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为了解宁夏贺兰山岩羊的种群现状,2020-2021年的8月和12-1月,在宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区运用样线法对岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)进行种群数量调查,利用R 4.0.1中的Distance 1.0.2对样线观测数据进行分析,估测保护区内岩羊的种群数量及密度,分析其种群结构。结果显示,夏季岩羊种群数量为5176(2554-10490)只,种群密度为2.674(1.320-5.420)只/km2;冬季岩羊种群数量为15752(7294-34017)只,种群密度为8.139(3.769-17.58)只/km2;多数观测距离样线垂直距离在0-200 m之内。岩羊主要集群形式:夏季为雌幼群(52.17%);冬季为混合群(26.60%)。岩羊平均群大小:夏季为(6.261±8.023)只,冬季为(4.064±4.229)只,群大小在不同季节的差异显著(P=0.010),集群大小多集中于1-5只之间,最大为47只。夏季调查中,雄性个体占比11.27%,雌性个体占比56.74%,幼体/亚成体占比31.99%;冬季调查中,雄性个体占比29.61%,雌性个体占比50.15%,幼体/亚成体占比20.24%;夏季和冬季岩羊组成成分之间差异极显著(P<0.001)。  相似文献   

岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)是青藏高原常见的食草动物,但对边缘分布区的种群了解较少。2018年6月到2019年8月,我们利用红外相机在四川王朗国家级自然保护区对岩羊的集群结构、特征及其季节变化进行了描述与分析。结果显示:调查共记录到岩羊1 921群次,共计6 623只次。按照性别和年龄组,可将岩羊集群划分为混合群、母仔群、雄性群、独雄、独雌、雌性群。研究观察到的最大岩羊集群为23只,最小为独羊(独雄或独雌),集群的平均个体数量为(3.45 ± 2.16)只,以小群为主,种群大小的季节间差异不显著。岩羊集群结构和季节波动特征主要有:(1)混合群最常见,占45.3%,其次依次为母仔群、雄性群、独雄、独雌和雌性群;(2)岩羊集群结构季节波动显著,春季以雄性群(29.5%)和独雄(22.6%)为主,夏季、秋季和冬季主要为混合群(58.5%,41.8%,36.7%)和母仔群(21.4%,24.7%,18.6%);(3)各集群类型在季节间的相对优势存在差异,例如混合群在夏季的优势显著,但母仔群在各季节的优势则无显著差异。依据全年数据,我们认为王朗国家级自然保护区的栖息地特征以及岩羊自身生命周期可能是影响岩羊集群大小、集群类型季节波动的主要因素。  相似文献   

冬春季矮岩羊集群特征比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2007年10月至12月、2008年11月中旬至2009年1月中旬和2009年3月至5月,采用样线法对四川竹巴笼自然保护区矮岩羊冬春季的集群特征进行了研究,春季共观察到73群451只矮岩羊,冬季共观察到170群1036只矮岩羊。发现春季平均群大小为6.18±5.186,最大群34只;冬季平均集群大小为6.65±4.564,最大群24只;春冬两季矮岩羊集群大小季节性变化不显著(P0.05)。在观察到的矮岩羊中,冬春两季矮岩羊集群都以混合群为主,分别占57.20%和45.20%;与春季相比,冬季混合群和独羊出现频率增高,而春季雌性群和母仔群增多;2-8只的集群冬季109群,春季56群,分别占总群数的64.12%和76.71%;9只以上的集群冬季46群,春季15群,分别占总群数的20.06%和20.55%。说明矮岩羊主要以2-8只的小群为主。冬季雌雄比为1∶0.64;雌幼比为1∶0.77;春季雌雄比为1∶0.72;雌幼比为1∶0.81。  相似文献   

调整时间分配和空间利用是有蹄类应对食物资源和环境胁迫周期性波动的常见生存策略。为探索高山有蹄类对这种波动的行为响应和策略,于2018年6月-2019年8月利用红外相机对四川王朗国家级自然保护区内的岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)种群进行了调查,并利用Wilcoxon秩和检验初步分析了它们的昼夜活动时空动态(所涉及分析的数据监测时间为2018年7月底至2019年8月初)。基于前人的研究结论和观点,预测岩羊的昼夜活动在不同季节和不同空间类型将呈现显著差异。结果表明,岩羊的行为基本符合预测:(1)岩羊夏季昼间和冬季夜间较多出现在林缘(夏季昼间:43.64±3.39;冬季夜间:10.00±0.26)和林内(夏季昼间:34.21±3.21,P=0.065;冬季夜间:8.40±0.64,P=0.026),可能与躲避极端气温有关;(2)岩羊在食物较匮乏的冬季,夜间的活动强度均显著高于其他季节(冬季:23.00±0.73;春季:2.00±0.39;夏季:4.80±1.36;秋季:15.00±1.31),且在昼间选择易于觅食的草甸生境内活动(林缘:31.79±3.54,草甸:22.79±3.16;P=0.081)。有趣的是,岩羊冬季夜间更多选择林缘(10.00±0.26),而非预期的林内生境(8.40±0.64,P=0.026)。岩羊在夜宿地附近(林缘)活动强度最大可能是权衡食物和环境胁迫的结果。因为,夜间集中在距离夜宿地和觅食地都比较近的环境中活动,无疑是一种经济的选择。随着近年来气候变化的加剧,高山生态系统受到的威胁越来越明显。基于本研究的发现,建议更多关注高山物种的生存状况和高山生态系统的健康程度,为认识和评价气候变化对生物多样性的影响提供参考。  相似文献   

邢康南  牛翠娟 《生态学报》2020,40(21):7978-7986
周期性孤雌繁殖的轮虫靠休眠卵度过不良环境,等环境适宜时休眠卵孵化出干雌体,再次通过孤雌繁殖建立种群。通常休眠卵要经历一段休眠期再孵化,但也有些休眠卵生成后很快孵化,称为早孵化现象。有关休眠卵不同孵化对策如何影响其干雌体克隆种群的增长,目前尚不清楚。分别观测了萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)的两个品系H1(窄温度生态位)和D1(宽温度生态位)的休眠卵在不同孵化对策和不同食物浓度下所生产的干雌体克隆群的种群增长差异。孵化对策包括早孵化(early hatching,EH)和晚孵化(late hatching,LH);食物浓度包括高食物浓度(high food concentration,HF:2×106个细胞/mL)和低食物浓度(low food concentration,LF:5×105个细胞/mL),每个品系下各设置4个实验组(LH-HF、LH-LF、EH-HF、EH-LF),每组10个重复。结果发现,对D1品系来说:孵化对策和食物浓度对最大种群数量具有显著的综合影响(P=0.002),但两因素间不存在交互作用(P=0.911);早孵化的干雌体种群在最大种群数量上显著高于晚孵化的干雌体种群(P=0.001)。对H1品系:孵化对策和食物浓度对最大种群数量综合影响显著(P<0.001),且两个因素之间存在交互作用(P<0.001);高食物浓度下,EH干雌体克隆群的最大种群数量显著低于LH干雌体克隆群(P<0.001)。高食物浓度下干雌体克隆群开始有性生殖的密度阈值,D1品系EH组显著高于LH组(P=0.041);而H1品系EH组却显著低于LH组(P=0.022)。最高种群密度下,H1品系的有性生殖率在两种孵化对策之间存在显著差异(P=0.044),EH种群的有性生殖率低于LH种群,而D品系却未见有性生殖率在不同孵化对策间存在明显差异。本研究结果显示休眠卵的孵化对策会影响其后代干雌体种群的增长特性,其影响的结果可能与种群的生境适应相关。  相似文献   

春冬两季贺兰山岩羊集群特征的比较   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
20 0 3年 1 1~ 1 2月和 2 0 0 4年 4~ 6月在贺兰山国家级自然保护区对岩羊 (Pseudoisnayaur)春冬两季集群行为进行了初步研究。春季观察到的 2 1 8群 1 3 70只岩羊样本和冬季观察到的 3 1 0群 1 3 3 6只岩羊样本进行了比较 ,发现春季平均岩羊群大小为 (5. 5 7± 5 .3 8)只 ,冬季平均岩羊群大小为 (4. 2 9± 5 . 48)只 ,春冬两季岩羊集群大小季节性变化不显著 (P >0. 0 5 )。贺兰山岩羊在春冬两季 2~ 8只的群所占比例均居多 (春季 :85 . 3 % ;冬季 94 8% )。春季贺兰山岩羊群以雌性群 (4 0 . 3 % ,n =88)为主 ,冬季以混合群(4 9 7% ,n =1 5 4)和雌性群 (4 8 4% ,n=1 5 0 )为主。春冬两季雌性群平均大小间 (P >0 . 0 5 ) ,雄性群平均大小间 (P >0 . 0 5 )和混合群平均大小间 (P >0 . 0 5 )均无显著性差异。将春季和冬季贺兰山岩羊的雌雄比与雌幼比相比 ,春季观察到的雄性个体偏多 ,冬季观察到的幼体较春季多。  相似文献   

贺兰山岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)集群特征的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
2004年11月~2005年10月,在贺兰山对岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)的集群行为进行了研究,将其集群类型划分为雌性群、雄性群、雌雄群、母仔群、混合群和独羊6种类型.共观察到岩羊1 023群次,计4 866只次,平均群大小为(4.86±2.54)只,最大的群为51只,最小的为独羊.其中,母仔群459群(44.87%)为最多的集群类型,其余为混合群(20.72%)、雄性群(14.86%)、独羊(9.09%)、雌雄群(5.57%)、雌性群(4.89%).母仔群出现的频次在4个季节均最高,除母仔群外,春季雄性群出现的频次最高,而夏、秋、冬季都是混合群出现的频次最高,不同类型集群出现频次的季节间差异极显著.在4个季节中都以2~5只的群居多,其出现的频次占各季节群数50%以上,不同季节群大小差异极显著,而不同集群类型群大小季节间不存在显著差异.除独羊外,不同季节混合群大小差异极显著,母仔群、雌性群大小差异显著,而雄性群、雌雄群大小无显著差异.研究结果显示,贺兰山岩羊集小群是其显著特点,随着季节的变化,其集群类型、集群大小均会发生一定的变化.  相似文献   

甘肃东大山自然保护区夏季岩羊种群的初步调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年7月和8月,通过样线调查、野外直接跟踪观察和瞬间取样的方法,首次对东大山自然保护区的岩羊种群进行了初步调查。东大山自然保护区夏季岩羊以小群为主,在观察到的720只岩羊中,719只组成了50个群,最大群82只,最小群2只,平均为14.38只,2~10只群占总群数的66%;雌性群占30%,雄性群占26%,混合群占44%,整个东大山的岩羊密度为34.8±19.2只/km2;岩羊的雌雄性比为1∶0.63,成年雌体、亚成体和幼体之比是1∶0.4∶0.24。研究结果表明,东大山近几年的狩猎对岩羊的种群并未造成大的影响。  相似文献   

大仓鼠种群遗传多样性的季节性变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)方法,我们对河北省固安县牛驼镇王龙村附近的大仓鼠(Cricetuls triton)种群的遗传多样性进行了研究。结果显示,在209个大仓鼠个体中(春季60只,夏季45只,秋季59只,冬季45只),共扩增出87条带,其中86.2%原条带具有多态性,4个季节种群的遗传组成存在季节变化,其多态位点数,多态位点比率,Shannon多样性指数及Nei指数的大小顺序均一致表现为:秋季种群<冬季种群<夏季种群<春季种群;秋季种群的遗传多态性最低,春季最强;遗传多态性与种群密度(夹捕率,%),之间呈极显著的负相关关系。此结果表明遗传因素与大仓鼠种群动态有密切关系,但季节间遗传多态的变化不支持Ford假说,我们认为增殖和扩散共同决定了季节间遗传多样变化的规律。  相似文献   

猎物匮乏是影响东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)种群恢复的关键因素之一。容纳量研究是开展东北虎猎物恢复工作的必要前提。通过Maxent模型、聚类分析和训练随机树分类等方法,结合调查数据,预测了吉林省张广才岭南部黄泥河林业局东北虎主要猎物的适宜栖息地空间分布,解译了植被类型,在此基础上基于不同植被类型动物可采食部分代谢能、不同生境等级食物可利用率、马鹿(Cervus elaphus)和狍(Capreolus capreolus)生境等级重叠情况以及动物冬季能量需求,分析了东北虎猎物的冬季营养容纳量。结果表明:黄泥河林业局狍、野猪(Sus scrofa)和马鹿的适宜栖息地分别占研究区域总面积的52.8%、40.7%和25.4%;从猎物获取能量来看,以山杨(Populus davidiana)、桦树(Betula)、核桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)为主的植被类型是马鹿、狍可获得能量较多的生境,以蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)、核桃楸为主的植被类型是野猪可获得能量较多的生境。东北虎猎物种群的综合冬季营养容纳量为574只马鹿(0.29只/km2),7016只狍(3.54只/km2),4785只野猪(2.38只/km2)。  相似文献   

The monitoring of animal populations is necessary to conserve and manage the rare or harvest species and to understand the population change over several years. We used distance sampling methods to estimate seasonal density of blue sheep in a 2,740 km2 area of Helan Mountain region by walking along 32 transect lines from winter 2003 to autumn 2005. In all, 367–780 blue sheep were observed in 91–143 groups in the surveys during the seasons. Observed mean group size ranged from 3.42 to 8.35 individuals; encounter rate, the number of groups detected per kilometre, varied from 0.19 to 0.30 during the seasons. A hazard rate key function with cosine series expansion and a half-normal key function with either cosine or simple polynomial series expansion were the best fitting models based on the lowest value of Akaike’s information criterion (AIC). Density estimates varied between 3.627 sheep per square kilometre in spring 2004 and 4.635 per square kilometre in summer 2005. There were no detectable differences in estimated density among seasons (P = 0.887). The estimated density of blue sheep was negatively correlated with the total number of deaths (P < 0.05), number of sub-adult males’ deaths (P < 0.05), number of sub-adult females’ deaths (P < 0.05), and number of male lambs’ deaths (P < 0.05). We concluded that distance sampling surveys should be used to monitor long-term population trends to provide the best quantitative estimates of blue sheep populations in the Helan Mountains region.  相似文献   

We describe the population structure and ranging patterns of a troop of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) based on a study conducted between November 2002 and November 2003 in Zhouzhi National Nature Reserve, Shaanxi Province, China. The troop comprised several 1-male units and an all-male unit. Opportunistic censuses revealed that there were ≥112 individuals in the troop. The adult sex ratio (male vs. female) was 1:3.7. The ratios of adults to immatures and infants to adult females were 1:0.7 and 1:2, respectively. Via a grid system, we estimated the home range of the troop to be 18.3 km2, of which 7.4 km2 was the core area. The subjects exhibited distinct seasonal ranging patterns. Their movement across the home range was extensive in spring and restricted in autumn. In addition, reuse of quadrats was highest in winter and lowest in spring in comparison with other seasons. The daily path length (DPL) varied from .75 to 5 km, with a mean of 2.1 km. Seasonal analysis showed that DPL is significantly shorter in winter than in spring or summer; however, there is no significant difference between the DPLs of spring and summer or those of spring and autumn. The monkeys occupied elevations 1500–2600 m above sea level; the annual mean of altitudinal range is 2137 m. Contrary to early studies that reported Rhinopithecus roxellana migrates to lower elevations in winter, we found no evidence supporting a seasonal altitudinal shift. Using the highest troop count and home range estimate, and considering the extent of range overlap between neighboring troops, we calculated the population density and biomass of Rhinopithecus roxellana to be 7.2 individuals/km2 and 68.3 kg/km2, respectively. The temporal and spatial distribution of food resources may be the most important determinant of ranging behavior in Rhinopithecus roxellana, though understanding the relationship between resource distribution and seasonal range use may require further investigation.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial ecology of small populations at the periphery of their range is important for identifying factors limiting population growth and developing sound management strategies. Bighorn sheep were reintroduced to Nebraska in 1981 and persist in a small population at the easternmost extent of the distribution of the species, where 1 of the 2 subpopulations is declining. Bighorn sheep space use and movement has been studied extensively in mountain and desert populations, but information is sparse from prairie populations in the Northern Great Plains. We investigated the spatial ecology of female bighorn sheep in Nebraska, USA, with global positioning system (GPS) telemetry. We tested the hypothesis that space use and movements would vary across seasons, years, and individuals but predicted that migration would involve relatively short distances in this translocated population (relative to native populations) occupying a fragmented landscape. Overall, females used smaller seasonal home ranges (3.3–7.8 km2) than most of those reported previously for the species and exhibited a high degree of variability in space use and movements across seasons, subpopulations, and individuals. Most females (92–100%) exhibited fidelity to their home ranges across seasons and years. Six females migrated between spatially distinct core lambing and winter ranges, although the distances (range = 7.9–8.7 km) and mean elevations (range = 31–41 m) between these core seasonal ranges were less than those reported for most native, migratory bighorn sheep populations. After accounting for variation in season, subpopulation, and years, home range size was positively associated with road density in both subpopulations (P < 0.001), suggesting that females incur greater energetic costs associated with greater space use in areas of higher fragmentation. Our results establish the basic spatial ecology of female bighorn sheep in Nebraska where their behavior appears to reflect the isolated nature of suitable habitat in this fragmented prairie landscape.  相似文献   

There is a growing agreement that conservation needs to be proactive and pay increased attention to common species and to the threats they face. The blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) plays a key ecological role in sensitive high‐altitude ecosystems of Central Asia and is among the main prey species for the globally vulnerable snow leopard (Panthera uncia). As the blue sheep has been increasingly exposed to human pressures, it is vital to estimate its population dynamics, protect the key populations, identify important habitats, and secure a balance between conservation and local livelihoods. We conducted a study in Manang, Annapurna Conservation Area (Nepal), to survey blue sheep on 60 transects in spring (127.9 km) and 61 transects in autumn (134.7 km) of 2019, estimate their minimum densities from total counts, compare these densities with previous estimates, and assess blue sheep habitat selection by the application of generalized additive models (GAMs). Total counts yielded minimum density estimates of 6.0–7.7 and 6.9–7.8 individuals/km2 in spring and autumn, respectively, which are relatively high compared to other areas. Elevation and, to a lesser extent, land cover indicated by the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) strongly affected habitat selection by blue sheep, whereas the effects of anthropogenic variables were insignificant. Animals were found mainly in habitats associated with grasslands and shrublands at elevations between 4,200 and 4,700 m. We show that the blue sheep population size in Manang has been largely maintained over the past three decades, indicating the success of the integrated conservation and development efforts in this area. Considering a strong dependence of snow leopards on blue sheep, these findings give hope for the long‐term conservation of this big cat in Manang. We suggest that long‐term population monitoring and a better understanding of blue sheep–livestock interactions are crucial to maintain healthy populations of blue sheep and, as a consequence, of snow leopards.  相似文献   

Accurate population size estimates are important information for sustainable wildlife management. The Romanian Carpathians harbor the largest brown bear (Ursus arctos) population in Europe, yet current management relies on estimates of density that lack statistical oversight and ignore uncertainty deriving from track surveys. In this study, we investigate an alternative approach to estimate brown bear density using sign surveys along transects within a novel integration of occupancy models and home range methods. We performed repeated surveys along 2‐km segments of forest roads during three distinct seasons: spring 2011, fall‐winter 2011, and spring 2012, within three game management units and a Natura 2000 site. We estimated bears abundances along transects using the number of unique tracks observed per survey occasion via N‐mixture hierarchical models, which account for imperfect detection. To obtain brown bear densities, we combined these abundances with the effective sampling area of the transects, that is, estimated as a function of the median (± bootstrapped SE) of the core home range (5.58 ± 1.08 km2) based on telemetry data from 17 bears tracked for 1‐month periods overlapping our surveys windows. Our analyses yielded average brown bear densities (and 95% confidence intervals) for the three seasons of: 11.5 (7.8–15.3), 11.3 (7.4–15.2), and 12.4 (8.6–16.3) individuals/100 km2. Across game management units, mean densities ranged between 7.5 and 14.8 individuals/100 km2. Our method incorporates multiple sources of uncertainty (e.g., effective sampling area, imperfect detection) to estimate brown bear density, but the inference fundamentally relies on unmarked individuals only. While useful as a temporary approach to monitor brown bears, we urge implementing DNA capture–recapture methods regionally to inform brown bear management and recommend increasing resources for GPS collars to improve estimates of effective sampling area.  相似文献   

唐家河国家级自然保护区川金丝猴生境适宜性评价   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
生境适宜性评价是濒危物种保护的重要基础。川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)是栖息于温带森林的、中国特有的珍稀灵长类动物。位于岷山山系的四川唐家河国家级自然保护区是川金丝猴的重要分布地之一,但涉及该地区川金丝猴的生境信息却较缺乏。运用最大熵(Maximum entropy,MaxEnt)模型对四川唐家河国家级自然保护区川金丝猴不同季节的生境适宜性进行了研究,发现四个季节的训练集和验证集的受试者工作特征曲线下面积(Area under the receiver operator characteristic curve,AUC)值均超过0.8,说明模型预测结果较好。结果显示:(1)影响不同季节川金丝猴分布的主要因子是海拔、河流和道路。(2)川金丝猴的适宜生境面积存在季节性变化。其中,春季的适宜生境面积最大,为233.94 km2,占全区面积的58.48%;夏季的次之,为192.75 km2,占48.19%;秋冬季的适宜生境面积相对较低,分别为145.54 km2(占36.39%)和142.63 km2(占35.66%)。(3)川金丝猴的适宜生境分布具有明显的季节性垂直变化。研究揭示保护好完整的森林植被带对川金丝猴的生存具有重要意义,尤其要重视对人为干扰较强的低海拔生境的保护。  相似文献   

The study on the population status and structure of mountain nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni) was carried out in the Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia during the wet and dry seasons of 2000/2001. Total counts were carried out in an area of 13.1 km2. The count ranged between 682 and 732 individuals. Females comprised 62.9% while males 27.4%. The calf ratio was 9.7%. The group structure of the animals varied with season. Large herds were frequently observed during the wet season and smaller groups during the dry season. Group size changed seasonally. In both seasons, 7–12 individuals were the frequent group size formation. The maximum group (62) was observed during the wet season. The population trend of the animal from 1975 to 1990 indicated a recovery and increase. But between 1990 and 1995 the population showed a continuous and steep decline. However, between 1995 and 2000 the population trend showed a better condition when compared with the previous years.  相似文献   

The feeding habitat selection of blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) was studied by direct observation method in the Helan Mountains, China during winter (from November to December) and spring (from April to June) from 2003 to 2004. We established 25 line transects to collect information on feeding habitats used by blue sheep. Blue sheep in the study area preferred mountain savanna forests, a habitat dominated by Ulmus glaucescens, with medium tree density (<4 individuals / 400 m2), moderate tree height (4–6 m), higher shrub density (> 5 individuals / 100 m2), higher shrub (> 1.3 m), higher food abundance (> 50 g), moderate distance to human disturbance (< 500 m), and mild distance to bare rock (< 2 m). Such habitats characterized by 12 ecological factors were preferred as feeding areas by blue sheep during winter. Similar to habitat selection by the species during winter, blue sheep also showed a preference for mountain savanna with tree dominated by Ulmus glaucescens and medium tree density (< 4 individuals / 400 m2) during spring. Nevertheless, blue sheep preferred medium tree height (< 6 m), moderate tree density (5–10 individuals / 100 m2), medium shrub height (1.3–1.7 m), higher food abundance (> 100 g), moderate altitude (< 2 000 m), moderate distance to water resource (< 500 m), and medium hiding cover (50%–75%) during spring. Selection of the feeding habitats by sheep showed a significant difference in vegetation type, landform feature, dominant tree, tree height, shrub density, distance to the nearest shrub, food abundance, slope direction, slope degree, distance to water resource, and hiding cover between winter and spring. Results of principal components analysis indicated that the first principal component accounted for 24.493% of the total variance among feeding habitat variance during winter, with higher loadings for vegetation type, dominant tree, tree height, distance to the nearest tree, shrub density, shrub height, altitude, distance to water resource, and distance to human disturbance. In spring, the first principal components explained 28.777% of the variance, with higher loadings for vegetation type, distance to the nearest tree, shrub height, distance to the nearest shrub, food abundance, altitude, and distance to human disturbance. Translated from Zoological Research, 2005, 26(6): 580–589 [译自: 动物学研究]  相似文献   

An extremely high-density (ca. 800 deer km–2) wild sika deer population uses a short-grass community dominated by Zoysia japonica on Kinkazan Island in northeastern Japan. To explain why the density of wild deer is quite high on the Zoysia community, (1) we quantified the seasonal productivity of the Zoysia community, (2) we compared food availabilities among the plant communities, and (3) we described the habitat selection by the deer in different seasons. Food availability was greater on the Zoysia community than in the forest understory from spring to fall. The productivity of the Zoysia community was high enough to support the actual high density of the deer (814 deer km–2) in summer. However, the productivity markedly decreased in winter, when the deer density decreased to less than half (358 deer km–2) of the summer value. In contrast, the deer density of the adjacent forests was highest in winter (154 deer km–2) and lowest in spring (19 deer km–2). These results suggest that the deer using the Zoysia community in summer left and were absorbed into the adjacent forest in winter. If such an adjacent community were absent, many deer would not survive, and consequently the deer density on the Zoysia community in summer would not be so high. This intercommunity movement is particularly important for the deer using a plant community like the Zoysia community, which is highly productive but has a small standing biomass.  相似文献   

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