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离子束介导大豆DNA转化小麦后代高蛋白株的RAPD标记分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用离子束介导法将大豆DNA导入小麦,经过连续4代田间筛选和蛋白含量测定,获得高蛋白变异株系.采用RAPD分析技术,用34条随机引物对供体大豆、受体小麦和3个高蛋白小麦变异株的基因组DNA进行扩增.有29个引物扩增出清晰稳定的条带,其中18个引物扩增出的条带有不同程度的差异.高蛋白小麦突变株与受体小麦(对照)相比出现了条带的增加、缺失、扩增带深浅等变化,也出现了与受体小麦不同而与供体大豆相同的扩增带.实验结果表明,外源大豆DNA导入受体小麦可以引起后代基因组DNA序列变化,扩大小麦遗传基础.  相似文献   

湖北光周期敏感核不育水稻农垦585的可育与不育株在一次枝梗期的幼穗中可溶性蛋白含量相近。雌雄蕊形成期和花粉母细胞分化期的可有株可溶性蛋白较不育株的分别高21%和12.3%;可有株在花粉二核和三核期亦有较高含量。不育株在雌雄蕊形成期后,酪蛋白酶活性迅速增高,而可有株至二核期才增高。不育株除在二次枝梗期的内肽酶活性略低外,其余阶段酶的活性较高。育性转变时内肽酶类型亦发生变化。可有株有较高的氨肽酶活性.  相似文献   

以宁夏枸杞主栽品种'宁杞1号'的雄性不育株和可育株为研究材料,通过测定它们枝条生长速率,花粉不同发育时期花蕾和叶片的叶绿素、可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量以及硝酸还原酶活性,比较不育株与可育株在发育进程中物质代谢的差异.结果表明:在枸杞花粉发育进程中,不育株枝条生长速率快,花蕾和叶片的叶绿素含量高,而脯氨酸严重缺乏,可溶性糖含量和硝酸还原酶活性低,且各个发育阶段不育株和可育株均存在明显差异.可见,'宁杞1号'不育株物质代谢水平低,缺乏生理活性物质积累,使花粉发育有关基因的表达受到抑制,最终影响了其育性的正常表达.  相似文献   

甜椒雄性不育两用系AB91不育株与可育株花药同工酶分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法(PAGE)对甜椒核雄性不育两用系AB91不育株与可育株的花药过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和酯酶(EST)同工酶谱带的分析,以及对其超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)同工酶活性的分析结果表明,这几种同工酶的活性和谱带均与不育性有一定的关系,具体表现为POD、CAT、EST在不育株谱带数少,而可育株谱带数多;POD、SOD的活性不育株高于可育株,而CAT、EST的活性则是可育株高于不育株。  相似文献   

为研究圆果黄麻(Corchorus capsularis L.)粤圆6号不育突变体的类型及不育机理,以粤圆6号及其不育突变体为实验材料,对其花器官及花粉粒进行了形态观察、碘染实验、体外萌发实验及田间授粉实验,结果表明,粤圆6号突变体为雌性不育。对两个材料发育不同时期功能叶和花蕾中的可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量进行了测定,结果表明,可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白在不同时期均表现出动态变化。雌性不育突变体功能叶中的可溶性糖在现蕾前期的含量略低于正常可育材料,进入现蕾期和结果期,其可溶性糖却比可育材料分别高出16.0%、33.3%,而花蕾组织中的可溶性糖比可育材料降低了15.5%;可育材料3个时期的功能叶及花蕾组织中可溶性蛋白的表达量分别比不育突变体高出3.9%、29.2%、79.1%、11.9%。上述代谢表达差异可能与雌性不育有关。  相似文献   

杨铁钢    戴廷波  曹卫星   《生态学报》2008,28(5):2357-2357~2364
为了解小麦花后介质氮素输入籽粒的同化途径,在不同发育时期不同施氮水平下,采用GS抑制剂(草丁膦)和15N示踪结合,研究了高低籽粒蛋白两种类型品种花后介质氮素的同化特征.结果表明,叶片GS抑制剂处理使豫麦47穗中的NDFF(氮含量中来自介质N的百分比)显著升高,豫麦50则显著降低;穗部GS抑制剂处理使豫麦47叶中的NDFF上升,而豫麦50(开花期)低氮处理上升、高氮处理下降.花后豫麦47的介质N同化量远大于豫麦50,同化介质N的主要器官为根茎,根茎∶叶∶穗的花后介质氮同化量之比约为4∶1∶2;而豫麦50的主要同化器官则为叶片,根茎∶叶∶穗之比约为1∶5∶1.随施N量的增加,豫麦47叶片花后介质N同化量增加,豫麦50则减少;且豫麦47叶片花后同化介质N的输出量显著小于籽粒花后介质N的同化量,而豫麦50叶片花后介质氮的输出量显著大于籽粒介质N的同化量.说明不同类型小麦品种花后N素由根系到籽粒的代谢同化途径具有显著差异,高蛋白品种豫麦47花后由根系流向籽粒的氮素可以不经叶片直接到达籽粒,低蛋白品种豫麦50则必须经过叶片才能到达籽粒.  相似文献   

两种穗型冬小麦籽粒淀粉积累动态及其有关酶活性变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花后25d内,大穗型品种豫麦66籽粒中淀粉积累比多穗型品种豫麦49慢,但花后25d后情况则相反。2个品种籽粒中淀粉积累速率的变化均呈单峰曲线,豫麦49峰值出现在花后15~20d,而豫麦66峰值则出现在花后20~25d。灌浆期豫麦66和豫麦49籽粒中蔗糖合成酶(SS)活性变化呈单峰曲线,峰值分别出现在花后20d和15d,整个灌浆期内豫麦66籽粒中SS活性高于豫麦49;2个品种籽粒中腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(AGPP)和淀粉分支酶(SBE)活性变化均呈单峰曲线,峰值出现在花后20d,而可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)活性变化则呈双峰曲线,峰值分别出现在花后10d和20d,且第二个峰值显著高于第一个。相关分析表明,SS、AGPP、SSS和SBE是影响小麦籽粒淀粉积累的关键酶。  相似文献   

我们分析行了二十株根瘤菌可溶性蛋白和酯酶的电泳图谱。菌株中14株分离自野大豆的快生型大豆根瘤菌和3株慢生型大豆根瘤菌;另外3株根瘤菌分别分离于苜蓿、豌豆和三叶草。根据它们电泳谱带的Rf值,计算了各根瘤菌可溶性蛋白图谱间的相似性系数。快生型大豆根瘤菌的电泳图谱均不同于慢生型大豆根瘤菌和其他根瘤菌。鉴于各菌株有其独特图谱,以此作为根瘤菌分类和鉴定的依据,是较可靠的方法。  相似文献   

中国春小麦株高、育性近等基因系的建立及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘秉华  王山荭  杨丽 《遗传》1999,21(4):31-33
以矮败小麦和中国春小麦为材料,经过杂交和连续回交,得到了中国春小麦遗传背景的分别表现矮秆不育、矮秆可育、高秆不育、高秆可育的近等基因系。根据近等基因系各成员系的株高表现,计算出矮秆基因Rht10的降秆强度是69.8%。借助于赤霉酸处理,在幼芽期就可分出矮败中国春小麦后代的不育株与可育株。 Abstract: Use Dwarfing Male-sterile Wheat and cv. Chinese Spring as parents, after cross and continuously back cross, the isogenic lines with Chinese Spring background were developed. These lines include dwarfing male-sterile line, dwarfing fertile line, tall male-sterile line and tall fertile line. The dwarfing intensity of gene Rht10 was calculated to be 69.8% according the differences between the isogenic lines. Treated with GA3solution, the male-sterile and fertile plants in Chinese Spring Dwarfing Male-sterile Wheat can be identified clearly when they are seedlings.  相似文献   

中国春小麦株高、育性近等基因系的建立及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以矮败小麦和中国春小麦为材料,经过杂交和连续回交,得到了中国春小麦遗传背景的分别表现矮秆不育、矮秆可育、高秆不育、高秆可育的近等基因系。根据近等基因系各成员系的株高表现,计算出矮秆基因Rht10的降秆强度是69.8%。借助于赤霉酸处理,在幼芽期就可分出矮败中国春小麦后代的不育株与可育株。 Abstract: Use Dwarfing Male-sterile Wheat and cv. Chinese Spring as parents, after cross and continuously back cross, the isogenic lines with Chinese Spring background were developed. These lines include dwarfing male-sterile line, dwarfing fertile line, tall male-sterile line and tall fertile line. The dwarfing intensity of gene Rht10 was calculated to be 69.8% according the differences between the isogenic lines. Treated with GA3solution, the male-sterile and fertile plants in Chinese Spring Dwarfing Male-sterile Wheat can be identified clearly when they are seedlings.  相似文献   

Vertical block SDS-PAAG electrophoresis of individual tomato seeds was used to examine the potential of seed proteins as gene markers for distinguishing male sterile from fertile lines and cultivars. Seeds of three genic male sterile lines and four fertile cultivars and lines were investigated. The line 6944 is carrier of the gene ms 10 35for pollen male sterility and the lines P-1a and PPS-3 carry the gene ps-2 for positional sterility. A modified extract solution which includes 1M tris — buffer pH 7.0, 7 % SDS, dimethylformamide and distilled water was applied. Qualitative variation in the A protein locus which could be used as a marker for distinguishing male sterile from fertile tomato lines was established.  相似文献   

由一对隐性基因控制的普通核雄性不育性遗传方式能够满足对植物最佳雄性不育系选育的要求,是水稻等作物杂种优势利用的极好遗传工具。如果能解决其不育系繁殖问题,将优于现有的其他杂种优势利用方式。克隆出普通核雄性不育性的可育基因,通过叶绿体转化,将核雄性不育性可育基因向普通核雄性不育株细胞质转移,创造普通核雄性不育株的保持系;通过种子成熟后表达的启动子;和以位点特异性重组技术为基础的基因开关以及化学诱导启动子的利用,都可能繁殖出100%不育株率的普通核雄性不育系,创造普通核雄性不育性利用的新途径,对植物杂种优势利用产业有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

由一对隐性基因控制的普通核雄性不育性遗传方式能够满足对植物最佳雄性不育系选育的要求,是水稻等作物杂种优势利用的极好遗传工具。如果能解决其不育系繁殖问题,将优于现有的其他杂种优势利用方式。克隆出普通核雄性不育性的可育基因,通过叶绿体转化,将核雄性不育性可育基因向普通核雄性不育株细胞质转移,创造普通核雄性不育株的保持系;通过种子成熟后表达的启动子;和以位点特异性重组技术为基础的基因开关以及化学诱导启动子的利用,都可能繁殖出100%不育株率的普通核雄性不育系,创造普通核雄性不育性利用的新途径,对植物杂种优势利用产业有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

用等电聚焦电泳分析的方法,测定了小麦(Triticum aestivum )3 种细胞质雄性不育类型(A 型、E型、T型)及其相应同核保持系萌动胚及幼芽可溶性蛋白. 发现雄性可育系等电点(pI)为4.90 的蛋白质合成数量高于相应的不育系;pI为6.85 的蛋白质可能是T 型细胞质基因表达的结果;pI为7.6 的蛋白质可能为津丰A 不育系特有的区带.表明细胞质来源不同的不育类型,其萌动胚及幼芽可溶性蛋白等电聚焦电泳图谱差异明显,有可能作为鉴别它们的依据  相似文献   

Wild abortive cytoplasmic male sterility has been extensively used in hybrid seed production in the tropics. Using protoplast fusion between cytoplasmic male sterile and fertile maintainer lines; we report here, transfer of wild abortive cytoplasmic male sterility to the nuclear background of RCPL1-2C, an advance breeding line which also served as maintainer of this cytoplasm. In total, 27 putative cybrids between V20A and RCPL1-2C and 23 lines between V20A and V20B were recovered and all of them were sterile. DNA blots prepared from the mitochondrial DNA of the cybrid lines from both the sets were probed with orf155 that is known to exhibit polymorphism between the mitochondrial DNA of the male-sterile and fertile maintainer lines. Hybridization of orf155 to 1.3 kb HindIII-digested mitochondrial DNA fragment of the cybrids showed transfer of mitochondrial DNA from wild abortive cytoplasmic male-sterile line to the maintainers, viz. RCPL 1-2C and V20B. Expression of male sterility was confirmed by the presence of sterile pollen grains and the lack of seed setting due to selfing in all the cybrid lines. These cybrids, on crossing with respective fertile maintainers set seeds that in turn, produced sterile BC1 plants. DNA blots from HindIII-digested mitochondrial DNA of these BC1 plants when probed with orf155 again exhibited localization of orf155 in wild abortive cytoplasm-specific 1.3 kb HindIII-digested mitochondrial DNA fragments. This demonstrated that the cytoplasmic male sterility transferred through protoplast fusion retained intact female fertility and was inherited and expressed in BC1 plants. Fusion-derived CMS lines, on pollination with pollen grains from restorer, showed restoration of fertility in all the lines. The results demonstrate that protoplasts fusion can be used for transferring maternally inherited traits like cytoplasmic male sterility to the desired nuclear background which can, in turn, be used in hybrid seed production programme of rice in the tropical world.  相似文献   

It has been shown, that in most cases the fertile plants of maternal line and F1 plants of respective hybrid are present among sterile plants of sunflower female lines in crossing plots. As a result, 16 various genotypes of seeds are ascertained in crossing plots at monogenic differences in marker trait. Only two classes are F1 seeds. In such cases specific share of 5 genotype groups may be distinguished by phenotypes of heliantin electrophoregrammes. Seeds of biological admixture may be attributed to the 6th distinguishing type.  相似文献   

A research was conducted on the pollen fertility of rice sterile lines D52S and D38S responsive to photoperiod during the sensitive stage under natural and controlled conditions. Bulk segregant analysis (BSA) and recessive class approach were applied to identify DNA markers that co-segregate with gene conferring male-sterility in D52S mutant rice. The results showed that in day-light higher or equal to 14.00 h, D52S and D38S rice pollen were fertile; however, they were sterile when day-length was less than 14.00 h. They were therefore considered to be short photo-periodic sensitive genic male sterile lines(Short PGMS lines). Under short day-light conditions, the pollen fertility segregation of F2 populations from crosses between D52S/Shuhui527 and D52S/Gui99showed 3:1 ratio of fertile to sterile plants suggestingthat male sterility in D52S was controlled by one recessive gene. Two markers RM244 and RM216 located on chromosome number 10 co-segregated completely with the rpms locus. The locus was mapped to the interval between SSR markers RM2571 (6.6 cM) and RM244 (4.6 cM).  相似文献   

利用蓝粒太谷核不育硬粒小麦89-2343[AABB 4D(MS2)/4E]与普通小麦7739-3(2n=42)杂交、回交所产生的蓝粒可育株与白粒矮败材料杂交、回交,育成了一份矮败蓝粒小麦.选用13份遗传背景不同的白粒普通小麦与之杂交、回交,育成了13份矮败蓝粒小麦.对后代的粒色和育性分离进行分析,蓝粒矮败不育株占22.1%,白粒非矮秆可育株占77.7%,表明蓝粒基因、Ms2和Rht10均位于附加染色体上,且连锁紧密;但不同轮回亲本,矮败蓝粒的传递率有差异,477A的传递率最高,接近50%.细胞学分析表明矮败蓝粒小麦仍为单体附加系;探讨了矮败蓝粒小麦在群体改良和杂种小麦生产中的应用.  相似文献   

一个新的小麦核不育材料的发现和鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从轮选可育株衍生的后代中发现一个雄性不育株,即P740不育材料。在P7 40不育材料第1、2、3次姊妹交后代中,可育株与不育株的分离比分别符合4:1、 7:5和15:13。在第2次姊妹交后代中可育株产生的40个株系中,7个株系的育性分离比是15:1,33个株系是3:1,二者约分别占1/7和6/7。以上结果表明,P740是一个双隐性基因控制的核雄性不育材料。本文提出了计算隐性核不育材料姊妹交后代育性分离比率的公式。 Abstract:A male sterile material was found in the progeny derived from a fertile plant in the population of recurrent selection.The ratios of fertile to sterile plants in three sib-mating of the male sterile material with fertile plants were to 4:1,7:5 and 15:13,respcctively.In the 40 plant lines derived from the fertile plants of second sib-mating population,33 lines approximated to the segregation ratio of 3(fertile):a double recessive nuclear male sterile material.A genetic pattern for calculation of fertile segregation in sib-mating progenies of recessive nuclear male sterile material was advanced in this paper.  相似文献   

Four soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) lines isogenic except for loci controlling male sterility (ms1) and nodulation (rj1) were developed to study the effects of reproductive development and nitrogen source on the nucleic acid and protein levels within the leaves. Changes in DNA, RNA, protein, and cellular viability were measured from flowering (77 days after emergence) until maturity (147 days after emergence) in leaves of nodulated and non-nodulated male-sterile and fertile soybean genotypes. Leaf nuclei from the sterile genotypes yielded DNA amounts that were significantly higher than those from the fertile lines. The average DNA values for the nodulated sterile and nodulated fertile lines at 147 days after emergence were 7.01 and 2.45 picograms, respectively. The average 2C DNA amount as determined from dividing root-tip nuclei was 2.83 picograms, which indicated occurrence of endopolyploid mechanisms in the sterile lines and age-related loss of DNA in fertile lines. Similar to DNA findings, the RNA and protein values in the sterile lines were significantly higher than those values observed in the fertile lines, suggesting an increased capacity to synthesize protein. The soybean leaf nuclear DNA declined, especially in the fertile lines in terms of the percent endopolyploid nuclei as well as the average DNA content during maturation. The DNA decline in leaves of fertile genotypes suggests that the leaves may be exporting nucleosides and phosphates to the seeds during embryo formation. In the sterile lines, due to the reduced pod-set, these ready reserves of nucleosides and phosphates tended to accumulate in the chromatin of the leaf nucleus as manifested by the DNA specific Feulgen stain. By the end of the study (147 days after emergence), the nodulated fertile genotypes had experienced a dramatic loss in DNA, RNA, and protein. The nodulated sterile genotypes, however, indicated 65% more DNA, 59% more RNA, and 53% more protein as compared to the nodulated fertile genotypes at 147 days after emergence. The sterile lines also indicated the slowest increase in the death of cells, while the fertile lines indicated the fastest increase in nonviable cells, as shown by trypan blue staining. The fertile lines displayed normal monocarpic senescence throughout the study. The reproductive structures of fertile plants utilized the molecules in seed production, whereas in the sterile lines, these accumulated in leaf cells.  相似文献   

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