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采用热不对称交错PCR(thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR,TAIL-PCR)法分离红曲霉色素突变株T-DNA插入位点的侧翼序列,扩增到了长度介于500bp~1300bp之间的7个DNA片段,对这些DNA片段测序,并采用生物信息学方法对测序结果进行了分析,表明其中有1个片段与烟曲霉Af293发育调控子flbA的相似性较高。TAIL-PCR法成功应用于分离红曲霉突变株T-DNA插入位点的侧翼序列,为大规模获取插入位点侧翼序列建立了可行的方法,也为进一步研究红曲霉功能基因奠定了基础。  相似文献   

水稻T-DNA插入突变体库的筛选及遗传分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
T-DNA标签技术是分离和研究植物功能基因的有效方法,寻找T-DNA插入表型突变体是进一步开展研究的关键所在。文章对以ZH11、ZH15为受体亲本构建的4416份T,代标签系进行了表型鉴定,发现存在拟纯合突变和系内分离突变两种类型,突变表型涉及株高、生育期、叶形、叶色、分蘖力、植株松紧度、穗颈节、穗形、颖花、粒形、类病变、雄性不育、生长极性等14类性状。其中,株高、生育期、叶色、雄性不育有着相对较高的突变频率(超过1%),株高和叶色的突变频率在品种及年度间表现稳定,而生育期、雄性不育波动较大,表明这类性状的表型易受到环境的影响。通过T1、T2连续世代的共分离分析,筛选出3个与穗部或颖花发育相关的T-DNA插入突变体,为分离相关功能基因奠定基础。随机选择42份有表型突变的标签系,通过质粒拯救和TAIL-PCR的方法分离其侧翼序列,从39个标签系中获得40条序列,其中25条为载体序列,14条与水稻基因组有很好的同源性,BlastN分析结果表明T-DNA有优先整合进植物功能基因内部的特性。  相似文献   

以哥伦比亚(Columbia)野生型拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)为实验材料,用含有激活标记双元质粒pCB260的农杆菌浸花进行转化,构建拟南芥T-DNA插入突变体库.通过突变体的筛选和表型分析,获得了两株光形态突变体,子叶下胚轴伸长的光抑制效应减弱.通过TAIL-PCR(thermal asymmetric interlaced-PCR)技术,成功扩增出突变植株T-DNA插入位点侧翼序列,经NCBI序列比对,T-DNA分别插在CRY1第一和第三外显子部位.突变体的表型分析及PCR鉴定结果表明,T-DNA插入CRY1并影响到突变植株的光形态建成.  相似文献   

徐纪明  胡晗  毛文轩  毛传澡 《遗传》2018,40(8):676-682
T-DNA插入位点的获得对于植物功能基因组学研究及转基因植物的筛选鉴定非常重要,但是目前常用的方法如反向PCR、半随机引物PCR等,除了操作复杂、消耗时间长外,特异性较差,效率也很低。本研究利用全基因组重测序技术,将3份转基因材料基因组DNA打包后进行重测序,利用转基因载体序列作为参考序列进行比对分析,得到4个T-DNA插入位点。对3份转基因材料进行PCR和Southern blot验证分析,成功获得了3份转基因材料全部T-DNA插入位点,其中1份材料为2拷贝插入。本文利用重测序技术建立了一种简单、可靠、高效的获取转基因植物T-DNA插入位点的方法,以期为植物功能基因组学及转基因研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

甘蔗梢腐病是世界范围内重要的经济作物真菌性病害,其病原真菌为串珠镰孢菌(F.moniliforme)。通过农杆菌介导的遗传转化构建了串珠镰孢菌(菌株CNO-1)的突变体库,并通过Hi TAIL-PCR和菌落形态对突变体库进行鉴定。结果构建了库容量为956的CNO-1突变体库。从CNO-1突变体库中随机挑选6个转化子,进行PCR鉴定,结果均为阳性。CNO-1突变体库中,筛选出生长速度减慢突变体22个,色素变异突变体1个;对47株突变体进行Hi TAIL-PCR,扩增插入位点侧翼序列,得到有效序列22条,BLAST结果显示,T-DNA的22个插入位点分布在CNO-1的15条基因组scaffold上;生长速度减慢突变体的插入失活基因分别与细胞分裂、DNA修复、△12脂肪酸脱氢酶、E3泛素连接酶等有关。  相似文献   

水稻T-DNA插入突变体库的构建及突变类型的分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
利用农杆菌介导的转化系统转化中花11成熟胚愈伤组织,获得1489个独立转化的T-DNA插入再生株系。PCR和Southern杂交的结果表明,69.8%转化株系被整合了T-DNA,通过Tail-PCR也从转化植株中扩增出T-DNA侧翼序列。同时对1066个T1转化株系的抽穗期、株高、单株穗数的调查结果表明,不同株系中分离出了突变植株。  相似文献   

为探究冠突曲霉有性产孢调控的相关机制,从已构建的T-DNA随机插入突变体库中选取有性产孢突变株,采用Southern杂交鉴定T-DNA为单拷贝插入,并用Tail-PCR技术扩增获得T-DNA插入位点侧翼序列,分离获得突变基因。序列分析表明,该基因位于冠突曲霉基因组scaffold 7上,开放阅读框2 511 bp,含有4个内含子,预测编码666个氨基酸,含有NDT80_Pho G蛋白质超级家族保守结构域。BLASTp结果表明,该预测蛋白与Eurotium rubrum p53-like转录因子(EYE95652.1)相似性最高,identity=89%。显微观察发现T-DNA的插入影响了有性产孢结构的发育。本实验为进一步研究该基因在有性产孢过程中的分子功能及可能参与的调控途径奠定基础。  相似文献   

含Ds转座因子的T-DNA在水稻染色体上的分布研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用农杆菌介导的方法获得了有Ds因子插入的3000多株水稻转化群体, 用Inverse PCR方法, 从部分独立转化植株中分离了590条含Ds因子的T-DNA插入位点处的右侧旁邻水稻染色体序列. 根据旁邻序列中T-DNA右边界与侧翼水稻序列之间的插入序列的特征可分成6个主要类别, 其中类型Ⅰ是主要类型, 为通常的T-DNA整合, 即T-DNA右边界序列与水稻染色体序列相连, 或者其间插入小于50 bp的序列片段; 类型Ⅱ为T-DNA右边界旁先接T-DNA载体序列, 再与水稻序列相接的重组类型. 340个类型Ⅰ和Ⅱ的旁邻序列通过与已知的水稻染色体序列数据库一致性比较分析, 确定了它们在水稻染色体上的分布位置, 构建了一个Ds因子在水稻12条染色体插入的框架结构. 这340个有Ds因子插入的位点在整个染色体上平均相距0.8 Mb. 分析在第1条染色体上T-DNA(Ds)插入情况显示有21%的频率插入到预测基因的外显子中. T-DNA(Ds)在染色体上分布位置的确定, 使我们可以选择合适的Ds因子插入株作为起始株系, 导入Ac转座酶基因后, 使Ds发生转座, 从而获得新的Ds插入突变株, 为进一步利用Ds转座标签法分离水稻基因创造了条件.  相似文献   

孙丙耀  谈建中  陆小平  曲春香  万志刚  顾福根 《遗传》2006,28(12):1555-1561
采用TAIL-PCR技术从经鉴定含Ac/Ds双元件的材料中扩增Ds侧翼序列并测序, 对水稻Ac×Ds后代基因组DNA进行Ac和Ds插入的PCR分析。利用NCBI的BLAST软件, 以Ds侧翼序列为待查询序列进行GenBank在线搜索比对, 获得Ds插入相关基因的染色体定位和功能注释等信息。对扩增的93个有效Ds侧翼序列进行分析, 结果显示, 有21个水稻杂交后代中Ds插入于基因编码区, 其余72个插入在基因间序列, 其中12个插入在特定基因的上游3 kb以内的间隔区。本研究强调了提高Ds侧翼序列扩增和Ac/Ds植株筛选效率的技术关键。  相似文献   

【目的】利用农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)T-DNA系统,建立转化黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)分生孢子的方法,构建T-DNA插入突变子文库,为黑曲霉基因组功能注释研究打下基础。【方法】采用携带二元质粒载体pCAMBIA1301的农杆菌EHA105,诱导转化黑曲霉分生孢子,筛选具有潮霉素抗性的突变子。分析抗性稳定突变子菌株的表型,采用反向PCR方法分析T-DNA插入位点相邻位置的序列,并推测突变基因可能具有的功能。【结果】实验获得具有稳定潮霉素抗性转化子193株,转化率为5.6×102转化子/108分生孢子。部分转化子表型出现较为明显改变,其中一株不能产孢,对其T-DNA插入位点序列分析比对结果显示,突变基因属于超级转运家族(major facilitator superfamily,MFS)。【结论】本研究建立的农杆菌转化黑曲霉分生孢子平台,结合T-DNA插入突变位点分析,可以为黑曲霉基因组功能注释研究提供一种简便有效的途径。  相似文献   

Summary The genomic distribution and genetic behavior of DNA sequences introduced into the tomato genome by Agrobacterium tumefaciens were investigated in the backcross progeny of 10 transformed Lycopersicon esculentum x L. pennellii hybrids. All transformants were found to represent single locus insertions based on the co-segregation of restriction fragments corresponding to the T-DNA left and right border sequences in the backcross progeny. Isozyme and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were used to test linkage relationships of the insertion in each backcross family. The T-DNA inserts in 9 of the 10 transformants were mapped in relation to one or more of these markers, and each mapped to a different chromosomal location. Because only one insertion did not show linkage with the markers employed, it must be located somewhere other than the genomic regions covered by the markers assayed. We conclude that Agrobacterium-mediated insertion in the Lycopersicon genome appears to be random at the chromosomal level. No discrepancies were found between the T-DNA genotype and the nopaline phenotype in the 322 backcross progeny of the nopaline positive transformants. Backcross progeny of two nopaline negative transformants showed incomplete correspondence between the T-DNA genotype and the kanamycin resistance phenotype. No alteration of T-DNA was observed in progeny showing a discrepancy between T-DNA and kanamycin resistance. However, two kanamycin resistant progeny plants of one of these two transformants possessed altered T-DNA restriction patterns, indicating genetic instability of the T-DNA in this transformant.Journal article no. 1223 of the New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

DNA fragments containing T-DNA/plant DNA junctions isolated from 17 transgenic tobacco plants were amplified using inverse PCR. Analysis of the nucleotide sequences of 34 cloned DNA fragments revealed 100% homology with vector sequences outside T-DNA in 10 cases. Nine nucleotide sequences had homology with the repeats in the tobacco genome. The percentage of homology varied from 70 to 90%, with the identified repeats belonging to different types. In most clones no homology was revealed with the GENEBANK sequences. Alignment of the sequences truncated during the integration of the left and the right borders of the T-DNA insertions demonstrated significant clusterization (10 bp region) of truncation sites for the left border. Five sequences had identical truncation sites (+23 T) that showed the perferable use of this nucleotide. The AT content varied from 51 to 72% which was close to the total percentage of AT pairs in the tobacco genome.  相似文献   

From the total DNA of 17 transgenic tobacco plants the DNA fragments containing T-DNA/plant DNA junctions were amplified using inverse polymerase chain reaction. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of 34 fragments with the GENEBANK sequences revealed homology with vector sequences outside T-DNA in 10 cases and no homology with the known nucleotide sequences in most clones. The AT-content varied from 51 up to 72% that is close to the total percentage of AT pairs in tobacco genome. Alignment of the sequences truncated during embedding of the left and the right borders has shown that for the left border significant clusterization (10 bp region) of truncation sites was observed, and five sequences had identical sites of truncation (+23 T) that showed the preferable use of this nucleotide. Nine created nucleotide sequences were homologous to the repeating sequences in tobacco genome. The percentage of homology varied from 70 up to 90%. The identified repeats belong to different types.  相似文献   

After Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation, multiple T-DNAs frequently integrate at the same position in the plant genome, resulting in the formation of inverted and direct repeats. Because these inverted repeats cannot be amplified and analyzed by PCR, Arabidopsis root cells were co-transformed with two different T-DNAs with distinct sequences adjacent to the T-DNA borders. Nine direct or inverted T-DNA border junctions were analyzed at the sequence level. Precise end-to-end fusions were found between two right border ends, whereas imprecise fusions and filler DNA were present in T-DNA linkages containing a left border end. The results suggest that end-to-end ligation of double-stranded T-DNAs occurs especially between right T-DNA ends and that illegitimate recombination on the basis of microhomology, deletions, repair activities and insertions of filler DNA is involved in the formation of left border T-DNA junctions. Therefore, a similar illegitimate recombination mechanism is proposed that is involved in the formation of complex T-DNA inserts as well as in the integration of the T-DNA in the plant genome.  相似文献   

A systematic analysis of T-DNA insertion events in Magnaporthe oryzae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We describe here the analysis of random T-DNA insertions that were generated as part of a large-scale insertional mutagenesis project for Magnaporthe oryzae. Chromosomal regions flanking T-DNA insertions were rescued by inverse PCR, sequenced and used to search the M. oryzae genome assembly. Among the 175 insertions for which at least one flank was rescued, 137 had integrated in single-copy regions of the genome, 17 were in repeated sequences, one had no match to the genome, and the remainder were unassigned due to illegitimate T-DNA integration events. These included in order of abundance: head-to-tail tandem insertions, right border excision failures, left border excision failures and insertion of one T-DNA into another. The left borders of the T-DNA were frequently truncated and inserted in sequences with micro-homology to the left terminus. By contrast the right borders were less prone to degradation and appeared to have been integrated in a homology-independent manner. Gross genome rearrangements rarely occurred when the T-DNAs integrated in single-copy regions, although most insertions did cause small deletions at the target site. Significant insertion bias was detected, with promoters receiving two times more T-DNA hits than expected, and open reading frames receiving three times fewer. In addition, we found that the distribution of T-DNA inserts among the M. oryzae chromosomes was not random. The implications of these findings with regard to saturation mutagenesis of the M. oryzae genome are discussed.  相似文献   

T-DNA integration is a key step in the process of plant transformation, which is proven to be important for analyzing T-DNA integration mechanism. The structures of T-DNA right borders inserted into the rice (Oryza sativa L.) genome and their flanking sequences were analyzed. It was found that the integrated ends of the T-DNA right border occurred mainly on five nucleotides "TGACA" in inverse repeat (IR)sequence of 25 bp, especially on the third base "A". However, the integrated ends would sometimes lie inward of the IR sequence, which caused the IR sequence to be lost completely. Sometimes the right integrated ends appeared on the vector sequences rightward of the T-DNA right border, which made the TDNA, carrying vector sequences, integrated into the rice genome. These results seemingly suggest that the IR sequence of the right border plays an important role in the process of T-DNA integration into the rice genome, but is not an essential element. The appearance of vector sequences neighboring the T-DNA right border suggested that before being transferred into the plant cell from Agrobacterium, the entire T-DNA possibly began from the left border in synthesis and then read through at the right border. Several nucleotides in the T-DNA right border homologous with plant DNA and filler DNAs were frequently discovered in the integrated position ofT-DNA. Some small regions in the right border could match with the plant sequence, or form better matches, accompanied by the occurrence of filler DNA, through mutual twisting, and then the TDNA was integrated into plant chromosome through a partially homologous recombination mechanism. The appearance of filler DNA would facilitate T-DNA integration. The fragments flanking the T-DNA right border in transformed rice plants could derive from different parts of the inner T-DNA region; that is, disruption and recombination could occur at arbitrary positions in the entire T-DNA, in which the homologous area was comparatively easier to be disrupted. The structure of flanking sequences of T-DNA integrated in the rice chromosome presented various complexities. These complexities were probably a result of different patterns of recombination in the integrating process. Some types of possible integrating mechanism are detailed.  相似文献   

To investigate the various integration patterns of T-DNA generated by infection withAgrobacterium, we developed a vector (pRCV2) for the effective T-DNA tagging and applied it to tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Havana SR1). pRCV2 was constructed for isolating not only intact T-DNA inserts containing both side borders of T-DNA, but also for partial T-DNA inserts that comprise only the right or left side. We also designed PCR confirmation primer sets that can amplify in several important regions within pRCV2 to detect various unpredictable integration patterns. These can also be used for the direct inverse PCR. Leaf disks of tobacco were transformed withAgrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404 harboring pRCV2. PCR and Southern analysis revealed the expected 584 bp product for thehpt gene as well as one of 600 bp for thegus gene in all transformants; one or two copies were identified for these integrated genes. Flanking plant genomic DNA sequences from the transgenic tobacco were obtained via plasmid rescue and then sequenced. Abnormal integration patterns in the tobacco genome were found in many transgenic lines. Of the 17 lines examined, 11 contained intact vector backbone; a somewhat larger deletion of the left T-DNA portion was encountered in 4 lines. Because nicking sites at the right border showed irregular patterns when the T-DNA was integrated, it was difficult to predict the junction regions between the vector and the flanking plant DNA.  相似文献   

Over 3000 rice plants with T-DNA carrying a Ds element were constructed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediation. Using inverse PCR methodology, 590 unique right flanking sequences of T-DNA (Ds) were retrieved from independent transformants and classified into six main types on the basis of the origin of filler DNA between the right border of T-DNA and flanking sequence of rice genome. Type I sequences were the most common and showed canonical integration that T-DNA right border was followed by rice genome sequence with or without filler DNA of no more than 50 bp, while type II sequences displayed a vector-genome combination that T-DNA right border was followed by a vector fragment and then connected with rice genome sequence. The location and distribution of 340 type I and II flanking sequences on the rice chromosome were determined using BLAST analysis. The 340 Ds insertions at an average interval of 0.8 megabase (Mb) constructed a basic framework of Ds starter points on whole rice chromosomes. The frequency of T-DNA (Ds) inserted into the exons of predicted genes on chromosome one was 21%. Knowledge of T-DNA (Ds) locations on chromosomes will prove to be a useful resource for isolating rice genes by Ds transposon tagging as these Ds insertions can be used as starting lines for further mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Distribution of T-DNA carrying a Ds element on rice chromosomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rice is one of the most important crops in the world, and is widely studied as a model for cereal ge-nomics because of its small genome size (about 430 Mbp), and its colinearity at the sequence level with limited regions of other cereal genomes. In addition, there are a large number of rice databases document-ing molecular markers, genome sequences, EST se-quences and trait mutants[1—4]. Functional genomic studies of rice are increasing with the availability of the complete genome sequence. …  相似文献   

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