段灰白色凝灰质砂岩中,同一层位产出过大量鹦鹉嘴龙化石。上园热河龙的主要鉴定特征包括6个前上颌齿,鼻骨背面发育小孔,前齿骨约为前上颌骨主体长度的1.5倍、未发育股骨前髁间沟、骨不在一平面上,第三趾趾节中第四节最长。上园热河龙具有一些真鸟脚类恐龙的近裔性状,比如眶前孔小,方骨孔大,位于方颧骨侧面,外下颌孔缺失。另外,上园热河龙的股骨近端形态非常接近进步的鸟脚类恐龙。但是上园热河龙发育有6个前上颌齿,上下颌关节处与齿列位于同一水平线,前上颌齿列与上颌齿列位于同一水平线,这些原始特征未见于已知鸟脚类恐龙。上园热河龙确切系统分类位置需要进一步确定。 上园热河龙是义县组中发现的第二种鸟臀类恐龙,增加了这类恐龙在热河生物群中的分异度。  相似文献   

辽西下白垩统九佛堂组尾羽龙类—新属(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述了一件采自辽西热河群九佛堂组一新的窃蛋龙类:义县似尾羽龙(Similicaudipteryx yixianensis gen.et sp.nov.),并依据其和尾羽龙属的相似特征,及其匕首状的尾综骨,肠骨、踱骨和脚趾的形态等将其归入窃蛋龙类的尾羽龙科,但其所具有的一些特征也不同于该科已建立的尾羽龙属,如尾综骨的形态和较大的个体等。该化石具有许多典型的窃蛋龙类的特征,如短尾、较短的前肢等,有别于其他窃蛋龙类的特征还包括耻骨和肠骨的长度比为1.46,背椎上发育2个大而深的椎体下突、背椎侧部具孔等。义县似尾羽龙是又一类具有真正尾综骨的恐龙,表明尾综骨这一曾经被认为是鸟类特有的结构可能是在恐龙中独自演化的。它具有一些进步的特征如具尾综骨等,但同时也具有一些原始的特征如5个愈合的荐椎,耻骨联合长,表明在窃蛋龙类中存在着特征的镶嵌进化现象。似尾羽龙与驰龙类、其他窃蛋龙类等恐龙一样,脚趾并没有对握,已有的证据说明完全的对握目前还只是出现于鸟类中。根据其短尾、中部收缩的趾骨和灵巧的身体等都表明它是一类适于快速奔跑的动物。目前为止,已知的尾羽龙类化石均发现于北票四合屯地区的义县组下部尖山沟层(段),距今约125Ma。新标本发现于义县西二虎桥地点,属于九佛堂组,距今约120Ma,这也是迄今为止在九佛堂组发现的惟一一件尾羽龙类化石,对研究早白垩世窃蛋龙类的演化和热河生物群恐龙组合的特征具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

内蒙古上白垩统二连组—长颈的镰刀龙类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
镰刀龙类(又称“懒龙”)是一类奇特的植食性兽脚类恐龙,化石记录主要局限于亚洲白垩纪地层中。由于镰刀龙类极其特化的形态和化石材料的局限性,这类恐龙的系统位置存在较多的争议。最近的发现(Russell and Dong,1994;Xu et al.,1999)表明这类恐龙属于虚骨龙类,但其更为具体的系统位置依然存在争议(Sues,1997;Makovicky and Sues,1998;Xu et al.,1999;Sereno,1999)。新发现于内蒙古苏尼特左旗赛罕高毕上白垩统二连组的镰刀龙类化石材料代表这类恐龙的一个新属种。杨氏内蒙古龙(Neimongosaurus yangi gen.et sp.nov.)的正型标本为一较为完整的骨架,是已知镰刀龙类当中第一件在同一个体中保存了大多数脊椎和几乎所有肢骨的标本。依据以下特征将内蒙古龙归入镰刀龙超科:U形的下颌联合部、齿骨前端向下弯曲、齿骨前部没有牙齿、牙齿有一个收缩的基部、近圆形的齿根和叶形的齿冠、前部颈椎的神经脊低矮而轴向较长、后部颈椎背视呈X形、肱骨近端角状、肱骨有后转子、肱骨的尺骨髁和挠骨髁位于前部并为一狭窄槽分开、肠骨的耻骨柄细长而坐骨柄短以及跖部短。内蒙古龙的以下特征区别于其他镰刀龙类:前部尾椎的横突下部有一圆形的窝,桡骨二头肌结节点非常发育,后足践节近端跟部非常发育,胫骨的腓骨嵴长,明显超过胫骨长度的一半,肠骨髋臼前支外侧面转向背方,尾椎前关节突向两侧侧伸明显。镰刀龙类有一些未见于其他手盗龙类的特征,表明这类恐龙较为原始,可能和似鸟龙类关系较近(Sereno,1999),但其他一些证据表明镰刀龙类较为进步,可能和窃蛋龙类关系较近(Makovicky and Sues,1998;Xu et al.,1999)。内蒙古龙高度气孔化的脊椎和进步的肩带形态表明镰刀龙类相当进步。其中加长的颈部和缩短的尾部等特征非常类似于窃蛋龙类。这些特征的发现支持了镰刀龙类和窃蛋龙类的系统关系较近的假说。  相似文献   

河北侏罗-白垩纪界线最古老的恐爪龙类足迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述中国河北省赤城县倪家沟化石点一组恐龙行迹,并命名一新属新种--中国猛龙足迹(Menglongipus sinensis ichnogen.et ichnosp.nov.).足迹来自土城子组,位于侏罗-白孚纪界线.相邻的义县组曾发现最古老的恐爪龙类骨骼化石,而中国猛龙足迹的发现表明恐爪龙类早在义县组之前便出现在该地区.中国猛龙足迹的造迹者体长约65cm,非常接近于基十的近鸟类.此外,为四川伶盗龙足迹(Velociraptorichnus sichuanensis)的模式标本提供更多细节,并讨论驰龙类足迹型与其他兽脚类足迹之间的联系.  相似文献   

中国广西晚白垩世一新的巨龙类恐龙   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述了采自广西南宁市郊晚白垩世地层中一巨龙类恐龙新属种:右江清秀龙(Qingxiu- saurus youjiangensis gen.et sp.nov.)。新属种正型标本包括以下不关联的头后骨骼:一段较完整的前部尾椎神经棘、左右胸骨板、左右肱骨。它以以下独特特征组合区别于其他巨龙类:前部尾椎神经棘板状结构不发育、相对较高并呈桨状;胸骨与肱骨最大长之比值较低(约0.65)。广西发现的新属种以及近年来报道的巨龙类恐龙材料表明,亚洲巨龙类恐龙的头后骨骼形态变异度高,白垩纪时期这类恐龙曾在亚洲广为分布。  相似文献   

内蒙古上白垩统二连组一长颈的镰刀龙类(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
镰刀龙类 (又称“懒龙”)是一类奇特的植食性兽脚类恐龙 ,化石记录主要局限于亚洲白垩纪地层中。由于镰刀龙类极其特化的形态和化石材料的局限性 ,这类恐龙的系统位置存在较多的争议。最近的发现 (RussellandDong ,1 994;Xuetal.,1 999)表明这类恐龙属于虚骨龙类 ,但其更为具体的系统位置依然存在争议 (Sues ,1 997;MakovickyandSues,1 998;Xuetal.,1 999;Sereno,1 999)。新发现于内蒙古苏尼特左旗赛罕高毕上白垩统二连组的镰刀龙类化石材料代表这类恐龙的一个新属种。杨氏内蒙古龙 (Neimongosaurusyangigen .etsp .nov .)的正型标本为一较为完整的骨架 ,是已知镰刀龙类当中第一件在同一个体中保存了大多数脊椎和几乎所有肢骨的标本。依据以下特征将内蒙古龙归入镰刀龙超科 :U形的下颌联合部、齿骨前端向下弯曲、齿骨前部没有牙齿、牙齿有一个收缩的基部、近圆形的齿根和叶形的齿冠、前部颈椎的神经脊低矮而轴向较长、后部颈椎背视呈X形、肱骨近端角状、肱骨有后转子、肱骨的尺骨髁和挠骨髁位于前部并为一狭窄槽分开、肠骨的耻骨柄细长而坐骨柄短以及跖部短。内蒙古龙的以下特征区别于其他镰刀龙类 :前部尾椎的横突下部有一圆形的窝 ,桡骨二头肌结节非常发育 ,后足趾节近端跟部非常发育 ,胫骨的腓骨嵴长  相似文献   

中国西部准噶尔盆地东北缘中侏罗世晚期到晚侏罗世早期沉积的石树沟组(Eberth et al.,2001)产出过巨型的蜥脚类恐龙化石(Russell and Zheng,1993),但产出的兽脚类恐龙个体则相对较小(Currie and Zhao,1993)。我们近年来在石树沟组中采集到大量脊椎动物化石(Clark et al.,2006),其中包括许多零散的骨骼和牙齿标本。本文报道一个产自石树沟组上部的兽脚类牙齿化石(IVPP V 15310),对于全面了解石树沟脊椎动物群具有一定意义。V 15310保存了一个近乎完整的上颌齿或下颌齿的齿冠。它具有典型兽脚类恐龙牙齿的特征:强烈侧扁,向后弯曲,前后缘有锯齿。齿冠有几种不同的磨蚀面:齿尖磨蚀成近圆形,靠近齿尖的齿冠前缘有一较大的平的磨蚀面,锯齿也受到不同程度的磨蚀。V 15310很大,相关的测量数据和一些白垩纪的巨型兽脚类恐龙牙齿的测量数据相近。依据我们定义的一个定量评估锯齿大小的指标(锯齿大小指数),得出V 15310的锯齿大小指数非常小,与霸王龙相似,这与锯齿和齿冠大小具有反比关系的结论是一致的(Farlow et al,1991)。V 15310的另外一些形态特征对于推断它在兽脚类中的系统位置也提供了帮助。这些特征包括后缘锯齿明显高于前缘锯齿以及齿冠的唇侧和舌侧都有微弱的釉质褶皱。根据牙齿大小、釉质褶皱的发育程度以及锯齿的形态(Sereno et al.,1996;Chure et al.,1999;Holtz,2004),V 15310被归入中国盗龙类。其中,后缘锯齿和前缘锯齿的基部长度近似,但前者明显高于后者这一特征组合可能是中国盗龙类的一个鉴定特征。这一特征组合也见于四川的中国盗龙类。相比而言,V 15310在已报道的侏罗纪兽脚类恐龙牙齿中尺寸最大(Smith,2005;Smith et al.,2005),大小接近白垩纪的一些巨型兽脚类恐龙牙齿。新材料的发现表明兽脚类至少在晚侏罗世早期就已演化出了这种巨型体型。  相似文献   

四川自贡发现合川马门溪龙新材料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶勇  欧阳辉  傅乾明 《古脊椎动物学报》2001,39(4):266-271,T001
记述了产自四川自贡上侏罗统的一具较完整的蜥脚类恐龙骨架 ,将其归入合川马门溪龙 (Mamenchisaurushochuanensis)中。新材料的发现弥补了合川种正型标本的不足 ,对合川种的特征作了重要补充 ,同时也使我们对马门溪龙的末端尾椎形态有了新的认识。  相似文献   

Arboreal primates have distinctive intrinsic hand proportions compared with many other mammals. Within Euarchonta, platyrrhines and strepsirrhines have longer manual proximal phalanges relative to metacarpal length than colugos and terrestrial tree shrews. This trait is part of a complex of features allowing primates to grasp small-diameter arboreal substrates. In addition to many living and Eocene primates, relative elongation of proximal manual phalanges is also present in most plesiadapiforms. In order to evaluate the functional and evolutionary implications of manual similarities between crown primates and plesiadapiforms, we measured the lengths of the metacarpal, proximal phalanx, and intermediate phalanx of manual ray III for 132 extant mammal species (n=702 individuals). These data were compared with measurements of hands in six plesiadapiform species using ternary diagrams and phalangeal indices. Our analyses reveal that many arboreal mammals (including some tree shrews, rodents, marsupials, and carnivorans) have manual ray III proportions similar to those of various arboreal primates. By contrast, terrestrial tree shrews have hand proportions most similar to those of other terrestrial mammals, and colugos are highly derived in having relatively long intermediate phalanges. Phalangeal indices of arboreal species are significantly greater than those of the terrestrial species in our sample, reflecting the utility of having relatively long digits in an arboreal context. Although mammals known to be capable of prehensile grips demonstrate long digits relative to palm length, this feature is not uniquely associated with manual prehension and should be interpreted with caution in fossil taxa. Among plesiadapiforms, Carpolestes, Nannodectes, Ignacius, and Dryomomys have manual ray III proportions that are unlike those of most terrestrial species and most similar to those of various arboreal species of primates, tree shrews, and rodents. Within Euarchonta, Ignacius and Carpolestes have intrinsic hand proportions most comparable to those of living arboreal primates, while Nannodectes is very similar to the arboreal tree shrew Tupaia minor. These results provide additional evidence that plesiadapiforms were arboreal and support the hypothesis that Euarchonta originated in an arboreal milieu.  相似文献   

We report on the discovery of an Early Cretaceous bird from northwestern Gansu Province, in northwestern China. Represented by a nearly complete left wing and shoulder girdle the size of a rock dove, the new bird was quarried from laminated yellowish mudstones of the Xiagou Formation (Xinminpu Group) near Changma, in the Jiuquan area. These deposits have previously yielded the only known specimen of Gansus yumenensis, a basal ornithuromorph represented by the distal half of a hind limb with long and slender digits. Several derived characters of the new occurrence supports its allocation within Enantiornithes: (1) a convex lateral margin of the coracoid, (2) a minor metacarpal that projects distally more than the major metacarpal and (3) a proximal phalanx of the major digit longer than the intermediate (second) phalanx. The general proportions of the wing suggest it was a flier comparable to most other known enantiornithine birds. Although, direct comparisons between the new fossil and Gansus are not possible, phylogenetic based inferences supports their placement into two different clades. While the new fossil falls definitively within the enantiornithines, G. Yumenensis falls within the ornithuromorphs. The new occurrence thus adds to the taxonomic diversity of Early Cretaceous birds from Gansu Province in particular and central Asia in general.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We report on a new Early Cretaceous bird from China that sheds significant light on the evolutionary transition between primitive birds with a long bony tail and those with a short tail ending in a pygostyle. A cladistic analysis of basal birds supports the placement of the new fossil as the sister-taxon of all pygostylians. Possessing a unique hand morphology with a phalangeal formula of 2-3-3-x-x and a reduced number of caudal vertebrae lacking a pygostyle, the new specimen reveals anatomical information previously unknown and increases the taxonomic diversity of primitive, non-pygostylian birds. We infer from the specimen that during the evolution of the avian tail, a decrease in relative caudal length and number of vertebrae preceded the distal fusion of caudals into a pygostyle.  相似文献   

依据一近完整的相关节的骨骼化石,记述了辽宁建昌早白垩世九佛堂组原始今鸟类一新属种:小齿建昌鸟(Jianchangornis microdonta gen.et sp.nov.)。新鸟个体较大,但从骨化程度分析,正型标本可能属于一亚成年个体。具有一些进步特征,如胸骨及龙骨突加长,乌喙骨具有发育的前乌喙突以及和肩胛骨关联的关节窝,叉骨"U"字型,愈合荐椎包括9-10枚荐椎,尾综骨短小,第二、三掌骨远端愈合,跗跖骨完全愈合等,表明新属无疑属于今鸟类。在以下特征组合上很容易和已知的早白垩世今鸟类化石相区别:齿骨上至少有16枚细小牙齿,从齿骨前端向后沿齿骨大部密集排列;肩胛骨强烈弯曲;第一掌骨粗壮,较其他掌骨宽;第一指长并且远端延伸明显超过第二掌骨;肱骨+尺骨+第二掌骨与股骨+胫跗骨+跗跖骨的长度比例约为1.1。系统发育分析表明新属属于基干的今鸟类。新发现的材料第二、三掌骨远端愈合很好,但近端却未完全愈合,这一特征尚未见于其他已知鸟类,或许表明今鸟类腕掌骨的愈合和现生鸟类的跗跖骨一样是从远端开始的,不同于反鸟类和其他基干鸟类。建昌鸟的下颌还保存了一个前齿骨,这是继早白垩世红山鸟之后的另一例报道,可能进一步表明这一结构在今鸟类中曾普遍出现。新鸟肩带、胸骨和前肢的特征显示了和现代鸟类相近的飞行能力,其后肢、脚趾的比例以及趾爪的形态等显示和燕鸟、义县鸟等相似的地栖特征。保存于标本上的鱼类残骸可能显示了建昌鸟食鱼类的习性。今鸟类新属种的发现进一步表明,早白垩世这一进步鸟类类群的分化已不亚于反鸟类,湖滨环境在今鸟类的早期演化中确实扮演了重要的角色。  相似文献   

A new species of Confuciusornis, the oldest known beaked bird, is erected based on a nearly complete fossil from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, northeast China. C. feducciai is the largest and shows the highest ratio of the forelimb to the hindlimb among all known species of Confuciusornis. The skeletal qualitative autapomorphies, including a V-shaped furcula, a rectangular deltopectoral crest, the absence of an oval foramen at the proximal end of the humerus, the very slender alular digit, a relatively much longer ischium which is two-thirds the length of the pubis, and the morphology of sternum, strongly suggest the new specimen is a valid distinctive taxon. Detailed comparison with other described species provides sound evidence for diversification in the Early Cretaceous avian genus Confuciusornis. Anatomical features suggest an arboreal habit of the new bird.  相似文献   

The Sima de las Palomas, southeastern Spain, has yielded a series of Neandertal postcranial remains, including immature and mature isolated elements and the fragmentary partial skeleton of a young adult (Palomas 92). The remains largely conform to the general late archaic/Neandertal morphological pattern in terms of humeral diaphyseal shape, pectoralis major tuberosity size and pillar thickness, ulnar coronoid process height, manual middle phalangeal epiphyseal breadth, manual distal phalangeal tuberosity shape and breadth, femoral diaphyseal shape, and probably body proportions. Palomas 92 contrasts with the Neandertals in having variably gracile hand remains, a more sellar trapezial metacarpal 1 facet, more anteroposteriorly expanded mid-proximal femoral diaphysis, and less robust pedal proximal phalanges. The Palomas Neandertals contrast with more northern European Neandertals particularly in various reflections of overall body size.  相似文献   

The dinosaur fauna of the palynologically dated lower Berriasian Skyttegård Member of the Rabekke Formation on the Baltic island of Bornholm, Denmark, is represented by isolated tooth crowns. The assemblage is restricted to small maniraptoran theropods, assigned to the Dromaeosauridae incertae sedis and Maniraptora incertae sedis. The dromaeosaurid teeth are characterized by their labiolingually compressed and distally curved crowns that are each equipped with a lingually flexed mesial carina and a distinctly denticulated distal cutting edge. A morphologically aberrant tooth crown (referred to as Maniraptora incertae sedis) has triangular denticles of uneven width, a feature occasionally found in Upper Cretaceous hesperornithiform toothed diving birds, but also in premaxillary teeth of the velociraptorine Nuthetes from the Lower Cretaceous of England.  相似文献   

We report here the study of the 22 hand and foot remains from the Early Pleistocene level TD6 of the Gran Dolina site at Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain) recovered from 1994 to 1996. These remains are paratypes of Homo antecessor. All of the elements are briefly described and compared with other fossil hominids. The capitate has a constricted neck, well developed head, strong attachment for the ligamentum interosseum trapezoid-capitate, a palmarly placed trapezoid facet with a distinctive small dorsal trapezoid facet, a highly curved and oblique orientation of the second metacarpal facet, and a transversally oriented dorsodistal border. A hamate with a moderately projecting and lightly built hamulus; an inferred reduced styloid process on the third metacarpal base; a wide second metacarpal head; and middle phalanges with well marked insertions for the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle and wide heads. The morphology and dimensions of the pedal remains from TD6 are very similar to modern humans; but the base, proximal articular surface and shafts of the proximal hallucal phalanges are more rounded and the midshaft of the proximal toe phalanx is wider.  相似文献   

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