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用不同浓度的地鳖虫蛋白粗提物(0.2~0.8g/ml)作用于S180肉瘤荷瘤小鼠,观察各组的抑瘤效果及重要生理指标的差异;同时分别用地鳖虫蛋白粗提物以及经过盐析、离子交换层析、分子筛由地鳖虫蛋白粗提物分离纯化得到的活性蛋白,作用于鸡胚尿囊膜,观察它们对新生血管生成的抑制作用。结果显示,地鳖虫蛋白粗提物对S180肉瘤荷瘤小鼠有显著的抑瘤作用;蛋白质粗提物以及纯化得到的活性蛋白对鸡胚尿囊膜新生血管的生成有明显的抑制作用,纯化品的抑制活性高于粗品,且二者对鸡胚生长发育的影响较阳性对照(地塞米松组)小,差异显著。因此,地鳖虫蛋白提取物有良好的体内抑瘤作用及血管生成抑制活性。  相似文献   

蚯蚓纤溶酶的分离纯化及部分序列的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以新鲜蚯蚓为原料,经过保温抽提、乙醇沉淀、DEAE-SepharoseFastFlow离子交换层析、Lysine-Sepharose4B亲和层析以及SDS-PAGE制备电泳等纯化步聚,得到一种纯度达95%以上的蚯蚓纤溶酶.该酶具有强烈的溶解纤维蛋白的作用及蛋白酶活性,平板法测得其比活性为90OUK单位/毫克蛋白,TAME法测得其比活性为2500O单位/毫克蛋白.酶学性质研究表明其最适反应温度为65℃,最适反应PH值为8.5.该酶的分子量为33kD,等电点为pH3.5.还对该酶进行了氨基酸组成分析,并测定了其N端部分序列.  相似文献   

蚯蚓纤溶酶的分离纯化及部分序列的测定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以新鲜蚯蚓为原料,经过保温抽提、乙醇沉淀、DEAE-SepharoseFastFlow离子交换层析、Lysine-Sepharose4B亲和层析以及SDS-PAGE制备电泳等纯化步骤,得到一种纯度达95%以上的蝗蚓纤溶酶,该酶具有强烈的溶解纤维蛋白折作用及蛋白酶活性,平板法测得其比活性为900UK单位/毫克蛋白,TAME法测得其比活性为25000单位/毫克蛋白,酶学性质研究表明其最适反应温度为65  相似文献   

以α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性为指标,优选出1398中性蛋白酶、碱性蛋白酶和氨肽酶在一定条件下复配酶解条斑紫菜蛋白制备α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂。酶解液加入乙醇至终浓度为60%以沉淀去除多糖,上清液为α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂粗品。该粗品利用SP Sepharose High Performance阳离子交换层析、Sephadex G-10凝胶层析和Mono Q阴离子交换层析进行分离纯化,获得一种肽类α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂(LGI)。LGI经反向高效液相层析测定纯度为62.4%,基本特性分析显示其具较好的温度和pH稳定性,对α-葡萄糖苷酶半抑制浓度IC50值为97.36μg/mL,属于一种非竞争性抑制剂。  相似文献   

蚯蚓纤溶酶是由日本宫崎医科大学的Mihara[1]于1982年从蚯蚓的肠和体液中发现的。由于蚯蚓纤溶酶有良好的溶解血检的作用,可以治疗一系列与血栓形成有关的疾病,因而在临床上有很大的应用价值[2],有可能成为一种新型的溶栓药物,继尿激酶、链激酶等之后应用于临床[4].关于蚯蚓纤溶酶的分离纯化,大多采用盐析、凝胶层析及离子交换层析等方法[2-6],也有人采用亲和层析的方法[7].本文以赤子爱胜蚓纤溶酶粗品为对象,对用反相色谱技术分离蚯蚓纤溶酶进行了初步尝试,现将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

目的:探讨分离纯化苦瓜种子核糖体失活蛋白(RIP)的方法,并研究利用纯化后的RIP抑制烟草花叶病毒(TMV)的活性。方法:用盐溶液抽提总蛋白后,经30%~90%的(NH4)2SO4分级沉淀,制成粗提液。用CMSepharoseFastFlow离子交换层析结合SephadexG-75凝胶柱分离纯化RIP。结果与结论:经SDS-PAGE检测及RNAN-糖苷酶活性鉴定,确定最终得到的蛋白为苦瓜RIP;所纯化的RIP对感染黄瓜和番茄的TMV有明显的抑制作用,但RIP的浓度并不与其抑制TMV的活性呈正相关。  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌B115抗菌蛋白的分离纯化及部分性质   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)B115分离自水产养殖池塘,对鱼类细菌性败血症致病菌具有较强的拮抗能力。除去菌体培养液用浓盐酸沉淀,乙醇抽提所得的拮抗物粗提液对热不稳定,4℃保存不能超过两周,-18℃保存不能超过45d,对胰蛋白酶不敏感,对蛋白酶K部分敏感,对氯仿敏感,其作用活性pH范围较广,对pH不敏感。粗提液经CM柱离子交换层析和P-60柱层析,得到一个拮抗活性峰P2。粗提物经丙酮分级沉淀及高压液相色谱分离,得到较纯的LP,经质谱仪测定分子量为803.6D。1L发酵的细菌培养液可得到约1mg LP纯品。    相似文献   

采用液体深层培养得肺炎克雷伯氏菌Kp9株发酵液,研究确立了菌体快速裂解条件:NP40 1%和胰蛋白酶25 0IUg菌体,50℃作用1h ,然后加入溶菌酶80μg/mL ,56℃作用1h ;裂解液经超滤浓缩和有机溶剂沉淀获得多糖粗品;多糖粗品先后经CTAB吸附分离,DEAE-SepharoseFastFlow离子交换和SephacrylS 30 0HR凝胶过滤纯化,得分子量分布相对均一的多糖纯品,产品得率为0.25 1g/L。采用淋巴细胞转化实验分别探讨了多糖粗品和纯品的免疫活性,研究显示荚膜多糖具有高效的体外细胞免疫活性,并具有典型的双向免疫调节作用。研究结论为肺炎克雷伯氏菌荚膜多糖的开发奠定了前期基础。  相似文献   

本研究采用闪式提取技术,固液比为1:4(m/V)的2.5 mmol/L pH 7.0磷酸缓冲液,提取转速5500 rpm,提取时间2 min,从蚯蚓体内提取出SOD、CAT,并通过羧甲基纤维素CM-22离子交换层析实现SOD和CAT的联合提取分离,SOD、CAT的活性回收率分别达到88.23%和69.5%。在纯化工艺中经过丙酮沉淀和柱层析技术得到蚯蚓SOD纯品,比活达到9352 U/mg,产物在SDS-PAGE上为单一条带,其亚基分子量约为17 kD;通过柱层析纯化了蚯蚓CAT,比活达到22606 U/mg。  相似文献   

银杏种仁经破碎,提取缓冲液4℃浸取后离心得上清液。上清液经硫酸铵沉淀,DEAE-52离子交换层析,MonoQ离子交换层析,UltroGelACA-54凝胶过滤层析后,分离得到一种具有抗氧化活性的蛋白。该蛋白经UltroGelACA-54凝胶过滤层析测定分子量为60 kD,经PAGE和SDS-PAGE鉴定均为单一蛋白质条带。SDS-PAGE测定其亚基分子量为10 kD。该蛋白具有一定的还原能力和清除超氧阴离子自由基及DPPH自由基能力,并在30~60℃温度下具有良好的稳定性。  相似文献   

Immunological study of Perinereis cultrifera reveals the existence of an identical antigen in the coelomic fluid of females (oocyte diameter > 140 (μm), in oocytes, and in coelomocytes. This factor is not found in the body fluid of males or young females.

The elution patterns obtained after Sephadex chromatography shows a similar glycoprotein fraction (fraction I) in the coelomic fluid, in coelomocytes, and in soluble oocyte extracts. This fraction includes the main part of the antigenic components of the coelomic fluid.

Gas chromatography reveals that identical monosaccharides are present, albeit in varying proportions, in samples of fraction I obtained from the different sources.

The metabolic interrelationships of coelomocytes, coelomic fluid and oocytes is discussed. Glycoprotein synthesized by coelomocytes may be discharged into the coelomic fluid and contribute to the development of the cortical alveoli of the oocytes. No evidence of an involvement of this material in yolk synthesis has been obtained.  相似文献   

1. Nereis coelomic fluid agglutinates rat, mouse, chicken, guinea pig and rhesus monkey erythrocytes (RBC). 2. Lipid fractions of the particulate matter from coelomic fluid are hemagglutinins exhibiting different activity inhibition profiles with complex polysaccharides. 3. The high mol. wt hemagglutinin from coelomic fluid supernatant is not a protein and is inhibited by bovine submaxillary mucin (BSM), thyroglobulin, transferrin and their asialo derivatives. 4. Coelomic fluid supernatant has a population of low mol. wt protein hemagglutinins inhibited by BSM, fetuin, antiserum to coelomic fluid and some mannan preparations. 5. Hemagglutination by lipids characterized by RBC specificity and specificity for inhibition by carbohydrate is noteworthy and may be significant in studies of cellular interactions and immunity in invertebrates.  相似文献   

Sea urchins of both sexes store the nutrients necessary for gametogenesis in nutritive phagocytes of the agametogenic gonad. A zinc-binding protein termed the major yolk protein (MYP) is stored here as two isoforms: the egg-type (predominant in egg yolk granules) and the coelomic fluid-type (a precursor with greater zinc-binding capacity). MYP is used during gametogenesis as material for synthesizing gametic proteins and other components. We investigated its accumulation and relationship to zinc contents in gonads during the non-reproductive season in Pseudocentrotus depressus. MYP constituted most of the protein in coelomic fluid and gonads. Both ovaries and testes grew gradually, accumulating MYP and zinc during the year. Total zinc contents and the ratio of coelomic fluid-type to egg-type protein were higher in ovaries than in testes as gametogenesis approached. Most of the zinc in the coelomic fluid was bound to MYP, and the concentrations of MYP and zinc were elevated toward the onset of oogenesis in the female coelomic fluid. Thus, MYP accumulates in the agametogenic ovaries and testes during the non-reproductive season, playing a role as a carrier to transport zinc to the gonad. Transportation of zinc by MYP is more active in females than in males.  相似文献   

We detected by electrophoresis, several glycoproteins in the eggs of three species of sea urchin. The major glycoprotein band disappears as development of the embryo proceeds. This protein is enriched in the yolk fraction obtained by zone sedimentation in 2.5–30% sucrose gradients. A fractionally larger glycoprotein has been found to be the major protein in the coelomic fluid of male and female gravid sea urchins. Partial proteolysis peptide mapping shows that the major coelomic fluid protein and the major yolk protein are related, presumably in a precursor-product relationship.  相似文献   

In the present study, lysozyme-like activity against Micrococcus luteus was detected in the coelomic fluid, the extract from coelomocytes, intestine and in the homogenates from cocoons of Dendrobaena veneta. Four hours after immunization with Escherichia coli, the lysozyme activity in the coelomic fluid increased about three times and in the extract of coelomocytes - four times, in comparison to the control. In three cases: of the coelomic fluid, the homogenates from cocoons and the extract from coelomocytes, the antibody against HEWL (hen egg white lysozyme) recognized only one protein with a molecular mass of about 14.4 kDa. In the coelomic fluid, apart from the protein with molecular mass of 14.4 kDa the antibody directed against human lysozyme recognized an additional protein of 22 kDa. Using the bioautography technique after electrophoretic resolution of native proteins in acidic polyacrylamide gels, two lytic zones of M. luteus were observed in the case of the coelomic fluid and three after the analysis of the extract of coelomocytes and the egg homogenates. The results indicated the existence of several forms of lysozyme with a different electric charge in the analyzed D. veneta samples. The highest lysozyme activity in the intestine of D. veneta was observed in the midgut. The antibody directed against human lysozyme indicated a strong positive signal in epidermal and midgut cells of earthworm.  相似文献   

Unuma T  Ikeda K  Yamano K  Moriyama A  Ohta H 《The FEBS journal》2007,274(19):4985-4998
Major yolk protein (MYP), a transferrin superfamily protein that forms yolk granules in sea urchin eggs, is also contained in the coelomic fluid and nutritive phagocytes of the gonad in both sexes. MYP in the coelomic fluid (CFMYP; 180 kDa) has a higher molecular mass than MYP in eggs (EGMYP; 170 kDa). Here we show that MYP has a zinc-binding capacity that is diminished concomitantly with its incorporation from the coelomic fluid into the gonad in the sea urchin Pseudocentrotus depressus. Most of the zinc in the coelomic fluid was bound to CFMYP, whereas zinc in eggs was scarcely bound to EGMYP. Both CFMYP and EGMYP were present in nutritive phagocytes, where CFMYP bound more zinc than EGMYP. Saturation binding assays revealed that CFMYP has more zinc-binding sites than EGMYP. Labeled CFMYP injected into the coelom was incorporated into ovarian and testicular nutritive phagocytes and vitellogenic oocytes, and the molecular mass of part of the incorporated CFMYP shifted to 170 kDa. Considering the fact that the digestive tract is a major production site of MYP, we propose that CFMYP transports zinc, essential for gametogenesis, from the digestive tract to the ovary and testis through the coelomic fluid, after which part of the CFMYP is processed to EGMYP with loss of zinc-binding site(s).  相似文献   

The major yolk protein (MYP) is localized to the egg and coelomic fluid of the adult sea urchin. While the egg‐localized MYP has been extensively studied, much less is known about the coelomic fluid‐localized protein. Therefore, we have conducted a comparative biochemical analysis of these proteins. Sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation revealed unique elution profiles for the MYP species present in the egg, 170‐ and 240 kDa, and the coelomic fluid, 180‐ and 250 kDa. Fractionation in polyacrylamide gels revealed that under reducing conditions both species were present in each location. However, in the absence of reducing agent only one species was present in each fraction: 240 kDa in the egg and 250 kDa in the coelomic fluid. In addition, V8 peptide mapping indicated that all four species have very similar primary structures. Circular dichroic spectral analysis and endogenous tryptophan measurements of the purified 170‐ and 180 kDa species revealed distinctive secondary and tertiary structural features with notable differences in their responses to calcium: apparent Kds of 245‐ and 475 μmol/L were measured for the 170‐ and 180 kDa species, respectively. Further analysis revealed that both species have differing calcium requirements for binding to membranes as well as protein‐dependent, membrane‐membrane interaction. We discuss the functional implications arising from the structural differences which exist between the egg and coelomic fluid resident MYPs.  相似文献   

The work presents analysis of changes of humoral protective factors in the starfish Asterias rubens in response to injection of human erythrocytes (HE). The total protein concentration and the titers of hemagglutinins and hemolysins in starfish coelomic fluid, as well as the time of human hemoglobin elimination from circulation were estimated for 6–144 h of the experiment. The hemagglutinin titer was determined in hemagglutination reactions, the hemolysin titer—in hemolysis reaction. Time of human hemoglobin elimination from coelomic fluid was determined in a color enzymatic reaction. The starfish coelomic fluid was revealed to contain soluble factors that are able to interact with antigen— antibody complexes of mammals and have an opsonizing activity. It is established that injection of HE does not change the total protein concentration per 1 ml coelomic fluid, but affects dynamics of changes of the hemagglutinins titer. Time of hemoglobin elimination from circulation does not exceed 24 h. Humoral factors of coelomic fluid of the starfish Asterias rubens play an auxiliary role in congenital immunity reactions.Translated from Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoi Biokhimii i Fiziologii, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2005, pp. 23–28.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Kudryavtsev, Dyachkov, Kazakov, Kanaikin, Kharazova, Polevshchikov.  相似文献   

We have isolated a novel type of lectin named Arenicola marina lectin-1 (AML-1) from the lugworm A. marina. The lectin was purified from the coelomic fluid by affinity chromatography on a GlcNAc-derivatized column and eluted with GlcNAc. On SDS-PAGE, AML-1 showed an apparent molecular mass of 27 and 31 kDa in the reduced state. The N-terminal amino acid sequences were identical in these two bands. In the unreduced state, a complex band pattern was observed with bands from 35 kDa to more than 200 kDa. Two different full-length clones encoding polypeptides of 241 and 243 amino acids, respectively, were isolated from a coelomocyte cDNA library. The two clones, designated AML-1a and AML-1b, were 92% identical at the protein level and represent a novel type of protein sequence family. Purified AML-1 induced agglutination of rabbit erythrocytes, which could be inhibited by N-acetylated saccharides. Recombinant AML-1b showed the same band pattern as the native protein, whereas recombinant AML-1a in the reduced state lacked a 27 kDa band. AML-1b bound GlcNAc-derivatized columns and chitin, whereas AML-1a did not bind to these matrices. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that AML-1 is expressed by coelomocytes in the nephridium and in round cells in the epidermis and in eggs. Moreover, AML-1 expression was up-regulated in response to a parasitic infection. We conclude that AML-1 purified from coelomic fluid is encoded by AML-1b and represents a novel type of protein family that binds acetylated components.  相似文献   

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