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在大肠杆菌中高效表达结核分枝杆菌Rv3369蛋白,获得纯化的重组蛋白rRv3369。通过聚合酶链反应(Polymerase chain reaction,PCR)扩增Rv3369基因;以质粒pET28a为表达载体,构建重组质粒,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3);以异丙基硫代半乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导表达目的蛋白,通过SDS-PAGE鉴定rRv3369在大肠杆菌中的表达,确定rRv3369在大肠杆菌中的表达形式;采用Ni-NTA His.Bind Resin来纯化重组蛋白。重组质粒pET28a-Rv3369中目的基因测序结果与报道序列相同。分子量约19.5kDa,表达量约占菌体总蛋白的18%,纯化后的重组蛋白样品经SDS-PAGE和激光密度扫描分析表明其纯度为90%以上,每100mL培养菌可获得1.56mg左右的重组蛋白。用亲和层析法纯化的重组蛋白纯度较好。  相似文献   

多串心钠素的纯化与活性测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为获得纯化心钠素(ANP)单体,采用离子交换及疏水柱层析,纯化融合蛋白麦芽糖结合蛋白(MBP)-ANP和MBP-3ANP,用凝血因子Xa切割MBP-ANP后,经阳离子柱分离获得ANP单体.对ANP单体与BMP-3ANP进行生物学活性检测.1 材料与方法1.1 材料含心钠素多拷贝基因的重组表达质粒pMal-nANP...  相似文献   

将猪瘟病毒不同抗原表位基因串联构成重组基因BT21,化学合成后克隆至pMD18-T载体中,然后再将BT21串联基因片段插入原核表达载体pGEX-6P-1。经酶切和测序鉴定后,构建的重组质粒pGEX—BT21转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),通过IPTG诱导表达,表达产物进行SDS—PAGE分析,用G1utathione Se-pharose4B亲和层析法纯化目的蛋白和Western blot分析其免疫学活性。结果表明:融合蛋白GST—BT21以可溶形式表达,分子量约为33kDa,与预期大小相符,纯化的重组蛋白可被猪瘟病毒阳性血清所识别,具有良好的免疫学活性。从而为进一步研究该融合蛋白的免疫特性和功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本实验旨在构建雪莲类PEBP基因原核表达载体,在大肠杆菌中表达并纯化类PEBP基因所编码的蛋白,为进一步研究奠定基础.将雪莲类PEBP基因开放阅读框序列克隆到原核表达载体pET30( )上,转化感受态表达菌株BL21(DE3),低浓度IPTG低温诱导融合蛋白的表达,纯化产物,Western blotting鉴定目的蛋白.IFTG低诱导PEBP,经SDS-PAGE分析,其相对分子量约为28 kD,与预期相符,表达量约占菌体蛋白的26.8%,并且通过亲和层析纯化了重组融合蛋白,Western blotting鉴定为阳性.成功构建了原核表达载体pET-PEBP,获得了高效表达产物,并为进一步研究雪莲类PEBP基因的抗冻功能打下基础.  相似文献   

目的:克隆人赖氨酸乙酰基转移酶7(KAT7)的2个功能结构域基因,获得其原核表达产物,并纯化蛋白。方法:采用PCR技术从人乳腺文库中扩增人KAT7基因的2个功能结构域(1-330aa)和(331-611aa)编码片段,将其克隆到p ET28a载体中,在大肠杆菌Rossate中表达后,对原核表达产物进行纯化,以SDS-PAGE和Western印迹鉴定表达与纯化产物。结果:从人乳腺文库中分别扩增获得约990和840 bp的DNA片段,并克隆至p ET28a载体,测序结果表明与目的序列完全一致;在大肠杆菌Rossate中诱导表达出相对分子质量分别约为42 000和36 000的目的蛋白,经纯化后获得了纯度较高的重组蛋白KAT7(1-330aa)和(331-611aa)。结论:获得了重组蛋白KAT7(1-330aa)和(331-611aa),为后续研究KAT7与肿瘤调控奠定了实验基础。  相似文献   

寻求有效的肿瘤基因疗法,构建鸡贫血病毒VP3的减毒鼠伤寒沙门氏菌疫苗,并获得较纯的表达VP3基因的融合蛋白,初步研究其免疫原性.采用PCR技术扩增VP3基因,并将其与原核载体pET32α( )重组.将重组后质粒转染E.coli BL21,得到表达VP3的融合蛋白,并将此蛋白通过50%的Ni -NTA亲和树脂纯化.同时将重组质粒转染减毒沙门氏菌SL7207.经双酶切和PCR鉴定,成功构建了表达VP3的减毒沙门氏菌苗.融合蛋白通过50%的Ni -NTA亲和树脂纯化,得到纯度在90%以上的纯化蛋白.成功构建了表达VP3的减毒沙门氏菌苗,并且获得纯化的表达VP3的融合蛋白,为进一步研究VP3的免疫保护作用及对抗肿瘤疫苗的研制打下基础.  相似文献   

目的:为了研究赖氨酰氧化酶(Lysyl Oxidase,LOX)及其相互作用蛋白质在乳腺癌中的功能,构建带StrepⅡ/FLAG串联亲和标签的重组LOX蛋白慢病毒表达载体并在乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-231中表达。方法:设计引物通过聚合酶链式反应获得带StrepⅡ/FLAG串联亲和标签的LOX蛋白(LOX-SF)的亲本质粒,双酶切后鉴定测序克隆至GV303表达载体,连同慢病毒包装质粒共同转染293T得到GV303/LOX-SF慢病毒,将其转染MDA-MB-231细胞,使用荧光定量PCR和蛋白质印迹实验对细胞中重组蛋白LOX-SF进行检测。结果:通过串联亲和纯化获得LOX-SF重组蛋白,使用标签抗体成功鉴定到LOX-SF重组蛋白在MDA-MB-231细胞内稳定表达。结论:GV303/LOX-SF的构建,使带StrepⅡ/FLAG融合标签的LOX蛋白在MDA-MB-231中成功表达及纯化,为筛选和研究LOX及其相互作用蛋白在乳腺癌细胞内的功能奠定了实验基础。  相似文献   

目的:完成钝尾毒蜥Exendin -4基因在大肠杆菌中的串联高效表达.方法:按照大肠杆菌偏爱密码子设计Exendin -4基因片段,利用同尾酶构建多拷贝串联的表达载体,于大肠杆菌BL21( DE3)中诱导表达,SDS - PAGE鉴定结果,表达产物Ni柱纯化后肠激酶切割,高效液相色谱及四级杆-飞行时间质谱纯化、鉴定,确定目标产物,作用胰岛瘤细胞INS -1检测胰岛素释放活性.结果:成功构建重组载体pET28a -(Exendin -4)n(n=2,4,6),且均获得可溶性表达产物,重组表达蛋白经切割、纯化、鉴定和制备,最终得到纯度98%的Exendin -4,其具有与标准品相似的促葡萄糖刺激的胰岛素释放活性.结论:试验成功利用串联表达方式制备有活性的Exendin -4,为下一步2型糖尿病治疗药物的研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

为实现多个基因在同一菌株中均一可溶性表达,简化基因工程亚单位多联多价疫苗中抗原生产的工艺步骤,本研究选用Ⅰ群4型禽腺病毒(FAdV-4) Fiber-2蛋白、鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV) VP2蛋白和减蛋综合征病毒(EDSV)Fiber蛋白3种来自不同禽病毒的抗原为研究对象,利用原核表达系统,通过密码子优化、载体启动子改造和基因串联顺序优化,获得单一载体/多重转录单元的共表达重组质粒。将共表达重组质粒转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)菌株,进行3个基因的共表达。纯化后的蛋白进行Western blotting和蛋白活性检测。结果表明,目的基因经过密码子优化、载体启动子改造和基因串联顺序的优化后,获得均一可溶性共表达的3种蛋白,纯化后蛋白纯度大于80%,Western blotting分析和琼脂扩散试验表明串联表达的3种蛋白具有免疫反应性和抗原活性。文中通过目的基因密码子优化、表达载体启动子改造和基因串联等关键技术的突破,首次实现了3种不同禽病毒抗原的高效、均一、可溶性串联表达和纯化,为基因工程亚单位多联多价疫苗的研制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:获取小鼠附睾分泌的防御素Defb48的基因并原核表达、纯化,为研究其功能奠定基础。方法:提取小鼠附睾组织的总RNA,用RT-PCR技术扩增出不含信号肽的Defb48编码序列,将2段Defb48编码序列串联克隆至原核表达载体pET28(a)中,经酶切和测序鉴定正确的重组质粒转化大肠杆菌Rosetta(DE3),IPTG诱导表达重组蛋白;用镍柱进行重组蛋白的纯化,然后进行SDS-PAGE和Western印迹分析鉴定。结果:获得实验所需小鼠附睾分泌的防御素Defb48的基因序列,测序结果与已发表的基因序列一致;在大肠杆菌Rosetta(DE3)中表达了His-Defb48融合蛋白,经Western印迹分析,在相对分子质量18 000处有特异的蛋白条带,镍柱纯化后获得纯度较好的融合蛋白。结论:克隆了小鼠附睾分泌的防御素Defb48基因,并在大肠杆菌Rosetta(DE3)中表达纯化出融合蛋白,为制备其多克隆抗体,进而进一步研究Defb48的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), a small peptide consisting of 28 amino acids, has been applied in clinical treatment for heart failure, but it can encounter proteolytic degradation during its expression in host cells. Therefore, it is usually reported that ANP was expressed as a part of fusion protein. The aim of our study was to use an overexpression system to express the fusion protein REF-ANP and to optimize a purification method. First, Escherichia coli DH5alpha was transformed with constructed expression vector containing two tandem copies of ref-anp gene and the fusion protein REF-ANP was overexpressed in shaking flask culture. Subsequently, the inclusion bodies were purified with reverse phase chromatography and pooled fractions were lyophilized. After this step, REF-ANP can be solubilized under native conditions without urea. After cleavage reaction, the sample was subjected to size exclusion chromatography and then rANP was polished with reverse phase chromatography. The final purity of rANP was more than 98% and the recovery of rANP per liter of shaking flask culture was more than 3mg. Such methods as mass spectrometry, capillary isoelectrofocusing analysis, and N-terminal amino acid sequence were used to identify rANP. The capillary isoelectrofocusing analysis showed that the pI of ANP was about pH 9.7. In this study, an efficient refolding and purification process should make scaling-up procedures easier and more successful than earlier reports. Moreover, it is possible that the refolding and purification method along with the overexpression system described in this article may offer new ideas on optimizing expression and purification of other kinds of short peptides.  相似文献   

在大肠杆菌中表达可溶的多串心钠素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为获得大量的α心钠素,构建了含α心钠素多拷贝基因的重组表达载体pMal-nANP.经IPTG诱导后,在E.coliJM109中稳定表达融合蛋白.优化诱导条件后,重组蛋白主要以可溶形式存在.利用amylose亲和柱初步纯化后的融合蛋白具有较好的生物学活性  相似文献   

C8orf32是一种功能未知基因,其mRNA含量在乳腺癌组织中显著高于正常乳腺组织。将其开放式阅读框插入pGEX-6P1原核表达载体T7启动子控制下的GST编码基因下游,构建了C8orf32蛋白表达质粒pGEX-6P-C8。表达质粒转化入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)菌株,经IPTG诱导,成功表达了GST- C8orf32融合蛋白。经带有GST标签的位点特异性蛋白酶切割除去GST-C8orf32融合蛋白的GST标签,获得了N端带有8个多余氨基酸残基的C8orf32蛋白,蛋白纯度为95%左右。N端氨基酸序列分析表明该蛋白N端氨基酸序列正确,质谱鉴定进一步证明所表达C8orf32蛋白的正确性。用制备的C8orf32蛋白免疫新西兰白兔,获得了能够正确识别C8orf32蛋白的抗血清。该蛋白及其抗体的成功制备,为进一步研究C8orf32蛋白的结构功能和体内分布打下了基础。  相似文献   

Rao X  Hu J  Li S  Jin X  Zhang C  Cong Y  Hu X  Tan Y  Huang J  Chen Z  Zhu J  Hu F 《Peptides》2005,26(5):721-729
Peptide antibiotics are small peptides encoded by organism genomic DNA. They are recognized to play important roles in the innate host defense of most living organisms. The growing resistance of bacteria to conventional antibiotics and the need for discovery of new antibiotics have stimulated great interest in the development of peptide antibiotics as human therapeutics. However, preparation of peptide antibiotics at a large scale is a great challenge in developing these commercial products. In this study, tandem repeat multimers of peptide antibiotic hPAB-beta were designed and the recombinant plasmids containing one to eight copies of hPAB-beta gene were generated. Eight genetic engineered bacteria harboring pQE-hPAB-beta1-8 recombinant were able to express the repetitive hPAB-beta multimers of interest in inclusion bodies, respectively. The expressed proteins could reach 2.6-28% of the total proteins. The hPAB-beta trimer construct was selected out for the subsequent study based on its higher expression level (27.8%), which yields in wet cell weights (3.15+/-0.45 g/l) and the fusion protein inclusion bodies was able to completely dissolve in 8 M urea. The tandem trimers could easily be captured by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography and cleaved into monomers by hydroxylamine. Then, the monomer hPAB-beta of interest was purified to 95% homogeneity by reverse phase chromatography and gel filtration. The final yield of purified recombinant monomer hPAB-beta was 680+/-12 mg/100 g wet cells. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of the purified recombinant hPAB-beta against type or clinical strains of microorganisms were about 31-250 microg/ml and these results showed that the recombinant hPAB-beta could retain its bioactivity.  相似文献   

通过大肠杆菌JM109诱导家蚕,提取其脂肪体总mRNA后,通过RT-PCR得到cDNA,根据GenBank上家蚕抗菌肽CecropinD的cDNA序列,设计并合成引物,然后PCR扩增得到CecropinD肽基因并克隆到pGEM-T载体中,经过EcoRΙ和XhoI酶切,连接并将CecropinD肽基因插入pET32a表达载体中。用重组质粒pET32a-ecropinD转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),在IPTG诱导下,融合蛋白Trx-CecropinD以可溶形式得到高效表达,经SDS-PAGE检测显示分子量为23kDa与预期大小相符,表达量约为总蛋白的30%。融合蛋白经Ni2 柱纯化后通过肠激酶切割后释放为Trx(18kDa)和CecropinD(5kDa),最后通过超滤管分离得到重组抗菌肽。通过抑菌实验测得重组CecropinD对于革兰氏阴性及阳性菌均有抑菌活性。并将重组CecropinD与家蚕病毒BmNPV作用混合4h后,一起投喂家蚕,发现病毒感染力有明显降低,说明其有抗病毒感染作用。  相似文献   

Recently we demonstrated the presence of cell-surface-located cAMP-dependent protein kinase (ecto-PK A) activity in a number of different cell types [Kübler, D., Pyerin, W., Bill, O., Hotz, A., Sonka, J. and Kinzel, V. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 14549-14555]. The question of the physiological role of externally directed kinase activity prompted a search for potential natural substrates present in the intercellular fluid. In the present study we have investigated the phosphorylation by ecto-PK A of the human atrial natriuretic peptide ANP99-126, a hormone released by cardiac cells. This 28-amino-acid peptide carries the phosphorylation consensus sequence Arg-Arg-Ser-Ser for the PK A. Incubation of various cell lines (including epithelial, epidermal, myoblast and lymphoma cells) or freshly isolated blood cells (macrophages, erythrocytes and platelets) with ANP in the presence of low micromolar concentrations of ATP resulted in the phosphorylation of ANP at Ser residues. The ANP phosphorylation reaction proved strictly dependent on cAMP; cAMP could not be replaced by cGMP. The phosphorylation was inhibited by the PK A-specific inhibitory peptide and increased linearily for up to 15 min and with a Km value of 3-5 microM for ANP. At higher ATP concentrations (greater than 100 microM) the incorporation rates amounted to about 0.3 mmol P (mol ANP)-1 min-1. The rise of intracellular cAMP in HEL30 (an epidermal cell line) after application of the beta-adrenergic receptor agonist isoproterenol led to an approximately three-fold stimulation of ANP phosphorylation which appears to be brought about by an efflux of intracellular cAMP. Employing cell supernatant fluids and cell sonicates, it could be shown that the phosphorylation of ANP results from the ecto-PK A. Comparison of ANP with ANP phosphorylated in vitro using purified catalytic subunit of PK A showed that phosphorylation is accompanied by certain changes in the average solution conformation of the peptide, consistent with the changes known to occur in its biological activity. Our results demonstrate cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of the peptide hormone analogue ANP99-126 by intact cells through ecto-PK A, an intriguing mechanism for post-translational processing of ANP.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) are two hormones produced and secreted by the heart to control blood pressure, body fluid homeostasis and electrolyte balance. Each peptide binds to a common family of 3 receptors (GC-A, GC-B and C-receptor) with varying degrees of affinity. The proANP gene disrupted mouse model provides an excellent opportunity to examine the regulation and expression of BNP in the absence of ANP. A new radioimmunoassay (RIA) was developed in order to measure mouse BNP peptide levels in the plasma, atrium and ventricle of the mouse. A detection limit of 3–6 pg/tube was achieved by this assay. Results show that plasma and ventricular level of BNP were unchanged among the three genotypes of mice. However, a significant decrease in the BNP level was noted in the atrium. The homozygous mutant (ANP–/–) had undetectable levels of BNP in the atrium, while the heterozygous (ANP+/–) and wild-type (ANP+/+) mice had 430 and 910 pg/mg in the atrium, respectively. Northern Blot analysis shows the ANP–/– mice has a 40% reduction of BNP mRNA level in the atrium and a 5-fold increase in the ventricle as compared with that of the ANP+/+ mouse. Our data suggest that there is a compensatory response of BNP expression to proANP gene disruption. Despite the changes in the atrial and ventricular tissue mRNA and peptide levels, the plasma BNP level remains unaltered in the ANP–/– mice. We conclude that the inability of BNP to completely compensate for the lack of ANP eventually leads to chronic hypertension in the proANP gene disrupted mice.  相似文献   

The receptor for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) was purified to apparent homogeneity from bovine lung by a combination of detergent extraction, ammonium sulfate precipitation, and affinity chromatography on ANP-Affi-Gel 10. The Mr of the purified receptor is about 140,000 as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. After reduction, the protein migrated as a single band with an Mr near 70,000. NH2-terminal sequence analysis of the purified material revealed only one sequence, indicating that the ANP receptor is composed of two probably identical subunits held together by disulfide bond(s), although it remains possible that one of the subunits is blocked at the NH2 terminus. Antibody was produced to the nonreduced Mr = 140,000 species and shown to interact with detergent-solubilized forms of the lung and kidney ANP receptor.  相似文献   

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