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鼻咽癌对我国南部居民的健康造成严重的威胁.为了研究鼻咽癌的发病机理,本研究采用了蛋白质组学技术分析和比较了鼻咽癌细胞系(HNE1和CNE1)与永生化的鼻咽上皮细胞系的蛋白质表达谱.采用双向凝胶电泳分离提取的全细胞蛋白质,通过PDQuest软件分析找出在肿瘤中表达变化的蛋白质点,用基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间串联质谱(MALDI- TOF/TOF-MS)进行鉴定.共得到了15个在肿瘤细胞系中表达上调和18个在肿瘤细胞系中表达下调的蛋白质,并对其中一些蛋白质的表达进行免疫印迹的验证.这些表达差异的蛋白质与细胞的增殖和调亡、癌症的转移,细胞骨架,信号传导等有关.本研究鉴定了一批可能作为鼻咽癌治疗的药物靶标的蛋白质,并对研究鼻咽癌发病机理提供了相关的线索.  相似文献   

鼻咽癌相关基因 BRD7 对鼻咽癌细胞CNE1的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了研究BRD7基因对鼻咽癌细胞CNE1的影响,通过脂质体转染方法,将BRD7基因导入NPC细胞株CNE1细胞中.通过细胞生长曲线发现该基因能够抑制CNE1细胞的生长.为了探讨可能的作用机制,进而采用蛋白质组技术研究该基因对鼻咽癌蛋白质表达谱的影响,从而研究该基因在CNE1中的地位和作用.通过对过表达BRD7基因后鼻咽癌细胞系CNE1的蛋白质表达谱改变的研究,鉴定出19个差异表达蛋白,这些蛋白质包括:BCCIP (BRCA2 and CDKN1A(p21(Waf1/Cipl)),FHL2(four and a half LIM domains 2),Chloride channel regulatory protein;Hin-1(high-in-normal-1),WISP-1(connective tissue growth factor related protein),SREC-4(scavenger receptor expressed by endothelial cells-2),folate receptor.这些差异蛋白涉及到基因表达调控、细胞黏附等众多的事件.从另一个侧面研究了BRD7基因与鼻咽癌的关系,扩展了BRD7基因的研究范围,并进一步充实了该基因做为鼻咽癌候选抑瘤基因的证据.  相似文献   

为了阐明鼻咽癌中高表达的p53蛋白聚集与失活的机制,高通量地检测与p53功能相关的蛋白质,首先采用RNA干扰(RNAi)技术稳定沉默鼻咽癌细胞系CNE2的p53基因表达,然后用蛋白质组技术研究稳定沉默该基因对鼻咽癌蛋白质表达谱的影响.通过对稳定干扰p53基因后鼻咽癌细胞系CNE2的蛋白质表达谱改变的研究,用基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)分析和电喷雾串联质谱(ESI-Q-TOF-MS)验证鉴定了22个差异表达蛋白质.在这些差异表达蛋白质中,有些是已经报道的p53功能相关蛋白质,如热休克蛋白27(HSP27)、异质性胞核核糖核蛋白K(hnRNPK)、14-3-3σ等,其他可能是新的p53功能相关蛋白质,如eIF4B、TPT1、hnRNPH3、SFRS1等.部分差异表达蛋白质如HSP27、14-3-3σ和GRP75经蛋白质印迹分析技术进行了验证,同时pcDNA3.1-FLAG-p53质粒转染CNE2细胞引起了HSP27、14-3-3σ表达下调,GRP75表达上调.在鼻咽癌细胞中鉴定的22个差异表达蛋白质大致可以分为5类,包括信号传导相关蛋白质、分子伴侣、与转录和翻译相关蛋白质、代谢相关蛋白和细胞结构相关蛋白质,涉及到细胞周期的调控、分子基因表达调控、细胞黏附、细胞代谢等众多事件,它们可能作为p53功能相关蛋白质,为阐明鼻咽癌中p53蛋白聚集及失活的机制提供了重要依据和线索.  相似文献   

抑癌基因PTEN在鼻咽癌细胞株中表达的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

DNA甲基化抑制鼻咽癌细胞系膜联蛋白A1基因表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究不同分化程度和转移潜能鼻咽癌(NPC)细胞系膜联蛋白A1(ANXA1)mRNA和蛋白质表达情况及其与基因甲基化的关系.培养NPC细胞系CNE1、CNE2、5-8F、6-10B和永生化非癌性人鼻咽黏膜上皮细胞NP69细胞用于实验,用甲基化特异性聚合酶链反应(MSP)方法检测ANXA1基因甲基化状态,同时利用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)方法检测ANXA1基因的mRNA表达水平.然后用不同浓度的5-杂氮-2′-脱氧胞苷(5-aza-2dC)对NPC细胞进行去甲基化处理,MSP和RT-PCR方法检测处理组和对照组细胞ANXA1基因甲基化状况和mRNA表达水平,并用Western-blotting方法检测ANXA1基因蛋白质表达水平.结果发现,NP69细胞ANXA1基因无甲基化,4株NPC细胞系ANXA1基因都存在不同程度的甲基化,甲基化程度与细胞的分化程度和转移潜能相关.NPC细胞ANXA1基因mRNA表达水平降低,低于NP69细胞,其降低的程度与基因的甲基化程度相关.5-aza-2dC能够剂量依赖性地引起ANXA1基因去甲基化,经去甲基化处理后,NPC细胞系ANXA1基因的mRNA和蛋白质的表达水平相应提高.研究证明,NPC细胞系ANXA1基因的mRNA和蛋白质表达水平出现下调,甲基化是导致表达下调的主要原因,5-aza-2dC去甲基化处理能够恢复ANXA1基因的表达水平.  相似文献   

鼻咽癌为一种好发于鼻咽顶前壁及咽隐窝的头颈肿瘤, 98% 属低分化鳞癌 . 鼻咽癌就诊的患者中约 75% 已有颈淋巴结转移,颅神经受累 ( Ⅱ ~ Ⅵ, Ⅸ ~ Ⅻ ) 也较易发生. CNE2 为一种低分化鼻咽鳞癌细胞系,其生物学行为具有低分化鼻咽鳞癌的一些共同特点 . 选择恶性程度高的鼻咽癌组织 ( Ⅳ期,低分化鼻咽鳞癌 ) 和恶性程度高的低分化鼻咽鳞癌细胞株 CNE2 为研究样本,应用双向凝胶电泳技术获得了 6 例分辨率较高、重复性较好的低分化鼻咽鳞癌组织和 CNE2 细胞系双向凝胶电泳图谱,利用基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱 (MALDI-TOF-MS) 技术,分析了 145 个蛋白质斑点 ( 组织 66 个点,细胞株 79 个点 ),共鉴定出了 74 种蛋白质,其中瘤基因 DJ1、转移相关基因 NM23-H1 和磷酸丙糖激酶异构酶 1(TIM1) 3 种蛋白质,在 CNE2 细胞系和该 6 例低分化鼻咽鳞癌组织中均共同表达 . 并进一步应用 RT-PCR 法检测低分化鼻咽鳞癌细胞系 CNE2 和 12 例低分化鼻咽鳞癌组织三者 mRNA 的表达:在细胞系 CNE2 和 3 例Ⅳ期低分化鼻咽鳞癌病人的组织中三者全表达, 3 例Ⅲ期及 6 例Ⅱ期也各有 1 例为全表达,而在正常对照的 6 例慢性鼻咽炎组织中未检测到三者的同时表达且有一例为全阴性, NM23-H1、 DJ1 和 TIM1 三者的 mRNA 在Ⅲ、Ⅳ期低分化鼻咽鳞癌组织共同表达,与正常对照组织相比,发现两者有显著性差异 (x2=10.214 , P<0.005). NM23-H1、 DJ1 和 TIM1 三者的共同表达,可能与低分化鼻咽鳞癌的发生发展有关.  相似文献   

NPCEDRG基因是采用基因定位候选克隆策略获得的1个鼻咽癌候选抑瘤基因. NPCEDRG在鼻咽癌细胞和组织中表达下调,重新恢复NPCEDRG基因在CNE2细胞系的表达,可部分逆转CNE2 的恶性表型. 本研究对CNE2细胞所表达的NPCEDRG基因mRNA剪接变异体克隆、鉴定,发现NPCEDRG基因至少有7个转录起始位点,其中NM_032316的TSS位于ATG上游-85 nt处,AF538150和AK094248的TSS位于-25 nt处;AF538150不存在第2外显子中6核苷酸序列(5′-TTGCAG-3′)的缺失,其CDs为516 bp,编码1种由171个氨基酸组成的蛋白质(而非GenBank中公布的CDs为510 bp,1种由169个氨基酸组成的蛋白质). 本研究成功克隆得到1种新的NPCEDRG基因的mRNA剪接变异体V2,其TSS位于-23 nt处,其CDs为297 bp,编码1种由98个氨基酸组成的蛋白质.  相似文献   

为筛选表皮生长因子受体(epidermalgrowthfactorreceptor,EGFR)调控的鼻咽癌(nasopharyngealcarcinoma,NPC)细胞的分泌蛋白质,揭示EGFR在NPC发病中的作用机制,采用无血清培养法培养NPC细胞系CNE2,并用转化生长因子(transforminggrowthfactor-α,TGF-α)刺激CNE2细胞24h作为实验组,对照组CNE2细胞不用TGF-α刺激.超滤法脱盐并浓缩两组细胞的培养上清制备分泌蛋白,采用双向凝胶电泳技术(two-dimensionalelectrophoresis,2-DE)分离两组细胞的分泌蛋白,PDquest图像分析软件识别差异表达的蛋白质点,基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(matrix-assistedlaserdesorption/ionizationtimeofflightmassspectrometry,MALDI-TOF-MS)鉴定差异表达蛋白.建立了实验组和对照组CNE2细胞分泌蛋白的2-DE图谱,图像分析识别了22个差异蛋白质点,质谱鉴定了8个非冗余蛋白质,其功能涉及肿瘤细胞侵袭转移、细胞凋亡和增殖,为进一步揭示EGFR在NPC发病中的作用及其机制奠定了基础.  相似文献   

目的:通过筛选放射敏感性不同的鼻咽癌细胞中差异表达蛋白,以发现与鼻咽癌放射敏感相关的蛋白。方法:放射处理并结合流式细胞术检测及比较5-8F和6-10B细胞的放射敏感性。提取细胞总蛋白,进行双向凝胶电泳、MALDI-TOF肽质指纹图分析、质谱数据的蛋白质库搜寻鉴定。应用Western Blot检测细胞中蛋白质表达。应用免疫组织化学方法检测鼻咽癌组织中相关蛋白的表达。结果:双向凝胶电泳后对胶上的部分分辨较好的差异蛋白质点进行肽质谱指纹图分析和鉴定,在两种细胞中差异表达最为显著的蛋白质有9个。Western Blot证实CK19和P73在5-8F和6-10B表达与蛋白质组结果一致。P73在鼻咽癌放射敏感组和不敏感组中的表达阳性率分别为90%、57.5%,存在显著性差异。结论:放射敏感性不同的鼻咽癌细胞中存在一些差异表达蛋白,这些蛋白可能与鼻咽癌放射敏感性有关,其中P73可能成为放射敏感性预测的侯选标志物。  相似文献   

为探讨双孢蘑菇子实体发育不同阶段的蛋白质表达变化,对双孢蘑菇As2796菌株子实体原基期、幼菇期、采收期、开伞期的蛋白质组进行了二维液相色谱串联质谱(iTRAQ-MS/MS)分析,共获得不同肽段5 869个,鉴定到1 059个蛋白质,其中1 007个具有相对定量信息。与双孢蘑菇原基期相比,幼菇期、采收期和开伞期分别有差异蛋白质242、200、240个,分别占鉴定蛋白质总数的24.0%,19.9%和23.8%。对这些蛋白质及不同阶段之间的差异蛋白质进行了系列生物信息学分析,对8个上、下调表达具有连续性的差异蛋白质相关基因进行了荧光定量PCR验证,其中3个蛋白质(错配碱基识别蛋白、细胞色素C1及某推定的未知蛋白质)基因的转录与蛋白质的表达具有较为一致的趋势。这些结果为后续双孢蘑菇子实体发育相关基因的功能研究奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

Zeng GQ  Yi H  Li XH  Shi HY  Li C  Li MY  Zhang PF  Feng XP  Wan XX  Qu JQ  Xu Y  Sun Y  Chen ZC  Xiao ZQ 《Journal of Proteomics》2011,74(12):2723-2733
Radiotherapy is the primary treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC), and p53 is closely associated with the radiosensitivity of cancer, but the molecular mechanisms of p53-mediated radioresponse in NPC remains unclear. We previously established NPC CNE2sip53 cell line with p53 knockdown and paired control cell line CNE2/pSUPER, which provides a cell model system to investigate mechanisms of p53-mediated radioresponse in NPC. In this study, we first compared the radiosensitivity of CNE2sip53 and CNE2/pSUPER by a clonogenic survival assay, cell growth assay, and Hoechst 33258 staining and flow cytometry analysis of apoptotic cells. The results showed that the radiosensitivity of CNE2sip53 was significantly lower than that of CNE2/pSUPER, indicating that p53 plays a role in mediating NPC radiosensitivity. To search for the proteins associated with the p53-mediated radioresponse in NPC, a proteomic approach was performed to identify the radioresponsive proteins in CNE2sip53 and CNE2p/SUPER, respectively, and then the difference of radioresponsive proteins in CNE2sip53 and CNE2p/SUPER was compared. As a result, 14 differential radioresponsive proteins were identified in the two cell lines, 4 proteins of which were conformed by Western blot. Among them, 9 and 5 proteins were identified solely from CNE2p/SUPER and CNE2sip53, respectively. Furthermore, protein-protein interaction analysis showed that 7 differential radioresponsive proteins identified only in CNE2p/SUPER were related to p53 protein. Our results suggest that the differential radioresponsive proteins unique to CNE2p/SUPER may be involved in p53-mediated radioresponse in NPC, which will be helpful for elucidating the mechanisms of p53-mediated NPC cellular response to radiotherapy.  相似文献   

Tang S  Huang W  Zhong M  Yin L  Jiang H  Hou S  Gan P  Yuan Y 《Journal of Proteomics》2012,75(8):2352-2360
Multidrug resistance (MDR) to anticancer drugs is a major obstacle to successful chemotherapy of tumors. Understanding the molecular basis to chemoresistance is likely to provide better treatment. Cell lines resistant to cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (CNE2/cDDP) were established from human nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) cell lines CNE2. Comparative proteomics involving 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and ESI-Q-TOF-MS were performed on protein extracted from CNE2 and CNE2/cDDP cell lines to screen drug resistance-related proteins. Keratin 1 (KRT1), cathepsin D (CTSD) and annexin a5 (ANXA5) were identified as three proteins showing higher expression in CNE2/cDDP compared to CNE2. Furthermore, suppression of KRT1 expression by siRNA resulted in decreased MDR in siRNA-CNE2/cDDP cells. And upregulation of KRT1 could result in increased of drug resistance in NPC cell lines. Taken together, KRT1 protein and its activity levels were higher in cDDP-resistant NPC cell lines compared to their parental cell lines. These data clearly linked KRT1 and cDDP resistance mechanisms. KRT1 could serve as a biomarker for chemotherapy sensitivity of NPC.  相似文献   

Sun Y  Yi H  Zhang PF  Li MY  Li C  Li F  Peng F  Feng XP  Yang YX  Yang F  Xiao ZQ  Chen ZC 《FEBS letters》2007,581(1):131-139
Although mutation of p53 tumor-suppressor gene is rare in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), NPC has a high frequency of overexpression of p53 protein. There seem to be complex mechanisms of inactivation and stabilization of p53 in NPC. To detect proteins associated with the function of p53 in high throughout screening, we succeeded in establishing p53 knockdown human NPC CNE2 cell line (CNE2sip53) using stable RNA interference, and compared the proteomic changes between CNE2sip53 and control cell line CNE2/pSUPER using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Twenty-two differentially expressed proteins between the two cell lines were identified by both matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, some of which are known to be associated with the p53 function (HSP27, hnRNP K, 14-3-3sigma, etc.), and others may be novel proteins associated with p53 function (eIF4B, TPT1, hnRNP H3, SFRS1 etc.). Furthermore, several differential proteins including HSP27, HSP70, GRP75 and GRP78 were verified as p53 interacting proteins in NPC by immunoprecipitation and Western blot analysis, and the suppression of HSP27 expression by HSP27 antisense oligonucleotides could decrease the p53 protein level. Our data suggest that these differential proteins may be associated with the function of p53 in NPC, and provide new clues to elucidate the mechanisms of inactivation and stabilization of p53 in NPC.  相似文献   

10种ABC转运蛋白在鼻咽癌顺铂耐药细胞系中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究鼻咽癌细胞CNE2中顺铂耐药与10种ABC转运蛋白的关系,分别用顺铂、顺铂+5-氟脲嘧啶来诱导CNE2耐药,在脱药培养2个月后通过MTT法测定细胞的生长曲线及其与顺铂的量效关系和耐药指数,同时,通过荧光定量PCR法检测耐药细胞与敏感细胞中10种ABC转运蛋白mRNA表达的差异,并通过免疫细胞化学法验证.MTT法结果提示,成功诱导出两株分别对顺铂、顺铂+5-氟脲嘧啶耐药的细胞株(分别命名为CNE2/DDP、CNE2/DDP+5Fu),耐药指数分别为2.58和5.31,ABCC2在两株耐药细胞株中表达均上调,分别为2.50和4.08倍,免疫细胞化学法结果表明,ABCC2在两株耐药细胞中表达均增强,同时ABCC2还可在CNE2/DDP+5Fu细胞核中表达.上述结果表明ABCC2在CNE2细胞对顺铂的耐药性中可能发挥着重要的作用.  相似文献   

STAT3 and STAT5 are constitutively activated and nuclear in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) cells. In normal signaling, STATs are only transiently activated. To investigate whether Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and in particular the protein LMP1, contributes to sustained STAT phosphorylation and activation in epithelial cells, we examined STAT activity in two sets of paired cell lines, HeLa, an EBV-converted HeLa cell line, HeLa-Bx1, the NPC-derived cell line CNE2-LNSX, and an LMP1-expressing derivative, CNE2-LMP1. EBV infection was associated with a significant increase in the tyrosine-phosphorylated forms of STAT3 and STAT5 in HeLa-Bx1 cells. This effect correlated with LMP1 expression, since phosphorylated STAT3 and STAT5 levels were also increased in CNE2-LMP1 cells relative to the control CNE2-LNSX cells. No change was observed in STAT1 or STAT6 phosphorylation in these cell lines, nor was there a significant change in the levels of total STAT3, STAT5, STAT1, or STAT6 protein. Tyrosine phosphorylation allows the normally cytoplasmic STAT proteins to enter the nucleus and bind to their recognition sequences in responsive promoters. The ability of LMP1 to activate STAT3 was further established by immunofluorescence assays in which coexpression of LMP1 in transfected cells was sufficient to mediate nuclear relocalization of Flag-STAT3 and by an electrophoretic mobility shift assay which showed that LMP1 expression in CNE2-LNSX cells was associated with increased endogenous STAT3 DNA binding activity. In addition, the activity of a downstream target of STAT3, c-Myc, was upregulated in HeLa-Bx1 and CNE2-LMP1 cells. A linkage was established between interleukin-6 (IL-6)- and LMP1-mediated STAT3 activation. Treatment with IL-6 increased phosphorylated STAT3 levels in CNE2-LNSX cells, and conversely, treatment of CNE2-LMP1 cells with IL-6 neutralizing antibody ablated STAT3 activation and c-Myc upregulation. The previous observation that STAT3 activated the LMP1 terminal repeat promoter in reporter assays was extended to show upregulated expression of endogenous LMP1 mRNA and protein in HeLa-Bx1 cells transfected with a constitutively activated STAT3. A model is proposed in which EBV infection of an epithelial cell containing activated STATs would permit LMP1 expression. This in turn would establish a positive feedback loop of IL-6-induced STAT activation, LMP1 and Qp-EBNA1 expression, and viral genome persistence.  相似文献   

STGC3 is a potential tumor suppressor that inhibits the growth of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line CNE2; the expression of this protein is reduced in nasopharyngeal carcinoma compared with normal nasopharyngeal tissue. In this study, we investigated the tumor-suppressing activity of STGC3 in nude mice injected subcutaneously with Tet/pTRE-STGC3/CNE2 cells. STGC3 expression was induced by the intraperitoneal injection of doxycycline (Dox). The volume mean of Tet/pTRE-STGC3/CNE2+Dox xenografts was smaller than that of Tet/pTRE/CNE2+Dox xenografts. In addition, Tet/pTRE-STGC3/CNE2+Dox xenografts showed an increase in the percentage of apoptotic cells, a decrease in Bcl-2 protein expression and an increase in Bax protein expression. A proteomic approach was used to assess the protein expression profile associated with STGC3-mediated apoptosis. Western blotting confirmed the differential up-regulation of prohibitin seen in proteomic analysis. These results indicate that overexpression of STGC3 inhibits xenograft growth in nude mice by enhancing apoptotic cell death through altered expression of apoptosis-related proteins such as Bcl-2, Bax and prohibitin. These data contribute to our understanding of the function of STGC3 in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma and provide new clues for investigating other STGC3-associated tumors.  相似文献   

DNA-PK的活性与鼻咽癌细胞株CNE1/CNE2放射敏感性的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
He YX  Zhong PP  Yan SS  Liu L  Shi HL  Zeng MS  Xia YF 《生理学报》2007,59(4):524-533
本文主要研究DNA依赖的蛋白激酶(DNA-dependent protein kinase,DNA-PK)与鼻咽癌细胞放射敏感性之间的关系。克隆形成实验分析鼻咽癌细胞CNEI/CNE2的剂量存活曲线,Signa TECT DNA-PK试剂盒检测DNA-PK活性,免疫荧光及激光显微共聚焦分析放疗前及放疗后15min、1h、6h、12h和24hCNE1/CNE2细胞中Kus及DNA-PKcs的亚细胞定位,Western blot分析两株细胞中Kus蛋白的表达。结果显示:CNE1细胞在每个剂量点的存活分数均高于CNE2细胞;同时发现放疗前后CNE1细胞中的DNA-PK活性也均高于CNE2细胞,但两株细胞中Ku70/Ku80蛋白表达无明显差异;放疗可使DNA-PK活性增加,且各个检测时间点CNE1细胞增加的幅度大于CNE2细胞;DNA-PK亚基可同时定位于胞浆和胞核,但主要位于胞核,细胞照射后Ku70、Ku80和DNA-PKcs从胞浆转运到胞核。结果表明:DNA-PK活性更高可能是CNE1细胞较CNE2细胞更能抵抗放射的原因之一;放疗所致DNA-PK活性增高可能与DNA-PK亚基从胞浆转运到胞核有关,而与Ku蛋白表达的总量无关。  相似文献   

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