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两份太空诱变玉米雄性不育突变体的遗传研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从搭载神舟4号飞船的4份玉米自交系后代中选育出两份雄性不育突变体, 对其进行育性鉴定, 并分析不育性状的稳定性及遗传特点。以不育材料的不育株为母本, 同群体的可育株和其他自交系为父本进行杂交, 结合自交、回交分析其后代的育性表现; 同时, 以具有正常细胞质的自交系为母本, 育性完全恢复的测交F1植株为父本进行反交, 对其反交的F1及F2进行育性观察分析。结果表明:这两份不育材料不育株的花药内无花粉或含少量畸形花粉, 败育彻底, 花粉败育表现为典败型。不育性状在不同年份、不同季节、不同地点下稳定遗传, 属可遗传的单基因控制的隐性核不育类型。  相似文献   

赵卓凡  黄玲  刘永明  张鹏  魏桂  曹墨菊 《遗传》2018,40(5):402-414
玉米是最早利用细胞质雄性不育系生产杂交种的作物之一,C型细胞质雄性不育系(C-type cytoplasmic male sterile, CMS-C)在杂交种生产中具有重要的作用,育性恢复的稳定性直接影响其应用价值。然而,玉米CMS-C的育性恢复机理复杂,且至今仍不明确。为进一步探究玉米CMS-C育性恢复的影响因素,本研究以玉米CMS-C同质异核不育系C48-2、C黄早四和C478为母本,分别与测验系18白、自330、5022以及恢复系A619组配杂交获得F1。其中育性恢复F1通过自交获得F2,并以育性恢复F1为父本分别给育性保持F1授粉,组配双交群体,共获得4个F2群体,6个双交群体。同时以不育系C48-2、C黄早四和C478为母本,各自的保持系48-2、黄早四和478为父本杂交组配不完全双列杂交F1。将所有杂交组合的F1、F2以及双交组合群体分别在不同年份不同地点种植观察,通过植株田间育性调查并结合室内花粉镜检鉴定育性表现。结果表明:1) 同一测验系对玉米CMS-C同质异核不育系的恢保关系不同,暗示不育系的核背景参与调控育性恢复表现;2) 在不同年份不同地点对(C48-2×A619) F2群体进行种植观察,发现不同环境下F2群体可育株与不育株的分离比均符合15∶1,但在云南种植的可育株的育性级别主要为Ⅲ和Ⅳ级,而在四川种植的可育株的育性级别主要为Ⅴ级,表明环境对恢复系A619恢复后代的育性表现有影响;3) 通过恢保关系测定发现18白不能恢复C478,48-2也不能恢复C478,但双交群体[(C478×18白) F1S×(C48-2×18白) F1F]后代却出现了可育株与不育株的分离;同理,双交群体[(C48-2×自330) F1S×(C478×自330) F1F]的后代也出现了可育株与不育株的分离。因此,本文推测C48-2、C478核背景中存在微效恢复基因,这些微效基因与18白、自330中的微效恢复基因通过杂交聚合后能使C478、C48-2的育性恢复,暗示玉米CMS-C的育性恢复呈现一定的剂量效应。这些结果为进一步认识玉米CMS-C育性恢复的复杂性和多样性奠定了基础,为深入研究玉米CMS-C育性恢复机理以及加快CMS-C在不育化制种中的应用提供重要参考。  相似文献   

温度对温敏核不育水稻eui突变体最上节间伸长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以培矮64S为对照, 采用田间调查和人工温度处理方法研究了温度对温敏核不育水稻(Oryza sativa)eui突变体(双低培eS)最上节间伸长的影响。结果表明, 双低培eS穗颈伸出度与抽穗前12–17天(花粉母细胞形成期至减数分裂期)的日均温度呈显著负相关。在温度敏感期分别进行人工温度处理, 在18–26℃条件下穗颈伸出度为正值且不包颈; 在28℃条件下出现包颈现象。在可育温度(20℃)和不育温度(24℃)条件下, 双低培eS最上节间中GA1、IAA和ZR含量极显著地高于培矮64S, 而ABA含量则显著低于培矮64S, 最上节间中最内层薄壁细胞数目分别比培矮64S多1 177和823个, 细胞平均长度分别比培矮64S长23.2和16.7 μm。温敏核不育水稻eui突变体最上节间伸长是由于节间最内层薄壁细胞数目增多和细胞长度增加双重作用所致, 其中以细胞伸长为主, 且随着处理温度的升高, 最上节间最内层薄壁细胞数目减少, 细胞平均长度变短。eui基因还可能通过调节激素间的平衡来控制温敏核不育水稻eui突变体最上节间的伸长生长。  相似文献   

通过田间试验,对玉米自交系掖478和经重离子辐射掖478干种子所获得的突变体1478的主要农艺性状和配合力进行了比较分析,结果表明:(1)1478植株形态发生明显改变,主要表现出株高、穗位高显著增加,气生根颜色发生改变;(2)1478的果穗性状总体变好,果穗长度、行粒数、穗粒数、穗粒重等性状极显著优于自交系掖478,但其果穗穗行数显著少于自交系掖478;(3)1478的主要生育时期如抽雄期、开花期、成熟期显著迟于自交系掖478;(4)自交系掖478配制组合的穗行数、穗粗、出籽率的平均值大于突变体1478配制组合的相应性状的平均值,突变体1478配制组合的单穗重、穗长、行粒数、百粒重、秃顶长度大于自交系掖478配制组合的相应性状的平均值。突变体1478一般配合力好,组合1478×N172单穗重量极显著高于临奥1号,单穗重量比临奥1号增加9.6%,可继续对该组合进行鉴定。  相似文献   

一个新的小麦核不育材料的发现和鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从轮选可育株衍生的后代中发现一个雄性不育株,即P740不育材料。在P7 40不育材料第1、2、3次姊妹交后代中,可育株与不育株的分离比分别符合4:1、 7:5和15:13。在第2次姊妹交后代中可育株产生的40个株系中,7个株系的育性分离比是15:1,33个株系是3:1,二者约分别占1/7和6/7。以上结果表明,P740是一个双隐性基因控制的核雄性不育材料。本文提出了计算隐性核不育材料姊妹交后代育性分离比率的公式。 Abstract:A male sterile material was found in the progeny derived from a fertile plant in the population of recurrent selection.The ratios of fertile to sterile plants in three sib-mating of the male sterile material with fertile plants were to 4:1,7:5 and 15:13,respcctively.In the 40 plant lines derived from the fertile plants of second sib-mating population,33 lines approximated to the segregation ratio of 3(fertile):a double recessive nuclear male sterile material.A genetic pattern for calculation of fertile segregation in sib-mating progenies of recessive nuclear male sterile material was advanced in this paper.  相似文献   

该研究以黄瓜矮生突变体C1056和野生型CCMC为材料,对其主要生理特性、叶绿体超微结构以及茎显微结构进行了观察、测定和比较分析,以探讨黄瓜株高调控机理并挖掘新的矮化种质,为黄瓜的矮化育种提供依据。结果显示:(1)突变体C1056的株高较野生型极显著变矮,且叶色加深、叶脉加粗、叶尖内卷、叶片皱缩,但茎粗、节间数与野生型无显著差异,而节间长度极显著低于野生型。(2)茎横切显微结构显示,突变体的维管束数量与野生型无显著差异,但导管直径缩小;纵切结果显示,突变体茎节间细胞长度变短,细胞变小,细胞数目略有补偿。(3)与野生型相比,突变体的叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量均有不同程度的下降,叶绿素/类胡萝卜素和叶绿素a/b的比值明显增高。(4)突变体叶绿素荧光各参数与野生型相比无明显变化;突变体的净光合速率较野生型降低8%,气孔导度、蒸腾速率较野生型分别提高15%和10%,但差异均不显著,而胞间CO2浓度显著高于野生型。(5)透射电镜观察结果发现,与野生型相比,突变体的叶肉细胞比较小,叶绿体所占细胞面积明增大,且叶绿体形状为半圆形和纺锤形,部分非正常结构的叶绿体的大部分基质、基粒片层未完全分化且不清晰,垛叠不整齐。研究表明,黄瓜矮生突变体C1056的矮化主要因其节间长度缩短以及细胞变小所致,且突变体的叶绿体结构受到一定程度的影响,但并未明显影响其光合能力。  相似文献   

用微卫星标记定位太空诱变玉米核不育基因   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
用姊妹交多代的太空诱变玉米雄性不育材料RP3195(A)×S37(自交系)的两个不同果穗的F2代群体作为育性调查和基因定位群体,这两个果穗的F2代群体分别为138株和247株。用326对微卫星引物进行差异筛选,其中有56对引物出现多态性,然后用56对引物对F2代群体进行分析,结果表明引物bnlg197和umc1012与不育基因连锁,其中在F2代群体的不同果穗中引物bnlg197与不育基因之间的遗传距离分别为7cM和14.5cM,标记umc1012在F2代群体(138株)中与不育基因之间的遗传距离为28.5cM,据此将该核不育基因定位在3L染色体上。  相似文献   

从甘蓝型油菜与白菜型油菜的种间杂交获得的甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus)中发现了雄性不育单株,兄妹交株系和不育株与甘蓝型油菜常规杂交F1和F2株系的育性分离分析表明,该不育材料属于双隐性雄性核不育类型.利用育性分离株系的可育株自交和可育株与不育株间兄妹交等方法筛选出7个纯合可育株系,等位测验表明这7个纯合可育株系(B1~B7)中存在两种基因型:Ms1Ms1ms2ms2和ms1ms1Ms2MS2.该材料对油菜核不育基因定位和杂种优势利用研究有重要意义.  相似文献   

在小麦育种材料中首次发现一种穗部发育萎缩且花器官明显退化,但茎、叶等其他器官发育正常的突变体sda1(spike development atrophy 1)。用显微镜观察突变体sda1的花器官,用碘-碘化钾鉴定其小孢子育性;以‘陕麦94’为父本,突变材料sda1为母本构建F2群体,调查各主要农艺性状,灌浆期测定穗部及穗下茎可溶性糖含量、旗叶光合性能(净光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率),对该突变体进行遗传分析;利用SSR微卫星标记,通过混合分离分析(BSA)和群体连锁分析进行基因定位,进一步探索该基因功能。结果表明:(1)小麦突变体sda1雄蕊发育畸形,雌蕊发育萎缩,小孢子几乎全部丧失育性。(2)对突变体sda1原株系中表型正常植株的后代分离统计分析结果证明,该突变性状由1对隐性核基因控制,并命名该基因为SDA1。(3)在F2群体中,突变株抽穗期较正常株延迟4d;穗部及穗下茎可溶性糖含量分别显著高于正常株30.6%和11.0%,但突变株与正常株的抽穗持续时间(均为8d)和光合性能无显著差异。(4)经基因定位分析初步确定SDA1位于小麦6B染色体WMC398和BARC136标记之间,与两标记的遗传距离分别为2.2cM和2.1cM。推测认为,SDA1是一个控制抽穗期与器官发育的多效基因,且该基因突变影响植株的糖分转化与利用。  相似文献   

赤霉素合成基因在植物的生长发育中起着重要的作用。甲基磺酸乙酯(ethyl methane sulfonate, EMS)诱变的超矮杆突变株水稻ag1 (ai-gan1)表现出明显的节间和叶片伸长缺陷,成熟期株高仅为野生型的34.81%,穗长以及各节间长度占整株高度的比例发生明显变化,其中倒二节间和倒三节间所占比例显著降低。MBS(mapping-by-sequencing)基因定位及CRISPR-Cas9基因敲除验证显示,该突变基因为赤霉素-3β羟化酶2 (gibberellin 3-beta-hydroxylase 2, GA3ox2)编码基因D18的等位基因。细胞的形态分析显示,突变体倒二节间的细胞长度显著变短,纵向细胞数量显著减少,而节间中横向薄壁细胞层数显著增加;突变体剑叶中横向小叶脉的数量显著增加,但维管束周围的纵向薄壁细胞数目显著减少。同时,部分与细胞分裂和伸长相关基因的表达量在突变体中都显著降低。上述结果说明GA3ox2在水稻中严重影响地上节间细胞的伸长及节间和剑叶中细胞的分裂活性,从而导致水稻地上部分的形态出现异常。  相似文献   

Under controlled environment and/or field conditions, vegetative growth (height, internode length, leaf area, shoot dry weight, grain yield) was greater in an F1 maize hybrid than in either parental inbred. Endogenous gibberellin (GA)-like substances in apical meristem cylinders were also higher in the hybrid than in either inbred, both on a per plant and per gram dry weight basis. There were no apparent qualitative differences in GA-like substances, however. Levels of GA-like substances in all genotypes were highest prior to tassel initiation. Chromatographic comparisons of the GA-like substances and authentic standards of GA native to maize on gradient-eluted SiO2 partition and reverse-phase C18 high-pressure liquid chromatography columns are described. No consistent differences in abscisic acid levels of the three genotypes were observed. This correlation of heterosis for endogenous GA-like substances with heterosis for growth suggests that amounts of endogenous GA may be related to hybrid vigor in maize.  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varies in growth habit from aggressive climbing types to bush beans. Growth habit is determined by a combination of factors including determinate versus indeterminate growth, total plant height, degree of branching and internode length. Together these factors make up climbing ability. The objective of this research was to determine the quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling climbing ability in a F5:8 recombinant inbred line population derived from an inter-gene pool cross of an aggressive indeterminate climbing bean with type IV growth habit (G2333) by an indeterminate bush bean of type IIb growth habit (G19839). The population was planted in four randomized complete block design experiments across environments that varied in altitude (from 1,000 to 1,750 masl) and soil fertility (low versus high phosphorus). QTL were identified for plant height, internode length and number of branches per plant on a genetic map covering all common bean linkage groups with a total length of 1,175 cM. In addition a scale was developed to evaluate overall climbing ability and was also used to identify QTL. A total of 7 QTL were found for plant height, 9 for climbing ability, 6 for internode length and 1 for branch number. The largest number and most significant QTL were found on the lower half of linkage group B04 suggesting a major pleiotropic locus for growth habit traits at this location of the genome that is distinct from previously characterized genes which control plant morphology of the crop.  相似文献   

研究我国玉米自交系茎秆性状特征及其多样性,是培育宜机收玉米品种的重要前提。本研究以兰卡斯特、PB、四平头、旅大红骨和瑞德五大主要类群70份主要玉米自交系为材料,调查12个茎秆相关性状(茎高、穗位高、穗位系数、茎节数、穗位节、穗节系数、穗茎长、穗茎粗、茎鲜重、茎干重、含糖量和含水量),分析性状相关性和类群多样性。结果表明,我国地方种质四平头和旅大红骨茎秆性状表型变异丰富;灌浆期玉米茎秆含水量比较稳定;玉米植株高度与茎节长度显著相关;玉米雌、雄穗节之间的节间数比较恒定;玉米茎秆含糖量与茎节长度、茎粗、果穗着生位置有关;有效降低穗位高度应从降低果穗着生节入手;类群茎秆特征鲜明:兰卡斯特茎节较少,瑞德茎秆较粗,PB茎秆较细,旅大红骨茎秆较粗、茎节较短,四平头植株较矮、茎秆含糖量较低、干物质含量较低;兰卡斯特×四平头和兰卡斯特×PB类群间存在较强的生物量及籽粒产量杂种优势;挖掘和利用茎节较长、穗位较低的玉米地方种质是我国宜机收玉米育种的技术途径。本研究结果对玉米育种具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

The experimental study was conducted during the period of 2008–2010 at the experimental field of the Institute of Forage Crops in Pleven. The hybridization scheme included direct and back crosses covering four varieties of forage pea (Pisum sativum L.), namely two spring ones, Usatii 90 and Kamerton from Ukraine, and a winter one from Bulgaria, Pleven 10. There was analyzed the inheritance of quantitative traits such as plant height, height to first pod, pod number per plant, seed number per plant, seed number per pod, seed weight per plant and number of fertile nodes per plant of parental components (P1 and P2) and both first (F1) and second (F2) hybrid generations. The cross Usatii 90 × Pleven 10 showed the highest real heterosis effect for plant height (8.26%), pods per plant (158.79%), seeds per plant (272.16%), seeds per pod (42.09%), seed weight per plant (432.43%) and number of fertile nodes per plant (117.14%). The cross Pleven 10 × Usatii 90 had the highest real heterosis effect height to first pod (11.06%). In F2 plants, the strongest depression for plant height (5.88%), seeds per plant (57.88%), seeds per pod (55.93%) and seed weight per plant (55.99%) was in the cross Usatii 90 × Pleven 10, for height to first pod (1.47%) in the cross Kamerton × Pleven 10 and for number of fertile nodes per plant (15.91%) in the cross Pleven 10 × Usatii 90. The highest positive degree of transgression for number of fertile nodes per plant (165.64%) and seed weight per plant (162.10%) was in the cross Pleven 10 × Kamerton and for pod number per plant (102.54%) and seeds per plant (99.13%) in Kamerton × Pleven 10. The stability of the characters was determined. Low variability in F1 and F2 was found in plant height (3.97–6.85%). Variability of number seeds per plant in F1 was highest (11.86–33.23%). For all other traits, the variability varied from average to high. A lower narrow-sense heritability coefficient was observed for plant height, height to first pod, pods per plant, seeds per plant and seed weight per plant (from 0.001 to 0.230). In few cases, such as in fertile nodes per plant (0.39 and 0.81) and seeds per pod (0.44), the coefficients of broad-sense heritability were higher.  相似文献   

Instability of s male-sterile cytoplasm in maize   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Singh A  Laughnan JR 《Genetics》1972,71(4):607-620
A number of S male-sterile plants from several shrunken-2 inbred lines were crossed initially with an R138-TR inbred line pollinator carrying the nonrestoring genotype for S sterile cytoplasm. One such cross, involving a male-sterile female parent from inbred line M825, produced, unexpectedly, a number of male-fertile F1 progeny, along with the expected male-sterile off-spring. Pollen records of plants in F2, F3 and F4 progenies in the exceptional pedigree, and of a variety of testcross and backcross progenies from these male-fertile exceptions, indicate that the exceptional male fertility is not attributable to the action of either dominant or recessive nuclear restorer genes. They are, however, consistent with the hypothesis that the event responsible for the appearance of exceptional male-fertile offspring among progeny of the original cross involved a change from male-sterile to male-fertile condition in the cytoplasm of the male-sterile M825 plant involved as the female parent in this cross. It appears that this plant bore an ear in which there was a relatively early mutational event at the cytoplasmic level resulting in a chimera involving some kernels which carried S male-sterile cytoplasm, and others which carried the mutated fertile cytoplasmic condition. The finding of a number of additional ear chimeras supports this contention.—The evidence suggests that the change from sterile to fertile cytoplasm has occurred in a number of other instances. The male-sterile line M825 is especially prone to this change. These findings are of particular interest because it has heretofore been considered that both S and T types of male-sterile cytoplasm are highly stable.—The data presented here are not sufficient to support the notion that the exceptional event involves a qualitative change, analogous to gene mutation, in a cytoplasmic entity governing the expression of male fertility. It is equally plausible that the exceptional male fertility is the result of occasional transfer of normal cytoplasm through the male germ cells of maintainer parents.  相似文献   

The wheat x maize cross as a technique for haploid induction in wheat was evaluated in a replicated block design comprising 18 wheat F1 hybrids and five Zea mays L. parents. Haploid plants were regenerated at an average of 9.1 (4.4–14.7) plants per 100 florets processed. Genotypic differences for haploid production efficiency were recorded for both wheat and Zea mays L. Interaction between parents was significant for number of plants/100 florets. All 610 of the 1,703 regenerated plantlets that were analyzed by flow cytometry were haploid. At maturity, 70% (60–81 %) of the colchicinetreated haploid plants were fertile, but the frequency of fertile and sterile plants was not consistent over the wheat hybrids from which they were derived. Flow cytometry performed using the first tiller which arose following colchicine treatment enabled prediction of fertility. The 1BL-1RS chromosome was found at the expected ratios in the F2 and in the haploid progenies produced through the wheat x maize cross but deviated from the 11 ratio in the haploid progenies produced by anther culture.  相似文献   

A study on mode of inheritance and mapping of fertility restorer (Rf) gene(s) using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers was conducted in a cross of male sterile line 2041A having Triticum timopheevi cytoplasm and a restorer line PWR4099 of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The F1 hybrid was completely fertile indicating that fertility restoration is a dominant trait. Based on the pollen fertility and seed set of bagged spikes in F2 generation, the individual plants were classified into fertile and sterile groups. Out of 120 F2 plants, 97 were fertile and 23 sterile (based on pollen fertility) while 98 plants set ≥5 seeds/spike and 22 produced ≤4 or no seed. The observed frequency fits well into Mendelian ratio of 3 fertile: 1 sterile with χ2 value of 2.84 for pollen fertility and 2.17 for seed setting indicating that the fertility restoration is governed by a single dominant gene in PWR4099. The three linked SSR markers, Xwmc503, Xgwm296 and Xwmc112 located on the chromosome 2DS were placed at a distance of 3.3, 5.8 and 6.7 cM, respectively, from the Rf gene. Since, no known Rf gene is located on the chromosome arm 2DS, the Rf gene in PWR4099 is a new gene and proposed as Rf8. The closest SSR marker, Xwmc503, linked to the Rf8 was validated in a set of Rf, maintainer and cytoplasmic male sterile lines. The closely linked SSR marker Xwmc503 may be used in marker-assisted backcross breeding facilitating the transfer of fertility restoration gene Rf8 into elite backgrounds with ease.  相似文献   

Genetic map containing 103 microsatellite loci obtained on 200 F2 plants derived from the cross R15 × 478 was used for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping in maize. QTLs were characterized in a population of 200 F2:4 lines, derived from selfing the F2 plants, and were evaluated with two replications in two environments. QTL determinations were made from the mean of these two environments. Plant height (PH) and ear height (EH) were measured. Using composite interval mapping (CIM) method, a total of 14 distinct QTLs were identified: nine for PH and five for EH. Additive, partial dominance, dominance, and overdominance actions existed among all detected QTLs affecting plant height and ear height. The QTLs explained 78.27% of the phenotypic variance of PH and 41.50% of EH. The 14 QTLs displayed mostly dominance or partial dominance gene action and mapped to chromosomes 2, 3, 4, 8, and 9. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

In this work, we have identified a chimeric pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR)-encoding gene cosegregating with the fertility restorer phenotype for cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in radish. We have constructed a CMS-Rf system consisting of sterile line ‘9802A2’, maintainer line ‘9802B2’ and restorer line ‘2007H’. F2 segregating population analysis indicated that male fertility is restored by a single dominant gene in the CMS-Rf system described above. A PPR gene named Rfoc was found in the restorer line ‘2007H’. It cosegregated with the fertility restorer in the F2 segregating population which is composed of 613 fertile plants and 187 sterile plants. The Rfoc gene encodes a predicted protein 687 amino acids in length, comprising 16 PPR domains and with a putative mitochondrial targeting signal. Sequence alignment showed that recombination between the 5′ region of Rfob (EU163282) and the 3′ region of PPR24 (AY285675) resulted in Rfoc, indicating a recent unequal crossing-over event between Rfo and PPR24 loci at a distance of 5.5 kb. The sterile line ‘9802A2’ contains the rfob gene. In the F2 population, Rfoc and rfob were observed to fit a segregation ratio 1:2:1 showing that Rfoc was allelic to Rfo. Previously we have reported that a fertile line ‘2006H’, which carries the recessive rfob gene, is able to restore the male fertility of CMS line ‘9802A1’ (Wang et al. in Theor Appl Genet 117:313–320, 2008). However, here when conducting a cross between the fertile line ‘2006H’ and CMS line ‘9802A2, the resulting plants were male sterile, which shows that sterile line ‘9802A2’ possesses a different nuclear background compared to ‘9802A1’. Based on these results, the genetic model of fertility restoration for radish CMS is also discussed.  相似文献   

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