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用PCR的方法克隆出了编码蓝细菌Synechococcussp.PCC7002FNR中FNR区的基因petHL,克隆到达载体pET3a上,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)后实现了大量表达。重组FNR区(rFNRD)经DEAESephdexA50离子交换层析及SephadexG100凝胶层析得到大量的电泳均一的rFNRD。N末端氨基酸序列分析表明,表达产物确为petHL所编码。且起始Met翻译后未被除去。rFNRD与rFNR的吸收光谱相同,其黄递酶活性的最适pH和最适温度也相同。rFNRD能在体外催化电子从P700到NADP+的传递  相似文献   

利用PCR扩增得到粒细胞-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)、白细胞介素-3(IL-3)完整基因片段,将其分别克隆pGEM-T构建成GM-CSF/IL-3融合蛋白基因,DNA序列与设计预期一致。将得到的融合蛋白基因克隆对72RNA聚合酶表达载体pT7zz,得到表达质粒pFu,经转化至表达宿主E.coli BL21(DE3),在IPTG诱导下获得融合蛋白目的产物的直接表达。经SDS-PAGE电泳鉴  相似文献   

参考已发表的猪瘟病毒序列,设计并合成了一对引物,应用RTPCR 技术,扩增了猪瘟兔化弱毒(Hog cholera virus lapinized Chinese strain , HCLV) 和石门强毒株的E0 糖蛋白基因,并将其克隆到pGEMT 载体中,测定了其核苷酸序列,并推导了其氨基酸序列。结果表明我国这两株强弱不同毒株E0 糖蛋白核苷酸序列同源性和推导的氨基酸序列同源性分别为95-0 % 和94-3 % ,有13 个氨基酸的差异,HCLV 比石门株多了一个潜在的N糖基化位点。将我国这两株病毒与国外已报导的HCV 毒株E0 基因序列进行了比较,发现石门株与日本的两株毒株ALD 和GPE- 同源性较高,核苷酸序列同源性分别为97-4 % 和96-5 % ,氨基酸同源性分别为97-4 % 和96-0 % ,而与欧洲Brescia 株和Alfort 株同源性较低,核苷酸同源性分别为92-2 % 和86-5 % ,氨基酸同源性为95-2 % 和92-5 % , HCLV 与ALD、GPE- 、Brescia、Alfort 株核苷酸同源性分别为95-6 % 、94-9 % 、91-3 % 、85-5 % …  相似文献   

汉坦病毒陈株S基因编码区的克隆,序列分析及表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从汉坦病毒陈株感染的VeroE6细胞裂解液中提取病毒RNA,经逆转录PCR获得病毒S基因编码区约1.3kbcDNA片段,克隆该片段后进行核苷酸序列测定,并与汉坦病毒76118株进行同源性比较,结果二者核苷酸序列同源性为86%,推导的氨基酸序列同源性为97%。将该基因片段插入原核表达载体pGEX4T1,在大肠杆菌中获得高效表达。表达产物为GSTNP融合蛋白。SDSPAGE检测表达蛋白分子约72kD左右。Westernbloting和ELISA试验结果表明,表达产物可与多株抗汉坦病毒核蛋白的McAb发生反应,其抗原表位及McAb反应谱与76118株相比存在某些差异。  相似文献   

人铜锌超氧化物歧化酶cDNA的克隆,测序及表达   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RTPCR),以人胎肝组织总RNA为模板,扩增了人铜锌超氧化物歧化酶(hCu,ZnSOD)的cDNA,并进行序列分析,将该hCu,ZnSODcDNA重组到T7启动子控制下的分泌型表达载体pET22b(+)中,构建表达质粒pETSOD,并转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)。SDSPAGE及蛋白质印迹分析表明,经1mmol/L异丙基硫代βD半乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导后,可高效表达一分子量为19kD的蛋白质,与抗人SOD多抗有特异的免疫反应,表达量约为菌体总蛋白质的30%,具有特异性SOD酶活性,酶活力可达1797u/ml培基。  相似文献   

点状产气单胞菌脯氨酰内肽酶在大肠杆菌中的高效表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PCR分段克隆法将点状产气单胞菌点状亚种(Aeromonas puctata subsp.jpuctata)脯氨酰内肽酶(prolyl endopeptidase,apPEP)的编码区基因分成3段扩增并拼接成编码690个氨基酸的完整基因apPEP,将其克隆在表达载体pBL和pKKH上,构建成温度和IPTG诱导型高效表达apPEP的重组大肠杆菌BL21/pBL-PEP和BL21/pKKH-PEP  相似文献   

黑子南瓜甘油-3-磷酸酰基转移酶基因的克隆及序列分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
依据国外报道的南瓜甘油-3-磷酸转酰酶(GPAT)基因的cDNA序列合成相应引物,用RT-PCR技术,成功地分离了黑子南瓜(Cucurbitaficifolia)GPAT基因的cDNA片段,并亚克隆到了pGEM-T载体系统的多克隆位点上,序列分析表明黑子南瓜GPAT基因的cDNA序列及递推的氨基酸序列与南瓜(Cucurbitamoschata)相比分别具有98%和965%的同源性。在1188bp中有22个核苷酸发生变化,导致13个氨基酸的改变  相似文献   

编码大肠杆菌精氨酰t R N A 合成酶( Arg R S) 的基因arg S 被克隆到p M F T75 载体上。将此质粒转化的大肠杆菌 J M109( D E3) 中, 该转化子粗抽液的比活是宿主菌的2 500 倍。通过 D E A E Sepharose C L6 B Fast Flow 和 Blue Sepharose C L6 B两步柱层析在一天内即可将精氨酰t R N A 合成酶纯化至电泳一条带, 比活为36 000 u/mg , 总收率可达69 % 。与以前报道的 Arg R S的高表达质粒相比, 使用该重组质粒可以很方便地将昂贵的标记氨基酸高效地参入酶分子内。目前的研究结果表明,该新系统能够很方便地提供大量的更高比活的大肠杆菌精氨酰t R N A 合成酶以进行该酶的 N M R 和结晶学研究  相似文献   

为了获得高效表达的人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV1)gp41蛋白,从而为HIV1基因工程诊断抗原的国产化打下基础,用PCR的方法从HIV1全基因序列中扩增出编码gp41N端的690bp片段。经酶切后,克隆到pET28a载体中,再将重组质粒转化到表达宿主菌BL21(DE3)中,经IPTG诱导,高效表达出gp41蛋白。间接ELISA、Westernblot、SDSPAGE电泳证实,该表达产物具有良好的抗原性和特异性,且表达量约占总菌体蛋白的45%。重组蛋白经金属鏊合纯化,纯度达99%。  相似文献   

采用PCR定点突变方法,成功地构建了抗HBsAgdsFv抗体的轻、重链突变基因,NdeI和EcoRI酶切后分别插入pET20b表达质粒,经测序证明在重链第44位氨基酸和轻链第100位氨基酸已突变形成半胱氨酸(Cys)。VH和VL重组质粒分别转化到大肠肝菌BL21(DE3)中,IPTG诱导后,经SDSPAGE电泳表明在12kD处有包含体蛋白表达,表达蛋白含量分别为28%和35%。VH和VL包含体蛋白经GuHCl变性后,等量混合在复性折叠液中结合,形成了一个约24kD并有一定活性的dsFv蛋白。抗HBsAgdsFv抗体表达及复性的成功,为今后基因工程抗体的研究及应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

D-Amino acid oxidase (DAAO) is a biotechnologically relevant enzyme that is used in a variety of applications. DAAO is a flavine adenine dinucleotide-containing flavoenzyme that catalyzes the oxidative deamination of D-isomer of uncharged aliphatic, aromatic, and polar amino acids yielding the corresponding imino acid (which hydrolyzes spontaneously to the α-keto acid and ammonia) and hydrogen peroxide. This enzymatic activity is produced by few bacteria and by most eukaryotic organisms. In the past few years, DAAO from mammals has been the subject of a large number of investigations, becoming a model for the dehydrogenase-oxidase class of flavoproteins. However, DAAO from microorganisms show properties that render them more suitable for the biotechnological applications, such as a high level of protein expression (as native and recombinant protein), a high turnover number, and a tight binding of the coenzyme. Some important DAAO-producing microorganisms include Trigonopsis variabilis, Rhodotorula gracilis, and Fusarium solani. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the main biotechnological applications of DAAO (ranging from biocatalysis to convert cephalosporin C into 7-amino cephalosporanic acid to gene therapy for tumor treatment) and to illustrate the advantages of using the microbial DAAOs, employing both the native and the improved DAAO variants obtained by enzyme engineering.   相似文献   

D-氨基酸氧化酶在不同毕赤酵母宿主菌中的表达比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D-氨基酸氧化酶(DAAO)在转化头孢菌素C生产7-ACA和转化DL-氨基酸制备α-酮酸和L-氨基酸上起着重要的作用。采用DNA操作技术,将来源于三角酵母的DAAO基因连接至表达载体pPIC35K上,再将表达质粒pPIC35KDAAO分别整合P. pastoris的宿主细胞KM71和GS115,经筛选获得阳性重组菌PDK13(MutS)和PD27(Mut+)。重点对两种突变菌的表达条件进行了比较。结果显示:PDK13(MutS)株比PD27(Mut+)株消耗甲醇慢、诱导时间长,但对通气量要求低、表达水平高,摇瓶活力分别达到2700和2500 IU/L,14L发酵罐内活力分别达到10140和8463 IU/L。初步探索了DAAO对DL-苯丙氨酸的拆分,结果显示基因工程菌表达的DAAO具有良好的转化DL-苯丙氨酸制备苯丙酮酸和L-苯丙氨酸的能力。  相似文献   

To explore a new approach of high expression of -amino acid oxidase (DAAO) in Pichia pastoris, a gene encoding DAAO from Trigonopsis variabilis (TvDAAO gene) deleted intron was prepared by PCR amplification and cloned into the intracellular expression vector pPIC3.5K. The expression plasmid pPIC3.5K-DAAO linearized by SalI was transformed into Pichia pastoris strain GS115 (hismut+). By means of MM and MD plates and PCR, the recombinant P. pastoris strains (his+mut+) were obtained. Activity assay and SDS-PAGE demonstrated that DAAO was intracellularly expressed in P. pastoris with the induction of methanol. The recombinant strain PD27 with the highest expression of DAAO was screened through activity assay and its high-density fermentation was carried out in a 1-l fermentor. Activity assay and SDS-PAGE demonstrated that DAAO was intracellularly expressed in P. pastoris with the induction of methanol. The recombinant cells with high expression of DAAO were screened and the high-density fermentation was carried out in a 1-l fermentor. Interestingly, the DAAO expression level reached up to 473 U/g dry cell weight in fermentation yield. Finally, 1-hexanol was used to break recombinant cells and the specific activity of DAAO was 1.46 U/mg protein in crude extraction.  相似文献   

为了探讨绿色荧光蛋白标记的红色酵母D 氨基酸氧化酶 (DAAO)基因在人宫颈癌细胞 (HeLa细胞 )中的表达及其功能 ,采用基因重组技术构建了含有CMV启动子和EGFP、DAAO基因开放阅读框 (ORF)的真核表达载体 pIRES DAAO。脂质体法转染HeLa细胞 ,荧光显微镜下观察转染细胞中绿色荧光蛋白的表达 ,流式细胞术分析转染效率并筛选荧光阳性细胞 ,命名为HeLa D。以不同浓度的前药D Ala处理HeLa D细胞 ,MTT法检测细胞存活率。结果显示 ,荧光显微镜下可见绿色荧光蛋白在HeLa D细胞中表达 ,流式细胞术成功筛选出HeLa D细胞。前药D Ala能明显杀伤HeLa D细胞。结果表明 ,EGFP可作为报告基因快速筛选DAAO表达载体转染的细胞 ,DAAO/D Ala自杀基因系统可进一步用于肿瘤的基因治疗研究  相似文献   

A series of inhibitors of d-amino acid oxidase (DAAO) are specific in blocking chronic pain, including formalin-induced tonic pain, neuropathic pain and bone cancer pain. This study used RNA interference technology to further validate the notion that spinal DAAO mediates formalin-induced pain. To target DAAO, a siRNA/DAAO formulated in polyetherimide (PEI) complexation and a shRNA/DAAO (shDAAO, with the same sequence as siRNA/DAAO after intracellular processing) expressed in recombinant adenoviral vectors were designed. The siRNA/DAAO was effective in blocking DAAO expression in NRK-52E rat kidney tubule epithelial cells, compared to the nonspecific oligonucleotides. Furthermore, multiple-daily intrathecal injections of both siRNA/DAAO and Ad-shDAAO for 7 days significantly inhibited spinal DAAO expression by 50-80% as measured by real-time quantitative PCR and Western blot, and blocked spinal DAAO enzymatic activity by approximately 60%. Meanwhile, both siRNA/DAAO and Ad-shDAAO prevented formalin-induced tonic phase pain by approximately 60%. Multiple-daily intrathecal injections of siRNA/DAAO and Ad-shDAAO also blocked more than 30% spinal expression of GFAP, a biomarker for the activation of astrocytes. These results further suggest that down-regulation of spinal DAAO expression and enzymatic activity leads to analgesia with its mechanism potentially related to activation of astrocytes in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

Summary D-Amino acid oxidase (DAAO) genes were amplified from Trigonopsis variabilis and Rhodotorula gracilis by polymerase chain reactions. T. variabilis DAAO gene was cloned into a pUC19 vector. The expression of the T. variabilis DAAO was directly determined in permeabilized E. coli cells using a micro pO2 probe. The micro pO2 probe was sensitive enough to be suitable for a simple and rapid estimation of DAAO activity toward cephalosporin C.  相似文献   

D-Amino acid oxidase (DAAO) is a well-known flavoenzyme that catalyzes the oxygen-dependent oxidative deamination of amino acid D-isomers with absolute stereospecificity, which results in α-keto acids, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Recently, the extraordinary functional plasticity of DAAO has become evident; in turn, boosting research on this flavoprotein. Protein engineering has allowed for a redesign of DAAO substrate specificity, oxygen affinity, cofactor binding, stability, and oligomeric state. We review recent developments in utilizing DAAO, including as a biocatalyst for resolving racemic amino acid mixtures, as a tool for biosensing, and as a new mechanism of herbicide resistance. Perspectives for future biotechnological applications of this oxidative biocatalyst are also outlined.  相似文献   

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