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93份贵州地方辣椒资源品质性状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对93份贵州地方辣椒资源的品质性状进行了分析,结果表明:粗纤维含量在22.99%~44.06%之间,牛角椒含量最高,为33.71%;粗脂肪含量在11.49%~27.46%之间,锥形椒含量最高,为21.55%;蛋白质含量在12.81%~22.97%之间,指形椒含量最高,为18.78%;辣椒素含量在0.28~7.61 mg/g之间,指形椒含量最高,为4.47 mg/g;4个指标的平均隶属度值在0.21~0.68之间,超过0.60的辣椒资源有S106、S103、S072和S016;聚类分析表明,93份辣椒资源按平均隶属度大小可分为四大类型,即高品质型、中品质型、一般品质型和特殊品质型。贵州地方辣椒种质资源品质性状分析可为辣椒种质资源的创新利用、新品种的选育奠定基础。  相似文献   

辣椒素家族是辣椒中含量很高的活性成分,具有抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抗胃肠道溃疡、减肥及镇痛等方面的药理作用。研究表明,辣椒素的药理活性取决于剂量、给药途径和不同组织中的半衰期等药代动力学性质。不同剂量的辣椒素具有抗癌(20~50 mg/kg)与促癌(≥100 mg/kg),防治胃肠道溃疡(<50 mg/kg)与引起胃肠道溃疡(>100 mg/kg)的双向作用;透皮给药的长效止痛作用;在体内肝、肾、肠、肺及血液等不同部位较短的半衰期限制其在体内的临床使用。本文综述辣椒素家族成分的结构特点和辣椒素的主要药理活性及药物代谢动力学性质方面的研究,而许多研究表明辣椒素具有较短的半衰期和低的生物利用度等代谢方面缺陷,这可能是阻碍其体内临床应用的主要原因,增强活性和克服代谢缺陷的辣椒素类似物或许是开发新一代辣椒素药物的方向。  相似文献   

本文研究了不同浓度的茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)和苯丙氨酸(Phe)对‘湘研5号’辣椒果实不同发育时期的辣椒素、二氢辣椒素、维生素c以及干物质含量变化的影响。结果表明:500和1000mg·L-1 MeJA处理60d后的辣椒素含量分别比对照提高了41.7%和58.4%:同时500mg.L-1 MeJA处理能促进辣椒果实中的二氢辣椒素、维生素C的积累,对干物质积累也有一定作用。60mg·L-1 Phe处理能提高辣椒果实中辣椒素、二氢辣椒素和干物质的含量,但对维生素C影响不显著。  相似文献   

目的:建立HPLC法测定海南黄灯笼椒等辣椒的辣椒素含量。方法:采用Diamonsil C18柱(4.6 mm×250mm,5μm),流动相为甲醇-水(体积比70∶30),流速为1.0 mL/min,检测波长为230 nm,柱温:30℃,外标法定量。结果:辣椒素的线性关系良好,线性范围2.0μg/mL~20.0μg/mL,r=0.9990;精密度、稳定性实验的RSD均低于2%;平均回收率100.8%(n=9),RSD=1.87%。对海南黄灯笼椒等7个品种辣椒的辣椒素含量进行测定,海南黄灯笼椒的辣椒素含量最高。结论:该方法简便快捷,可用于辣椒中辣椒素含量的测定;海南黄灯笼椒辣椒素含量最高,这些信息可为海南黄灯笼辣椒的研究开发提供参考。  相似文献   

中国灌木辣椒种质遗传多样性的SRAP和SSR分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
应用SRAP和SSR分子标记对8份辣椒种质进行了遗传多样性分析,结果表明,15对SRAP引物组合共扩增出321条带,平均每对引物扩增出21.40条,多态性位点比率为72.90%;18对SSR引物共扩增出109条带,平均每对引物扩增出6.06条,多态性位点比率为98.17%。与SRAP比较,SSR检测到的Shannon多样性指数(I)、观测等位基因数(Na)和有效等位基因数(Ne)等遗传多样性参数都较大,说明SSR有更高的多态性检测效率。基于SRAP的聚类与基于SSR的聚类之间存在极显著正相关,且都能将中国灌木辣椒种质与美洲灌木辣椒种质及一年生辣椒种质有效区分。  相似文献   

辣椒素的荧光分析方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
荧光分光光度法可用于辣椒及高纯度辣椒素样品中辣椒素的定量分析。在Ex为278 nm,Em为312 nm荧光条件下,辣椒素在0.58-5.8μg/mL浓度范围内其浓度C(μg/mL)与荧光强度I具有良好线性关系,回归方程c=1.0377×10-3I-0.3667,R=0.9994,精密度RSD=0.08%(n=5)。平均回收率95.39%。  相似文献   

本文以湘研15号辣椒为材料,研究了脱落酸(ABA)与镉(Cd^2+)在辣椒米实不同发育时期对辣椒素和维生素C含量的影响,并分析了处理后辣椒素、维生素C含量变化与POD活性以及叶片光合特征之间的关系。结果表明:湘研15号辣椒植株经ABA与Cd^2+处理后果实中辣椒素含量峰值分别比对照提高了80.4%与61.4%,POD活性均显著升高,二者处理后辣椒果实中的辣椒素、POD变化趋势基本一致,处理后叶片光合速率均有下降趋势。ABA处理后果实中维生素C含量在转色期比对照降低12.8%~21.7%,叶片中叶绿素相对值显著增加;Cd^2+处理后果实中维生素C含量在转色期比对照减少18%~25%,红熟期减少13%-26%,叶片叶绿素相对值在红熟期之前比CK显著降低。  相似文献   

西双版纳黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L. var. xishuangbannanesis Qi et Yuan)是我国特有的黄瓜变种,老瓜果肉橙黄是区别于普通黄瓜的主要特征之一。本文以不同类型版纳黄瓜为研究对象,分析果实成熟期主要营养成分及其变化规律。结果显示,18份版纳黄瓜老瓜的平均β-胡萝卜素含量为106.58mg/kgDW,叶黄素0.48mg/kgDW,Vc4.96 mg/100g,可溶性糖1.97%,Ca173.21mg/kg,Fe1.28mg/kg,Mg121.89mg/kg,P339.67mg/kg,Zn1.47mg/kg。不同种质的β胡萝卜素含量差异较大,变异范围1.34~261.55mg/kgDW,变异系数67.68%。随着果实成熟期的延长,版纳黄瓜的β-胡萝卜素和α-胡萝卜素含量呈显著增高的趋势,而叶黄素含量明显下降。在果实成熟期未检测到番茄红素。β-胡萝卜素积累是版纳黄瓜果肉颜色形成的主要原因。  相似文献   

辣椒种质资源抗青枯病的鉴定与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用青枯菌FJC100301菌株对田间辣椒(Capsicum annuum)抗病品种76a和感病品种TW-1分别作了不同温度、不同接种量和不同接种方法的接种试验。结果表明,辣椒青枯病抗性的室内鉴定以接种温度28℃、浸根20 min和3×10^8cfu/mL接种浓度为宜;辣椒种质田间抗青枯病接种鉴定宜选择5月上旬进行,浸根20 min,接种浓度为3×10^8cfu/mL。采用田间抗性接种鉴定的方法,用青枯菌FJC100301菌株对106份辣椒材料进行了抗性鉴定。田间接种后每隔10 d统计病情指数,划分辣椒抗青枯病鉴定分级标准,获得了高抗材料14份、抗病材料8份、中抗材料23份、中感材料23份、感病材料20份、高感材料18份;采用离体叶片接种法对田间筛选得到的高抗和高感纯度较高品种进行抗性分析,结果与田间鉴定一致。  相似文献   

为了研究高效氯氰菊酯不同施用强度对桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)高抗品系抗药性发展动态的影响,为指导田间科学合理使用高效氯氰菊酯防治该虫提供理论依据,本文以室内培育的桔小实蝇对高效氯氰菊酯高抗品系成虫为研究对象,以高效氯氰菊酯对敏感品系的毒力作为毒力基准线,按高效氯氰菊酯汰选间隔时间长短设置30 d、60 d、90 d、120 d 4个处理,以在不接触药剂常规条件下饲养的高抗品系作对照,采用药膜法进行抗药性汰选和毒力测定,每30天试验1次,共计试验10次,获得致死中浓度(LC_(50))和抗性倍数(R_m),分析抗性发展动态与汰选间隔时间的关系。研究结果表明270 d后,不同间隔时间长度汰选处理,桔小实蝇高抗品系对高效氯氰菊酯的抗药性发展动态存在明显差异,总体表现为汰选间隔时间越短,抗性增长越快。30 d汰选1次处理,高效氯氰菊酯对桔小实蝇成虫的致死中浓度从第1次的582.7 mg/L上升到1133.6 mg/L,抗性倍数从98.0倍上升到190.7倍;60 d汰选1次处理,致死中浓度上升为828.0 mg/L,抗性倍数上升为139.3倍;90 d汰选1次处理,致死中浓度为529.2 mg/L,抗性倍数为89.0倍;120 d汰选1次处理,致死中浓度、抗性倍数分别为511.3 mg/L、86.0倍;未进行汰选的抗性品系致死中浓度由582.7 mg/L下降到368.1 mg/L,抗性倍数也从98.0倍下降到61.9倍。建立了270 d后高效氯氰菊酯汰选间隔时间与桔小实蝇成虫抗药性增长比率之间的关系方程为Y=11.427X~(-0.529)。由实验室模拟实验结果预测当果园中连续两次使用间隔时间在99 d以上时,应可降低桔小实蝇对高效氯氰菊酯的抗性继续上升的风险。  相似文献   

A comprehensive study on morphology and biochemical compounds of 32 Capsicum spp. accessions has been performed. Accessions represented four pepper species, Capsicum annuum, Capsicum frutescens, Capsicum chinense and Capsicum baccatum which were selected by their variation in morphological characters such as fruit color, pungency and origin. Major metabolites in fruits of pepper, carotenoids, capsaicinoids (pungency), flavonoid glycosides, and vitamins C and E were analyzed and quantified by high performance liquid chromatography. The results showed that composition and level of metabolites in fruits varied greatly between accessions and was independent of species and geographical location. Fruit color was determined by the accumulation of specific carotenoids leading to salmon, yellow, orange, red and brown colored fruits. Levels of both O- and C-glycosides of quercetin, luteolin and apigenin varied strongly between accessions. All non-pungent accessions were devoid of capsaicins, whereas capsaicinoid levels ranged from 0.07 up to 80 mg/100g fr. wt. in fruit pericarp. In general, pungent accessions accumulated the highest capsaicinoid levels in placenta plus seed tissue compared to pericarp. The non-pungent capsaicinoid analogs, capsiates, could be detected at low levels in some pungent accessions. All accessions accumulated high levels of vitamin C, up to 200 mg/100g fr. wt. The highest vitamin E concentration found was 16 mg/100g fr. wt. Based on these metabolic data, five accessions were selected for further metabolic and molecular analysis, in order to isolate key genes involved in the production of these compounds and to assist future breeding programs aimed at optimizing the levels of health-related compounds in pepper fruit.  相似文献   

陈黎  吴卫  郑有良   《广西植物》2006,26(6):697-701
分别对鱼腥草16个不同居群幼嫩地上和地下部分的氨基酸成分进行高效液相色谱分析。结果发现,鱼腥草不同居群的氨基酸含量不尽相同,同一居群幼嫩地上茎叶和地下茎的氨基酸含量也有差异,多以地上茎叶高于地下茎。在分析的17种氨基酸中,所有居群均含有16种氨基酸,都不含Cys-SS-Cys。地上部分氨基酸中Glu含量最高,His含量最低;地下部分氨基酸中Glu含量最高,Tyr含量最低。地上部分氨基酸总量以W01-16为最高,而地下部分氨基酸总量以W01-99为最高,分别为27.89mg/g和15.46mg/g。蕺菜与峨眉蕺菜间氨基酸成分间无显著差别。鱼腥草种质资源氨基酸含量与染色体数目间相关不显著。  相似文献   

辣椒种间杂种的表型鉴定及SRAP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用有性杂交方法,以微辣一年生辣椒自交系B9431为母本(P1)、强辣野生灌木辣椒H108为父本(P2)进行种间杂交,获得了其种间杂种.对种间杂种F125个表型性状进行了观察比较,以期从形态学及分子生物学方面验证种间杂种的真实性.结果表明,F1兼具双亲的形态特征,大多数表型性状介于P1与P2之间.SRAP分析显示,F1与P1、P2共有带550条,占总位点数的68.4%,与P1或P2共有带159条,占19.8%;F1与P1遗传相似系数为0.856,与P2的遗传相似系数为0.786,表明杂种在DNA水平上更趋向于母本.  相似文献   

Water relations of Capsicum genotypes under water stress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pepper species and cultivars, Capsicum annuum cv. Bell Boy, C. annuum cv. Kulai and C. frutescens cv. Padi, differing in drought tolerance were investigated for their water relations, stomatal responses and abscisic acid (ABA) content during water stress. C. frutescens cv. Padi exhibited a greater osmotic adjustment than C. annuum cultivars. Stomatal conductance of cv. Bell Boy was more sensitive to water stress than that of cvs. Kulai and Padi. In all pepper genotypes, stomatal closure was triggered in the absence of a large decrease in leaf water status. ABA content in xylem sap and leaf was higher in C. annum cultivars compared to C. frutescens cv. Padi. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

利用代表花生基础资源的核心种质分析花生高油酸资源的分布和遗传多样性,结果表明:在花生核心种质中油酸含量高于57%的种质40份,主要分布在密枝亚种(普通型25份和龙生型8份),少数分布在疏枝亚种(珍珠豆型6份和中间型1份); 除了10份资源来源于国外(ICRISAT 7 份,美国1份,日本1份和韩国1份,其他种质资源来源于中国12个省市。 同时发现高油酸种质中3份资源的含油量在55%左右,分别是Zh.h4094(油酸66.70%,含油量54.99%), Zh.h4029(油酸63.50%,含油量55.58%)和Zh.h4319(油酸59.70%,含油量56.04%; 小区产量超过3000 kg/ha 有10 份种质,前三位分别是Zh.h0883 (4086.06kg/ha), Zh.h1182(3955.00kg/ha)和 Zh.h2910 (3741.00kg/ha)。基于植物学和产量性状分析,前5个主成份(PC)可以解释81.17% 的变异。聚类分析,在域值为0.1942时,可分为6个组。 因此中国花生核心种质中高油酸种质存在丰富的遗传多样性,而且分布较广,高油酸种质的获得对花生高油酸育种提供基础材料。  相似文献   

Phytophthora capsici Leonian, an oomycete pathogen, is a serious problem in pepper worldwide. Its resistance in pepper is controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTL). To detect QTL associated with P. capsici resistance, a molecular linkage map was constructed using 100 F(2) individuals from a cross between Capsicum annuum 'CM334' and C. annuum 'Chilsungcho'. This linkage map consisted of 202 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), 6 WRKYs and 1 simple sequence repeat (SSR) covering 1482.3 cM, with an average interval marker distance of 7.09 cM. QTL mapping of Phytophthora root rot and damping-off resistance was performed in F(2:3) originated from a cross between resistant Mexican landrace C. annuum 'CM334' and susceptible Korean landrace C. annuum 'Chilsungcho' using composite interval mapping (CIM) analysis. Four QTL explained 66.3% of the total phenotypic variations for root rot resistance and three 44.9% for damping-off resistance. Of these QTL loci, two were located close to RFLP markers CDI25 on chromosome 5 (P5) and CT211A on P9. A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library from C. annuum 'CM334' was screened with these two RFLP probes to obtain sequence information around the RFLP marker loci for development of PCR-based markers. CDI25 and CT211 probes identified seven and eight BAC clones, respectively. Nine positive BAC clones containing probe regions were sequenced and used for cytogenetic analysis. One single-nucleotide amplified polymorphism (SNAP) for the CDI25 locus, and two SSRs and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) for CT211 were developed using sequences of the positive BAC clones. These markers will be valuable for rapid selection of genotypes and map-based cloning for resistance genes against P. capsici.  相似文献   

江西红米稻种资源主要农艺性状及营养特性分析与评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对94个江西红米地方品种主要农艺性状及其中33个地方品种营养成分进行分析评价。结果表明,江西红米地方品种具有结实率较高(大于65.0%的品种占84.0%)、千粒重中等(20—30g的品种占93.6%)、易倒伏、抗稻瘟病能力较弱、属保持系类型等特点。脂肪含量较高,有26个品种脂肪含量大于3.0%,其中柳水红脂肪含量4.62%。筛选出多个钙、硒、维生素B1和B2含量较高的材料,其中红米麻壳钙含量81.6mg/kg,红金米硒含量0.09mg/kg,明显高于一般水稻品种。糯子红等6个品种维生素B1含量均大于2.0mg/kg,其中早红维生素B1含量高达17.0mg/kg;红米麻壳等10个品种维生素B2含量均大于0.1mg/kg,其中油红子维生素B2含量达0.6mg/kg。这些优异地方红米种质资源的发掘,可为种质资源的创新与利用提供优异种质。  相似文献   

Bacoside A, a major active principle of Bacopa monnieri known for its cognitive effects is a mixture of saponins like bacoside A3, bacopaside II, isomer of bacopasaponin C and bacopasaponin C. Seasonal changes in biomass and bacoside A levels in fourteen accessions of B. monnieri were evaluated after maintaining these at a common site at Thapar University campus, Patiala (30°19′36.12″N and 76°24′1.08″E) for 1 year. Harvestable biomass and total bacoside A contents varied significantly between the accessions and also in a particular accession during different seasons of the year. The maximum dry weight of plant (biomass 1.64 g) and bacoside A levels (6.82 mg/plant) were recorded in accession BM1. Harvestable biomass was highest during summer in accessions BM1 and BM7 (FW 4.2 g/plant), whereas bacoside A levels were also highest during summer and in accession BM1 (6.82 mg/plant). The lowest bacoside A level (0.06 mg/plant) was recorded in accession BM14 during winter. Principal component analysis showed that samples of summer were positively correlated with both the components suggesting an appropriate time for the harvest.  相似文献   

Inoculation of the stems of three Capsicum annuum L. cultivars showing different degrees of sensitivity to the fungal pathogen Phytophthora capsici , resulted in a hypersensitive reaction being expressed along the stems. One of the peppers (cv. Smith-5) showed resistance by total inhibition of fungal growth. Capsidiol, a phytoalexin, which accumulates in the area of necrosis appears to be involved in this resistance. Capsidiol accumulation was analyzed by gas chromatography and was correlated with the restricted growth of P. capsici , in vivo and in vitro, confirming the former's fungistatic and fungitoxic properties. The capacity to inhibit pathogenic growth was evident only when capsidiol production exceeded 1 204 μg ml-1, a level reached in the resistant variety after 6 days of incubation. Experiments on induced resistance showed that a second inoculation of the stems of the three cultivars also resulted in necrosis and in an accumulation of capsidiol, although to a lesser extent than in the first inoculation. The greater accumulation of capsidiol in the stems of cv. Smith-5 is in accordance with the resistance shown by this cultivar to P. capsici , and confirms the implication of capsidiol in the disease resistance of this cultivar to fungal pathogens. Capsidiol has a fungistatic character at a mean concentration of 3.75 mM, and is fungitoxic at levels above 5 mM. This level must be exceeded and all the growing hyphae must be affected for capsidiol to qualify from being fungistatic to being fungitoxic.  相似文献   

Primula heterochroma is indigenous to Caspian coast forests in the north of Iran. Total phenols, total flavnoids, total carotenoids and antioxidant capacity of 50 P. heterochroma accessions were investigated. The highest total phenol (1272.31 mg GA equivalent/100 g fresh weight) and total flavonoids (615 mg catechin/100 g fresh weight) were observed in G5 accession from Saravan. The highest antioxidant activity was observed in G14 accession (73.03 %) from Kacha, followed by G2 accession (69.75 %) and G5 accession (66.84 %) from Saravan. The results of HPLC analysis showed that quercetin-3-glucoside was the major phenolic compound widely found in these accessions followed by chlorogenic acid. There was a linear relationship between the antioxidant capacities and the total phenols and total flavonoid. Inversely, there was no statistically significant correlation between total carotenoid and antioxidant activity. Based on the path coefficient analysis, the maximum direct effect on antioxidant was observed in total phenols (0.908). In addition, the cluster analysis based on Euclidean distance with Unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic average (UPGMA) method separated the accessions into four main groups. Our results supported that Iranian wild primrose accessions possess valuable antioxidant properties for therapeutic and potential medicinal use.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12298-015-0328-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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