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茜草科植物栀子(Gardenia jasminoides)是野生常绿灌木。栀子果实中含有京尼平甙。(?)栀子甙等环烯醚萜苷类及藏花素素类胡萝卜素系列的色素,其中藏花索用作黄色的天然食品色素已被开发利用。从栀子成熟果实中提出来的黄色素是一种安全无毒的天然色素,而且对真菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、双球菌等有抑制作用,因而栀子黄色素不仅广泛用于果汁、酒类等饮料中,而且在烹调菜肴、腌制酱菜中以及中西糕点中都成为人们所喜爱的一种天然食用色素,具有很大的开发利用价值,目前国际市场需要量急剧增加,仅仅靠从野生栀子的果实中  相似文献   

栀子苷及其衍生物药理活性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栀子苷是一种环烯醚萜苷类化舍物,是栀子的主要药效成分。概述了栀子苷及其衍生物对降血糖、抗炎、抗肿瘤、神经退行性疾病的药理活性等作用机制的新近研究进展。  相似文献   

栀子成分的开发研究进展   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:27  
本文概述栀子的有效成分及栀子色素的研究进展 ,并对国内栀子利用的前景进行了分析。  相似文献   

栀子色素研究的进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
从栀子果中可提制出黄色、蓝色、天蓝色、红色等色素。本文详尽评述了栀子黄和栀子蓝的提制和纯化分离的各种技术,并指出了今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文应用扫描电镜等较先进的实验研究方法,对水栀子(大花栀子Gardeniajdsminoides Ellis. var. grandiflora Nakai. 的果实)进行了形态学和组织学研究。发现其侧膜向果腔延伸,并产生桔红色的、肉质分枝的假隔膜,其与种子相间排列并将种子包裹而交结成球状体,种皮石细胞五面增厚,细胞腔中填充色素块,薄壁细胞富含栀子索等,特征明显,为水栀子的鉴定提供了重要的科学依据。水栀子所含的色素和药用有效化学成分栀子甙较栀子高,对水栀子进一步的开发利用,向人们显示了可观的前景。  相似文献   

综述了近10年来栀子的研究和综合开发利用情况。中药栀子对消化系统中具明显的胆囊收缩作用和排石利胆作用,对重症急性胰腺炎大鼠具明显的降脂质过氧化物作用和增强胰腺炎时机体的免疫能力,具有保护肝脏和抑制肝癌细胞作用以及对胃机能呈抗胆碱性的抑制作用;在心血管系统中具中枢降压作用、防治动脉粥样硬化及抗血栓作用;还具有中枢镇静镇痛解热作用、抗炎和治疗软组织损伤作用等;栀子中京尼平苷制成的新型复方农业增产剂应用前景广阔;栀子黄色素、栀子蓝色素在食品、医药、饲料、化妆品等行业有广泛的应用;另外对栀子花头香及栀子花精油的研究也有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

栀子的综合开发与利用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
综述了近10年来栀子的研究和综合开发利用情况.中药栀子对消化系统中具明显的胆囊收缩作用和排石利胆作用,对重症急性胰腺炎大鼠具明显的降脂质过氧化物作用和增强胰腺炎时机体的免疫能力.具有保护肝脏和抑制肝癌细胞作用以及对胃机能呈抗胆碱性的抑制作用;在心血管系统中具中枢降压作用、防治动脉粥样硬化及抗血栓作用;还具有中枢镇静镇痛解热作用、抗炎和治疗软组织损伤作用等;栀子中京尼平苷制成的新型复方农业增产剂应用前景广阔;栀子黄色素、栀子蓝色素在食品、医药、饲料、化妆品等行业有广泛的应用;另外对栀子花头香及栀子花精油的研究也有着重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

栀子蓝色素的发酵及分离纯化工艺的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以宇佐美曲霉AS3.758为发酵菌株、栀子黄废液为原料,以液态发酵方式生产栀子蓝色素,通过正交试验法优选栀子蓝色素的最佳工艺条件。结果为:培养温度为29%、发酵液pH为6.5、发酵培养时间为36h,发酵结束后经水解、过滤,滤液中加入谷氨酸钠,反应后得栀子蓝色素液,转化率达98.43%。色素液经D301离子交换树脂吸附,再用1.0mol/L盐酸洗脱,洗脱液经低温干燥得到的栀子蓝色素,色价E1cm ^1%(590nm)达55.6。  相似文献   

前言栀子(Gardenia jasminoides Ellis)、又名山栀子,黄栀子等,系茜草科栀子属常绿灌木,花期6~8月。果期9~11月,果实长圆形,深黄色,含黄色色素。果实与根均可入药。我国栀子资源丰富,主产于湖南、江西、福建、浙江等地,有野生,也有大面积栽培。日本从七十年代就从我国进口原料生产黄色素,用于食品工业。我国很久以前民间习惯用栀子果实为食品染色。近年来从事这方面研究的人颇多,但一直没有形成商品,1933年我们承担  相似文献   

1985年9月,商业部商业科学研究院在江苏省扬州市召开栀子黄色素的提取及其应用研究的技术鉴定会。参考会议的有全国有关科研、管理部门及专业公司等十二个单位三十多名代表。会议期间,专家对商业部南京野生植物综合利用研究所提供的栀子黄色素的提制及其应用研究技术报告、毒性鉴定报告、制品应用试验报告,以及色素浸膏含50%固形物和粉剂二种剂制品进行了严格审查。报告指出,栀子黄色素的提制采用“水提醇沉法”、“真空薄膜  相似文献   

在诱导出愈伤组织的基础上,对各种不同的培养条件进行分析研究,考察它们对愈伤组织生长和栀子黄色素产生的影响,筛选出适宜的生长培养基:B_5+IBA 1mg/l+KT0.23mg/l、MG-5+IBA 1mg/l+KT 0.23mg/l、B_6+IAA 1.5mg/l和生产培养基:M-9+IAA 1mg/l、M-9+IAA 1.5mg/l.并且,获得了几个色素含量较高的愈伤组织系。另外,还研究了含色素和不含色素的愈伤组织在培养过程中的过氧化物同工酶的差异。  相似文献   

湖北栀子花挥发油的GC/MS分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用水蒸气蒸馏法从湖北栀子花鲜花中提取栀花挥发油。通过DB-5弹性石英毛细管柱GC/MS分析所得栀子花挥发油,共鉴定了40个化合物并测定了其相对含量。湖北子发挥发油的主要成分为芳樟醇(17.92%),茉莉内酯(9.11%)和惕各酸顺-3-己烯酯(6.54%)。  相似文献   

栀子黄色素的提制及应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栀子黄色素是从栀子(Gardenia Jasminoides Ellis)植物的果实中,采用水浸提、醇沉淀的萃取工艺,经真空蒸发浓缩和喷雾干燥生产的安全性商、着色力强、色泽鲜艳、稳定性好、而且应用范围广、成本较低的天然黄色素,是食品工业上良好的着色剂。  相似文献   

The iridoid glycoside, geniposide was purified by centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC) with a two-phase solvent system composed of ethyl acetate:isopropanol:water (3:2:5, v/v) from an 80% methanolic extract of fruits of Gardenia jasminoides. Preparative CPC yielded 56.2 mg of geniposide in a one-step separation of 500 mg of extract, with a purity of 95% as determined by HPLC. Isolated geniposide was identified from its 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and MS spectra.  相似文献   

Gout is an inflammatory joint disorder characterized by hyperuricaemia and precipitation of monosodium urate crystals in the joints. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the anti‐inflammatory effect of trikatu, a herbal compound in monosodium urate crystal‐induced inflammation in rats, an experimental model for acute gouty arthritis. Paw volume and levels/activities of lysosomal enzymes, lipid peroxidation, anti‐oxidant status and histopathological examination of ankle joints were determined in control and monosodium urate crystal‐induced rats. In addition, analgesic (acetic acid‐induced writhing response), anti‐pyretic (yeast‐induced pyrexia) and gastric ulceration effects were tested. The levels of lysosomal enzymes, lipid peroxidation and paw volume were significantly increased, and anti‐oxidant status was found to be reduced in monosodium urate crystal‐induced rats, whereas the biochemical changes were reverted to near normal levels upon trikatu (1000 mg/kg b.wt) administration. The trikatu has also been found to exhibit significant analgesic and anti‐pyretic effects with the absence of gastric damage. In conclusion, the present results clearly indicated that trikatu exert a potent anti‐inflammatory effect against monosodium urate crystal‐induced inflammation in rats in association with analgesic and anti‐pyretic effects in the absence of gastrointestinal damage. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

SMART技术构建栀子cDNA文库   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:构建栀子叶片cDNA文库。方法:提取栀子叶片总RNA。利用SMART技术合成双链cDNA。双链cDNA经限制酶Sfil酶切后与pDNR-LIB质粒连接。利用电刺激转化法将重组质粒导入E.coli DH5α而获得文库。利用PCR法检测文库的重组率。结果:原始文库滴度为2.63×105cfu/ml。随机检测文库中的15个克隆,表明重组率约为86.7%。选择14个插入片段的长度在400bp以上的克隆进行测序和生物信息学分析,结果预测的全长基因占所检测序列的64.3%。结论:成功构建了栀子叶片的cDNA文库,为栀子基因的结构和功能的研究提供了基础。  相似文献   

In this study, we describe a one-step chemoenzymatic reaction for the production of natural blue pigments, in which the geniposide from Gardenia extracts is transformed by glycosidases to genipin. Genipin is then allowed to react with amino acids, thereby generating a natural blue pigment. The β-glycosidases, most notably isolase (a variant of β-glucanase), recombinant β-glucosidase, Cellulase T, and amylases, were shown to hydrolyze geniposide to produce the desired pigments, whereas the α-glycosidases did not. Among the 20 tested amino acids, glycine and tyrosine were associated with the highest dye production yields. The optimal molar ratio of geniposide to glycine, two reactants relevant to pigment production, was unity. The natural blue pigments produced in this study were used to dye cotton, silk, and wool. The color yields of the pigments were determined to be significantly higher than those of other natural dyes. Furthermore, the color fastness properties of these dyes were fairly good, even in the absence of mordant.  相似文献   

Iridoids are one of the most widely distributed secondary metabolites in higher plants. They are pharmacologically active principles in various medicinal plants and key intermediates in the biosynthesis of monoterpenoid indole alkaloids as well as quinoline alkaloids. Although most iridoids are present as 1-O-glucosides, the glucosylation step in the biosynthetic pathway has remained obscure. We isolated a cDNA coding for UDP-glucose:iridoid glucosyltransferase (UGT85A24) from Gardenia jasminoides. UGT85A24 preferentially glucosylated the 1-O-hydroxyl group of 7-deoxyloganetin and genipin but exhibited only weak activity toward loganetin and no activity toward 7-deoxyloganetic acid. This suggests that, in the biosynthetic pathway of geniposide, a major iridoid compound in G. jasminoides, glucosylation occurs after methylation of 7-deoxyloganetic acid. UGT85A24 showed negligible activity toward any acceptor substrates other than iridoid aglycones. Thus, UGT85A24 has a remarkable specificity for iridoid aglycones. The mRNA level of UGT85A24 overlaps with the marked increase in genipin glucosylation activity in the methyl jasmonate-treated cell cultures of G. jasminoides and is related to iridoid accumulation in G. jasminoides fruits.  相似文献   

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