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广聚萤叶甲Ophraella communa是豚草Ambrosia artemisiifoliaL.的一种重要专一性天敌昆虫,对豚草抑制作用显著。本文在室内对广聚萤叶甲成虫交配和产卵活动进行观察,结果表明广聚萤叶甲成虫一生多次交配多次产卵,雄虫交配前期为2.7d,明显长于雌虫的0.9d。交配雌虫有产卵前期,然后开始产卵。成虫交配活动主要在8:00-21:00,一般产卵高峰在12:00-16:00,在交配后的前16天,雌虫产卵处在高峰期,随后产卵逐渐减少。本论文为进一步开展广聚萤叶甲繁殖生物学研究和大量繁殖提供基础。  相似文献   

【目的】明确广聚萤叶甲成虫产卵行为及其产卵部位的选择性。【方法】在室内条件下,对广聚萤叶甲成虫交配及产卵的系列行为、产卵场所选择、不同部位豚草植株叶片叶绿素b的含量进行了观察和测定:(1)将1对成虫放到养虫笼内的一株豚草上,观察交配时间,记录产卵数量、前后2粒卵之间的产卵时间间隔;(2)在均匀分为5部分(0~10、11~20、21~30、31~40和41~50 cm)的豚草植株上,随机放置10对成虫,观察雌虫对于产卵场所的选择。(3)将上述5个部位的豚草叶片通过丙酮匀浆法处理,用紫外分光光度计测定其在645和663 nm的吸光值,计算叶绿素b含量。【结果】广聚萤叶甲成虫完成一次成功交配平均需96.09 min。雌虫一般需45 min的时间来寻找其适应的产卵场所,在产卵过程中,成虫习惯将卵产于叶片背面,雌虫喜欢用口器来清理刚产下的卵粒。在一株50 cm高的豚草植株上,雌虫喜欢将卵产在植株中部21~30 cm和中上部31~40cm的叶片上(从下往上划分)。卵块数量和豚草不同部位叶片叶绿素b含量呈显著的正相关性。【结论】广聚萤叶甲成虫喜欢产卵在叶绿素b含量较高的叶片背面,可能以视觉识别叶片颜色来选择和定位产卵场所。  相似文献   

【目的】明确不同交配时长对广聚萤叶甲雌虫产卵量和卵的孵化率的影响。【方法】在室内条件下,对不同交配时长下广聚萤叶甲的雌虫产卵量和卵的孵化率进行观察:(1)选取羽化第3d的广聚萤叶甲雌雄虫随机配对,观察24 h,记录交配情况和时长;(2)在交配开始1、5、15、30、60 min时,强行分开雌雄成虫,然后将不同交配时长的雌虫进行单独饲养,以正常交配一次的雌虫作为对照,每个处理选取23组;(3)将15~30 cm健壮豚草小苗插入注满水的塑料小瓶内,将配对的一组雌雄成虫和豚草小苗放入养虫盒中饲养,每天更换带卵的小苗并记录叶片上的产卵量;(4)将上述带卵的小苗至于适宜条件下培养,记录5~7 d内卵块孵化的情况。【结果】广聚萤叶甲正常交配一次的对照组的产卵水平显著高于各处理组,单雌产卵为889粒,交配时间15 min以下各组雌虫的产卵量明显低于交配30 min以上的各组雌虫。同时交配时长5 min以下雌虫产的卵基本不能孵化,而交配时间达到30 min以上的各组卵块的孵化率明显提高。【结论】雄虫转移雌虫受精所需精子量需要耗费的时间为30 min左右,且雄虫有延长交配时间的趋性。该结果为研究广聚萤叶甲的生态特性以及优化种群繁殖提供科学依据。  相似文献   

温度对双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫寿命及繁殖的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
双斑长跗萤叶甲Monolepta hieroglyphica(Motschulsky)已成为新疆北疆棉区的一重大新害虫,在室内5个恒温下(19、22、25、28和31℃)研究了温度对双斑长跗萤叶甲成虫寿命及生殖力的影响。结果表明,在19、22、25、28和31℃下雌雄成虫平均寿命分别为64.1、60.8、55.6、42.1和34.7d,雌虫平均寿命明显长于雄虫;温度对雌成虫产卵前期、产卵期及产卵量有影响,在前述19~31℃5个温度下,其平均产卵量分别为29.2、82.1、93.8、73.4和63.1粒/雌。  相似文献   

【目的】探明绿缘扁角叶甲Platycorynus parryi Baly年生活史、交配及繁殖情况。【方法】越冬代成虫在室内自然条件下连续繁殖,及在不同温度下,详细观察记录了成虫的交配、繁殖力和寿命。【结果】绿缘扁角叶甲是络石Trachelospermum jasminoides的重要害虫,以老熟幼虫在3~5 cm深的土层中越冬,在江西南昌一年发生1代。越冬幼虫于次年4月中旬开始陆续化蛹,4月下旬成虫开始羽化。自然条件下各虫态发育历期:卵期(11.81±0.17)d,幼虫期300~330 d,蛹期(13.62±0.13)d,成虫寿命(47.99±0.65)d。成虫羽化3~4 d后开始交配,日平均交配(3.55±0.11)次,交配持续时间最短5 min,最长可达140 min,平均交配持续时间(28.11±0.89)min,日龄大的成虫交配持续时间显著短于日龄小的成虫;相邻两次交配之间的间隔时间最短3 min,最长426 min,平均交配间隔时间(74.75±3.19)min,日龄大的成虫交配间隔时间显著短于日龄小的成虫。交配后2~3 d开始产卵,平均每雌产卵量为169粒。在22、25和28℃条件下,温度对雌虫寿命具有显著影响,随着温度升高,雌虫寿命显著缩短,而雄虫寿命和每雌产卵量却差异不显著。【结论】绿缘扁角叶甲在江西南昌一年发生1代,以老熟幼虫在土中越冬,成虫可进行多次交配,成虫日龄对其交配行为有显著影响,温度对该虫的繁殖力无显著影响。  相似文献   

孟玲  徐军 《昆虫知识》2007,44(5):711-715
豚草条纹萤叶甲Ophraella communa LeSage是恶性入侵豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.)的天敌,用频次分布拟合和多种聚集指数测度等方法对该叶甲的成虫、幼虫和蛹、卵的空间分布型进行研究。结果表明,豚草条纹萤叶甲卵、幼虫+蛹、成虫的空间分布符合负二项分布,种群个体的空间分布为聚集分布。用几种衡量聚集度的指标,对上述各虫态分布的聚集程度进行测定;然后计算出各虫态田间最适理论抽样数。  相似文献   

在中国大陆发现豚草条纹萤叶甲   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
20 0 4年 8~ 1 0月在浙江和江西省发现一种原产自北美洲的萤叶甲 :豚草条纹萤叶甲OphraellacommunaLeSage,其以豚草 (AmbrosiaartemisiifoliaL .)和三裂叶豚草 (AmbrosiatrifidaL .)为主要寄主。该虫在中国台湾和日本 (1 996)已有记录。  相似文献   

【目的】明确条赤须盲蝽Trigonotylus coelestialium各虫态的形态特征及其发育历期和成虫繁殖力等生物学特性,为条赤须盲蝽的预测预报及科学防治提供理论依据。【方法】在2021年9-10月郑州室内自然变温(22.0~28.1℃)和25℃恒温条件下,以玉米灌浆期籽粒为食料进行饲养,并观察、记录条赤须盲蝽个体各发育阶段的形态特征,测定其各虫态的发育历期、存活率、成虫寿命及雌成虫产卵量。【结果】条赤须盲蝽卵块产于玉米籽粒基部内颖内侧,卵粒长圆筒形,向一侧略弯。从1龄若虫开始触角呈现红色,随龄期增加红色逐渐明显,至5龄若虫时触角第1节出现3条清晰可见的红色纵纹。翅芽从3龄若虫开始明显可见。雌成虫产卵器长瓣状,平放于生殖节中部的沟槽内。室内自然变温下,条赤须盲蝽卵历期为6.27 d,卵孵化率为89.90%;1-5龄若虫历期分别为2.80, 2.33, 2.70, 2.77和3.90 d,若虫总历期为14.50 d,若虫总存活率为85.97%;雌成虫产卵前期为4.43 d,产卵持续期为13.93 d,单雌产卵19.47块,产卵量为82.55粒。25℃恒温下,条赤须盲蝽卵历期为7.73 d,卵孵化率为81.13%;1-5龄若虫历期分别为2.17, 1.90, 1.77, 1.90和2.93 d;若虫总历期为10.67 d,若虫总存活率为7184%;雌成虫产卵前期为4.17 d,产卵持续期为11.27 d,单雌产卵21.17块,产卵量为72.22粒。【结论】条赤须盲蝽的5龄若虫和成虫的触角第1节的形态特征可用于区分其与该属其他昆虫;其翅芽的发育特征可判别若虫龄期;变温能延长其若虫历期和成虫寿命,同时有利于提高雌成虫产卵量和卵孵化率。  相似文献   

【目的】研究三叶虫萤Emeia pseudosauteri成虫的交配与产卵行为,丰富三叶虫萤的生物学研究,推动三叶虫萤的人工繁育。【方法】采用室内试验与野外观察相结合、仪器拍摄和人工观察相结合的方法研究三叶虫萤的交配与产卵行为。【结果】本文先描述了三叶虫萤成虫交配前雄雄相遇、雌雌相遇、雌雄相遇分别会发生的情况,然后较为详细地描述了交配的过程。交配姿势有上下体位(或称"∠"型)和尾对尾体位(或称"—"型),后者由前者转换而来。雌雄成虫可以多次交配,雄虫有交配干扰和假交配现象。成虫24 h内均有交配现象,交配高峰出现在20:00-22:00(交配率20.8%)和12:00-14:00(交配率15.1%)。雌虫多数喜将卵产在潮湿的苔藓上,卵常聚集成一丛或成簇排列。雌虫可多次产卵,但初次产卵数量最多(高达67.82%),随后产卵量则随产卵次数增加而减少。雌雄虫多次交配后单只雌虫的第一次产卵量[(45±5)粒]多于单次交配后单只雌虫第一次产卵量[(20±4)粒]。雌虫的产卵次数和产卵量与其体重相关,体重越重则其产卵次数和产卵量越多。【结论】三叶虫萤的交配产卵行为与以往报道的萤火虫交配产卵行为很多相似之处,但也有一些特殊行为或规律。  相似文献   

研究胸窗萤Pyrocoelia pectoralis Olivier雌、雄成虫生殖系统、交配和产卵行为。描述雌雄成虫在求偶过程中的多种行为:寻找、竞争、抱对、交配、受精。雌雄交配时间可持续(82.5±34.8)min(n=15),雌雄均有多次交配现象。雌虫羽化后可立即交配产卵。在(25±2)℃室温下,雌虫寿命8.87±2.06d(n=30),雌萤平均产卵量为72.03±34.38粒(n=30),产卵量与雌虫体重呈正相关关系(y=235.28x-20.38,R2=0.7283,df=43,P<0.01);而产卵日龄与每日产出率呈指数函数关系(y=1.5339e-0.9148x,R2=0.9987,df=5,P<0.01)。因子分析结果显示,影响雌虫生殖力的因子可以归为外部形态因子和内在生理因子。  相似文献   

为了阐明栎旋木柄天牛Aphrodisium sauteri Matsushita生殖行为的方式和特点,寻找有效的防治手段,本试验观察了栎旋木柄天牛的生殖行为,并在林间尝试了成虫诱集。结果表明:雌雄成虫之间表现出较强的吸引作用,近距离时雌雄虫可相互吸引,而远距离时雌虫引诱力更强。室内试验中求偶时间会随着成虫的衰弱而增加。成虫交配主要发生于白天。羽化出孔后1~14日龄雌虫和2~13日龄雄虫均可多次交配。成虫一次完整交配平均需时70.12min,交配后保护平均仅用时3.86min。一次完整交配过程中,不同日龄成虫的交配历时、交配间隔历时及交配次数都存在差异,各日龄成虫的交配间隔历时均大于交配历时。交配或产卵经历对雄虫交配行为的影响明显大于雌虫。雌虫产卵前期平均为30.71h。雌虫每产1粒卵平均需时99.58s,并随日龄增长显著加长。每头雌虫平均每日产卵量和总产卵量分别为7.89和26.20粒。雌虫多在白天产卵,用产卵器触探树皮表面寻找合适的产卵部位。卵主要产于树皮裂缝和枝条疤痕内,一般每次产卵1粒,卵表面无覆盖物。  相似文献   

The effect of single versus multiple mating on longevity and fecundity as well as the number of matings required to maximize a female’s reproductive success of the predatory mite Kampimodromus aberrans Oudemans were studied under laboratory conditions. Newly emerged adult females of the stock colony of K. aberrans were placed individually on a bean leaf disc, and maintained at 25°C and 16:8 LD. A young male remained with a female for limited periods or continuously. Mating was a requisite for oocyte maturation and oviposition. Females which mated three to four times during their life and females in continuous presence of males, laid significantly and considerably more eggs than single-mated females. Virgin females lived the longest, and those in continuous presence of males the shortest. In all cases and irrespective of the number of matings, the sex ratio of the offspring was male-biased in the first three to four days of oviposition period, and female-biased in later days.  相似文献   

In yellow mealworm beetles (Tenebrio molitor), females are sexually receptive throughout their adult lives. We examined how access to mates affected female fecundity by varying the number of matings per female and quantifying cumulative egg production. Also, we dissected females at successive intervals after a single mating to assess the relationship among time since mating, sperm supplies, egg load, and oviposition rate. Females that mated at intervals greater than 2 days did not produce as many eggs as females that mated every 2 days or were allowed to mate ad libitum. Dissections showed that the amount of sperm remaining in a female spermatheca was correlated with the number of eggs she had laid recently, which suggests sperm replenishment as the material benefit gained through multiple mating. However, females mate more frequently than necessary for sperm replenishment, and therefore material benefits alone may not fully explain the continuous receptivity of T. molitor females.  相似文献   

Mating and oviposition behaviors were studied inCallosobruchus subinnotatus. Copulation was most frequent during the late scotophase, 2–3 h before onset of photophase. The females were less willing to mate during photophase, which increased the time to initiate mating while decreasing the duration of mating. Females exhibited increased movement prior to mating, resting immediately after mating, and remained stationary for 6 h when oviposition commenced. Multiple mating by both males and females affected the number of eggs laid, duration of mating, and uncoupling time at the end of mating. Females that mated two or three times laid more eggs than females that mated once or more than three times. Females that remainedin copula for less than 18 min showed greater readiness to remate than those that remainedin copula longer. There was a gradual decrease in the number of eggs females could lay with an increase in the number of previous matings by males.  相似文献   

Two aspects of mating effects on the fecundity, sex ratio and longevity of Neoseiulus cucumeris (Acari: Phytoseiidae) were examined in laboratory experiments: (1) females mated by one, two or three different males (unmated and 3 days old) at 5-day intervals, and (2) females mated by males with different age/mating status (number of females mated previously by the male). Females allowed to mate with a second or third male at 5-day intervals produced 39 eggs on average, but those mated with a single male produced 28 eggs on average. Matings with additional males 5 or 10 days after the first male increased the duration of the oviposition period of these females by 5–7 days and at the same time reduced the post-oviposition period by about 10 days. Overall, females with additional matings by one or two different males at 5-day intervals survived a few days shorter than females without additional males. Mating with a different female each day, a male of N. cucumeris could mate with 5–8 females, which produced a total of 85–116 eggs: females mated with a male during days 1 and 2 in its adulthood and with a male of the last 2 days of life (days 7 and 8) produced about half as many eggs as females mated with a male during 3–6 days of its adulthood. Females mated with males that are too young or too old had a shorter oviposition period and a longer post-oviposition period and longevity than females mated with middle-aged males. In both experiments, rates of oviposition remained similar in females with high or low fecundity. This indicates that in both cases, the increased fecundity is due to the extension of the oviposition period through additional sperm supplied by the second male and or third male (in experiment 1) or more sperm by males not too young nor too old (experiment 2).  相似文献   

水稻二化螟的交配行为   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
焦晓国  宣维健  盛承发 《生态学报》2006,26(4):1110-1115
在室内条件下,对水稻二化螟Chilo suppressalis的交配行为及能力进行了研究.结果表明:大多数二化螟雌蛾一生只交配一次,平均0.92次;而雄蛾具有多次交配能力,最多达4次,平均2.72次.二化螟雌蛾的日龄影响其交配率、交配起始时间和持续时间,随二化螟雌蛾日龄的增加,其交配率逐渐下降,交配起始时间逐渐提前,而交配持续时间逐渐上升.相反,二化螟雄蛾日龄对其交配率、交配起始时间和持续时间没有明显影响.交配日龄对二化螟雌蛾的生殖力也存在显著影响,随着二化螟雌蛾交配日龄的增加,雌蛾产卵量下降,卵孵化率降低,产卵期缩短,它们都与雌蛾交配日龄存在显著的负相关;而雌蛾产卵前期和雌蛾寿命随雌蛾交配日龄的增加而延长,与雌蛾交配日龄存在显著的正相关.但二化螟雄蛾交配日龄对雌蛾的生殖力没有明显影响,二化螟雄蛾一生都具有较强的交配繁殖能力.同时,不同交配史的雄蛾与雌蛾交配,对雌蛾的生殖力也没有显著影响.表明二化螟的交配活动是由雌蛾主导控制的.最后,对这些结果在二化螟性信息素防治中应用的可行性进行了探讨.在应用性信息素控制二化螟的实践中,可以在两方面取得实效,一是性信息素可以阻碍雌雄之间正常交配,降低交配率;二是可以推迟二化螟雌虫的交配,使其产卵量和卵孵化率降低.  相似文献   

Artificial oviposition sites were used to estimate egg deposition rates in the field. Females laid an average of 10.76 eggs/minute with a mean duration of 22.81 minutes, giving an average clutch size of 245 eggs. Since one mating corresponded to one clutch of eggs, lifetime mating success was used as a measure of the number of clutches produced. Mean lifetime clutch production was 5.91 clutches per female, equating to 1447 eggs per female per lifetime. Eggs were hatched in the laboratory at temperatures comparable with those in the field. Hatching was highly synchronised and the overall hatching success was 75.1%. Causes of egg mortality in the laboratory were limited to infertility and unhatchability. Since no other sources of egg mortality could be found at the study site, this value was a good reflection of hatching success in the field. Lifetime egg production and hatching success were used to estimate the number of viable offspring produced per female, giving a higher order estimate of reproductive success than has previously been published for a zygopteran.  相似文献   

Although female insects generally gain reproductive benefits from mating frequently, females do not mate unlimited numbers of times. This study asks whether the limit on female mating rate is imposed by trade‐offs between reproduction and survival. Female Gryllus vocalis were given the opportunity to mate 5, 10, or 15 times with novel males, and the effects on daily fecundity (egg production), fertility (proportion of eggs that were fertilized), and female post‐experimental longevity were measured. Females that mated 10 times laid more eggs and had a higher proportion of fertile eggs than females that mated 5 times. However, females that mated 15 times did not lay significantly more eggs or have a higher proportion of fertile eggs than females that mated 10 times. Although number of matings did not affect the date that females laid their last egg, mating more times was associated with a prolonged period of laying fertile eggs. Number of matings did not affect female post‐experimental longevity. Thus, there was no trade‐off between female reproductive effort and survival, even when females mated very large numbers of times. When females were allowed to mate ad libitum, the average number of times that females mated was greater than the number of times that confers maximal fitness. The lack of cost to mating explains why females might be willing to mate beyond the point of diminishing reproductive returns.  相似文献   

1 Although management of the oriental beetle Anomala orientalis (Waterhouse) by mating disruption shows promise across a range of agricultural systems, relatively little is known about aspects of the reproductive biology of this species relevant to its management. We studied the effects of delayed mating on several aspects of the oviposition behaviour and biology of the oriental beetle using females mated in the laboratory at 4–13 days posteclosion. 2 Females exhibited a gradual decline in fecundity with increased age at mating that was largely a function of a decline in duration of the oviposition period, as well as lower female fertility: females mated at 11 days were less likely to lay any fertile eggs. However, egg fertility did not vary with female age at mating. 3 Because mating delay did not affect longevity, females mated at older ages experienced decreased oviposition periods; however, females laid more eggs per day with increased age at mating, which partially offset shorter oviposition periods. 4 A mating delay of ≥ 6 days relative to females mated within the first day of reaching sexual maturity resulted in an approximately 35–50% lower mean fecundity. 5 These results suggest that, for mating disruption to be a successful management tool for the oriental beetle, mating must be prevented rather than delayed. We compare the findings of the present study with the published research on delayed mating in moths and discuss the importance of these results in relation to management of the oriental beetle using female sex pheromones.  相似文献   

Females of the dragonfly Erythemis simplicicollis (Say) (Odonata, Libellulidae) store enough sperm to fertilize 6–13 clutches of eggs laid on consecutive days. Nonetheless, they usually mate one or more times per day. Males wait for females at ponds containing surface vegetation on which the females lay eggs. Some males defend vegetation while other act as satellites. After mating, both types of males attempt to guard females against takeover by other males. Sperm precedence by male E. simplicicollis was studied using sterility produced by gamma irradiation to label sperm. After a dose-response analysis, males receiving a dose of 25 kiloroentgens (>99.9% sterile) were returned to their home pond as territory residents and satellites. Both types of males fertilized an average of 99.5% (range 97.3–100%) of the female's remaining clutch. After mating with a sterile male, females were isolated in a large cage, and eggs collected for several consecutive days. These clutches revealed that sperm mixing in the bursa of the females is essentially complete after 24 to 48 h and that the last male to mate had replaced an average of more than 57–75% of the sperm stored by female from previous matings. Thus, the last sperm in is the first sperm out fertilizing essentially all of the eggs laid soon (5–6 min) after the mating. Sperm from the most recent mating competes for fertilizations with sperm stored from previous matings only if the female oviposits on the following day without remating.  相似文献   

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