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黑白仰鼻猴种群生存力初步分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据黑白仰鼻猴 (Rhinopithecusbieti)的相关参数 ,借助漩涡模型 (Vortex 9 4 2 ) ,对黑白仰鼻猴的种群动态进行了模拟分析。结果表明 ,在没有近亲繁殖和偷猎影响的情况下 ,各亚种群 10 0年间均持续增长 ,即使数量较少的攀天阁和白济讯亚种群的灭绝概率也只有 3%和 6 %。在加入近亲繁殖和偷猎因素时 ,有 5个亚种群 (小昌都、乌牙普牙、金丝厂、富合山和格花箐 )保持增长态势 ,3亚种群 (茨卡通、各摩茸及响姑箐 )数量保持稳定 ,其他 5个亚种群 (米拉卡、巴美、龙马山、攀天阁和白济讯 )呈下降趋势。在其他条件相同的情况下 ,大的环境容纳量能够促进亚种群的增长 ,因此 ,保护生境是保护该物种的根本途径。偷猎对整个异质种群增长有负作用 ,所以杜绝偷猎发生是保护该物种的重要条件。近亲繁殖率随种群减小和时间推移逐渐增加 ,也对猴群的长期存活有负面影响。  相似文献   

生态限制模型(Ecological constraints model)认为随种群规模增加,灵长类种群会增加日移动距离、移动时间和取食时间,减少休息时间。果食性灵长类为取食斑块分布的高质量食物资源(如果实)而存在群内分摊竞争(Within-group scramble competition),很好地验证了生态限制模型。为了检验温带叶食性灵长类是否适用于生态限制模型,于2018年12月—2019年5月,在云岭省级自然保护区拉沙山采用20 min瞬时扫描取样法收集猴群日活动时间分配,每隔30 min在地形图(1:50 000)上记录猴群活动位点收集其日移动距离数据,比较了同域分布的黑白仰鼻猴较大群(170只)和较小群(100只)冬春季的日移动距离和活动时间分配差异。结果表明,春季和冬季黑白仰鼻猴较大群比较小群的日移动距离更远;虽然春季较大群减少了社交时间、增加了移动时间,但是冬季两群活动时间分配无差异。此外,春季,较大群相比较小群的成年和青少年个体减少了社交时间,成年雌性增加了移动时间;冬季,较大群仅成年雌性增加了休息时间,其他不同年龄—性别组的活动时间分配无差异。本研究证实了黑白仰鼻猴群内存在分摊竞争,且春季分摊竞争的强度更高,符合生态限制模型。此外,群体规模对成年雌性的活动时间分配影响较大,这与其妊娠期相对高的营养和能量需求有关。  相似文献   

生境破碎化对黑白仰鼻猴种群数量的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
从1999年4月至2002年6月间,对黑白仰鼻猴种群的分布和生境状况进行了调查。与十年前的调查结果相比,本次调查新发现了4个猴群,但有5个以前存在的猴群已经消失,现存种群数量为13个猴群,总体数量约为1200─1700只。从西藏的芒康到云龙的龙马山,随着海拔的降低,猴群可利用的植被类型也随之多样化。但由于砍伐、放牧、开矿等因素的影响,猴群的适宜生境破碎化程度较高,连接猴群的生境走廊状况通常较差,多数猴群孤立分布,并且存在小种群问题,生境走廊的维护和恢复已成为该物种保护成功与否的关键。种群的总体数量下降了32%,其中4个猴群数量下降,4个猴群持平,1个猴群有所增长,5个猴群消失,这不容乐观的状况给我们的保护工作敲响了警钟。  相似文献   

为了解黑白仰鼻猴野生种群的肠道寄生虫感染现状,对分布于云南塔城境内的一群90只个体的黑白仰鼻猴种群进行了粪便虫卵检查。共采集了225份样品,记录了粪便供体的性别、年龄、所在单元和采集时间,分别采用水洗过滤沉淀法、饱和盐水浮聚法和改良加藤氏厚涂片法进行检查。实验结果表明该猴群感染的寄生虫种类有灵长类肠道常见寄生虫毛首线虫Trichuris sp.,感染率在不同年龄段间存在显著差异;钩虫Ancylostoma sp.和结节线虫Oesophagostomum sp.在黑白仰鼻猴中的感染存在季节性,旱雨季差异性显著;同时粪便样品中还检出了少量的肝毛细线虫Capillaria hepatica和蛔虫Ascaris sp.。  相似文献   

黑白仰鼻猴常年采食竹类叶片,竹子是其重要的食物资源之一。本文通过对拉沙山黑白仰鼻猴生境中空心箭竹和马斯箭竹竹叶化学成分进行分析,探讨其采食原由。2011年3月至2012年2月,共采集了21份竹子样品,分析其粗蛋白、粗脂肪、总糖、粗纤维、灰分、钙和总磷等化学成分。结果表明:两种竹叶的选择主要受高钙、高能量和低Ca/P的影响。尽管空心箭竹与马斯箭竹的化学成分无差异,但是影响黑白仰鼻猴食物选择的主要因素有所不同,这可能与竹子化学成分的季节性变化有关。结合前人对该猴群非竹类食物的研究结果,黑白仰鼻猴采取在满足蛋白质、脂肪等常量营养物质需求基础上优先保证磷、钙和能量摄入的觅食策略。竹类等猴群重要食物资源应该受到重点保护,同时也是未来食物资源恢复的首选物种。  相似文献   

灵长类是森林生态系统中植物种子的主要传播者,有助于森林植被的更新,然而受研究方法的限制,灵长类种子传播潜力常被低估。为全面评估温带灵长类动物的种子传播潜力,采用直接观察法和粪便分析法评估珍稀濒危灵长类动物黑白仰鼻猴的种子传播潜力。于2018年11月—2019年10月采用直接观察法(瞬时扫描取样法)收集云岭省级自然保护区拉沙山黑白仰鼻猴的活动时间分配数据,获取每月取食果实的比例;同时每月收集黑白仰鼻猴的粪便,采用粪便分析法分拣猴粪中残留的植物种子,统计有完整种子残留的月份和粪便比例,应用这两种方法评估黑白仰鼻猴种子传播潜力及其差异。结果表明:直接观察法收集到黑白仰鼻猴取食果实的月份数为6个月(7—12月),月均取食果实的比例为(15.31±20.15)%,共取食13种果实;而粪便分析法发现黑白仰鼻猴粪粒内全年都有完整种子残留,粪便中月均完整种子残留比例(35.19±35.43)%,其中9月至第二年1月粪便中种子残留比例都大于50%,共取食18种果实;综合两种方法发现云南拉沙山黑白仰鼻猴共取食20种植物果实,具有较高的种子传播潜力。直接观察法可确定黑白仰鼻猴取食果实的物种数,而粪便分析法能...  相似文献   

崔亮伟  钟泰  肖林  肖文 《动物学研究》2006,27(4):337-343
介绍了应用过夜地粪便来估计白马雪山黑白仰鼻猴群大小和组成的一种方法。该物种以单雄多雌单元和全雄组的形式在树上过夜。粪粒根据其大小可分为3种类型成年雄性的(最大)、成年雌性的(中等大小)和未成年个体的(最小)。2000—2001年,搜集了滇西北白马雪山国家级自然保护区北部南任村(99°04′E,28°34′N)附近黑白仰鼻猴群每个季节2个过夜地的粪粒。根据2001年11月猴群通过开阔地的数据来确定猴群组成。每个季节,由于单雄多雌单元的成年个体数与其粪粒数正相关,所以二者回归直线的斜率可以看作是每个个体每晚的平均排便量。由于该物种的栖息地主要为高山峡谷,而且能见度较低,因此,利用过夜地粪便比以前通过猴群活动痕迹来估计猴群大小和组成相对准确、可靠。从估计成年雌性个体数的角度看,利用粪粒来估计种群大约有9·4%的偏差。导致偏差的可能原因有杂草和灌丛对粪粒准确计数的影响、个体排粪率的差异以及成年雄性最小粪粒与成年雌性最大粪粒的混淆等。该方法适应于栖息地和主要食物与本文研究种群相似的其他种群。  相似文献   

崔亮伟  钟泰  肖林  肖文 《动物学研究》2006,27(4):337-343
介绍了应用过夜地粪便来估计白马雪山黑白仰鼻猴群大小和组成的一种方法。该物种以单雄多雌单元和全雄组的形式在树上过夜。粪粒根据其大小可分为3种类型:成年雄性的(最大)、成年雌性的(中等大小)和未成年个体的(最小)。2000—2001年,搜集了滇西北白马雪山国家级自然保护区北部南任村(99°04′E, 28°34′N)附近黑白仰鼻猴群每个季节2个过夜地的粪粒。根据2001年11月猴群通过开阔地的数据来确定猴群组成。每个季节,由于单雄多雌单元的成年个体数与其粪粒数正相关,所以二者回归直线的斜率可以看作是每个个体每晚的平均排便量。由于该物种的栖息地主要为高山峡谷,而且能见度较低,因此,利用过夜地粪便比以前通过猴群活动痕迹来估计猴群大小和组成相对准确、可靠。从估计成年雌性个体数的角度看,利用粪粒来估计种群大约有9.4%的偏差。导致偏差的可能原因有杂草和灌丛对粪粒准确计数的影响、个体排粪率的差异以及成年雄性最小粪粒与成年雌性最大粪粒的混淆等。该方法适应于栖息地和主要食物与本文研究种群相似的其他种群。  相似文献   

叶食性灵长类食物选择受食物营养及单宁等次生代谢产物影响,为了探讨单宁对黑白仰鼻猴食物选择的影响,通过磷钼酸-钨酸钠 (F-D) 比色法测定了拉沙山黑白仰鼻猴群 (Rhinopithecus bieti) 2010年4月 - 2012年3月间的食用植物 (192种) 和非食用植物 (188种) 单宁含量。结果表明,黑白仰鼻群全年食用植物中单宁含量低于非食用植物;春季食用植物中单宁含量高于其他季节,而其他季节无差异;不同取食部位单宁由高到低依次为芽、花、叶、果和地衣;不同季节,不同取食部位单宁有差异,春季芽的单宁含量最高,夏秋季果实单宁含量最高,冬季叶单宁含量最高;不同月份,食物单宁也不同,3月食用植物中单宁最高 (8.36% ± 6.22%),2月最低 (1.28% ± 1.19%)。因此,黑白仰鼻猴根据环境食物种类和供给时空特征,可能采取了从高蛋白纤维比/高单宁到低蛋白纤维比/低单宁连续谱觅食策略。  相似文献   

白马雪山黑白仰鼻猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)垂直迁移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2000-2001年间,在白马雪山国家级自然保护区南任村附近,通过在四个山坡每隔海拔100米的样带(宽5.0米)内搜集黑白仰鼻猴的粪便来研究猴群不同季节的垂直迁移模式。同时,通过在每个地区山脊上和山沟内搜集2.5米宽垂直样带内的粪便,来研究猴群不同季节对山脊和山沟的选择性。结果表明:猴群在海拔3500-4300米的区域活动。虽然猴群全年集中利用3900-4200米的林带;但是具有季节性差异:夏季最高(4200米),依次是秋季(4100米)和冬季(4000米),夏季最低(3900米)。另外,冬季山沟中的粪便多于山脊说明猴群在沟中停留时间长,这与沟中少风且温度高有关。不同海拔带上的粪便密度和松萝量间正相关,这意味着食物资源的垂直分布是影响猴群垂直迁移的重要因素。春季,猴群会下到低海拔采食嫩芽/叶,而冬季则下到低海拔处躲避首次大雪,这很可能导致猴群集中利用第二个海拔带。  相似文献   

As anthropogenic habitat changes are often considered a threat to natural ecosystems and wildlife, a sound understanding of the effects of habitat alteration on endangered species is crucial when designing management strategies or performing conservation activities. Black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) are categorized as endangered on the IUCN Red List and are endemic to the trans-Himalayas in China. At present, there are only 15 groups and 2,500 individuals remaining in the wild, and they are facing intense habitat degradation with selective logging for house building and firewood. Habitat deterioration through wood extraction is occurring at Xiaochangdu, Tibet, where one stable group of R. bieti lives in a marginal habitat in the northernmost part of the species' distribution. To understand the species' response to selective logging in an extremely marginal habitat, data on habitat preference and diet composition of a group of R. bieti were collected at Xiaochangdu from 2003 to 2005. The monkeys used different habitats nonrandomly during the year. The selection index for secondary conifer forest (SC), where selective logging has occurred, was the highest of all habitat types (>1), suggesting that the groups strongly preferred SC. The monkeys fed more on buds/leaves, more on flowers/fruit/seeds, and less on lichen in SC than in primary conifer forest (PC). Dietary diversity was significantly higher in SC than in PC. These results indicate that over the short term, low-intensity disturbances may result in increased foliage diversity that enable groups of R. bieti to survive in this marginal habitat.  相似文献   

Liu Z  Ren B  Wei F  Long Y  Hao Y  Li M 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(16):3334-3349
Rhinopithecus bieti, the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey, is the nonhuman primate with the highest altitudinal distribution and is also one of the 25 most globally endangered primate species. Currently, R. bieti is found in forests between 3000 and 4500 m above sea level, within a narrow area on the Tibetan Plateau between the Yangtze and Mekong rivers, where it is suffering from loss of habitat and shrinking population size (approximately 1500). To assess the genetic diversity within this species, its population structure and to infer its evolutionary history, we sequenced 401 bp of the hypervariable I (HVI) segment from the mitochondrial DNA control region (CR) for 157 individuals from 11 remnant patches throughout the fragmented distribution area. Fifty-two variable sites were observed and 30 haplotypes were defined. Compared with other primate species, R. bieti cannot be regarded as a taxon with low genetic diversity. Phylogenetic analysis partitioned haplotypes into two divergent haplogroups (A and B). Haplotypes from the two mitochondrial clades were found to be mixed in some patches although the distribution of haplotypes displayed local homogeneity, implying a strong population structure within R. bieti. Analysis of molecular variance detected significant differences among the different geographical regions, suggesting that R. bieti should be separated into three management units (MUs) for conservation. Based on our results, it can be hypothesized that the genetic history of R. bieti includes an initial, presumably allopatric divergence between clades A and B 1.0-0.7 million years ago (Ma), which might have been caused by the Late Cenozoic uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, secondary contact after this divergence as a result of a population expansion 0.16-0.05 Ma, and population reduction and habitat fragmentation in the very recent past.  相似文献   

Most extant nonhuman primates occasionally prey on fast-moving, warm-blooded animals; however, Indriidae, Lepilemuridae, and Colobinae either scavenged for meat or did not eat meat at all. Here we report six cases of animal consumption by the snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus bieti in a wild, habituated group between 2004 and 2009 in Yunnun, China. At present,only males in an all-male unit within the study group were involved in active hunting. Such a male-biased activity may be related to the group structure and spatial spread of R. bieti. Two females were observed eating freshly killed birds. The findings confirmed that R. bieti engaged in scavenging and, when hunting, employed a cranio-cervical bite to kill their prey. Meat eating is likely a nutrient maximization feeding strategy in R. bieti, especially in males. A begging behavior occurred after successful prey capture. Although begging was observed, no sharing of the meat was seen. The present findings illuminate the dietary diversity of R. bieti and their ability to expand their dietary spectrum.  相似文献   

金丝猴的牙齿   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
牙齿对古生物、古人类研究是十分重要的。牙齿也是动物分类学所依据的重要特征之一,它所提供的亲缘证据和来自其他方面的材料多是相吻合的。在讨论和评价现生灵长类时,牙齿同样是不可缺少的材料之一。就目前所知,已发表的金丝猴(Rhinopithecus)牙齿的研究资料较少。Hooiier(1952)和Swindler(1976)对川金丝猴的牙齿只作了一个简单的记录和扼要的形态描述。至于滇金丝猴和黔金丝猴牙齿的研究纯属空白。为此,有必要对这三个类群牙齿的形态结构作一个简要的比较观察,试图找出它们之间和属间的异同点,为今后的综合性探讨提供基本材料。  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau is one of the top 10 biodiversity hotspots in the world and acts as a modern harbour for many rare species because of its relatively pristine state. In this article, we report a landscape genetic study on the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey ( Rhinopithecus bieti ), a primate endemic to the Tibetan Plateau. DNA was extracted from blood, tissue and fecal samples of 135 wild individuals representing 11 out of 15 extant monkey groups. Ten microsatellite loci were used to characterize patterns of genetic diversity. The most striking feature of the population structure is the presence of five subpopulations with distinct genetic backgrounds and unique spatial regions. The population structure of R. bieti appears to be shaped by anthropogenic landscape features as gene flow between subpopulations is strongly impeded by arable land, highways and human habitation. A partial Mantel test showed that 36.23% ( r  =   0.51, P  =   0.01) of the genetic distance was explained by habitat gaps after controlling for the effect of geographical distance. Only 4.92% of the genetic distance was explained by geographical distance in the partial Mantel test, and no significant correlation was found. Estimation of population structure history indicates that environmental change during the last glacial maximum and human impacts since the Holocene, or a combination of both, have shaped the observed population structure of R. bieti . Increasing human activity on the Plateau, especially that resulting in habitat fragmentation, is becoming an important factor in shaping the genetic structure and evolutionary potential of species inhabiting this key ecosystem.  相似文献   

滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)食性的分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
吴宝琦 《人类学学报》1991,10(4):357-371
由野外大猴群摄食行为观察、捕获个体摄食偏好度观察、它们粪便的显微鉴定及定量分析、消化能力测定和寄生虫鉴定等五方面证据汇聚的信息表明:滇金丝猴的主要食物是被子植物类型;而曾被误认为是其主食的冷杉等寒带裸子植物叶则几乎不是其食物。故滇金丝猴应更适应热带亚热带被子植物环境而非高山寒温带云冷杉植物群;故该种猴现代高山分布成因需深入研究。鉴于研究现状,本文特别把方法学问题提到一个不宜忽略的位置上。  相似文献   

西藏红拉雪山滇金丝猴的夜宿地与夜宿树选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
树栖灵长类动物要在夜宿地度过半生以上的时光,因此选择合适的夜宿地及夜宿树对其存活尤为关键。影响夜宿地以及夜宿树选择的主要因素是逃避天敌捕食,但对于栖息在温带森林的灵长类而言,还必须面对低 温以及食物缺乏等因素的影响。2003 年6 月至2005 年3 月,采用跟踪猴群,记录夜宿地并依据地面粪便颗粒数确定夜宿树,在西藏红拉雪山自然保护区对小昌都滇金丝猴的夜宿地及夜宿树进行了研究。结果表明:在主要 研究时间段196 d 夜宿地记录中猴群使用了101 个夜宿地,使用2 次以上的夜宿地有67 个,夜宿162 d。夜宿地全部位于针叶林中,冬季夜宿地主要分布在向阳、背风和低海拔处。比较重复利用夜宿次数多与夜宿次数少的树发现:夜宿多的树高大,底枝长,而与底枝高没有差异。比较夜宿和不过夜的树发现:夜宿树高大、底枝长。这些特点表明小昌都猴群夜宿地及夜宿树的选择可能受到逃避天敌和体温调节的影响。  相似文献   

The Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) is characterized by a larger home range and group size than other colobine species. We investigated variations in home range size of a free-ranging group of R. bieti from 1998 to 2007 in the Baimaxueshan National Nature Reserve in Yunnan, China. Group size increased from 160 to 450 over the 10 years. Results also showed a home range shift and yearly home range expansion, although this expansion was very limited. The study group covered a 33.78-km(2) area during the 10-year period, with some areas abandoned and others used repeatedly. The yearly home range increase stopped in 2004 and decreased thereafter. Despite increasing group size usually being coupled with larger yearly home range (>30 km(2)), the group confined itself within a relatively small and stable area (<18 km(2)) during 2005-2007, with a significant portion of their accessible home range discarded. Consequently, the study group showed the highest recorded population density among extant groups of R. bieti. Reasons why the group settled into a substantially smaller home range area remain unclear.  相似文献   

本研究旨在将滇西北藏区传统生态文化应用于社区生物多样性保护之中, 以推动社区参与式生物多样性保护和森林生态系统的修复。应用民族植物学和民族生态学的方法, 调查了位于白马雪山国家级自然保护区及周边地区的3个藏族村寨(巴珠、柯功、追达)的自然圣境与生物多样性分布状况及其生态服务功能等, 应用SWOT分析法和社区参与式保护途径, 开展了生物多样性保护示范活动。本研究结果表明, 社区保护生物多样性的主要驱动力来源于民族传统文化, 社区生计依赖于生物多样性, 保护自然圣境是社区水平保护生物与文化多样性及社区发展的重要途径。藏族自然圣境是基于传统信仰文化并经过长期实践建立和发展起来的有利于生物多样性保护的社区保护形式, 藏民社区长期遵从和实践自然圣境对生物多样性保护做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

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