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【目的】胞外多糖是生物被膜不可或缺的重要成分,在细菌致病和耐药过程中发挥着重要作用。运用酶制剂针对生物被膜的核心胞外多糖进行靶向清除,能够从根本上破坏细菌生物被膜的核心骨架,有助于战胜细菌生物被膜导致的危害。【方法】本研究针对常见致病菌生物被膜核心胞外多糖Pel、Psl、褐藻胶、N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖(Poly-β(1,6)-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine,PNAG)和纤维素,基于NCBI数据库中丰富的基因序列信息,筛选靶向生物被膜核心胞外多糖的水解酶,进一步运用phyre2、SWISS-MODEL等生物信息工具,分析了这些水解酶的理化性质、遗传进化、功能域及三维结构。【结果】筛选获得了153个靶向生物被膜核心胞外多糖的水解酶及其序列信息。其中,靶向Pel胞外多糖的水解酶共30个,属于糖苷水解酶114家族(glycoside-hydrolase family GH114);靶向Psl胞外多糖的水解酶共25个,属于糖苷水解酶超家族(glyco_hydro super family);靶向褐藻胶胞外多糖的水解酶共33个,属于褐藻胶裂解酶超家族(Alg Lyase superfamily);靶向PNAG胞外多糖的水解酶共30个,属于糖苷水解酶13家族(glycoside-hydrolase family GH13);靶向纤维素胞外多糖的水解酶共35个,属于糖苷水解酶8家族(glycosyl hydrolases family GH8)。【结论】这些水解酶菌具备靶向瓦解生物被膜核心胞外多糖的潜力,亟待进一步开发与应用。本研究提供了迄今为止最为全面的生物被膜核心胞外多糖水解酶序列组成及生物信息,为生物被膜的精准预防和靶向控制奠定扎实的数据基础。  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌是常见的人类条件致病菌,其生物被膜的形成会增强菌体的耐药性。已有文献报道绿原酸可抑制铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的形成,本研究在此基础上主要探究了其对全局性次级代谢调控系统Gac-Rsm表达的影响。结果显示,绿原酸可抑制铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜形成的能力,降低胞外总多糖合成量,但关键胞外多糖psl的合成酶基因pslA转录未受影响,还可增强Gac-Rsm系统中关键调控因子RsmA的表达水平,降低细胞内关键信使分子环二鸟苷酸(cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate,c-di-GMP)水平。结果表明,绿原酸可通过增强RsmA的表达来抑制铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的形成。  相似文献   

目的 评估银染法鉴定铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的效果.方法 体外平板法制备铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜模型,用银染法观察鉴定.结果 银染后普通光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜.结论 银染法鉴定铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜简单可靠.  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌铁摄取与生物被膜形成研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
于珊  马旅雁 《生物工程学报》2017,33(9):1489-1512
生物被膜是单细胞微生物通过其分泌的胞外多聚基质粘附于介质表面并将其自身包绕其中而成的膜样微生物细胞聚集物。生物被膜的形成使细菌具有更强的适应外界环境的能力,也是导致微生物产生耐药性及慢性感染性疾病难以治疗的重要原因之一。铜绿假单胞菌在肺部的定殖是肺囊性纤维化病患者发病和死亡主要原因,其造成的感染通常与形成抗生素抗性极强的生物被膜有关。铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的形成受控于多种复杂的细菌调控体系之下,包括群体感应系统及参与调节胞外多聚基质合成的双组分调控系统等。此外,为了利用低浓度的环境铁来维持生存并完成各种生理功能,铜绿假单胞菌进化出了一系列铁摄取系统,这些系统对其毒力因子的释放和生物被膜的形成又起着重要的调控作用。本文主要对铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的形成与调控机制及其铁摄取系统进行了综述,为进一步了解及清除铜绿假单胞菌引发的问题提供途径与思路。  相似文献   

乳酸锌(Zn lactate·3H_2O)和氟化亚锡(SnF_2)常作为牙膏中的活性物质添加剂用来预防龋齿及口腔生物被膜的形成。文中评估了Zn lactate·3H_2O和SnF_2对铜绿假单胞菌、鲍曼不动杆菌和变异链球菌生物被膜的作用。对铜绿假单胞菌PAO1生物被膜的抑制实验证实乳酸锌和氟化亚锡都具有抑制其生物被膜的功能,联用效果尤佳。乳酸锌通过干扰胞外多糖基质网的形成起作用,而氟化亚锡则可以明显降低生物被膜的生物量。更为重要的是,工作浓度的两种化合物联用几乎可以完全抑制3种实验菌株生物被膜的形成。  相似文献   

【目的】随着合成生物学的发展,通过在细菌体内设计合成复杂、多功能的基因线路进行靶向治疗已经取得巨大进展。虽然这种使用细菌作为治疗传递系统,选择性地在体内释放有效治疗成分的方式具有极大优势,但是如何使细菌在代谢负荷增加较低的情况下有效地分泌功能蛋白并发挥作用依旧是一个难题。【方法】针对这一难题,本研究提供了一种新的策略,即以细菌中广泛存在的蛋白类杀菌素和丝状噬菌体等相关编码基因作为生物模块,通过对铜绿假单胞菌的这些内源生物模块的重新编排和组装,构建了一种能在特定条件下裂解并投放功能蛋白的工程菌。为了评价工程菌中构建的生物模块能否工作,本研究选择胞外多糖水解酶PelA和PslG作为工程菌投放的功能蛋白,以此构建了工程菌PAO1102。通过对铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的破坏实验、抑制形成实验以及抗生素耐药性实验,检验PAO1102对铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的破坏和预防效果。【结果】与对照组相比,工程菌PAO1102的处理可以显著破坏已形成的生物被膜并抑制生物被膜的形成,同时还可显著增强生物被膜中的细菌对妥布霉素的敏感性,且这些功能主要通过外界Pf4丝状噬菌体侵染并使工程菌裂解而释放功能蛋白这一途径实现的。【结论】本研究所构建的工程菌可以作为一种微生物工具,用于靶向破坏铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜。在后续的研究中可根据不同的需求,在工程菌中表达不同的功能基因并实现功能蛋白的定向投放,从而执行不同的生物学功能。  相似文献   

条件性致病菌铜绿假单胞菌是细菌生物被膜研究的模式菌,其分泌的胞外多糖Psl在生物被膜形成中起关键作用。PslD为Psl多糖的转运蛋白,由256个氨基酸构成,生物信息学分析揭示其有N端信号肽且为一次跨膜蛋白。分离纯化完整跨膜蛋白需要去垢剂的作用,去垢剂种类繁多且性质不一,研究设计了一套筛选溶解PslD的去垢剂的方案。通过抗组氨酸标签的Western blot分析,n-Decyl-β-D-maltopyranoside (DM),n-Decyl-N,N-dimethylamine-N-oxide(DDAO)及n-Dodecyl-N,N-dimethylamine-N-oxide(LDAO)被认为溶解PslD的效率较高。通过改变总蛋白与去垢剂比例,进一步优化了去垢剂的溶解条件即8 mg/mL总蛋白:质量分数为1%的 LDAO。在此溶解条件下,仅通过第一步Ni柱亲和纯化目的蛋白纯度可到达80%以上,这为进一步结晶尝试及其结构生物学研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

作为人类条件性感染的前三大病原菌之一的铜绿假单胞菌,是一种革兰氏阴性细菌,对免疫功能低下和囊性纤维化患者可以造成严重和持续性感染。造成这种持续感染的原因主要是由于细菌接收外界信号后,在自身调控网络的协同作用下,会依附于固体表面,并产生胞外多糖、基质蛋白和胞外DNA等大分子物质形成高度结构化的膜状复合物将自身包裹形成生物被膜群体结构。生物被膜可以有效帮助细菌定殖、提高细菌对抗菌物质和宿主免疫反应的抵抗能力、促进群落细菌的细胞-细胞之间的信号交流等,是临床治疗中病原菌慢性感染和反复感染最重要的原因之一。本篇综述重点介绍了铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的各组成成分及其在生物被膜形成中的重要功能,并进一步阐述了群体感应系统(las、rhl、pqs与iqs)和c-di-GMP对铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜形成的调控作用。通过本篇综述可以更清晰地了解细菌生物被膜形成和调控的过程,为开发新的治疗生物被膜感染策略提供帮助。  相似文献   

生物被膜是一种与浮游细胞相对应的生长方式,由细菌和自身分泌的包外基质组成。铜绿假单胞菌是研究这一生长方式的模式生物。在过去十年,对铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的研究已取得显著进展。群体感应(QS)的细胞沟通机制在铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜形成中发挥着重要作用。介绍生物被膜的特点,并重点讨论了QS和生物被膜之间的关系。  相似文献   

目的研究穿心莲内酯抗铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜及与阿奇霉素协同抗菌作用。方法微量倍比稀释法测定穿心莲内酯对铜绿假单胞菌的最小抑菌浓度(MIC),棋盘稀释法测定穿心莲内酯和阿奇霉素协同抗菌作用,MTT法测定穿心莲内酯对铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的最小抑膜浓度(SMIC),显微镜下观察药物对生物膜形态的影响。结果穿心莲内酯对铜绿假单胞菌的MIC 50μg/mL,和阿奇霉素有协同抗菌作用。穿心莲内酯对铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的SMIC501天25μg/mL、3天25μg/mL、7天50μg/mL;SMIC801天50μg/mL、3天50μg/mL、7天100μg/mL,形态观察提示穿心莲内酯SMIC80浓度对铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的抑制作用明显。结论穿心莲内酯具有抗铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜作用,对阿奇霉素也有协同抗菌作用。  相似文献   

Extracellular polysaccharides comprise a major component of the biofilm matrix. Many species that are adept at biofilm formation have the capacity to produce multiple types of polysaccharides. Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces at least three extracellular polysaccharides, alginate, Pel and Psl, that have been implicated in biofilm development. Non-mucoid strains can use either Pel or Psl as the primary matrix structural polysaccharide. In this study, we evaluated a range of clinical and environmental P.aeruginosa isolates for their dependence on Pel and Psl for biofilm development. Mutational analysis demonstrates that Psl plays an important role in surface attachment for most isolates. However, there was significant strain-to-strain variability in the contribution of Pel and Psl to mature biofilm structure. This analysis led us to propose four classes of strains based upon their Pel and Psl functional and expression profiles. Our data also suggest that Pel and Psl can serve redundant functions as structural scaffolds in mature biofilms. We propose that redundancy could help preserve the capacity to produce a biofilm when exopolysaccharide genes are subjected to mutation. To test this, we used PAO1, a common lab strain that primarily utilizes Psl in the matrix. As expected, a psl mutant strain initially produced a poor biofilm. After extended cultivation, we demonstrate that this strain acquired mutations that upregulated expression of the Pel polysaccharide, demonstrating the utility of having a redundant scaffold exopolysaccharide. Collectively, our studies revealed both unique and redundant roles for two distinct biofilm exopolysaccharides.  相似文献   

Bacterial extracellular polysaccharides are a key constituent of the extracellular matrix material of biofilms. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a model organism for biofilm studies and produces three extracellular polysaccharides that have been implicated in biofilm development, alginate, Psl and Pel. Significant work has been conducted on the roles of alginate and Psl in biofilm development, however we know little regarding Pel. In this study, we demonstrate that Pel can serve two functions in biofilms. Using a novel assay involving optical tweezers, we demonstrate that Pel is crucial for maintaining cell-to-cell interactions in a PA14 biofilm, serving as a primary structural scaffold for the community. Deletion of pelB resulted in a severe biofilm deficiency. Interestingly, this effect is strain-specific. Loss of Pel production in the laboratory strain PAO1 resulted in no difference in attachment or biofilm development; instead Psl proved to be the primary structural polysaccharide for biofilm maturity. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Pel plays a second role by enhancing resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics. This protection occurs only in biofilm populations. We show that expression of the pel gene cluster and PelF protein levels are enhanced during biofilm growth compared to liquid cultures. Thus, we propose that Pel is capable of playing both a structural and a protective role in P. aeruginosa biofilms.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic human pathogen and has been established as a model organism to study bacterial biofilm formation. At least three exopolysaccharides (alginate, Psl, and Pel) contribute to the formation of biofilms in this organism. Here mutants deficient in the production of one or more of these polysaccharides were generated to investigate how these polymers interactively contribute to biofilm formation. Confocal laser scanning microscopy of biofilms formed in flow chambers showed that mutants deficient in alginate biosynthesis developed biofilms with a decreased proportion of viable cells than alginate-producing strains, indicating a role of alginate in viability of cells in biofilms. Alginate-deficient mutants showed enhanced extracellular DNA (eDNA)-containing surface structures impacting the biofilm architecture. PAO1 ΔpslA Δalg8 overproduced Pel, and eDNA showing meshwork-like structures presumably based on an interaction between both polymers were observed. The formation of characteristic mushroom-like structures required both Psl and alginate, whereas Pel appeared to play a role in biofilm cell density and/or the compactness of the biofilm. Mutants producing only alginate, i.e., mutants deficient in both Psl and Pel production, lost their ability to form biofilms. A lack of Psl enhanced the production of Pel, and the absence of Pel enhanced the production of alginate. The function of Psl in attachment was independent of alginate and Pel. A 30% decrease in Psl promoter activity in the alginate-overproducing MucA-negative mutant PDO300 suggested inverse regulation of both biosynthesis operons. Overall, this study demonstrated that the various exopolysaccharides and eDNA interactively contribute to the biofilm architecture of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Bacteria form surface attached biofilm communities as one of the most important survival strategies in nature. Biofilms consist of water, bacterial cells and a wide range of self-generated extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Biofilm formation is a dynamic self-assembly process and several distinguishable stages are observed during bacterial biofilm development. Biofilm formation is shown to be coordinated by EPS production, cell migration, subpopulation differentiation and interactions. However, the ways these different factors affect each other and contribute to community structural differentiation remain largely unknown. The distinct roles of different EPS have been addressed in the present report. Both Pel and Psl polysaccharides are required for type IV pilus-independent microcolony formation in the initial stages of biofilm formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Both Pel and Psl polysaccharides are also essential for subpopulation interactions and macrocolony formation in the later stages of P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilm formation. Pel and Psl polysaccharides have different impacts on Pseudomonas quinolone signal-mediated extracellular DNA release in P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilms. Psl polysaccharide is more important than Pel polysaccharide in P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance. Our study thus suggests that different EPS materials play distinct roles during bacterial biofilm formation.  相似文献   

Bacterial motilities participate in biofilm development. However, it is unknown how/if bacterial motility affects formation of the biofilm matrix. Psl polysaccharide is a key biofilm matrix component of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Here we report that type IV pili (T4P)‐mediated bacterial migration leads to the formation of a fibre‐like Psl matrix. Deletion of T4P in wild type and flagella‐deficient strains results in loss of the Psl‐fibres and reduction of biofilm biomass in flow cell biofilms as well as pellicles at air‐liquid interface. Bacteria lacking T4P‐driven twitching motility including those that still express surface T4P are unable to form the Psl‐fibres. Formation of a Psl‐fibre matrix is critical for efficient biofilm formation, yet does not require flagella and polysaccharide Pel or alginate. The Psl‐fibres are likely formed by Psl released from bacteria during T4P‐mediated migration, a strategy similar to spider web formation. Starvation can couple Psl release and T4P‐driven twitching motility. Furthermore, a radial‐pattern Psl‐fibre matrix is present in the middle of biofilms, a nutrient‐deprived region. These imply a plausible model for how bacteria respond to nutrient‐limited local environment to build a polysaccharide‐fibre matrix by T4P‐dependent bacterial migration strategy. This strategy may have general significance for bacterial survival in natural and clinical settings.  相似文献   

Role of polysaccharides in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During the past decade, there has been a renewed interest in using Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a model system for biofilm development and pathogenesis. Since the biofilm matrix represents a crucial interface between the bacterium and the host or its environment, considerable effort has been expended to acquire a more complete understanding of the matrix composition. Here, we focus on recent developments regarding the roles of alginate, Psl, and Pel polysaccharides in the biofilm matrix.  相似文献   

Chronic lung infection by mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the major pathologic features in patients with cystic fibrosis. Mucoid P.?aeruginosa is notorious for its biofilm forming capability and resistance to immune attacks. In this study, the roles of extracellular polymeric substances from biofilms formed by mucoid P.?aeruginosa were investigated. Alginate is not an essential structure component for mucoid P.?aeruginosa biofilms. Genetic studies revealed that Pel and Psl polysaccharides serve as essential scaffold and mediate macrocolony formation in mucoid P.?aeruginosa biofilms. The Psl polysaccharide is more important than Pel polysaccharide in mucoid P.?aeruginosa biofilm structure maintenance and phagocytosis resistance. The polysaccharides were further found to protect mucoid P.?aeruginosa strain from host immune clearance in a mouse model of acute lung infection.  相似文献   

Biofilms are communities of surface-attached microbial cells that resist environmental stresses. In this study, we found that low concentrations of ethanol increase biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 but not in a mutant of it lacking both Psl and Pel exopolysaccharides. Low concentrations of ethanol also increased pellicle formation at the air–liquid interface.  相似文献   

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