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西双版纳传统利用的野生药食两用植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年3月至2011年7月对西双版纳少数民族传统利用的药食两用植物进行民族植物学调查,通过访谈和野外调查工作, 收集并记录了关于当地社区传统利用药食两用植物的传统知识以及其他相关信息,并选择了其中20种植物进行抗菌活性的筛选。共调查统计了43科95种西双版纳传统利用的药食两用植物,从分类学角度来看,以茄科(6种)和唇形科(6种)最多,其中草本植物占了最大比例,为495%。对其中20种植物的抗菌活性筛选结果显示,只有马蓝(Baphicacanthus cusia)和旋花茄(Solanum spirale)对金黄色葡萄球菌有抑菌活性。从调查中可以看出:药食两用植物的利用在当地人的日常生活中仍占有相当重要的分量。但随着近年来经济快速发展导致的传统知识的急剧流失和森林的大面积砍伐,很多植物已经逐渐从人们的生活中淡出,如何保护这些传统知识并使其能够可持续发展下去是一个值得思考的问题。  相似文献   

采用民族植物学的研究方法和手段,对云南省西双版纳州傣族常用药食两用植物及其利用进行调查研究。结果表明,西双版纳有傣族常用药食两用植物226种(含变种),隶属于76科184属。其中,双子叶植物62科179种,单子叶植物11科44种,蕨类植物1科2种,裸子植物1科1种。生活型以草本植物为主,有101种,占比44.69%。优势科主要集中在豆科(Fabaceae)17种、葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae)12种和姜科(Zingiberaceae)11种;单种属优势明显,有162属,占总属数的88.04%,占总种数的71.68%。傣族药食两用植物的利用以蔬菜类居多,有108种,其次是水果类有50种。傣医药用部位以地下部分最多;药效以清火解毒种类最多,有122种植物具有该功效。做了化学成分、营养成分和安全性评价试验的植物分别有189种、98种和144种。本文对西双版纳傣族药食两用植物资源、传统食用方法、傣医应用知识及研究现状进行了调查研究,可为傣族药食两用植物资源的进一步开发利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

运用民族植物学的研究方法,通过关键信息报告人访谈法以及与自然教育相结合的问卷调查法,对重庆金佛山地区居民利用野生药食两用植物的种类及传统知识进行了调查和研究。结果显示:金佛山地区居民常用的野生药食两用植物共55科100属117种(含变种和变型),其中以蔷薇科(Rosaceae)(15种)、菊科(Asteraceae)(13种)和百合科(Liliaceae)(11种)种类较多。根据食用价值,该地区药食两用植物可以分为茶饮类(代茶类54种和药酒类18种)、野菜类(46种)、野果类(水果类24种和坚果类2种)、调味品类(5种)和淀粉类(3种)。根据药食两用植物的食用部位,食用部位为嫩茎叶(32种)、根(31种)和果(29种)的种类较多,食用部位为叶(嫩叶)(14种)和全株(10种)的种类也较多,其他食用部位的种类较少。该地区药食两用植物共具有45种药效,其中具清热、解毒、祛风湿、止痛、滋补、止血、止咳、活血、利尿、化痰、促消化和消肿等药效的种类较多。综合分析结果显示:金佛山地区居民拥有丰富的药食两用植物传统知识与该地区丰富的植物资源和自然气候条件以及当地居民保健治病的需求有关。该地区药食两用植物的传统知识主要通过家庭中长辈向晚辈口授手传的方式传承。民族植物学知识的应用对金佛山地区居民在家乡生产创业、改善当地居民经济条件、减少留守儿童问题和促进地区经济发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

运用民族植物学“5W+lH”提问法,结合访谈方法、集市调查和野外调查进行编目,研究了凉山彝族自治州冕宁县饮食文化中食用野生植物的传统知识.结果表明:1)冕宁县饮食文化中利用的野生植物种类隶属于45科91属110种,其中传统粮用植物4种、野生蔬菜53种、野果植物37种、调味植物6种、酿造植物4种、药食两用植物16种、代茶植物15种;2)冕宁县彝族和汉族饮食文化中对野生植物利用有叠合又各自传承发展的特征;3)对彝族和汉族饮食文化中的野生植物利用现状形成的原因进行了分析,就如何保护传统知识进行了探讨,对可持续利用当地的野生食用植物资源提出建议.  相似文献   

芹菜化学成分及药理活性研究进展   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
介绍了芹菜的化学成分及药理活性研究概况。芹菜主要含有挥发油、脂肪酸和黄酮类等化学成分,具有抗菌杀虫、抗氧化、抗肿瘤及抗心血管疾病等药理活性。作为药食两用且广泛种植的植物,对其进行进一步的研究和开发具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

正照片示九香虫Coridius chinensis(半翅目:兜蝽科)成虫访问葫芦科植物南瓜Cucurbita moschata叶。九香虫是一种重要的药食两用昆虫。本刊2015年第6期(pp.610-616)报道了九香虫抗菌肽CcA MP1的分离纯化和抗菌活性的研究。照片由李尚伟于2016年5月摄于贵州省贵阳市贵州大学。  相似文献   

药食兼用植物——莼菜   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
药食兼用植物—莼菜胡诚齐迎春(湖北民族学院园艺系,恩施445000)莼菜BraseniaschreberiJ.F.Gmel野生于长江以南的湖泊、沼泽之中,是一种名贵的药食两用植物,近年来人们对其认识逐渐深入。1植物学特性莼菜为睡莲科植物。多年生水生浮...  相似文献   

木本曼陀罗内生真菌抗菌活性的筛选研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从木本曼陀罗植物内生真菌中筛选高效抗菌活性的菌株。选择与人类和植物相关的36株病原微生物,分别对分离自木本曼陀罗(Datura arborea L.)植物的内生真菌77株进行了发酵代谢产物的抗菌活性筛选研究。结果显示:对细菌病原菌、皮肤致病真菌、植物致病真菌有抑制作用的内生真菌分别有24,9,17株,其中5株内生真菌对10种以上的供试病原菌有明显的抑制作用,活性最好的1株对20种病原菌有较强抑制活性,最大抑菌圈直径达48mm。这说明木本曼陀罗植物内生真菌抗菌能力较强,抗菌谱较广。  相似文献   

西双版纳地区龙脑香科植物AM真菌的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 对云南省西双版纳地区17种龙脑香科树种根系丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhiza, AM)真菌的定居情况进行了调查,并对根围土壤中AM真菌进行了分离和鉴定。结果表明,调查根样均有不同程度的菌根感染,感染率最高可达40%,调查揭示了西双版纳地区龙脑香科植物在自然条件下可形成丛枝菌根。初步从龙脑香科植物根际土壤中分离、鉴定出32种AM真菌,隶属于无梗囊霉属(Acaulospora)、球囊霉属(Glomus)、原囊霉属(Achaeospora)、拟球囊霉属(Paraglomus)和盾巨孢囊霉属(Scutellospora),其中,无梗囊霉属和球囊霉属真菌为西双版纳地区龙脑香科植物AM真菌优势类群。  相似文献   

恰玛古(Qamgur, Brassica rapa L.)内生菌的研究主要集中在内生真菌,内生放线菌的研究报道较少。通过研究新疆药食两用植物恰玛古内生放线菌多样性,以期发现产新活性物质的放线菌或新种放线菌,为研究微生物药物奠定基础。从恰玛古根、茎和叶三个部位分离培养获得内生放线菌,对其菌落与个体形态进行观察,并利用序列测定方法进行鉴定,以获取其分类地位。从恰玛古三个部位共分离得到17株内生放线菌,其中12株为革兰氏阳性杆菌,3株为革兰氏阳性球菌,2株为革兰氏阳性丝状菌;17株内生放线菌分属于红球菌属(Rhodococcus)、拟诺卡氏菌属(Nocardiopsis)、链霉菌属(Streptomyces)、短杆菌属(Brevibacterium)、小短杆菌属(Brachybacterium)、两面神菌属(Janibacter)和微杆菌属(Microbacterium)。从新疆药食两用植物恰玛古中分离获得17株内生放线菌以稀有放线菌为主。  相似文献   

An ethnobotanical study was conducted through interview and field work during 20103-20117 to determine the wild medicine food plants used by the local people of Xishuangbanna, southwest Yunnan, China. All information provided on the uses of medicine food plants by local communities was documented. In addition, the disk diffusion method was used to test the antibacterial activities of some plants. A total of 95 plant species belonging to 43 families were reported as medicine food plants, with Solanaceae (6 species) and Lamiaceae (6 species) being the most represented families. Most plants used were herbs (495%), of which 20 were screened for antibacterial activities. Baphicacanthus cusia and Solanum spirale showed moderate antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus. Our interviews revealed that in the study area wild plants are still commonly used for food and medicinal purposes by people in their daily lives. However, there is a gradual loss of traditional knowledge about these plants due to a decline in inter generational transmission of knowledge. Loss of this precious knowledge is a major concern.  相似文献   

采用民族植物学的研究方法和手段,对恭城瑶族境内周期性集市药用植物及相关的传统知识进行了调查。主要研究结果如下:恭城瑶族民众与野生药用植物的关系极为密切,研究地区集市中常见药用植物71种,均为野生植物,常用于治疗肠胃、呼吸道、感染、风湿和外伤等疾病。在调查地区的野生药用植物资源及相关的传统知识面临着新的威胁,亟待采取必要的措施予以保护。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Wild food plants (WFPs) contribute to the nutrition, economy and even cultural identity of people in many parts of the world. Different factors determine the preference and use of WFPs such as abundance, availability, cultural preference, economic conditions, shortage periods or unsecure food production systems. Understanding these factors and knowing the patterns of selection, use and cultural significance and value of wild food plants for local communities is helpful in setting priorities for conservation and/or domestication of these plants. Thus in this study knowledge of wild food plant use among four groups namely Dai, Lahu, Hani and Mountain Han in Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve ((NRWNNR), Xishuangbanna were documented and analyzed to find the similarity and difference among their plant use. METHODS: Data on wild food plant use was collected through freelisting and semi-structured interviews and participatory field collection and direct observation. Botanical plant sample specimens were collected, prepared, dried and identified. RESULTS: A total of 173 species and subspecies from 64 families and one species of lichen (Ramalina sp.) are used as WFP. There were differences on the saliency of wild food plant species among four ethnic groups. Consensus analysis revealed that knowledge of wild food plant use for each ethnic group differs from others with some variation in each group. Among informant attributes only age was related with the knowledge if wild food plant use, whereas no significant relationship was found between gender and age*gender and informants knowledge of wild food plant use. CONCLUSION: Wild food plants are still used extensively by local people in the NRWNNR, some of them on a daily base. This diversity of wild food plants provide important source of nutrients for the local communities which much of their caloric intake comes from one or few crops. The results also show the role of ethnicity on the preference and use of wild food plants. There is a big potential for harvesting, participatory domestication and marketing of WFPs especially in the tourism sector in the area.  相似文献   

Gongcheng is the second largest county in Guangxi with about 163000 Yao population. Periodic Markets are important places for trading of medicinal plants harvested by Gongcheng Yao villagers. The study aimed to look into the marked traded medicinal plants that are used by local people for curing various ailments. Ethnobotanical market survey methods, interviews, Participatory Action Research (PAR) and field visits were planned to elicit information on the uses of various medicinal plants. It was found that 71 plant species in the market which belong to 41 families are commonly used by local people for curing various diseases, all species are wild plants. A total of 133 records of medical uses in 52 herbal recipes for the treatment some common diseases. In most of the recipes recorded, digestion diseases, respiratory system diseases, infectious diseases,rheumatological diseases and surgery are used. The traditional knowledge about the number of medicinal plants available in that area and used by interviewees was positively correlated with the threats on medicinal plants in the wild habitats of the research area, which indicating that the diversity of wild medicinal plants and the associated traditional knowledge trends to disappear in the area.  相似文献   

贵州省雷公山地区的苗族至今保持着传统的酿酒工艺,以及传统酒曲的制作技术。为了保护和传承苗族酒文化,采用民族植物学和植物分类学方法,调查当地群众酿造土酒的工艺,记录传统酒曲的制作技术以及酒曲植物的种类。研究发现,雷公山地区的苗族土酒和我国其他小曲酒的酿造工艺相似;整理、鉴定、编目酒曲植物19科28属35种,其中兔耳一支箭(Piloselloideshirsuta)和河北木蓝(indigofera bungeana)是使用频度最高的植物;通常采集植物鲜嫩的茎、叶、芽来制作酒曲,较少使用全草。传统的酒曲制作技术正面临失传,应深入开展酒曲植物及相关传统知识的调查和研究,保存和记录苗族酒文化的物质基础,有利于促进苗族酒文化的传承和相关生物资源的保护。  相似文献   



Research was carried out in Konta Special Woreda (District); it is a remote area with lack of infrastructure like road to make any research activities in the area. Therefore, this research was conducted to investigate medicinal plants of the Konta people and to document the local knowledge before environmental and cultural changes deplete the resources.


The information was collected between October 2006 and February 2007. Interview-based field study constituted the main data collection method in which the gathering, preparation, use, previous and current status and cultivation practices were systematically investigated. The abundance, taxonomic diversity and distribution of medicinal plants were studied using ecological approach.


A total of 120 species, grouped within 100 genera and 47 families that are used in traditional medical practices were identified and studied. The Fabaceae and Lamiaceae were the most commonly reported medicinal plants with 16 (13.3%) and 14 (12%) species, respectively. 25.4% of the total medicinal plants are collected from homegardens and the rest (74.6%) are collected from wild habitats. Of the total number of medicinal plants, 108 species (90%) were used to treat human ailments, 6 (5%) for livestock diseases and the remaining 6 (5%) were used to treat both human and livestock health problems. The major threats to medicinal plants reported include harvesting medicinal plants for firewood (24.8%) followed by fire (22.3%) and construction (19%). Of the four plant communities identified in the wild, more medicinal plant species (34) were found in community type-4 (Hyparrhenia cymbaria-Erythrina abyssinica community), which accounted for 61.8%.


Konta Special Woreda is an important area for medicinal plants and associated local knowledge; the natural vegetation being the most important reservoir for the majority of the medicinal plants. Environmental and cultural changes are in the process of threatening the resources and this signals the need for serious efforts to create public awareness so that measures are taken to conserve the medicinal plants in the natural ecosystems and other suitable environments.  相似文献   

江西野生种子植物区系多样性及其基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江西位于我国中亚热带东部,地史悠久,自然环境条件优越,植物种类相当丰富.初步统计江西共有野生种子植物4057种,隶属于193科1082属,其中裸子植物7科18属29种,被子植物186科1064属4028种.科属区系研究表明:(1)区系组成丰富,优势科、属明显;(2)地理成分复杂,区系联系广泛,以热带性成分为主,温带性成分占有较大的比例;(3)区系起源古老,孑遗植物众多;(4)珍稀植物和特有植物丰富.  相似文献   

贵州凯里药市的侗族药用植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
凯里药市最初由当地少数民族自发组织,药市中不仅有大量的苗族传统药用植物,而且侗族传统药用植物十分丰富,为了掌握该药市侗族药用植物的现状,该研究运用民族植物学和植物分类学等方法于2014—2017年对凯里药市交易的侗族药用植物进行了6次详细调查。结果表明:该药市出售的侗族药用植物种类较多,共有65科100属111种,其中以广义百合科(Liliaceae)植物(6种,5.4%)为主,其次为伞形科(Umbelliferae)、菊科(Compositae)、天南星科(Araceae)植物(各5种,各占4.5%),再次为苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)植物(4种,3.6%)。从植物生活型来看,草本占有绝对优势,共有88种,占79.3%;用药部位具有多样化,但全草类药材占总数的一半。该研究还对药市中侗族和苗族交易的药用植物进行了比较分析,得出凯里药市交易的侗族药材具有独特的地域性和民族性,尤以治疗风湿关节、跌打损伤等常见疾病为主,并对凯里药市的可持续发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

In the present study we analyzed medicinal and edible plant utilization in Cuyin Manzano, a small rural population located near the Andean forests of Argentina. We also studied where and when plant knowledge was learned, who the principal transmitters were, and how people were taught. The participants were interviewed individually and at random, by means of a semi-structured questionnaire. Interviews were carried out in 16 families in order to examine the present use of wild plants. The inhabitants of Cuyin Manzano cited 87 plants: 63 medicinal and 24 edible species. They mentioned on average 31 ± 10 species per person. Similar patterns of plant use were found in young and old people alike, irrespective of gender. Learning about useful plants took place at an early age as a result of family tradition. This local knowledge is acquired and taught “by doing,” and is mostly transmitted vertically through family dissemination. Wild plant learning implies the acquisition of plants' physical and functional features as well as their environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

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