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研究了普通齿蛉Neoneuromus ignobilis Navás幼虫的呼吸系统及其呼吸行为。结果表明:普通齿蛉幼虫为全气门式(10对气门)呼吸系统,前中胸、中后胸之间、腹部8节各有1对气门,腹部8节各有气管鳃1对,前6对细短,管状,有较短绒毛,后2对气管鳃较粗长,呈羽毛状。腹部1~7节各有1对毛簇,第8腹节无毛簇。侧纵干气管较粗,4束,自前胸前缘部分成左右2组,每组两根侧纵干气管,向胸腹部延伸,二级气管分别伸达各个气门和毛簇,腹部每节由毛簇处的二级气管分支而来的三级气管相连或延伸至消化道等处。气管鳃中无气管。有毛簇呼吸、气门呼吸和体壁呼吸3种呼吸方式,在水中以毛簇呼吸为主,在陆上进行气门呼吸和体壁呼吸。  相似文献   

选择武汉城区4种不同的水质作为影响因子,通过室内实验,研究武汉城区4种不同水质对雷氏黄萤Luciola leii Fu and Ballantyne幼虫呼吸行为的影响,探讨利用雷氏黄萤幼虫的呼吸指标作为监测多污染源混合废水的可行性。结果表明,Ⅲ类(东湖)、Ⅳ类(汤逊湖)、Ⅴ类(野芷湖)和劣Ⅴ类(南湖)四类水质与CK相比较,对雷氏黄萤幼虫昼夜的呼吸行为均有影响。雷氏黄萤幼虫刚接触Ⅲ类、Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类和劣Ⅴ类水质均有明显反应。在劣Ⅴ类水质条件下,雷氏黄萤幼虫的呼吸持续时间和呼吸频率(FR)均高于Ⅲ类、Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类水质,呼吸间隔时间(SI)均低于Ⅲ类、Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类水质。提示雷氏黄萤幼虫的昼夜呼吸行为、呼吸持续时间、呼吸频率(FR)、呼吸间隔时间(SI)可作为多污染源混合废水的敏感生物学监测指标。  相似文献   

通过显微解剖,结合透射电镜和扫描电镜,观察比较了条背萤Luciola substriata幼虫两个不同发育阶段呼吸系统的差异。结果表明:1~2龄幼虫的呼吸系统中只有气管无气囊,3~6龄幼虫的呼吸系统中气管和气囊并存。1~2龄幼虫的尾气门和3~6龄幼虫的腹部侧气门及尾气门结构没有差异。透射电镜观察提示条背萤1~2龄幼虫体壁上的毛状物为气管鳃。  相似文献   

条背萤幼虫水生适应性形态与游泳行为研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
研究了条背萤Luciolasubstriata幼虫的形态特征及其对游泳行为的适应。形态及扫描电镜观察发现,条背萤幼虫存在二态现象。1~2龄幼虫虫体扁平,多毛。有7对呼吸鳃,分别位于腹部第1~7节。3~6龄幼虫虫体扁平呈船形,无呼吸鳃,靠气管呼吸。二者均具有扁平桨状的足、燕尾状尾节及位于尾节末端的圆柱形粘附器官。条背萤幼虫游动时身体腹面朝上,呈仰泳姿态,足向后划水。3~6龄幼虫仰泳时足共有8种摆动姿势。幼虫仰泳时足摆动1个周期所需时间为(0.611±0.16)s。腹部末端可上下左右摆动,当幼虫向前游动时,尾部上下摆动1个周期所需时间为(1.795±0.44)s。幼虫的游泳速度为(0.85±0.16)mh。仰泳中的幼虫改变方向时,头部和尾部同时向身体的一侧弯曲,当头部与尾部呈近90°时,幼虫用力将尾部伸直,此时水产生一个反作用力继续推动幼虫转向,幼虫转向的范围为0~90°。条背萤2种类型幼虫呼吸系统的不同决定着幼虫外部形态的差异及游泳行为的不同,而导致这种呼吸系统、形态及运动行为不同的原因很可能是条背萤对环境的适应性进化。  相似文献   

星齿蛉属Protohermes隶属于广翅目Megaloptera齿蛉科Corydalidae,是一类原始的完全变态昆虫,幼虫水生,常作为指示生物用于水质监测。本文对湘西峒河流域两种星齿蛉幼虫进行了分子鉴定和体表呼吸结构观测。结果表明两种星齿蛉幼虫COⅠ基因序列分别与花边星齿蛉Protohermes costalis和炎黄星齿蛉Protohermes xanthodes同源性较高;遗传距离分析和系统发育分析进一步证实两种星齿蛉幼虫分别属于花边星齿蛉和炎黄星齿蛉,分子鉴定结果与成虫形态鉴定结果一致。花边星齿蛉和炎黄星齿蛉幼虫体表呼吸结构气门、毛簇、气管鳃和臀足侧突均与气管相连,毛簇是主要的水下呼吸结构。本研究结果为峒河流域星齿蛉昆虫资源的保护和开发利用提供了科学数据。  相似文献   

本文以普通齿蛉Neoneuromus ignobilis Navás,1932和单斑巨齿蛉Acanthacorydalis unimaculata Yang et Yang,1986为例,描述和比较了广翅目齿蛉科齿蛉属和巨齿蛉属的卵块及1龄幼虫形态特征.结果显示普通齿蛉与单斑巨齿蛉的卵块和1龄幼虫在形态上有着较大差异:普通齿蛉卵块约为单斑巨齿蛉卵块的3/4;普通齿蛉卵粒约为单斑巨齿蛉卵粒的2/3,卵粒都呈圆柱形,差异不大;普通齿蛉外层白色覆盖物厚度是单斑巨齿蛉的2~3倍.普通齿蛉卵块为单个附着在芦苇叶上,形状有4种类型,分别为椭圆形、螺形、卵圆形、圆形,在所有样本中其占比分别依次为47.1%、9.8%、17.6%和25.5%;单斑巨齿蛉卵块多为数个相连附着在桥底,卵壳薄且最外层卵粒向外翘起,使其表面如突起均匀地分布在卵壳表面.普通齿蛉1龄幼虫腹部背面白色的线状裸露区较稳定,且8对气管鳃靠近末端都有褐色和黄色的斑纹,而单斑巨齿蛉1龄幼虫腹部背面呈深褐色,腹部背面裸露区和颜色分布不稳定,气管鳃无花斑;两种1龄幼虫腹部两侧均都无毛簇.这些数据资料不仅丰富了广翅目昆虫的相关知识,而且为其产业化应用提供了参考.  相似文献   

于力 《昆虫学报》1997,40(3):300-302
原石蛾属(RhyacophilaPict.)种类较多[1~3],目前我国已报道过95种成虫(1995)[4],但对幼虫报道很少。原石蛾属的幼虫是不筑巢、自由生活在石质河床及清冷流水体中的种类。该属幼虫下颚须第2节比其它节长;中胸和后胸多无鳃,腹部缺密集的簇状鳃、或有稀疏的鳃或单枝的鳃、或完全无鳃;腹部节间常明显缢缩;第9腹节背板形成骨化的臀板;末龄幼虫体长不超过30mm[5,6]。1987年至1993年作者在长白山区(海拨370~2100m)的多条河流中采获原石蛾属幼虫6种,其中4种为中国新记录。现记述长白山原石蛾属6种幼虫于种检索表中。长白山原石蛾…  相似文献   

三点列黄边龙虱幼虫的呼吸系统与生物学特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对龙虱幼虫的气门结构及体内气管、气囊的构造和分布进行了解剖、描述。通过饲养 ,对龙虱幼虫的栖境、食性、生长发育虫期、残杀性 ,化蛹等行为习性进行了较系统的观察研究。该虫在田间每年2代。  相似文献   

本文利用显微拍照和电镜扫描技术,以黄缘窗萤(Pyrocoelia analis)、穹宇萤(Pygoluciola qingyu)和雷氏黄萤(Aquatica leii)为例,对四川峨眉山较为常见的三种萤火虫幼虫臀足的形态结构及功能进行了研究。研究表明,三种萤火虫幼虫臀足的相似特征为:腹内侧均有趾钩,趾钩的排布规律基本相同;均为左右对称的两部分,背外侧的臀足较长,腹内侧的臀足较短;基本都为白色透明。不同特征为:黄缘窗萤幼虫的臀足数量最多,穹宇萤次之,雷氏黄萤最少;黄缘窗萤幼虫的臀足存在一级或两级的分叉现象,而另外两种则无此现象;臀足基部的斑纹和刚毛的情况各有不同,差异较大。三种萤火虫幼虫臀足都有着相似的功能:吸附功能,将身体吸附在物体上;作为清理工具,清理体表黏着的泥土等脏物;辅助爬行。此外,穹宇萤幼虫还可利用臀足筑巢化蛹。  相似文献   

五种鳃金龟幼虫描述(鞘翅目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对日胸突鳃金龟Hoplosternus japonicus Harold,坦狭肋鳃金龟Holotrichia tonkinensis Moser,白云鳃金龟替代亚种Polyphylla alba vicaria Semenov,大皱鳃金龟Trematodes grandis Semenov和二色希鳃金龟Hilyotrogus bicoloreus(Heyden)5种幼虫首次进行了形态描述,绘制了特征图,并编制了幼虫分类检索表。  相似文献   

Activity patterns of motoneurones which innervate spiracular muscles in two blaberid cockroaches, Blaberus discoidalis and Gromphadorhina portentosa, have been monitored during two homologous behaviour patterns: respiratory and non-respiratory tracheal ventilation. Based upon the activity of spiracular motoneurones during these two activities, the abdominal spiracles have been divided into three functional groups: vestigial, respiratory and non-respiratory. In Blaberus discoidalis spiracle 3 is vestigial, spiracles 6, 7, 8 and 10 are respiratory, and spiracles 4, 5 and 9 are non-respiratory. In Gromphadorhina portentosa spiracles 3 and 10 are vestigial, spiracle 4 is non-respiratory and spiracles 5–9 are respiratory.Respiratory spiracles in both species are characterized by activity patterns of their motoneurones during respiratory tracheal ventilation: low frequency firing at irregular intervals during the respiratory pause and a higher frequency burst synchronous with the expiratory abdominal compression. Non-respiratory spiracles are characterized by complete inactivity of their opener motoneurones during respiratory tracheal ventilation. These motoneurones are activated by mechanical stimulation in both species, which simultaneously suppresses activity in respiratory opener motoneurones. In Blaberus discoidalis, there are no differences between activity patterns of respiratory and non-respiratory closer motoneurones. In Gromphadorhina portentosa, not only do respiratory and non-respiratory closer motoneurones have different activity patterns, but the activity pattern of respiratory closer motoneurones is different during respiratory and non-respiratory tracheal ventilation. The functional implications of these several spiracular motoneurone activity patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Spiracles and the tracheal system of insects allow effective delivery of respiratory gases. During development, holometabolous insects encounter large changes in the functional morphology of gas exchange structures. To investigate changes in respiratory patterns during development, CO2-release was measured in larvae, pre-pupae and pupae of Samia cynthia (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae). Gas exchange patterns showed great variability. Caterpillars had high metabolic rates and released carbon dioxide continuously. Pre-pupae and pupae showed typical discontinuous gas exchange cycles (DGC) at reduced metabolic rates. Changes in gas exchange patterns can partly be explained with low metabolic rates during pupation. Sequential blocking of spiracles in pre-pupae and pupae reduced spiracle conductance with tracheal conductance remaining unaffected. Analysis of gas exchange patterns indicates that caterpillars and pre-pupae use more than 14 spiracles simultaneously while pupae only use 8 to 10 spiracles. Total conductance is not a simple multiple of single spiracles, but may be gradually adaptable to gas exchange demands. Surprisingly, moth pupae showed a DGC if all except one spiracle were blocked. The huge conductance of single spiracles is discussed as a pre-adaptation to high metabolic demands at the beginning and the end of the pupal as well as in the adult stage.  相似文献   

Spiracles and the tracheal system of insects allow effective delivery of respiratory gases. During development, holometabolous insects encounter large changes in the functional morphology of gas exchange structures. To investigate changes in respiratory patterns during development, CO2-release was measured in larvae, pre-pupae and pupae of Samia cynthia (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae). Gas exchange patterns showed great variability. Caterpillars had high metabolic rates and released carbon dioxide continuously. Pre-pupae and pupae showed typical discontinuous gas exchange cycles (DGC) at reduced metabolic rates. Changes in gas exchange patterns can partly be explained with low metabolic rates during pupation. Sequential blocking of spiracles in pre-pupae and pupae reduced spiracle conductance with tracheal conductance remaining unaffected. Analysis of gas exchange patterns indicates that caterpillars and pre-pupae use more than 14 spiracles simultaneously while pupae only use 8 to 10 spiracles. Total conductance is not a simple multiple of single spiracles, but may be gradually adaptable to gas exchange demands. Surprisingly, moth pupae showed a DGC if all except one spiracle were blocked. The huge conductance of single spiracles is discussed as a pre-adaptation to high metabolic demands at the beginning and the end of the pupal as well as in the adult stage.  相似文献   

The respiratory epithelium in the tracheal gills of Perla, Protonemura, and Taeniopteryx has numerous tracheoles beneath the cuticle, which are extracellularly located in deep indentations of the plasma membrane and run parallel to the longitudinal axis of the gill filaments. In the latter two species, the tracheoles are extremely densely packed at interspaces normally not exceeding the tracheolar diameters, which vary between 0·2 and 1 μ. This type of tracheation, when compared with the highly ordered tracheation in the tracheal gills of caddis fly larvae, requires a surplus of tracheolar material for the full utilization of the respiratory surface area. The functional significance of the tracheation types involving a minimum or surplus of tracheolar material is interpreted in terms of the diffusion theory of respiration.  相似文献   

Insects that are small or exhibit low metabolic rates are considered to not require active ventilation to augment diffusive gas exchange. Some pupae with low metabolic rates exhibit abdominal pumping, a behaviour that is known to drive tracheal ventilation in the adults of many species. However, previous work on pupae suggests that abdominal pumping may serve a non-respiratory role. To study the role of abdominal pumping in pupa of the beetle Zophobas morio, we visualized tracheal dynamics with X-rays while simultaneously measuring haemolymph pressure, abdominal movement, and CO2 emission. Pupae exhibited frequent tracheal compressions that were coincident with both abdominal pumping and pulsation of pressure in the haemolymph. However, more than 63% of abdominal pumping events occurred without any tracheal collapse and hence ventilation, suggesting that the major function of the abdominal pump is not respiratory. In addition, this study shows that the kinematics of abdominal pumping can be used to infer the status of the spiracles and internal behaviour of the tracheal system.  相似文献   

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