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Tat蛋白转导区域位于融合蛋白C端时的跨膜递送作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对Tat蛋白转导区域(PTDTat)的C端融合蛋白的跨膜递送作用进行探讨.采用DNA重组技术将PTDTat融合在绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的羧基(C)端,构建重组表达质粒pGEXGFPTat,IPTG诱导其表达后,采用谷胱甘肽Sepharose4B(GS4B)亲和层析,获得纯化的谷胱甘肽S转移酶(GST)融合的重组蛋白GSTGFPTat.该蛋白与HeLa细胞共培养,荧光显微镜观察其荧光强度随着蛋白浓度的增高而增强.流式细胞仪分析发现,在4.0μmolL蛋白浓度下,转导效率高达80.0%;而在GFP氨基(N)端含有PTDTat的融合蛋白GSTTatGFP的阳性对照组,转导效率只有32.9%.实验结果表明,C端融合的PTDTat同样具有对外源蛋白的跨膜递送作用.该结果可能为PTDTat在蛋白药物递送方面的有效应用提供理论依据.  相似文献   

汤莹  史道华 《生物磁学》2009,(14):2756-2758,2762
HIV-TAT蛋白转导域(Protein transduction domain,,PTD)是新近发现的一种在蛋白转导过程中能高效穿过生物膜的结构域,源自人类免疫缺陷病毒Tat蛋白的一段碱性氨基酸多肽,能与多肽、蛋白质及DNA等分子连接并跨膜导入绝大部分的组织细胞或透过血脑屏障,转导效率高且对细胞无损伤。TAT-PTD与细胞膜之间的电荷作用,吸附于膜表面,依赖脂筏介导的巨胞饮作用进入细胞。TAT融合蛋白系统是一种极有价值的运载工具,在基础医学研究和临床治疗方面有着广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

HIV-TAT蛋白转导域(PTD)是新近发现的一种在蛋白转导过程中能高效穿过生物膜的结构域,它能将与之连接的多肽、蛋白质及DNA等分子跨膜导入几乎所有的组织和细胞,转导效率高而对细胞没有损伤.构建了TAT-EDAG、TAT-GFP融合蛋白原核表达载体,在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)细胞中实现了两种融合蛋白的可溶性原核表达,在非变性条件下进行蛋白纯化,获得了纯度在90%以上的融合蛋白.脱盐处理后,利用TAT-GFP转染体外培养的鼠成纤维细胞证实了TAT转导肽的生物活性;利用TAT-EDAG转染体外培养的HL-60细胞,Western blotting分析表明:TAT-EDAG可以导入HL-60细胞中.这为下一步应用于体外造血干细胞扩增研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

目的:借助穿膜肽TAT高效跨膜的特性和LacI前头肽突变体(LacI HPM)高亲和力结合DNA的特性,建立-种安全高效、无基因插入片段大小限制的基因转导系统。方法:在TAT-LacI HPM片段C端和N端分别添加GST标签,构建pET-28a(+)-TAT-LacI HPM-GST和pGEX-GST-TAT-LacI HPM重组表达载体,可溶性表达TAT-LacI HPM-GST及GST-TAT-LacI HPM融合蛋白并纯化,获得TAT-LacI HPM二聚体,免疫荧光检测TAT-LacI HPM融合蛋白穿过HeLa细胞膜的情况,观察EGFP的表达,用免疫印迹检测TAT-LacI HPM融合蛋白介导质粒DNA进入细胞的能力。结果:表达、纯化并获得二聚体融合蛋白,体内实验表明其具有跨膜能力,能介导带有LacI结合序列的DNA质粒进入细胞,并在转染细胞里检测到了目的蛋白。结论:初步证实TAT-LacI HPM融合蛋白作为-种新型通用性非病毒DNA转运载体的可行性,为评价这种新型DNA疫苗载体在提高免疫效果方面的可行性奠定了前期实验基础。  相似文献   

水孔蛋白是由多基因编码的介导水分快速跨膜转运的膜内在蛋白。植物水孔蛋白分为4类,具有多功能性,包括介导水分的快速跨膜转运,参与气孔运动,参与叶肉内CO_2的运输,调节植物对中性分子(甘油、NH_3、尿素)和营养元素(硼、硅)的吸收,参与植物体内的氧化应激及信号的跨膜转导等。  相似文献   

HIV-Tat蛋白转导域在医学研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
HIVTat蛋白转导域(proteintransductiondomain,PTD)是新近发现的一种在蛋白转导过程中能高效穿过生物膜的结构域,它能将与其共价连接的多肽、蛋白质及DNA等分子跨膜导入几乎所有的组织和细胞,甚至可以通过血脑屏障,转导效率很高而且对细胞没有损伤。TAT融合蛋白系统被认为是一种很有前途的运载工具,在基础医学研究和临床治疗方面都有着非常广泛的应用前景 。  相似文献   

TAT蛋白转导肽是HIV-1病毒编码的一段富含碱性氨基酸序列的多肽,能够高效介导多种外源生物大分子通过多种膜性结构,如细胞质膜和血脑屏障等。为探索TAT蛋白转导肽介导的秀丽线虫体内外源蛋白跨膜转导作用,以EGFP为报告基因结合常规分子克隆技术构建了原核表达载体pET28b-EGFP和pET28-TAT-EGFP,继而利用诱导剂IPTG(终浓度1mmol/L)诱导表达了靶蛋白并结合荧光显微观察、SDS-PAGE和Western blot等鉴定技术获得表达靶蛋白的大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)细胞,最后将其涂布到含有Kana+的LB固体培养基上直接饲喂野生型N2株系线虫,利用荧光显微镜观察绿色荧光信号在线虫体内的分布。结果证明,TAT-EGFP融合蛋白较之于EGFP可高效、可溶性表达,而且通过直接饲喂秀丽线虫表达靶蛋白的大肠杆菌48小时后,TAT-EGFP荧光信号明显分布于线虫肠壁细胞,而EGFP荧光信号则分布在秀丽线虫肠腔,空载体对照组未见任何荧光信号,说明TAT蛋白转导肽能够高效介导外源蛋白在秀丽线虫体内跨膜转导。同时,通过比较空载体对照组与实验组线虫微分干涉图像,未见线虫出现明显的细胞形态变化,说明TAT蛋白转导肽介导的外源蛋白跨膜转导作用是安全的,为在秀丽线虫体内直接研究外源蛋白的功能以及进行蛋白药物的研发提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

刘树滔  何火聪  陈菁  傅蓉  潘剑茹  饶平凡 《中国实验动物学报》2010,18(6):463-466,I0003,I0004
目的探讨跨膜递送短肽——TAT蛋白转导结构域(简称TAT)介导的与其融合的活性蛋白在活体的跨膜递送作用。方法以融合蛋白GST-TAT-GFP,GST-GFP-TAT和GST-GFP为研究模型蛋白,不经过蛋白质的变性处理、直接通过向小鼠腹腔注射和皮肤涂抹这两种含TAT的融合蛋白及作为对照的融合蛋白GST-GFP,一定时间作用后取体内器官和皮肤做冷冻切片,荧光显微镜检测这些融合蛋白的跨膜递送情况;并对分别融合在C端或者N端的TAT介导GFP在活体动物体内和皮肤的跨膜递送作用进行对比。结果腹腔注射实验结果表明,TAT可以介导不经过蛋白质的变性处理的融合蛋白GST-TAT-GFP和GST-GFP-TAT跨膜递送进入到小鼠的心脏、肝、肾、脾和肺,甚至脑组织;其中GST-GFP-TAT跨膜递送效率比GST-TAT-GFP更高。结构模拟分析提示GST-GFP-TAT与GST-TAT-GFP中的TAT的暴露情况不同可能是造成两种蛋白跨膜递送活性差异的重要因素。皮肤实验的结果则表明TAT不仅介导融合蛋白GST-TAT-GFP和GST-GFP-TAT进入小鼠表皮,而且使其进入小鼠皮肤的真皮层。结论 TAT可以跨膜递送不经过变性处理的融合蛋白进入小鼠皮肤和体内,递送效率可能与TAT的暴露程度相关;这些结果为在蛋白质疗法方面应用TAT提供了进一步的理论依据。  相似文献   

TAT-PTD融合蛋白可能存在的跨膜递送作用机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨TAT-PTD融合蛋白的跨膜递送作用机制,采用DNA重组技术构建pGEX-TAT-GFP-表达质粒.在E.coli- BL21表达GST-TAT-GFP,并用谷胱甘肽(glutathione) Sepharose-4B亲和柱进行纯化.GST-TAT-GFP在不同条件下与细胞的作用结果表明,GST-TAT-GFP能有效进入HeLa、SMMC-7721、L-02和BEL-7402细胞,GST-TAT-GFP在递送时对时间和浓度有依赖关系.同时,温度对GST-TAT-GFP跨膜作用具有明显的影响,GST-TAT-GFP的跨膜作用受代谢抑制剂的影响很小,肝素的存在能明显抑制GST-TAT-GFP跨膜进入细胞的能力,GST-TAT-GFP对细胞活性没有影响.这些结果说明,TAT-PTD可能是通过与细胞表面的硫酸乙酰肝素等受体相结合介导融合蛋白跨膜递送进入细胞的.  相似文献   

乙型肝炎病毒X蛋白 (HBx) 具有广泛的转录激活作用,但是由于细胞类型和实验条件的差异,外源启动子介导的HBx瞬时表达水平常表现出不均一性,为其功能的研究带来困难。为了解决HBx研究过程中遇到的这些难题,利用PCR扩增获得HBx及含转导肽TLM的EGFP编码序列,经酶切后插入pGEX-4T-1原核表达载体,成功构建重组质粒pGEX-HBx-EGFP-TLM和pGEX-EGFP-TLM。重组质粒转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3) 感受态细胞,融合蛋白经IPTG诱导表达,采用?KTATM Purifier 蛋白纯化系统纯化并进行SDS-PAGE和Western blotting分析,确定为目的蛋白。将纯化后的融合蛋白分别与AML12和SMMC-7721细胞共孵育,Western blotting和激光共聚焦显微镜检测证实TLM转导肽能够介导HBx-EGFP和EGFP进入细胞,同时进入细胞的HBx-EGFP-TLM能够发挥转录激活活性,为HBx功能的深入研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Ryu J  Han K  Park J  Choi SY 《Molecules and cells》2003,16(3):385-391
Poor membrane permeability of proteins is a major limitation of protein therapy. In a previous study, we showed that the minimal sequence required for efficient transduction of Tat-GFP is the basic domain from 49-57 of HIV-1 Tat called the protein transduction domain (PTD. Here we have generated HIV-1 Tat PTD GFP fusion proteins in which HIV-1 Tat PTD is fused with the N- and/or C-termini of GFP. The various GFP fusion proteins were purified from Escherichia coli and characterized for their ability to enter mammalian cells using Western blot analysis, confocal microscopy and flow cytometry. The GFP fusion protein with Tat PTD at its C-terminus was taken up as efficiently as the GFP fusion protein with Tat PTD at its N-terminus. However, the same protein with PTDs at its both termini was taken up even more efficiently. All the GFP fusion proteins were present in both the nucleus and cytosol of the transduced cells. Uptake was lower at 4 degrees C than at 37 degrees C. The availability of the expression vectors developed in this study may help to devise novel strategies in the rational development of protein-based drugs.  相似文献   

为获得MUC1 Y全长cDNA及其胞外段蛋白 ,以用于进一步的生物学功能及肿瘤生物学治疗的研究 .利用RT PCR从HeLa细胞中扩增MUC1 Y全长cDNA ;PCR扩增其胞外段 ,克隆到原核表达载体pGEX 2T ,转化DH5a菌 ,诱导表达 ;亲和层析纯化 ;凝血酶酶切、GST活性及N端蛋白测序鉴定 ;免疫家兔制备多克隆抗体 .所得MUC1 YcDNA的开放读框为 759bp ,登录于GenBank(AF12 552 5) .其信号肽编码序列缺失 9bp ,第 3 3 1位发生G A转换 ,造成缬氨酸突变为蛋氨酸 .表达获得约 4 0kD融合蛋白GST Yex ,占菌体总蛋白 2 5%~ 3 0 % ,其中 70 %~ 80 %为可溶性 ,经亲和层析一步纯化 ,纯度 >90 % ,GST比活性为 0 2 1U μg .凝血酶酶切后的N端蛋白序列测定表明与已知序列完全一致 ,抗血清ELISA效价为 1∶2 50 0 0 0 .结果表明 ,克隆到发生碱基缺失和突变的MUC1 Y全长cDNA ,获得MUC1 Y胞外段蛋白及其多抗 ,可进一步用于相关研究 .  相似文献   

It has been reported that the fusion protein with the protein transduction domain (PTD) peptide of HIV-1 Tat protein can be internalized through the cell membrane of intact cells, although the exact mechanism is unknown. In this report, we investigated whether this new method could be used for the molecular analysis of exocytosis via HPC-1/syntaxin 1A, which plays an important role in transmitter release. When applied to PC12 cells, Tat PTD fusion proteins were rapidly internalized into most cells. In order to show that the internalized protein remained biologically active, the H3 domain of HPC-1/syntaxin 1A was fused to Tat PTD (Tat-H3). Transmitter release in PC12 cells was suppressed by Tat-H3 treatment. These results indicate that the Tat fusion protein is a useful tool for analyzing the process of transmitter release.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Tat protein transduction domain (PTD) is responsible for highly efficient protein transduction across plasma membranes. In a previous study, we showed that Tat-Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase (Tat-SOD) can be directly transduced into mammalian cells across the lipid membrane barrier. In this study, we fused the human SOD gene with a Tat PTD transduction vector at its N- and/or C-terminus. The fusion proteins (Tat-SOD, SOD-Tat, Tat-SOD-Tat) were purified from Escherichia coli and their ability to enter cells in vitro and in vivo compared by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. The transduction efficiencies and biological activities of the SOD fusion protein with the Tat PTD at either terminus were equivalent and lower than the fusion protein with the Tat PTD at both termini. The availability of a more efficient SOD fusion protein provides a powerful vehicle for therapy in human diseases related to this anti-oxidant enzyme and to reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Protein transduction domains (PTDs) are versatile peptide sequences that facilitate cell delivery of several cargo molecules including proteins. PTDs usually consist of short stretches of basic amino acids that can cross the plasma membrane and gain entry into cells. Traditionally, to assess PTD mediated protein delivery, PTD-fusion proteins have been used as purified proteins. To overcome the requirement for a protein purification step, we used a secretory signal peptide to allow PTD-CRE fusion proteins to be exported from transfected mammalian cells. PTD induced protein transduction into cells was assessed by a CRE-mediated recombination event that resulted in beta-galactosidase expression. Several PTDs were tested including the prototypic TAT, different TAT variants, Antp, MTS and polyarginine. A negative correlation was observed between the cationic charge on the PTD and the extent of secretion. Poor secretion was found when the PTD charge was greater than +5. One TAT-CRE protein variant had a 14-fold enhancement above CRE alone when added to cells in the presence of chloroquine. This PTD domain also enhanced gene expression after plasmid delivery. These data illustrate that some secreted PTD proteins may be useful reagents to improve protein delivery in mammalian systems and a novel approach to enhancing the response to DNA transfections.  相似文献   

Azurin is a member of a group of copper-containing redox proteins called cupredoxins. Different cupredoxins are produced by different aerobic bacteria as agents of electron transfer. Recently, we demonstrated that azurin enters into J774 and several types of cancer cells leading to the induction of apoptosis. We now demonstrate that azurin is internalized in J774 or cancer cells in a temperature-dependent manner. Azurin shows preferential entry into cancer compared with normal cells. An 28-amino-acid fragment of azurin fused to glutathione S-transferase (GST) or the green fluorescent protein (GFP), which are incapable of entering mammalian cells by themselves, can be internalized in J774 or human melanoma or breast cancer cells at 37 degrees C, but not at 4 degrees C. Competition experiments as well as studies with inhibitors such as cytochalasin D suggest that azurin may enter cells, at least in part, by a receptor-mediated endocytic process. The 28-amino-acid peptide therefore acts as a potential protein transduction domain (PTD), and can be used as a vehicle to transport cargo proteins such as GST and GST-GFP fusion proteins. Another member of the cupredoxin family, rusticyanin, that has also been shown to enter J774 and human cancer cells and exert cytotoxicity, does not demonstrate preferential entry for cancer cells and lacks the structural features characteristic of the azurin PTD.  相似文献   

利用蛋白质转导结构域(PTDs)可以将与之融合表达的蛋白质直接送入细胞中。将通过筛选噬菌体展示锌指库得到的特异作用于SV40启动子上9bp序列的三锌指结构的序列插入含有TAT蛋白的蛋白质转导结构域的表达载体pET—TAT-NLS中,构建融合蛋白的表达载体pET-TAT-NLS—clone3。融合蛋白在E.coli BL21(DE3)中得到了可溶性表达,含量约占总蛋白的18%;并通过镍亲和凝胶层析柱得到了较好的纯化融合蛋白。  相似文献   

糖皮质激素受体 (GR)为一种特异性配体诱导的转录因子在机体发育、生理及行为等过程中发挥重要作用 .这一过程往往受到转录协同调节因子的控制 ,包括协同抑制因子或协同激活因子的作用 .克隆了人源双跨膜受体分子 ,并命名为hCDC5 0 .该分子编码区有 10 5 6bp ,与鼠源基因mCDC5 0在核苷酸水平有 90 %一致性 .将hCDC5 0蛋白的 16 4~ 317编码序列与GST融合构建原核表达质粒进行重组蛋白的表达与纯化并制备多抗 .用二维双向扩散检测抗体为阳性 ,抗原的滴度为12 5 μg/ml.体外翻译研究显示该基因编码蛋白约为 4 0kD ,与Western检测在动物细胞中的表达一致 .用hCDC5 0真核表达质粒与GR萤光报告系统共转染COS 7细胞显示 ,hCDC5 0对GR信号转导有明显的抑制作用 ,其对GR信号通路的抑制作用达 3~ 4倍以上 .hCDC5 0可能为一个新的协同抑制因子 ,在抑制GR的转录激活过程中起作用  相似文献   

 利用PCR技术扩增编码HIV 1GagP17m的DNA片段 ,进而构建了T7启动子控制下的C端His Tag融合表达质粒pMF P17mHT .SDS PAGE分析结果表明 ,融合蛋白 (约 2 1kD)在大肠杆菌BL2 1(DE3)中得到高表达 ,表达产物约占全菌蛋白 2 0 % .该融合蛋白主要以可溶性形式存在 ,通过金属离子 (Ni2 +)螯合亲和层析予以纯化 ,纯度在 90 %以上 .体外标记结果表明 ,融合表达的P17mHT能被人NMT有效地N端豆蔻酰化 .这些结果为深入研究筛选HIV 1GagP17或P55的豆蔻酰化专一性抑制剂 ,奠定了良好的基础  相似文献   

Cellular protein delivery is an emerging technique, by which exogenous recombinant proteins are delivered into mammalian cells across the membrane. We have developed an E. coli expression vector suited for protein cellular delivery experiments. The plasmid is designed to generate a C-terminal fusion with the 12 amino acid HIV-Tat peptide as a protein transduction domain (PTD), whereas the protein N-terminus is fused to an 17-residue peptide lanthanide-binding tag (LBT). LBT is used for both purification by affinity chromatography and fluorescent detection with Tb(3+) as a coordinating metal. We have employed the TA-cloning site between the two tags, LBT and PTD, according to the PRESAT-vector methodology [N. Goda, T. Tenno, H. Takasu, H. Hiroaki, M. Shirakawa, The PRESAT-vector: asymmetric T-vector for high-throughput screening of soluble protein domains for structural proteomics, Protein Sci. 13 (2004) 652-658], which facilitates unidirectional cloning of any PCR-amplified DNA fragments corresponding to the protein of interest. A simple three-step protocol consisting of affinity purification of LBT/PTD dual-tagged proteins has also been developed, in which the proteins are purified by heparin-, then immobilized Ni(2+)-, and then heparin-affinity chromatography, in this order. The purified protein is ready for protein delivery experiment, and the delivered protein is visible by fluorescent microscopy. Our LBT/PTD dual-tagged PRESAT-vector provides a powerful research tool for exploring cellular functions of proteins in the post-genomic era.  相似文献   

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