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人与熊科动物之间的冲突已成为亚洲、欧洲和美洲地区的一个普遍问题,科学有效的人熊冲突管控措施有助于人熊共存机制的建立。目前,全球范围内肇事熊科动物涉及7种,分别为棕熊、亚洲黑熊、美洲黑熊、北极熊、马来熊、懒熊和眼镜熊。肇事类型主要包括伤人、捕食牲畜、入侵房屋、损害庄稼、袭击蜂箱以及翻食垃圾。引发人熊冲突的原因与人类活动范围扩大、熊科动物种群数量上升、熊科动物生境质量下降、熊科动物自然食源周期性短缺、人类食物来源易获得性以及公众对肇事熊的容忍度下降有关。国际上已有的人熊冲突缓解措施包括物理措施、生物措施、化学措施以及政策导向性措施,然而,多数措施的制定仅停留在措施本身的技术层面上,缺乏对地方实际情况和冲突驱动因素的分析。西藏棕熊属于棕熊的一种稀有亚种,生活在靠近人类的中亚高海拔地区。在中国三江源国家公园地区,人类与西藏棕熊的冲突引起了人们的关注,为协助制订有效的保育目标、解决区内人熊冲突问题,提出以下缓解建议:(1)缓解措施的制定需因地而异,综合考虑地方实际情况,如地理环境、法律法规、民俗文化以及宗教信仰等;(2)冲突类型多样,防熊措施需持续更新与完善;(3)加强人类社会发展与熊科动物生存之间的关系研究,探索人们生产生活方式的改变与熊科动物行为变化之间的关系;(4)加强棕熊生态学方面的研究,从棕熊生境质量、种群动态、自然食源以及生态系统完整性等方面去深入挖掘人熊冲突的驱动因素,进而从根本上制定缓解措施,促进三江源国家公园地区人熊共存。  相似文献   

大型哺乳动物肇事导致人类与野生动物之间的关系恶化,报复性猎杀严重威胁到野生动物的生存。三江源国家公园内人熊冲突问题严重,棕熊肇事不断突破了当地牧民的容忍度,严重影响其保护的积极性,了解人熊冲突现状和牧民态度认知对于制定和实施有效的防熊措施至关重要。通过分析2014年1月—2017年12月三江源国家公园长江源园区内上报的296起棕熊肇事案件,同时结合半结构式访谈法对71户牧民进行访谈,以期了解该地区人熊冲突现状和牧民对棕熊的态度认知。研究结果表明:(1)棕熊主要肇事类型为入侵房屋,同时也捕食少量牲畜,以绵羊和山羊为主;(2)每年6—8月为人熊冲突高发期,8—10月为案件上报高峰期;(3)年纪较小和经历过棕熊肇事的受访者对棕熊的态度更为消极;(4)多数受访者认为过去10年里棕熊种群数量有所增加,其主要原因是新枪支政策的执行;(5)大部分受访者在防熊措施选择偏好上较为保守,认为修筑水泥墙和找人看守是保护财产最有效的两种途径。建议地方政府完善当前野生动物肇事补偿制度,促进利益相关者参与人熊冲突管理过程;提升电围栏防控技术,选择合适地点建立棕熊补饲站;为了保护人身安全,允许牧民在一定范围内合法使用防熊喷雾;未来应加强牧民生产生活方式的改变与棕熊行为之间关系的研究。  相似文献   

正编者按:根据联合国教科文组织"人与生物圈计划"相关规定,中国人与生物圈国家委员会2020年12月5~11日组织专家组,对云南高黎贡山世界生物圈保护区开展了第二次十年评估,范围覆盖保护区所涉及的保山片区及怒江片区。经实地考察、听取汇报、查阅资料及社区访谈(如保山市隆阳区潞江镇百花岭村的鸟塘产业发展),专家组高度肯定了高黎贡山保护区过去十年来取得的成绩,并为保护区未来工作提出意见建议。  相似文献   

在祁连山国家公园,人类与野生动物冲突已经成为一个普遍的问题。了解国家公园内牧民对肇事野生动物的态度,为探究野生动物肇事规律、针对肇事动物制定防控措施以及保护国家公园生态系统原真性、促进牧民与野生动物和谐相处具有重要的参考意义。通过实地走访调查了2014—2016年祁连山国家公园青海片区牧民与野生动物之间的冲突和牧民对于野生动物的态度认知。调查分析发现:11月—次年3月是祁连县野生动物肇事高峰期,狼和雪豹是捕食家畜的主要动物;狼被牧民认为是肇事最严重的动物,而实际数据表明雪豹的肇事频次却要高于狼,这与两种动物生活习性以及保护等级有关,加之牧民对雪豹肇事的容忍度更高;天峻县相比祁连县,除了狼以外其棕熊肇事频次较高,牧民认为应当大力控制狼和棕熊的种群数量,因为棕熊除了捕食家畜,更会伤害牧民和破坏房屋,威胁到牧民的生活,雪豹则需要进一步保护;牧民一般会选择使用牧羊犬和强化圈舍来防止野生动物捕食家畜;羊是祁连山国家公园青海片区牧民主要经济收入,牧民对狼吃食羊无法容忍,棕熊入户直接掠食伤人现象目前频次不高,但需提前防范。  相似文献   

建设食物源基地的目的是招引亚洲象返回保护区深处而减少周边村寨的人象冲突.2005-2010年对勐养子保护区食物源基地内亚洲象活动的监测数据进行统计,分析亚洲象在基地的活动规律,结合基地周边村寨的亚洲象肇事情况,研究了基地对亚洲象和周边村寨的影响,以探讨基地对缓解人象冲突的效应.结果表明:基地提供大量食物招引亚洲象,对缓解人象冲突有一定作用;亚洲象在基地活动的月节律和日节律与当地农作物的播种、成熟时间以及日常劳作时序基本一致;食物匮乏时,亚洲象取食引种的外来植物王草,或是进入周边村寨取食作物,并出现距离基地越近,亚洲象肇事越严重的现象.因此,认为食物源基地建设应格外关注其位置布局和更恰当的植物配置.  相似文献   

马奔  严冬  温亚利 《生态学报》2023,43(10):4202-4211
国家公园内人与野生动物冲突严重,建立野生动物肇事保险机制是减缓冲突的重要举措。以大熊猫国家公园周边社区为例,分析建立国家公园以及农户风险偏好对野生动物肇事保险购买意愿的影响,并探讨冲突程度和制度信任的中介效应。研究结果表明建立国家公园显著增加了农户野生动物肇事保险购买意愿,而农户风险偏好对保险购买意愿会产生负向显著影响。冲突程度和制度信任是重要的中介变量,冲突程度和制度信任均对农户保险购买意愿产生正向显著影响。建立国家公园显著增加了人与野生动物冲突严重程度,进而对保险购买意愿产生正向影响。此外,建立国家公园显著降低了农户制度信任,进而对保险购买意愿产生负向影响。农户风险偏好对野生动物肇事损失程度产生正向显著影响,进而对保险购买意愿产生正向影响。农户风险偏好对制度信任影响并不显著。基于此,研究提出吸纳社会资本参与,拓宽野生动物肇事保险资金来源,开展社区共管、地役权补偿等措施提升社区信任以及建立基于农户自主防护行为的野生动物肇事保险机制等政策建议。  相似文献   

王慧娟  张志敏  刘中来  熊国梅 《遗传》2006,28(10):1237-1264
神农架白熊的分类地位从它被发现后就一直存在着争议。文章测定了神农架白熊一个个体的Cyt b基因从423~1 140共718 bp的序列, 结合亚洲黑熊(Selenarctos thibetanus)、美洲黑熊(Euarctos americanus)、马来熊(Helarctos malayanus)、棕熊(Ursus arctos)、北极熊(Thalarctos maritimus)、懒熊(Melursus ursinus)、眼镜熊(Tremarctos ornatus)、大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)、小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)、浣熊(Procyon lotor)同源DNA序列进行比较, 分析了碱基组成频率、替代数、变异位点、简约信息位点数、转换/颠换比率、相似指数和分化指数。用邻接法( NJ)和最大节约法(MP)构建了分子系统树, 得到了基本相同的拓扑结构。结果显示, 神农架白熊与亚洲黑熊的亲缘关系最近, 与大熊猫的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

本研究整理了2015-2016年三江源区曲麻莱县、治多县和囊谦县的人兽冲突记录,并对主要肇事物种和人兽冲突的时间分布、地点分布以及受损类型的分布进行了统计分析。结果显示:(1)主要肇事野生动物依次为狼(978起,64.13%)、棕熊(117起,7.67%)、雪豹(5起,0.33%)和野牦牛(3起,0.20%),其余422起冲突(27.67%)未记录肇事野生动物;(2)人兽冲突时间分布不稳定,其高发期在不同年份不同地区都有所不同,总体来看,每年的1月、2月和12月棕熊和狼引起冲突较少,高峰期通常为6-9月;(3)从地区分布看,人兽冲突热点区域是曲麻莱县和治多县,特别是曲麻莱县秋智乡和麻多乡,治多县治渠乡、多彩乡、立新乡和扎河乡,曲麻莱县和治多县交接区域是人兽冲突高发区,囊谦县人兽冲突整体相对较轻;(4)从受损类型看,对牛的攻击和伤害是最主要的受损类型(749次,79.94%),明显多于对羊(56次,5.98%)和马(24次,2.56%)造成伤害的冲突,以及对房屋和家具等其它财产造成破坏的冲突(108起,11.53%)。本研究结果为三江源生态保护和国家公园建设制定更有效的预防和缓解人兽冲突的措施等提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

国家公园原住民对野生动物肇事的态度直接影响野生动物保护政策有效实施以及人与野生动物共存机制。迄今,学术界鲜有从原住民认知与意愿角度探讨野生动物肇事的成果,基于自然保护地国家公园的相关研究尚未见报道。根据449份有效调查问卷及深度访谈数据,论文采用有序多分类Logistic回归方法,探讨武夷山国家公园原住民对野生动物肇事的认知、意愿及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)多数原住民经历过野生动物肇事,其农作物及牲畜受到严重损害,野猪(Sus scrofa)为研究区域主要的肇事动物。(2)种群数量增加、食物短缺和生存空间受限是野生动物肇事的主要原因。(3)学历、经历及认可政府应对肇事的方式对原住民防范野生动物肇事意愿的影响显著。在此基础上,提出遵循生态规律、保护栖息地、提升认知与意愿、实行社区共管、建立野生动物致害补偿机制以及引入野生动物致害赔偿保险等对策,希望能够深化对野生动物肇事特征及机理的科学认识,为有效缓解人与野生动物冲突、推进国家公园人与野生动物和谐提供政策参考。  相似文献   

青海省人与藏棕熊冲突现状、特点与解决对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人与野生动物冲突会造成重大经济损失,甚至造成人员伤亡,不利于野生动物的保护。藏棕熊主要分布于我国西部地区,与当地居民的冲突具有与大型食肉动物冲突的典型特点。2012-2015年我们对青海省人与藏棕熊冲突172起案件进行了统计分析,同时采用分层访谈法对86户牧民做了人与藏棕熊冲突调查,以期了解该省人与藏棕熊冲突现状,掌握冲突发生的特点和规律,探讨冲突发生的内在原因。研究结果显示:(1) 全省人与藏棕熊冲突案件集中发生在玉树州和海西州,其中玉树州治多县和曲麻莱县冲突最为严重;(2) 每年6-9月为冲突高发期,藏棕熊冬睡期的2月及11月也有发生;(3) 藏棕熊伤害类型主要表现为损毁房屋构件、取食房屋内储存的粮食以及造成人身伤亡;(4) 大部分受访者认为当地人与藏棕熊冲突事件严重,政府应以货币的形式对野生动物伤害给予适当补偿;(5) 目前牧民普遍采取的防熊措施效果并不理想。我们建议加强牧民游牧期间对房屋巡护、加固工作,建议撤户并村,妥善安置过冬食物与饲料,积极开展野生动物伤害补偿工作;同时建议进一步加强对藏棕熊的科学研究,为缓解人熊冲突现象提供科学理论依据。  相似文献   

中国西南山地是亚洲黑熊(Ursus thibetanus)的重要分布地,但是对该物种的活动模式研究很少。2017年7月—2019年8月,本研究以云南兰坪云岭省级自然保护区拉沙山区域亚洲黑熊为研究对象,按照250 m×250 m网格布设218台红外相机,累计有效拍摄日为36 175 d,共获得亚洲黑熊的独立照片(Independent Photograph,IP)77张。亚洲黑熊年节律为单峰型,主要活动在夏天雨季(5—10月),冬眠期为2—4月。日节律为晨昏活动类型,没有昼夜差异。拉沙山区域亚洲黑熊的主要活动海拔为3 100~3 400 m,没有垂直迁移。拉沙山亚洲黑熊活动区域主要植被类型是针阔混交林(50%),其次是常绿落阔叶混交林和针叶林(30%)。综合其他区域亚洲黑熊冬眠开始和持续时间,发现亚洲黑熊冬眠的开始时间和总时间存在纬度模式,高纬度区域冬眠开始时间早、持续时间长。研究结果在大尺度上揭示了亚洲黑熊的冬眠纬度模式,为该物种的保护管理提供参考。  相似文献   

黑龙江省10年来熊类资源的分布及变动趋势   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
熊类是大型动物,其毛皮、油脂以及胆、掌、肉等都有很高的利用价值,因此,在黑龙江省林区,熊类历来是重要的狩猎对象。然而,熊是大型猛兽,每被击伤或受惊扰,常凶猛袭人,故猎熊并非易事。历史文献中曾记载:“熊矫捷而罴憨猛,皆兽之绝有力者”,又说,“刺虎者,不过五人一排…刺熊罴,非十人不能胜。盖其力倍于虎也”(《满洲源流考》)。现在,黑龙江省的猎人,通常是在冬季待熊在树洞或地穴中冬眠时进行猎杀,即猎取洞中冬眠的熊,俗称“掏仓子”,或在春季捕捉刚出洞的幼熊,故每年都有一定的猎取量。  相似文献   

研究同域物种的分布格局及重叠状况对物种的区域整合保护管理及区域生物多样性保护具有重要实践价值。本研究基于全国第四次大熊猫调查及长期野外调查数据, 利用MaxEnt模型预测了凉山山系两种同域分布的熊科动物——大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)和黑熊(Ursus thibetanus)的适宜生境, 基于适宜生境预测结果, 分析了两个物种的生境需求因子、生境破碎化现状及重叠状况。结果显示: (1)大熊猫和黑熊的适宜生境分布格局相似, 主要分布在凉山山系的山脊地带, 适宜生境面积分别为1,383.84 km2和2,411.49 km2; (2)两个物种的适宜生境都较为破碎, 且存在一些隔离分布区, 相较而言, 黑熊适宜生境的连通性要优于大熊猫; (3)两个物种生态位重叠度较高(D = 0.654, I = 0.901), 适宜生境重叠面积为958.29 km2, 分别占大熊猫和黑熊适宜生境总面积的69.25%和39.74%; (4)两个物种对环境因子的选择和响应表现出了相似性和差异性。相似性在于对两个物种生境分布影响最大的两个因子均为距居民点距离和海拔; 差异性在于对大熊猫生境分布影响次之的因子是植被类型和最冷季均温, 而黑熊的是年最大EVI指数和距道路距离。为了更有效地保护两个物种, 应加强对人类干扰的控制和植被的恢复, 对栖息地实行连通管理, 并建立多物种保护规划。  相似文献   

The Asiatic black bear population in Dachigam landscape, Jammu and Kashmir is well recognized as one of the highest density bear populations in India. Increasing incidences of bear-human interactions and the resultant retaliatory killings by locals have become a serious threat to the survivorship of black bears in the Dachigam landscape. The Department of Wildlife Protection in Jammu and Kashmir has been translocating bears involved in conflicts, henceforth ‘conflict bears’ from different sites in Dachigam landscape to Dachigam National Park as a flagship activity to mitigate conflicts. We undertook this study to investigate the population genetics and the fate of bear translocation in Dachigam National Park. We identified 109 unique genotypes in an area of ca. 650 km2 and observed bear population under panmixia that showed sound genetic variability. Molecular tracking of translocated bears revealed that mostly bears (7 out of 11 bears) returned to their capture sites, possibly due to homing instincts or habituation to the high quality food available in agricultural croplands and orchards, while only four bears remained in Dachigam National Park after translocation. Results indicated that translocation success was most likely to be season dependent as bears translocated during spring and late autumn returned to their capture sites, perhaps due to the scarcity of food inside Dachigam National Park while bears translocated in summer remained in Dachigam National Park due to availability of surplus food resources. Thus, the current management practices of translocating conflict bears, without taking into account spatio-temporal variability of food resources in Dachigam landscape seemed to be ineffective in mitigating conflicts on a long-term basis. However, the study highlighted the importance of molecular tracking of bears to understand their movement patterns and socio-biology in tough terrains like Dachigam landscape.  相似文献   

The Asiatic black bear is one of the most endangered mammals in South Korea owing to population declines resulting from human exploitation and habitat fragmentation. To restore the black bear population in South Korea, 27 bear cubs from North Korea and Russian Far East (Primorsky Krai) were imported and released into Jirisan National Park, a reservoir of the largest wild population in South Korea, in 2004. To monitor the success of this reintroduction, the genetic diversity and population structure of the reintroduced black bears were measured using both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers. Mitochondrial D-loop region DNA sequences (615 bp) of 43 Japanese black bears from previous study and 14 Southeast Asian black bears in this study were employed to obtain phylogenetic inference of the reintroduced black bears. The mitochondrial phylogeny indicated Asiatic black bear populations from Russian Far East and North Korea form a single evolutionary unit distinct from populations from Japan and Southeast Asia. Mean expected heterozygosity (H(E)) across 16 microsatellite loci was 0.648 for Russian and 0.676 for North Korean populations. There was a moderate but significant level of microsatellite differentiation (F(ST) = 0.063) between black bears from the 2 source areas. In addition, genetic evidences revealed that 2 populations are represented as diverging groups, with lingering genetic admixture among individuals of 2 source populations. Relatedness analysis based on genetic markers indicated several discrepancies with the pedigree records. Implication of the phylogenetic and genetic evidences on long-term management of Asiatic black bears in South Korea is discussed.  相似文献   

The quality and availability of resources are known to influence spatial patterns of animal density. In Yellowstone National Park, relationships between the availability of resources and the distribution of grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) have been explored but have yet to be examined in American black bears (Ursus americanus). We conducted non-invasive genetic sampling during 2017–2018 (mid-May to mid-July) and applied spatially explicit capture-recapture models to estimate density of black bears and examine associations with landscape features. In both years, density estimates were higher in forested vegetation communities, which provide food resources and thermal and security cover preferred by black bears, compared with non-forested areas. In 2017, density also varied by sex, with female densities being higher than males. Based on our estimates, the northern range of Yellowstone National Park supports one of the highest densities of black bears (20 black bears/100 km2) in the northern Rocky Mountains (6–12 black bears/100 km2 in other regions). Given these high densities, black bears could influence other wildlife populations more than previously thought, such as through displacement of sympatric predators from kills. Our study provides the first spatially explicit estimates of density for black bears within an ecosystem that contains the majority of North America's large mammal species. Our density estimates provide a baseline that can be used for future research and management decisions of black bears, including efforts to reduce human–bear conflicts.  相似文献   

Large carnivores inhabiting human-dominated landscapes often interact with people and their properties, leading to conflict scenarios that can mislead carnivore management and, ultimately, jeopardize conservation. In northwest Spain, brown bears Ursus arctos are strictly protected, whereas sympatric wolves Canis lupus are subject to lethal control. We explored ecological, economic and societal components of conflict scenarios involving large carnivores and damages to human properties. We analyzed the relation between complaints of depredations by bears and wolves on beehives and livestock, respectively, and bear and wolf abundance, livestock heads, number of culled wolves, amount of paid compensations, and media coverage. We also evaluated the efficiency of wolf culling to reduce depredations on livestock. Bear damages to beehives correlated positively to the number of female bears with cubs of the year. Complaints of wolf predation on livestock were unrelated to livestock numbers; instead, they correlated positively to the number of wild ungulates harvested during the previous season, the number of wolf packs, and to wolves culled during the previous season. Compensations for wolf complaints were fivefold higher than for bears, but media coverage of wolf damages was thirtyfold higher. Media coverage of wolf damages was unrelated to the actual costs of wolf damages, but the amount of news correlated positively to wolf culling. However, wolf culling was followed by an increase in compensated damages. Our results show that culling of the wolf population failed in its goal of reducing damages, and suggest that management decisions are at least partly mediated by press coverage. We suggest that our results provide insight to similar scenarios, where several species of large carnivores share the landscape with humans, and management may be reactive to perceived conflicts.  相似文献   

Wild bear populations in Southeast Asia are threatened with extinction, but the ecology and distribution of the 2 species occurring in the region's protected areas is poorly known, so there is little scientific basis underlying conservation strategies. We used bear signs, primarily claw marks on climbed trees, to study habitat selection and distribution of Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) and sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) across Khao Yai National Park, Thailand from March to December 2008. We found black bear claw marks in 24 of 30 random sample blocks (80%), indicating that this species was widely distributed across Khao Yai. Sun bear signs were much scarcer: their claw marks occurred in 11 blocks (37%); data were too sparse for sun bear so we limited our focus to Asiatic black bear. Using logistic regression, we found that fruit abundance best explained variation in presence of black bear, whereas human disturbance, distance to park edge, elevation, and ground cover had little influence. Fruits appear to be a key resource for Asiatic black bears, and factors affecting fruit abundance or shifts in seasonality (e.g., climate change) will impact bear populations. Knowledge of this relationship will allow managers to be more proactive in managing bears. We recommend using sign surveys for monitoring changes in black bear occupancy as they are inexpensive, efficient, and can be conducted by trained park rangers. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

When large carnivores occupy peripheral human lands conflict with humans becomes inevitable, and the reduction of human-carnivore interactions must be the first consideration for those concerned with conflict mitigation. Studies designed to identify areas of high human-bear interaction are crucial for prioritizing management actions. Due to a surge in conflicts, against a background of social intolerance to wildlife and the prevalent use of lethal control throughout Japan, Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus) are now threatened by high rates of mortality. There is an urgent need to reduce the frequency of human-bear encounters if bear populations are to be conserved. To this end, we estimated the habitats that relate to human-bear interactions by sex and season using resource selection functions (RSF). Significant seasonal differences in selection for and avoidance of areas by bears were estimated by distance-effect models with interaction terms of land cover and sex. Human-bear boundaries were delineated on the basis of defined bear-habitat edges in order to identify areas that are in most need of proactive management strategies. Asiatic black bears selected habitats in close proximity to forest edges, forest roads, rivers, and red pine and riparian forests during the peak conflict season and this was correctly predicted in our human-bear boundary maps. Our findings demonstrated that bears selected abandoned forests and agricultural lands, indicating that it should be possible to reduce animal use near human lands by restoring season-specific habitat in relatively remote areas. Habitat-based conflict mitigation may therefore provide a practical means of creating adequate separation between humans and these large carnivores.  相似文献   

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