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孙太福  王静  蔡永华  程建国  黎勇  周密  盛岩  孟秀祥 《生态学报》2020,40(24):9245-9251
基于非损伤取样和放射免疫法(RIA),于2018年9月1日-10月15日期间对四川马尔康林麝繁育场的36头雄性圈养林麝(Moschus berezovskii)的粪样类固醇激素水平进行了检测,结合麝香分泌数据采集,探究了林麝的粪样睾酮和皮质醇水平与其麝香分泌的关系,结果表明:四川马尔康圈养林麝的麝香分泌(12.53±0.76)g(n=36)与粪样睾酮水平(106.03±12.34)ng/g(n=36)呈显著正相关(r=0.436,P < 0.01),泌香较多雄麝(16.50±0.61)g(n=17)的睾酮水平(141.51±21.86)ng/g(n=17)显著地高于泌香较少(8.98±0.59)g(n=19)雄麝(74.27±7.93)ng/g(n=19)(t=-3.252,df=34, P < 0.01),方程y=0.021x+10.270(R2=0.120,P < 0.05)可较好地拟合二者间关系。麝香分泌与皮质醇浓度(47.49±1.53)ng/g(n=36)相关不显著(r=0.078,P > 0.05),泌香较多雄麝的皮质醇浓度(48.98±2.28)ng/g(n=17)略高于泌香较少雄麝(46.17±2.14)ng/g(n=19),差异不显著(P > 0.05),方程y=0.038x+10.730(R2=0.023,P > 0.05)可近似拟合皮质醇与泌香量间的关系。此外,雄麝睾酮水平对泌香量有显著影响(P < 0.05),睾酮水平较高林麝泌香量(14.97±1.17)g(n=12)显著高于睾酮水平较低个体的泌香量(11.32±0.90)g(n=24)(F=4.79,P < 0.05),而睾酮、皮质醇和年龄对麝香分泌的综合效应及变量间的交互作用均不显著(P > 0.05)。研究确定了圈养林麝粪样睾酮和皮质醇水平与麝香分泌量间的关系,可用于麝类驯养实践的麝香产量预测及品系选育。  相似文献   

为了解宁夏贺兰山岩羊的种群现状,2020-2021年的8月和12-1月,在宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区运用样线法对岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)进行种群数量调查,利用R 4.0.1中的Distance 1.0.2对样线观测数据进行分析,估测保护区内岩羊的种群数量及密度,分析其种群结构。结果显示,夏季岩羊种群数量为5176(2554-10490)只,种群密度为2.674(1.320-5.420)只/km2;冬季岩羊种群数量为15752(7294-34017)只,种群密度为8.139(3.769-17.58)只/km2;多数观测距离样线垂直距离在0-200 m之内。岩羊主要集群形式:夏季为雌幼群(52.17%);冬季为混合群(26.60%)。岩羊平均群大小:夏季为(6.261±8.023)只,冬季为(4.064±4.229)只,群大小在不同季节的差异显著(P=0.010),集群大小多集中于1-5只之间,最大为47只。夏季调查中,雄性个体占比11.27%,雌性个体占比56.74%,幼体/亚成体占比31.99%;冬季调查中,雄性个体占比29.61%,雌性个体占比50.15%,幼体/亚成体占比20.24%;夏季和冬季岩羊组成成分之间差异极显著(P<0.001)。  相似文献   

何雪李  陆施毅  黄中豪  李友邦 《生态学报》2021,41(21):8664-8672
为了解白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)的栖息地利用规律及其影响因素,2016年2月至2017年1月,采用瞬时扫描取样法对广西崇左白头叶猴国家级自然保护区一群白头叶猴的栖息地利用进行了研究。结果表明,白头叶猴对山体不同部位的利用存在显著性差异(χ2 =39.467,df=3,P<0.001),其中,对崖壁(56.75±9.55)%的利用比例最大,其次是对山坡(39.42±10.93)%和山顶(2.98±2.54)%的利用,而对山脚(0.84±1.47)%的利用频率最低。白头叶猴对不同微生境类型的利用存在差异(χ2=27.709,df=3,P<0.001),其中对乔木(49.37±12.31)%的利用比例最大,其次是裸岩(24.05±13.61)%,随后依次为藤本(15.48±8.01)%和灌木(10.87±5.45)%。白头叶猴主要在山坡上觅食,利用崖壁移动、休息,进行社会活动;主要利用裸岩进行社会活动,觅食、移动、休息主要发生在乔木上。从整体来看,白头叶猴在雨季对乔木的利用频率显著大于旱季(Z=-2.680,n=12,P=0.007);雨季在山坡觅食频率显著大于旱季(Z=-2.517,n=12,P=0.012),而在崖壁觅食频率刚好相反(Z=-2.842,n=12,P=0.004);白头叶猴雨季在乔木休息的频率显著大于旱季(Z=-2.355,n=12,P=0.019)。白头叶猴对栖息地的利用受到温度的影响。白头叶猴对乔木的总体利用频率随着平均温度的升高而增加(r=0.664,n=12,P=0.018);觅食时,对崖壁、裸岩的利用频率均与平均温度成负相关关系(崖壁:r=-0.685,n=12,P=0.014;裸岩:r=-0.600,n=12,P=0.039);休息时,对乔木的利用频率与平均温度呈正相关关系(r=0.650,n=12,P=0.022)。不同季节,白头叶猴对栖息地的利用方式不同。白头叶猴的栖息地利用模式可能是在觅食利益和捕食风险之间作出的权衡,并受到环境温度的影响。  相似文献   

为调查内蒙古贺兰山国家级自然保护区内岩羊(Pseudois nayaur alashanicus)的种群现状,通过样线法在2017、2018年冬季,2018、2019年春季进行了调查,利用R 4.0.3中的Distance 1.0.2对样线观测数据进行分析,估测保护区内岩羊的种群数量及密度,分析其种群结构。结果显示,调查共观测到岩羊6299只,其中,2018年冬季种群数量最高,约为2654(2230-3161)只(括号内为95%数量置信区间),种群密度为3.921(3.293-4.668)只/km2。与2003年同季节的调查数据对比发现,保护区内岩羊的种群数量在15年间增长迅速,岩羊的种群密度累计增长了约53.17%,年平均增长3.54%。岩羊集群形式:混合群(88.03%,80.95%)为岩羊冬、春最主要的集群形式,且混合群的数量冬季多于春季,独羊出现的次数最低(1.99%,2.86%),不同的集群类型在不同的季节的差异极显著(P<0.001);岩羊平均群大小:春季为(13.439±12.085)只,冬季为(9.011±8.610)只,调查季节中集群大小多为1-10只,岩羊的不同季节的群大小差异极显著(P<0.001)。种群成体与幼体比在不同季节的变化范围为1.411-2.673,雌雄比在不同季节的变化范围为0.934-1.469,种群结构的季节性差异极显著(P<0.001)。集群类型、群大小及群组成的调查表明,不同季节间岩羊种群结构差异明显。  相似文献   

软体动物贝壳表型是适应性进化的结果,为探究贝壳形态特性与软体动物随水流扩散功能的相关性,实验选取9种具代表性的腹足纲和双壳纲贝类作为研究对象,研究了其成体的壳-体质量比与静水沉降特性及二者的相关性。结果表明:体质量的变异系数(C.V.=1.11)大于壳长(C.V.=0.67)、壳宽(C.V.=0.54)的变异系数;壳-体质量比具较强的种属特异性,种内变异系数小(C.V.=0.20),而种间差异极显著(P < 0.01)。受试贝类的平均壳-体质量比为0.32±0.13,陆生贝类的壳-体质量比显著小于水生贝类(P < 0.01),壳-体质量比最大的河蚬(0.54±0.06)是最小的非洲大蜗牛(0.17±0.04)的3倍,福寿螺的壳-体质量比为0.50±0.06。双壳类和螺类的沉降行为差异明显,只有中华园田螺、铜锈环棱螺和河蚬不能在静水中漂浮;沉降速度最大的河蚬((24.99±4.22)cm/s)是最小的椭圆萝卜螺((4.13±0.96)cm/s)的6倍,入侵种非洲大蜗牛((18.30±3.64)cm/s)和福寿螺((21.77±5.23)cm/s)与土著种铜锈环棱螺((19.48±3.14)cm/s)和中华园田螺((21.44±3.92)cm/s)在沉降速度上无显著差异(P < 0.01)。成体贝类的壳-体质量比与沉降速度(R2=0.28)、沉降加速度(R2=0.39)之间存在一定的相关性。在此基础上,贝类沉降特性随生活史变化的研究将进一步揭示贝类进化与种群扩散中的生态水力学作用。  相似文献   

杨文军  刘强  袁旭  田昆  岳海涛 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7180-7188
恢复受损湿地生态功能是国家湿地公园建设中的重要内容,修复措施的选用会对恢复效果产生重要影响。滇池是国内重要候鸟越冬区,受长期围垦以及城市扩张的影响,湖滨区域破坏严重,近年来湿地公园建设为滇池湖滨带恢复带来了契机,但各种恢复措施的效果仍有待明确。2017年冬季以昆明南滇池国家湿地公园及临近湿地为研究区域,设置了人工重建湿地、人工恢复湿地、自然恢复湿地以及自然湖泊湿地4个对照样区,基于冬季水禽多样性进行了湿地恢复效果评价,并从景观生态学角度对结果进行了分析。结果表明:自然湖泊湿地具有最高物种丰富度,其次为自然恢复湿地、人工恢复湿地和人工重建湿地。以Simpson多样性指数评价,自然恢复湿地的水禽多样性最高(0.60±0.03),其次为自然湖泊湿地(0.46±0.04)和人工恢复湿地(0.34±0.04),人工重建湿地水禽多样性最低(0.17±0.03),由此可见自然恢复措施效果优于人工恢复和人工重建。从景观格局上分析,水禽多样性与道路面积(r=-0.735,P<0.01)、景观形状指数(r=-0.461,P<0.01)和景观分离度指数(r=-0.661,P<0.01)负相关,这也表明人为干扰程度、景观形状以及破碎化程度均会对水禽造成重要影响。建议在国家湿地公园规划和建设中,降低非湿地类景观尤其是道路对整体湿地景观的分割作用,提高湿地斑块的连接性和完整性以满足水禽的空间需求,对于湖泊型的湿地公园应加强对湖滨带沼泽生境的营造,以满足涉禽的生存需求,从而增加区域的鸟类多样性。  相似文献   

白山原麝国家级自然保护区獐春夏生境选择   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
生境与动物个体密切相关,生境中元素的不同影响着动物个体对不同生境的选择。2018年5-7月和2019年3-4月在吉林省白山原麝国家级自然保护区对獐(Hydropotes inermis)的春夏季生境选择进行了研究,共记录利用样方104个(春季53个,夏季51个),对照样方85个(春季46个,夏季39个)。利用卡方检验对植被类型、优势植物、坡位、坡向4种非数值型环境因子进行分析,结果表明春季和夏季獐对这4种环境因子的选择均具有显著性差异,偏好选择以青蒿(Artemisia carvifolia)为优势植物,位于中坡位,坡向为阳坡的草地生境活动。利用独立样本T检验和Mann-Whitney U检验对海拔、人为干扰距离、水源距离、草本覆盖度、优势草本高度、隐蔽级、坡度7种数值型环境因子进行分析,结果表明春季和夏季獐均偏好选择隐蔽级较高(春季30.189±14.609,夏季62.745±29.737)、优势草本高度较高(春季87.359±16.190,84.510±29.618)、坡度较缓的生境(春季14.245±3.721,13.333±5.260)活动。此外,资源选择函数模型对獐的春季和夏季的生境选择预测正确率均大于90%,表明该模型可以较好地预测獐的生境选择。白山原麝国家级自然保护区獐种群数量较小,适宜性栖息地面积较少,应加强对其种群及适宜性生境的保护。  相似文献   

胡聪  胡刚  张忠华  李峰 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5300-5308
沉水植物是水生生态系统中重要的初级生产者。当前有关沉水植物生态化学计量特征的研究主要集中在非喀斯特区,而在喀斯特区的相关研究较为缺乏。因此,以广西澄江喀斯特典型湿地中的7种沉水植物为研究对象,分析沉水植物地上部分及底泥的碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量特征。结果显示,(1)7种沉水植物地上部分总碳、总氮和总磷平均含量最大值均出现在小茨藻(Najas minor)分别为(325.4±5.01) g/kg、(33.07±1.59) g/kg和(3.79±0.16) g/kg;C : N、C : P、N : P平均值分别为10.14±0.18、96.23±3.56和9.47±0.32,C : N最大值(11.89±0.54)出现在苦草(Vallisneria natans),C : P和N : P最大值(113.27±18.14和11.13±1.63)均出现在穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum)。(2)底泥有机碳、总氮、总磷、碱解氮和速效磷含量平均值分别为(15.05±0.56) g/kg、(2.06±0.08) g/kg、(0.58±0.01) g/kg、(162.53±9.16) mg/kg和(21.73±0.86) mg/kg,有机碳、总氮、总磷、碱解氮和速效磷的平均含量最大值均出现在小茨藻(N.minor)分别为(18.54±1.04) g/kg、(2.55±0.25) g/kg、(0.66±0.03) g/kg、(214.82±32.05) mg/kg和(26.37±3.31) mg/kg;底泥的C : N、C : P和N : P平均值分别是7.33±0.14、25.7±0.72和3.53±0.09,C : N、C : P和N : P最大值分别出现在金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)(7.45±0.32)、小茨藻(N. minor)(28.29±1.29)和黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)(3.89±0.25)。(3)沉水植物的地上部分总碳与底泥的有机碳和总氮均呈显著负相关性;沉水植物的地上部分总氮与底泥有机碳、碱解氮、C : P均呈显著正相关性;沉水植物地上部分C : N、C : P均与底泥有机碳、总氮、总磷、碱解氮、C : P、N : P呈显著负相关,表明不同喀斯特湿地沉水植物和底泥之间的养分耦联性不同。本研究为喀斯特湿地生态系统生态化学计量学研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

赵睿  卜红梅  宋献方 《生态学报》2021,41(6):2439-2450
在再生水补水河道内,芦苇(Phragmites australis)受高氮再生水的长期影响,具有独特的碳(C)、氮(N)化学计量特征。为查明芦苇C、N化学计量特征及其对高氮环境的响应,在芦苇生长季节(5、7、9月份),分析了再生水补水的潮白河顺义段内河水、土壤及芦苇各器官(根、茎和叶)中C、N含量及碳氮比(C/N)。结果表明:河水中C、N含量和C/N比分别在22.20-37.25 mg/L、2.24-11.20 mg/L和3.33-9.92之间。土壤中C、N含量和C/N比的范围为5.69-35.17、0.28-2.63、8.77-25.39。在整个生长季节的所有采样点内,芦苇根、茎和叶中C含量的平均值分别为(170.84±63.56)、(369.02±39.12)、(431.80±96.70) mg/g;N含量的平均值分别为(8.20±3.96)、(14.11±6.22)和(30.73±8.66) mg/g;C/N比的平均值分别为23.89±12.84、32.65±18.48、15.21±5.60。方差分析表明,芦苇各器官中C、N计量特征具有显著的季节性差异(P<0.05),这主要与芦苇在生长过程中的生理作用有关。环境中C、N计量特征具有显著的空间差异(P<0.05),受环境变量的影响,芦苇叶中N含量和C/N比从上游到下游显著降低(P<0.05)。逐步回归分析的结果显示,土壤和河水中的C、N含量能够解释芦苇叶中71.0%的变量(P<0.05);土壤中C、N含量和河水中N含量能够解释芦苇叶C/N比82.6%的变量(P<0.05)。相关分析指出,河水中N含量与土壤中N含量显著正相关(P<0.05),说明土壤受到高氮再生水的影响而具有较强的供N能力。高氮环境下,芦苇叶中N含量较高;相较于芦苇茎和叶,根中C含量较小。研究证明在再生水补水河道中,芦苇对环境中的N有良好的吸收能力,其C、N计量特征对高氮环境表现出明显的响应。  相似文献   

为了探究西藏麦地卡湿地国家级自然保护区大型土壤动物群落特征与环境因子的关系,于2020年7月和2021年8月根据其地理环境特征在其三个核心区共设置了3个样地(100 m×100 m),每个样地设置2个样点作为重复;采用手检法收集大型土壤动物,并保存于75%乙醇的收集管中,圆筒式环刀(高30 cm,直径5 cm)取0~10 cm土样,测定相关环境因子。共捕获大型土壤动物336头,经鉴定隶属于3门5纲11目15科,优势类群为石蜈蚣科(Lithobiidae)、芫菁科(Meloidae)、拟步甲科(Tenebrionidae);单因素方差分析显示,三个样地中,大型土壤动物个体数(F=0.194,P=0.833)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)(F=0.304,P=0.758)、Pielou均匀度指数(E)(F=0.346,P=0.732)和Simpson优势度指数(C)(F=0.245,P=0.797)均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。三个样地的Jaccard相似性系数(J)在0.56~0.65,为中等相似;功能类群以植食性为主,腐食性最少。Pearson相关性分析表明,Pielou均匀度指数(E)分别与海拔(Alt)和速效钾(RAK)呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),Pielou均匀度指数(E)分别与土壤含水量(SWC)和全氮(TN)呈显著正相关(P<0.05),个体数(N)与土壤盐度(SAL)呈极显著负相关(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

Eddy covariance measurements of the surface energy balance and carbon dioxide exchange above high-elevation (3,480 m above sea level) alpine tundra located near Niwot Ridge, Colorado, were compared to simultaneous measurements made over an adjacent subalpine forest over two summers and one winter, from June 9, 2007 to July 3, 2008. The surface energy balance closure at the alpine site averaged 71 and 91%, winter and summer, respectively, due to the high wind speeds, short turbulent flux footprint, and relatively flat ridge-top location of the measurement site. Throughout the year, the alpine site was cooler with higher relative humidity, and had a higher horizontal wind speed, especially in winter, compared to the forest site. Wind direction was persistently downslope at the alpine site (summer and winter, day and night), whereas upslope winds were common at the forest site during summer daytime periods. The latent and sensible heat fluxes were consistently larger in magnitude at the forest site, with the largest differences during summer. The horizontal advective flux of CO2 at the alpine site averaged 6% of the net ecosystem exchange (NEE) during summer nights (5% during summer daytime), and was small in relation to the high wind speeds, relatively flat site, and weak sources of CO2 upwind of the site. The magnitudes and diurnal behavior of the alpine NEE calculated using three methods; eddy-covariance, friction velocity filter, and with advection and storage calculations, gave similar results. The period of net CO2 uptake (negative NEE) was 100 days at the alpine site with a net uptake of 16 g C m−2, compared to 208 days at the forest site with a net uptake of 108 g C m−2, with initiation of net uptake coinciding with air temperatures reaching +10°C. Winter respiration loss at the alpine site was 164 g C m−2 over 271 days, compared to 52 g C m−2 over 175 days at the forest site, with the initiation of net loss coinciding with air temperatures reaching −10°C at each site.  相似文献   

Night shiftworkers often complain of disturbed sleep during the day. This could be partly caused by morning sunlight exposure during the commute home, which tends to maintain the circadian clock on a daytime rhythm. The circadian clock is most sensitive to the blue portion of the visible spectrum, so our aim was to determine if blocking short wavelengths of light below 540 nm could improve daytime sleep quality and nighttime vigilance of night shiftworkers. Eight permanent night shiftworkers (32–56 yrs of age) of Quebec City's Canada Post distribution center were evaluated during summertime, and twenty others (24–55 yrs of age) during fall and winter. Timing, efficacy, and fragmentation of daytime sleep were analyzed over four weeks by a wrist activity monitor, and subjective vigilance was additionally assessed at the end of the night shift in the fall–winter group. The first two weeks served as baseline and the remaining two as experimental weeks when workers had to wear blue-blockers glasses, either just before leaving the workplace at the end of their shift (summer group) or 2 h before the end of the night shift (fall–winter group). They all had to wear the glasses when outside during the day until 16:00 h. When wearing the glasses, workers slept, on average ±SD, 32±29 and 34±60 more min/day, increased their sleep efficacy by 1.95±2.17% and 4.56±6.1%, and lowered their sleep fragmentation by 1.74±1.36% and 4.22±9.16% in the summer and fall–winter group, respectively. Subjective vigilance also generally improved on Fridays in the fall–winter group. Blue-blockers seem to improve daytime sleep of permanent night-shift workers.  相似文献   

Diving behaviour was investigated in female subantarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus tropicalis) breeding on Amsterdam Island, Indian Ocean. Data were collected using electronic Time Depth Recorders on 19 seals during their first foraging trip after parturition in December, foraging trips later in summer, and during winter. Subantarctic fur seals at Amsterdam Island are nocturnal, shallow divers. Ninety-nine percent of recorded dives occurred at night. The diel dive pattern and changes in dive parameters throughout the night suggest that fur seals follow the nycthemeral migrations of their main prey. Seasonal changes in diving behaviour amounted to the fur seals performing progressively deeper and longer dives from their first foraging trip through winter. Dive depth and dive duration increased from the first trip after parturition (16.6 ± 0.5 m and 62.1 ± 1.6 s respectively, n=1000) to summer (19.0 ± 0.4 m and 65 ± 1 s, respectively, n=2000) through winter (29.0 ± 1.0 m and 91.2 ± 2.2 s, respectively, n=800). In summer, subantarctic fur seals increased the proportion of time spent at the bottom during dives of between 10 and 20 m, apparently searching for prey when descending to these depths, which corresponded to the oceanic mixed layer. In winter, fur seals behaved similarly when diving between 20 and 50 m, suggesting that the most profitable depths for feeding moved down during the study period. Most of the dives did not exceed the physiological limits of individuals. Although dive frequency did not vary (10 dives/h of night), the vertical travel distance and the time spent diving increased throughout the study period, while the post-dive interval decreased, indicating that subantarctic fur seals showed a greater diving effort in winter, compared to earlier seasons. Accepted: 1 August 1999  相似文献   

Little is known about how animals from tropical and subtropical climates adjust their energy expenditure to cope with seasonal changes of climate and food availability. To provide such information, we studied the thermal physiology, torpor patterns and energetics of the nocturnal blossom-bat (Syconycteris australis 18 g) from a subtropical habitat in both summer and winter. In both seasons, S. australis frequently entered daily torpor at ambient temperatures between 12 and 25°C when food and water were withheld. Unlike patterns observed in temperate animals, mean minimum metabolic rates during torpor were lower in summer (0.47 ± 0.07 ml O2 g−1 h−1) than in winter (0.75 ± 0.11 ml O2 g−1 h−1). Body temperatures during torpor were regulated at 19.3 ± 1.0°C in summer and at 23.4 ± 2.0°C in winter. Torpor bout duration was significantly longer in summer (7.3 ± 0.6 h) than in winter (5.5 ± 0.3 h), but in both seasons, bout duration was not affected by ambient temperature. Consequently, average daily metabolic rates were also significantly lower in summer than in winter. Body temperatures and metabolic rates in normothermic bats did not change with season. Our findings on seasonal changes of torpor in this bat from the subtropics are opposite to those made for many species from cold climates which generally show deeper and longer torpor in winter and are often entirely homeothermic in summer. More pronounced torpor in subtropical S. australis in summer may be due to low or unpredictable nectar availability, short nights which limit the time available for foraging, and long days without access to food. Thus, the reversed seasonal response of this subtropical bat in comparison to temperate species may be an appropriate response to ecological constraints. Received: 6 May 1997 / Accepted: 19 October 1997  相似文献   

Effects of season on sleep and skin temperature in the elderly   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of season on sleep and skin temperature (Tsk) in 19 healthy, elderly volunteers were investigated. Measurements were obtained in summer, winter, and fall, and activity levels were monitored using a wrist actigraph system for five consecutive days. The temperature and humidity of the bedrooms of the subjects’ homes were measured continuously for five days. During actigraphic measurement, Tsk during sleep was measured for two nights. The bedroom temperature and humidity significantly increased in summer compared to winter and fall. In summer, the total sleep time decreased (mean ± SE min; summer, 350.8 ± 15.7; winter, 426.5 ± 14.2; fall, 403.2 ± 16.4) and wakefulness increased (P < 0.003) compared to those in fall or winter. The sleep efficiency index that was derived from wrist actigraphy was significantly decreased (P < 0.001) in summer (81.4 ± 2.9%) compared with winter (91.6 ± 1.3%) or fall (90.2 ± 1.2%). The forehead Tsk significantly increased, while the chest and thigh Tsks were decreased in summer compared to those in fall or winter. These results suggest that, in the elderly, sleep is disturbed in summer more than in other seasons, and that this disturbance is related to fluctuations in Tsk.  相似文献   

The distribution of food resources in time and space may affect the diet, ranging pattern, and social organization of primates. We studied variation in ranging patterns in a group of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) over winter and summer in response to variation in their diet in the Qingmuchuan Nature Reserve, China. There was a clear diet shift from highly folivorous in winter to highly frugivorous in summer. The home range was 8.09 km2 in summer and 7.43 km2 in winter, calculated via the 95% kernel method. Corresponding to the diet shift, the focal group traveled significantly longer distances in summer (mean 1020 ± 69 m/d) than in winter (mean 676 ± 53 m/d); the daily range was also significantly greater in summer (mean 0.27 ± 0.02 km2/d) than in winter (mean 0.21 ± 0.01 km2/d). There was no significant variation in home range size between winter and summer, and the monkeys did not use geographically distinct ranges in summer and winter. However, overlap in the actual activity area and core range between winter and summer was only 0.13 km2, representing 4.4% of the summer core area and 5.3% of the winter core area. Differences were apparent between summer and winter ranging patterns: In summer, the group traveled repeatedly and uninterruptedly across its home range and made 3 circles of movement along a fixed route in 31 d; in winter, the activity area was composed of 3 disconnected patches, and the focal group stayed in each patch for an average of 8 successive days without traveling among patches. Winter range use was concentrated on mixed evergreen and deciduous forest patches where leaves and fruits were available, whereas the summer range pattern correlates significantly positively with the distribution of giant dogwood (Cornus controversa) fruits. Thus it appears that the diet shift of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys between winter and summer caused the monkeys to use their home range in different ways, supporting the hypothesis that food resources determine primate ranging patterns.  相似文献   

The phenology and leaf traits ofDaphne kamtschatica Maxim. var.jezoensis (Maxim.) Ohwi, the only summer deciduous shrub (20–40 cm) in the temperate forest of northern Japan, are examined. This plant carries through the winter mature leaves and well formed flower buds. It flowers in early spring during snowmelt and begins photosynthesis under relatively high irradiance under an open forest canopy. Our results show that there is significant carbon gain during the period when new leaves and fruit maturation also take place. Beginning in June, as the forest canopy closes, leaves onDaphne shoots senesce acropetally and the plants become completely bare in mid-July. After a period of 20-day dormancy, the shoots begin to resprout. Leaves become mature in early October and remain on the stem over winter. Leaf traits and photosynthesis measurements suggest as follows. 1) By becoming summer deciduous,D. kamtschatica avoids the cost of maintaining leaves inefficient under deep shade. 2) The onset and breaking of the summer dormancy is triggered by photoperiod since plants at the forest edge also become dormant even when light remained relatively high. However, the decreased duration of dormancy with higher light levels suggests that there is a tendency towards shorter dormancy where summer shade is absent and this could eventually lead to an evergreen habit such as that found in the alpine speciesDaphne miyabeana.  相似文献   

The microclimate in the habitat of the New Zealand alpine weta Hemideina maori is very variable with winter temperatures down to −6 °C under the rocks where the insects are found. Subfreezing temperatures may in winter prevail for up to 17 days but diurnal cycles of freezing and thawing are common, as is also the case in summer. Rates of temperature change can be very high and up to −7.20 °C/h. During winter, humidity was high for extended periods ranging from 70% to 100% relative humidity (RH). In the summer, humidity ranged from 30% RH during the day to 100% RH at night. The supercooling point of the haemolymph was approximately −8 °C year round, caused by a heat labile substance. The supercooling point of the haemolymph of an insect of the same genus, Hemideina femorata not regularly exposed to subfreezing temperatures, was ca. −16.5 °C. Thermal hysteresis was not detected in the haemolymph of H. maori. Haemolymph osmolality varied from 380 mOsm (summer) to 700 mOsm (winter). Body water content was ca. 75% all year round. Total concentrations of sodium, potassium and chloride in haemolymph varied from 170 mM (winter) to 250 mM (summer). The total concentration of free amino acids varied from 58 mM (summer) to 263 mM (winter). This variation was mostly due to proline which varied from ca. 15 mM (summer) to ca. 100 mM (winter). The freeze-tolerant weta H. maori is exposed to a highly variable and cold environment all year round and several properties of its haemolymph composition can be attributed to these climatic conditions, e.g. the presence of ice-nucleating agents and an increase in the concentration of proline during cold hardening in the autumn. Accepted: 22 February 1999  相似文献   

The spatial cohesiveness of a group is an important element that characterizes the social structure of group-living species. Moreover, remaining cohesive is crucial if individuals are to coordinate their activities and reach collective decisions. We measured interindividual spacing in a group of wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) to assess the spatial cohesiveness of a social group quantitatively. We used simultaneous focal animal sampling, with 2 observers recording individuals’ locations with a global positioning system (GPS) during 3 seasons. Interindividual distances differed among seasons; they were short in autumn (mean ± SD: 25.6 ± 20.1 m), intermediate in winter (mean ± SD: 46.3 ± 35.7 m), and long in summer (mean ± SD: 62.3 ± 47.1 m). Measurements taken in summer revealed extremely wide spacing (maximum: 1225 m), suggesting subgrouping. Distances also varied with activity during each season; they were short during resting and grooming, intermediate during foraging, and long during moving. Group cohesion was also influenced by food distribution. More group members were ≤20 m of the focal individual during foraging on clumped food than foraging on scattered food in each season, and the group foraged on clumped food most frequently in autumn. Individuals were also likely to aggregate at resting/grooming sites and clumped food patches and to disperse when moving within a day. These results demonstrate that Japanese macaques show considerable variation in spatial cohesiveness both within short time periods, e.g., 1 d, and among seasons, and that they adjust group cohesiveness flexibly depending on the food conditions and foraging tactics.  相似文献   

戚文华  蒋雪梅  杨承忠  郭延蜀 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6548-6559
2006年4—12月和2007年3—11月在四川省铁布自然保护区观察和统计了野生梅花鹿的繁殖行为,包括发情交配、产仔、发情吼叫、爬跨及其昼夜节律行为等。结果表明,四川梅花鹿为季节性发情动物,发情交配行为发生在9月上旬至12月中旬,集中在10—11月(占(86.99±3.24)%)。四川梅花鹿发情交配日期最早见于9月8日,最晚为12月16日,跨度约90—100 d(±6 d,n=90)。雌鹿交配日期与其繁殖经历具有低度正相关性(Kendall's tau-b和Spearman's rho,0.3r0.5,P0.05),成体雌鹿交配日期稍微早于初次配种雌鹿。雄鹿发情吼叫和爬跨行为具有明显的昼夜节律性,各有2个高峰期(05:00—08:00和18:00—21:00),夜间有小节律的发情吼叫和爬跨时期。U-test检验表明发情吼叫频次和爬跨频率在昼夜间有极显著差异(P0.01)。雄鹿吼叫行为与其交配行为具有高度正相关性(Kendall's tau-b和Spearman's rho,0.8r1.0,P0.05),主雄、次雄和群外单身雄鹿的昼夜吼叫次数有极显著差异(P0.01)。雌鹿产仔期从4月下旬开始到7月下旬结束,集中在5—6月(占(91.51±4.96)%),产仔日期最早见于4月29日,最晚为7月28日,跨度约80—90 d(±5 d,n=130)。梅花鹿产仔日期与其分娩经历具有低度正相关性(Kendall's tau-b和Spearman's rho,0.3r0.5,P0.05),成体雌鹿产仔日期早于初次繁殖雌鹿。雌鹿每胎产1—2个幼仔,单双胎率分别为98.86%(±6.96%,n=129)和1.01%(±0.07%,n=1)。妊娠期和哺乳期梅花鹿采食行为分配占较大比率,其次是卧息和移动,哺乳期采食行为分配低于妊娠期,这与妊娠期正逢冬季,食物资源相对匮乏有关,而哺乳期恰逢夏季,植物生长旺盛,食物资源相对丰富。  相似文献   

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