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本文记述原石蛾属Rhyacophia的R.nigrocephala种团5新种:宽片原石蛾Rhya-cophilaeuryphyla;楔肢原石蛾Rhyacophilacuneata;隐片原石蛾Rhyacophilacelata;小片原石蛾Rhyacophilaexilis和齿肢原石蛾Rhyacophilaamblyodonta。模式标本保存在南京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

本文记述原石蛾属Rhyacophia的R.nigrocephala种团5新种:宽片原石蛾Rhyacophila euryphylla;楔肢原石蛾Rhyacophila cuneata;隐片原石蛾Rhyacophila celata;小片原石蛾Rhyacophilaexilis和齿肢原石蛾Rhyacophilaamblyodonta。模式标本保存南京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述了华南谷蛾科1新纪录亚科聪谷蛾亚科Harmacloninae Davis,1998(中文名源于其共同衍征,第2腹节上具鼓膜状听器)及该亚科的模式属聪谷蛾属Harmaclona Busck,1914,进而记述了1新纪录种潜孔聪谷蛾Harmaclona tephramtha(Meyrick,1916)(中文名源于其生物学特性-幼虫在山檨子属植物Buchanania Roxb.的原木上钻孔,成儿英寸长的隧道,营潜生生活),以及中国谷蛾科Tineidae Latreille,1810谷蛾亚科Tineinae Latreille,1810 1新纪录属户鞘谷蛾属Phereoeca Hinton et Bradley,1956(中文名源于其模式种的英文通用名"household casebearer")及该属的模式种户鞘谷蛾Pherepeca uterella(Walsingham,1897).研究标本保存于湖南农业大学昆虫研究所.  相似文献   

云南蝠蛾属Hepialus四新种(鳞翅目:蝙蝠蛾科)   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
蝠蛾属蛾类幼虫是虫草菌的寄主,属鳞翅目蝙蝠蛾科。据朱弘复、王林瑶(1985)报道我国已知种类有13种,上田恭一郎(K.Ueda 1980、1981)报道日本有4种。近年我们在整理所采蝠蛾属标本中,经仔细的比较研究,有4种显然不同于已知的种类,故认为是新种,所有模式标本均保存于中国科学院昆明动物研究所。  相似文献   

危害荔枝的新害虫──荔枝巢蛾   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘友樵  徐洁莲 《昆虫知识》1997,34(3):148-149
近年来,在广东省发现一种幼虫危害荔枝树LitchichinensisSonn。树皮的害虫。经鉴定为巢蛾科(Yponomeutidae),ComoritisalbicopillaMoriuti.该虫被日人森内茂所发现、用英文发表[1]。原始描述标本采自台湾省。因尚无中名,我们就称之为“荔枝巢蛾”。l形态特征成虫(图1)蛾(图1:2)翅展22~24mm。头部白色。触角柄节白色,鞭节赭色。下唇须前伸,白色,背面谈烟褐色。胸部白色,有2块深蓝色斑点,分别位于基部和前方的1/3地方。翅肩片也有一蓝色斑。足白色,前后足胫节呈暗灰色,跗节呈黑褐色。腹部白色。前翅(图l:l)R1和R2脉同…  相似文献   

蒲氏钩蝠蛾Thitarodes pui(Zhang et al.)幼虫是冬虫夏草的寄主昆虫,本文首次对其幼虫毛序进行观察。结果表明,蒲氏钩蝠蛾幼虫头壳刚毛数量、相对位置与多数蝠蛾昆虫一致,但比拉脊钩蝠蛾少了2对刚毛;蒲氏钩蝠蛾幼虫前胸节也比拉脊钩蝠蛾少1对微腹毛;第2、第3胸节毛序相似,均缺失前背毛而多了微背毛、微亚背毛;除第9、第10节外,所有腹节的背毛、侧毛、亚背毛排列是一致的,但是在有足腹节中,亚腹毛为3对,其它腹节亚腹毛仅有2对;除第1和第2腹节具2对微腹毛外,其它腹节微腹毛仅1对,这些微腹毛在排列、长度上均存在一定的差异。  相似文献   

中国谷蛾一新属新种(鳞翅目:谷蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述地谷蛾亚科Meessiinae的1新属:合腺地谷蛾属Unilepidotricha gen.nov.,及新种细弯合腺地谷蛾Unilepidotricha gracilicurva sp.nov.(图1~6)。新属与Xeringinia属近似且新种与X.altilis(Meyrick)很相似,但雄性腹部背面第3与第4节之间有特殊的狭长鳞片斑,颚形突和阳茎基环发达;雌性交配囊有2个囊突等可以区别。模式标本采自云南大理州巍山县巍宝山自然保护区,保存在南开大学生命科学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

王林瑶 《昆虫知识》1998,35(2):105-106
蚬蛾科(Lemoniidae)隶属于蚕蛾总科Bombycoidae,,据Seitz(1913)记载,此科仅有Lemonia1属,既蛾属,世界有10种及部分亚种,大都分布在中欧(南至意大利南部,北至原苏联南部)。在系统整理蚕蛾科标本时,发现有1979年采自四川灌县的10余头标本,与蚕蛾有明显区别,经鉴定为规蛾科、现蛾属中的蒲公英规蛾,是我国以前未报道过的新纪录,由于此科仅有1属,个体数量也较少,易与蚕蛾总科中其它科中的种类混淆,现将其形态特征及生物学简介如下,以便引起注意,相信会增加一些种类或个体数量。既蛾科(Lemoniidae)主要特征:体型中等大…  相似文献   

沈发荣  周又生 《昆虫学报》1997,40(2):198-201
本文记述蝠蛾属Hepialus二新种,模式标本保存于中国科学院昆明动物研究所。双带辐蛾HepialusbibelteusShenetZhou,新种(图1~4)雄性:体长Ic.5mm,翅展3O.5mm。雌性:体长20.Omm,翅展4O.smm。复眼黑色,触角丝状,像短小可见,下唇须短3节,周围多毛;前胸背板黄色,中胸背板,腹部至腹末端深褐色,在翅中部有一个由小黑点环围呈椭圆形斑文,翅近外线处有二条黑带;前翅Clip脉近基部及近端有二横脉和A脉相连,A脉伸达翅缘,后翅深褐色,CtJP脉赤长,前足有胜距,各足爪弯曲’‘,””,雄性外生殖器见图1。瓣钩有小齿,抱器…  相似文献   

于海丽  李后魂 《昆虫学报》2006,49(4):664-670
发小卷蛾属Pseudohedya Falkovitch全世界已知5种,分布在古北区东部(日本,韩国,俄罗斯远东地区及我国长白山),本研究中首次在东洋区发现该属。本文报道了中国所有种类,其中记述2新种:梵净发小卷蛾P. fanjingica sp. nov.(贵州梵净山)与刘氏发小卷蛾P. liui sp. nov.(河南王屋山);缩发小卷蛾P. retracta Falkovitch为中国新纪录种(河南,陕西,天津,湖北,广东,四川,甘肃)。文中提供了分种检索表、形态特征图、雄性外生殖器图及部分种的雌性外生殖器特征图。模式标本保存在南开大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Currently, 20 species of the genus Rhyacophila are known from Vietnam. Of these, 17 species are distributed among eight species groups, with three species unassigned. Examination of material collected by personnel of the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Canada has revealed six new species and five new records of Rhyacophila from Vietnam, distributed among six species groups, four of which are new to Vietnam. Newly described species include: Rhyacophila smithi, Rh. curriei, Rh. laocai, Rh. meyi, Rh. olahi, and Rh. fernandi. Rhyacophila bidens Kimmins, Rh. inaequalis Denning and Schmid, Rh. lhabu Schmid, Rh. malayana Banks, and Rh. rhombica Martynov are recorded from Vietnam for the first time. The females of four species, Rh. bidens, Rh. immaculata Mey, Rh. malayana Banks, and Rh. tamdaona Oláh, are described for the first time. All 31 species of Rhyacophila now known from Vietnam are included in this work, organized by branch and species group.  相似文献   

We found that larvae of four Rhyacophila Pictet, 1834 species preferred the hyporheic biotope in rapids and glides, which appears to be an unusual habitat among species in this genus. These species, i.e., Rhyacophila nigrocephala Iwata, 1927, R. nipponica Navas, 1933, R. shikotsuensis Iwata, 1927 and R. kawamurae Tsuda, 1940, belonging to the nigrocephala species group, of which six species occur in Japan. To study the movement behaviour of these species in the hyporheic biotope, we introduced their larvae into a small aquarium with a sandy bottom substrate. The larvae of these species burrowed into the sand bed and moved smoothly through interstices using their forelegs and their highly flexible and elastic abdomens. The larval morphology of these six species differs from that of the representatives of the other species group of Japanese Rhyacophila. They have more slender and flatter head capsules, more elongate abdominal segments, shorter thoracic legs and more slender anal prolegs. These features are adaptations that allow these species to effectively use the hyporheic biotope by enabling them to burrow through the interstices.  相似文献   

M.S. Saini  P.K. Bajwa 《水生昆虫》2013,35(3-4):223-227
Two new species of the genus Rhyacophila Pictet from the Indian Himalayas, i.e. Rhyacophila himalayensis n. sp. from Badrinath (Uttarakhand) of the R. divaricata branch and Rhyacophila indica n. sp. from Gangtok (Sikkim) of the R. vulgaris branch are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

The molybdenum-iron component of nitrogenase (Mo-Fe component)was purified from soybean nodule bacteroids and antibody wasraised against it in rabbits. Antibody raised against the 53kDa polypeptide which was the major protein in the Mo-Fe componentfraction of soybean nitrogenase was confirmed to be specificto the nitrogenase by immunodiffusion and immunotitration. Thenitrogenase from root nodules of Elaeagnus pungens cross-reactedwith the antibody and appeared from the results of the immunodiffusionto be partially identical to soybean nitrogenase. Using the antibody, we examined intracellular localization ofnitrogenase in root nodules of Elaeagnus pungens, in which Frankiais present as a symbiont, by immuno-gold labelling. Thin sectionsof nodules of Elaeagnus pungens were first treated with anti-nitrogenasespecific antibody and then with colloidal gold-protein A asa marker. The gold particles were observed to be concentratedin the vesicles of the endophyte Frankia. This provides strongsupport for the existence E of nitrogenase in the vesicles.Furthermore, our results suggested that nitrogenase localizesin the hyphae of the endophyte Frankia in Elaeagnus pungensnodules. 1Present address: Iwata Experiment Station, Japan Tobacco Inc.,Iwata-gun, Shizuoka 438, Japan. (Received March 9, 1988; Accepted July 28, 1988)  相似文献   

Male, female and larva of Padunia alpina sp. n. are described from central Japan. Padunia forcipata Martynov is redescribed and another species, Padunia sp. PA, known only in the female sex, is characterized.  相似文献   

Choristopsychidae, established by Martynov in 1937 with a single isolated forewing, is a little known extinct family in Mecoptera. Since then, no new members of this enigmatic family have been described. Based on 23 well-preserved specimens with complete body and wings from the Middle Jurassic of northeastern China, we report one new genus and three new species of Choristopsychidae, two new species of the genus Choristopsyche Martynov, 1937: Choristopsyche perfecta sp. n. and Choristopsyche asticta sp. n.; one new species of Paristopsyche gen. n.: Paristopsyche angelineae sp. n.; and re-describe Choristopsyche tenuinervis Martynov, 1937. In addition, we emend the diagnoses of Choristopsychidae and Choristopsyche. Analyzing the forewing length/width ratios of representative species in Mecoptera, we confirm that choristopsychids have the lowest ratio of forewing length/width, meaning broadest forewings. These findings, the first fossil choristopsychids with well-preserved body structure and the first record of Choristopsychidae in China, shed light on the morphology of these taxa and broaden their distribution from Tajikistan to China, while increasing the diversity of Mesozoic Mecoptera in China.  相似文献   

Microfibrils (MFs) on the inner surface of the walls of Avenacoleoptile and mesocotyl cells and of Pisum epicotyl cells wereexamined by a replica method. In the elongating epidermis ofthese three organs, cells having MFs that were transverse, obliqueor longitudinal to the elongation axis were intermingled. Inthe elongating parenchymal tissues, all cells deposited MFstransversely. In non-elongating cells of Avena coleoptiles andPisum epicotyls, the orientation of MFs on the inner wall surfaceof both epidermal and parenchymal cells was more longitudinalthan in elongating cells. These observations on the orientationsof MFs are compatible with those our previously reported observationson the orientations of microtubules (MT) (Iwata and Hogetsu1988). Disruption of MTs of Avena coleoptiles by treatment withamiprophosmethyl caused changes in the orientation of depositionof MFs. These results support the idea that MFs are usuallyco-aligned with MTs in organ cells and that the orientationof MFs is controlled by MTs. The averaged direction of MFs, visualized under polarized light,showed a clear difference between the epidermal and inner-tissuecell walls in the elongating regions of the three organs. Inalmost all elongating and non-elongating epidermal cells, theaveraged direction of MFs was longitudinal, while it was transversein all inner-tissue cells. (Received December 16, 1988; Accepted April 28, 1989)  相似文献   

The genus Tambja previously included 24 described species. Fournew species, T. tentaculata n. sp., T. gabrielae n. sp., T.zulu n. sp. and Tambja victoriae n. sp., from the Indo-Pacificare described. Tambja tentaculata n. sp., from Guam, is theonly known species in the genus with well developed, dorsolaterallygrooved, oral tentacles. Its inner lateral teeth have a bifidinner cusp with two long, sharp denticles. The oral tentaclesof T. tentaculata are more typical of Roboastra species, whilethe shape of the inner lateral teeth is more typical of Tambja.Nevertheless, the arrangement of the two cusps of the innerlateral teeth and the presence of a rachidian tooth withoutdenticles and with a central notch at the anterior edge, typicalof the species of the genus Tambja, suggest the placement withinthis genus. Tambja gabrielae n. sp., from Indonesia and PapuaNew Guinea, has dark green to dark brown ground colour withbright yellow patches scattered on the body. Tambja zulu n.sp. from Durban, South Africa, is characterized by a black groundcolour with slender yellow longitudinal lines. Tambja victoriaen. sp. is a new species from Papua New Guinea and Australiathat has frequently been misidentified as Roboastra arika, characterizedby its blue body colour and yellow lines. The four species aredistinguishable based on differences in body coloration, ofcharacters of the radula and of the reproductive system. Anoverview on distinguishing features of all known Indo-PacificTambja species is presented. (Received 21 June 2004; accepted 20 January 2005)  相似文献   

Species of the gastropod genus Larochea Finlay, 1927 are shownto be scissurellids without an anal shell slit or foramen. TheNew Zealand species, L. miranda Finlay, 1927 and L. secundaPowell, 1937, brood their young in the right subpallial cavityagainst a modified inner lip that is set well behind the aperturalplane. Larochea scitula n.sp. is based on shells from WanganellaBank, southern Norfolk Ridge. Larocheopsis n. gen. is introducedfor a minute species from off northern New Zealand that lacksa shell brood chamber. Larochea miranda and Larocheopsis amplexan.sp. are either gonochoristic with smaller males or consecutivehermaphrodites, while Larochea secunda and L. scitula are evidentlygonochoristic, having mature males and females of similar size. (Received 23 July 1992; accepted 10 December 1992)  相似文献   

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