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本研究参照GenBank上已公布的大熊猫犬瘟热病毒(CDV)H编码的基因序列,对其抗原保守结构和识别区域进行修饰,将CDV保护性抗原H基因克隆到pMDTK-pEL载体中,然后运用酶切、连接将表达盒PELH构建到pTK-Eg载体中,从而获得重组转移载体质粒pTK-H-Eg。将重组转移载体质粒pTK-H-Eg与GTPV AV41株共转染BHK细胞,使其在细胞内发生同源重组,获得重组CDV的H基因的山羊痘病毒,然后在Vero细胞上加压筛选,利用gpt培养基筛选到稳定表达EGFP的重组病毒。通过PCR、免疫荧光以及Western Blot鉴定,证明CDV H基因成功构建到GTPV基因组中,并且在细胞中获得了正确表达。本研究获得了表达CDV H基因重组山羊痘病毒,并命名为vpTK-H-Eg。  相似文献   

采用PCR定点突变方法,对HPV581L1基因中痘苗病毒早期基因转录终止信号TTTTTNT结构进行修饰,并保留氨基酸不变.选用非复制型重组痘苗病毒为载体,将修饰的L1基因1.5kb和L2基因1.4kb分别插入痘苗病毒表达载体pJSD的7.5k和H6早期启动子之后,使之与非复制型重组痘苗病毒在TK区重组.经单斑筛选纯化,获得共表达HPV58L1、L2晚期蛋白的非复制型重组痘苗病毒疫苗实验株.该病毒在CEF细胞上连续传至第15代,经斑点杂交分析,重组痘苗病毒基因组中有L1和L2基因插入;经Western blot检测,重组病毒能稳定表达HPV581L1及L2蛋白.此结果为HPV58型非复制型重组痘苗病毒疫苗人用株的研究打下了基础.  相似文献   

以高致病性猪繁殖与呼吸综合征弱毒疫苗的感染性分子克隆(rHuN4-F112)作为载体,将O型口蹄疫病毒(FMDV)VP1基因的421~480nt(141~160aa)和598~639nt(200~213aa)两优势保护性抗原表位串联成的目的基因,通过突变PCR的方法插入Nsp2中的508~532位缺失区域,经体外转录后转染至BHK-21细胞中培养36 h,将上清接种至MARC-145细胞中培养,并在MARC-145细胞中连续传代,拯救重组病毒。经RT-PCR扩增,MluⅠ酶切及测序验证,结果表明插入的外源基因及人为突变的MluⅠ分子标记都正确,说明重组病毒拯救成功,且该重组病毒能够在MARC-145细胞中稳定传代,将此重组病毒命名为rPRRSV-F112-O/VP1ep。rPRRSV-F112-O/VP1ep能够在MARC-145细胞上引起明显的细胞病变,间接免疫荧光检测表明外源基因在该病毒中成功获得了表达。经过生物学特性分析,该病毒的TCID50=-log10-6.75/0.1 mL,且在MARC-145细胞中整体生长速度与其亲本病毒rHuN4-F112(△508-532)相似,但明显高于rHuN4-F112病毒。  相似文献   

为了研制基因工程狂犬病疫苗,我国于1991年首次报道了在痘苗病毒天坛株中表达狂犬病毒糖蛋白,但报道中重组病毒的选择是先经人骨髓瘤细胞(TK-143)在诱变剂5-溴脱氧尿苷(BrudR)作用下通过标记拯救技术筛选出携带有同源基因的重组病毒,然后再利用重组病毒中携带的Lac基因为选择标记,通过噬斑纯化获得重组病毒,用这种选择方式获得的重组病毒,经过了TK-143细胞和BrudR,因此不宜发展成疫苗,本研究探索不经过TK-143细胞和BrudR,仅利用Lac基因为选择标记,直接在鸡胚细胞上通过噬斑纯化获得重组病毒,现将研究结果报道如下。  相似文献   

通过RT-PCR扩增流行性感冒(流感)病毒HA基因,克隆至腺病毒穿梭载体pAd Track-MV,该重组质粒与腺病毒DNA共转化E.coli BJ5183,通过细菌内同源重组获得重组腺病毒DNA,将其转染293细胞获得重组腺病毒。PCR证实HA基因已整合至腺病毒基因组中,Western blot结果检测到重组病毒感染293细胞中HA的表达。重组病毒经滴鼻和灌胃两种途径免疫小鼠,结果2次免疫后滴鼻组和灌胃组均产生明显的免疫应答,血清IgG抗体滴度分别为1:10000和1:1000。除血清IgG外,还在肺灌洗液中检测到分泌型IgA。滴鼻组的免疫效果强于灌胃组。经小剂量攻毒实验显示,重组腺病毒保护率为100%。该文成功构建了表达流感病毒HA基因的非复制型重组腺病毒,重组病毒免疫小鼠可产生较好的免疫效果。  相似文献   

为了构建HPV16型晚期蛋白重组杆状病毒,并使其在昆虫细胞中获得高效表达.首先构建2株重组杆状病毒转移质粒,分别携带人乳头瘤病毒晚期基因L1及L1和L2,再用线性化的杆状病毒DNA与该重组杆状病毒转移质粒共转染sf9昆虫细胞进行同源重组,获得2株重组杆状病毒.经鉴定该重组病毒中有目的基因存在且可表达所编码的L1或L2晚期蛋白.结果表明HPV16型晚期蛋白在昆虫细胞中获得成功表达,为HPV16型预防性基因工程亚单位疫苗的研制和诊断试剂的研究开发奠定了基础.  相似文献   

目的:构建并制备能够有效表达Semaphorin 4D的重组慢病毒。方法:从人急性T细胞白血病Jurkat细胞DNA 扩增人Semaphorin 4D基因,克隆至pWPI GW慢病毒载体上,与pVSVG及pSPAX质粒共转染人胚肾293T细胞,包装出重组慢病毒,将纯化后的重组病毒直接感染293T和HUVEC细胞,通过免疫印迹、免疫荧光染色和血管内皮细胞迁移分析等方法检测Semaphorin 4D的表达和诱导血管内皮细胞迁移的作用。结果: 重组慢病毒介导Semaphorin 4D在293T和HUVEC内获得表达,能介导血管内皮细胞迁移。结论:成功构建了表达Semaphorin 4D的重组慢病毒载体。  相似文献   

将扩增的登革 2型病毒株PrM基因导入pSFV载体的SP6启动子下游 ,筛选出含该基因正、反向插入的重组质粒DNA。用SpeI酶分别将重组的和辅助的质粒DNA线性化 ,并将其体外转录成 5′末端含帽子结构的RNA。再将这两种RNA共转染BHK细胞。然后将转染的宿主细胞用登革 2型病毒株攻击 ,并分别观察含正、反义PrM基因的重组甲病毒RNA介导的抗病毒效果。通过碱基序列测定 ,筛选出含PrM基因正、反向插入的pSFV PrM重组质粒。并获得了经重组RNA与辅助RNA共转染细胞而产生的重组病毒颗粒。含有反义PrM基因的重组病毒RNA ,在宿主细胞中具有抗登革 2型病毒复制的作用 ,而且强于含正义PrM基因的重组病毒RNA。  相似文献   

目的:构建携带有Netrin-1基因的逆转录病毒载体,为研究Netrin-1在神经发育中的作用奠定基础。方法:PCR扩增Netrin-1基因片段后,将其克隆入慢病毒表达载体pLXSN;通过PCR、酶切、测序鉴定重组质粒。重组质粒转染PA317包装细胞后获得包装的病毒颗粒。病毒颗粒感染人脑胶质瘤细胞SW038-C2,经Western blot证明重组病毒在真核细胞内表达Netrin-1的情况。结果:经PCR扩增、酶切和测序验证,重组质粒构建正确,命名为pLX-NT。Western blot证明在感染细胞泳道有一特异性条带。结论:成功构建了能表达Netrin-1的慢病毒载体。  相似文献   

本研究利用中华仓鼠卵巢(Chinese hamster ovary,CHO)细胞表达系统制备牛病毒性腹泻病毒(bovine viral diarrhea virus,BVDV) Erns蛋白,并分析其免疫原性。以BVDV-1 NADL标准毒株基因序列为基础,构建BVDV Erns蛋白重组真核表达质粒pcDNA3.1-BVDV-Erns,转染悬浮培养的CHO细胞,进行上清分泌表达。SDS-PAGE分析Erns蛋白的表达和纯化,并用抗His单克隆抗体和BVDV阳性血清进行Western blotting鉴定纯化蛋白;进一步使用纯化的Erns蛋白免疫新西兰大白兔,通过间接酶联免疫吸附试验(enzyme linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)和细胞间接免疫荧光(indirect immunofluorescence,IFA)实验检测血清抗体水平及其免疫反应活性,用病毒中和实验测定免疫兔血清的中和抗体滴度。BCA蛋白定量试剂盒检测纯化的Erns  相似文献   

Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is an economically important pathogen of cattle and sheep belonging to the genus Pestivirus of the family Flaviviridae. Although the BVDV non-structural N-terminal protease (Npro) acts as an interferon antagonist and subverts the host innate immunity, little is known about its immunogenicity. Hence, we expressed a recombinant BVDV Npro-His fusion protein (28 kDa) in E. coli and determined the humoral immune response generated by it in rabbits. The antigenicity of the Npro protein was confirmed by western blot using anti-BVDV hyperimmune cattle, sheep and goat serum, and anti-Npro rabbit serum. When rabbits were immunized with the Npro protein, a humoral immune response was evident by 4 weeks and persisted till 10 weeks post immunization as detected by ELISA and western blot. Despite Npro-specific antibodies remaining undetectable in 80 serum samples from BVDV-infected sheep and goats, BVDV hyperimmune sera along with some of the field cattle, sheep and goat sera with high BVDV neutralizing antibody titres were found positive for Npro antibodies. Our results provide evidence that despite the low immunogenicity of the BVDV Npro protein, a humoral immune response is induced in cattle, sheep and goats only with repeated BVDV exposure.  相似文献   

【背景】诺如病毒(Norovirus,NoV)是全球范围内引起急性胃肠炎暴发的主要病原体之一,其中GII.4型通过不断变异在人群中持续存在并占据诺如病毒感染的主导地位,尤其GII.4 Sydney2012[P31]变异株自2012年出现以来在全球各地持续流行至今。【目的】制备广州地区GII.4 Sydney2012[P31]型诺如病毒毒株GZ2013-L10的病毒样颗粒(virus like particle,VLP),并系统表征其功能及免疫原性特点。【方法】从毒株GZ2013-L10中扩增ORF2基因并克隆构建重组转座载 PFastBac1-L10-ORF2,进一步转化至大肠杆菌DH10Bac构建重组杆状病毒质粒,进而在昆虫细胞sf9中表达病毒样颗粒并通过超速离心纯化,最后经透射电镜、Western blotting和受体结合实验对病毒样颗粒进行表征。此外,将免疫小鼠获得的病毒抗血清通过间接酶联免疫吸附测定(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)和受体结合阻断试验进行验证。【结果】成功构建了重组杆状病毒质粒Bacmid-L10-ORF2并获得病毒样颗粒,电镜结果表明病毒样颗粒直径约为30 nm,SDS-PAGE和Western blotting显示蛋白大小约为58 kDa。受体结合实验结果显示,病毒样颗粒能与A/B/O等分泌型唾液受体及猪胃黏膜蛋白结合,而与非分泌型唾液受体均不结合。免疫小鼠获得效价为1.3×105的抗血清,但ELISA结果显示其与不同基因型诺如病毒衣壳蛋白无交叉免疫活性。此外,抗血清对同型病毒样颗粒具有受体中和阻断作用,但对不同型别病毒样颗粒(包括GII.8、GII.17和GII.3)无中和效果。【结论】本研究制备并系统表征了广州地区GZ2013-L10毒株的病毒样颗粒及其抗血清,其研究结果可为解析其流行原因以及疫苗研发提供参考。  相似文献   

Arthropod-borne chikungunya virus (CHIKV) infection can cause a debilitating arthritic disease in human. However, there are no specific antiviral drugs and effective licensed vaccines against CHIKV available for clinical use. Here, we developed an mRNA-lipid nanoparticle (mRNA-LNP) vaccine expressing CHIKV E2-E1 antigen, and compared its immunogenicity with soluble recombinant protein sE2-E1 antigen expressed in S2 cells. For comparison, we first showed that recombinant protein antigens mixed with aluminum adjuvant elicit strong antigen-specific humoral immune response and a moderate cellular immune response in C57BL/6 mice. Moreover, sE2-E1 vaccine stimulated 12-23 folds more neutralizing antibodies than sE1 vaccine and sE2 vaccine. Significantly, when E2-E1 gene was delivered by an mRNA-LNP vaccine, not only the better magnitude of neutralizing antibody responses was induced, but also greater cellular immune responses were generated, especially for CD8+ T cell responses. Moreover, E2-E1-LNP induced CD8+ T cells can perform cytotoxic effect in vivo. Considering its better immunogenicity and convenience of preparation, we suggest that more attention should be placed to develop CHIKV E2-E1-LNP mRNA vaccine.  相似文献   

我国牛病毒性腹泻病(Bovine viral diarrhea,BVD)的流行比较复杂,其病原BVDV (BVDV-1和BVDV-2)不仅仅局限于已知易感动物牛群感染,其他动物种群中感染BVDV-1和BVDV-2的现象也值得注意,如猪群中BVDV感染很大程度上混淆了猪瘟等病原的监测,从而加剧病程发展。牛病毒性腹泻病毒(Bovine viral diarrhea virus,BVDV)可致持续感染(Persistent infection,PI),这一特性导致该病的净化面临巨大困难,对整个养殖场的健康发展形成了严峻威胁。BVDV抗原变异速率非常快,目前BVDV-1已有22个亚型,BVDV-2有4个亚型,鉴于病原在自然界的适应和演进特性,对该病的防控措施迟后其病原的变异速度。因此,定期摸清BVDV-1和BVDV-2在我国的流行现状是实施疫病净化的第一步和关键步骤,进一步借鉴国外BVD净化成功经验,综合考虑我国国情,采取适宜的防控策略,逐步净化该病原感染,有助于促进国内养殖业的健康发展。  相似文献   

Goose parvovirus (GPV), a small non-enveloped ssDNA virus, can cause Derzsy’s disease, and three capsid proteins of VP1, VP2, and VP3 are encoded by an overlapping nucleotide sequence. However, little is known on whether recombinant viral proteins (VPs) could spontaneously assemble into virus-like particles (VLPs) in insect cells and whether these VLPs could retain their immunoreactivity and immunogenicity in susceptible geese. To address these issues, genes for these GPV VPs were amplified by PCR, and the recombinant VPs proteins were expressed in insect cells using a baculovirus expression system for the characterization of their structures, immunoreactivity, and immunogenicity. The rVP1, rVP2, and rVP3 expressed in Sf9 cells were detected by anti-GPV sera, anti-VP3 sera, and anti-His antibodies, respectively. Electron microscopy revealed that these rVPs spontaneously assembled into VLPs in insect cells, similar to that of the purified wild-type GPV virions. In addition, vaccination with individual types of VLPs, particularly with the rVP2-VLPs, induced higher titers of antibodies and neutralized different strains of GPVs in primary goose and duck embryo fibroblast cells in vitro. These data indicated that these VLPs retained immunoreactivity and had strong immunogenicity in susceptible geese. Therefore, our findings may provide a framework for development of new vaccines for the prevention of Derzsy’s disease and vehicles for the delivery of drugs.  相似文献   

本实验将乙脑减毒活疫苗SA_(14)-14-2株以不同疫苗病毒量(3.87PFU/ml和5.87PFU/ml)分别一次免疫豚鼠,观察其对强毒攻击后抑制毒血症和抗体形成的能力。结果显示疫苗(5.87PFU/ml)免疫组豚鼠攻击前虽然中和抗体阴性或很低,但经攻击感染后不同时间内均未出现病毒血症,对照组豚鼠则于第2,3,4天全部出现病毒血症。表明一次活疫苗免疫后能有效地抑制病毒血症的产生。免疫后30天虽然免疫组的豚鼠中和抗体很低,但攻击感染后抗体迅速增长。第四天的抗体滴度为1:8~32,第5天达1:128~256,第14天抗体高达1:512~1024;而对照组抗体则上升很慢,第7天才出现低水平抗体(1:4)。血凝抑制抗体增长的动态与中和抗体近似。表明活疫苗免疫后虽然中和抗体水平不高,但一经感染可迅速产生高滴度抗体达到保护作用。  相似文献   

目的将兔出血症病毒(RHDV)VP60全长基因在昆虫细胞-杆状病毒系统中表达,验证重组蛋白形成病毒样颗粒(VLPs)的能力及其生物学特性,探讨VLPs作为检测抗原及亚单位疫苗的潜力。方法用Bac-to-Bac系统体外表达RHDVVP60全长基因。以免疫荧光及Western blotting检测蛋白表达情况及确定蛋白最佳表达条件;免疫电镜观察VLPs形态,并对VLPs的血凝性、免疫原性进行检测。结果SDS-PAGE电泳分析表明,表达的重组蛋白分子量大小约为68KDa,在免疫荧光、琼脂扩散、ELISA试验中均与RHD多克隆抗血清特异性反应;接种重组病毒的Sf9细胞裂解液在电镜下可观察到与RHDV形态相似的VLPs;该VLPs可凝集人“O”、“B”型红细胞,凝集可被RHD多克隆抗血清所抑制;含VLPs的Sf9细胞裂解液可不经纯化用作间接ELISA抗原,所建立的ELISA方法与进口商品化试剂盒相比,特异性良好,敏感性、检出率稍低;将含VLPs的细胞裂解液加氟氏佐剂免疫兔,HI效价可达1∶40,可经受致死量病毒攻击。结论RHDV-VLPs的获得及其良好的免疫原性,为RHD血清学检测试剂的标准化、亚单位疫苗研制应用奠定基础,同时在转移载体及RHDV受体方面研究亦有潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

Rotavirus (RV) and norovirus (NoV) are the two major causes of viral gastroenteritis (GE) in children worldwide. We have developed an injectable vaccine design to prevent infection or GE induced with these enteric viruses. The trivalent combination vaccine consists of NoV capsid (VP1) derived virus-like particles (VLPs) of GI-3 and GII-4 representing the two major NoV genogroups and tubular RV recombinant VP6 (rVP6), the most conserved and abundant RV protein. Each component was produced in insect cells by a recombinant baculovirus expression system and combined in vitro. The vaccine components were administered intramuscularly to BALB/c mice either separately or in the trivalent combination. High levels of NoV and RV type specific serum IgGs with high avidity (>50%) as well as intestinal IgGs were detected in the immunized mice. Cross-reactive IgG antibodies were also elicited against heterologous NoV VLPs not used for immunization (GII-4 NO, GII-12 and GI-1 VLPs) and to different RVs from cell cultures. NoV-specific serum antibodies blocked binding of homologous and heterologous VLPs to the putative receptors, histo-blood group antigens, suggesting broad NoV neutralizing activity of the sera. Mucosal antibodies of mice immunized with the trivalent combination vaccine inhibited RV infection in vitro. In addition, cross-reactive T cell immune responses to NoV and RV-specific antigens were detected. All the responses were sustained for up to six months. No mutual inhibition of the components in the trivalent vaccine combination was observed. In conclusion, the NoV GI and GII VLPs combination induced broader cross-reactive and potentially neutralizing immune responses than either of the VLPs alone. Therefore, trivalent vaccine might induce protective immune responses to the vast majority of circulating NoV and RV genotypes.  相似文献   

HSV-2 vaccine is needed to prevent genital disease, latent infection, and virus transmission. A replication-deficient mutant virus (dl5-29) has demonstrated promising efficacy in animal models of genital herpes. However, the immunogenicity, protective efficacy, and non-replicative status of the highly purified clinical vaccine candidate (HSV529) derived from dl5-29 have not been evaluated. Humoral and cellular immune responses were measured in mice and guinea pigs immunized with HSV529. Protection against acute and recurrent genital herpes, mortality, latent infection, and viral shedding after vaginal HSV-2 infection was determined in mice or in naïve and HSV-1 seropositive guinea pigs. HSV529 replication and pathogenicity were investigated in three sensitive models of virus replication: severe combined immunodeficient (SCID/Beige) mice inoculated by the intramuscular route, suckling mice inoculated by the intracranial route, and vaginally-inoculated guinea pigs. HSV529 immunization induced HSV-2-neutralizing antibody production in mice and guinea pigs. In mice, it induced production of specific HSV-2 antibodies and splenocytes secreting IFNγ or IL-5. Immunization effectively prevented HSV-2 infection in all three animal models by reducing mortality, acute genital disease severity and frequency, and viral shedding. It also reduced ganglionic viral latency and recurrent disease in naïve and HSV-1 seropositive guinea pigs. HSV529 replication/propagation was not detected in the muscles of SCID/Beige mice, in the brains of suckling mice, or in vaginal secretions of inoculated guinea pigs. These results confirm the non-replicative status, as well as its immunogenicity and efficacy in mice and guinea pigs, including HSV-1 seropositive guinea pigs. In mice, HSV529 produced Th1/Th2 characteristic immune response thought to be necessary for an effective vaccine. These results further support the clinical investigation of HSV529 in human subjects as a prophylactic vaccine.  相似文献   

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