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可变剪接源于多外显子基因生成多个转录本的调控过程。随着高通量测序,尤其是RNA-seq的研究进展,剪接序列和剪接位点可以通过挖掘海量的测序数据进行预测。可变剪接现象拓宽了人们对基因结构和蛋白质亚型的知识。然而现有的短序列比对软件受到随机性比对的影响,产生很多假阳性剪接位点,干扰下游数据分析。本研究发现,可变剪接位点周边序列的结构特征可被深度学习模型提取,并利用深度卷积神经网络识别剪接位点。本研究的模型具有识别率高、计算速度快,模型泛化能力强、鲁棒性高等优势。  相似文献   

拟南芥不同组织基因表达及可变剪接差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可变剪接是转录后重要的基因表达调控方式,也是转录组和蛋白质组多样性的重要来源. 近年来随着拟南芥、水稻、玉米等植物转录组测序的完成,研究人员发现植物pre-mRNA可变剪接的发生与组织分化、发育等生物学过程密切相关. 本工作基于GEO数据库的RNA-seq数据,使用高通量测序数据分析常用的Trimmomatic、Salmon、DESeq2、SUPPA2等工具,识别了拟南芥的种子、根、叶、花、花梗、节间、长角果共7种组织的表达基因和可变剪接事件,以及7种组织间的差异表达基因和差异可变剪接事件,并以叶和花为例展示了相应的生物学功能分析. 该工作系统地研究了拟南芥基因表达和可变剪接发生的组织特异性,有助于进一步阐明植物基因组的基因表达调控机制.  相似文献   

目的:计算识别果蝇中新的非经典剪接位点,以探索未知的剪接机制。方法:基于黑腹果蝇表达序列标签(EST)与其基因组序列比对数据重构基因结构,从中发现非经典的剪接位点,并采用Weblogo软件分析非经典剪接位点上下游序列,以期发现剪接相关的特异性元件。结果:共得到265个非经典的剪接位点,这些剪接位点落在195个蛋白编码基因上。结论:应用生物信息学方法在果蝇中发现了上百个非经典剪接位点,为研究非经典剪接机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

可变剪接使一个基因能产生多种m RNA成熟体,极大地增加蛋白多样性.采用中华猕猴桃基因组数据做参考数据,利用中华猕猴桃叶片和果实3个不同发育时期(未成熟、半成熟和成熟期)的转录组数据,从中华猕猴桃基因组(39040个基因)中共鉴定出11651个基因(占总基因数的29%)对应的32180个可变剪接事件.在可变剪接不同类型中,内含子保留类型的发生频率最高,占50%以上;3′可变位点类型频率约为5′端可变类型的2倍.GO富集分析结果表明,可变剪接的基因主要富集于酶调控及核苷酸结合相关功能的GO类别中,而组织特有可变剪接基因功能富集热点与组织的重要功能关联,叶片多为肌动蛋白及微管相关;未成熟果实与双组分信号系统相关;半成熟果实多与磷脂合成过程相关;成熟果实多与信号传递过程相关.另外,55.6%的维生素合成相关基因发生可变剪接事件,显著高于基因组水平的29.6%,暗示着可变剪接参与维生素合成相关基因代谢过程中的重要作用.通过对中华猕猴桃全基因组可变剪接的分析,为解析中华猕猴桃基因组及进一步开展相关分子育种工作提供依据.  相似文献   

目的:对人脑的基因可变剪接位点差异性进行分析。方法:通过RNA-Seq得到的转录组数据,分析推测出在不同年龄的7对样本的大脑前额叶皮层(prefrontal cortex,PFC)表达的某些基因具有可变剪接位点的差异性;为验证此推测,设计7对引物,提取不同年龄样本的RNA,通过反转录合成cDNA,采用PCR技术扩增目的序列。结果:在已剪接和(或)未剪接产物预期片段处有明显的条带。结论:通过Quantity One软件分析后,确定在不同年龄间存在可变剪接差异。基于PCR技术的基因可变剪接分析对RNA-seq数据集的预测结果进行验证是一种有效新颖的PCR新应用。  相似文献   

本研究旨在基于已获得的第三代纳米孔全长转录组数据对东方蜜蜂微孢子虫Nosema ceranae基因的可变剪接(alternative splicing,AS)和可变多聚腺苷酸化(alternative polyadenylation,APA)进行分析。通过Astalavista软件鉴定东方蜜蜂微孢子虫基因的AS事件类型。采用TAPIS pipeline对东方蜜蜂微孢子虫基因的APA位点进行鉴定。利用MEME软件分析所有全长转录本的poly (A)剪接位点上游50bp的序列特征并鉴定motif。共鉴定出发生于5个基因的5次AS事件,包括1次可变供体位点(alternative donor site,ADS)和4次内含子保留(intron retention,IR)。鉴定出233个基因发生APA,其中含有1个poly (A)剪接位点的基因数量最多(143,61.37%)。序列特征分析结果显示,东方蜜蜂微孢子虫全长转录本的3’ UTR的上下游表现出明显的碱基倾向性,U在3’ UTR的上游富集,而A在3’ UTR的下游富集。此外,在东方蜜蜂微孢子虫全长转录本的poly (A)剪接位点上游鉴定到3个motif(AAUAAA、UGAUGC和GCGACG)。研究结果揭示了东方蜜蜂微孢子虫转录组的复杂性,完善了现有的参考基因组和转录组注释,也为深入探究不同剪接异构体的分子功能提供了基础。此外,本研究为其他真菌的AS和APA研究提供了有益的思路和方法借鉴。  相似文献   

可变剪接是引起蛋白多样性的主要机制之一,而转录组reads的重新定位是获取可变剪接位点的有效方法,适合在基因组较小的真菌中应用。ZOOM软件是一款可在window系统下运行的reads可视化定位软件,被广泛用于下一代基因组测序(NGS)的reads定位及单碱基多态性位点(SNP)的发掘。本文发现该软件分析可变剪接的新用途,并以禾谷镰刀菌Fusarium graminearum的4个基因为例详细描述该方法在真菌可变剪接位点识别中的应用,这些结果均获得RT-PCR的验证。  相似文献   

可变剪接是产生蛋白质组多样性和调节基因表达的重要机制,相关研究在高等真核生物中开展较多,而在单细胞真核生物中则较少,尤其是单细胞原生动物纤毛虫中,仅有少量报道。本文基于单细胞模式原生动物嗜热四膜虫种大量转录组数据,对其可变剪接基因进行了鉴定及分析。在嗜热四膜虫中共鉴定到2 894个可变剪接位点,涉及到2 698个可变剪接基因,可分为四类。考虑到转录本拼接的准确性,选择了其中464个与基因组预测模型完全一致的可变剪接基因进行深入分析,其中生长(growth)时期、饥饿(starvation)时期、接合生殖(conjugation)时期特异性的可变剪接基因分别为49个、79个和135个。对可变剪接基因的功能进行分析表明其涉及的功能广泛且显著富集于蛋白激酶过程,提示可变剪接基因在嗜热四膜虫蛋白磷酸化和信号传导中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

高盐摄入不仅会带来高血压、糖尿病、自身免疫病等风险,而且会对大脑产生负面影响。可变剪接(Alternative Splicing,AS)作为基因表达调控的重要方式,其导致单个基因编码多种蛋白质,大大增加基因组编码的蛋白质的多样性,参与几乎所有的生物学过程。但是,关于高盐摄入是否改变神经系统中基因的可变剪接事件目前还未报道。本文以黑腹果蝇作为材料,利用RNA测序分析其头部响应高盐摄入的基因可变剪接变化。结果发现高盐摄入改变黑腹果蝇头部信号转导、离子稳态、离子通道活性、离子转运和钙调蛋白结合等重要信号相关基因的可变剪接。进一步分析具体发生变化的基因的功能,发现它们在多个层面对神经系统功能的调控起着重要的作用。该研究证明高盐摄入改变神经系统重要基因的可变剪接,为理解高盐摄入对神经系统的影响提供更多的依据和线索。  相似文献   

真核基因可变剪接研究现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
mRNA前体(pre-mRNA)的可变剪接是控制基因表达和产生蛋白质多样性的重要机制,是功能基因组时代的研究重点之一。生物信息学在识别可变剪接基因及其结构、分析可变剪接的功能和调控方式等方面具有重要作用。除了耗时的实验研究,识别可变剪接基因及其结构主要通过EST、mRNA等转录数据与基因组序列进行比对,获得同一基因的不同结构方式。分析蛋白质产物可对可变剪接的功能进行预测;潜在调控元件的统计分析则可为可变剪接调控机制的研究提供必要的数据。转录数据的时空信息以及比较基因组学对理解可变剪接信息的精确调控将提供重要资料。可变剪接及其调控机制的深入研究将为基因组和蛋白质组之间的对接提供重要的桥梁。  相似文献   

人类基因组盒式外显子和内含子保留的可变剪接位点预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信使RNA的可变剪接是真核生物有别于原核生物的基本特征之一,信使RNA前体的可变剪接极大地丰富了高等真核生物蛋白质的多样性,并与生物体的组织特异性密切相关。文章对人类盒式外显子和内含子保留的一些基本特征进行了统计;根据剪接位点附近的单碱基、碱基二联体和三联体的保守性等特征,利用基于多样性指标的二次判别法,对盒式外显子和内含子保留的供体端和受体端可变剪接位点进行了预测。交叉检验结果表明,盒式外显子供体端和受体端的识别精度分别达到93%、84%以上的水平;内含子保留供体端和受体端的识别精度分别达到89%、81%以上的水平。  相似文献   

Jin HY  Luo LF  Zhang LR 《Gene》2008,424(1-2):115-120
A crucial part in the gene structure prediction is to identify the accurate splice sites, not only constitutive but also alternative ones. Here, we use the maximum information principle (MIP) to analyze the conservative segments around splice sites. According to the MIP, a reaction free energy (RFE) expression is deduced, which can be employed to estimate the free energy change during splicing reaction involving a donor or acceptor site. The expression contains not only the background probability factors, but also all kinds of dependencies among both adjacent and non-adjacent bases. We apply the RFE expression to recognize splice sites and their flanking competitors in human genes, the results show high sensitivity and specificity, so the RFE expression accords well with the splicing reaction process. Moreover, the RFE expression is better than previous methods for predicting competitors of splice sites, and it outperforms the reaction free energy subtraction (RFES), that implies RFE competition between a given splice site and its flanking competitor may not be an only primary factor for alternative splice site selection. The work is helpful to not only the understanding of splicing reaction from its relation to MIP, but also the research on computational recognition of splicing sites and alternative splice events.  相似文献   

Prediction of human mRNA donor and acceptor sites from the DNA sequence   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
Artificial neural networks have been applied to the prediction of splice site location in human pre-mRNA. A joint prediction scheme where prediction of transition regions between introns and exons regulates a cutoff level for splice site assignment was able to predict splice site locations with confidence levels far better than previously reported in the literature. The problem of predicting donor and acceptor sites in human genes is hampered by the presence of numerous amounts of false positives: here, the distribution of these false splice sites is examined and linked to a possible scenario for the splicing mechanism in vivo. When the presented method detects 95% of the true donor and acceptor sites, it makes less than 0.1% false donor site assignments and less than 0.4% false acceptor site assignments. For the large data set used in this study, this means that on average there are one and a half false donor sites per true donor site and six false acceptor sites per true acceptor site. With the joint assignment method, more than a fifth of the true donor sites and around one fourth of the true acceptor sites could be detected without accompaniment of any false positive predictions. Highly confident splice sites could not be isolated with a widely used weight matrix method or by separate splice site networks. A complementary relation between the confidence levels of the coding/non-coding and the separate splice site networks was observed, with many weak splice sites having sharp transitions in the coding/non-coding signal and many stronger splice sites having more ill-defined transitions between coding and non-coding.  相似文献   

Xinyi Zhang  Zimeng Yu  Pingfang Yang 《Phyton》2023,92(6):1665-1679
Sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) is a typical aquatic plant, belonging to basal eudicot plant, which is ideal for genome and genetic evolutionary study. Understanding lotus gene diversity is important for the study of molecular genetics and breeding. In this research, public RNA-seq data and the annotated reference genome were used to identify the genes in lotus. A total of 26,819 consensus and 1,081 novel genes were identified. Meanwhile, a comprehensive analysis of gene alternative splicing events was conducted, and a total of 19,983 “internal” alternative splicing (AS) events and 14,070 “complete” AS events were detected in 5,878 and 5,881 multi-exon expression genes, respectively. Observations made from the AS events show the predominance of intron retention (IR) subtype of AS events representing 33%. IR is followed by alternative acceptor (AltA), alternative donor (AltD) and exon skipping (ES), highlighting the universality of the intron definition model in plants. In addition, functional annotations of the gene with AS indicated its relationship to a number of biological processes such as cellular process and metabolic process, showing the key role for alternative splicing in influencing the growth and development of lotus. The results contribute to a better understanding of the current gene diversity in lotus, and provide an abundant resource for future functional genome analysis in lotus.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing (AS) constitutes a major mechanism creating protein diversity in humans. Previous bioinformatics studies based on expressed sequence tag and mRNA data have identified many AS events that are conserved between humans and mice. Of these events, ~25% are related to alternative choices of 3′ and 5′ splice sites. Surprisingly, half of all these events involve 3′ splice sites that are exactly 3 nt apart. These tandem 3′ splice sites result from the presence of the NAGNAG motif at the acceptor splice site, recently reported to be widely spread in the human genome. Although the NAGNAG motif is common in human genes, only a small subset of sites with this motif is confirmed to be involved in AS. We examined the NAGNAG motifs and observed specific features such as high sequence conservation of the motif, high conservation of ~30 bp at the intronic regions flanking the 3′ splice site and overabundance of cis-regulatory elements, which are characteristic of alternatively spliced tandem acceptor sites and can distinguish them from the constitutive sites in which the proximal NAG splice site is selected. Our findings imply that AS at tandem splice sites and constitutive splicing of the distal NAG are highly regulated.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing generates functional diversity in higher organisms through alternative first and last exons, skipped and included exons, intron retentions and alternative donor, and acceptor sites. In large-scale microarray studies in humans and the mouse, emphasis so far has been placed on exon-skip events, leaving the prevalence and importance of other splice types largely unexplored. Using a new human splice variant database and a genome-wide microarray to probes thousands of splice events of each type, we measured differential expression of splice types across six pair of diverse cell lines and validated the database annotation process. Results suggest that splicing in humans is more complex than simple exon-skip events, which account for a minority of splicing differences. The relative frequency of differential expression of the splice types correlates with what is found by our annotation efforts. In conclusion, alternative splicing in human cells is considerably more complex than the canonical example of the exon skip. The complementary approaches of genome-wide annotation of alternative splicing in human and design of genome-wide splicing microarrays to measure differential splicing in biological samples provide a powerful high-throughput tool to study the role of alternative splicing in human biology.  相似文献   

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