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利用PCR-RFLP检测中国荷斯坦牛遗传缺陷——瓜氨酸血症   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瓜氨酸血症(Citrullinemia)是荷斯坦牛尿素循环发生代谢紊乱的一种常染色体隐性遗传缺陷。精氨酸琥珀酸合成酶基因外显子5发生突变(C-T)对这一紊乱负责。本研究应用PCR-RFLP方法和DNA测序技术检测济南市周边120头荷斯坦母牛和山东奥克斯生物技术有限公司种公牛站50头荷斯坦公牛的精氨酸琥珀酸合成酶基因外显子5。结果发现,所检测的公牛未发现瓜氨酸血症突变基因携带者,母牛中有2头为携带者,携带频率为1.18%。  相似文献   

牛白细胞粘附缺陷病(BLAD)的调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
马金柱  崔玉东  朱战波  曹宏伟  朴范泽 《遗传》2006,28(10):1233-1236
牛白细胞粘附缺陷病(BLAD)是一种常染色体单基因隐性遗传疾病, 病因为白细胞表面整合素CD18亚单位基因突变所致。为了解我国奶牛群中BLAD的携带和发生情况, 本研究采用RT-PCR扩增CD18基因片段后, 用TaqⅠ内切酶对扩增产物进行酶切的方法检测了1 000头1~6岁的奶牛, 结果有19头奶牛为BLAD携带牛, 即BLAD携带率为1.9%; 1头为BLAD病牛。  相似文献   

牛脊柱畸形综合征检测方法的建立与应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
牛脊柱畸形综合征(Complex vertebral malformation, CVM)是近年来新发现的致死性牛常染色体隐性遗传缺陷病。由于编码UDP-N-乙酰葡糖胺载体的SLC35A3基因发生G→T的突变而引起本病的发生, 可引起胎牛死胎、流产、早产。为了解我国正常的荷斯坦牛(黑白花奶牛)的CVM携带和发生情况, 建立、应用创造酶切位点PCR(Created restriction site PCR, CRS-PCR)、等位基因特异性PCR(Allele-specific polymerase chain reaction, AS-PCR)检测方法检测了表型正常的436头荷斯坦母牛和93头荷斯坦公牛, 检测到3头CVM携带者, 其中杂合母牛1头, 杂合公牛2头, 携带率分别为0.60%、2.20%。此方法简便、可靠, 为奶牛CVM有害基因的分型和筛选提供了新的方法和思路, 为我国奶牛的分子选育提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

中国荷斯坦牛CVM的基因检测及其与产奶性状的关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初芹  张毅  孙东晓  俞英  王雅春  张沅 《遗传》2010,32(7):732-736
脊椎畸形综合征(Complex vertebral malformation, CVM)是由位于牛第3号染色体(BTA3)的SLC35A3基因外显子4的一个单碱基突变(G559T)所致。该致病基因在世界许多国家的荷斯坦牛群中都有一定的比例。文章对北京地区38头优秀种公牛进行分析, 发现了4头携带者, 进而检测了这些携带者公牛的555头女儿的基因型, 其中携带者占检测母牛数的44.0%。此外, 关联分析结果表明, 携带者母牛与非携带者母牛的生产性能之间存在显著差异(P<0.01)。携带者母牛的5个产奶性状育种值均显著高于非携带者, 泌乳持续力和体细胞评分SCS的育种值也比非携带者略高。CVM致病基因可能与BTA3上影响产奶性状的QTL或基因连锁。因此, 建议生产中对CVM携带者进行逐步淘汰  相似文献   

牛黑素皮质素受体1(MCIR)基因与毛色表型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牛MC1R基因不仅与毛色有关,而且与牛乳中乳蛋白的含量有关。利用PCR-RFLP和DNA测序技术分析了中国荷斯坦黑白花牛,中国荷斯坦红白花牛,鲁西黄牛和渤海黑牛共4个品种的MC1R基因。共检测出3种等位基因(ED,E ,e)。中国荷斯坦黑白花牛主要是ED和E 等位基因(ED=0.12、E =0.80);渤海黑牛也主要是ED和E 等位基因(ED=0.52、E =0.47);中国荷斯坦红白花牛和鲁西黄牛大多为e等位基因(e=0.95)。中国荷斯坦红白花牛和鲁西黄牛还存在E /e基因型。由此推测ED和E 等位基因导致黑色素合成。另外发现牛MC1R基因编码区725处存在一重要的SNP(单核苷酸多态性)。  相似文献   

目的:阐明中国荷斯坦牛线粒体DNA全序列多态性及其起源关系。方法:从上海松江科研基地的10头中国荷斯坦牛外周血中抽提DNA,设计引物扩增全长线粒体DNA,通过对其进行序列测定、分析,绘制系统进化发育树。结果:得到了中国荷斯坦牛线粒体基因组的全序列和个体比对结果等相关统计数据,对多态性位点和突变位点等遗传信息进行了序列分析,并进一步分型。结论:研究结果对提高中国荷斯坦牛体细胞核移植和线粒体DNA多态性高通量分析效率有一定的指导意义,为线粒体DNA多态性检测芯片的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用单链构象多态性检测牛白细胞黏附缺陷症方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李艳华  张胜利  韩广文  薛建华  赵鹏 《遗传》2007,29(12):1471-1474
牛白细胞黏附缺陷症(BLAD)是由常染色体上CD18基因单碱基突变(A→G)引起的隐性遗传疾病,隐性基因纯合时导致白细胞表面的β2整合素表达明显减少或缺乏而引起临床发病,患病牛的主要特征是机体免疫力降低、易患病从而影响其生产性能的表现,严重影响了奶牛场的经济效益。该工作利用自行设计的特异性PCR引物,通过对PCR、PCR-SSCP条件的筛选和优化,并结合DNA序列测定,建立了PCR-SSCP检测BLAD 有害基因的新方法,该方法简便快捷、准确率高,使用样品宽泛,适合大样本筛选,为奶牛BLAD有害基因的分型和筛选提供了新的方法和思路,为我国奶牛的分子选育提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

为了从母系遗传角度深入阐明中国荷斯坦牛和鲁西黄牛的群体遗传多样性以及起源进化,本研究采用PCR测序法测定了9头中国荷斯坦牛和11头鲁西黄牛的线粒体DNA D-loop区的部分序列,并经剪切后进行生物信息学软件分析.结果表明,20个个体D-loop区共711 bp,共检测到19种单倍型和50个多态位点.核苷酸多样性(Pi)为0.021 33±0.004 54,单倍型多样性(Hd)为0.994±0.019,平均核苷酸差异数(k)为15.146 20.构建的NJ网络进化树共分为两大支系,其中部分鲁西黄牛与瘤牛聚为一支,而中国荷斯坦牛和部分鲁西黄牛与普通黄牛聚为一支.说明中国荷斯坦牛和鲁西黄牛群体遗传多样性均较高;鲁西黄牛同时含有瘤牛和普通黄牛的血统,而中国荷斯坦牛只含有普通黄牛的血统.  相似文献   

牛黑素皮质素受体1(MC1R)基因与毛色表形的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牛MC1R基因不仅与毛色有关, 而且与牛乳中乳蛋白的含量有关。利用PCR-RFLP和DNA测序技术分析了中国荷斯坦黑白花牛, 中国荷斯坦红白花牛, 鲁西黄牛和渤海黑牛共4个品种的MC1R基因。共检测出3种等位基因(ED, E+, e)。中国荷斯坦黑白花牛主要是ED和E+等位基因(ED=0.12、E4=0.80); 渤海黑牛也主要是ED和E+等位基因(ED=0.52、E+=0.47); 中国荷斯坦红白花牛和鲁西黄牛大多为e等位基因(e=0.95)。中国荷斯坦红白花牛和鲁西黄牛还存在E+/e基因型。由此推测ED和E+等位基因导致黑色素合成。另外发现牛MC1R基因编码区725处存在一重要的SNP(单核苷酸多态性)。  相似文献   

荷斯坦奶牛脊柱畸形综合征的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王帅  王栋  杜卫华  郝海生  朱化彬  王宗礼 《遗传》2007,29(9):1049-1054
荷斯坦奶牛脊柱畸形综合征是近年新发现的一种常染色体隐性遗传病,该病对纯合子胎儿是致死性的。当荷斯坦牛的育种核心群中携带者达到一定比例,脊柱畸形综合征就会对奶业造成巨大损失。文章综述了脊柱畸形综合征的主要症状和影响、致病基因及检测方法的研究进展以及我国潜在的荷斯坦奶牛脊柱畸形综合征携带者的状况。  相似文献   

BLAD is a hereditary disease in Holstein dairy cattle. The defective allele of CD18 gene which is responsible for this disease has a recessive inheritance. The recessive homozygous form (BL/BL) is lethal and since carrier animals have viability, BLAD frequency increases by use of carrier bulls in Artificial Insemination (AI). BLAD carriers can be detected easily by means of polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction analysis of the amplicons. In this study DNA samples from Holstein (n = 30) and Brown Swiss (n = 10) bulls from Abbas Abad AI center (Khorasan state of Iran) were analysed. A 101 bp fragment from the polymorphic region of CD18 gene located on chromosome 1 was amplified by PCR. Restriction enzymes TaqI and HaeIII were used to identify genotypes. Digestion products were screened by electrophoresis on 8% non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel and visualized by ethidium bromide staining. Frequencies of BL/TL (carrier) genotypes in Holstein and Brown Swiss bulls were 3.33% and 0%, respectively. Our pedigree studies of the carrier bull in this experiment revealed that the mutation inherited to him from Hawkeye bull (CANM 369995, BL). Although the elimination of BLAD-carrier bulls from the Holstein world would be the most efficient method to control this genetic disorder, many BLAD-carrier bulls are still listed commercially for AI and BLAD is still occurring in Iran. Monitoring the prevalence of BLAD-carriers in random selected herds may be helpful in judging the effectiveness of the BLAD-control program.  相似文献   

BLAD is a hereditary disease in Holstein dairy cattle. The defective allele of CD18 gene, which is responsible for this disease, has recessive inheritance. The recessive homozygous form (BL/BL) is lethal and since carrier animals have viability, BLAD frequency increases by use of carrier bulls in Artificial Insemination (AI). BLAD carriers can be detected easily by means of polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction analysis of the amplicons. In this study DNA samples from Holstein (n = 30) and Brown Swiss (n = 10) bulls from Abbas Abad AI center (Khorasan state of Iran) were analysed. A 101-bp fragment from the polymorphic region of CD18 gene located on chromosome 1 was amplified by PCR. Restriction enzymes TaqI and HaeIII were used to identify genotypes. Digestion products were screened by electrophoresis on 8% non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel and visualized by ethidium bromide staining. Frequencies of BL/TL (carrier) genotypes in Holstein and Brown Swiss bulls were 3.33% and 0%, respectively. Our pedigree studies of the carrier bull in this experiment revealed that the mutation was inherited by him from Hawkeye bull (CANM 369995, BL). Although the elimination of BLAD-carrier bulls from the Holstein world would be the most efficient method to control this genetic disorder, many BLAD-carrier bulls are still listed commercially for AI, and BLAD is still occurring in Iran. Monitoring the prevalence of BLAD carriers in random selected herds may be helpful in judging the effectiveness of the BLAD-control program.  相似文献   

The expression of Fc receptors for immunoglobulin G(IgG) and concanavalin A (con A)-binding receptors, luminol-dependent chemiluminescent (LDCL) responses, and the effect of anti-bovine IgG on LDCL responses were evaluated in neutrophils from Holstein calves with leukocyte adhesion deficiency (BLAD). Neutrophils from affected calves showed a 2.1- to 2.5-fold increase in Fc receptor expression compared with those of control calves by flow cytometric analysis. Con A-binding activities of neutrophils from affected calves were similar to those of control calves. Neutrophils from a calf with BLAD, when stimulated with zymosan opsonized with bovine serum (OPZ), heat-aggregated bovine IgG (Agg-bovine IgG), sheep red blood cells (SRBC) sensitized with anti-SRBC antibody (SRBC-anti-SRBC Ab), or con A had LDCL responses of 36 (P<0.05), 77, 126 and 119% of peak LDCL values of controls, respectively. The NBT-reducing value of neutrophils from a calf with BLAD when stimulated with Agg-bovine IgG after pretreatment with anti-bovine IgG was 116.5% of the values of neutrophils from control calves, but the difference was not significant. The LDCL responses of neutrophils from a control calf and a calf with BLAD stimulated with OPZ were inhibited markedly by pre-incubation with anti-bovine IgG antiserum at concentrations ranging from 1.25 to 20 or 40 μg/ml. Although an increase in Fc receptor expression on neutrophils from calves with BLAD was observed, the LDCL responses stimulated with SRBC-anti-SRBC Ab and NBT-reducing activity stimulated with Agg-bovine IgG after pretreatment with anti-bovine IgG did not correlate significantly with the increased Fc receptor expression. These results support that neutrophil functions mediated by the Fc receptors are associated synergistically with the presence of the complement receptor type 3 (CR3)(CD11b/CD18).  相似文献   

Complex vertebral malformation (CVM) is a recently described monogenic autosomal recessive hereditary defect of Holstein dairy cattle that causes premature birth, aborted fetuses and stillborn calves. Guanine is substituted by thymine (G>T) in the solute carrier family 35 member A3 gene (SLC35A3). A valine is changed to a phenylalanine at position 180 of uridine 5'-diphosphate-N-acetyl-glucosamine transporter protein. CVM is expected to occur in many countries due to the widespread use of sire semen. We developed a created restriction site PCR (CRS-PCR) method to diagnose CVM in dairy cows. This was tested on 217 cows and 125 bulls selected randomly from a Holstein cattle population in south China. Five Holstein cows and five Holstein bulls were identified to be CVM carriers; the percentages of CVM carriers were estimated to be 2.3, 4.0 and 2.9% in the cows, bulls and entire Holstein cattle sample, respectively.  相似文献   

The single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the 5′ upstream of bovine IL8 gene were investigated in 810 Chinese Holstein cows from 35 bull families in a dairy farm in Shanghai using polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) technique. The Real-time PCR and Western blot were used to detect the mRNA and protein levels of genotype Chinese Holstein dairy cows. The results showed that one SNP -105G>A was detected, designating three genotypes (GG, GA and AA) with respective frequencies of 0.38, 0.46, and 0.16. The significant association of the SNP -105G>A with somatic cell score (SCS) was identified. Genotype GG had a significantly lower SCS than genotype GA or AA (P < 0.01), and the relative mRNA expression and protein level of GG was found to be the highest. These results suggest that the genotype GG may be a useful genetic marker for mastitis resistance selection and breeding in Chinese Holstein dairy cows.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of BLAD is the D128G mutation of the gene coding for the CD18 subunit of beta-2 integrin. This mutation is lethal, since homozygous (BL/BL) animals die before they reach sexual maturity. In the 1990s, BLAD was the most widespread genetic disease in HF cattle worldwide. The aim of the present study was to determine the frequency of BLAD carriers among 4645 young breeding bulls in Poland in 1995-2006. The frequency of carriers of the mutated allele showed a clear decreasing trend. The highest frequency (7.9%) was recorded while implementing the BLAD control program (1995-1997). Regular monitoring has enabled a great reduction of this threat to the tested population. Today only sporadic cases of BL/TL heterozygotes are reported (ca. 0.8% in 2004-2006).  相似文献   



Bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (BLAD), deficiency of uridine monophosphate synthase (DUMPS), complex vertebral malformation (CVM), bovine citrullinaemia (BC) and factor XI deficiency (FXID) are autosomal recessive hereditary disorders, which have had significant economic impact on dairy cattle breeding worldwide. In this study, 350 Holstein cows reared in Turkey were screened for BLAD, DUMPS, CVM, BC and FXID genotypes to obtain an indication on the importance of these defects in Turkish Holsteins.  相似文献   

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