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牛黑素皮质素受体1(MCIR)基因与毛色表型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牛MC1R基因不仅与毛色有关,而且与牛乳中乳蛋白的含量有关。利用PCR-RFLP和DNA测序技术分析了中国荷斯坦黑白花牛,中国荷斯坦红白花牛,鲁西黄牛和渤海黑牛共4个品种的MC1R基因。共检测出3种等位基因(ED,E ,e)。中国荷斯坦黑白花牛主要是ED和E 等位基因(ED=0.12、E =0.80);渤海黑牛也主要是ED和E 等位基因(ED=0.52、E =0.47);中国荷斯坦红白花牛和鲁西黄牛大多为e等位基因(e=0.95)。中国荷斯坦红白花牛和鲁西黄牛还存在E /e基因型。由此推测ED和E 等位基因导致黑色素合成。另外发现牛MC1R基因编码区725处存在一重要的SNP(单核苷酸多态性)。  相似文献   

为了从母系遗传角度深入阐明中国荷斯坦牛和鲁西黄牛的群体遗传多样性以及起源进化,本研究采用PCR测序法测定了9头中国荷斯坦牛和11头鲁西黄牛的线粒体DNA D-loop区的部分序列,并经剪切后进行生物信息学软件分析.结果表明,20个个体D-loop区共711 bp,共检测到19种单倍型和50个多态位点.核苷酸多样性(Pi)为0.021 33±0.004 54,单倍型多样性(Hd)为0.994±0.019,平均核苷酸差异数(k)为15.146 20.构建的NJ网络进化树共分为两大支系,其中部分鲁西黄牛与瘤牛聚为一支,而中国荷斯坦牛和部分鲁西黄牛与普通黄牛聚为一支.说明中国荷斯坦牛和鲁西黄牛群体遗传多样性均较高;鲁西黄牛同时含有瘤牛和普通黄牛的血统,而中国荷斯坦牛只含有普通黄牛的血统.  相似文献   

荷斯坦奶牛黑素皮质素受体1(MC1R)基因310G缺失突变产生e等位基因,导致红白花毛色。实验利用PCR-RFLP和DNA测序技术建立了荷斯坦奶牛红毛性状的基因检测方法,并在4个荷斯坦奶牛全同胞家系中得到了证实,可见其可用于鉴定携带e等位基因的种公牛,以指导奶牛育种。通过分析黑素皮质素(MC)受体蛋白家族序列,找到了MC1R蛋白结构与功能的区域(TM3、TM6、TM7和EL3)。利用VHMPT软件预测MC1R突变蛋白的结构,结果显示其丢失了TM3、TM6、TM7和EL3区,也失去了与α-促黑素(α-MSH)结合的区域,最终导致红毛的产生。  相似文献   

秦川牛和中国荷斯坦牛POU1F1基因多态性研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
严林俊  刘波  房兴堂  陈宏  张润锋  鲍斌  张海军 《遗传》2006,28(11):1371-1375
采用PCR-RFLP技术研究了秦川牛(QQ)和中国荷斯坦牛(HC)共计218头个体POU1F1基因的多态性。结果表明: 秦川牛及中国荷斯坦牛群体POU1F1-HinfⅠ基因座的451 bp 的PCR产物经限制性酶HinfⅠ消化后表现多态, 其等位基因A/B频率分别为0.232/0.768、0.132/0.868; 两个群体AA、AB和BB 3种基因型的频率分别为0.030/0.403/0.567、0.007/0.251/0.742。在该基因座秦川牛群体处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态, 中国荷斯坦牛群体处于不平衡状态。它们在该基因座的杂合度、有效等位基因数、Shannon信息熵、多态信息含量分别为0.356/1.553/0.541/0.292、0.229/1.297/0.390/0.203; 秦川牛群体的位点杂合度、有效等位基因数、Shannon信息熵、多态信息含量均大于中国荷斯坦牛群体。  相似文献   

目的:通过检测藏獒黑素皮质激素受体1(MC1R)基因的单链构象多态性(SSCP)在不同毛色群体中的分布,探讨MC1R基因多态性与毛色表型的相关性。方法:采用DNA测序技术,选择不同毛色藏獒的DNA为样本,根据GenBank发布的荷斯坦牛MC1R基因序列设计一对引物,采用PCR-SSCP技术分析MC1R基因在藏獒中的SSCP。结果:MC1R基因在藏獒中具有PCR-SSCP多态性,分别检测到3种基因型(AA、AB和BB);对MC1R基因多态性片段DNA克隆测序后发现,MC1R基因在编码区第313位存在单碱基突变(G→A),该突变导致第105位氨基酸发生由丙氨酸向苏氨酸的改变(T105A)。结论:MC1R基因的多态性与毛色性状不存在显著的相关性。  相似文献   

牛脊柱畸形综合征检测方法的建立与应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
牛脊柱畸形综合征(Complex vertebral malformation, CVM)是近年来新发现的致死性牛常染色体隐性遗传缺陷病。由于编码UDP-N-乙酰葡糖胺载体的SLC35A3基因发生G→T的突变而引起本病的发生, 可引起胎牛死胎、流产、早产。为了解我国正常的荷斯坦牛(黑白花奶牛)的CVM携带和发生情况, 建立、应用创造酶切位点PCR(Created restriction site PCR, CRS-PCR)、等位基因特异性PCR(Allele-specific polymerase chain reaction, AS-PCR)检测方法检测了表型正常的436头荷斯坦母牛和93头荷斯坦公牛, 检测到3头CVM携带者, 其中杂合母牛1头, 杂合公牛2头, 携带率分别为0.60%、2.20%。此方法简便、可靠, 为奶牛CVM有害基因的分型和筛选提供了新的方法和思路, 为我国奶牛的分子选育提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

目的:阐明藏黄牛、牦牛、中国荷斯坦牛β-乳球蛋白(β-Lg)遗传变异体在乳中表达差异的分子基础。方法:采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳确定乳中β-Lg遗传变异体及其相对表达量,然后利用PCR方法扩增β-Lg启动子部分序列(375bp)并直接测序。结果:在杂合型β-Lg个体中,中国荷斯坦牛乳中β-Lg A的相对表达量(63.7±2.9%)均一致性地高于β-Lg B,而藏黄牛乳中二者比例十分接近,但个体差异差异较大。16个测序样品中共检测到13处碱基突变,其中有5处为牦牛特异的。另外,在牦牛β-Lg启动子-452与-453之间,还存在一个插入碱基。结论:β-Lg启动子-430碱基在中国荷斯坦牛中表现为等位基因特异的,而在藏黄牛中无等位基因特异性。  相似文献   

荷斯坦牛HSP70-1基因遗传多态性与乳腺炎抗性关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以253头中国荷斯坦奶牛为研究对象, 检测HSP70-1基因的多态性, 并分析其多态性与中国荷斯坦牛体细胞评分(Somatic cell score, SCS)的相关性。首先以PCR-SSCP法寻找HSP70-1基因编码区的突变, 并通过测序确定突变的类型, 根据突变类型寻找合适的内切酶, 最终采用PCR-RFLP方法鉴定实验牛基因型; 然后分析基因多态性与中国荷斯坦牛SCS的相关性。结果表明HSP70-1基因的1 623 bp处产生G→A→C突变, 2 409 bp处产生G→A突变, 两位点都是沉默突变, 未引起氨基酸序列的改变; 经χ2 适合性检验, 中国荷斯坦牛在两个位点均未达到Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态; 同时, 群体基因座不同基因型与SCS相关分析的结果表明, 2409位点基因型与SCS相关性不显著(P>0.05), 1623位点基因型与SCS相关性显著(P<0.05), CC型SCS显著低于AG、GG型(P<0.05), CC基因型为乳腺炎抗性基因型。在中国荷斯坦奶牛群体中, HSP70-1基因CC基因型可作为改良奶牛乳腺炎抗性性状的分子遗传标记。  相似文献   

为探索二酰甘油酰基转移酶(DGAT-1)基因多态性与奶牛泌乳性状的相关性,以232头甘肃地区中国荷斯坦牛为实验材料,利用PCR-SSCP技术并结合测序研究DGAT-1基因K232A位点遗传多态性,采用混合动物模型分析DGAT-1基因K232A突变位点对305 d产奶量、305 d乳脂量和305 d乳蛋白量的影响。结果表明:DGAT-1基因K232A位点共存在KK、KA和AA三种基因型,频率分别为0.5086、0.3750和0.1164,等位基因K和A的频率分别为0.6961和0.3039,多态信息含量(PIC)为0.3336,实验群体在这一位点上处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态。该位点突变对305 d产奶量的影响达到极显著水平(P<0.01),对305 d乳脂量和305 d乳蛋白量的影响达到显著水平(P<0.05)。最小二乘法分析表明,AA和KA型305 d产奶量极显著高于KK型(P<0.01),KK型乳脂量显著高于AA和KA型(P<0.05),AA型乳蛋白量显著高于KK型(P<0.05);A等位基因是提高产奶量和乳蛋白量的优势基因,而K等位基因是高乳脂量的优势基因。DGAT-1基因K232A位点突变对甘肃地区中国荷斯坦牛泌乳性状有较大的遗传效应,可用于其泌乳性状的分子标记辅助选择。  相似文献   

蛋白激酶Cα相互作用蛋白1(PICK1) 是从线虫到人的所有生物中非常保守的一类存在于细胞质中的膜结合蛋白,在蛋白质转运,以及细胞内信号转导过程中发挥重要作用.通过基因重组技术获得PICK1及其截短的 N-PDZ(1~110 残基)和 BAR-C(128~416残基)重组蛋白,结合变性与非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,以及分子排阻层析,表明溶液中的PICK1主要以二聚体形式存在.利用荧光光谱分析PICK1与金属离子Ca2+和Mg2+的结合情况.结果表明,在0.02 mol/L Hepes, pH 7.2,随着2种金属离子的不断滴加,PICK1在338 nm 处的最大荧光强度逐渐降低,PICK1与Ca2+结合常数为Ka1=(2.34±0.20)×10.6 L/mol-1,Ka2=(7.75±0.62)×10.5 L/mol-1,而Mg2+结合常数为Ka=(5.00±0.40)×10.6 L/mol-1.另外,对PICK1的N端区域N-PDZ和C端区域BAR-C的重组片段与金属离子Ca2+和Mg2+结合情况进一步分析表明,Ca2+既能与PICK1的N 端N-PDZ结合,又可与C端BARC结合,而Mg2+只结合在PICK1的N-PDZ区域.比较Ca2+或Mg2+对PICK1结合脂质的影响,显示Ca2+能明显增强蛋白和脂质的结合.  相似文献   

Mao Y  Chang H  Yang Z  Zhang L  Xu M  Sun W  Chang G  Song G 《Biochemical genetics》2007,45(3-4):195-209
Levels of genetic differentiation, gene flow, and genetic structure of three indigenous cattle populations (Luxi, Bohai, and Minnan) and two reference cattle populations (Chinese Holstein and Qinhai yak) in China were estimated using the information from 12 microsatellites, and 141 microsatellite alleles were identified. The mean number of alleles per locus ranged from 2.9005 in yak to 4.9722 in Holstein. The observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.5325 (yak) to 0.7719 (Holstein); 29 private alleles were detected. The global heterozygote deficit across all populations amounted to 58.5% (p < 0.001). The overall significant (p < 0.001) deficit of heterozygotes because of inbreeding within breeds amounted to 43.2%. The five cattle populations were highly differentiated (F st = 26.9%, p < 0.001) at all loci. The heterozygote deficit within the population was highest in Luxi cattle and lowest in yak. The average number of effective migrants exchanged per generation was highest (1.149) between Luxi and Holstein, and lowest (0.509) between Luxi and yak. With the application of prior population information, cluster analysis achieved posterior probabilities from 91% to 98% of correctly assigning individuals to populations. Combining the information of cluster analysis, gene flow, and Structure analysis, the five cattle populations belong to three genetic clusters, a taurine (Luxi and Chinese Holstein), a zebu (Bohai and Minnan), and a yak cluster. This indicates that Bohai black is closer to Bos indicus than Luxi cattle. The evolution and development of three indigenous cattle populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Intramuscular fat (IMF) is a key parameter for evaluation of nutritional quality of beef, with its endogenous synthesis regulated by stearoyl CoA desaturase (SCD1) and diacylglycerol-acyl transferase 1 (DGAT1) genes in cattle. The object of this research was to evaluate the effect of SCD1 and DGAT1 polymorphisms on IMF trait in beef cattle and to estimate the frequency distribution of SNPs in the two genes in Chinese cattle populations. The SCD1 and DGAT1 polymorphisms were detected by PCR-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) method in Chinese Simmental cattle and their associations with IMF traits were analyzed using the general linear model (GLM). The frequency distribution of SNPs in SCD1 and DGAT1 genes were detected by PCR-SSCP method and analyzed in seven other cattle populations. The results showed significant associations of SNPs SCD1-878, SCD1-762, and DGAT1 10433 and 10434 with IMF (%) and shearing force values (SFV; kg) in Chinese Simmental cattle. A haplotype combining SCD1-878C, SCD1-762T, and DGAT1 10433 and 10434-GC had the highest IMF, marbling score and shearing force. The polymorphic investigation indicated that the frequency of SCD1-878C or SCD1-762T was significantly higher in Chinese southern cattle (Leiqiong, Yunnan High pump, BMY or Minnan Cattle) than in Chinese northern cattle (Chinese Simmental, Luxi Cattle, Bohai Black or Chinese Holstein), while the frequency of DGAT1 10433 and 10434-GC in Chinese indigenous breed (Leiqiong, Yunnan High pump, BMY, Luxi Cattle, Bohai Black, or Minnan Cattle) was significantly lower than breeds with imported blood (Chinese Simmental or Chinese Holstein). These findings demonstrated that both the SCD1 and DGAT1 SNPs were prospect genetic markers for IMF traits, and the SCD1 SNPs could be used as a genetic marker for southern or northern blood in Chinese cattle.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to detect polymorphism in the bovine bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP 15) gene. On the basis of PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing, a 4-bp deletion was identified in the coding region of the gene. Sequence analysis revealed that the deletion altered the reading frame and introduced a stop codon at position 264. Eight breeds (Luxi, Qinchuan, Nanyang, Jinnan, Bohai Black, Menggolian, Holstein, and Simmental) were genotyped by PCR-SSCP. No cows homozygous for this mutation were observed in these breeds. Heterozygous cows were detected in Luxi, Qinchuan, Nanyang, Jinnan and Bohai Black cattle. Fecundity was not increased in heterozygous individuals.  相似文献   

A total of 321 individuals from six cattle populations of four species in a bovine subfamily in China were studied using 12 pairs of microsatellite markers. The genetic diversities within and between populations were calculated. The phylogenetic trees were constructed by (δμ)^2 and DA distances, and the divergence times between populations were estimated by (δμ)^2. Altogether, 144 microsatellite alleles were detected including 24 private alleles and nine shared alleles. Chinese Holstein had the largest number of private alleles (10), whereas Bohai black and Buffalo had the smallest number of private alleles (2). Chinese Holstein showed the highest genetic variability. Its observed number of alleles (Na), mean effective number of alleles (MNA), and mean heterozygosity (He) were 7.7500, 4.9722, and 0.7719, respectively, whereas, the Buffalo and Yak showed low genetic variability. In the phylogenetic trees, Luxi and Holstein grouped first, followed by Bohai and Minnan. Yak branched next and buffalo emerged as the most divergent population from other cattle populations. Luxi and Bohai were estimated to have diverged 0.039-0.105 million years ago (MYA), however, buffalo and Holstein diverged 0.501-1.337 MYA. The divergence time of Yak versus Minnan, Holstein and buffalo was 0.136-0.363, 0.273-0.729, and 0.326-0.600 MYA, respectively.  相似文献   

A new asi-casein variant (αS1-CN F) with a frequency of 0.009 was demonstrated in a genetic resource of German Black and White Cattle by isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gels and by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under alkaline conditions. αs1-CN F was not present either in German Holstein Friesians, which originate from crossing Holstein Friesians with German Black and White Cattle, or in milk samples from eight other breeds in Germany.  相似文献   

Variation in coat colour genotypes of archaeological cattle samples from Finland was studied by sequencing 69 base pairs of the extension locus (melanocortin 1‐receptor, MC1R) targeting both a transition and a deletion defining the three main alleles, such as dominant black (ED), wild type (E+) and recessive red (e). The 69‐bp MC1R sequence was successfully analysed from 23 ancient (1000–1800 AD) samples. All three main alleles and genotype combinations were detected with allele frequencies of 0.26, 0.17 and 0.57 for ED, E+ and e respectively. Recessive red and dominant black alleles were detected in both sexes. According to the best of our knowledge, this is the first ancient DNA study defining all three main MC1R alleles. Observed MC1R alleles are in agreement with calculated phenotype frequencies from historical sources. The division of ancient Finnish cattle population into modern Finnish breeds with settled colours was dated to the 20th century. From the existing genotyped populations in Europe (43 breeds, = 2360), the closest match to ancient MC1R genotype frequencies was with the Norwegian native multicoloured breeds. In combined published genotype data of ancient (= 147) and genotypes and phenotypes of modern Nordic cattle (= 738), MC1R allele frequencies showed temporal changes similar to neutral mitochondrial DNA and Y‐chromosomal haplotypes analysed earlier. All three markers indicate major change in genotypes in Nordic cattle from the Late Iron Age to the Medieval period followed by slower change through the historical periods until the present.  相似文献   



In cattle, base color is assumed to depend on the enzymatic activity specified by the MC1R locus, i.e. the extension locus, with alleles coding for black (E D ), red (e), and wild-type (E + ). In most mammals, these alleles are presumed to follow the dominance model of E D  > E +  > e, although exceptions are found. In Bos indicus x Bos taurus F2 cattle, some E D E + heterozygotes are discordant with the dominance series for MC1R and display various degrees of red pigmentation on an otherwise predicted black background. The objective of this study was to identify loci that modify black coat color in these individuals.


Reddening was classified with a subjective scoring system. Interval analyses identified chromosome-wide suggestive (P < 0.05) and significant (P < 0.01) QTL on bovine chromosomes (BTA) 4 and 5, although these were not confirmed using single-marker association or Bayesian methods. Evidence of a major locus (F = 114.61) that affects reddening was detected between 60 and 73 Mb on BTA 6 (Btau4.0 build), and at 72 Mb by single-marker association and Bayesian methods. The posterior mean of the genetic variance for this region accounted for 43.75% of the genetic variation in reddening. This region coincided with a cluster of tyrosine kinase receptor genes (PDGFRA, KIT and KDR). Fitting SNP haplotypes for a 1 Mb interval that contained all three genes and centered on KIT accounted for the majority of the variation attributed to this major locus, which suggests that one of these genes or associated regulatory elements, is responsible for the majority of variation in degree of reddening.


Recombinants in a 5 Mb region surrounding the cluster of tyrosine kinase receptor genes implicated PDGFRA as the strongest positional candidate gene. A higher density marker panel and functional analyses will be required to validate the role of PDGFRA or other regulatory variants and their interaction with MC1R for the modification of black coat color in Bos indicus influenced cattle.  相似文献   

The melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor (MC1-R) is a central regulator of mammalian coat colour, encoded by the extension locus. In cattle, the dominant extension allele ED is associated with the production of black pigment in coloured areas. Genotyping of the MC1-R gene in a bull with mosaic expression of red vs. black pigment verified the existence of the ED allele, in spite of the fact that the majority of the animal is red coloured. No further mutations were found within the ED variant of the MC1-R gene, which was inherited from a completely red mother (genotype ED/e).  相似文献   

中国近海生物固碳强度与潜力   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过现场调查和数据分析,首次探讨了中国近海浮游植物的固碳强度与潜力以及近海人工养殖大型藻类的固碳能力.结果表明,渤、黄、东海的浮游植物固碳强度约为2.22亿t a-1,固碳量的季节变化从大到小的顺序依次为春季、夏季、秋季、冬季,其中春夏季的固碳量占全年的65.3%.南黄海1999~2005年10~11月间浮游植物固碳强度有较大的年际变化,10~11月份7a间其浮游植物最低固碳量为3.54万t d-1,最高为16.58万t d-1,平均为10.50万t d-1,没有明显的年际变化趋势,磷对浮游植物固碳强度的影响最为明显,次之的影响因素是Chl a和亚硝氮 (NO2-N)的含量.南海的固碳能力约为渤黄东海的2倍,为4.16亿t a-1,其季节变化和渤黄东海不同,南海浮游植物在冬季的固碳能力最强,在夏季最弱.整个中国近海浮游植物年固碳量达6.38亿t,可占全球近海区域浮游植物年固碳量的5.77%.实际外海龙须菜的养殖发现,龙须菜每年固定的碳为8.18 t,养殖密度与方式对其产量和固碳量影响巨大.近几年,我国大型经济藻类养殖产量每年在120~150万t左右,换算为固碳量为36~45万t,平均每年40万t,如果海藻养殖产量每年增加5%,到2010年,我国大型经济藻类养殖的固碳量可达57万t a-1,海藻养殖是海洋增加碳汇有多重价值的重要措施.  相似文献   

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