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首例航天诱变玉米雄性不育突变体的遗传分析   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:28  
将卫星搭载处理后代所得到的玉米雄性不育材料,在不同地点、不同年份、不同季节进行种植观察;从田间和室内对育性表现的稳定性进行鉴定。通过正交和反交对不育株的所属类型进行分析,结合自交、回交分析其遗传特点。结果表明,该不育材料的雄穗无任何花药外露,花药内无花粉粒,败育彻底,育性表现稳定,是一个由隐性单基因控制的可遗传的“无花粉型”核不育。  相似文献   

汪静  程江  曹墨菊 《广西植物》2016,36(6):707-712
为了解太空诱变玉米核不育突变体矮化的遗传规律和原因,该研究以不育突变体为母本,自交系178、478为父本,对测交 F1、F2群体进行育性鉴定和株高分析,对 F2可育株进行基因型和株高分析,对姊妹交后代分离群体进行育性鉴定和株高、雄穗长度、节间数、节间长度分析,同时,还对姊妹交后代分离群体进行施赤霉素处理,调查育性和株高的变化。结果表明:178和478背景下的 F1表现出与测交母本一样的极显著差异;在178和478核背景下的 F2中,不育株株高极显著矮于可育株,两核背景下的不育株间株高差异不显著,而可育株间株高差异极显著;F2中纯合和杂合可育株的株高差异不显著;姊妹交后代分离群体中不育株株高、雄穗长度、节间数和节间长度极显著小于可育株;外施赤霉素的不育株在苗期表现出对赤霉素一定的敏感性,但株高最终未恢复正常高度。因此,得出该突变体矮化表现稳定,与不育性状并存,且不受细胞核背景的影响;核不育基因对植株株高的矮化无剂量效应;突变体的矮化与雄穗长度、节间数和节间长度有关;突变体不完全属于赤霉素不敏感型,其矮化并不是单一缺乏赤霉素而引起。该研究结果为认识太空诱变玉米核不育突变体矮化的遗传和生理机制提供了参考。  相似文献   

空间环境诱发玉米细胞质雄性不育突变体的遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Zhang CB  Yuan GZ  Wang J  Pan GT  Rong TZ  Cao MJ 《遗传》2011,33(2):175-181
从返回式卫星"实践八号"搭载的08-641和18-599两份玉米自交系后代选育出3份雄性不育突变体,在不同地点、不同年份、不同季节进行种植观察,鉴定其育性表现,通过测交、反交及回交对不育性状的遗传特性进行分析。结果表明:3份不育突变材料均能稳定遗传,属可遗传的细胞质雄性不育类型。恢保关系测定和特异引物PCR扩增结果显示,3份不育材料均属玉米C型细胞质雄性不育类型,但3份不育材料在恢保关系上存在一定差异,推测它们可能分别属于玉米C型细胞质雄性不育的不同亚组。这些不育材料的发现,丰富了雄性不育胞质的遗传基础,在玉米不育化制种中具有一定应用价值。  相似文献   

光温敏雄性不育水稻不育临界温度性状的遗传分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
光温敏不育系不育临界温度性状的稳定非常困难,其根本原因在于对这一性状的遗传模式缺乏了解。从粳型光敏不育系N5088S中分离出仅存在临界温度差异的H5088S株系,以两者为亲本,构建了包括正反交、回交及F2分离群体在内的7世代群体。将每粒谷苗一分为四而形成基因型构成相同的4套材料,每套材料进行不同温度处理,以花粉育性为指标采用IECM算法进行遗传分析。结果表明:四种温度条件下,正、反交F1育性差异不明显,表现低临界温度特性;F2在不同温度下育性分离比例不同,23.5℃处理下低临界温度对高临界温度为显性;不育临界温度符合两对主效基因和微效基因共同作用的混合遗传模型,主效基因的遗传力为80%-97%。  相似文献   

广东高州普通野生稻与粳稻杂交F1花粉育性及其发育特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以粳稻台中65为母本,高州普通野生稻141个编号材料为父本,成功组配72个粳野杂种F1,分别对杂种F1的结实率、花粉育性及其发育特点进行研究.结果发现,粳野杂种F1平均结实率为68.30%,变化范围为30.29%~94.05%,大部分在50%~80%之间;花粉平均育性为76.49%,最低为33.23%,最高为95.72%,大部分都高于70%,表现正常.花粉败育类型包括染败、典败、圆败和大小花粉粒;花药的平均裂药指数为3.87,接近正常.粳野杂种F1花粉发育过程与栽培稻基本一致,可分为8个时期,包括小孢子母细胞形成期、小孢子母细胞减数分裂期、小孢子早期、小孢子中期、小孢子晚期、二胞花粉早期、二胞花粉晚期和成熟花粉期.研究结果表明广东高州普通野生稻可能具有决定杂种F1花粉育性的不同基因,包括花粉不育中性基因等.  相似文献   

以粳稻台中65为母本,高州普通野生稻141个编号材料为父本,成功组配72个粳野杂种F1,分别对杂种F1的结实率、花粉育性及其发育特点进行研究。结果发现,粳野杂种F1平均结实率为68.30%,变化范围为30.29%~94.05%,大部分在50%~80%之间;花粉平均育性为76.49%,最低为33.23%,最高为95.72%,大部分都高于70%,表现正常。花粉败育类型包括染败、典败、圆败和大小花粉粒;花药的平均裂药指数为3.87,接近正常。粳野杂种F1花粉发育过程与栽培稻基本一致,可分为8个时期,包括小孢子母细胞形成期、小孢子母细胞减数分裂期、小孢子早期、小孢子中期、小孢子晚期、二胞花粉早期、二胞花粉晚期和成熟花粉期。研究结果表明广东高州普通野生稻可能具有决定杂种F1花粉育性的不同基因,包括花粉不育中性基因等。  相似文献   

通过异地多代的育性鉴定及花器形态观察来调查叶用芥菜细胞质雄性不育系0912A的不育性及结籽能力;同时分别以不育系0912A和其保持系0912B为母本,与5个典型叶用芥菜自交系配成10个同核异质的杂交种,以研究hau胞质的胞质效应并测定杂种优势.结果显示:该不育系败育彻底稳定,不育株率和不育度均为100%,有正常的结籽能力;不育系杂种一代与产最相关性状的杂种优势明显,但品质性状无优势;hau胞质在单株重上的负效应较明显,在其他性状上的负效应相对较弱,但hau胞质组合F1的单株重杂种优势依然显著,且胞质效应受杂交父本核影响,通过选择合适的杂交父本配组,细胞质的负效应可以减轻或消除.  相似文献   

张朝军 《西北植物学报》2018,38(7):1212-1221
为了创造棉花光敏雄性不育系材料,解决杂交制种中人工去雄成本高的问题,自2006年起进行了大规模组织培养,创造棉花突变体,以期筛选出棉花光敏雄性不育材料。2012年在组织培养再生植株后代中发现新型光敏核不育材料PSM4(photoperiod sensitive male sterility mutant of cotton),并于2012~2017年在海南三亚吉阳镇中寥村中棉所南繁基地和安阳中棉所试验田进行材料选育、生长发育调查及光周期实验。结果表明:(1)PSM4在日照时数大于12h时表现为雄性不育;在日照时数为11.5~12h时表现为有少量花粉,处于育性转变期;在日照时数小于11.5h时表现为正常可育。(2)遮光试验显示,PSM4花药败育关键时期为开花前12~15d;石蜡切片显微观察显示,花药败育原因是在长日照条件下花粉壁外层物质缺失引起的。(3)遗传规律研究显示,PSM4育性受单隐性基因控制,不受阴雨气候条件影响。(4)用6个棉花品系与PSM4进行正反交试验发现F1代均可育,F2代分离出光敏核不育单株,分离比符合3∶1的单隐性分离规律。研究认为,新型棉花光敏核不育材料PSM4农艺性状优良,其光敏不育突变为隐性性状,所有的陆地棉品种(系)均为其恢复系,有利于杂交种的培育和棉花混选混交育种群体的建立,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

植物界的雄性不育现象绝大部分都是由隐 性雄性不育基因控制的。1978年我们在澳大利 亚谷和吐鲁番谷的杂交后代中发现一份雄性不 育材料。从1978-1984年7个世代的遗传表 现为:和400个谷子普通品种杂交,其不育株 自由授粉、其不育株和分离出来的可育株杂交、 和原父回交,F,就出现育性分离,不育与可育的 比率都为1:1;其可育株后代育性不分离;其不 育株自交子一代育性分离,不育与可育的比率 为3:1。如此证明,这份雄性不育材料的不育 性是受显性雄性不育基因控制的。  相似文献   

F型小麦雄性不育系花粉败育和恢保关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
F型小麦雄性不育系是一种新型"三系"小麦雄性不育系。为研究F型不育系的花粉败育特点并筛选其恢复源和保持源,采用I2-KI染色法观察F、BNS、T、K和V型不育系扬花期的花粉败育类型,并以F型不育系为母本与98个优良小麦品种(系)进行杂交,检测F1代自交结实率。结果显示:(1)F型不育系的花粉败育率高达95.63%。其中,染败型花粉比例最高,达到67.66%;圆败率为19.32%;典败率最少,仅为8.73%。(2)5种不育系中,F型与K型不育系的花粉育性特征最接近,其次是V型不育系。(3)98个组合F1的自交结实率(国际法)在100%以上11个,0%~10%有18个。(4)‘周麦16’、M510、‘西农815’、‘西农585’对F型不育系的恢复力极强,是其优良恢复系;‘天麦989’、‘存麦4号’、CY 5475、M460、‘12漯-1’和11GB02可通过回交培育成F型不育系的保持系。研究认为,F型不育系花粉败育彻底、稳定,在常规小麦品系中较易找到其保持源和强恢复力品系,是一种良好的新型不育系。  相似文献   

Summary Cytoplasmic male sterility (cms) was found in plants derived from the F2 progeny of fertile, normal cytoplasm plants of the inbred R181 pollinated with a genetic stock carrying the recessive nuclear gene, iojap. The male sterile plants were maintained by back-crossing with the inbred W182BN which maintains all known sources of cytoplasmic male sterility. The new male sterile progeny were found to exhibit stable male sterility under field conditions in two environments. However, they were partially fertile in the hot, dry summer of 1983 at Aurora, NY. It was found that these lines were restored by lines that characteristically restore cms S group cytoplasms. Pollen phenotype studies indicated that the restoration was gametophytic in nature, also characteristic of the cms S group. Agarose gel electrophoresis of undigested mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from these steriles indicated that these lines have the S-1 and S-2 episomes characteristic of the cms S group. Restriction endonuclease digest patterns of mtDNA from these sterile lines digested with BamH I indicated that these steriles fit into the CA subgroup of the cms S group. The new source of cms has been designated cms Ij-1.  相似文献   

比较了(光敏s/正常品种)F_1及F_2为供体亲本,对在花药培养时所获得的花粉植株中不育个体/全部花粉植株之比例的影响。结果表明,以F_1为供体亲本,在所获得的二倍体花粉植株(A_1)中,不育株(长日下)约占20%左右;而从F_2分离的不育株为供体亲本,相应的比例为90%左右。对获得不育的花粉植株而言,供体亲本经过F_2的选择,在花粉一代中可以提高育种效率3—4倍。指出,以培育光敏感雄性不育系为目的的花药培养,与一般育种之花药培养采用杂种F_1为供体亲本不同,不仅应对杂种F_2代在长日照条件下进行不育株的选择,而且应在短日照下对这种不育株作育性转换的双重选择。以这种个体作为花药培养的供体亲本,可以大大提高育种效率。 在长日照下表现不育的花粉植株的育性转换具多样性。来自同一组合的不育花粉植株在晚造(短日照)条件下,其花粉有的染色,频率高且稳定;有的虽然可变为染色,但频率不高或不稳定或二者兼有;有些却一直不为Ⅰ-KⅠ染色,或即使染色频率也在10%以下。这一结果与收集全国各地15个光敏核不育系在本昕同期种值条件下的反应十分吻合。这说明通过花药培养,从特定的组合培育出所需要的光敏/光温互作或温敏型的核不育系的可能性是存在的。  相似文献   

Hydroxycinnamic acid (HCA) amides in fertile and cytoplasmic male sterile lines of maize were determined in reproductive organs, developing grains and cobs. HCA amides occurred in large amounts in the anthers of fertile plants (line F7N) and were absent from the anthers of cytoplasmic male sterile lines (lines F7T and F7C). Restoration of fertility was associated with the production of these compounds (line FC31). Considerable variations were observed in the concentrations of HCA amides at different stages of growth and grain maturation. Changes of HCA amides in the grains which were to produce sterile plants followed a pattern similar to that obtained with the grains which were to produce fertile plants. Accumulation of HCA amides was substantially higher in fertile lines whatever their genotype (F7N, FC31 and F7T x FC31) than in sterile lines. Marked changes occurred in the HCA amide content of embryo and endosperm during grain development. Many changes in HCA amides were observed in cobs during development and maturation, but no substantial differences could be observed between fertile and sterile lines.  相似文献   

离子束介导大豆DNA导入小麦后其蛋白质和酯酶同工酶分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对由离子束介导大豆DNA导入豫麦52获得的第四代两个转化株系9004和9002中的可育株籽粒和矮秆不育株杂交籽粒以及受体豫麦52籽粒,进行酯酶和可溶性蛋白的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析。结果表明,可育株籽粒可溶性蛋白电泳在谱带上与受体存在差异,矮秆不育株材料的酯酶和可溶性蛋白电泳图谱谱带差异更明显。由此推测,外源大豆DNA导入受体后某些片段有可能插入受体基因组,从而导致基因突变或受体基因表达发生改变。  相似文献   

一个新的小麦核不育材料的发现和鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从轮选可育株衍生的后代中发现一个雄性不育株,即P740不育材料。在P7 40不育材料第1、2、3次姊妹交后代中,可育株与不育株的分离比分别符合4:1、 7:5和15:13。在第2次姊妹交后代中可育株产生的40个株系中,7个株系的育性分离比是15:1,33个株系是3:1,二者约分别占1/7和6/7。以上结果表明,P740是一个双隐性基因控制的核雄性不育材料。本文提出了计算隐性核不育材料姊妹交后代育性分离比率的公式。 Abstract:A male sterile material was found in the progeny derived from a fertile plant in the population of recurrent selection.The ratios of fertile to sterile plants in three sib-mating of the male sterile material with fertile plants were to 4:1,7:5 and 15:13,respcctively.In the 40 plant lines derived from the fertile plants of second sib-mating population,33 lines approximated to the segregation ratio of 3(fertile):a double recessive nuclear male sterile material.A genetic pattern for calculation of fertile segregation in sib-mating progenies of recessive nuclear male sterile material was advanced in this paper.  相似文献   

Production of hybrid seeds and pursuing heterosis breeding of many crops have been accomplished using male sterile lines. However, not all crops have valuable male sterile lines due to instability of male sterility and absence of a restorer system. In this study, male sterile lines have been induced using a two-component system. The extracellular ribonuclease Barnase was cleaves into two inactive yet complementary fragments, designated as ??Bn-5?? and ??Bn-3??. Both components were controlled by a TA29 promoter. They were transferred into the tomato inbred line ??Yellow tomato?? by Agrobacterium method. Southern blotting identified that 11 transgenic Bn-5 plants (T0) and 10 transgenic Bn-3 plants (T0) were obtained. The vegetative phenotypes of all T0 plants were similar to wild-type, and they were capable of producing viable pollen grains and normal fruit with seeds, indicating that Barnase had lost its function after it being split two partial fragments. After self-pollination, homozygous progenies (T1) of transgenic Bn-5 and Bn-3 plants were chosen to cross each other, Barnase could be reconstituted and co-expressed in the same cell, which caused the hybrid plants to produce collapsed pollen grains with no viability and thus100?% male sterile plants were obtained. Stamens of male sterile plants were shorter than those of the wild type plants. PCR detection demonstrated that all male sterile plants contained Barnase, but male fertile plants did not. The male sterile plants were crossed with the male fertile inbred lines, and the result showed that hybrid (F1) plants were capable of producing normal fruit with seeds, and their pollen grain fertility was restored. The co-segregation ratio of Bn-5 and Bn-3 fragments showed 1:1 among hybrid plants. In conclusion, the results verified that the male sterility could be generated by two component system and be used in hybrid seed production. The F1 between the male sterile plant and the inbred line showed heterotic comparing to both parents. This system needs not breed restoration line.  相似文献   

Application of AFLPs linked to pollen fertility restoration and non-performing genes evaluated in the C394-F2 hybrid was studied using a set of male sterile lines in the sterilising Pampa cytoplasm, several restorers and maintainer lines and, finally, two inbred lines backcrossed into cms-P, cms-R, cms-S and cms-C cytoplasms each. The set of male sterile lines based on the Pampa cytoplasm exhibited gradual variation in their ability to restore pollen fertility (starting from low and closing with high) in crosses with three unrelated restorers. Variations in the AFLPs between the analysed materials were observed, however, no clustering of the lines according to their sterile and fertile phenotypes was observed. The same markers, when applied to the population restorer (cv. Walet) that formed the C394-F2 cross permitted identification of plants with genotypes that could be recognized as restorers.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of a partial male fertile phenotype in somatic hybrid B. napus plants that carried novel mtDNA was investigated over five backcross generations to B. napus Triton. The recurrent parent and the original somatic hybrid both contained chloroplasts resistant to atrazine. The F1 population contained mainly plants that were partial fertile, and some of the plants differed in mtDNA. The partial fertility predominated in the progeny of each backcross generation, but fully male sterile and fertile plants were also obtained. However, the sterility/fertility of these latter plants was not stable; both the fully male sterile and the male fertile plants produced progeny that were again predominantly partial male fertile. This pattern of predominant partial fertility but occasional sterile and fertile plants persisted in different nuclear backgrounds. Neither the male sterility nor the male fertility could be fixed and made stable. Test crosses indicated that restorer genes were probably not associated with appearance of male fertile plants. The evidence indicates that the behavior of the partial male fertility is cytoplasmic, and probably controlled by the chondriome.  相似文献   

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